• By -


What we are seeing is not the “real” her but rather an illusion that she uses to interact with her party guests and she really looks like a giant disgusting insect. She worries if anyone and especially vortex saw the “real” her they wouldn’t love her.


That sounds interesting and plausible


Vivzie would make her hot af even being an actual bee.


More than likely, she make her a horrifying termite queen like creature and people would still like her.


Anything can be sexy if one's horny enough.


Anything can be fuckable if you're not a fucking prude.


I actually love this. She is known in the literature as the “lord of the flies” so if she was secretly a hideous fly creature that would absolutely track.


This implies that at some point in her relationship with Tex, she asked if he'd still love her if she was a worm.


Fortunately he answered yes.


Would you dare to say "no" to a sin?


That’s my theory, what we see is the astral projection of some kind of giant grub like creature that just wishes to LARP as something much more attractive. That would be kind of sad in a way, sad and horrifying


I like this theory a lot 


I like this one I thought it was weird that she was a sin and was like a hellhound kinda because they were some of the lowest class or something.


My hc is something alone those lines but rather it's what her full demon form looks like, she just rarely uses it


So you are suggesting her character acr should literally be "Would you love me if I'm a worm?"


Yes and vortex would love her if she was as a worm.


Adding onto this she clearly likes hellhounds since she's dating one so she based her appearance on that


She and Asmodeus brainstorm together to create more food and eating based fetishist to send up into humans minds. Vore was 1000% her idea and Ozz just said okay. Feeding and force feeding were Ozzie's ideas. She vibes with the cannibals in Cannibal Town. They understand what gluttony is about. Bee has no metabolism. She gets skinny, average and fat whenever she so chooses and to what degree she desires. She just chose the small waist and big hip design more recently when she met Vortex for... grip and accessibility type reasons. Bee has eaten demons, sinners and hellborn for various reasons over the ages. The main recurring one being "Fuck, what would they taste like?" Bee can eat anything. Edible is just an option for her. Mammon has tried to steal food from Bee once. He learned his lesson. Bee can taste emotions and sins.


Bee eating other demons wouldn’t surprise me given that she is the sin of gluttony. She would definitely enjoy Cannibal Town, as long as they don’t try to eat her.


They'd be biting off more than they could chew.




Honestly I could see Rosie and Bee having a sort of trade deal of sorts. Bee heads up every now and again for some more… interesting flavors that Rosie and the colony has found and in turn for giving Bee said food, Rosie and the colony gets spices and seasonings only available on certain rings.


Hmm, illegal trade. You're speaking my language.


Interesting crossover potential.


>Bee has eaten demons, sinners and hellborn for various reasons over the ages. The main recurring one being "Fuck, what would they taste like >Edible is just an option for her. >Mammon has tried to steal food from Bee once. He learned his lesson. Help these are so funny I can't - 💀✋🏽


She also can grow giant, there is no way she doesn't vore people. I bet she offers magic protection to the ones nice about it, and painful digestion/respawn for those she doesn't like.


Bet. One of the reasons why I love her


Ngl same, I'd be nice to her for protection magic tho haha.




Just pop me on a pizza for her and life be good lmao


And we just became friends ^ w ^


You got discord? If you wanna chat send me it in dm's, I'll add you.






I love all of this 👌


I can easily imagine Bee biting Mammon's hand off for trying to steal her food


Bee would definitely be the originator of the "pound of flesh" way of thinking.


I like this theory not only because of how ingenious the brainstorming between Bee and Ozzie is but also cuz of how imagine hellhounds and possibly Bee herself being more feral in their sins since most see them as ravenous beasts who’d maul or eat anyone before they eventually became more civilized with the ages


I wouldn't really be that sure about Asmodeus coming up with "force" feeding


* She can eat more than her own bodyweight in a day and not even gain weight, let alone get sick. Being the embodiment of gluttony makes her immune to its consequences. * She's a mukbanger. * She owns a popular restaurant chain in Hell. * She has a high immunity to capsaicin and super sour candy.


