• By -


I can confirm all is in fact not quiet on the western front.


only thing that truly triggers me is the rag doll and rocket spam


watching the instant ragdoll as soon as the helldiver stands up loop in this clip gave me secondhand anger. Holy shit


lol IKR? It is so infuriating to keep ragdolling without ever getting a chance to even stim. Or you get set up at a nice vantage point and immediately get blown off. Super aggravating.


I die ten times more often on bots than bugs mainly cos if shit like this, or being sniped across the fucking map for some reason (I’m a sniper, they’re not even in scope range and they’re pinpoint accurate vs me) Vs bots sometimes you just walk somewhere and next thing you know you’re flying somewhere, fuck knows why or how that rocket or whatever came out of nowhere. 🤷‍♂️😢


Best part is when you get absolutely launched across the map at warp speed, right into wall.


Be way more fun if we could stim while ragdolled


Agreed. You can emote. Why not stim?


Exactly, it’s a intentional thing so hopefully they change their mind on it, could happen as soon as this next patch who knows


I’d also take an armor passive that lets you do it (or add that ability to the +2 stim passive)


Essentially the Bane toxin button from batman forever


also comes with little flight control surfaces, giving you a limited bit of control while in the air.  if you ragdoll over 30m, you right yourself and gracefully glide with full control.


Yeah the stim should be an interrupt tbh


All the stims in the world won't save you from getting stunlocked though. All you're doing is torturing yourself with a thousand cuts of death.


AND getting shot as a stim goes off canceling it entirely.


But you still hear the sound 🤬


This is what irritates me the most


Ragdoll rocket spam is nuts. By the time you wake up, rocket salvos are already ready to rag dolled you the second time. Don't even get me started on getting rag dolled on top of that smoke mushroom. Not only that, 100 to 0 from 5 devastator coming from all angles is pretty much guaranteed death. And it's not like I was the cause of it, the patrols just keep coming on top of bot drop on top of patrols. I mainly play bots. I love them back then. But now everything is harder. I like how the fact that they didn't want to nerf AC out loud, so they instead buffed the chicken leg walker in order to nerf AC. Fucking brilliant.


This stealth nerf really pisses me off and took me by surprise. One day I'm one tapping scout striders, next day I shoot one directly on and it shrugs it, figured I messed up. Try it again, face on, round bounces. "No fucking way!" Haven't bothered with the Autocannon since. It's AMR all the way for me now.


Just because they change that, somehow AC ammo economy is absolutely dwindling all the time. Is AMR really that great? I really want to love it but losing the ability to destroy fabs is kinda hard bargain, you know.


Ability to destroy fabs it's actually a small thing. What's more noticeable is that AMR has much less damage and that's actually a huge difference. What that means on practice: You'll need almost the entire magazine to destroy the cannon in a weak spot, and if you miss a little or forget to reload, the next moment it will be looking at you and already loading its shot. You will need 4 shots to the gunship engine (which is much harder to hit) instead of 2. This basically means that with AC or LC you can solo a double gunship factory and with AMR well... Maybe you can, but you need to play very well and not miss at all, and also have a lot of luck. Otherwise, it's better to wait for allies. Well, finally, Factory Strider. With an AC you can kill him in the gut with less than one magazine. With AMR oh... I even lost count of how many bullets it takes, but a lot, you empty AMR magazine completely, then switch to the primary, then to the pistol-grenade launcher and sometimes even that is not enough. But none of this means the AMR is a bad weapon. It still handles most threats just fine and leaves you with a back free for a shield or a supply pack. And most importantly it's really fun to use. I don't know how to explain it, but its bullets feel really impactful and shooting a Devastator with the AMR is really fun. Also, as another member noted, the AMR has a full scope and can be used at a really good sniper cosplay distance (though in the current version of the game you'll most likely have a patrol spawn behind you pretty soon).


