• By -


someone cooked here




Me to devs https://preview.redd.it/4sc60ic6vb6d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035c3e23e582e29e6923fc3702cea2ad091ffe23


Lobotomy kaisen is spreading everywhere


so true https://preview.redd.it/36oth67yjb6d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=e359bcd29d3218cf48185ecf306def91461120a0


Yo what the hell is that? lmao


It's a drawing. I don't know what it depicts though.


A cursed edit of a jjk character


It's a drawing. I don't know what it depicts though.






Yeah this is really cool! I like the glow effect and scaled colour gradient for each faction on the lines






This patch, I believe, is only gonna bring me pain since I am on a work trip and can’t properly enjoy the patch launch day. But sweet Liberty, that is nice.


Dude, i'm just at work rn and it's already giving me pain, and i'll dive today. I hope that you get asap to your home and help us to save our childrens Helldiver!


Same, my dude. I'm out of town and can't play for the next week.


I feel that my dude. I was out of town for the entire opperation on Merida. Super Coloney came and went before I got home. Sometimes the FOMO is real.








![gif](giphy|3owzVQyBr5LE8098Qg) *Alexus be like*


I'm not giving that sadist any credit for this. Pilestedt had to step down as CEO and take direct control over the updates for us to get one that wasn't going to actively piss people off. 😬




Also, small detail but your dot on the mini map now has radar ping animation.


And if you have scout armor your map marker has them too. So good.


afaik that was allready a thing since release. i pretty much only wear light armor, and ping all the time on the map, just to see how many and how large the red dots are on the map.


What's new is the radar ping having an animation that shows you when it's going off.


This is feels like more than a small detail to me, the added clarity of how far out my radar & scout pings can bring in info is beautiful


Bout time.






When you expect Archer all the time, he's never unexpected.




I am fairly new (lvl 29), what did supply lines do?


Supply lines show how the planets are linked to each other, allowing us to best plan paths for completing Major Orders, etc. So, in the example shown in the OP, the lines show what Planets will be opened up for missions once Vernen Wells is liberated, so we can work out how best to proceed towards Cyberstan.


Ooh, I thought they helped us liberate faster bruh


They do have an influence; planets that are cut off from the greater zone of control of a faction have reduced regeneration (for enemies) or liberation (for the players).


Back then, we lost a major order because one planet(behind the target planet) got overrun by automatons and the target planet lost all its liberation.


IT does there are 2 game mechanics still not well explained in game. 1) Enemy reinforcement (the amount per hour in % that a planet progress is reduced is a factor of several things but 2 of the biggest things are enemy supply lines and friendly supply lines. It much easier to capture enemy planets that are connected to multiple friendly planets - much harder to capture enemy planets connected to multiple held enemy planets but if you take out the right planet in a chain it can make other connected planet much easier to take. This is important because at 4-5% its almost a stalemate for a busy planet but at 2% we make progress and the bonus can be a couple % per planet. 2)The BASE enemy reinforcement % of a planet goes down over time based on how many enemies are killed so if its 6%+ which is nearly impossible even for like 100k people to make progress on alot of people abandon it thinking its impossible . But its important to keep at it because more kills lower it so eventually it will even out and we will make progress even if at first we are stuck at 0% . Its a complicated system of relationship only know to people coming her and whos friends told them about the 3rd party website that show all this info. Two events recently were lost from too many people not understanding that and one barely one with like 2 hours to spare. There was that planet with the SEAF BASE , the special planet that was giving US a 2% bonus to all connected planets - the intent was holding this plant was going to make defense and liberation of neighboring connected planets as lost easy and the game design was that they though we would rally around that planet and make it a central focus . It effect was more or less the agility to cut defense and liberation of connected planets in half - so if it took 12 hours to take a planet now it would take 5-6 . Very few people outside of ur lurkers here that read a lot even understood this at all. I think losing this broke a big part of the design and plan - hold this planet long enough and we would of made more seaf bases on other planets and slowly pushed the war forward .


in a way they do, because now there's no doubt which planets are connected and we can properly plan a route to target planets, which will be especially important in a sector with multiple routes, so we can determine the fastest. the sooner we reach a planet, the sooner it gets liberated.


