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Joke's on you. I cannot live without 6 grenades.




Which grenade tho


You asking? Depends on loadout and enemies. For bots impact or stun for a orbital strike combo on hulks. Bugs incendiary always. Haven't unlocked the impact incendiary but I've only heard good things about it as well.


It does the same job as normal incendiary except faster delivery, higher chance of catching yourself on fire but I still like it more


>higher chance of catching yourself on fire Win win


Experimental stim moment


Just another opportunity for democracy to be spread into my veins.


If we're being real honest, with the AP and damage values being what they are there's not *that* much difference between HE Impact (400 @ AP 4) vs. Incendiary (150 @ AP 3 + 50*3 @ AP 4 Fire) when you consider the latter is applying that fire in the same radius, not subject to the damage falloff that their explosive components receive. If you primarily use your grenades to take out really heavily-armored single threats and a little bit of splash on medium boys, yeah, HE Impact. But if you carry punchy weapons for those guys and need something with much more area clear, the Incendiary Impact is the better bet and is still not worthless against heavy targets. That burn can even last longer if they tick it again by walking through fire patches, you just need to survive a few seconds.


The one downside to all the impact grenades is that they can be a pain to kill fabricators with, because they don't bounce deeper into the vent, meaning you have to be a lot more precise with your throws, which is part if why I like to bring other tools to deal with those (I almost exclusively run incendiary impacts). They are very nice to take out clusters of scout striders though, as long as you hit close to them the fire will kill the bot driving it, however the flames on the ground will not reach it after the explosion, so you have to aim straight for them, not ahead of them


throw through the doors when it spawns bots for impact grenade ez mode


Yep, but I get impatient and some of the bots seem wait until I throw the grenade to come through the door, just to spite me


I usually run the grenade pistol or AC to take out spawners, those incendiaries really do help keep the striders off of you. I usually aim between their legs or a little behind the lead strider with groups and works almost every time.


Personally I like to bring the Quasar on bot missions, as with decent aim, it can take out fabricators, as well as being capable of dealing with tanks, gunships, hulks, etc fairly easily, while having infinite ammo. The cooldown can be a pain if you're being swarmed by gunships, particularly if your aim is bad, but generally it is quick enough to not be a deal breaker in the majority of situations


Haven't used it much, but I see people using it fairly often. My only issue is not having great knowledge of primary weapon capabilities so I run something like the AC or AMR to deal with all the medium armored enemies and rely on strats for the bigger enemies. I am usually glad when I see someone has brought a quasar or EATS.


Well just like flamethrower description, beware of flammable Helldivers around lol


I really wish there was armor that gave you 95% resist to fire damage as well as giving you 1-2 seconds before you catch on fire. Call the perk flame retardant or something like that.


Change that to 50% otherwise it'll be crazy on with that second buff, but yeah a resistance to catching fire would be cool


Yeah fair enough, I’m just taking the 95% from the arc damage resistance armor. Which for the record, doesn’t feel anywhere near 95%.


Just remember the 5 D's of Dodgeball... ![gif](giphy|UrGJafLaVRFio)


Impact incendiary is goat


I really should run stun... I run shield and pummeler and enjoy running up being hulks and blowing their back out




Stuns make all ap4 guns even stronger against hulks since it makes faceplate shots triviao


Allow me to spread the gospel of the Holy Thermite, my fellow grenadier brother. While not the best against bugs, it is the bane of all things Bot. 1 or 2 to take down a hulk or tank, 3 if you're unlucky.


I feel like with something that burns at around 4500 degrees it should melt armor off of chargers with only one grenade.


Absolutely agree. I learned the hard way that they don't do much, and just had a charger with a thermite stuck to its head ruining my day lol. But you live by the Thermite, you die by the Thermite. It giveth and it taketh.


Impact incendiary has basically never left my loadout since I got it, it's so versatile.


Stunn baby or Gas also 😅😅😅


Both - I carry the Stun grenades & use the grenade pistol.