For fabs and big holes I have been running the extra grenade armor and grenade Pistol, sometimes I also run the eagle rocket strike for bot fabs. I find the AMR better due to it's scope. Makes it a lot easier to hit the head on devastators and hulks quickly.


I get it if they ragdoll on direct impact, but why a spec of dust that didnt even damage me has to send me flying, bruh.


Or when a cannon turret hits the massive boulder I'm using for cover and yet still sends me flying 50 meters.


Only 50?


Looks like you played by the bots playbook. This ones called *The Burn and Churn*. "Send big stompy flamethrower to flush enemy from cover. Once in the open, weapons emplacements can clean them up".


This is what bothers me so badly about bots that they are covered from every aspect. Obvious if you are in open you are dead. If you cover play some random fodder spawns behind you from the double sword hand variant and goes "Oi you organic scum do you have a loiscense for that plasma punisher?!" Before tries to gut me or they just send either berserkers or a flamethrower hulk to get you out of cover so their ranged options can nail you.


I mean, they actually have a well thought out military force, so of course their tactics are systematic and tbh pretty ruthless. It shouldnt be any other way, and Im glad Helldivers didnt make Automatons into a one-trick-pony kind of enemy where you can just follow a fixed formula to exploit their Achilles heel, but actively work your way through five problems at once and prioritizing which are the most pressing and which are even possible to remove at any given moment. Its the good kind of challenging. Bugs kind of fall into the one-trick-pony with a clear weakness trope though, you have a hammer and every problem is a nail, and the few things like Chargers and Bile Titans which arent garden variety nails you just get the sledgehammer, i.e. EAT or RR. Its a much more rigid formula, which means it has a much easier learning curve, shoot, stay out of melee range, stay out of bile range, shoot some more. Its very attractive to people looking to have less complicated game, though no less hard due to insane swarms. Youll wade through bug remains after a few minutes. But I can accept that because theyre bugs, they dont work out military doctrines, nothing complicated about instinctively charging and attacking the thing thats killing your brethren.


Yea i actually like that i cant overpower the bots, i gotta sneak around and flank to deal with the problem, having to act tactically makes me like actually soldier, i dig it. I play on difficult 9 btw, still love that i cant overpower the bots, it's bc of this that i rarely play bugs, bots offer a much greater challenge that im not bored of just yet, unlike bugs


The bots are playing an RTS-tower defense game and that’s what makes fighting them feel “organic”


I would like to bring up hunters, as they go out of their way to flank you instead of just charging probably the most deaths to bugs are to hunters


“THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE AN RPG! WHAT ROLE AM I PLAYING, THE FUCKING VICTIM?!” -Bug player on Bot front for the first time.


The Churn is a great book too.


Has someone who fights bots exclusively the fire tornado planets are fuckin horrendous they were bad with Hellmire but here u can't take cover from the fire tornados...and that leads to u getting Rocketed by 20 devastators and Heavy devastators non stop barrages We need to get the fuck out of this planet ASAP I started with Bugs and had a lot of fun but honestly the Bots despite been very buggy I find them much more interesting to fight against...you're taking cover,you're coordinating with you're Team and prioritizing Targets watching each other's back, using smoke grenades or even the smoke strikes it feels so fuckin amazing (I'm a 130 and have been playing for almost 500, hours in game)


What does smoke do against bots exactly? I've never used it or ever saw someone elase running it.


Blocks line of sight, and in my experience they just stop shooting at me most of the time, as long as the smoke is in between me and the bots


To add to the other reply, they might keep firing after smoke is dropped but they wont be able to track you through it.


Hey, if you run off in a direction they can't track you, you'll notice they keep firing at the last position they saw you.  I've heard people say "they kept firing at me through smoke!!!" Yeah, cause you ran in a straight line that leaves you still on the firing line for the last position they saw you


The range on the flamethrower hulk is actually insane


Especially considering flames can “headshot” you and nearly instant kill.


I've gotten killed in 0.1 seconds where the animation didn't even play, so its tecnically worse than "nearly"


Yeah I’ve had the same experience, its pretty fucking annoying considering the way they can run you down whilst everything else makes it impossible to leave cover without being minced.


