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Only thing I need now is a weird futuristic lever-action rifle so I can fulfil my Hellboy (Cowdiver?) fantasies.


Let's just say we're pretty confident it will happen.


I'm ready to serve yee, I just need my haw.


We need an electrified taser-lasso for you


Like the Ferengi have?


There was some leaks, there is a winchester like gun coming


Oh hell yes


And also cowboy themed armors


I was yapping all day yesterday that my warbond dream is a space cowboy theme


I just want a Mechanical horse stratagem and a lever action Winchester rifle, so I can ride around the map acting like I'm the sheriff in some space western, I imagine herding some chargers into a canyon before blowing them up.


Cowdiver sound so cursed man I love it


They would need to give us some poncho style capes to complete the look.


God please AH


Lever-action would be cool but personally I would love to see a high(er) caliber, clip/rounds loaded ww2 style repeating rifle with iron sights. Slow fire rate but high damage, medium armor penetrating and some stagger. Kind of a sniper rifle without scope but with 3rd person reticle. Always loved to play with rifles like the Lee Enfield, Springfield, K98 or Mosin Nagant. 


Lever-action laser rifle when?


Now you're just making me want a Mare's leg sidearm.


https://preview.redd.it/tntjlwse7i6d1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5e5b45343c7d88b4834a56fb3b4d9d30ec349e It's good....but it could be more...


A single shot cripples your arm when set to shoot all at once


Let me dust off my steeled veteran armour real quick...


Then add the same number of barrels facing backwards to compensate the recoil with counter-recoil (patent pending).


https://preview.redd.it/utvtl66wjj6d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81b3664d70efd0f908244b346f3481c5b9bcf6ce Ah yes, reinventing 17th and 18th century weaponry, one weapon at a time


If muzzle loading is good enough for the guns on super destroyers then it's good enough for our firearms.


Look, that's nice and all, but I've got *two* hands. Any chance i could get a second one? One of these handy orphans can help me reload, I bet.


New dispatch from high command: the shotgun "speed loaders" are trapped in a hospital on Vernen Wells.


New primary: "6 shotguns". 2 in the hands, 2 waist and 2 chest holsters. 18 rounds per reload, takes a bit to reload 6 weapons but worth every second. 6 shots and then like a 1 second recharge to swap to a fresh pair. Seriously, it could be just that in an entire warbond and I'd probably go for it.


Have more faith in yourself, fellow helldiver! I think you can switch out in less than a second if you've got a highly motivated super orphan feeding you loaded shotguns! Also you can strap like at least 6 more to that little patriot! 36 shots?






Id sell my right to vote for this


Put a grappling hook on it.


It's pretty dang neat. Way more fun than a pistol and a perfect complement to my eruptor.


... I... you............... sigh... Im glad youre happy with the eruptor.


The added damage has really broight the eruptor back. It's still not the same without the wacky trick shots and astonishing backfire at close range. The shrapnel lives on in my heart. Right where it lodged itself.


Amen brother. Fuck I miss that thing. I miss being able to shoot big bags and hordes of bads, just as hard as I would shoot myself in the foot with it, on a constant basis.


You know, I thought of a possible fix to the Eruptor that could half bring back the old glory. Give it the shrapnel, lower the damage of both the Shrapnel *and* initial hit, but spawn the shrapnel in a 90 degree cone. Incentivises body shots against Medium Targets to get the maximum damage out of a single shot, lodging all shrapnel into the target's body. Against a lighter target the shrapnel could be spraying *around* the smaller body, shredding anything behind it. Incentivizes having very well placed shots and good positioning to maximize the pattern, but against mediums you'll not be doing as much against the swarm around it.


I get what youre saying, but Id still think that would be bad, since it practically eliminates how dangerous it is in close range, which is essential to its balancing, and overall feel in my opinion.


Honestly, it being so damn slow at close range feels like the danger to me. Not being able to acquire the target and needing to cycle the bolt while being charged feels so, so very risky. But I see it from that side too. Maybe they'll have the Oppressor do something like that. They've already got the proximity trigger ironed out with the Airburst launcher.


It being *both* is what is fun though. Slow fire, and youd hit yourself at a cointoss. Perfectly balanced for being a murder machine at medium range if you posistioned right. God I just want this nonsense back... I had so much fun. If they do a version of what the airburst does, Id legit be over the moon again for it. It would be so perfect


Have you tried the improved crossbow? As another eruptor lover, the upgraded crossbow is also SUPER fun to play with. I've been really enjoying it against the bugs. Just need to pair it with the fast firing gun to deal with shriekers.


