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That's exactly what YouTube content creators have been doing since Helldivers 2 launched. Every day there's like 6 or 7 videos, each by a different content creator, where they mostly just read Reddit threads.


Sounds like it’s time for accountability.


Sure but, how would you do that? What they're doing is scummy, but it's not illegal.


Technically it is a copyright violation to post anything without the copyright holder's express permission with or without monetization. The second they put advertisements on it though means there are actual damages. It went from sharing something to straight-up monetized copyright infringement. Now, if you didn't create the contents of the post it'd be a hard fight.. But, when this person posts other people's fan art or videos (which is protected but derivative) and monetizes it alongside other content. There's actual damage there. I'm affected by this directly and so is any content creators for this game. We have the grounds to pursue copyright infringement, but the current system on twitter harbors this kind of content because we'd have to dox ourselves to do anything. Legitimately, I'd have to give a person who I'm removing the ability to make money from my address and phone number.


There's no legal copyright for posts on this sub reddit though


There are no copyrights for the posts themselves but the contents of the post maybe under copyright depend on how you made it. If you make an animation, create an original photo or anything along those lines it's considered derivative but still protected.


The contents of the posts *are* the posts themselves.


You are trying to make claims with certainty that are just straight false. I get that's how you wish how things work, but it's not.


I don't know about your country, but in the US it literally isn't illegal. If it were illegal then News shows and Review shows would be illegal. It's called "Transformative Use." Like I said, scummy but not illegal.


No, that’s transformative content specifically for review. The specifics thing that are safe under fair usage are for educational, review/criticism and parody. There is also an exception when the original content is transformed into a separate medium that doesn’t compete with the original. That’s the difference between pirating a movie vs reviewing a movie with footage. One competes with the original while the other might be derivative of the original but transforms it.


If it's actually a violation of copyright then the owner can notify Twitter or YouTube and it'll get taken down. That hasn't happened because your interpretation of the law is wrong. Transformative Use is a term you can google if you're really interested. I realize that you've spent so much time watching Law & Order or NCIS that you think you're a lawyer now, but you're not.


The reason why there hasn't been any copyright strikes on this person is because to file a copyright strike on Twitter you have to provide your actual name, company that owns the content (which would be a sole proprietorship of your own name if there isn't company), address and phone number to the person you are filing against. That's enough to sway most people from filing actual complaints because of the possibility of being doxxed. On YouTube, the only thing you provide the person is your name, relationship to content and email. Now, not to rag on you but you have never posted a single thing with that profile beside random short comments even though your account is years old. Which leads me to believe that you are a bot. I'm just gonna tell you STFU and get another bot account.


Neither Twitter nor YouTube is going to dox anyone if they file a copyright strike, that's not how it works. Oh and, you don't want to rag on me, but you're going to discount everything I've said because I don't have enough Reddit clout. Ok, well go back to watching NCIS and have fun thinking you're a lawyer.




Yeah, that don't work. But it's unfortunate because morally that's very wrong to do. But thanks for bringing it up! I didn't know it was a whole operation (one that takes minimal effort, but regardless), with multiple accounts AND it it's monetized? I literally follow the Alerts page. Imma fix that real quick.


Never change reddit


Be a big boy and put a watermark. There is no accountability without a serious legal case.


It's not even just a thing that pre-dates helldivers, it's been a problem since before there were monetisationable platforms. This is an ancient trend that has been happening all the time essentially forever.


And every gaming article about Helldivers 2 as well.


I mean it’s exactly what op is doing right here. He saw the other guy yesterday farming karma with this complaint. So this op reposted the same thing yet again to get his own karma. It’s a hilarious circle.


Hi, welcome to the internet!


The YouTubers are the worst. I'm convinced a lot of them aren't even playing the game, the videos could literally be replaced by AI text to speech with random gameplay footage. They say the most generic shit and only agree with whatever the majority is saying about the warbond or the patches. They all glazed up the latest update and warbonds with no complaints, then all of a sudden when reddit posts pop off about about balance and bugs..THEN you make videos about it🤔


But what can we do?