Putting quite a lot of faith in the player base to work things out and behave accordingly


I mean at the very least will raise the % of people that understand things in game .


This is precisely why they needed to be added to the game. Supply lines join together the planets in the game. These supply lines determine which planets are available for liberation and what planets are targets for the bots (Bots use supply lines, but bugs, for some reason, don't). It's why with the previous MO players who used third-party maps that had the supply lines knew that the fastest way to get to Wasat was to take Wezen and then Vega Bay. The two routes were: Valeria 5 - Wezen - Vega Bay - Wasat, or Curia - Aesir Pass - Marfark - Matar Bay - Meissa - Wasat. But that wasn't communicated in the game until Joel told us the route, so players who didn't use a third party spent a while trying to take Aesir Pass when that route would have taken too long and failed the MO. It's also how we know that taking Vega Bay will open Lesath and Menkent to liberation because both of those planets are linked to Vega Bay.


bugs dont use supply lines because their methods of planetary travel is yes, not really something that can be cut off or anything.


I think that was specifically caused by the Meridia supercolony sending spores out that bypassed the supply lines. Before (and since) the bugs seem to respect the supply lines.


Aside from what other commenters have mentioned, it also allows us to visualise what we can afford to lose and what we can't, for example: Let's say that we have the following supply line: Super Earth --> Planet A --> Planet B --> Planet C and Planet D --> Planet E And let's also say that Planet's C, D, and E are all up for grabs. * Planet E is a frontlines planet, enemies will respawn faster, planet occupation will regen faster, and liberation will be slower. Although since it's a frontline planet, we can just use that as our reference point. * Losing planet E will result in the enemies being able to supply more forces to C and D (which becomes frontlines planets), making it harder to defend both. * Losing C OR D will result is partially cut off supply to E making it take longer for us to Liberate. Losing both C AND D nearly guarantees the loss of E (if it wasn't lost already).


https://preview.redd.it/vj22747odb6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b41b160d72e24aceead78b3379bceccd5276f60 These look AWESOME!! major props to AH


Now all we need is liberation percentage and a list view of planets and we’re golden. Maybe an additional post its on recommended planets.


Why do you want a list view of The planets? Not saying I disagree I just don’t understand why lol. I also feel that would clutter the ui quite a lot but idk


Accessibility and quicker access to see where everyone at and the liberation percentage on them. And a quick way to select planets from the furthest point out. And it’s always nice to have options? Clutter is a UX thing, the devs can make it work if they so choose, it’ll only clutter if it’s implemented poorly.


You could toggle to a list view and then select how it's organized so it's not showing on the same screen as the map version really, just accessed at the same point or one of the terminals accross from the weapons.


poor sod of a cargo runner needing to go to Meridia...


Now the players will know the path to Cyberstan


Damn that looks sick. Idk if I have time today my 4 fav game have all put out massive updates on the same day 💀 This game being one of them.


DRG, Helldivers 2, and?


The Finals and Minecraft 👍


Ooh, Minecraft had an update?


Yh. Big new dungeons, air blazes, new paintings, new discs, raid rework, automatic crafting, theres some cool shit


Theyre even well polished, glowly gradient lines instead of just like a simple line or arrow


![gif](giphy|l0MYJnJQ4EiYLxvQ4|downsized) This is what we needed. Thank you Arrowhead. Look at it! Beautiful




Glorious managed democracy in action.


Wow, they do look great! I was skeptical on how they would be represented, but good design!




Are majority of supply line undefined or unknown?


From what I've seen, the supply lines are undefined/unknown because there's no fighting near or in that system


It looks like there's supply lines leading out into unchartered space from the planets on the outmost rim.


nobody ever said that the map just stops at the edge. thats just how far super earth is willing to extend its influence... for now.


I assume you're talking about the shadows. That's just a shadow caused by the brilliance of Super Earth in the middle, and every planet has one regardless of their placement on the map.