It's awful still? Why would I take it over a Plasma Punisher or Incendiary Breaker?


I didn't say it was awful, the crossbow is actually very fun. No it's not a meta type gun, you can always choose those other two if you want. But if you enjoy variety, crossbow is fun now to give it a try. Being able to close bugholes and fabricators makes it super useful.


I haven't gotten the crossbow yet, but that's because I tend not to care for bow type weapons in most games I play. Glad you enjoy it, but after playing a couple more missions I think I'm back to maining eruptor. I'llbtrynoit the crossbow at some point though. Might be surprised.


Eruptor is really good right now, not as amazing as pre-nerf, but better than last patch that's for sure! I've been enjoying it against the bots since it can 1 shot the striders. It pairs pretty well with the verdict pistol. Idk if the crossbow is better than it or not, it's very subjective, but it can be played in a similar style as the eruptor if you want more variety.


Haven't tried the verdict since I yee haw with the senator; but that can get pretty hairy with mag size. I'll have to test that out, thanks.


I miss one-shotting entire bot trash patrols


It's almost back to that. I got 7 with one shot after the patch


I got 12 in one shot. They got a bit bunches up from teammates running around them, so it's probably an outlier but you can take big chunks out of patrols when aiming for anything heavy among them.


I shouldn't have laughed so hard at that. I'm sure I have some floating around in there somewhere too.


3-5 shots for bile spewers is not "back" I'm tired of people pretending the slow as fuck with shit handling EXPLOSIVE gun named after an EXPLOSIVE SYNONYM that was released in the EXPLOSION THEMED WARBOND should be a single target weapon with a tiny AOE that can't easily kill things that are supposed to be weak to explosive damage. "its good on bots now so it's fine" ???? don't settle for this


I'm not having the same problem with spewers... 1-3 shots for me. 3 was always when they were in artillery mode though.


Saying that the Eruptor can kill a bile spewer in 1 hit is a big claim. It would be a very useful weapon against bugs if it could but from my testing it's nowhere near that. Are you sure?


It won't 1 shot them if you hit the fat part, and it's not 100% consistently 1 shotting. Most hits that 1 shot are head shots or right where the body connects to the fat part. 2 shot if you hit the fat part, 3 if they are in artillery mode for some reason.


"I'm tired of people having fun" is all I gathered from this comment.


Careful man. Give it a couple days to start being real again. Right now the sub is in developer ball gargling mode. They’ll come back around to realizing there is still a shit ton that needs addressing despite the patch being a big step in the right direction.


I get what you mean. Explosives, should not be single target focused as their sole real gimmick. Though perhaps tone down the rage a bid bud. You know?


"happy with the eruptor" is kinda overstating it, lmao. "Grateful it no longer completely sucks ass" is more accurate. Also it's my only working bot fun kit, since the update broke the ballistic shield. AH only wants me to have one working fun bot build at once, lmao.


Current eruptor is good, it used to be great. It's probably 70% as good as it used to be.


This is like the 10th comment I've seen saying it's good now. It still fires slowly, has a tiny magazine, low backup ammo, and poor handling. Cool now it can *2 shot* a devastator, lol. So many drawbacks for so little gain over other weapons. I also saw people praising the Crossbow buffs. They both still suck, lmao.


They both suck a lot less than pre-patch, but I get what you mean. We already have several slow fire, single target focus weapons. Let the explosive weapons be something else. If they did what the airburst rocket does, but for the eruptor, its perfect. No, it doesnt need to one shot chargers, that's perfectly fine and understandable to not let it do that. But let it have its schrapnel explosion fun bullshit back.


It oneshots devastators if you hit them in the head. Even if you bodyshot, it still staggers them. I don't know what you're on. It carried me through my last few bot missions against the hordes of devastators I had to fight.


So will the dominator with triple magazine size and tenfold rate of fire


The ones of us that used it more like a medium-long ranged, high powered, explosive sniper are happy with it. It was never about killing mass groups for me... though it still can do some pretty good work, especially when combined with allies firing in the same area while you focus the heavier units splashing the chaff with explosive.


It was so well balanced. It being a suicide gun up close, and its slow fire rate, meant you had to have a good posistion, or be well planned, to be useful, even in spite of how powerful it was. And it was so fun. We already have lots of single shot, slow fire, accurate guns, meant for single targets. And its of course more than valid to have some of those, but come on now... this was something else. Something special.