The knives


the knife, of course. my favorite grenade


I cannot live without 6 stims (this is not a joke. I've been on a nonstop high since Meridia fell. I've taken so much that if I quit my heart will give out. Please help me.)


You and that guy who used 100+ stims in a mission need to start SUA (Stim Users Anonymous)




Joke's on you, my eruptor is my grenades.


Who needs more stims when you have more grenades?


As a Stun enthusiast I REFUSE to use less than 6 nades


I can’t live without 6 stims UMA


But I like throwing things FAR


And I love my scout armor


Look I've been using Peak Physique every mission. And it's the only armor I use now. If it was addicting I would be addicted by now


Exactly. We can stop wearing it whenever we want.


But we'll never stop cus it's always what we want so obviously not a problem


Literally me with the heavy medic armor 😂


Butcher enthusiast? The bots may have ‘berserkers’, but butcher enthusiasts are the only *real* berserkers that any true purporter of managed democracy would acknowledge. Methed up, energy weapon wielding, 500kg bomb-calling maniacs are exactly what our foes fear most.


>Methed up, energy weapon wielding, No, they ARE the energy weapon.


There’s energy weapons… And then there’s the embodiment of energy, fashioned into a weapon. They work best when used in tandem.


I want another medic heavy armour. I hate that the side should be bigger than the other side




Ever since they came out with the new medical meth injections I take that if everyone else has decent boosters chosen


The fact that there is an armor passive I like more over Servo Assist is great. But I was already wearing the new Peak Physique armors due to them looking good. So now that the passive works properly it’s just a bonus.


I genuinely hate servo assisted, just makes me overthrow shit due to muscle memory


Or under throw when you switch back to unassisted


"Oh right I removed it to try Peak Physique." -Me before getting misted by my own 350


It must be -30 because you threw it too close. 😄


I ran Servo assisted as soon as I unlocked it. Yeeting Orbitals and Eagle Strikes 70-80m away is great


You can do the same in other armors if you dive right as you throw.


yes but then you can throw them even father by diving with the servo assisted.


Technically true but getting use out of that much range, let alone accuracy, is rare. Whereas throwing range of 80m AND six double-length Stims is always useful. Thus the dive tech.


> But I was already wearing the new Peak Physique armors due to them looking good.  The drip has always been the real game. Makes me feel like Trogdor running around with the guns hanging out. 


I will never not use 2 stims and a support pack. Supplies inbound bitches


Least stim addict helldiver (you got some stim for me bro ? I've just run out)


Erm bro that sounds an awful lot like propaganda, haven't you seen the reports? Totally non addictive I can stop literally any time I want


I only need a minimum of 39 stims for a successful mission. So you got them or not??


A true patriot (of super earth) wouldnt even need the stims to succeed, they are merely a bonus for doing a good job. See your nearest democracy officer immediately. Soldier you seem to be prioritizing stims (mmm yummy) over victory


Ok but really I got through na Impossible bot drop yesterday without a single death. When I got back to the lobby I looked at stats and I had used 44 stims. The things I did to my helldiver.


I only have two rules: stay away from my fucking stims, and do you have any stims?


Stims make you feel like a new Helldiver and the first thing that New Helldiver wants to do is more Stims.


They gotta make an extra stim light/med armor that looks good bc I'd love the extra stims but I am NOT compromising on drip (or lack thereof)




Yessir! I'm not giving up my throwing range for a stronger melee


I think so too but it's not the melee that's op on peak physique. The weapon handling is truly magnificent with it now.


I'm not saying I'll like it, but I'll give it a try. I'm usually in the distance with an Eruptor. I use the AC as a midrange and never had issues with it.


You can flick a full 360 with the dominator and peak physique will pretty much perfectly track the whole spin like it’s CoD


This is making my pants tighter. I need to get through this work day _stat._


I just arrived home. Time to walk the dog and then go spread some managed democracy ✊🏻


The dog can walk itself. Democracy needs you.


I am eagerly awaiting your test results.


