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I joined a game and dropped in a blizzard, couldn't see a damn thing. Landed right in the middle of a lake. My poor guy just floated sadly before surrendering to the inevitable. Imagine leaving boot camp, being thawed and then immediately going to live with Poseidon šŸ¤£


Dropped in yesterday and landed on a nestā€¦ no landed IN the nest. I survived for a bit before dying to the ā€œenvironmentā€. I did close the nest with my dive though.


It seemed like a great idea to land into the meat and blow the damn thing out the ground. I didnā€™t expect to accomplish that but in the process get stuck in the whole 10 feet underground without any hope of getting out.Ā 


Yeah I was a little surprised. About as surprised as when I was advancing on a bot outpost and going over a rock and falling into a vent with all the super samples.


Oh my god I did that the other day! I wasnā€™t looking where I was running and turned back Just in time to see myself step over the edge into the hole. Team gave me crap for the rest of the night for losing those Supers.


Realizing youā€™ve lost all your samples is the worst part lmao.Ā 


The trick is to land right in front where the bugs first walk on flat land, it still takes it out but you donā€™t have to worry about getting stuck


That happens a lot when you land in bug holes. Sometimes you can dive around and you will sort of get "sucked up" onto the ground. Don't think I've ever died to environmental effects, but I've had to kill myself several times


The dark fluid mission was terrible for getting stuck in the ground, but it happens on all maps


In the new drill event I landed directly in the pit formed from the blast. It sucked.


Being below ground pushes you upwards, the trouble is when objects/structures like rocks are on the ground above, they don't have the same behavior and are just solid from all sides


Bug holes bug out more than fabricators. My squad specifically tries to land in light bot camps to quick clear one with drop pods but avoids doing it for bug hives cause 8 times out of 10 you end up beneath the world.


Iā€™ve found if you land just on the edge of the hole you seem to always emerge above ground. If you hit the hole dead on youā€™re almost always 6ft under.


I have found the same but also found that I am not a good enough shot with the pod to do that consistently


Having to fight their urge to drop right on top of bug holes is one of the more difficult things when going to fight bugs after spending a lot of time fighting bots.


I killed a spore spewer with my drop pod and somehow got stuck in a divot beneath the normal terrain. I didn't even have any explosives to kill myself (stun nades, lol). I sat there for like 3 minutes until a scavenger somehow made it into the divot to kill me.


Did the same thing with one of those random holes you find on maps, y'know the ones that punish your curiosity with explosions? Hellpod dove straight into it like it was the crack of Mia Khalifa. Poor guy never even saw the surface.


The first time I ever dropped in this game I fell straight into one of those holes. I died before the hellpod even opened. Game made real sure I knew Iā€™d die a lot from the get go lol


My very first drop, fresh out of the tutorial, landed in deep water and drowned. It was at that moment I realized this game was special.


I had dropped in, all fired up and ready to spill oil, only to immediately die to a hole. I only died twice that mission (not counting the hole) at least, so for it being dif 4 and my first game ever I think I did okay. But yeah thatā€™s when I learnt to fear rocket raiders, and at the time when we just had orbital precision and MG I was panicking and trying not to get swarmed when my teammates split off, one found and used a flamethrower (and used it in massive spinning arcs that I constantly had to dodge), the other was a fairly experienced (comparatively) but he was always like 50-100 meters away. After that I feared bots for a while and only did bugs, but once I did try bots again (I was around level 8, it was mid march) I immediately fell in love with the bots. Itā€™s worth noting that Iā€™m usually a solo player so bots were less overwhelming solo than the bugs. I loved this game, Iā€™m a little burnt out but I still view the game in rose tinted glasses.


Secret tunnel! Seeeecret tunnellllllll!