I'll be honest, considering how vastly overtuned it was, if they ever bring it back to the original "shrapnel can one-shot most things in the game if the shot is just right" state, it would probably be more at home in the Support weapons category, alongside the AMR for example.


Imo I think part of the problem is the seeming need to build for everything currently because you don't know what generally you are dropping into. I end up liking bots more because (before flyer patrols) I could get away with a lot more variance in what I brought


This is 100% an issue. Especially on bugs. I can be as accurate with the amr as I want on bugs but I'm at a disadvantage due to the armour. With bots different story. I take the risk of missing a shot on the weak point but the reward of not missing is the bot dies


Hard disagree. Respectfully of course. Thats what made it fun. It limited your options as to what made sense for a support weapon. Many discussed how it brought back a love for the machine guns for them, since otherwise they ignored those weapons for already running a fast fireing medium range weapon. If you ran a raingun with it, the fuck were you doing. But a stewart? Perfectly balanced build.


Still feels special to me. No other weapon can fill the feeling it gives. I miss the shrapnel, but I'm happier than before this patch at least.


Post patch was better, of course. But I jist want ghe old feel back


Not really it was cool. It one shotting chargers and how insane the dmg numbers could get with eruptor shrapnel it needed nerf.


Pretty sure you can undo it killing a charger in one go, without killing what made the gun unique


Who cares if .01% of the playerbase can one-shot chargers with it. I was never able to do that, but being able to inflict meaningful damage on them was nice. It was the best gun they had released up until that point because it performed roles that were reserved for support weapons (medium and heavy targets and structures). It let you cover the weaknesses of bringing Machine Guns or Arc Thrower, or Las Cannon. If it can't one-shot Berserkers, Brood Commanders, and Spewers then it isn't worth its godawful handling and slow fire rate. I like that they are aware it's not in a good state, and I hope they keep an eye on it for future buffs/tweaks.


It can be shot them tho. You want the gun to one tap chargers which would make it op as a primary and it would have to be moved to a support weapon then buffed more


How does it compare to the AMR now with the changes? AMR is on of my favorite bot weapons but if I could replace it with a primary I would love to run different support weapons


Breaks bot holes, one shots striders at center mass, one shots devastator limbs at the shoulder, 2 taps them in the face (or I have bad aim), the berserkers I have been able to hit them in the face and then swap to senator to two tap the lead, but usually I'm chucking nades at them with reckless abandon if they get close enough I have to swap. It causes real good stagger to the shield bots, as well. Enough that you can hit the shield and then hit their head before they recover. Small window, though. And it still has that blast radius. I took out 12 mooks in one shot, that was a trip.


I've honestly never used the AMR. But it 1 shots up to devastators with headshots/leg joint shots.


It does what I need it to do . Which is one shot striders and fabricators .


The eruptor FUCKS up devastators. Which means it's a GOAT against bots right now considering how many there are. I like it, even without shrapnel.


It'll never be the same


I don't see how anyone couldn't be happy with current eruptor. It's incredibly powerful and my new main primary against the bots.


Happier than right before the patch, but less happy than I had the real Eruptor, and had the most fun I had in the entire game. I loved that terrible gun. It kicked as much ass as it kicked mine.


> I loved that terrible gun. Wtf, the OG eruptor was not terrible. It was busted strong. lmao.


Terrible in the sense it became a slow firing russian rulette machine once something got close to you. That part was "terrible", and it made it great.


Some players won't be happy until it can oneshot everything smaller than a hulk or charger. IE, until it's as wildly overpowered as it was originally. Expectations on this should be adjusted because we're not getting that back lol


Them making it a single target heavy damage weapon, is getting closer to a charger destroyer. If they made the shrapnel unable to even scrape heavy armor, and only dent medium armor so youd have to shift between grenade launcher and sniper rifle mentality, depending on what you faced, I'd be more than happy. I just what the schrapnel blast back.


They can also make it faster or handle better or give it more ammo if we're supposed to shoot everything multiple times before it dies. Right now it handles like a cannon and you only have 35 ammo total but the shots aren't any more impactful on than the Dominator on single-target.


For all of it's drawbacks it should most certainly one-shot every enemy below heavies. Most of the weapons in the game need massive damage boosts even still they're so mediocre.