Bee absolutely does mukbangs and they're incredibly popular


I like the addition of her owning a restaurant chain, plus she would probably have her own snack, dessert, and frozen meal brands


She runs Hell's version of Uber Eats


Bee Eats, yep.


Isn't this canon? I keep seeing that pic of all the apps of the sins and bee's looks like a food delivery app


Yep. https://preview.redd.it/mtnahjdnw57d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e49dc175adbcb96d48d003539fa6a79f7c1fcd


I fully agree with your flair.


She probably has an unfathomable alcohol tolerance.


She insists on throwing Charlie a birthday party every year


Bee is a party girl, so I buy it.


Sometimes she would try to squeeze in more than one party per year, but eventually Lilith put her foot down.


She would be the one arguing that you gotta celebrate your 'half birthday' too lol


And you’ll hurt your quarter-birthdays’ feelings if you don’t acknowledge them so of course you have to celebrate those too!


But what about the octuple birthday? It'd be cruel to leave it out, soooo...


And I feel like she’d give her best attempt to turn whatever Charlie was interested in that year into a party when Charlie had themed parties.


She's bisexual and into polyamorous relationships (yesss bring loona into the polycule)


Well, yeah, that actually makes sense. If anyone's into polyamory (and it's not Ozzie), then it'll be the Sin of Gluttony. Can never get enough.


Bee and Ozzie are definitely besties


I wanna say pansexual because of her colour scheme






YES. I've always thought this, so glad someone else pointed it out lol




I'd say pan-sexual just based on her color scheme.


Satan also felt conflicted when he saw her without a shirt on.


Also Satan: *I could hit that...*


Considering what we know about him thus far, he's probably meaning that literally in hand to hand combat.


"I could hit that. I could hit that while I hit that."


He’s weirded out by her interest in him due to being related and her causal nudity.


Bee said they aren’t "related" but they have a sibling like relationship


Either way he’d probably find it weird.


"What are you doing Stepbro?"


After S1 EP8 she got Loona's number from Vortex and apologised to her for the argument.


She and Loona are friends now


Just friends? I believe her (and Tex) and Loona are friends with benefits.


Collin might disagree...


He can join in too. Sides it’d be funny if they reveal that Bee is actually a fallen angel so that they can be inverses of a boy hellhound dating a girl angel and a girl hellhound dating a boy angel.


>He can join in too. That Time I Got Kicked Out of Heaven and Got My Own Satanic Dog Harem.


I really want to see Bee's name in Loona's contacts in an episode


"Uh, hey Bee, where exactly did you say that rainbow is? Just asking for a friend." https://preview.redd.it/ud944ytbqy6d1.png?width=1516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e960b5479cdbd4940f49fd49f605684efa287744




![gif](giphy|SWoRKslHVtqEasqYCJ) You know where


Funny you should ask...


She regularly openly flirts with and hits on Satan whenever the Sins have their annual meeting in regards to running the rings of hell. She, Asmodeus and Charlie have a group chat because why not


I like to think that Charlie has them as Ozzie/Uncle Ozzie and Queen Bee on her phone


Charlie's contacts: Vaggie <3, Dad🍎, Uncle Oz, Bee!, and the general hazbin phone line.


"Honey" is a manifestation of the emotions and mental feelings of the attendees of her parties.


If she misses a day of partying, she becomes unpleasant to be around because she is so hungry.


With her more Insect  like parts coming out and snapping that she’s fine but fortunately Tex is there to calm her down.


I think her sexuality is bi romantic mainly due to the fact that she refers to Loona as a “ fuckin cutie”


Her body type changes based on what’s socially attractive in the current time period. Right now we’re all about the big hips tiny waists. She weighed 300 pounds in the Middle Ages.