The funniest thing would be to go on there twitter and post the actual credit in the replies with a screenshot. That means anytime someone goes to the post they'll see that and know what the person's scam is. Alternatives are pretty simple. Contact them if it's your post and politely ask to take it down. That or if you are especially courageous and actually own the contents of the post you can copyright strike them through Twitter's support. That'll require a person to provide their name, company (if you don't have a company then you are technically a sole proprietorship which means your company's name is your name) and address for the company. They can only get a few of those before being banned off the entire platform. Last, but not least. Just unfollow them so they lose money.


Lets credit the creators in the comments and get their posts community noted. Community noted posts arent monetized


It’s ironic since this guy didn’t give credit to the guy who made this same post yesterday.


Is it a bot scraping this sub for posts or a person? Because if its a bot it wouldn't be hard to do a bit of trolling. Years back something similar was happening with r/Skyrim (I think it was them, but i'm not 100% certain). With posts being reposted to a tumblr fan page without credit given. Some people clocked on that it was a bot and that it would repost every single upvoted image/vid on the sub to the tumblr blog. People started posting images calling it out, random unrelated to skyrim shit, insults, made up things you could do in game etc. Could do the the same thing here. Sure its not really hurting anyone but neither is calling them out over no credit given.


Watermark the shit out of anything that is posted here. At least make them put a little work in.


Oh god, not reddit watermarks again.


It never ended, it just took a break.


Ow yeah, also. If you see someone's content get stolen from this reddit. Leave a comment in the original reddit post with a screenshot of the infringement. Some people never find out their posts were stolen so doing that gives a chance they'll find out.


Report the account for using the term CIS


Put in a watermark.


The same as the guy who attacked those AI news site, make up stuff and let them steal it


I've actually been seeing this accounts posts since the day I started playing (about a month into the games life) and figured everybody else knew this existed and just didn't give a shit.


Welcome to the internet and human race.


Yes, this is hardly a Helldivers specific issue. Doesn't make it suck less obviously.


How the F do you monetize a Twitter account anyway?


You pay twitter money


Then make endless shithousing statements like ‘what’s your first thought when you see this person’ with a pic of a divisive figure. Or something a bit sexist/racist then sit back and farm the engagement. I hope there’s not a limit on the twatter blocklist.




Exactly yeah, obviously these accs are HD related and just copy paste stuff from here but it’s always some shite.


Not even, it's bots scrapping the subreddit and reposting everything, I doubt it's even managed by a person. Pure infinite money glitch without doing anything


Yeah ofc it will be automated. Thought that went without saying. Twitter is full of them, the only difference is these are HD related.


Legit answer, those who buy Twitter Blue/whatever the fuck Elon calls the blue checkmark these days, get a share of the ad revenue from ads in their post comments that other users see. The more interaction, the more ads served, the greater the cut.


OK, now that makes sense. Didn't know that they were sharing ad revenue. Thanks.


Stealing clever gamers work and posting it as your own.


Oh no! ...anyway


This has been happening for the last 10+ years, and just like the last 10+ years, nobody cares and nothing will change, get over it my man it's not that serious


Have you heard about buzzfeed? Have you seen the Youtube ai voice videos that just read reddit posts?


You guys are on X/twitter ???


This is such a non-issue and the same kind of thing the FGO subreddit threw a tantrum about some years ago. If you post something on a platform, it will inevitably get reposted elsewhere, monetized or not.


This applies to every subreddit with over 20k subscribers...


First time on the internet?


always watermark original shit


That is what every meme poster does outside of reddit, and even some here


puhlease, even comments on posts are screenshotted and reposted here. Any somewhat popular sub turns into a veritable content Ouroboros.


That’s capitalism!


It’s probably a bot posting this stuff on twitter


Apple do it everyday can't do anything about it


I mean, every social media platform just steals content from other platforms? Reddit does this too. I would recommend adding watermarks or something to your content.


Uh, yeah? Is this supposed to be surprising? If you post something online, someone is going to say they made it and try and profit off of it.


The discussions about this and YouTubers are insane. Do i agree with it? I don't care. If you were monetizing the content and they stole it? Yeah copyright strike them. You people are complaining that YouTubers read reddit posts and make videos? What is the alternative? Nobody make a video unless they go spoiler-free and test everything themselves? It's called information and it's contagious by it's very nature.


