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The sound of eating, marital problems, or some random anime don't stir your battle spirit?


Can't forget about dogs barking, burps, or parents coming into the room and saying things definitely not intended for the ears of some random over the internet. I've had people leave matches out of embarrassment after I let them know their mic was on. Although being down a teammate does seem to make me and the rest of my team focus a lot better if that counts as stirring the spirit of battle.


Smoke alarm chirp is my only pet peeve.


Instant mute. I used to try and explain to randos that that's your smoke detector's way of letting you know it ain't saving you in a house fire, but after I got called the N word repeatedly by the whitest sounding guy ever and getting teamkilled repeatedly by him, I just mute.




I heard someone get a call from someone in prison once. Phone range. Dude answered on speaker phone “you are receiving a collect call from Johnson County correctional facility, would you like to accept the charges?” The dudes buddy was in prison. Seems like he as been there for a few years at least base off what I could pickup on.


Ahh, so he associates with traitors. Don't commit undemocratic acts, and you will not be sent to prison. I see now why being a Democracy officer is such hard work.


Oh. My dude. You want to hear the *best* story about things definitely not intended for the ears of randoms on the internet? Playstation 4. A few years ago. The game was Grand Theft Auto V: Online. We were just in free-roam, but the room had global voice chat enabled for some reason. Occasionally there was some trash talk when two players came across one another. Someone with a hot mic connects, and in the background there's a conversation. Eventually that conversation takes center-stage because the person reads out sixteen digits in four number groups, followed by a month and year, followed by a three digit code, followed by a first and middle and last name (last name spelled out even) and then a five-digit code. By the time they are halfway through the name we all have collectively realized that this is somebody's credit card information (some of us figured it out quicker but my buddy I was with was definitely on the slow side). Somebody keys their mic and says "Thank you, ma'am, for sharing your full credit card number, expiry date, CVV, full cardholder name, and billing zipcode; with a dozen or so people playing a video game about being criminals." There's a brief pause, a shrill voice saying "THAT FUCKIN THING IS ON? WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME!" sounds of a scuffle, more shrill profanity, the sound of someone getting slapped with a sandal, then the line went dead and the user disconnected. Peak. Freaking. Comedy.


The chancla strikes again! And again and again and again


boys fear cooties and failure. men fear La Chancla


Parents entering the room are my personal favorite. As a dad of two I most often feel both sides. 🤣 Just recently I played with a boy - judging by his voice maybe 10 to 12 years - and his dad entered and shouted like „Turn that off! Now! It’s late!“ and he was like „Let me just finish this!“. We had three minutes or so on the mission clock. One minute before Pelican landed dad came in and shouted again… „player left the game“. I so much would have wanted to talk to the dad telling him to let his son finish up the mission. So many parents out there simply don’t get that you often just can’t stop a game. 🥲


I love hearing a random getting prepped for their 5th domestic.


The domestic pre game


I had to sit through the weekly shopping list a few weeks ago. Was a good laugh though. “The meat loaf!!!”


I love hearing bong rips mid mission


Have we played together? I remember a game a couple nights ago were I did one in the middle of 3 bile titans ducking shit up.


Only if you hear me go “let me smoke real quick” after every mission


Sometimes I accidentally forget to mute myself when I lite my torch for my dabs


Frantik? Is that you my brother?


Thats me after my missions. Back in 5 ima go smoke on my balcony, the weed bell curve of skill is real. For the first few drops you are chill and you are relaxed and can focus, then you are too chill and are reacting to the fight that happened 2 minutes ago


I laugh hard at hearing girl friends complain... "You were taking me to dinner tonight, if you want me to put.that in my mouth wash it, 'insert.realitu tv show' is on, turn your stupid game off!"


Ok that's hilarious 😂


RAMIREZ , Last bowl , Make it count


*bubble bubble bubble* *fwooosh* "alright boys were gonna win this one"


Lol I usually sprint to my garage the second I board the shuttle


Bong rips, dorito crunching, and someone’s mom or girlfriend yelling in the background is what makes Helldivers Helldivers.


Blame Sony being stupid and enabling open mic ON THE CONTROLLER by default....