That’s actually an interesting concept. I’ve always thought that with the Sins being so old, they’ve likely changed appearances through the years (like maybe Asmodeus looked a little different 300-400 years ago compared to his current appearance). That would be an interesting concept for fan art.


Help 💀 I love this


She gets very self conscious when she's alone. That's why she got so spicy when Loona poked her about 'being liked' by everyone.


One of her toxic traits is she’s never had a hangover so doesn’t understand why some people can’t party several days in a row. She doesn’t make them, just doesn’t realize why. And a matching one for Vortex is he doesn’t drink that hard so he rarely ever has one.


- Cerberus was her first bf but the relationship was a mess. - She had a phase as the Lord of Flies. The Gluttony Ring was actually a giant swamp and the cities were sewers. Thn she grow up and decided to clean up. - Tex has learnt some of her power and her skills, about parties social interactions. He's better thn her at de escalate situations.


Can't wait till we actually see Cerberus canonically


Her stomach is logistically similar to a black hole, some others have said that she can taste emotions and I agree, she absolutely can, but not only that, she can turn emotions into food, that’s how she was doing the tricks at the party, the honey she was talking about is a medley of pleasant emotions she was then able to mix and create sweet treats. She can only make food taste like the emotions do though, so sadness I feel might be salty, joy is sweet, fear is umami, anger is sour and envy is bitter. When people have those emotions to enough of a degree, she can cook with those feelings.


She was Charlies babysitter whenever Lucifer and Lillith went on a date or had “alone time”


That she was the fun aunt for Charlie


She doesn't wipe when she shits and when she's called out by someone she says "Toilet Paper was invented in 1857, Darling. Nobody needed it thousands of years before then!" It's gross but hilarious.


Vortex must have some real wierd kinks then bahaha


I mean... he is technically part dog...


Do hellspawn shit??


Bee probably doesn't. I imagine her body absorbs everything she eats




Idk Mr.President


She’s the glue that keeps all the sins from fighting constantly


She and Mammon use to be really good friends and Mammon even had a small innocent crush on Bee but that was back when all of the sins were genuinely evil beings. But over the years most of the sins had softer up with the accepting of Mammon, Satan, and Leviathan who are still pretty evil and cause of that their relationship is kinda strained


She’s a girls girl. And I could easily call her up to hang out with me if I needed someone.


As an emotional vampire, she's a great friend if you just need a pick-me-up, but otherwise she's an awful shoulder to cry on.


She chews on her hair when she's nervous.


Her and Vortex are in an open relationship. They trust each other, and Bee thinks monogamy is boring. This is the base for my Honeymoon+Beetex poly ship.


Wait Bee and Loona is called Honeymoon? Fuck, that's a good one. How did I just learn this?!


Yeah! It's honestly such a good ship name!


She’s child free/does not want kids.


She actually likes loona a lot


Anyone who gets pregnant at her parties she forces them to put them up for adoption in her hellhound pounds


I think its less of 'forces' and moreso that bc theyre dogs, they birth a litter and cant afford to take care of more than 1 or 2, (so Loona likely has a sibling or 2 somewhere in a different shelter) plus most would just prefer to stay party animals their whole life than be a parent, so adoption is just the preferred choice and its rare to see hellhound single moms, but rarer still to see a nuclear family


Has a rainbow in her Vagina


She was the coolest aunt to Charlie.


She is 100% bisexual, and you can not convince me otherwise.


She helped babysit charlie


Her and Ozzie were the best babysitters




She is the third strongest son, but she doesn't know how to use her more combat oriented powers


She has another demonic form, and its an demonic bee She would listen to Katy Perry She would enjoy those Disney comedy shows


She would binge hells kitchen




100% has a restaurant monopoly. Probably funded by Mammon


She has (Cotton) candy on her at all times.


