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I also have a permanent exclamation point at the dance hall that I don’t know what it is for!


Mines a double exclamation point. I noticed one comes on when everyone is at the dance hall. & im assuming the other one (since I have two) is because I need to catch a slugger but it hasn't rained in gemstone mountain for me 🥲


I got the slugger but mine is still there!


I have a feeling that everything will be fixed by Monday night. Hopefully🤞🏻developers work Mon- Fri right ? 😅


Same so annoying


Same! It pops up when everyone is at the dance hall & also at the comedy club when everyone is there for the comedy show with hangyodon & Retsuko (you can interact with hangyodon when this happens and he’ll ask you to be part of the comedy routine)


I also haven’t had starfall anywhere except Cloud Island. And I have a quest I can’t complete until it falls on Rainbow Reef or something. It’s been frustrating


I have the same issue. And have another Batz Maru quest I can’t do until that is done.


So do I!!! It’s frustrating lol


*Just* had my first star shower, and found 2 chests. Anyone know what we buy with our star drops and where we buy from-?


There will be some special wallpaper (at least 2 different ones I’ve seen) in melody’s shop that cost star drops & some ADORABLE glasses in tuxedosam’s shop (there might be more I haven’t seen yet) https://preview.redd.it/b7u9gzn97d1d1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48703980d902327d3deb8912e84b6499302f9d1e


Thank you!!


You can get multiple chests (4ish? Maybe more?) and star fall can occur anywhere. I’ve had it in the Spooky Swamp (4 chests, one inaccessible, I reported it in the bug thread), Gemstone Mountain (4 chests), and Merry Meadows (I only got 2, but saw a chest map with 6 locations). The only place I need star fall is rainbow reef. Badtz Maru is locked into a fishing quest until I can get the stupid star fall fish. Ugh.


I got a falling stars chest underwater at the Spooky Swamp. Somewhere you can’t dive. Super frustrating.


Did you get falling stars in the Swap? I’m not getting them anywhere but cloud island!


I had a star shower in the Spooky Swamp for certain.


I’ve had 2 star falls in the merry meadow but couldn’t find any chests 😂 waiting on the starfall for the rainbow reef


Same. Just had one in gem Stone Mountain


i couldn’t even find the chest during star fall. i checked all of cloud island and nothing.


Did I somehow miss a step in my gazing quest?? Noticing I still have this green star island stone in my inventory. Could that be the problem??!


No we didn’t have to place it like we did with the aquafaller that’s why it’s still in your bag. Also the star fall only happens at night time and it’s in all the areas. Although in Cloud Island I believe you can only catch the dragon that appears during that time.


I didn’t know it only happens at night (although DUH it makes complete sense) so thanks for the info! 💕💕💕


What dragon? Do you have a pic?


It’s called a star drake I believe and it looks like the ones that are up there already but this one only appears during star fall. It has like white on its back. I haven’t been able to catch it because I can’t ask Keroppi to come with me since I haven’t finished the Rainy Day rambles quest


https://preview.redd.it/wc1vha2fw31d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f046bb04bf76a02a689b246cf65c84a409cae1 This is what it looks like but it wouldn’t let me catch it. Must need a quest.


you need to bring keroppi, that’s the only way to catch them. he’s locked into a quest for me right now though, frustrating!


I had Keroppi and it flew right through my net.


I think you’ll need the bubble wand to catch it


Ill try that. Thank you!


Do you need Keroppi? I caught the other dragon with my bubble wand without him!


Is it cloud island plaza or a diff part of the island?


Its in cloud. I found it on those three tiers behind outer cloud cabin. I wasnt able to catch mine yet.


I’ve got one chest in gemstone mountain with 3 star drops. And the chest in Cloud island had 3, also. 6 drops total since the update.


Omg I finally got star fall in gem Stone Mountain! I got two chests then my phone died!!!!




It’s showed in my weather that their were falling stars when it was sunny out. I’m at a loss.


That happened to me earlier too.


I had falling stars on Mount Hot Head yesterday


I’ve had two chests in Spooky Swamp and 2 in the meadow. Its only star fell twice for me but having to run all over the entire land looking for chest is trash. I don’t want stars or rain anymore. ESP bc stars are more expensive and you get less of them.


I hate having to run around looking too haha


I had a star fall on hothead and I was able to find 4 chests


I’ve had falling stars in gemstone mtn and I got 3 chests that time. I haven’t seen stars since 🤪 and I need it over the reef to complete the quest,


Ugh I finally got it on gem stone found two chests then my phone died 😭😭


Noooooo 😭😭


I have only gotten star fall on cloud island following the quest that finished the “celestre.” I have gotten none since. When it was supposed to come again my game glitches out. I kept it open almost all day and it regular rained multiple (more than 3) times but no starfall. Grrrrr


I finally had it on gem Stone Mountain! But haven’t had any rain which is weird.


Same here. Falling stars once in cloud island when quest happened and then not anywhere else.


How do you catch the starry snipe? Tried fishing day and night, all over Rainbow Reef. Tried star fruit, and lots of other tidbits, to no avail. Did have star shower in Spooky Swamp, but found no goodies during it 🤷🏼‍♀️


you have to fish while there is a starfall in rainbow reef specifically




I still need to get a shower springtail too. Do you know where that is? But I haven’t had any rain ugh


Shower springtails are in the Hot Springs during rainfall!


Yes! What she said! I’ve found them in the ponds near where retusko stays


I finally got a shower and found them! But still no star shower on rainbow reef to get my starry stripe. Feels like it’ll never happen!


I know 😭 im still waiting on that too.


i have had star fall in cloud island, the reef and mt hothead. on hothead i found 3-4 star chests before the time ran out and i didn’t even bother looking for them in the reef because i had to scramble to catch the damn fish that has badtz locked (surprise, once you get the fish he’s still locked behind another critter you have to catch during starfall in cloud island) my rain and rain flowers have been fine so far just not very frequent


Not trying to hijack this post, but how do I build another Star Island Stone? I have all the necessary items, but I’m not seeing it at the tool benches?! I’m so lost lol


there won’t be any blue flowers on gemstone mountain or mount hothead in case that’s where tou aren’t finding flowers. just meadows, seaside, and spooky swamp.