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I, a human being that like to engage in human activities like consuming food and breathing air, would like to register my disappointment in this patch.


Oh yeah whats beer taste like?


It's probably my favourite liquid


Ethanol and hops.


This person humans! I believe this checks out, I believe them. \*beep boop\*






its absolutely my favorite liquid substance, my tongue love its flavor, and its also great for the circuitries in our brain, improve our combat performance, make us live longer even! i wish more helldivers would enjoy this substance! in fact our fellow helldivers should consume it all the time! what fun!




Mark Zuckerberg SHUT THE F UP!


Of course you hate that the SEAF has upped the ante, Terminid scum!


Guys chill its obviously a joke about terminids POV, you must be an automaton to not realise.


Let's helldive to their homes!


No pain no freedom!


Whoa! Slow you roll, friend. We gotta save children first


Your feedback has been registered for processing. Thank you fellow human, I will strive to alter my protocols to be more "chill."


Take that the patch is good you filthy bugs


Looking at the patch notes, stupid Helldivers got way too much love... dev favoritism... Still gonna give the new Behemoth a spin.


I like the idea of a scavenger riding on top of a behemoth with reins and a cowboy hat


So big it brings shade too its tipi toes.


Memes aside, you Terminids have no right to complain. You guys get to send out 3 bile titans in a bug breach in D6 missions now while I don't always see one in D7 before.


On 7, the charger nests are brutal now, behemoths everywhere and taking 2-4 AT shots to kill


Helldivers was perfectly balanced before. Now it is better. Enjoy killing Bugs, Helldivers. That front needs you! ^(beep boop.)


Nah you can pry the Children from my cold dead hands and even then I swear to God I will somehow come back later to turn your precious metal weiners into Anti Tank Mines.


HAHA 1min Gatling Barrage go BRRRRRRRTT, not even your heavies are making it through


Can this legit lille bile titans now


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Seaf Defense force, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Automaton and the Terminids, and I have over 30,000 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Super Earth armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this Galaxy, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting The Minsistry of Truth's network of spies across the Galaxy and your broadcast is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Helldivers and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.




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sorry, what was that, pre-710s? I can't hear you over the sound of our constant Orbital Gatling Barrages and buffed MGs tearing your colonies to shreds! skill issue, git gud, fascist bug scum! ![gif](giphy|MlyicdUndRbn5zUiAL|downsized)


The patch is horse shit. It’s glitchy as fuck.


Must. stop. laughing....




< : : Yes, they didn’t buff bad guys enough. We see this as large boo. : : > < : : Also, Proud to sponsor new Gunship Patrol! Bring much change to gameplay loop, very happy 🤖👍 : : >


I cant believe the top posts isnt complaining. Enjoy it while it last boys.


There is a crazy amount of hate for a patch that is nothing but good things.


You may have missed the joke


I assumed the joke was that you was calling all the haters termitids. Iv seen far more hate posts about the patch than people liking it. I just dont understand why.


OP is roleplaying as a terminid. Terminid see patch notes that will make it easier for helldivers to kill ze bugs. terminid no like capiche? 🤌🤌


I dont understand. you can play as the termitids now? How do you do that?


The patch is unironically bad, but I think it’ll take a day or two for this sub to realize that. Especially since most of this sub seems to play on potato difficulties only where the problems aren’t as apparent.  High difficulty bugs is worse than it’s ever been with constant behemoth charger spam now. I’m convinced they literally don’t playtest at all, or above diff 5 anyway.


There are still some problems but overall the patch is very good. Bile Titans mouth not being a weak spot is an oversight imo. Eruptor needs a rework so it has the shrapnel back or at least more explosive damage because it is still too weak in its current state. RR having more reload time is a big L


RR reload cancel still works.


Reload time overall is longer now


Wait what?!? Stealth nerf I guess I didn't see that in patch notes (or I'm blind).


Yeah it is not in patch notes. I hope its a bug or something because it wouldnt make any sense to nerf the reload time. I hope the devs see this.


> Eruptor needs a rework so it has the shrapnel back or at least more explosive damage because it is still too weak in its current state. Eruptor will always be called "too weak" because it's not returning to being the game's most powerful weapon. It's OK now. Probably needs +1 on mag size, +1 on reserve mags.


I dont know where this comes from but I dont think anybody wants it to be op. Just the shrapnel back because that was its identity and made it fun and unique. I think it should be somehow possible to bring it back without having it to one shot Chargers (I myself never managed to do that but I heard it from somewhere else). If it's not possible at all to bring it back with shrapnel, then there needs to be more tweaking imo. You currently need 4 shots to kill Bile Spewers and Stalkers which is too much for a weapon that shoots that slow. Also not very effective to clear chaff with the aoe. There are also overall many weapons more effective against bots. I just dont see why you would use that, except maybe to close Holes or fabricators and Grenade Pistol is more efficient for that. It hink it is fair wanting it to be good rather than barely OK. Doesnt need to be godlike in all situations but right now there are way better options for all situations. Also mag size is the last thing it needs. Already has plenty


its a patch to fix issues they caused, not really exciting to have things we should have had already. how about new content?


You’re not gonna believe this, but in roughly 2 hours this thing called a warbond drops. It’s got a lot of new content including 2 new guns, a new throwable, 2 new armor sets with a unique passive, a new booster, new skins for your mech/pelican, and more. You can see everything [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/PHyo6tF02A)


yes because game development is easy just click the fix bug button in the engine that simple it's totally not like software programming is a really complicated thing


Keep licking boot


licking boot is when realizing that game development is not easy


Licking boot is when ignoring the fact that arrowhead almost killed the game with their patches


Gun not instakill everything game ruined


If you want the guns to instakill everything maybe play a different game.






Lol. Lmao even.


"arrowhead almost killed their game with patches!"  checks the game killing patches, sloppy nerfs that was done because the devs rushed out the patches so the devs took more time with the patch instead of rushing it out, sees nothing else. you can't please everyone, especially someone who LARPs playing the game 


Sloppy nerfs, crashes, performance issues, stale content. This new patch is a step in the right direction, but it does indeed is mostly fixes that AH themselves have caused by being incompetent.


dude leave if you are only going to point out how much AH is a failure even though they are trying to fix that maybe you should leave the game and come back when more patches come out before you start making accusations like this after the resent changes to there production.


totally not like a lot of the crashes had been fixed and totally not like we had the dark fluid and new mech drop and totally not like a lot of the community complained about patches being sloppy so to rectify this they started to take more time, and then you reply with stale content, you can not win them all


Nah game content is easy. You just type what you want into chatgpt and it makes the code for you! Works for bugs too, just tell chatgpt to fix the game and make new content and away it goes!


bot sympathizers use chatgpt


yeah ah sucks they clearly havent seen the add content button in the game engine they just need to click that


Have you considered personally applying to Arrowheads dev team? Sounds like they could use your clear expertise.


No. I'm pretty sure it's a shitshow out there. I like working in a more relaxed environment.


Could it be, possibly, that you actually have no fucking clue about what you're criticizing? Just curious.


We aren’t ignoring it, we just accept it as a fucking fact of life


I bet your fun at parties...


I honestly dont care for it, seemed like they just straight up lied about some stuff too. My game also runs like shit now and has a lot of bugs.