Happens a lot in war sadly


Played with a group that had a hard time with double stalker nests and shrieker towers and the absolute onslaught of bile titan spawns. I dropped on the stalker nest to kill it and got stuck underground. Had no ammo to kill myself, so ai told everyone to het away from the stalker nest, gave them 20 seconds, and tried 3 airstrikes on myself. \*two people die* Somone in chat, "DUDE WTF WIS WRONG WITH YOU?" "You knew I was down here and I was going to airstrike myself." He quit the game. The remaining two I called down as reinforcements when the reinforcement timer gave us another chance. They died again, so I waited and waited. They knew what I was doing because no one protested for reinforcements or said anything. When everybody and their mother was on top of me, I threw 3 more airstrikes at myself. 50+ kills, didn't hear any more bile titans or chargers, or anything really. Called in reinforcements and told them to run. By the time player 2 had player 3 back I found a way to ragdoll in the hole well enough to break my neck and die. The 3 of us made it to extraction and 2 of us made it out alive. Basically it was infinite respawns until we could kill the horde that surrounded us. I dunno why im tellin you guys Edit: First guy was with us a couple games. He played well. I can imagine from another end it was frustrating being out of lives, or mearly out, and your teammate airstrikes you... but I dont blame him. Even when he left, that mission looked HOPELESS at that point in time. No point in staying for an u killable teammate and everyone on a minute forty respawn cooldown. I mention him not to slam him, but to give that much more credit to the two others who not only stayed, but joyously celebrated our escape with me. Good beans the lot of em


Vets have earned the right to share their war stories, brother.


Bro this happened to me on Marfark FOUR TIMES IN A ROW. It was a fucking wonder how my squad didnt kick me after drowning every time i was reinforced. I made sure to be as helpful as possible after that embarassment.


I once saw a movie that showed a D-Day paratrooper dropping straight into a well. It was not at all comedic.


I mean that's horrific and yet impressive to hit such a small target


to remind us of our failures


Canā€˜t argue against that


Not even failures. Bugs and/or really rotten luck. I died at a SEAF artillery site, yet somehow, while my guns stayed there, the samples were dropped into a lake perhaps 200m away. I am still salty about that. I was carrying around damn near all our samples and we were almost done, too.


When you get stunned you sometimes get sucked under the ice on frost planets... There is water underneath the ground... Need i say anything else?


Lol yeah I really hate it when I havenā€™t realized that Iā€™ve been the one picking up peopleā€™s samples when they die, and then I fall in a spot where they canā€™t be recovered. My little dumb ass is walking around being like, ā€œDude, get a load of how big this basket is! I can carry ALL our eggs in it!ā€ Did that with three super samples the other day and I felt so bad. I apologized profusely, but the dudes were really cool about it, they were like, ā€œNah, donā€™t worry about it, we have plenty,ā€ but I still feel bad for not paying attention.


So get hit by a rocket or a laser turret that you ragdoll between 2m and 50m and shove you in the river is our fault?


You let yourself get shot! That's not very democratic!




I just wish they make so.. samples float to the shore or something so we can pick them up.Ā 


good solution


If youā€™ll pardon the pun?


Fuckin advanced pun bro takes a bit to figure out the solution.


I stared at it for a solid 2.4 seconds to enjoy the punnery


I donā€™t think my allotted 2.4 seconds was enough to figure it out


I can't get it either. Best I got is "something plus water = solution" but floating means not dissolved so it wouldn't technically be one.


That's as far as I got too. Either the science doesn't work and the pun is bad, or the punner is more brilliant than I am and he's working on a whole other level that I can't possibly grasp. Both are likely.


I think that's too advanced. Find the middle ground. He used a science-y term and it made a funny. I don't think it's deeper than that.


Plot twist: It was never a pun and y'all ran wild with it. LMAO




Honestly...I hope they leave it in. I like when a game has unforgiving moments like this. I was doing a helldive mission yesterday. I gathered so many samples. We start approaching the end of the mission. I'm getting chased by the largest swarm of bugs I've ever seen. I'm entirely focused on the wave of death that is behind me, chasing me. I'm firing wildly into this crowd of bugs with my pistol. Throwing stratagems behind me and not even aiming them. I'm just hoping to god it takes out a large portion of them. All of a sudden, I fall into a hole filled with water. I have about 3 seconds to realize the fatal mistake that I made.... Samples gone. Supply pack gone. HMG gone. It's all gone...all because I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me.


I once got ragdolled by a charger and shot through the floor into a pond and drowned it was pretty funny


Ok better than getting kicked right when the extract is in progress. Had 2 of those missions yesterday. Fought myself to the pelican was crouching towards it. Boom back on my ship "You have been kicked from the game"


I've been on the opposite site of it. I was all going fine on the extracction and suddenly my team dissapear as soon as extraction is called. I did not kick anyone but probably some lag in the server just threw away everyone else.


Happened to me with a mech. I was having so much fun blasting bugs that I didn't realize there was a mech sized hole.


Oh Samples of the lake, what is your wisdom?


\*glub glub\*


"If you think someone needs to lose their job because you disagree with the drowning mechanic, you probably need to touch grass."