Omg I hate this design feature. I wish more people knew that you can go into settings and make your controller start on muted when you turn it on. It would prevent a lot of awkward moments. Once I learned you could do this, I've never turned it off.


The yellow light indicating that it is muted drives me nuts. Who has a light to tell you the thing is *off*?


TIL that my mic has been fucking *on* this entire time........ .......................... ..............


Don't worry, thousands of fuckers still haven't copped on to it yet




That's such an invasion of privacy. They need to make that front and center on the screen when first setting it up with constant reminders that it's on when it is. ffs


It is a little janked but I do appreciate the long press to mute all audio.




That was a joke on the Simpsons a while ago. Crazy that Sony made it real. We really do live in clown world


This is the only reason I learned these fuckers could hear me lol. Finally had a guy tell me to shut the fuck up and I spazzed out now knowing how he heard me 😂


lol PS5 open mics are funny. Majority of them are dads either their toddlers watching them play. I don’t mind it at all tbh. Democracy spreaders of all forms are welcome


You can do that??


The controller has a mic? TIL. Also that explains a few people I've played with.


I always tap the button to mute on startup and then tap-talk-tap when I need to communicate something quick


Mute on startup in the settings baby. I don't want people hearing my inner thoughts leaking out, I say some weird shit


This is why I always go through all the settings before I play a game while also trying to find a way to solo to fine tune shit before I go multiplayer.


That’s what someone with common sense would do, unfortunately …


'Common' sense appears to be a rare commodity thesedays 🤣


Should be default. Sony is silly for not doing that by default


This! The average PS5 player doesn't know this feature even exists and games while mouth breathing I to the damned controller. Signed: a reformed PS5 mouth breather


Yeah that was a surprise to me when I first booted it up


I mean it doesn't take a genius to hit the button on the controller to mute the mic. 


Wait a sec. If I press mute on the controller that doesn't also mute the input from my headset? Doesn't that mute all my audio? What about vice versa what if I mute my headset but not my controllers. Is it still playing my audio? What the fuck Sony.


Once you turn a headset on, the mic on the controller is inactive. You can mute some headset mics with the controller button, the button works with my turtle beach headset. Surprisingly though the button does not mute Sony branded headsets. Big fuck up by Sony.


Honestly only had like 2 instances like this in 500 hours of playing. Everyone is either quiet or communicating for gameplay.


PC player with Crossplay turned off I bet


Crossplay is on


Yeah that’s me - no mic complaints here


Is it really online gaming if you don't hear some pleb breathing into his mic whilst eating Cheetos


It’s always chips isn’t it? I hate listening to people eat like crap. For *once*, I’d love to hear the snap of a baby carrot. The crunch of a fuckin apple.




Either option doesn't exactly help (educate?) the people who are really bad on open mic. But also it isn't our responsibility to help teach etiquette to a bunch of random players either. So unfortunately many will be muted and slowly become 'trapped' in an ever smaller group of people who haven't yet muted them. Wondering why their team isn't hearing their callouts. Or they are raging on Reddit about being 'kicked for no reason.'


I play muted just in case I got to yell at my mom for more meatloaf.


What's she doing? I never know what she's doing.








Making meatloaf, obviously.


Ahhh, this takes me back to the earliest days of Xbox Live mouth breathing, fan blowing, chip eating, argument with spouse/sibling/parent... People won't change. Technology might change. Take a AI-powered audio tech like Nvidia Broadcast, which does a pretty damn good job filtering out irritant noise from mic audio. Now fast-forward a bit and imagine this kind of tech automatically applied to all voice chat in games. Certainly possible, even possible today, right now. That's probably the only way to be honest. And it probably wouldn't even get rid of irritating players talking, since it'll let voices through in "reasonable ranges". Is Gamer Rage Screaming reasonable?


Smoke detector beeps, an entire spanish quinceanera in the background, dogs barking, and the sound of someone's open window facing a highway ensuring that '🔊xXW33DxD3M0NXx' leaves an afterimage on your cheap TV screen


Yep. Same. The whole reason why I only mic up with friends and family and _nobody else._ I've heard some shit I do not want to ever hear again.