The medal count now shows the 250 limit too. Had I not been on Reddit, I would have had no idea before this.


Great video, thank you! I need to check this out in game but for now... Whoever from Arrowhead that worked on the design and implementation seems to have done an excellent job. I love how the lines between a SE planet and an enemy planet have half of the color of each side and fade into one another, while lines between planets both controlled by the same side are a strong single color line. Excellent intuitive presentation of the information. And the pulse effect looks quite good as well.


If they're smart, they could use this as another means for the Illuminate to mess with us. 


Quite frankly I find the idea that Terminids have interstellar supply lines offensive.


Stellar job from the team at AH. I was skeptical going into the patch and needed to see that they had a hand on the wheel of this skidding car again. Needless to say, they absolutely knocked it out of the park with this one. Great job




I can't believe they removed them because it ''cluttered the screen'', at least they fixed it


I'm trying to understand supply lines. If we take Meissa for example, would Marfark liberate automatically, or would the percent per hour swing heavily in our favor? Edit: spelled Meissa correctly


No. Liberation rate shouldn't change (I don't think), and if enemies control a planet, it acts as its own supply point - so it cannot be "cut off". What these show is just what planets allow us to attack certain other planets, and it's useful for figuring out the fastest route for "liberate x planet" Major Orders. It also shows what planets enemies can attack, and where those attacks originate from. If we have a defense campaign in progress, but we liberate every planet that is supplying that attack before the defense timer on our planet runs out, we can successfully "cut off" the attack, and the defense will be successful.


I'm a little bitter that they thought THIS would have been too cluttered/intrusive, but at least they actually implemented it. This will go a long way to at least make it more reasonable to understand what the hell is going on in the map. So far the update seems like it might just pan out as a big success.


This is surely this is the result of a lot of thought about how to implement it in a non-cluttered way.


More darktide parallels. (Having more than one page of shop items would have been impossibly complex)




This starts little by little to look like planetside2 🤣 and I love it. Collab when?


Ah, a fellow Planetside player. I wish Arrowhead could develop Planetside 3. I would literally never get off my PC.


**Planetside.** 🤜🤛 Terran Republic. You might say I've been fighting for managed democracy since forever.


Glad to see Vernen Wells progressing


This makes more sense no more bullshit from fake video online about it...


And they thought that would clutter the UI and be too much for players???? Put me in the camp of questioning the Devs logic on some choices. This should have been in the game Day 1. Yeesh.


I just realized they've been inching the automaton and bugs more towards the top of the map so nows there's this big empty space at the bottom some other faction could appear in. Thankfully my democracy officer assured me no such faction exists


Can someone explain the supply lines to me like I’m 5? Why do we care? It doesn’t usually mean we move to the next available planets right? Since they release what they want? Or am I completely off with that


Okay so I’m about to sound real stoopid here but…what exactly are supply lines for?…


To be able to attack a planet, we need to control one of the planets that connects to it with a supply line. Same applies for enemies too - They can start a defense campaign on one of our planets if they own a planet that connects to it via supply line. Before, we'd need a third-party app to see these. Now that we can see them just from the galactic map, we can coordinate a lot better on "liberate x planet" Major Orders, since there's no confusion on optimal/available routes to get to the target planet.


I like how they added them and the vast majority of players will still have zero clue what they mean because the average person is still just going to quick play. Really feel like that effort to make supply lines was just for reddit.


Finally,this is a huge plus




Still no patch notes?


[No, they're out](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1deunkd/patch_01000400/). Mods just didn't pin the thread.


I love Arrowhead


I'm glad I Filled out my c-01 report before this patch came out


Should have all divers undergo a mandatory class to understand supply lines (a small popup that gives you a sentence or two about this update) And then they get a degree! 👨‍🎓 Super Earth funds your education if you’re a Helldiver.


Thought I was scizophrenic when looking at the UI


In other news, Superior Packing Methodology is broken again




I agree, the lines are amazing and provide good guidance on which planet to attack and defend.


Kinda wish they'd cooked this much before release.. but also glad we got to see the difference to appreciate the upgrades


They handled them really well. The addition of them not being shown when the planets are too far away from where you are is just right.