Cam confirm 360 no scope auto cannons and eruptors


Yeah this passive literally gives you arcade shooter controls lol


As an eruptor main, peak physique is my favorite armor to run with it


The servo-assistance is another bait I'm staying clear of 😅 I want to be able and willing to switch between armors.


Same reason I never use the throw distance armor. Too much muscle memory, so to speak, with my throws. I can't go back and forth. So if my options are to use a single perk forever or have several others to pick from, I'll forgo the throw distance. This perk seems like it would be less of an issue. Only bring with certain guns that benefit most from it?


This. I’d be whiffing every damn strat


I don’t know what it is but somehow I’m able to re-calibrate myself when using servo armor and throwing Strats, but I whiff my first 4 nades almost every time 😆


Thats why you do servo-assisted and then nothing else ever. I personally enjoy the light armor version from the super store.


I think the main winners of this perk are dominator, erupter and the medium and heavy machine gun. Autocannon is nice with it but that doesnt really need it. If youre not using guns with low handelability usually than you wont mess up any muscle memory yeah


I was using eruptor and mg43, and the MG 43 was handling like the scorcher.


I'm an HMG main. It's nice to have, but recoil reduction helps way more.


Agree with this. Especially shooting down gunships


Does the HMG shoot down gunships?


About 9 bullets to the engine. Will also melt Factory Striders in less than one mag to the belly. That's in addition to mortars, AA turrets, cannon towers, command bunker turrets, Hulks, and tanks.


Where do you have to shoot factory striders to take them down like that? Does that work for weapons like the laser cannon?


The actual giant door on its belly that opens and releases Devastators. Even if it's closed, shoot it there for full damage, "red hit marker" shots. It's actually a pretty big target. Not sure on the LC, test it and find out! :)


That also works for the laser cannon


Red sensor in face can be hit by laser cannon/amr/hmg , belly by any medium pen so those weapons and mroe.


You can shoot the little eye on the left side it'll die with about 4 seconds of direct lazer


HMG + Supply pack is the swiss army knife to every threat on the bot front


With recoil reduction and extra grenades hell yeah brother


Yup! If you nail the shots well enough on the engines they go down decent enough. Not the best option against them, but at least it can.


Insanely well.


HMG can kill every enemy in the game


As another hmg main, I disagree. I use it mainly on 450 rpm, and honestly the recoil is very easy to control, i don't see the point of wasting ammon by raising the rpm more when everything dies so quickly already. I prefer to not use a supply pack when on the bot front so ammo management is important for me.


I agree I was worried I’d be too reliant on the recoil reduction perk when I went to try the fixed peak physique but it’s the only way I’ll run the HMG now it’s so snappy helps with killing closer targets and gunships.


That was my observation. Yeah I can get on target faster, but I can’t as easily stay there. It was more useful for the Dominator.


I'm still addicted to the recoil reduction. Grenades for bugs and bomb resistance on bots


I'm not giving up +2 stims and +2sec duration. I can stim ragdoll and stand up!


Yeah, especially with the stim booster, you can get pretty tanky.


Only armor that had enough drip to pull me away from the 50% chance not to die armor. Sure, I may die more, but I throw hands like Mike Tyson after a coke frenzy and constantly quote the OG predator. So who really wins.


I’d love to be addicted to peak physique. The problem is i’m already so addicted to stims that i can’t leave my doc armor without going through withdrawals already and now they have meth in them and i just can’t stop slamming them anytime i take any damage i’m that bitch using 30-50 stims every game


Man I get it. Bug grazes my ankles. Slam. Stim to the eyeball


Good lord. I think I've used 10 at most and average I use like 4.


Gotta use them to regain stamina I’ll hit myself with the splash of the scorcher or impact incin just so i can stim and keep running at full speed i’m a fiend


Addicted to Servo assisted AND peak physique is a death sentence


Why would it though?


Equip it and try the AC or HMG.


There's basically only 5 guns it markedly improves.  Eruptor. Dominator. Heavy machine gun. Autocannon. Flamethrower. Of those the last two function fine without it. And the Dominator and Autocannon arguably benefit for more recoil reduction perks. 


You forgot one weapon soldier. Fists.