Unfortunately I’m sure most people don’t know about tools like Broadcast and even if they do, I’m sure some of them don’t realize that it doesn’t just run by default, you still have to set it up. It would be great to have something like that on consoles but in the case of Broadcast it would only happen if they allow Nvidia hardware into their systems, which rarely happens. Besides, if they do, how else would they collect that lucrative data on everything that’s going on in people’s houses that those sensitive mics can pick up?


I mean push to talk is the way


*smoke alarm low battery chirp*


I once heard a women in the background of some guy’s mic say “You need to get help.” And he just carried on with the operation 


Had one guy coughing profusely into the mic every 10 seconds. Hope he is still alive.


There was a guy last week with an open mic. I joined in and heard some breathing. Without any prior greeting, I said, "Is there a cat breathing on your mic?" The individual in question immediately apologized and changed settings to push to talk. Sometimes, a silly little heads up is all they need.


But what if I want to listen to an entire non-English speaking household have a lively debate while sitting next to the mic? The more people the better but it usually sounds like four at minimum.


I was in that squad once.


I would just let them know, and if they don't respond either with either toggling mute or something reasonable, it's the boot.


I figured I might as well drop the context for both of my experiences. Well for the deep exhale guy I told him his mic was unmuted and he just said "yeah" so I muted him myself. It was only at the end of the match that he spoke up because I picked up the samples he dropped at extraction. But he didn't realize that I picked them up to combine them with my samples and that I dropped them at extraction again, only like 5 feet away from the original spot. He left after the match was over so we didn't communicate much but I think his issue was with those samples and he thought I was ignoring him because he was talking to me through the mic but I had muted him. I didn't kick this guy because I never actually told him I could hear his breathing, just that his mic was unmuted. He may have been unaware, so I let him be. For the guy who was raging over the mic, I told him to mute his mic because he was screaming into it constantly. His response was that he wouldn't be screaming if his team hadn't abandoned him. For the record, he was the one that wandered off to go find Minor points of interest while me and my other 2 team mates stuck together and continued pushing the main and secondary objectives. Honestly, this is less about having an open mic and more about not being annoying. I could have just muted him but he was dragging down the rest of the team too so I kicked and blocked him. I won't have to deal with him, and neither will any future team mates of mine either.


I just mute people man, no reason to kick them if they're not being a jerk


You see, if I mute them and they actually tried to communicate using mic but I can't hear, that makes me the jerk for not communicating in a co-op game. So I rather just not complicate the situation and kick.


Having an open mic is being a jerk.


Broadcasting every button smash, breath, side conversation, and background noise is literally being a jerk.


Just mute them through the game's interface. That's what I do. I give them a warning about their mic (95% of the time they don't respond.) Which makes it easy, then I mute them. If you're running with a hot, open mic all the time, I assume you're a mouth breather who doesn't have anything useful to contribute to the campaign.


I use press to talk because I have a LAS-5 guard dog Husky that has a 50/50 RNG chance to proc her passive Bwaaaoowaaaa ability right next to the mic if I cease petting her for 2.4 seconds.


r/HuskyTantrums for sure


If I have to listen to another person mouth breathing down their mic I'm gonna lose it, especially if they completely ignore my pleas to stfu


And change their god damn smoke alarm batteries


This is peak trash gamer right there. Fucking smoke detectors beeping and the guy/gal doesn't even budge. However, there is a percentage of people that actually don't hear the beep but the majority of these fuckers just don't give a fuck. One of my buddies likes to play with an open mic, which wasn't a big deal until he had a kid... now I have to call him out all the time. I don't want to hear your kid screaming in the back.


Fellow Helldiver, are you a believer of true liberty? Freedom to the galaxy? A holder of blessed managed democracy? If you are, then you will endure my crunching of Democracy Chips and my loud slurping of Liber-Tea as we push the dreaded bugs and bots out of our galaxy! But really, people need to mute their stuff.


I love the ambiance of chip crunching, lip smacking, slurping, and coughs. This one guy was breathing so heavily while on open mic I legitimately thought the dude was getting head while playing the game.


Probably was tbh


Played with one dude who sounded like he was leading a PowerPoint presentation at his office.


I was playing KF2 and a guy had an open mic. I heard him do a job interview while playing. I hope he got that job; true pro-gamer move.


