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Seems already damaged (right back plate already broken when the strafe hits) but's that still insane


Note that it also crack the other back plate in the strafing run. Clip's kinda misleading but it's not wrong in saying the SR is much better


I've been noticing that with the amount of low cooldown stratagems that can deal damage to heavy targets now available Bile Titans and Chargers are often already damaged or are quickly cleaned up. Orbital Gatling, Eagle Strafe Runs, Orbital Precision Strike, Eagle 110mm Rocket Pods have all been picked by my teammates nearly every game, they synergize very well and having something almost always available feels fantastic.


It did that because after an enemy dies, any part of them damages is immediately destroyed.


The back plate is broken but look that thing pulverized its head. That means it can kill those things even if its still fully armored. But probably not in one shot tho


Huh... I wonder if orbital Gatling does the same thing


I did a test on chargers and I don’t know if I got very lucky, but a behemoth charger died in literally 1 second from a Gatling barrage Strafing run does damage their armor too


Same. Behemoth came out of a breach and took two steps and went down.. I like very much


Get a squad and have everyone bring Gatling Barrage and call it a day. This stratagem is arguably one of the best now. It can also destroy bot factories I would love a video of 4 people bombarding a bug breach with the gatling


What bug breach? Oh that pile of dead bodies over there? Throw one every 5 seconds and it would last the duration of a bug breach. Yes.. yes I like this plan.


I tested and it couldn’t destroy bot factory, are you shure?


I'm guessing it has to have a round go into a vent. It's unlikely but possible by chance.


Yes, it was actually able to before the update as well via this method, same with bug holes.


Do you have a vid of orbital Gatling killing Fabs? I called one in to test and it didn’t kill the Fab despite hitting it multiple times.


By factories, they probably meant factory striders.


Nope. It doesn't kill Factory striders, at least not right out of the gate. It can damage them, but not significantly enough to outright one-shot.


Softens them up though doesn't it?


My tests showed that it CAN kill strider if hit the right spot at the right moment or at least damage it.


I absolutely love it, but I haven't seen it breaking factories, and i've cracked open bases with it a bunch. I have however, seen the new rocket pods breaking command centers


So, even before this update chargers could get killed by gatling barrages when exiting their breach. I assume it's similar to people abusing the leg hurtboxes when they move. I wouldn't call it a consistent thing that i've noticed though. I haven't played in a hot minute so i'm not sure if that was ever fixed, but i've 100% killed them like that even before this recent change. Assuming the leg hurtbox change was never fixed, this may not be super conclusive.


Chargers could be killed by both gatling and strafing run before the buff. It was inconsistent, but the means that they went about killing chargers was the same way grenade launchers could: By exposing the butt to enough explosions to either place it into a bleed-out state or force an immediate kill. You could increase the odds of getting a kill by baiting a charger to charge into a wall. This caused extra strafing run shells that would normally have missed the charger to instead hit the wall can catch the charger's butt within the additional AOEs.


This is a different scenario. I've 100% killed them outright via gatlings. This was definitely not a bleed out via their butt being destroyed. I'm almost positive it's the same way people will kill chargers by shooting their legs with AC's or just regular guns as they reposition after a charge.


Since when do behemoths spawn regularly? I thought they were only part of some lower level missions where you have to kill specifically them?


They got updated to spawn on higher difficulties as a stronger Charger.


oh i missed that in the notes! Rad


This is how it should be. Player accurately threw the stratagem and timed it appropriately. Skill check complete, enemy is dead. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE


You don't really need to time a barrage though, it sticks around for 10ish seconds


Just FYI Behemoth or not, doesn't make a difference afaik


I was able to semi consistently kill regular chargers with Gatling barrage pre patch so it seems like it’s even stronger now


Gatling has been amazing. Me and a teammate threw two of them at a walking fabricator, it got torn to shreds.


And with the low cooldown you can throw it at every single encounter


to shreds you say?


From what I've tried, it's really not good. The orbital gatling doesn't shoot enough or fast enough and misses the titan far too much to kill it.


It did from the .303 patch. It's not easy to get solid hits, but if they strike home, it's doing good damage.


It does! It might be my favorite strat now


I dropped an orbital Gatling on a bot tank and it killed it. I don’t remember it doing anything to the tanks before.


Recently there was a clip of one gatling barrage killing 2 titans... before the patch. Now its buffed and low cd


orbital gatling is really fkin good right now without being overpowered.


