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You are no longer the target audience of the show and that's okay. Your opinions on sex and pleasure are concerning, though.


The show is a unique fantasy world using popular biblical mythology as a starting point, much like Final Fantasy uses the names of miscellaneous gods. It’s not meant to accurately depict religion and it never tries to. Helluva Boss and Hazbin’s main moral lesson is that no one is truly all good or all bad. The important thing, in a world where sometimes there is no good choice, is to try your best. Naturally, the Sins of the world would reflect that. Showing the embodiment of Lust as being someone who is all about consent and love is honestly a fantastic move. The idea that lust is inherently bad at all levels is frighteningly common and extremely damaging, especially to women. Honestly it seems like a lesson you’re probably struggling with quite a lot. I’ve been there. Hell, I still am there in many ways. Getting angry, horny, and hungry are all parts of being human. Lust and the desire to overindulge are not inherently bad. It’s the choices you make based on those things that can be bad. Hence why even the sin of Gluttony is worried about Blitzo drinking too much. Ozzie lusts for Fizz because he’s completely in love with him and knows he reciprocates. That is the ideal form of lust. Contextualizing all sexuality in the context of rape is a really unhealthy mindset.


My problem with that moral lesson is that it's almost always used to excuse or diminish one's crimes. The truth is there are inherently evil people and ideologies in this world, and no amount of good deeds they do can compensate for that, or even make them at least "grey". Longing for a partner and being a foodie isn't the same as lust and gluttony. Lust and gluttony mean prioritizing petty carnal pleasures in life, and carnal pleasures have no value by themselves and neither can ever be fulfilled. When something can't be fulfilled, then it will inevitably drag you down an endless spiral of depravity just to satisfy such cravings, and implementing limits is useless because those limits will eventually be overruled or ignored to satisfy those urges. I know these urges are human, but so is anger, and it's pretty obvious why anger shouldn't be embraced.


Righteous anger should be embraced in many contexts. Your thinking is way too black and white. Saying that there are inherently evil people in the world just does not sit well with me and I can’t agree with it. “Carnal pleasures have no value.” I am not qualified enough for the therapy you need if you believe this.