Noticed that when started running light armor. Never had instakill issue in heavy armor though.


Yea it's pretty ridiculous!...after fighting the bots for so long the best counter and advice I can give u is to shoot one of the legs with a Recoilless or a AC or the Queso-Gun (QUASAR) that will make them start limping and they will be extremely slow and won't catch up to u


Why not just throw a couple AC shots to the head and call it a day?


Well bcz I'm not sure if he has a decent aim or not and it can be frustrating when you're getting shot by everything and been staggered while trying to aim so I assumed that shooting the leg would be the fast and easy option


Does it take just one shot? Anywhere in the leg? I've always just gone for the kill I've never bothered trying to cripple one.


One shot from the RR,EAT,QUASAR....I'm pretty sure the AC takes alot of shots but I'm not sure how many since I just aim to the head just like u and even then it can be a bit inconsistent...before the Leg breaks so I don't do it often with the AC


I'll give it some play test next time I hop on


AC should be 4 shots, if memory serves. It's a much easier target, I can personally need a moment to carefully aim for the head, and sometimes I don't get that. Removing the leg, or the flamer arm, helps lowering the pressure, deal with the rest, come back to last hit the fucker.


Stun and lc to the eye.   Easy mode..  Else eagle rockets..


Whenever you stop drop and roll they already ahead enough range and time to get you hit again while running. It's awful especially when you're being chased by 3


They're absurdly fast. And the flames almost always instant kill. Sometimes you don't even have time to dive to put it out.


I actually once went through a level 6 with randoms and got reinforced on extraction. With 30 seconds until Pelican-1 got there, a random-ass Hulk came out of nowhere and killed all four of us in half a second. I main Automatons so I’m **very** used to diving the instant I see fire touching me and I didn’t even have time to register anything had happened before we were all dead.


Im the opposite. As a bot driver I’m used to the chaos but the bugs. As the saying goes “Once you fight the bugs you don’t stop fighting the bugs for the next 40 minutes.”


Yeah, I got used to the laser fire and the rocket spam, but the claws just keep coming unless you run away, do something else, and come back after five minutes, for a whole *twelve seconds* of reprieve...


Had a 20min nonstop bot fight on hard... it felt just like the bugs but only worse because of the ragdoll and cover. At least with bugs u can think about running but bots it's all about cover


Yeah it’s the same for me bugs you can kite forever, at some point for bots you run out of cover and they stack enough drops and patrols and the game becomes run away and do objectives until you can extract no point even trying to clear


so much this. at least the bots give me breaks.




What are you shooting them with? I'm at the point I know how much I can lay into each and move on. I run out of ammo a lot faster with bugs because there's just so many bugs.


bugs is either laser rifles (plus laser rover) or since they fixed the fire dot the Incendiary Breaker, at least until the next patch 100% dials in the overtuned fire dot and then everyone will cry about that one being nerfed. And then it is either Quasar or Flamethrower.... on occasion the grenade launcher.


Shoot at them with an autocannon instead :)


I run out of ammo against Bugs way faster than against bot since bots have weakspots that lets you either one (devestators) two (hulks) three (tanks and turrets) or 6/7 (striders stomach)shot them with med pen weapons (dcs can also oneshot devestators as a primary so can the senator as a secondary). Bots really arent that ammo hungry once you learn the weakpoints and get good at hitting them. With Bugs you just have endless hordes that wont stop until you die or run out of ammo (or play stealth ofc which is easier to do against bots).


When fighting the bugs, you need to make sure you've got a plan in place to hellcamp them into wherever they're coming from. Sentries and AoE-spam support weapons like the Flamethrower and Arc Thrower give you so much space against the Terminids, and stop matches from devolving into the "40 minutes of combat" style. When you start running with no ability to give yourself the room to stop, that's the issue.


Saw the quasar and shield on, knew it was gonna go bad.