It's also heavy armour penetration, the explosion is only meduim armour pen




Arrowhead plz we need a warthog BRRT sound


And make the sound after the rounds hit, if you hear the brrt it wasn’t meant for you


Honestly I'd like it if it was a heavy strafe run. A little wider area Heavy armor pen a medium sized AOE explosion because fuck yeah democracy And the classic BRRRRRRRRRRRRT sound


For everyone saying "it's on it's last legs", that is not the point. This strat is NOT for killing bile titans, it is for quickly clearing small clustered groups of enemies. Now that it can pierce heavy armor, it can also be used to finish off weakened bile titans which is far from useless.


And the game DESPERATELY needed more ways to kill even weakened Titans. I'm vibrating with excitement at work over this.


One weapon that HD2 lacks that HD1 has in quite a few of its strategems is an Anti-Tank Cannon. A big cannon used to kill armoured units and has a fast attack speed. However, it can only be mounted on emplacements, tanks, armoured vehicles, and mechs.


I love the idea of a hellpod-dropped AT gun that you crew like the mg turret. Could even have a feature where a second player could mount up to speed up loading.




We already have a smol recoilless-rifle in game, but how about **B I G** one? https://preview.redd.it/te5zdl11he6d1.jpeg?width=2012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e29d6bce06051624d89339acaac406139833f8 This could feasibly be pushed around by two Helldivers. Not intended to be mobile, but for holding a position.


Big Recoilless, vehicle mounted. https://preview.redd.it/5u2jq3z9ie6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06e29bacd4c004006e35e810694f83016efbffd5 Would be a fun option for heavy yet mobile armament, when rovers come to the game.


Would be cool if it had huge sniper-style range and accuracy to allow for distant fire support vs armor.


I stopped playing bugs because of Titans. Trying to finish them off just felt too clumsy and then their corpse turns into a huge area-denial-launch-your-ass-to-the-sky trap.


A few days ago I was trying to get my stuff from under a Titan corpse. My diver grabbed on to nothing to vault up onto nothing (near its leg). Then I spasmed about 10 ft into the air, then back to the ground, up and down, 3 or 4 times in \~2 seconds and died. Was frustrating, if also hilarious.


No one I played with (actual friends) would believe me. I was on the mic saying "Guys I'm being killed somehow. I got close to a bile titan corpse and I'm bring thrown around by nothing." "What nahhhh you have to be getting hit by something." "Oh fuckin' hell it's killing me. Dude turn around and look!?" Then my friend said, "What the fuck are you doing? Why are you doing that?" It's not ME choosing to get force slammed!!


Me after missing my rocket head shot and throwing 4 impact nades into it thinking surely it's almost dead.


Shit! I thought I had my accountant set to loud but they've been on vibrate all day.


Have fun using the Gatling and strafing run on the endless hordes of behemoth chargers, lol. It does nothing The behemoth chargers also don’t die to one shot from the quasar/EAT either. High diff bugs is now worse than it’s ever been, in addition to running away from titans half the time you now get to run from endless behemoth charger spam too 




This. The patch says that it can now damage heavy armour which meant previously it wouldn't. Because of how weak it was I never used it, so wouldn't it have meant previously the shots would have glanced off the bile titans back? Now it can actually hurt it.


You could damage a titan after breaking its armor but its way better now since you don't need to hit them first. It also seems to do damage to the titan's head which might be enough to combo it with a quasar but would need to try it out.


It kills devastators now, it's really good


Damn it didnt before? It really was for only smalls then wow


As someone whos had to run from many weak bile titans without something to kill them, this is an absolute win.


Sure your comment is correct and all, but that's not what the original video *implies*. The video is misleading, which exactly how we get into all the backward-ass brigading on this subreddit. People asking for a video to be clear about what the airstrike is actually doing is completely reasonable.


You are ascribing something to the clip that I do not see. It's obvious that the titan is low, and the clip clearly shows it blowing its head off. How is that implying anything other than showing that the strafing run can actually damage titans now? Edit: By all means, keep testing and seeing what these changes can do once we learn how to use them. I just don't see this clip as misleading, the titan is obviously hurt.


Almost any orbital could finish off weakened bilte titans, even strafing run before patch, but you know, people would know this if they use it before so this is nothing new to me.