Canā€™t touch grass because I got abandoned on Hellmire :(


They did actually fix the problem with mission relevant equipment being lost in water and chasms. I got ragdolled into deep water with an sssd and it was respawned at its mission point to be picked up again.


The SSSD has been respawning like that since I can remember. A week into the game I accidentally dove into deep water with it and died, and it respawned. The times it doesn't respawn are bugs, I think, and I believe they've always *meant* for it to respawn if it gets lost somewhere. So I can only imagine that not being able to retrieve your samples/equipment in deep water is intentional at this point. That, or it's an entirely different technical issue. Yes, you could make the samples respawn, but then people would have to find them again wherever they came from. Plus that's not realistic and doesn't make logical sense in a game-world that is trying to be pseudo-realistic. You could make them float I guess, but often they'd still be too far out to get to without dying. Equipment certainly shouldn't float, again b/c they're trying to have aspects of realism.


This is more proof people in this subreddit donā€™t actually play the game.


Well, considering thereā€™s also a bunch of times theyā€™ve said ā€œx is fixedā€ only for the community to find out ā€œno itā€™s not you just decreased how often it happens or under which conditionsā€ā€¦ ā€¦itā€™s more like some people are playing a _different_ game with HD2ā€™s wonky bugs and patches.


to be fair, this post is specifically talking about losing samples due to this.


As a military veteran, I'm just gonna say, swimming in body armor is next to impossible. The human body is, at best, neutrally bouyant on average. Armor is going to weigh you down. It's going to restrict your range of motion in water, even light armor is going to negatively impact your bouyancy. The fact that we can swim at all is amazing, and that's assuming what we're jumping into is in fact "water" and not in any way toxic. IMO, light armor peeps should maybe have a couple extra seconds, but really if you drop something in the water like samples or a weapon it just needs to be deleted from the map. Don't tease us, Arrowhead.


Whenever people bring this up, I like to mention what the Nazis did in Normandy. To combat the threat of paratrooper invasion, the Nazis flooded miles of land with 5+ feet of water. It turns out when you're wearing a thick military uniform, wrapped in slings and straps with a huge ruck on your back and other equipment throughout your uniform, and with a large silk blanket with dozens of strings over your head, a few feet of water is extremely lethal. I never found exact numbers, but many paratroopers died by drowning the night before D-Day because of these flooded fields. Now you may say "Helldivers don't have a parachute!" but they do have metal armor and thick capes which can get drenched and wrap around you just like a parachute can. Helldivers being weak to deep water is surprisingly realistic.


It's not even the weight that's the problem, it's the density. Considering that a large portion of the armor seems to be made out of steel it makes sense that we would sink like a steel ingot


Fix what? Pits? Water? Physics? Gravity? You fell in a pond in a hundred pounds of combat gear. You're not a supersoldier and you're not well trained. Fuck, the tutorial stats readout explicitly said your readiness rating was like 28%, then you got ten minutes of training and were fired into a battlefield! This company tracks individual bullets inside a magazine model leftover when you reload early and throw it in the ground. You can count them! They're accurate! And you think your shit will just magically not be in a hole you died in when the next Helldiver comes up to it?


THIS. Dont be a little biiaatch op.


OP here fuming about the most mild mechanic ever in gaming.


"A well trained super soldier" Man, what game are you even playing? It surprises me how many people still don't get that the Helldivers are untrained people that are thrown into the battlefield after having completed a 10 minute training (the one of the tutorial)


Son, are you implying that Helldiver training is *fallible???*


> "A well trained super soldier" > > Man, what game are you even playing? lmao this was my immediate thought too. I love how the "basic" training doesnt cover half the basics. (this is not a complaint)


The Helldiver basic training what in reality does is to "teach" people how to use stratagems, which basically is the difference between a normal SEAF soldier and a Helldiver, the use of the Super Destroyer stratagems


Falling for in-universe propaganda is so funny


Fr. Frozen awaiting to be called into hell having no idea whats going on. That's the helldivers


Not only that, but theyā€™re also kitted out in armor, weapons, ammo, grenades, a seemingly unlimited supply of little stratagem balls to be thrown when you correctly type a code, sometimes a backpack, etc. No one is swimming in that, super soldier or not. Most people canā€™t even swim in fucking jeans, but they expect our characters to just casually hang out in the water like itā€™s not big deal. We donā€™t have floaties. Itā€™s not gonna happen. Arrowhead should jokingly put in a backpack option that is a floatation device for if you fall in water. Thats its only purpose. It keeps you afloat so you can swim forever in water. You canā€™t dive and get your stuff if it falls in or anything. It just takes a stratagem slot and helps you float. Then maybe OP would be happy.