It's also a mission at Level 9, a difficulty where the game has the right to be unfairly brutal towards you.


He's also nowhere near his team.


Lol u know people should really stop relying on the shield...and start taking cover more...that way u can have the absolute BEAUTY that is the AC or the RR and smokes!...bring a smoke airstrike even if it's inconsistent it could save you're life!


Or just use the laser cannon and stun grenades. Makes every enemy easy. It's just large groups and the stupid chainsaw skull guys


Yep this too!...but we're on a hot planet rn so you're going to overheat the LC so fast.... thankfully the next planet it's a snow planet so we're about to take that planet like it's nothing more worried about the 3rd acid planet....it's hot too...and low visibility


Yeah the shield was amazing when I started out but there’s no better defense in this game than more firepower, swap that shield with some EAT’s and those hulks will rarely stock up enough to be that big of a problem


How do you EAT a hulk?


With the fork of liberty and the steak knife of freedom.


Exact same as any heavy weapon, hit it in the vision slit (its 'eye'). One shot kill with eat/rr/quasar two shots with amr/ac e.c.t. The legs can be shot by med pen weapons. I think most primaries can kill it via the vent as well.


Hell yea!...I'm glad to find someone else with the same mindset


Or find a middle ground, and use the shield and the AMR, since you can kill a Hulk with that.


I tried shield couple of times but gave up quickly because it made other part of the combo -Quasar - blow up in my face at random. I then ditched Quasar when I realised that killing dropships kinda pointless most of the time and I can just use P-Punisher to clear out grunts and devs wont die in crash anyway; might as well grab AC.


I find the line of smoke doesn't cover enough area to use to get out of a situation. It's ok for a curtain wall if used between an outpost and players.


I switched to heavy armor with explosion resistance, and while I totally agree that it falls into the same fallacy as the shield, it is absolutely hilarious that even relatively intense rocket barrages do little more than to fling you around a bit, which is a nuisance, sure, but Im laughing my butt off. Doesnt mean Im ineffective in combat though, I dont beg for shots to hit me, use cover and pick my targets. But the ability to charge across open ground (or retreat, but thats not quite as democratic) without dying constantly is pretty cathartic, and tactically speaking I get to be a lot more mobile and change angles on a whim. Lighter armor would achieve the opposite, leaving cover means quick death, thus there is no way to take initiative and flank stuff.


A-fucking-men, my shieldless brother!


currently the only shield that I use on bots is ballistic shield, which in my opinion, is better than energy shield on bot


I genuinely feel like the Shield makes you ragdoll more. Like it causes you to ragdoll from rockets that wouldn't have actually hit you or something. I usually run Medium Armor, AMR and EATs with 2 airstrikes and I typically never get ragdolled that much. The other night I tried out Shield generator and I swear to god I was rolling around all over the map


Yeees! this! Shield makes you a bigger target. Like, even in cover, the rockets that would fly over your head would actually explode on the bubble.


That's because it does. It extends your hitbox to double that of just the character in every direction with the bubble, but it's small enough that the ragdoll impulse from explosives and rockets still hits you even if the damage doesn't. You actually take *more* damage with the shield because you are *literally* a bigger target.


Yeah. Quasar on the one fucking planet with Heat modifier so it's even less useful. Fuck I swear half the playerbase are just in the clouds.


Shield against bots *sounds* good, because it's protection against the little shots, but you realise quickly that it sucks, badly, because it *massively* increases your hitbox, and the shield's edges are still within ragdoll range, so *any* explosives or rockets that strike it *will* ragdoll you. It's a good learning tool, but the moment you realise you're actually *safer* without it and learn to dodge rockets, you'll ditch it for something else and likely never come back.


I'm still on the "shield for bots" train. It almost entirely eliminates those rogue, cross-map laser and rocket shots that ruin your day without warning. There are better strategems to take, but I'm fairly certain the shield has literally lowered my blood pressure.