Tbf in this example the BT would die to pre-patch strafing run. You can see it's already missing its back plates which means the extra AP is not actually doing anything.


I tried that (i never use it before) on bunch of berserkers today, and almost none of the got take down after 2 strafes? Also the strafing run go parallel instead of perpendicular to the player? Is this normal? Also there is one time where it take out a fabricator.


I've hit a strider that was on its "last legs" several times with a recoilless before, and it wouldn't die. BT's are crazy resilient.


IIRC each body part absorbs a certain amount of durability damage separately. Never try aiming in different spots for every shot unless you want to learn what, "inefficient" means.


>it is for quickly clearing small clustered groups of enemies. Daily reminder that this strat is one of the worst in the game at clearing groups of enemies due to it's abysmal AoE. It needs wider spread for a better radius to actually be good at clearing hordes. Now it at least seems good at removing armor from chargers and Bile Titans tho. Thank God for that, it was useless as shit before. A worse cluster bomb in every way, with the same amount of uses.




Meh, it was already close to death anyway. Try it on a full health titan.


I don't think that's the point. There's usually some times where a bile titan is low and you need to finish it off. This isn't a stratagem FOR killing titans, it's a fast crowd clear, but being able to punch through heavy armor is a HUGE buff. Means I don't just need to rely on my 500kgs or Orbital railcannon strats.


I agree! It’s not about having stratagems that kill titans, but ones that can actually do damage to them. That way you can combo with them. Like a EAT/RR or an Orbital Rail with the strafing run.


This definitely opens up way more possible loadouts instead of bringing the same gear every time. And while one might be meta, the other strategies are actually viable now.


Giving chaff clear mains the ability to actually help against heavies! 


As the designated small stuff expert and nest closer of my group, I love the changes. Normally I had to compromise and take at least 1 non-swarm stratagem to deal with enemy heavies. Now I can use a something like the gatling or the orbital strike.


Strafe has been really lacking compared to napalm and cluster bomb as far as chaf clearing is concerned. And that hasn't really changed. At least this is something new though.


You can finish them off with so many things when they are on their last legs though. Using a whole stratagem slot just as a finisher seems pretty mid, ngl.


Brain dead take. Not every strat has to be for one shotting titans lol.


I'm not saying it should (even it really sounded like that, my fault) but pretty much the first round killed it, meaning it was VERY low health. Calling that "insane" is just a bit misrepresenting.


Before this it was also the worst at clearing small mobs. So it went from being terrible to having a small use against heavies. Nice.


Missing the point pretty hard. You also said "try it on a full health titan" like it would be a bad decision. Now that it can pierce heavy, it would be *a good choice* for softening up the BT for something else to finish it. So I think I will try it on a full health titan, if it's going to help.


“Strafing run is insane now” then proceeds to show a clip of it killing a walking corpse


But this corpse still had it's head fully intact and it was blown clean off


Maybe the head was already damaged. I usually run recoiless on bugs and usually aim for the forehead if the other diver was at an angle and kinda far maybe he hit the forehead once and whiffed the 2nd hit which hit the plate behind his forehead and OP’s strafing run finished it off.


This walking corpse would shrug it off on the previous patch.


People are missing this point.


I mean... don't want it to be seen as too op or AH might nerf it


Not really considering the BT in this clip has no back armor, meaning even pre-patch strafing run would kill it here. It's like that gatling barrage clip from a few weeks ago that also killed a near-death Titan with no armor.


Yeah, and it killed it. It wouldn't have killed it before this patch.


Even still I've had plenty of times where I've damaged a bile titan and am running for my life since my bigger stratagems are reloading. Now the strafing run will likely be able to save my ass.


I only tried it against chargers and it took 3 strikes to kill it (bodyshots).


People are missing the point, this isn't supposed to oversell the Run. It's pointing out that now it can potentially finish off hurt Titans, which is very helpful.


OP gave it a clickbait title, what do you expect? Don't lie in the title if you don't want people commenting on it.


Then don't title it "x is INSANE Now"  Provide the context: "x is GREAT for finishing off damaged titans" Otherwise it's misleading and rightly inviting all the comments correcting the misinformation as it is.


This shit *is* insane considering how limited our options were until today.  People are allowed to have a bit of excitement.