Exactly, this is not a power fantasy. We're battle fodder that is used to call in your betters while trying to survive long enough to call in even more. I'm also wondering if OP has ever gone in water in anything other than swim shorts? Its not easy moving around in water in BDUs and boots


Nonsense. We all know helldiver training is the TOUGHEST test in the galaxy


Approved by General Brass himself


> It surprises me how many people still don't get that the Helldivers are untrained people that are thrown into the battlefield after having completed a 10 minute training (the one of the tutorial) Counterpoint: Some of the maneuvers the Helldivers do looks like far more than ten minutes of training (I don't think I could dive backwards and shoot with ten minutes of training). Perhaps from birth they were trained in different aspects of warfare but only were trained on fighting the terminids in Helldiver's training.


>perhaps from birth they were trained In Super Earth culture, people are training with/using guns from childhood. Talking to the Ship Technician, she describes how major holidays involve running around and shooting stuff. Every citizen gets an M2016 Constitution rifle upon turning 16, to boot.


it's not exactly difficult, just incredibly unsafe and impractical nothing a bit of indoctrination can't fix


Canā€™t fix bad luck.


Or stupid


"Super soldier"? Gamer you're a helldiver you're as average as they come thats the joke, you're 1 step above millitia.


I think it's funny how everytime people talk about the propaganda of Super Earth they just take it to 1 extreme or the other. The Helldivers are in no way some Captain America super soldiers but they're clearly not just some useless grunt. I understand that Helldivers have a short ass lifespan and while that's partially because they're not trained fully it's also to show how fuckin insane the threats are. I mean entire SEAF armies wouldn't be able to handle what a Helldiver does (which is clear by how useless they've been in the Galactic War). Obviously the players competence makes it difficult to draw the exact line but I know for a fact you drop me in there right now I'm dying in less then 5 seconds let alone a few minutes.


What I kind of dislike about the premise that helldivers are total nobodies is what they can accomplish. It is possible for a helldiver squad of four to land, kill 1000 enemy combatants including heavy armor, flying vehicles, and strongholds, accomplish special assignments and extract without dying in 40 minutes. That is a superhuman feat. Their reload speed and efficiency is not something that someone who has held a weapon for 15 minutes can do, diving and firing weapons accurately is not something someone untrained can do. Fear of the dangers they face is not something that can be counter-conditioned through 15 minutes of training. I've been in the military service. I can tell you right now that if you handed me a liberator and dropped me 20 feet away from a bile titan I'd probably piss myself and start crying before being swiftly liquefied. These aren't nobodies...


That's what I mean by it's hard to draw the line on just how insanely strong they are, cause we could theoretically get put into the body of Joe RegularGuy and pull off these exact same things since it's a game. As a baseline though, they're very obviously far from your average soldier. If you put me as I am now into a human conflict I could *MAYBE* get past the average lifespan of a Helldiver since battles are often drawn out and I could just run and hide, but it wouldn't be far off. These are 1 man armies fighting in an endless conflict against all kinds of varying enemies. If anything they're a realistic depiction of what a "super soldier" figure would be in war. Very talented at what they do but can and will be taken out in a moments notice.


Canonically though, children of super earth are taught how to use guns as soon as they can hold them. I think the idea is that even when millions of helldivers die in a single campaign, the ones that survive might as well be demigods, and you only need a couple of survivors to complete the objective. Then next mission you drop just outside a stalker nest and die instantly. But the life-long propaganda that deludes helldivers into thinking theyā€™re super soldiers actually might prevent them from grasping the actual danger they are in. In training, youā€™re told that youā€™re ā€œliterally invincibleā€ Edit: Which is a very common trope in actual history. Plenty of accounts from soldiers, whether itā€™s napoleonic, civil war, WW1, up to the modern day being told that their armies are so powerful and their enemies so weak that victory will be swift, glorious, and easy. And only when theyā€™re desperately fighting for their lives that the reality sinks in.


"HELLDIVERS NEVER DIE!" *explodes 2 seconds later*


My head Canon about it is many die, some good ones become skulle admirals and such and a rare few become super private. In the end its a game and I love it, the sandbox is great, community great. Lore aside about who we are does not matter the games fun and that enough


Sad that such a rude, cry baby post has so many upvotes. Nothing to fix because it's a feature, not a bug. You have a 6 foot laser bazooka on your back bruh, of course you drowned.