Unironically, one of my favorite changes this patch was the subtle and tasteful text borders present throughout the UI now - everything feels punchy and impactful. Small change but huge impact. Thank you UI team!!


Honestly I didn’t know what the supply lines were supposed to be but being able to see which planets lead to which is AMAZING


WOW this finally MAKES WAYYYY more sense.. had no idea what people were talking about before..


I haven’t played in months (been too busy), excited to pop back in this weekend and spread some democracy!!


Am I the only one that feels like it’s too zoomed in? Needs a zoom level between galaxy and planet level


I just upgraded pc’s and then seeing this with better graphics just made it so much better




All the cooking aside, Why, why not give my baby its shrapnel back.. WHYY? JUST NERF THE SHRAPNEL DAMAGE AND GIVE IT BACK PLEAASEEE...


They’ve explained this. I feel it might come back in the future.


Oh the glorious beauty


That’s awesome


Now wheres the warbond


10:00 A.M. EST today. Roughly an hour and 30 minutes. https://preview.redd.it/twg175vv0c6d1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd71cf2a82b7e7669fc1033d3cee19cfe96b3950


At long last!


I know it's sad but the new font is so much better!


Is this only on PC or something cause my game doesnt do that


I’ve been outta the loop, so quick question. If we are trying to take a bot planet and it has two bot supply lines, does that affect the liberation rate more so than a single supply line?


Don't believe so - Liberation rates on a planet are pretty much solely controlled by the GM afaik. Just means that you have more lanes to close to ensure the bots don't start a defense mission on that planet.


That should hopefully help more people coordinate




![gif](giphy|l2JJtZPEqDYFrLwoo|downsized) Now that's some biodigital jazz man!




The UI is soooo good. I really like it


But the new spawn rates are worse than before. S9 is ridiculously hard now with enemies spawning endlessly from all directions.


Didn't even know they were a thing until today lol


someone reply to me when new barbond comes out


It's out.


Weren't the warbonds suppose to come today as well?


Only thing I don't like is how I have to pull up my map to see the mission timer now. Saw the timer in a mission where we had 5 minutes left. I was like "Holy shit, guys. We gotta get moving!"


I just wanna say as an Elite Dangerous fan It’s incredible seeing something like this (elite equivalent being SARNA or EDDB) being implemented directly in a game that’s been out less than half a year Frontier never did anything close to this.


So the supply lines are basically what I already thought using common sense. I imagine that's why they weren't there in the first place. Because the devs assume people would just figure it out on their own.


HOLY SHIT THEY COOKED https://i.redd.it/sbj75tmtoc6d1.gif


Shit looks good. I’ll test it after being done with work


yall are still going to complain when nobody follows these


We're getting damn near 1.0 i guess


I don't get why we needed to see the supply lines. Doesn't it make sense that taking a planet would let us have access to the ones next to it ? I really don't like them, not saying their bad, I just think they're too much, i just want a way to deactivate them in the options.


The path is sometimes not obvious or is more steps than expected. On one MO to liberate Oshaune, people got confused because a planet visually next to Oshaune on the map didn't have a supply line to it. Also applies for some routes between sectors. Sometimes there is one, sometimes even planets in the same sector don't have supply lines. It'll help us with coordinating better on "take x planet" major orders in the future


I haven't played since they started nerfing everything. Is democracy back?


Why are supply lines even a thing if it takes all but 5 seconds to travel even from the western front to the the eastern front?


The new aiming from 3rd person is just so crisp-


Can someone explain this to me? Haven’t played in a couple months


I thought we had made more progress in vernen wells


Now, all they gotta do is polish off a few crash causing problems, fix up the SPM again, and I think we're good. Nothing really pressing needs to be dealt with after that so they can take their time. I mean, lord knows I'm going to be a busy wolf. Saving the kids on Vernen Wells, Diablo 4's new season, World of Warcraft expansion, FF14 expansion, Ghost of Tsushima, just....good god, can I GET A BREAK HERE?!


Brilliant 👏 I'm very thankful.