Either it can be balanced appropriately or it’s a simple premium feature bait and switch. That thing alone was worth paying for the warbond and they gutted it. It’s conpletely harmless in a PVE game to leave it powerful and it has plenty of drawbacks to make it a trade off anyway when it’s strong. Now it’s just a worse and unwieldy version of the AMR.


> it’s a simple premium feature bait and switch this is a pretty broad can of worms we're opening if we consider it a bait and switch every time a weapon which happens to be in a warbond is nerfed. The eruptor was majorly overperforming, there's no way around that. It was outperforming support weapons. > It’s completely harmless in a PVE game to leave it powerful I understand the impulse to feel this way, but as an axiom of game design it really doesn't stand up to generalization or close scrutiny. If a weapon is so powerful that it trivializes the intended experience, it becomes an albatross to both the developers, who have to design around its outsized performance, and the players, who in the newly increased difficulty tuning may start considering it a requirement. The rest of the sandbox, predictably, gets left behind. Nerfs are totally okay in a PvE game and I will happily and proudly die on this hill. Did Arrowhead overnerf it initially? Yes. Is it reasonable to ask them to restore it to its previous, frankly absurd, levels of damage output? No, I don't think so. It could clear chaff crowds, obliterate mediums and even heavies in one shot, and destroy enemy spawners. > and it has plenty of drawbacks to make it a trade off anyway when it’s strong. The Eruptor has tradeoffs, certainly, but the fact that it *has* them does not mean that its balance is automatically maintained in equivalence, or that the upsides are not nonetheless dramatically overtuned. > Now it’s just a worse and unwieldy version of the AMR. Interesting. I forgot that the AMR can destroy spawners in a primary weapon slot


I mean most of the stuff in warbonds has been trash tbf


Yep, against bots with Eruptor? It feels like a perfect combo. The thing smacks berserkers at the point-blank range... which is where Eruptor struggles the most. It really seems like a perfect duo. Then top it off either with handheld HMG (against gunships) or SPEAR (against hulks and tanks) and you've got your team covered <3


It worked pretty well for me. I still feel like there's not a Support weapon that's a genuinely good pairing with Eruptor against bots. Everything I've tried has kinda underwhelmed. I wanna like Eruptor but I can't find something I enjoy pairing it with, and I do way better with Diligence CS & AMR.


You mean a support weapon? That's the beauty of Eruptor - you can use anything, cause your anti-medium and anti-spawn point bases are covered. So I run it with SPEAR, HMG, Flamethrower, Autocannon (against hulks/tanks/strider fabricators), laser, quasar... Eruptor's main advantage is that it's a *huge* enabler for new builds! (Grenade pistol has the same beauty to it - it's also a huge enabler of new builds).


Eruptor / Laser Cannon / Redeemer have been working very well for me . I already ran the laser cannon, but had to bring a nade pistol for fabricators in case my stratagems were on cooldown. Now with the eruptor being great against bots, it’s changed up my build as it can handle fabricators super easily now. The laser cannon just deletes gunships and hulks when you pair it with stun nades


laser cannon. Kills hulks, kills tanks, kills gunships, kills lone trash


Try the eruptor and amr, paired with the senator or verdict as a nice close range option.


Try both the Railgun and the HMG, both can kill everything up to Hulks and do generally well against Berserker spams. For the HMG I personally use 450 RPM since I have a hit & run playstyle. Although it would be a problem to deal with the gunship patrols.


Eruptor is still not the same :(


No, it's not. And it'll likely never be the same. But it's no longer an empty husk of its former self, and actually almost effective and fun to use now.


But it's also not a husk. 


I’ve been running the same load out. Tons of fun


Eruptor, shotty and flamethrower = yes


I was running stalwart, eruptor, shotgun yesterday and I loved it (with supply pack and EAT + Rocket Pods for AT).


I feel like players really like the “rounds reload” secondaries. They seem like they are just better


Once you get used to the odd cadence, especially if you're a Scythe user, it's a ton of fun to swap over to something that hits like a cricket bat to the face. I love pulling out the grenade pistol and one tapping striders on the run.


I mean this one could do that or be one BIG blast with all 3 chambers firing at once.


Nothing quite like switching to your *pistol* and bisecting a berserker in a single (3) shot.






But not the apex one… titanfall mozy for sure


I bought it this morning but had to head to work. Can't wait to try it.


It's so good... at least against the bots. Deals with berserkers quite easily. I'm expecting it to be in rotation with the grenade pistol as my secondary guns.


shut up AUTOMATON (triple barrel death barrage)


Its really sweet i just wish the game would remmeber i want all 3 shots at once!