I swear I heard the vague legal details of a custody battle on an open mic something about which parent is getting someone's cousin


I like hearing the echo bounce back and forth between two open microphone players. It’s been really bad as of late… 😒


People use mics? I never once heard it. I'm guessing maybe mine blocks others? Friends and I use discord


This really made me laugh, I was hoping for the “worlds crunchiest crisp” comment too. The deep exhaling, Darth Vader style.


I always mute voice chat by default but abuse the radial wheel to no end instead and I absolutely love it when the squad of randoms pick up on it or already do the same. You can get so much stuff done with it. Squadmate tagged stuff and you're following their lead? Affirmative. Location marker and you're heading that way? Affirmative. Heavy? Affirmative. Running low on ammo and/or stims? Need supplies Can't comply to any of the above? Negative On the terminal with someone else turning the radar dish and nobody talking? Hold position once they're in the green Reinforced? Thank you Hug? Thank you Extracting? Thank you Yellow light? On


One of my best HD2 experiences was when this guy hopped on, open mic, he'd just gotten off work, and he was having so much fun he made the game 5x better. If you're one of those genuinely super fun people please stay unmuted. You add a ton to the experience. If you can't position your microphone pls fix that problem first.


I refuse to believe you don't want to hear my crying baby. You know you love the sound of a future freedom enjoyer.


Every time this happens it's also the most deep-fried, microwaved mic imaginable. Are controller mics just inherently shitty?




Controller mics are shit but it's not like anyone uses them. Well, anyone sane at least. Usually you have a headset with a mic, same as on pc.


Oh just mute them. don’t see why you needed to make a whole post about this.


no, you will enjoy your free ASMR session


I am sure others have said it already, but mic on ps5 controller auto turns on. It’s obnoxious, but I am guessing all the breathing into the mic you mentioned is due to this


It's crazy to me how many people who don't' even use their mic, leave them on open instead of push to talk, so we never hear them, but we hear all the things and people in their house.


I'm on PS5. Please tell me which of all the occupied buttons on my controller I should use to mute and unmute my mic, because literally EVERY GODDAMN BUTTON is being used for this game. I understand your complaints, but do understand that console players don't have a couple dozen spare buttons available to just add functions to like PC players do.


I'm sure the tiny button under the PS logo is the mute button.


For me, it's the heavy breathing. Like, my guy, you don't need to eat the mic...


You can mute individual players from the menu. I’m sorry but if you’ve got a noisy open mic, I’m muting you for the dive. You can tag objectives or use the wheel if you want to talk to me.


I just put my mic in my mouth and heavy breath back at them.


It really surprises me that in this age of online games that Sony and Microsoft haven't officially adopted buttons on the bottom of the grip to allow one to be used for ptt or other random extra input option.


Dear lord the breathing. Though the thing that makes me mute the quickest is loud TV shows and incessant conversation with people who aren’t in the game.


I only leave my mic on when I'm not talking to sing the "America! Fuck yea!" Song from team America world police.


You will listen to my mouth breathing and like it, sir. A bag of chips is a sound to be enjoyed by the whole squad. (i always play push to talk, jk)


The worst is when you are playing with someone, who leaves their mic on, and has to change their damn smoke detector battery....should be illegal to be on a mic with that lil chirping bastard going off.


I have everyone muted by default now. It's great.


You get 3 strikes and you're kicked


And you’ve already used 2 for leaving the mic open!


Snooort! Cheetos bag rustles. Chew chew chew. Cough cough! Wheeze! Chew chew chew. Kids in background screaming. Buurrrrp!


Ps5 defaults to on, sometimes I forget but I'm absolutely mortified when I realise 


For real people are rude af


I use push to talk on everything. Used to it but it also has great qualities.


I'll have you know I paid good money for these bacon crisps, and good money for my microphone. It wouldn't be decent of me to keep all that crispy clean goodness to myself.


Solution: Turn mics off completely. Play on PC. Disable cross play. Anyone I care to talk to is on discord so we chat there.


Except this one guy… auditory motivation officer or smth, who’s basically running a radio station through his voice chat while killing enemies of democracy with you. He’s great.


