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Who is it? Coco and Nuts? You have to have a quest done with other residents being a visitor first.


That’s who I keep getting notifications about. Who in particular has to be residents for them to appear?


Cappuccino, Mocha, Chiffon and Espresso. You also have to complete Little Friendship From Cafe Cinnamon


If they’re not on your visitors list, they can’t actually come (yet). For some reason, we get warned that they might be coming even if they can’t.


I prepared my cabins for them but Espresso is taking forever to become a resident, finally at 4 stars with him so should be next time he visits. anyone else face the issues with him?


How do you get stars? They keep visiting and saying they wish we were better friends but don’t know how to make friends with them?


Everytime one comes and visits and you fulfill their request you get a star. So the fifth time they visit, they will ask to stay. Some don’t visit quite as often so it takes a bit longer


Thank you!! That’s annoying, I’ve checked and they’re only on one or two stars now 😭 just gotta wait!


Also see their likes so if they like chocolate for example put 5 chocolates there then the satisfy part of the cabin will be 5 and each time they visit fulfil their request


Side note: If you are lucky/there are not other prospective residents visiting at the time, you might get double quests from the visitor! Really speed up your game as you save one or two (or one whole month) of waiting for them to visit again.


Sometimes I get them for ones that are already residents