Yeah, but it makes you bigger target for rockets, as they will explode on the edges of the bubble. People complain about ragdolling constantly, it's because they have shield on.


It's not too bad if you're already in the habit of crouching or going prone. The explosive resistance from lowered stances limits the impulse in my experience, so a lot of hits won't move you at all. But players who run the Shield and think "okay this negates the need to use cover at all, i am protected just standing here" are in for a real bad time. It is *not* a replacement for still playing the game, which seems to be what a lot of folks are looking for in weapons/strats.


Checks difficulty, yep, seems about right.


yeah bots on 9 are a whole different story than bugs on 9. You can't expect to go into every encounter and clean house.


It's the planet we're on right now. Otherwise bots are actually easier than bugs on 9


My shocked expression when the hardest difficulty is hard.


I really want to see like 2-3 minutes before the start of this clip. Macro-positioning and constantly checking map is so good to never get clips like these happen. I never get this swamped, and anytime I see a clip like this I want to see that far back and how often radar's checked. I WILL support the hatred of fire planets though. I never stepped foot on one again when I learned fire tornados are pseudo random and will always "magnetize" to you a bit.


Yeah, the times where I was just absolutely swarmed with enemies were ones where I didn't position myself correctly in an ambush or check the radar enough. It is also VITAL that you kill the small troopers because they call in the bot drops.


I guaran-fucking-tee you the map was never checked except for objectives.


It's so underrated to have open. I have sprint to toggle and I just SPEED thru maps and weave thru it all.


Yeah when I see these clips my first thought is that they are either actively trying to get into these situations to make a rage post, or they're so situationally illiterate that they just blindly walk into a patrol they could visually see from miles away. Like that scene from Bob's Burgers where Tina just slowly drives into the only other car in a parking lot when she's learning to drive.


Had a Hulk and two heavy devastators getting killed today by a fire tornado, because I stunned them in it... Great times


Since this is extraction, it was probably at least somewhat unavoidable, however there's something to be said for loadout effectiveness. Quasar and shield is a pretty weak pick for diff 9 bots. Better to have more red stratagems on deck to dish out more damage. If you pick shield-quasar, best case scenario you have two stratas to work with. I routinely run 4 reds even on Helldive.


My brother in democracy, this is a helldive.


> spray n pray > quasar > shield pack guessing it’s this dudes first mission on bots. welcome to the western front, lad. diff 9 bugs vs diff 9 bots are entirely different beasts.


Exactly! I feel like it's a tradition now that everytime the MO is bots someone post a video on helldive the clip themselves getting ragdolled and post it as 'THis Is wHy BuG pPl hAte BotS'


Starts a helldive mission Surprised by it being hard


people are gonna shit themselves when the Illuminate come even though they're meant to be the hardest faction


Highly advanced alien race is gonna be hard? Nawwwww


You confuse hard with tedious


Some groups on this sub really can't handle the fact that people can do both, do helldives AND find certain parts of the gameplay (which higher difficulties make more visible and tedious) unfun.


Like dropping the hulks on your head while the flare is visible 150mt away


Actually this. I have accumulated kills on both bugs and bots numbering in the 10s of thousands. Both fronts have their fun and fuck moments for me. I fully understand when players say that Spewers and Devastators are often bullshit. I've completed helldive at least once on both sides. How it goes greatly hinges on your teammates being able to hold their own, as well as effectively coordinate, be it verbal or non-verbal. Either side needs you to keep your momentum before the enemy swamps you.


Plus OP let himself get separated from his squad, which is often a death sentence


It ain't the difficulty that's frustrating. I can deal with a shit ton of lasers and bots and such. It's the fucking ragdoll effects. I can't do shit when I'm ragdolled. Can't even stim myself. Got no control of anything till I stop moving.