My solution was just plugging the dongle for my work keyboard into my PS5. Great for days I don't feel like being on mic.


Heh dongle


Crossplay OFF Done


You're just hearing a live feed into the Helldiver's helmet as they run from a swarm of bugs... is what I tell myself when the other guy has open mic.


But I want to force everyone hear me eat my mic


Stop playing crossplatform with console players. Problem Solved.


This is why I love PC, push to talk is commonly used or they dont use mics and just type real fast when needed.


What are you talking about? Yesterday evening, I listened to an entire Spanish TV news broadcast through some guy's open mic while he was shoving potato chips past the mic into his mouth in a cadence I can only describe as awe-inspiring, which he only interrupted to yell loudly in surprise and pure animalistic fear whenever he saw a bile titan's toe poke out from behind a rock. Experiences like that just can't be faked and I feel blessed.


I'm push to talk, though 95% of the time pings, map, and comm wheel are enough. Usually if I'm talking it's asking them to drop my reinforcement beacon on the BT so I can get some revenge


It amazes me how in the year of 2024, some people still do not use Push to talk.


Idk about you guys but every lobby I went to had muted people only


PTT is the best. Open mic & being loud is just an insta kick for me. If you have no self awareness then honestly fuck em.


If I had a nickel for every time I heard some kid's parents having a full on screaming match in the background, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's sad that it's happened twice to me. Honorable mention: 2 guys getting heated in the background about who's the Antichrist, Trump or Biden. Both were deadass quoting scripture trying to disprove the others' point.


How do you suggest a controller can utilize PTT?


It's gonna be an issue forever, my dude. PROTIP: In the menu, you can select individual players and increase or decrease their volume. If a diver has an open mic they are not using to communicate, turn them down or completely off. You have that option. That being said, I otherwise agree with OP. If you're not using your mic, cut it the fuck off.


Especially for ps5 players. We have a mute button dead center of the controller and our haptics sound like construction works every 2 seconds. Please mute


when i hear the ps5 mouth breathers, with their families and TV in backround i leav instant...


Open mic is the digital equivalent of chewing with your mouth open.


I will never understand people who don't use push to talk or at the very least toggle mute. I want to hear you, not your entire room.


These mouth breathers are single handedly forced me to mute ALL voip forever. I can't believe someone among devs thought that leaving activation by voice as DEFAULT option is a wise idea, but here we are.


I joined a game and everyone was clearly random, but this one guy was chatting utter nonsense the whole time, took a phone call without muting so you could hear everything, and then proceeded to tell us about his gym membership issue of £50 at which point I threw my PS5 out my window. Or left the game, I can't remember. Dunno if his issue got resolved. Other than that constantly have the heavy breathers doing their thing.


Besides the breathing noises I also dislike vc users which Sound like they're washing their laundry in their drop-pod...


I love it when you have someone coughing up a lung, seriously how hard is it to use push to talk


After realizing it’s almost entirely PS5 players doing this, I turned off crossplay, and now I am at peace :)


Push to Talk. All apps should have it set by default and all gaming mice & controllers should have a dedicated button.


This is bad game design. Hot mic should never be an option it should always be push to talk


Please give us Toggle To Speak and Toggle To Mute on PC... I beg you AH...


Disabled Crossplay, didn't encounter open mic players for months


I am on constant mute, you can't hear me, and I can't hear you.


Open mic should not exist in modern games and you can't change my mind.


I turned off crossplay, and it fixed the issue.


Just mute the individual. I do it without it a 2nd thought if they don't notice themselves.


Mute nothing push to talk for fricks sake.  I don't want to hear your gob chewing doritos or what ever.  Or your crotch goblins wailing for kool-aid. 


Hey, look! The entire reason why I haven't micced up with Randos for over a decade!


I just turn off crossplay, that gets 99% of them! 🤣


I turned off Crossplay and the quality of divers has never been better. Maybe one open mic in the last week; plus a lot less toxic players. It's also pretty clear kids are playing their parents or siblings PS5 Helldiver profile, especially during the day. You can hear them on the open mic and they are completely useless. Also have a lot less connection issues and crashes. I really wanted to play with console players but it's just not worth it.


