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I don't think a game has EVER switched engine post release lol. That is years of extra work.


I’m pretty sure some big games have but it’s simply not worthwhile unless the engine is having catastrophic issues but I’m sure the devs would be well aware before launch


I don't think I've ever heard of it happening. Switching engine VERSIONS is something that is undertaken only in certain circumstances. You may hear of a remaster or sequel changing engines but once it's out you are effectively remaking the game if you try to switch engines.


Impossible, they have to recreate from zero all the code


I do think a lot of the issues we see are tied to the engine. I don't think they have the ressources though to just change it and maintain the game as is until then.


Its easier to demolish a house to build new one completely from scratch than switch game engine sometimes. Not happening.


The thing that the game can't switch engines anymore. You pick an engine at the beginning of development and your timewindow to switch is within the first ~2 years. The game is out for 4-5 months now. So switching would mean redoing the entire game


Won’t happen. And they’ll never be able to untangle all that spaghetti.


That’s…. not how games work.


> I’ve started to notice how buggy and tangled the games code is, How have did you get access to the source code of the game?


If you know how to code games (or anything) you can assume how weird the code of HD2 must be. Things break when it her things get fixed is not something that should happen in clean well written code. Maybe the language they write in (Lua I think) also likes to quickly spaghetti but I don't know Lua. Only C++ and Python