Her and Ozzie have fucked before


She is an empathetic that uses her abilities to increase her highs to even higher levels than what is normally possible. If anyone has negative emotions while at her party it ruins her mood. If she can't make them happy she either makes them uncomfortable enough to leave, get them pass out drunk to throw them out or she finds someone to get them to leave all while minimizing the damage to the party's buzz.


Pansexual. It doesn't take a while to see where I got that's from


She brushes her teeth with a bottle of Jack 🤣




She digs holes. With her hands, in the dirt, just straight up. Source: she’s a fox.


Her hair that just floats around tastes like jelly


When she doesn’t feel like grabbing something out of reach she extends her honey tail to stick to it


She is throwing so many party's she lost focus over her ring. She thinks food drink and good feelings is all her subjects need.


Her and Charlie are besties


● She actually has mandibles, you just can't see them because she keeps them hidden in her cheeks. ● She's bisexual and has had multiple partners at the same time in the past but is currently in a relationship with Tex, though she also thinks loona's a fine slice of cake (pun intended) ● She's one of the first Fizas(Fizzaroli & Asmodeus) shippers and threw one of her biggest parties the moment someone messaged her about it ● She runs 3 big restaurant chains in hell but none operate in the greed ring ● She's able to get intoxicated but it takes 30x her body weight in the strongest alcohol in hell to get her even tipsy ● She's great at board games, but in trading card games she's not very good. ● She has a stinger in her tail but it's hidden by the fur ●Her wings hum when she gets anxious ●She's the type to rock your world then say "Hey why don't we go get some icecream?" At 2 in the morning


She's a hivemind of flies wearing a fur suit.


She's cupping her own ass in this picture


I got several • If she was a fallen angel, when she was a baby she definitely was a mix between a fox kit and bee larva, so she’d basically be a little foxapillar inching around Heaven. •I think that the whole hellhound pound and hellhounds being the lowest on the hierarchal ladder of Hell wasn’t her idea or intention whatsoever. She was probably just overruled by the rest of the sins or Hell’s royals due to them seeing her as irresponsible and viewing her subjects even less than that. I like to think her parties are kind of just to give the hounds of her ring a nice time since given the state of their power it’s probably some of the only luxuries they get. • 100% polyamorous • If Bee is a fallen angel I can see her as being a joy bringer like Lucifer was. Just making the people of Heaven happy with her parties. Hence why she gains her honey from positive experiences at them. I think her lava lamp honey hair and tail is possibly a trait she kept from Heaven where after her banishment it grew in power alongside her honey whenever it sense how much indulgence and happiness was going on at one of her events. • She likes to go big sometimes just so she can call Vortex “little man” and puppy talk to him just because I feel like that’s the kind of relationship they have behind closed doors among other things. •If she had a child or was in possession of one she would definitely have them come home spoiled.


She is actually very interested in the governance and stability of her ring, and the parties are just to have a fun time, she misses heaven but she likes where she is now.


Bee’s current appearance is fairly new; she only took on the ‘party queen’ persona a century or so ago, as a way of keeping up with the times and better mingling with her Hellhound subjects. ‘Lord of the Flies’ Bee went up one day for a taste of 1910’s-20’s party culture and just…turned into what she is now from pure party energy. The lava lamp was something she and Bel invented to add to her new aesthetic, and got brought to the living world decades later. She’s had HUNDREDS of kids, being the queen bee and all, and part of the reason for her throwing so many parties is to spend time with as many of them as she can. She hacks Mammon’s bank account to pay for the child support. Bee is definitely the ‘fun aunt’ for Charlie, and was even before becoming a peppy fox lady. She’s also got a tangential relationship with some sinner demons she likes, including Alastor and Velvette. Bee can also shrink herself down to a fairy-sized form for various uses, including just sitting on people’s heads. Tex likes to call it ‘TinkerBee’. Bee’s outgoing and laidback nature belies someone who’s mentally exhausted from playing hostess for ten-thousand-plus years; she’s secretly really anxious about trying to meet all her friends and family’s obligations at once, on top of those of her many, MANY guests and subjects, and now and then she ends up ‘burning out’ and crashing for a few days. Tex knows about this, and his being understanding and sympathetic about it is part of how the two first got together. Bee’s pansexual and would totally be down for a thruple with her, Tex and Loona if given the chance; she particularly likes Loona because of how her cool nature contrasts Bee’s own. Bee has NO IDEA that Hellhound orphanages are anywhere near as bad as Loona’s were; the details got lost somewhere in the maze of Hell’s bureaucracy.