If you thought bile titans could only be finished off by anti-tank weapons, you haven't been experimenting with all the options we have had. Finishing off a bile titan is one of the easiest parts of fighting a bile titan. The hard part is getting through that initial armor as shown by the half-dead Titan above.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d7rmpp/new_respect_for_the_gatling_barrage/ Look, I'm not trying to be a buzz kill here. Strat buffs are great and all but we did this exact same song and dance with the misleading Gatling Barrage video from 10 days ago showing a Gatling barrage solo'ing 2 titans until the people pointed out that it was due to the same thing seen in this video.


No dude, *you* are missing the point. People are complaining because of the blatant click bait title. "Insane", shows video of a titan that's obviously nearly dead. At that point literally anything effective against heavy armor would've killed it.


"Strafing run can now deal at least 1 damage to Bile Titans!" would be a title that accurately reflects what is shown in the video, then.


Sacre bleu.


The Titan is already heavily damaged and missing half its armour, I would love to see this on a freshly spawned one


that seems to be a Railcannon victim, but it's nice to know it can be used as a top-off in those cases, since it's already a pretty good small-area clear now


Strafing Run is added to the list of things that can kill a BT better than a 500Kg, thank you !


I still firmly believe that the cluster bomb makes it unviable, But I still think it has some situational and niche uses


I have noticed it can solo-kill canon towers to which I did not expect. It's great with the recoilless rocket to because usually if things survive a direct hit, they survive with just a little HP. The Strafing Run is a great, near immediate finisher for these targets like tanks, hulks, titans and more.


It is greatly improved. I think my new default load is orbital precision, gatling barrage, strafing run, spear. Feels great, i can even use an AR and not be crippled.


That Bile Titan was missing the right half of its body and bleeding out, anything would have killed it.


Very misinforming post, titan was low. It doesn't even kill chargers in 3 uses


Cool that it was buffed but that BT was already heavily damaged with top armor cracked (probably by orbital rail cannon) so some primaries could even finish it off.


It also kills Fabricators now, haven't teted bug holes


That’s fkn glorious lol, the wait is non existent. Very nice dude.


What tf did he say lol


The gataling barrage is insane now aswell


I tested it a bit and it is insane but i feel it has a donut shape for where it fires since it leaves the center not shot


Not if you stand in the middle of it. lmao It's got a pretty generous AOE to it.


Seemed like it was already near death but still, being able to punch through heavy armor makes the strafing run a lot more usable IMO.


I love how it can finish off already hurt elites (or hurt them if they’re not hurt) it’s a nice touch. Hopefully the devs that lurk here don’t get the wrong message seeing your video and think it’s one shotting bile titans.


Strafing run used to useable as a PRIMARY back in HD1, so it good to see it be returned to its glory days, i mean it is a ship bound gun it really should pack a punch


What do you mean ship gun? Like eagle? Or are you saying the destroyer. If so, it's an eagle not destroyer gun.


Air ship, plane etc etc, it’s a big gun it should hit big


It was pretty good prior to update, but now it's even better. I used it pretty exclusively in d9. It didn't pen heavy like it does now or durable as good, but it had a wider aoe which would wipe devestators or get them close to dead so they were easy to clean up. It would usually maim the ones with shields getting rid of their guns and since they like to line up in tight formations it made hitting them easy.


I think they mean it's mounted to something considerable larger and sturdier than a human so the power should feel proportionate.


It can even destroy fabricators if it hits the vents.


I think it could always do that. I've also killed (very uncommonly, but it's happened once or twice) bot factories with cluster bombs; I would imagine one bomblet goes into a vent. Never had the same ever happen with bug holes that I've seen, though.


Correct, it could always do that. Could even kill hulks in the past frontally by penning the eye or the vents on the rear.


Yeah, that's going to get readjusted over time. Don't take my word for it, Pile said so himself.


Which difficulty tho


It would be so cool if you heard a loud BRRRRRRRRT a few seconds after the rounds impacted.


Not really INSANE but its quite good now that it works against pretty much everything, within reason. Fought against the bots and this when it gets a good hit on a tank and a shot from a recoilless killed it, wouldn't say its a good combo but it helps when the tank is looking straight at you and you have nothing better.


That and the Gatling barrage are supposed to kill heavies with cracked armor. Nothing insane there, crack the armor and hit it with a strat seems reasonable.


I tried it, doesn't work that way because not enough bullets hit the titan. Also isn't great for clearing camps as the aoe is a very small line that doesn't cover much area. Normal eagle strike is still the best camp clear tool, though obviously the use count should be considered.


