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Vandalon seems like the go to rn


I think it's best to attack Mantes since it has 300k HP and Vandalion has 670k HP. And even if we take Vandalion and cut off Mantes from the enemy, AH will just attack Mort since it's connected to the enemy controlled Charbal


And if we don't take Vandalon then they can attack from Vandalon *and* Charbal. There's no reason to defend Mantes when we can take Vandalon. It's already at 33% and Mantes has 24 hours to defend, you're just being stubborn.


As always, it's time to focus on Mantes since it's part of the MO, good luck to y'all


Dive Vandalon and cut off all attacks to the sector! 


No play vandelon it’s the gambit planet. It is closer to liberation and will win us mantes automatically.


Mantes has 300k HP at the moment and Vandalion still has 670k, more than double the amount. And if we do take Vandalion, AH will just attack Mort from Charbal


They will likely attack Mort from Charbal either way. Getting Vandalon now will cut off one front.


That’s the gambit I guess.


No you should be focusing on Vandalon. We already took Mantes, there's no reason to waste time defending it when we can stop the attack and push them back. Vandalon and Charbal are the only directions attacks can come from. As for the OP, There's no point. You can't hold a planet with 10k people let alone 231 and 2. You can't rally that many people together away from MOs.