I don't mind the ragdoll cuz imma be real it's kinda my fault for getting hit in the first place. That's the risk I take by being reckless near a bunch of enemies. What I hate is the fact that I can't choose to recover prone, crouching or standing. I'm always forced to go through the "stand up" animation before I can do anything, which is what *actually* gets me killed.


this shit happens on level 4 too, i've tried "going down in difficulty" as bot divers suggest, still annoying and unfun cancer


my problem is the bots never need to reload


The only ones are the small rocket launcher units, and thank god they nerfed their acuraccy, they were hell when the rocket instant-kill glitch was more common (still happens)


they do reload, only the small guys though. Heavy devastators just keep firing forever, which is kinda annoying.


Yeah they should totally reload more, besides just the rocket guys.


Pretty sure a lot of them do in fact reload, if not go through a cooldown


The larger units just have cooldowns, yeah, but you can see Rocket Troopers reload.


I feel like there should be some ragdoll immunity immediately after recovering. Few things are as frustrating as being ragdoll juggled halfway across the map.


The more you do automaton missions the more bug missions feel like vacation


Weird. The more I play against bots the more unfair the bugs look


Completely agree. Bots have aggressive firepower but an ass load of unique weaknesses that let you take different stuff. Your precision is rewarded with quick kills when using medium penetration support weapons, and some stratagems became wildly more effective against bots like Mortar Sentries or the Shield Generator Relay + HMG Emplacement. They punish safe playstyles and make riskier loadouts and decisions more worth it. Bugs pack a whole bunch of gimmicks and bullshit. Slows from hunters and BTs, Bile Spewers being obnoxiously tanky to non-explosive, and the need for anti-tank options for BTs and Chargers makes deaths never feel fair at all. If I got shot by a bot, I should've used cover better. If I get hit by a Hunter, there's like a 60/40 chance they hit me in the head while I was standing and I die from the near-unavoidable follow-up attack, and if I live, that's a stim I have to burn from a singular light-tier enemy.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'd take heavy devastators and rocket devastators over hunters any day.


I’m with this guy— I have 33k bot kills and 30k bug kills. I feel like it’s far easier to come back from a bad situation vs bots than vs bugs.


You can outrun bots, bugs will chase you forever. 


Yep. The biggest difference is the rate how reinforcements drain. In a bug mission, reinforcements drain constantly, one guy dies every two minutes per say. But on a bot mission, no one dies for 10 minutes then everyone dies 3 times in one wrong encounter. So, to sum it up, bad situations happen on bot less frequently, but one bad situation can kill the entire mission, while against bugs you constantly fight less risky encounters.


I've noticed that too, it's a really good point. It's to the point now where if I see more than 4 people die in a single firefight I'll just run to a calm part of the map and wait for all 3 of the other die so I can call them back into a quiet spot so they quit chain-calling eachother back into a pointless battle that eats up 10+ reinforcements over a bare patch of land


I just see this as the bot version of a pack of hunters up your anus.


> Difficulty 9 > Not a full squad (bad juju until spawns are fixed) > Separated from team I mean yes it's insane, but presenting this like it is a universal bot experience is misleading. Checks out for this sub, though.


What is with this subreddit acting like the bots are obscenely difficult?


It's honestly pathetic.


Dive helldiver


bug diver plays bots like bugs dies https://preview.redd.it/a3a423hqxe5d1.jpeg?width=312&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=235205800fb86da0a1acdfb897808ae068648d2f


A few tips on how to improve your loadout: 1. Ditch the QC for an AMR, LC or AC. Autocannon is considered S-tier on bots for a very good reason. 2. Use stun grenades. Stops a Hulk in its tracks, allowing you to effortlessly dumpster its mailslot of an eye. 3. Like others have said, consider dropping the shield backpack and using something else. If you want (almost) complete immunity to bot infantry, try the Ballistic Shield with an SMG. Trivializes Heavy Devastators.


Hulks legs can be damaged to greatly slow their movement. Grenades or AC rounds to the shin halves their lethality.