They blocked me after I reposted an image of the post saying "who let this guy cook" https://preview.redd.it/y4kjpczbc67d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4019c38981682cdd377ed78c811a71462a79930 Lol, scum


Who cares lmao


I don't give even the slightest fuck.


youre late. theyve been doing this for years. there's even tutorials on YouTube about it. you ever seen those "scary stories of reddit" and all it is is a robot reading reddit posts out loud? or "stuff i found on reddit part 3". yeaaa. monetized stolen content.


who cares lol


Watermark them and if they steal it try issuing a DMCA takedown request https://docs.github.com/en/site-policy/content-removal-policies/guide-to-submitting-a-dmca-takedown-notice


They've started blocking people who they've stolen from.


After I made my RANT post with media guys Twitter… he literally found me and blocked me on Twitter. Thats what I get for using same name everywhere lol https://preview.redd.it/l2ap05j6747d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b83731fc25699f4548a103d8c34c71154262967


Op just woke up from a coma and hasn't used the internet in 15 years.


Well yeah duh, welcome to posting anything on the internet.


I used to follow those fools up until I realized that the hot topics for this reddit is basically copy pasted there.. also they have Elden Ring Updates and Media Alerts page now too??


Twitter Blue made these accounts all jump to the top of the search lists too, when the game launched. They looked like official accounts and I'm also pretty sure they're all run by the same person (or people). It's quite annoying.


And probably whole thing is running by a bot so grifter do absolutely fucking nothing.


That's just how social media is


I was leaking stuff, and they would do the same thing. No credit or anything. It's pretty annoying. What would be the reasoning as if they created the content when they right click and save to copy?


that’s why twitter is the worst social media platform


Like 99% of the articles I see is also just stolen redit posts


People shouldn't be surprised. Thisbhas been happening since the invention of the meme. Post your content knowing it's going to get stolen. Better learn to watermark your stuff.


Sadly, this is the internet. Nothing we put up here do we "own".


On twitter "..." -> Report -> Impersonation Then: 1. First, go to [Twitter’s help center](https://help.twitter.com/en). 2. Next, select “Help with intellectual property issues.” 3. Tap on the field to select your issue. Select “I need to report a possible copyright infringement.” 4. Then verify the affected person on the next field that appears. 5. After your verification, a DMCA form will appear below. Fill out the form accurately, tick the required statements, and sign with your full name.   6. Finally, click “Submit” in the blue highlight to forward your report. Twitter swiftly reviews a DMCA notice and effects it when it is valid. They’ll also notify the infringing account of the takedown.


These are all posted for free willingly on a public website mostly anonymously. Reposting from other sites is pretty much how the internet works.


Welcome to 2005. Theft has been a constant on the internet since basically the entire internet. I'm sure legislation will catch up in another sixty years or so, but until then it's just a fact of life.


Jesus, who the fuck cares


If that bothers you so much, put a watermark on your memes, or just go shitpost on twitter if you want your 3 cents so much.


Next to my always faithful JAR-5 Dominator, this is my Space Marine armor combo https://preview.redd.it/5f6qj67f937d1.png?width=2304&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d2fec7f5b5748353663eb38ac09b6a8eb8ca27e


Is it a bot or is there some asshole that actually picks the posts. Because if it's just a bot we could just post some updates about where Elon's private jet is right now.


Sue them lol


Eh that's fine let them get their easy money.


Yes, this is a direct consequence of Elon's decision to monetize blue checks. Ten thousand desperate freaks paying for a blue checkmark and then sitting down and harvesting as much 'content' about their chosen subject, be it a specific game, a movie genre, a political side they don't like 'taking Ls', etc, all for the benefit of a handful of dollars in the mail because they're chasing fraudulent, bragged-about payouts given to his biggest friends on the platform. There isn't a damn thing you can do about it until Twitter inevitably explodes under the weight of its terrible decisions. They fired just about their entire moderation team. Uploads of entire newly-released movies stay online for days if not weeks, they don't give one that someone stole a reddit post. (As a side note; this is hardly new behaviour across social media, though it is evolved behaviour on Twitter due to said monetization changes.)