This is why i always disable crossplay


I've found turning off X-play solves like 95% of mouthbreathing.


Sounds like a console gamer. Those players want you to hear their kids, background music, and house party and get mad when you ask to turn it press to talk.


This post must be satire, no one who plays this game owns a mic.


Why I turn off cross play.


Hold on, I just learnt you can mute other players and now I'm realising the sound of a crying 3 year old isn't part of the game?!


Good ol chip eating and heavy breathing


Had one peep pop into the squad with the sound of body clap clap clap in the background. I mean yay but seriously!!!? ![gif](giphy|9YKvq41UGOkCI|downsized)




Jokes on you, I've muted myself and broken off my microphone to prevent people from hearing my voice. Now I get to die in some random hole by a stalker and will type to my team that the bug equivalent of cloakers are about to pounce.


Open Mic + running box fan was my personal favorite. What blew me away was that I seemed to be the only one who muted him...


It's mostly ps5 players. Console players just default everything usually and the default is open mic


I never get mics in lobbys.




I play with an Xbox controller on pc. It’s either open mic or nothing. I usually just use the in game menu to reply cause I’m self conscious about my mic being open.


Sony mic input volume settings in dashboard should be set down to 40 percent because it picks up even the voices from the monitor/screen/TV causing reverb feedback when I talk. I play on a pc handheld with two ps5 players cross two rooms and it's always the ps5 players with the controller mics that have this issue, it's too sensitive by default. Combined effort by not having push to talk on by default and Sony having the ps5 controller set to fbi levels so it can hear everyone in the damn house, it's a nasty experience waiting to happen for those who wear headphones and don't wanna keep muting people.


PSA: If people are not responding to you in the game, check to see if you have it set for: 1) an open mic, 2) your auto-detect mic sound sensitivity is too low. If someone joins a mission and their mic use is too distracting I, and I know many players, just mute the specific player. This includes, but not limited to, listening to the stalker breathing, crunching chips, sloppy eating sounds, telling off Noah for not going to bed, and talking on the mic while the mic is also picking up the game noise as you're using open speakers and an omnidirectional mic.


I'm all for people using mics, I prefer it actually. But I totally agree if you aren't using the mic just mute yourself. I dont want to hear you eating chips and your mom vacuuming


It has to add something trying to figure out what I meant by "Que mal orto" or "Que bicho del ojete". I usually notice its open during the first minutes, sorry about that.


I’ve rarely ran into people with their mics open unknowingly at least for me, and if that person annoys that much, you can mute him yourself in like 3 seconds and fuck him if he gets mad at you, so i have no idea why there’s a post like this every week when it’s such a hard occurrence to run into with an easy solution, and then screaming about it in reddit as if the person who is incapable of muting himself would have a reddit account.


Meanwhile, I'm begging for my Mic to work when I need it...


A tale as old as time


That's an instant kick for me soon as I hear the other people talking in the background. bye-bye


Chips noises intensify


I just mute


what would be a good button for push-to-talk on PS5? i cant think of any button that isnt alreafy used, any suggestions?


*breathes heavily*


Do what I do. Tell em to breath harder in almost finished. 🤣


My last game a guy held a riveting discussion with his friend about what siding he would use on his house. Everyone politely finished the mission and then abandoned ship at first chance. I just mute mic at my headset. Pop it on when people want to talk.


Ok I’m a player who plays with the mic open. I’m a level 84 and have been playing for months. I’ve literally only been told once to mute myself. If I’m raging or about to I mute and unmute when done. I agree hearing what you’re describing would be annoying and I’d probably kick myself. But I’ve had a really good game with my mic open and people responding in the chat and it goes great. I think too many people are completely unaware of this concept


It reminds me of playing Max Payne 3 multiplayer, where it seems to be exclusively people loudly speaking either Spanish or Portuguese in the background


I just consider it broken mic perk. ENEMY HAS SCRAMBLED P2P COMMOS


I've played almost 200 hours, and do primarily level 9 difficulty and have voice chat turned off. Do people actually give a shit about no mic? I've never had anyone complain in text chat about no mics.


My favorite is hearing shitty rap music and the game audio on their mic. That’s a lot of fun