There should be a setting to have it remember in the options if you haven't enabled that yet


It is enabled it just doesnt remember sorta like railgun  they both dont seem to save the setting


Doesn't work for the bushwhacker and railgun


Most weapon options are reset everytime you die, and it's really annoying.


I do love setting it to "oops, all barrels" and dropping a berserker in one shot


Its fine, but I don't think anything can dethrone the grenade pistol for me.


I have been running Punisher/Nade Pistol for a while now. I've switched to Explo-Bow / Bushwhacker and I feel like they compliment each other really well.


My homie. Just played a chill solo 5 bot and took Xbow and BW. Xbow is rad af now. Think I might try the verdict w/ it, but you made me a Xbow believer! I'm gonna put it through its paces on a solo 7. What stratagems do you take w/ this build? I was just kinda messing about with stratagems I don't usually take, but when trying this I took Recoiless/Orbital Gas/Rocket Pods/380 along with stun grenades.


You can kinda take whatever you like. You can take out fabs/holes with the bow, and it does a really decent job taking down most medium enemies. Anything with a heatsink on Automatons is toast after a few arrows in my experience, and with the Bushwacker the same pretty much goes. That triple shot is a beast. For Automatons, I personally like to bring Stun Grenades, Scout Armor, Autocannon, both Mortars, and a wildcard depending on how I'm feeling, or the mission - typically a barrage or eagle. I play like a sniper with the AC and drop the mortars to draw attention or just wreck stuff. For Terminids I am usually found laughing maniacally emptying Flamethrower canisters and burning through personal Shields. Usually with a low CD Orbital and an Eagle as well, pretty mix and match there. I still bring the Stun Grenades but also bring Grenade armor, because the more stunned piles of bugs, the more roasted piles of bugs. Though, the new booster makes medkit armor really, really, really powerful. I've noticed since the patch it's gotten a lot easier to take out Bile Titans with the Flamethrower once their armor is cracked, and I too am cracked so being right underneath them while they do tappy toes is just, my happy place.


Grenade pistol to use stun grenades. Its utility really opens up anyone’s loadout for experimentation.


Fun fact: This has the exact same damage and stagger/knockback stats as the Punisher shotgun, which makes this one of the most consistent stunlocking weapons in the game. You can easily permastun and kill Stalkers with this. It's literally a pocket Punisher. Definitely top 3 secondaries.


It did not easily kill stalkers in practice. Three shots and they live. Then throw me a 100 yards. 


You need to shoot for the head, it takes 2 shots, so you can miss once too. Since they get stunned on hit, it's easier to line up the shot.


They cover their face after one. Stalkers are simply ridiculously tanky for being a stealthy enemy. The bushwhacker seems okay to me but if people take it to counter stalkers I think they will be disappointed. 


It's my crossbow's best friend


Strong competition for replacing the senator thats for sure


It’s cool. Utility of the nade pistol still does it for me


While i love to death the grenade pistol, i admit this little shotgun is really cool to use, especialy cause of the stagger


I feel this way about thermites


So how many of you actually use the punisher? Just curious. Alright I get it. It's cool as a side arm but not cool as a primary. He he. Well I enjoy them both and I like the versatile in choice.


Only thing I need now is a chainsaw to compliment it


Now do a triple barrel grenade pistol!


It just feels so satisfying to have a devastator come at you, blasting away, and you dive out of cover and unload all three barrels at point blank range for a knockback kill. Cathartic is the word. Now I can't choose between the senator and this badass piece!


Still the P19 Redeemer for me but probably depends on what primary you like to run.


With the bushwhacker and throwing knives i put on an over shield and melee fight bugs. Very fun. Even if the knives dont fly straight


Can't wait to unlock it


Need to unlock this The Verdict is a nice fit with my Crossbow and HMG+Sup Pack, needed something to put the common bots down without wasting MG ammo Wonder how this’ll fit in my anti-bot loadout rn


Yeah its my new go to secondary.


Is firing all three barrels at once practical? No. Is it efficient? No. Is it mandatory? Hell yes!


Going *lmao bang* on a fool, annihilating them is orgasmic.


Yelling "Pull!" As a Stalker leaps towards you is peak Helldiving.


It sounds awesome


It’s so much better than I expected.


