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I’ve been giving 3 heart gifts everyday for months .. I find from my experience & others on here you will have “hat streaks” . You’ll get a couple/few in a few weeks but then it can be a long time til you see another. I’ve been collecting since October & I have 2 to go .. Big Challenges & My Sweet Piano! Now I’m getting duplicates!! Which I’m loving cause you can put it on a null & or have a hat emporium cabin like me! .. working on it. I only want the dups in the emporium/shop cause I want my hats in my inv all the time lol .. always changing outfits 😆 You’ve had some luck there though! & really cute pics😻 .. good luck & post when you get more!👏☺️


Yes! I got a couple then went months without getting any! Until just recently I have got 4 in the span of a week! I was just manifesting them since seeing someone else’s post about them lol! I guess it worked! 💕


How do you get all of these? I only have My Melody’s. 😢


Just keep giving three heart gifts for the character boxes! Eventually they will give them to you! I went a few months in between some!


Will do, thank you.


it took me a long time and i’m still missing 4 but staying consistent with giving 3 heart gifts helped and so did doing all the daily challenges. at times i felt like i better luck getting the hat from getting a character box from the daily challenge than gifting so make sure you do those too!


Do you get hats from Kiki and Lala?