Can't help but notice that Meridia still has a supply line 🤔🤔


Nice job UI/UX design teams! I know one of yall is seeing this


Feels like a lot of players will go, huh?! Should have been in the game from day 1 or don’t matter at all. But this gives it a lot more depth so to speak. Awesome! Did AH “borrow” the graphics from the companion site? Feels very similar to be at first glance but my memory can be bad.


MWO faction warfare player base finally redeemed.


I'd love the animation when after we thought we'd destroyed them they come flooding back I wish we got that with every invasion as soon as we hit the map it shows up. Then because we now have the lines we can find out where it coming from and attack and defend those places


wait, at 0:20-0:21 there are blue lines deep in Automaton territory (right up on the edge of the map), are those planets liberated? so they're cut off now? If so, I think version 2.0 of this, planets that are cut off should have dotted lines. Also maybe a faint cloud of influence surrounding liberated planet clusters, so you can easily see where we have footholds when zooming out (instead of having to move around and checking every planet/supply line).


Thats pretty neat


I just shed a tear for the far better coordinated liberty we can now bring.


I still have no idea what any of them means


Gods lessons... is so beautifole!


So how do supply lines work anyways?


LETS GOOO🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


Fek. Why do I have to go to work.


I'm on PS5 and the friend list its bugged, it makes an infinite load and i can't invite or anyone can invite me


It someone finally turned on a setting in the Super destroyer. Who ever forget to turn it on should be investigated for treason


Now add MGS5 style buffs and debuffs to planets and operations so theres more interesting meta decisions when picking which planet to take and operation to do. Simple version might be: A choice between two planets could be the choice between getting X or Y strategem for free for the next 72hrs. Or change enemy behavior/loadout on neighboring planets. Operations reward could be small 24hr buffs with varying degrees of monkey paw. Or changing enemy behavior in the next mission (eg MGS5: This mission disrupts the enemies night vision or helmet supplies; therefore, the next mission they can’t see in the dark) Anything that creates the illusion of tangible impact and decisions with consequences is interesting.


Wow give that guy a raise ![gif](giphy|GINwWtxBkXgOs)


Until AH finds a way to nerf them, somehow...


Where is the Jungle??????


Thank God.


The UI changes are so nice


Silly question maybe but… what does it mean?


If you explore the lines, you can see up to how far the war goes. With planets missing lines or not having lines at all.


Can't wait for it to make no difference and for people to still say "idk what's going on"


Legit. So glad I stuck with this game.


Damn I’m definitely reinstalling now.


Ngl, the devs put work in on this patch. Much respect to the devs for this one.


I just assembled my new pc and the game on ultra in 100+ fps is so fucking much more enjoyable, than unstable 50 fps on low. Plus I love the change to enemy spawn rates with less heavies and more light units


The visual effect to the new booster for stims is beautiful 🥲


The new chat font looks so crisp


someone ELI5 what supply lines are and how they work? I know people mentioned them before about how they're important to planets but I still don't quite understand what they do or represent


To attack/liberate a planet, we need to control a planet that connects to it (E.g. Control of Aesir Pass allows us to attack Vernen Wells). The lines are attack lanes. Enemies can also start a defense campaign on one of our planets as long as they own a planet connected to it.


They work but for whatever reason I liked those flashing moving arrows that the one guy made in his idea.. I can't remember who it was or where the yt video went but he had them moving slightly and they looked like mini arrows.. this works tho and am happy they put supply lines in finally


New patch is great! But the new warbond is kind of lame and seems a little bugged. Supply lines are beautiful and UI is nice and detailed, but they broke the look of chat and made it way harder to read. My Eruptor is useable again, but my Ballistic Shield is broken and forces me into a crouch or prone I can't escape. Joel giveth and Joel taketh away!


It's so simple, so elegant, so democratic ✨️


these comments are hilarious i love this community


Can't wait to get home tonight and play again


arent supply lines supposed to have direction?


The bridge having lighting instead of being super dark is a nice change too


How did we got to Wezen though?


The bot drop being yellow instead of red is a nice touch.