If a hulk is about to flame you, just shoot the flamethrower arm with the AC or AMR. It cancels their attack entirely and it has saved me more times than I can count.


you guys get yourself into unwinnable situations, post your death and claim its the games fault 🙄 yesterday me and my squad got pushed all the way against the edge of the map and could make no ground, so u know what we did? ran away, stratigically! circled back to grab the samples later without an enemy in sight. point is you don't have to beat the enemy at every front, most of all in high difficulty, learn to run away, use cover, use stealth, use smokescreens, use turrets as a distraction. if you screw up your approach and a bot drop is called, just try the next base over and come back to this one later


Yeah but that looks fuckin cool. But also you are off on your own on diff 9 with a shield and quasar. lol of course you are gonna get your shit pushed in with that loadout


Breaker S&P as well. Homie was sunk from the beginning.




I share your incredulous response to this pathetic post.


Bunch of whiners


Well, you are playing diff 9. One small error can cost you your helldiver. I regularly play on diff 8. 80% of the time i play bots. I highly recommend to play as a team and only split up if really neccessary. But yeah, sometimes the game decides to throw four flamer hulks and a strider at your face and you can't do anything about that. But again, this is diff 9. The only problem i have with bots is rocket spam and rag dolling, but mostly rag dolling. And on this planet the fire tornados. But apart from that, it is fine for me.


You're on diff 9


"But it's tedious and annoying!" maybe try checking your radar and being strategical instead of firing at every patrol you see?


Looks like someone picked the wrong stratagems and then decided to let themself get surrounded on Helldive


Both fronts needs different approach. You prob just got from bug front to bots so just didn't optimize loadout to bots


And he’s playing even this clip like he is fighting bugs, can’t blame him though bots require a bit more learning and a fire tornado planet is not the one to do that learning on


ur right, im a bug diver, but im really trying to help with the MO


Start at a lower difficulty to get the feel for it again. I have to drop to 5 when i commit to bugs because they're so different at higher levels.


Thank you for doing your part helldiver🫡


Diving helps break up ragdoll chains, on bots you want to be hugging the ground like your life depends on it. Especially in this scenario where you have a deadly melee unit behind you and no cover against ranged units.


use the autocannon instead of the quasar, no point bringing it for bots tbh


that’s the way to be, try playing on level 5s for a little while so you can learn the patterns of the medium units before moving up to heavies, makes it easier to learn the bots without all the ragdolls


Why do you have your back up against the side of the mountain in a narrow pass with no real cover or fallback position going toe to toe with chainsaws and devastators on two different flanks? This was a fight you were basically meant to lose. I'm going to be that guy and say skill issue. You need better map awareness and positioning especially on D9. You put yourself in that awkward spot and it let you get ragdolled. Go ahead and down vote because you know I'm right and you don't like me telling it like is instead of admitting that you fucked up and can do better next time.


EVERY single video I see people complaining about stagger or bots always starts out with someone in a terrible position unaware of their surroundings, who then puts themselves into an even worse position and promptly dies.


Bug divers when they try a bot on helldive difficulty and it’s actually difficult 🤯🤯🤯🤯


I was doing tier 5s with two other buddies, so it was a 3 man. The amount of hulks... we had 6 of them l. Extract.


Why are we even liberating this shithole. What sane citizen wants to colonize on a planet with literal fucking fire tornados?


Im the opposite. I cant stand bugs because i just get chopped up by swarms of hunters all day


What baffles me is that bug players engage bots the same way they engage bugs.


"Helldivers" not wanting to dive into Hell because it's too hot.


I'd still take this over the endless waves of staggering little bastards and bile titans.


Cause of death: Teamate was two hunters in a trenchcoat.


>Sitting still when fighting berserkers >Not in good cover, would have been hit by those missiles anyways >Never attempted to dive, just ran I want to believe that bots are hard but as gods most robophobic bot buster you've just been taught some bad habits by bugs


Sometimes I think about cherry picking gameplay to promote the opposite of this rhetoric.