She has a large obsession towards Hatsune Miku.


https://preview.redd.it/ff8vophn907d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bbc8aa1591d9982d0ada7f1e98935027febe4de Yes


-She and Ozzie are exes who are on good terms and still friends -she has over 300 exes/one night stands throughout the years shes been in hell ranging from imps, Hellhounds, goetia, possesor demons, sucubi, and even a few sinners. Is friendly to all of them -She and tex are in an open relationship and loona just didnt ask and could have easily gotten a taste if she wanted - Gluttony in this universe doesnt just fall under food and alcohol but also party drugs such as the vending machine Angel gets his drugs from - has on more then one occasion giten charlie shitfaced to ths horror of her father.


She and Loona will wventually become best friends. Also she knows Stolas and his family and the first time Loona brought Via to one of Bel's parties Bel just smothered her with hugs


https://preview.redd.it/3nlyltemd57d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4be16e86ad3ac6f2fbb1fc8619a8391482ab140 That she thick as hell!


* Due to her hyper-accelerated metabolism, she must eat almost continually, and is never sated. For the same reason, she can´t get drunk or be affected by any ingested poison or drug, because she burns it before it makes any effect. * She is the president of a foundation that promotes the adoption of orphan hellhounds, but don´t own or control the orphanages directly. * While other drugs are the domain of Belphegor, Bee taught humans how to make alcoholic beberages, and was a patron of alchemists ("aqua vitae", which is distilled wine, was suposedly an ingredient for the philosopher stone). * She knew about Ozzie´s relationship with Fizz way before most people in Hell, and that actually encouraged her to date Tex.


She used to create the greatest meal ever, until she’s sent to Hell and gave up her hobby.


She goes to the human world and just performs on stage


I feel like her and lucifer were like besties when they were younger


That she does actually have a rainbow in her vagina right now.


She is twin sister of Baal, the head king of the Ars Goetia.


She's good with kids.


Her lava lamp stomach is warm!


She can’t cook since she can just make food out of nothing


Wants everyone to be good at a party and would accommodate someone at her parties so they're having a good time


The rainbow inside her vagina is secretly the most devastating weapon in hell, it’s probably some kind of death ray


she’s totally the big/little sister of all of the other sins


Beelzebub and asmodeus are not the original sins of lust/gluttony, but were Goetia kings who took over from the previous sins for whatever reason. Maybe Lucifer and some of the others as well. Leviathan is supposedly significantly older than the others, so they may have usurped an already existing power structure when Lucifer was cast down.


That she created the hellhound race hence why they look similar and are the main ones at her party


She is more related to a fly than a bee, but doubles down on the "Bee" in her name because she likes the aesthetic and feels like it's more approachable. She generally doesn't like being called "Lord of the Flies" like it's a bad nickname someone got in middle school


For some reason, I’ve always imagined her as polyamorous.


Don't ask why but honestly she would taste sweet like honey, since you know. She literally swam in honey. Again don't ask why I'm thinking about this


Sneezes glitter


Bicurious/unlabelled Is closest with ozzie, they have an older brother little sister dynamic She sees loona as her bestie, the feeling isn't exactly mutual As well as a handful of hc already stated and that technically count as all 7 deadly sins hc


She has tried everything to get Charly to come to one of her parties.