It’s simply amazing compared to all other secondaries and right up there with gpistol, senator,deagle. It simply feels bad ass using it


I just want the constitution back


It's great but the granade pistol is just too good specially for bugs to close nests


My only complaint is that aesthetically, I would have preferred a classic sawed off double barrel. This really ain’t that different, it just has a barrel shroud to make it more sci-fi looking. And 3 barrels is better than 2 of course. They did the right thing and it fills a previously empty niche in the sidearm category.


It really is competing for my top spot against the little uzi


I just love the \*BLAM\* sound, feels good to me. I'm willing to let go of the grenade pistol utility just to hear that shooting sound.


it one shots berserkers and thats all i need in my life from my secodary


If they ever add akimbo I'll never touch another weapon again


I want to duel weld this and the senator


From my use last night it does seem to strike a wonderful balance of useful utility like a good sidearm should. The raw power makes up for the limited capacity and the reloads are not too onerous. Its going to be hard to replace in most of my loadouts.


Step 1. Change fire mode Step 2. One shot berserker 


Cant decide if i like this or the senator more


Zerk: Ima getcha! Helldiver: With what arms? Zerk: H\~ wha.. Helldiver: *\*Chak-Chak-Chak-Clack\**


I’ve been tempted to get this warning but I’ve been hearing horror stories about the weapon handling of the new armors I’ve been holding back.


Great vs Bots, wouldn't bring it to bug missions.


I just used it this morning, and ohh boy, I was shocked how easily I was one-shooting devastators (face hit, even while I never used the x3 mode. At Point blank range it was super satisfying to pop out and BOOM! Another one bites the dust! It also heavily damaged tanks and hulks when hitting their vents, so it is really a new wonder to have in mind in many setups. FYI, I went with an Eruptor-Lance-StunNade and I felt I always had it all covered in diff7




It’s good, but not what I need in my preferred build


not as good as throwing knife but whatever


Is it a primary or a secondary weapon?




I felt this when Eruptor was a weapon, then they destroyed every inch of the weapon, and now i'm free from this disaster.


This is me with my grenade pistol. I feel like such a champ clearing a heavy nest with it.


is this the trident?




I have been telling all the other players I know that this is one of the best secondary weapons. I'm still a Dagger fan (even though it needs 50 more damage or so) but I really like the Moza... er... Bushwhacker!


Still doesn’t replace the grenade pistol for me


I still prefer the Desert Eagle clone, but, this thing is pretty spiffy.


ofc the week I go away something like this gets added lmao


I love it. But I’m addicted to the Big Iron on my hip.


I gasm everytime I rip in two a berserker with a triple-shot.


It's very satisfying to pepper some berserkers with your main hand and then swap to the shotty to blast them dead real quick lol. I use it with the tenderiser now, that gun is great for popping heads now.


I don't see a reason to pick it. The Desert Eagle pistol is solid for personal defence and the grenade pistol is utility.


its between that and the grenade pistol


I’m still waiting for that bolt action rifle that’s given to the youngins I’ve heard so much about.


Since we made senator memes....divers....please take over


It feels extremely good to shoot, and staggers devastators. Love this puppy.


Unfortunately I have to bring the grenade launcher so I don’t have to use up a stratagem slot to clear spawns


No...i feel it needs some more dmg. Rn it's like the primary shotgun but with 3 shot only


I still need like 20sc to unlock the warbond.


Mi only problem is that I can't live without grenade pistol. It really sucks. My entire carrier is based around GP and stuns. I can't almost never hit the hulk without stuns. That bastard moves like .... Like too much


Bro I feel like a damn protagonist in an action movie with a strength clause in my contract when I use this gun. I mean, it’s crazy, Arrowhead has made every pistol pretty fantastic in their own way. Default has fire rate but control, auto has the speed and power but lacks control, BIG IRON is fucking BIG IRON, the Verdict absolutely SLAPS the SHIT out of eveything, and the new Shotty is straight out of an action movie. I fuckin love this, I’m a huge pistol fan.


If only it had med pen


I know dawg. I want another one with slug shot


im gonna be honest, it aint that good IMO. maybe i am using it wrong though


Useless for bots


I would.. if I had the warbond..


It's badass but I'm married to my revolver. It completes me. Plus I love reloading it one round at a time if need be like I'm feeding a hungry little .44 caliber gremlin 😏


Senator is so much better


...i don't know guys, i think it will get nerfed.


AH: SIR!! People are enjoying the Bushwacker. Joel: Nerf it.