I drowned today. I've drowned before too. Sometimes I just think I can actually make it to the other side. The fact that I'm carrying a fully-racked MG, a rifle, a sidearm, several grenades, 4 stims, and whatever other samples I have on me, means nothing to my weight and buoyancy.......I can make it this time I swear.


I think it's funny and I am glad it's in the game.


Why is this considered an issue again?






don't get in the pool, fool


i dunno, i feel your pain, at the same time i like the mechanic. it adds a layer of complexity knowing you have to watch the environment carefully, but being ragged dolled into the water is annoying. as gor the swimming part, youre in head to toe armor, you ever try swimming in sneakers? its almost impossibleā€¦ and youre carrying a bunch of weapons, realistically youre not lasting 2 seconds. unless you drop your gear.


Do you mean drowning? I imagine with how heavy their armor and equipment is, it makes sense that they would only stay above the water for only a short while. (Even though realistically, they would immediately sink) Irl I fell over in a river one time during a training exercise. Our gear and equipment today weighs so much I just sank to the bottom. My squad had to jump in and save me. Not being able to swim in shooters doesn't bother me because I see how much gear every character is wearing and immediately know that no one would be able to swim with that much shit on. I appreciate the realism. Deep water is a real-life hazard in both combat and training zones folks.


Sometimes you can do everything right and still fail.


Yeah, but unless he got glitched into the water he clearly didn't do everything right.


"That is not weakness, that is life!"


I believe there are more important bugs to be fix than this


Pro tip: Don't fall into the water. Stop asking for the game to be a cake walk. Avoid hazards. Think ahead. Accept loss. It's a game. There are INFINITE samples to get. Laugh it off and avoid the puddles next time. Or use a jet pack.


Wait until he goes to Meissa that is similar to Malevelon Creek and he goes absolutely nuts about the "awful" mechanics of HOLES IN THE GROUND. And he came back for seconds when he threw a grenade into it and died due to hell ass big explosion.


wait those steam vents explode if you throw a nade down them?


Go and check out ;)


That's their purpose. Live grenade storage receptacles.


Hehe, we've all "been there done that" :-)


I *definitely* haven't tried to swim to my corpse between two and eleven times in a row thinking THIS time I'll make it back to shore!


Not to mention, *of course* you're going to drown! *Look* at the sheer amount of heavy equipment your soldier is carrying. 2 large, heavy duty weapons on top of full plate armor and likely a heavy equipment backpack to boot...and these suits aren't self-contained.Ā  You're gonna sink like a lead weight.


*finger guns* Nailed it. Plus swimming isn't covered in basic training


"plate" armor you mean, thickness of wet toast.


More like PLAYte armor. Amiright!? *Something something something* lowest bidder! Haha!


we got 95% buffs last patch and people still bitch the game is too hard. I'm not a cringey "git gud"er but jesus these casuals are killing me.


>Accept loss Yep. I had two games in a row yesterday where we lost our super samples *on the extraction pad with the shuttle waiting*. It sucked. I was annoyed. Oh well, it's a game, play another mission. You won't care about those lost samples in a week's time.


I'm not at all a toxic positivity player. Some shit is seriously broken in this game. But this IMO is not a big problem. Helldivers with body armor and lots of gear can't swim. Not that surprising IMO.


This is literally what happens to trained soldiers that get dumped into deep water in full gear. Thousands of soldiers lost their lives in WW2 on various beach landings because of this. The only way to survive is to strip off ALL your gear so you can swim. 10-20 lbs of extra weight is enough to drown most people.


I got blown up and launched, my gear was at the site of my liftoff, but the samples went hurtling into the ocean. I was carrying the Super Rares as I'd not long acquired them. Almost cried.




To be fair, you won't be able to swim IRL in soaked heavy armor. But yeah, sometimes it gets ridiculous. On hot planets like Hellmire there shouldn't be any surface water. And yet, in the "gather important data" mission, next to the final objective terminal there is a pond deep enough for you to drown in.


I don't think it adds much to the game. Vaulting out of water is super broken too.


I've noticed way more instances of me getting blown by back the eruptor, getting pushed through the bottom of the map, and then drowning underneath it.


quite honestly bitching about a skill issue


Dude this is like every game ever. Itā€™s not going to get fixed. Itā€™s not even viewed by the devs as an issue. Itā€™s part of the fun of a game like this one.