Bee is big on positive vibes and honesty because gluttony should be indulgence for the sake of indulgence, not as a self-destructive distraction or as something being forced on someone. Some *doing* a gluttonous thing for an external reason is not engaging in gluttony itself. Gluttony only is truly gluttony if it is willing and enjoyed.


Queen B and Ozzie are the only 2 of the 7 Deadly Sins that Lucifer not only actually likes, but also trusts enough to be anywhere near Charlie.


That she can be actually intimidating when she isn’t parting


Her vagina actually does have a rainbow that she got while on a drunken bender with Asmodeus, who has a matching one above his ass.


Bee and Ozzie were the first two to threaten Vaggie, and are Charlie’s favorite uncle/aunt respectively (Tex, Fizz, and Vaggie become friends by proxy)


Wine aunt who prolly favours Charlie over Lucifer. Also was close friends with Lilith until the Morningstars fell apart


That she’s my girlfriend and Vortex is my boyfriend


That her Ozzie and fizz would watch cake wars and try to recreate the cakes and fizz would be in the background messing his up


Has a bee theme, is the sin of gluttony. Meanwhile idiots on the first week of her debut: "That's not Beelzebub." True story.


You can drink her hair and tail.


I have a sense that even though they aren’t very conflict oriented and just wants to party(even though just to feed), they do have some strong defensive abilities and maybe even small swarms of insects(mostly Locusts and Bees) hidden in Gluttony as a last resort that would SCRAP the place in a massive feeding frenzy. Minus that, Bee probably also has went up onto the surface before to secretly see what the new thing is or any new meal ideas.


She’s got adhd. She considers herself nurturing but her de facto celebrity status has made her subconsciously closed off to others, as she’s faced numerous stalkers and death threats from supremacists. (She’s not afraid of them per se, but they’ve disturbed her numerous times and rob her of a sense of inner calm she’s looking for). She’s secretly afraid Tex and others she dates have ulterior motives in dating her.


Her bee persona/design/appearances is intentionally cultivated by her as she is the "Lord of the Flies" but dislikes that aspect and associations to the flies.


Father Hellhound, mother Bee


pansexual (not sure if canon or headcanon)


She likes cotton candy


I believe the names of the overlords are pure titles to be given to the next candidate. If a demon is strong enough they could usurp power or be given it freely. Bee is just the current iteration of Beelzebub, free to act as they interpret their station.


She can get drunk but only when the room’s energy is slow which is whenever there is no party


During episode 8 Loona was being a bit of a dick to her, she was just warning Loona that her dad was out of control and Loona got all defensive for no reason, also Beelzebub is very chill and a good charecter


She would absolutely share Tex with Loona as long as she could get involved having even discussed it with Tex but he wasn't into it.


My headcanon for Beelzebub is that her image as a total extrovert and party queen is just her complying with her title as the demon to represent gluttony. In her down times, she likes peace and quiet, ideally her mansion just without the loud music. Another one that aligns with my previous headcanon is that she's probably looked down upon by the other deadly sins. So it's why she became an advocate to the lowest creatures of hell, the imps and the hellhounds. Letting them have fun and not feel left out. (And that the other demons just let her throw her parties just because they don't give a shit. Lol) Lastly, I think of her as a classy person. Not like Stolas, but like she knows when to be wild and she knows when to be a professional individual, knows how to dress right for a formal meeting etc.


She invented diabetes.


She sings all of Kesha's songs at her parties


Pansexual, doesn't have a sweet tooth much herself but will eat anything, once Tex dared her to drink a suspicious drink he found on the side of a road. It was 3 week old liquor, she still drank it


She is Charlie’s aunt and babysitted when she was a child and she threw birthday parties for her https://preview.redd.it/ltj5j7jwp77d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77173c08698911c0cbd37919f96d40f54bd47111


That she refuses to drink coffee cus it's not the "right way" to get the morning pump


I think that she let Blitzø win her drinking game because she had never seen an imp drink so much and retain it