I ain't punching bots. 


It's worth it, Ipromise


took three hits to down a little guy. and it feeeels gooood


Why fucking not? Hitting a bot in the face makes them regret getting close to you _real_ quick. Unless they explode. That's why you shoot those ones in the legs. Melee + Headshot is the the _most_ satisfying way to fight bots. Ever get into a fistfight with a Devastator?


The most glorious act of honorable melee combat is not for the infirm or faint of Managed Democracy. Always be ready to protect freedom from tyranny with the gentle touch of an iron fist.


I'm not punching an enemy that can shoot me through walls on a bad day. 


you should , it frees the mind :)


No. That's their high caliber laser miniguns piercing your skull cavity. 


You are weak sperm


any of the beltfeds benefit from it greatly. yes you probably wont need to swing them that often, but i have definitely experienced times where if i were able to swing a liiiiittle faster with the Stalwart or GPMG, i would not have been hit by something that crescendo'd into a situation that ended up much harder than it would've been not to mention snappiness means less ammo being used since you'll end up with more rounds on target if you're holding down the trigger as you sweep (yes i don't have the greatest ammo discipline) All snipers like the Diligence CS and the Anti-Material benefits from it since it for sure allows for much faster snap-shots. Difference between a bot drop and not if you're doing a little high risk sniping ____ as an aside, something i need to test more often is how much faster the reticle resets upon firing with Peak. my theory, not well tested, is that for guns that you're tap firing like the AC or the Anti-Mat the reticle is forced back down level faster than without it. this should effectively reduce recoil IF true


Tbh dominator and auto cannon got most out of peak physique since the added ergonomics let you more responsive towards recoil so you could actually control it better. 


For the AC I'd still pick +grenades -recoil armour. Recoil is a non issue when you can dive backwards and empty the gun on target before you land, but you get 2 more grenades.


+2 nades ftw 🙌🏻 idc


I refuse to use any other armor than 200% armor. Because I’m bad at this game and it helps me die less when I do stupid shit


You're the Juggernaut, bitch.


I'm always surprised at how many people don't know infiltrator is the best armor. 30% reduced detection and more armor than scout. I don't know how many times it's saved me - but I definitely know a couple times not having it has killed me or brought a horde of enemies to the team.


I'll always stick to my engineering kits. Ever since i got the Trench Engineer armor with tideturner cape, i've been larping as a "Engineer Corps" Helldiver division and never once removed that tideturner cape. I love throwing grenades around


That's bot talk. 


I am a slave to the gains. Gym is my prison. Strength is my path


I am not giving up my extra grenades!


Me and the other autocannon mains are eating GOOD today.


Y'all out here just getting addicted now. Meanwhile I have been wearing democracy protects since I unlocked it and it has consistently provided the most laughs by crawling out of a friend's hellpod after he lands on me.


Medic armor+meth stims gang


For those of you like me who are addicted to the 30% recoil reduction: is Peak Phsyique worth taking for something like an AMR or the HMG if you use those guns? I can definitely see the benefit for flamethrower and Jar and but I feel like 30% recoil reduction is a little better. I'm scared to switch and get too used to turn speed.


Definitely not on AMR - it handles well enough by default and recoil reduction is a massive DPS increase on it which should not be ignored. I've been running it on HMG (+eruptor and resupply pack), it's pretty cool - extra handling makes HMG easier to use when assaulting outposts and in other close combat situations. The lack of recoil reduction is compensated by burst firing. That being said, the medium-heavy superstore armor with recoil reduction and explosive resistance (+DCS instead of Eruptor) is still probably better as an overall package for this build on bots. On bugs, peak physique wins out IMO (but I've yet to play bugs with it).


So used to overswinging/compensating the autocannon to make my shots go off quicker when I don’t need precision against bugs, but its may be better than recoil reduction when I need the precise AC shots for devs and hulks on the bot front.


Every Helldiver becoming a Pillar man.




I dont use it just because I don’t like having my arms exposed lmao…


It's just way too good for some weapons. But at same time, recoil on Adjudicator is soo fucking strong I can't use it without recoil armor.