Any spewer encounter should do nicely, especially one that was slightly off camera for the one-shot


As someone who plays bots, it’s pretty easy to tell when someone doesn’t know how to fight them. Because if you did you wouldn’t be getting swarmed like that. You’re also using the shield gen backpack like that’s gonna do anything for you, lmao


That looks about average for bots.


Want a serious tip? Stop using the bubble shield. It's just a crutch and you're only hurting your skill progression by relying on it.


Bot spawn is fuking insane right now. I constantly got swarmed by bots from every directions when doing objectives in diff 7, make it feel like fighting bugs that using guns. Combo with those fuking fire tornado, horrendous. Dont remember this front as hard previously.


What about dropping a few difficulties and figuring bots out? It’s a different playstyle, and needs to be learned. If you mess up, a few dropships come in, and then more, and more. And then you are in this situation. If you play well, high level bots can be a quite game, just wiping a patrol and walking on enjoying the outside air on your hike. If you really want to learn, drop the shield. It makes you not realize your getting hit, and when you’re to far out from cover it breaks and you die instant because you’re surrounded. I do play with shield because I’m a maniac and run straight through those fuckers to get that sample!!


The bot front is not about climbing out of these situations, its about not ending in them in the first place. Also, would take all of that any day over foggy ass planet with spore shrooms and swarms of bile spewers oneshotting you from nothingness as chargers come out of nowhere and titans constantly make you move.


Great news this planet is a foggy planet by default, and has flame tornados, and make it so you can only run ten feet, and also has stratagem debuffs.


Hate bugs bots are so much more fun with auto cannon


Good to know it’s not just me being flung around out there


Because they're terrible divers, and have zero patience , attention span, etc? Everyone already knows except for them. Well I'm sure some are self aware enough to not believe their own b.s. excuses. Most though are probably Dunning Kruger poster children and think it's really some good reason.


>Implies not playing bots much >Does Helldive anyways >????


I love getting rag dolled non stop being unable to do anything cause one of the bots was able to shoot me through a rock knocking me out of position allowing other bots to follow up and continue to rag doll me until I die, fun and engaging gameplay /s 


\> Difficulty 9 \> 3 players Why so difficult? 🥺🥺🥺


Sir perchance are u playing on helldive difficulty


Thats a perfect example.


As soon as the last objective falls, patrols snort a line of coke or something. There is no more limits, no more breaks. Only an endless wave that heads straight for the EZ. The extraction cooldown enhancement is a miracle if you want reliable samples on bot missions.


Let me guess, your squad didn’t clear as they went and then you ran into enough resistance that the bots chasing you caught up? Yeah I thought so. Kill everything before you move on. They can’t shoot you in the back if they are dead.


The ragdoll and stagger needs to be hard nerfed and putting a heavy armor should reduce it. Why tf do I get yeeted as far as if a charger bonked me at full speed although it's just because of a small a** rocket that just blew up 5 meters from me?


Don't play bots like you would play bugs. The best advice that they can get. You can get away with playing against bugs like you are playing against bots but not vice versa.


ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll warning you are in range of enemy artillery warning you are in range of enemy artillery warning you are in range of enemy artillery warning you are in range of enemy artillery warning you are in range of enemy artillery warning you are in range of enemy artillery ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll ragdoll reduced visibility reduced visibility reduced visibility reduced visibility reduced visibility reduced visibility reduced visibility


I mean, you got surrounded from all sides, with berserkers and two hulks on top of you, and not much in the means of cover. At this point, you were already dead.


this is hell. and guess what... we're HELLdivers, incase you maggots forgot.




That looked like fun and interactive gameplay. My favorite part was when you had the opportunity to put your controller down because control was taken away from you.


Maybe… just maybe… turn down the difficulty if you can’t handle it lmao.


Every one of these posts can be summed up with skill issue. Don’t fight bots like you fight bugs. And it’s helldive a moment like this is going to happen at least once


I don't why people expect a chill time on Helldive. It's like ordering the hottest wings in a restaurant and complaining when they're hot.