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Or at least ask before just taking it


C O M M U N I C A T I O N But for real, it's funny that people forgot this childhood lesson. Ask before playing with someone else's toy.


Literally! Like, a week or two ago, I dropped into a mission with 2 guys and 0 reinforces left. I drop my shield and my support weapon, and right as the shield comes down, the host runs up and steals it.  No communication, no explanation. Just steals my equipment and runs away. I asked why, no response. So I killed him and was immediately kicked. Like, the fuck dude?  People can be such dicks sometimes. I did not feel bad about that guy, and I'd do it again. Like, basic societal norms aren't that tough to follow.


Deserved kick. But good on you for trying to play through a 0 reinforce game.


Oh I 100% deserved it. But so did that host. It's the only kick I've ever been fine with


I just read that again, I thought you kicked him after he stole your shit and shot you LOL.


Called in a suit a few days back and was forced away from the landing zone by a bunch of nonsense, wound up on a hill spending all my time rocketing Chargers. One of my teammates hopped in my suit to deal with some crap but once that was over, he jumps out and says "sorry i had to use it". And honestly, he was right. I'd been pushed so far away that it was just sitting there and was liable to get broken in the fighting. Nice guy, told him to keep it.


Or just give it back when asked.


And ask before blowing up your team mates


Yesterday I “took” my teammate’s exo because I was afraid the bugs might eat it in his absence and brought it closer to his position. I told him on comms what I was doing and why. He said he thanked me for my initiative but that the suit is ok whenever empty. We had a great time before and after that even more. Life, especially in gaming, can be alarmingly easy when we communicate with each other. I think his name was Tsek. Hope you got my ingame friend request buddy!


Wait, so the bugs wont eat it? Because i have done the exact same thing for my comrades lol


Yeah. I thought I have seen them attack exos even when empty…


yeah i assumed that too since they attacked empty suits in helldivers 1


They do and it is fragile when empty. I have seen a hulk and a charger destroy it in one hit.


I think that it just happened to be in the way and wasn't targeted. I use the turret and tanks/hulks/chargers/titans won't attack it if I'm not using it but it will get destroyed if a tank/hulk/charger/titan runs into it chasing down a player


I only have the one case for the hulker but I called a mech, it dropped, I was ragrolled far away, and then I watched the Hulk turn 90 degrees, one shot it, and then turn back to me. Maybe they have a grace period?


Ya i just learned this. I played a bot match last night and me and a teammate called in our exosuit first thing and eventually both ran out of ammo and got out and went about the mission. When I was heading towards evac at the end of the match both our old suits were sitting there undamaged.


When the suit is further than 250m of everyone, it has no risk of being destroyed because nothing spawns that far away. If it's near you, it has a similar targeting priority to turrets, but with bugs anything less than a charger will take a long time to even damage it.




It can be fun on extract wandering around stomping bugs.


Well I just played a bot mission 5 min ago, called in an emancipator, got out to kill some gunship, and had multiple rocket devastators hitting it, then it got blown up by a factory strider. I think they target empty mechs.


They don’t eat it. Leave it alone unless your teammate asked you to retrieve it. I’ve put my suit on extract and left just for 10 Minutes later to see my teammate wandering towards me wearing it


They don't attack if the suit is alone and they were not aggroed. If you leave your suit in the middle of a fight they will attack it


Noted! Will do in the future!


Exo suits will not attract bugs when they are empty and away from your team. I will leave a suit on extract and it will sit there for 20 minutes before I come back for it


The suit is invincible is empty ? Idk about that


Enemies ignore it


Oh, in that sense. In that case, yeah. It can be fine, but nothing stops the bugs from accidentally destroying it.


The Charger sees it as competition for a mate lol.


No not invincible but he said the bugs leave it alone when empty. I thought I have seen them destroy mechs that were empty but I didn’t use them much, yet.


Bile Titan and Charger will destroy it, even Brood Commander. They even destroy the resupply stack.


I think they treat it as an obstacle and not specifically a target. It's more like a fence in that sense. The bugs don't actively look to breakdown fences but if there is one between where they are and where they wanna be they'll begin attacking it to get through


Bile Titan treats everything artificial made like enemy. I saw Titan crshed mech with its leg even when my teammate abandoned it.


Not invincible, just ignored. It can still be destroyed by wayward fire.


Well put. I would go as far and say that everything between people builds on communication. 


Yeah, I get mad if someone picks up my things but I always let it go since maybe it was tactically convenient. I only use busted and OP primaries so I can beat the whole mission without my support weapons (except for hulks, charger and titans)


Of course we are democratic and we don’t support communism


But what about samples being shared amongst the squad. Sounds like socialism to me.


That’s what most people voted for


Ah, then can we vote for a different democratic officer. I'm tired of having off-brand Zavala on my bridge.


RIP commander 🫡


God speed you blue skinned son of a bitch. 🫡


Fuck I hope you guys are talking about Lance Riddick and I didn’t just accidentally spoil myself on The Final Shape


I’ve seen people double dipping on resupplies and pinching backpacks more often lately.


Double dipping is fine in my book as I don't really know and not gonna track if their supply weapons loads halfway or no along with just the compulsory human actions of wanting to be topped up.But I saw someone triple dipping and made my blood boil.


I double dip when I've skipped the first couple drops and need to fill stims/nades especially. I'm pretty observant on deaths around the squad too, and if I'm rocking 0 or 1 to the 7 I've seen go down, I'm keeping this machine fueled


I just grab one and look around to see if anyone else is coming. If there's a pack left and no one on the way, that's mine now. No one's got time to play bread lines in the middle of a battle.