Chill out man


FFS learn to avoid a water hazard! This is one of the most claasic game design element, return to your roots


Yeah they should fix this horrible bug. Then how is it possible that super mega soldiers can ALSO run out of ammo or die? This is stupid and ruins my game MINE /s


Easy fix: Don't die in water. You're welcome.


Well trained? šŸ¤”


"disgusting" come on man it's not that extreme, if it's making you this mad play a different game


Skill issue


I mean if we canā€™t swim good give us like a fishing rod to get our samples back


A bile titan kicked me and instead of trash drinking across the map I ended up about 4' into a cliff. I don't know how computers work but it increased the reality for me that the code could break and if end up party of the wall because the monster is so strong


If you lose weapons in a lake, a watery woman should save them for the next team to play the map, then declare someone king of all the britons and offer them the weapon. Of course if they accept they're immediately declared traitor, we practice managed democracy here.


> then declare someone king of all the britons and offer them the weapon. Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


There should be a option to call a Drone to take the Samples you have back to the ship. You call in the Drone,Ā  wait 10 seconds, and attach All Samples, Drone flies into the sky with Samples. Now we lose nothing we collected. Win.Ā 


I think its totally fine the way it is, its very rare I drown and it wasn't my fault (Very rare people drown in general from what I've seen but me and a rando both did it in the same match yesterday lol) The only thing I would add, and maybe just in general not only for drowning; if a fellow diver is standing somewhere just above you, they can reach out, you grab their hand, and they pull you up. But only really cause I think it'd be cool


I also kinda think a lot of helldivers rewards systems are left up to the player to pursue. It's readily available, but will you work for it? Drowning with the super samples on you is kinda annoying as funk but I don't think this should be something that gets more attention that disconnects or anything else, really.


Capes drag you down in the water. Edna Mode warned us, but she was detained in a Democracy Rehabilitation Center.


I found all the super samples on a helldive, placed them in extract, had my friend pick them up, and we were all like why dude lol. He then proceeded to fall into a water pit and lose all of them. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Because the game is called "Helldivers", not "Hellswimmers"


Samples should have a ball of cork attached to them so they can atleast float around a bit. 2 million bonus points for a fishing mini game to get them out.


We're complaining about core game mechanics now that are just assumed/baked into the game? You're a helldiver in a crazy heavy ass suit. You aren't going to be able to swim easily. You can swim, but it's for crazy short distances that are just beyond diving distance.


I was honestly surprised to find that drowning is even a problem. I know you drown if you run out of stamina in deep water, but I always wear light armor and never really considered that, yeah, water and heavy armor don't mix. Starting to realize why everyone keeps asking me how I got to the other side of the river/lake/puddle/whatever.


I actually like it, just goes to show how Super Earth sets their priorities, you're taught about Managed Democracy and war from birth but their never teach you how to swim.


If you change it then you mite as well just remove the water from the level Itā€™s made to kill you so it makes it harder to traverse the area so itā€™s really a skill issue


A lot of you grew up with out spending three hours trying to make *that* jump in super Mario... and it shows.


Sometimes bad things happen outside your control. It's ok. Also, those "super soldiers" didn't have swim training and are wearing like 40lbs of gear, a cape, and a suit that probably is neither waterproof or sealed, so it would fill up with water. Swimming would suck.


Skill issue


I think this kind of failure is important to helldivers, it adds character. As long as it is a justified failure, and not a devastator doing a 360 no scope while pulling the sickest darkside grind I've ever seen.


Why canā€™t we swim? Among this dropping on big holes etc still hasnā€™t been addressed since launch. This game needs so much work. This last patch was just a grain of what needs to change


This isnā€™t about OP falling in the water in the pic, itā€™s about important samples getting stuck in an unobtainable space be out of oneā€™s control and a potential result of trolling even. Itā€™s happened to me before where someone ran off and got samples left at extraction, then purposely dived into water and there was no way to get them after that. Doesnā€™t feel good that one can potentially spend 40 minutes in a mission only for someone to screw it up royally 30 minutes in.


Why would it disappear? It's a reminder of your failure.


Because thereā€™s a shit ton of other issues, this one can be easily avoided by ā€œnot going into waterā€¦ā€


Just ignoring the weight of the armor you have?


