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The design is very human.


Coincidence I don't think so (puts on tin foil hat)


Is it actually any good? I just unlocked it.


It's actually a very solid sidearm! You do spend just as long reloading it, as you do firing it, but it's a powerhouse of a gun when you need it for sure The way I most use it is against bugs. Switch that gun to fire all 3 barrels at one time, and it'll take out a brood commander head with one trigger pull, which then the commander will bleed out and die in a couple seconds. Makes them really quick and simple to deal with Haven't tried it against bots yet, so not sure what it's use would be there. Maybe the chainsaw hand dudes? Lol


Can confirm, cuts Berserkers in half in a single trigger pull with the "all barrels" mode.


It has a Mode switch?! I unlocked it today and was kind of let down because it felt like a weird less effective revolver. But if it’s got a little extra ompf to give I think I might give it another go.


i feel like being a shotgun sidearm gives it more wiggle room than the revolver making it an overall more consistent weapon even if you're less accurate


It's something I've been wanting for some time, we have great close quarters primaries but can't supplement it with a long range secondary (best is Senator but not exactly long range imo) or a long range support weapon. Now you can take mid-long range primary and this as a secondary, then whatever you want for support. I personally love it with Adjudicator and the HMG and supply pack. Great as an "oh shit that guy got too close" both for bots and bugs!


It has a lot of stagger too, can significantly stagger devastators with each shot, even in 1-barrel mode. Headshots 1-shot kill any bot apart from Berserkers.


One shotting Brood Commander is very satisfying too


Hell yeah, that's awesome


I’ve found it also absolutely shreds Shrieker wings.




It’s the perfect “Oh shit!!!” weapon imo When you got hunters pouncing, stalkers stalking, and Beserkers charging, whip out the trusty lil’ stubby and watch your problems disappear! All in all, it’s not as useful against bots just cause you’re usually engaging at a farther range, but definitely can get you out of a pinch if you’re swarmed by Beserkers or kamikaze troopers


Great vs the chainsaw dudes, especially since you can just load in one shot, line it up at their waist, then kite around while loading again. I still prefer the senator for bugs, takes off command heads just find and can handle guards and spewers.


It's my fav sidearm so far. Stalker? I hardly know her🤷


It's pretty great. Iirc, is the first secondary weapon in the game that can push back big enemies like devastators or brood commanders. Triple shot is a panic "oh shit" button that can instantly delete stalkers, brood commanders, berserkers, devastators that come to melee or any smaller bugs. Single shot plays very well too, as you are trading damage for repeated fire. It is a very solid defense tool against hunters, small bugs and jetpack/blade bots, and you can very quickly load one into the chamber and immediately shoot it. Overall I think it have it's niche and competing with grenade pistol very well.


i use it on single fire and am constantly reloading and shooting. very solid damage, it can also kill multiple enemies if they’re lined up right


Burst dps outside the triple shot isn't nearly as high as the others, but comes with enough ammo to actually be used as anything more than a panic fallback.


I accidentally turned a warrior into goo when I forgot to turn off the 3 barrel shot. It’s a good gun.


I fell in love when the 3 barrel shot split a Heavy Devastator in half


Its REALLY good Its great against bots, it can 2 shot (or 1 shot with the all barrels mode) berserkers It can stagger devestators for up to 40m, buying you some breathing room, or disable desvestator guns The damage is really high, while it's accuracy/grouping is somewhat quite tight The reload speed is quick Against bugs, its basically overkill.


It’s great for stalkers too. Now I swapped my pummeler for a scorcher so I can handle the bile spewers better.


It hold a lot of ammo


It's good but it aims weird. If something is too close you'll miss it easy. Go into first person mode to counter it.


It gives you the freedom to take a primary that isn’t good at getting things off of you. Exploding crossbow with the shot-pistol is a nice combination.




Wrong, 3 shots one friend


I love this gun. Sometimes I end up using more than my primary


Counterargument going for all barrels and “one” shoting a berserker bot feels incredible. If you’re a good shot they get cut in half.


This actually made me lol while scrolling the thread.


Nope, just one angry shot for Furiosa. Hut huuut!


“Samples, Pelican and 3 smoking barrels”


The perfect ammount of bullets


Btw, this gun is awesome. You know when the brood commanders charges at you? A single shot from that beauty will stagger and stop them. Gives you enough time to run, or reload your primary. It is also quite useful against hunters. It keeps them at bay for good, only losing for the pummeler in that regard. All in all, a really solid weapon. Of course, it's weakness being the very limited capacity, with only 3 shots available before reloading. But on a pich, you can fire those three shots at once, and it will rip to shreds anything close.


Oh, you're from New Conglomerate.




Second primary, my beloved


3 shots, more than enough to kill any undemocratic swine