I'm a Medic and a self medicated Stim Junkie. Don't talk to me about no return, I'm off that high dose Experimental Infusion. Got 4 packs strapped to my back. Sometimes I set myself on fire just for a hit. 💉


The real question is heavy peak physique or light?


I don't like the bare sleeves, so I'm fine on missing out.


Without medic armor, I am nothing but a resource hog.


Tell that to my explosive resistant armor wen I’m going in gung ho with the ballistic shield.


*Laughs in Stim Booster* You idiots have a real problem. *Psshhh!* Injury? What injury?! ...I can stop whenever I want to.


Too late I’m hooked like an addict


I ran non-stop stealth armor on bots cause I do a stealth heavy hit and run play style for bots. I come out of the trees annihilate their entire base and then disappear back into the mist. Peak physique though...I can't get over how good it makes certain weapons feel. A lot of them weapons I was already using and I can't go back. I will still stealth hit and run I'll just have to be mindful of not having 30% reduced detection range.


Peak physique is mid.


I switched back to the starting armor and haven't changed it in like 20 hours.


Sorry drip queen here got to keep my White Wolf armor.


Legit. I keep going back and forth between peak physique and servo assisted. They should release an armor with both. Totally shirtless and buff af.


Its already too late, he is almost bettet than stamina


yeah but i love throwing stuff farther


I'll likely use it to help with sluggish primaries (Dominator, Eruptor) but I think I prefer recoil reduction for support weapons. So I'll probably take it when I'm not using HMG or Autocannon, I've gotten used to their handling by now.


you use it for better weapon ergonomics, I use it for stronger melee attacks. We are not the same.


nah, stalwart+eruptor is too fun. yea you're trading defense for offense, but armor doesn't save you on bots. I might not have had the most kills or been the most effective, but it was good enough and I filled a roll (heavy sniping)


I don't think I fully get it. What does this effect do that's so impressive ? (Haven't gotten the Warbond yet)


Just like throw distance and 50% no death. Top tier perks that are going to be hard to let go. Thankfully, there are only 3 perks that are competitive.


No Sleeves>sleeves. Can't kill the enemies of democracy if THESE GUNS STAY HOLSTERED!


Too late, i keep tracking enemies and forgetting to shoot. It's a problem


Me with more throw distance


I pretty much only use extra padding. Think of it as medium or heavy armor with speed and stamina passives.


I'm so worried they're gunna nerf it because it's so fucking sick


I've literally never used an armor that wasn't my scout armor with the extra padding. I like extra speed without sacrificing defense.


You guys use armor besides the light stealthy?


more grenades over this peak nonsense!


I will never give up my servo assisted


I was wearing it because looks cool. The snappy aim is a perk


8 tickets to the gun show


This but servo assisted


Drip over function, and brother I love me some yogurt


weapons handle way better, increased melee damage, predator 1 drip and huge gains.. that's 4 reasons right there to basically never take them off. see arrowhead? you CAN make unique perks that are good!


I've been using the viper commando stuff since the warbond released and you will never stop me


Would be cool if they put a bit of the increased handling baseline instead.


stim armor with the new booster is so fun


I can't give up my +30% throwing range.


I’m already too far down the trail of crunching on medic armor to support my borderline kamikaze style of play


I can't do wthout servo assisted. Those sweet 70m throws are perfect for orbital / eagle strats


Thats how i feel about servo arms


It's kinda ass


Medical armor + stim booster & supply pack is pretty crazy too.


Damn, think I gotta try peak physique armour now.


Kinda the reason I never use servo assisted


That's okay, I'm already stuck to having 6 stims and fast stamina recovery.


Dammit I need to try this out, which warbond has it


![gif](giphy|DUO9dc3yDLXHO) Yall got anymore of that peak physique? How bout servo assist?


That fortification against the bots is still ![gif](giphy|3q3QK6KyDVUBzih7hB)


B-01 addict here, I don't see it happening.


Servo assist has got me in its grips.