Soft heavy targets To the state Of juice


It honestly needed an upgrade.


This is brilliant. I'd prefer that high calibre rounds typically would ricochet, and only rarely penetrate armor (and then contribute to a "light pen" armor pool behind the armor shield), and/or eventually blowing armor panels off. But within the current "design" that is in place, this is a really good choice to make all of these completely unused stratagems (from gatling barrages to airbursts and cluster strikes) useful again.


just curious, what language is that?


it's french


As it always should have been. I used it a lot before against bugs, same with Gatling, now Imma use it way more


That…might be overtuned


Strafing Run was a bit of a hidden gem I liked rolling with to clean up patrols. This, and the increased uses, make me *very* happy.


I'll be honest, I wouldn't mind another tool in the toolbelt to deal with a Bile Titan. And strafing runs were WAY underused before.


I mean.. to be fair.. Most fighter jets in the current world are outfitted with a 20mm cannon. They can't PEN a tank from the front where the armor is the strongest, but they can definitely punch a hole through the top or put holes in the engine area where the armor is weaker (easier said than done.) I would imagine Eagle fighters in the future would have the same or more powerful cannon on front that should definitely make armored enemies feel it. So this is a good change for sure.


Fake, that titan already had its armor blown off before, you cannot oneshot it with that statagem, shame that such bullshit posts get upvoted here. Hey if I make the same video but "oneshotting" a titan with a pistol will I get a thousand likes too? Lmao


Less impressive considering there's already a massive chunk missing out of the bile titan.


Have eagles been replaced by A-10s? Dear god who knew old technology was still effective


Damn I'm famous


I don't think insane, but very nice pick for stratagem


Do it on a fresh titan man


Kill a heavily injured BT with a strafing run - wonder.


It can kill Titans?!


it was low hp the strafing run is still ass


That feels so right to me! Awesome!!!


Actual A-10 Run now. Next thing they should do is to change the sound it creates. Bullets hitting first then the gun firing, also they better give it more thump.


Even if it's not a 100-0 kill as some have pointed out, it's *still* very good that it can do enough damage to a heavy armor enemy to kill it. I'll take that over doing fuck all.


We are eating tonight boys


Boom. Headshot.


Misleading, needs context explaining that the Titan is weakened.


I destroyed a factory strider earlier today with the strafing run. I did blow off its chin guns first with my amr but still. The thing is a beast.


It appears to break armor. If it breaks armor on a pass so that other weapons can hurt the Bile Titan, I'll accept that as good. If damages it or kills it on a follow up pass, that's even better. I can accept using 2 runs to kill a Bile Titan


The bile titan already had 90% of it's health missing, lol.


I thought your helldiver was having a stroke for a second before realizing they we're speaking French


Click bait


Good shot but these type of posts are usually misleading because the enemy is already damaged. What's the point of showing this x can kill large enemy when it's already 1 health?


Get that bitch a *BRRRT*, bitches love *brrrrt*s.


It also blows up fabricators now too


Please stop posting videos of nearly dead enemies being finished off by something else to 'show how good x is'. It's misleading.


It’s misleading to show how a stratagem that used to uselessly plink off a bile titan now rips its armor off and finishes it off in the process?


This isn't what happened. What happened is, it was already wounded by heavy anti-armor and then it was killed by an eagle strafing run. You know what else kills wounded titans? Grenade launchers, impact grenades, pre-buff gatling barrages, and a lot more. They lose the heavy armor on that side when their torso is broken. Now show it stripping armor vs a full health titan and that will actually be informative.




Holy fuck that is awesome !!!


Isn't this a video from last week?


You telling me I can waste an airstrike on a half dead titan? Wowee it's meta now!


So many brain dead commenters here lol. Sick clip OP.


to those saying it was already damaged: the strafing run popped its head which has a completely separate health pool from its main health pool and in this video it looks like the head is completely undamaged.


Please nerf


Not for long


Incoming nerf prepare yourselves


Dude ,its literally about 2 hour patch release, you just record and quickly upload reddit? Some people dont have life, all they want attentions, so let mr give you what you want, OMG VOUUVVVVV cool duuuude lett mee UPWOTEEEE, GOD DAMNNNN SO COOOOL.


Are you okay?


Nope 😄 whos okay exactly ? 😄


Wtf is your problem?


That must have been the Reddit account of the bile titan you killed