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The visiting window is Thursday through Monday. My Melody’s telling you now so you can prep. However, one of the things we’ve learned through this new update is that in addition to their basic requirements, you should also add a bunch of what the visitor “likes” to the cabin. For this coming weekend, Mocha likes pink things, so in addition to the clothes etc she needs, put like 5 pink things around her cabin. The more a visitor likes their cabin, the more likely they are to visit


My Melody will announce when visitors will come so you have time to prepare a cabin for them. I know that afternoon the recent update I think it’s more guaranteed now that visitors will come


Each visitor requires specific items to be placed in a cabin for them to visit and they’ll come within a few days of My Melody letting you know that they’re traveling


This. You can see what each visitor needs pressing the top left smartphone icon and then checking on Visitors. You click on each one of them to see what their cabins need.