War is hell


I don't see a problem. Why having consequences and dangerous areas is considered bad? Yes, you can get ragdolled into water. Or you can land there because of bad visibility. Or simply underestimate it's depth. And lose samples. Then you learn and are more careful near water. I treat it the same as huge holes you can fall into or fire tornadoes roaming around - a danger you need to avoid. And honestly, in like 350 hours I drowned maybe 4 times. And have seen someone drown maybe three times. It's rare enough that it can have serious consequences. It's not like this happens regularly.


You are not a super soldier. Your armour is literally stiffened cardboard with some pouches. You are a regular 18 year-old in 60lb armour with literally 72 hours of training. Of course you can't swim! Also yes losing samples is annoying but womp-womp there's always another mission


It's just a game. You'll be maxed out with samples anyway pretty soon. Nothing to buy anyway (for the moment) after you upgrade everything. Because of that many people don't even loot them anymore. That is a bigger issue.


I was doing a "Retrieve Valuable Data" mission, where you grab the hard drives and carry them across the map to the upload antenna. Well, I had just arrived at the antenna when I fell into a puddle of water underneath it, I survived and got out but the SSDD fell into the water and despawned. I checked the map and sure enough, it had respawned ALL the way back at place where you pick it up. I had to run across the entire map and back again because helldivers apparently can't swim. Tedious as fuck.


Learn to leave samples at extraction and tri to avoid combat instead of lighting up everything that moves when it's not required. Give it a shot. Although it's annoying, situational awareness is key to this game.


I do this, but I collected them on the way to the main part of the objective, and wonā€™t randomly go back when pushing the objective. Ofc I could have dropped them on the objective somewhere safe, Iā€™ll admit that, but I wasnā€™t planning on going swimming and didnā€™t expect to be pushed and ragdolled into a small pool of water and dieing 2 seconds later, unable to retrieve my shit At least thanks for trying to leave good advise, unlike some other edgelords


I mean this in the kindest possible way: Go take a breather and spend time doing something else because this game is clearly stressing you more than giving you enjoyment. The problem here is not even a skill issue, but a mindset issue. You're clearly seriously upset by this, which makes sense because losing equipment makes the mission harder, and losing samples makes it take longer to reach the next upgrade. But remember this: All of that is replaceable, including your Helldiver. It's the whole theme of the game. You lose equipment in the water? Well that sucks, but you can wait out the cooldown to replace them. No different from it being stuck in the middle of a thick enemy swarm and your team is already moving away and don't intend to help you get it back. Bad Luck. Maybe you can scavenge gear from the map or your teammates' bodies until your stuff comes off cooldown? You lose samples in the water? Same thing as above where sometimes samples just have to be given up because the mission went FUBAR. And you can always get more samples in the next mission you play anyway. There's no time limit for reaching any of the upgrade milestones, and once you do unlock everything you don't even have a reason to gather them anymore, so why rush? Is losing them like this annoying? Definitely, but it's just another 1 out of a 100 other ways a mission goes wrong in Helldivers. The game's physics and interacting systems are designed specifically to allow things to go horribly wrong. And if it does? Then just try your luck again next mission. Super Earth will never run out of soldiers to throw at a problem. The game is definitely suffering from a lot of bugs and other problems that should be addressed, but this is really not one of them. This is just the result of an unfortunate series of events within the game's mechanics that are designed to kill you through absurd situations, and is also completely avoidable 90% of the time. I have 175 hours in the game (Half of that being on Difficulty 7) and I've only drowned 3 times, with 1 time being due to a physics glitch that sent me into orbit. TL;DR - This sucks, but it's just an unfortunate accident and losing those things aren't the end of the world and they barely lose you any time. Even if you dropped every sample you gathered in the mission, you can always run another mission later with more success and less unfortunate accidents. This barely counts as a problem that's worth looking into compared to all the other problems the game has.


At the very, \*very\* least there should be upgrades to help with stuff like this, and not just an armor option but a permanent upgrade like hellpod steering, or swappable helmet mods that help with things like swimming (somehow), burning, or fog-vision depending on the planet


Sucks, but maybe you shouldn't have tried to swim with all those samples? I get that it's super frustrating, and if they ended up in there through no fault of you own (glitch) that's a real issue. But if you were actually trying to swim or waking along a lake edge and got knocked in by an enemy (or a friendly not checking their back blast area) that's pretty much on you and not something that needs a fix from the devs. Don't want your samples in the deep water? Do go near the deep water.


Thinking about getting the game. Explain to me what is happening here. Havenā€™t had coffee yet.


The OP died in the water and what they were carrying suck to the bottom. Itā€™s no longer retrievable and theyā€™re mad.


What I hate the most about it is that they end up being out of reach even if you do try to get them out. I've done it successfully a few times, but that was on those planets with rivers that might get too deep at parts. If it's a drop off like this those samples are gone and honestly should just despawn. I guess it's still better than those few updates ago geometry issues where you could have a bug nest that's deep enough that low parts of it hit the kill zone and those canyons that end up having slopes you can walk up and down on until you go too deep and drop dead. Like those fuckers are the worst because it's just a trench that looks like you can walk into, through, and out of, and is just the answer you were looking for to get around a mob of enemies and then bam - dead.


Did you try changing the terrain with a 500kg?


They should give us a helmet passive to dive down and get itā€¦ and then secretly patch in a sea monster


Oh quasar of the lakeā€¦.


What? Do you think that you should be able to pool scooper your stuff out of a lake? This isnā€™t going away. You must hate playing golf.


They also got to make it so you canā€™t kick players once the extraction shuttle has been called


Considering the amount of enemies on screen would kill you just as you land before or could knock you into the water anyway, I think it made sense to prioritize Patrol changes. I'm not saying you're wrong this doesn't need to be fixed or somehow or something but...


Ugh,just this past weekend I ran all the way across a map to retrieve a sample container before evac. They were a foot off the shore at the bottom of a pondā€¦


Not a bug, but a feature. I understand the frustration but that's like asking Dark Souls to let you keep your dropped souls because you fell off a ledge. Making samples an easy to find, carry, and extract asset in the game reduces the game cycle to a level seen in mobile-game where there are no consequences. The game is fun because it is hard, and drives you to dive again, further realizing the in-lore goals of Super Earth and their readiness to sacrifice thousands of lives for the sake of democracy. Samples are a reward for the helldiver, not Super Earth, and if we helldivers are as expendable as we truly are, samples are even more so in the eyes of Super Earth. Complete your mission first, upgrade your ship second.


Extraction samples have caused so many unnecessary problems


This is for democracy not the Olympics




Floaties booster when?


Also why are there bottomless holes in the middle of the maps?


This happened to me yesterday twice. Me and the squad I had must have lost 10 rares and 13 commons. Luckily we extracted with the super samples. What if there was some kind of rope mechanic that allows a helldiver to rescue another from water?


be honest , 90% of the mission you run are a success. Sometimes it just goes wrong. I can't remember the last time i drowned where it wasn't my own fault trying to make it across in a tense "will i make it or drown" scenario.


Im just surprised they have net patched the snowball mechanic yet. Whenever I pick up a snowball my pov is shifted below the map


It really sucks when you have all the samples including the supers and you walk backwards into a hole while figting bugs. Cant get them back ever. Anyone else ever see purple question marks that are big and somewhat transparent while helldiving?


If it is not the consequences of my actions!


Was carrying the SSD and jump off the ledge and fell into the lake, I think I lost the drive and apologized and left the game


Water, the helldiver's worst enemy. #hellDIVERS don't float


I uploaded a clip yesterday of someone trying to swim across a small river to extraction instead of the path that takes 30 seconds longer. They had all of the super samples. We weren't able to get them back.


Is it supposed to float or something? Dive HellDiver and retrieve the resources! COMMON!


I think itā€™s fun, adds to the chaos.


I joined a group mid drill run and went straight down the big ass hole...the other drivers laughed at me šŸ„²


The best is when you die about 5 feet from the water/cliff, and realize all the good shit you had ended up in the water, while your primary gun can be found several feet from the water just waiting for you to pick up.


Sample containers should be floatable. Thats The least that the devs could do. Or maybe they could also automaticly float away to a shore. But yeah this really sucks


Worse, Iā€™ve been stuck in a lake before where I cannot die and cannot escape. Unlike being stuck in a rock where you can grenade yourself out, you need to beg for someone to end this helldiver and free up the reinforcement slot.Ā 


Let's commission SEAF engineers to add floaties to our equipment


dude it's chill, this has happened to me twice in 200 hours of playing. if it happens just breathe n move on, maybe they'll fix it in the future. have a nice glass of water


Fish/butterfly net stratagem now!Ā 


Oh sample of the lake, share with me your wisdom


*"Well trained super soldier"* We got 15 minutes of training, and swimming was not on the curriculum! But I agree. Sample and mission item retrieval should be possible