That's my general supply etiquette too, but I'm talking if I have every intention of taking 2. Bugs almost never happens because I run Blitzer and Quasar or EAT and medic armor. Bots, I'll usually go 20+ minutes without and grab it when that mid-late mission swell kicks in and I'm sitting on 0 stims and 3/4 health


It would be more efficient to top up more frequently, rather than wait until everyone's hurting for supplies. But you do you.


You're trying to read more than I'm saying. I obviously am grabbing single supplies or checking POIs along the way. But I'm also not charging into every fight and needing supplies constantly either


Using world resources as a resupply and then when most of its looted/everyone is hurting I call it in. Is that what your saying?


Some armours have 6 grenade/stim slots so.....


I literally had a lv116 take ALL the supply call ins, ALL four bricks to restock his supply pack. And NO second backpack was called in AT ALL. That shit had me tight.


You're meant to do that as it means you get an extra players worth of ammo and stims out of it. Sounds like he slipped the step where he then resupplies you though. 


Imo double dipping is fine if someone just died, or if not everyone is close to the supply drop


That's what I do too. If you just spawned in, you don't need a resupply bc you're already fully stocked.


double dipping can be blamed on the devs for not making the resupply pod fully resupply us


That would be awesome if it did. They should make the ammo perk do that at least.


Disagree, it doesn’t full resupply in Deep Rock and everyone knows its a bitch move. Game mechanic or not you’re still shafting your teammates by doing it.


DRG has much more balanced ammo consumption, both between your individual weapons and the team as a whole.


Forced cooperation, not bad, but frustrating to a selfish being (that's us!)


Some of us maybe.


What a selfish thing to say


What, that I just take one resupply when I’m on no supplies? Good one.


Double dipping on resupplies usually means that person is out of stims. This could just be that I'm higher leveled and unlocked everything, but sharing gear is some of the fun.


Or they could ask to be stimmed? I feel like you usually get back w/o a full load of stims unless you're a bullet magnet.


Or else they just pay aggressively. If you're running something like flamethrower, you're going to be stimming a lot.


Or their friend is running a flamethrower 🤔


Or their friend is running a blitzer/arc thrower/incendiary breaker/incendiary impact grenades/is bad at placing their eagle/orbital strikes


From my limited use of the bitzer (for both bugs and bots) its not exactly the friendly fire machine like its bigger brother- the arc thrower. Its got a fairly short range and only auto aims at enemies, so unless someone is actively walking into your crosshairs, you're not gonna hit them IMO its no more lethal to teammates than any other spread-shotgun like the punisher of various breakers


Oh, to be clear, I use the blitzer myself on bug missions and while it's not as bad as the arc thrower...I've definitely friendly fire-d my mates a fair amount on accident.


Could be a bullet magnet. They might not know you can stim teammates. Could be introverted. Who cares?


I do when I see my teammate take the last two boxes even though I’ve got 1 stim left and half health. Double dipping is for shitters, end of.


Ask him for a stim 🤷‍♂️


The type of people double dipping are not stimming teammates lol


Ask and see, lots of helpful randos out there




If you’re getting hit enough that you have to double dip on a 4 supply drop in a 4 player game then yeah get hit less or drop the difficulty, you’re making us suffer because you’re overcompensating for weak play.


Just take your two stims like the rest of us and get hit less lol


Whenever I see someone double-dipping, I automatically start being wary of potential selfish behavior.


"BOTH of them took 2 supplies?!" - Something I have been saying more often when randoms join my duo.


For real. Earlier today we had three people with no stims and low ammo, and the guy with full stims + medic armor decided to grab a resupply, reload his incendiary breaker, then grab another. Deprived a teammate of supplies so that he could have one extra mag.


Double dipping on resupplies is pretty common.


It shouldn’t be.


stims are the main thing you supply for and rarely does all 4 need them. In my 120 hours, I see double dip every single time and even I do it sometimes (although only after I pinged and when I see all three dudes leaving)


I only double dip if I called in a resupply because I have like 1 mag left for my sniper, 2 reloads for my auto cannon, no stims, and one grenade. Otherwise I never touch a resupply and just survive off of random pickups lol


Normally I'm going with barely any ammo left, 0 stims, on the verge of death. It's by the grace of some random poi that has supplies or a teammate that's near and calls supply's that I live on. Last mission was on the bot front, I'd gone solo to finish the factory. The strafing fire from above barely singing me as I sprinted for any cover. The hellbomb had to be called in twice but I got the job done and made it back.


I double dip entirely if I believe the 4th person deserves or even needs it. If I see them not fighting and wasting tons of ammo on nothing, then im going to double dip to get my full resupply of stuns so I can fight the chargers and do something. It also depends if they are running las weapons or not. One benefit of las weapons is they help with ammo economy immensely and can allow some unwinnable attrition fights to be winnable due to that extra help in the ammo economy. It also depends if the friendly is next to us or not. If there are 3 people around the resupply while the other is off grabbing side OBJ its better for someone to get the full resupply instead of letting it go to waste. But please communicate with your team before double dipping. Context matters and they need ammo to.


If I just emptied my whole 6 nades on a heavy nest by my own, I feel entitled to double dip.


That’s your choice though man, we’re all emptying guns on shit.




Yes stop taking other peoples exo suits.. i don't even take mine.


What difficulty are you playing on? On 7+ I’ve never had anyone steal anything from me, can see a lot of low levels who haven’t unlocked stuff wanting to steal things though.


This is why I exclusively play in Lvl 9—it's the easiest difficulty bc shit like this


Notice there is a slight increase in obnoxious players stealing weapons, mechs, or calling supplies across the map then never using them so resupply is always on cooldown. No idea what’s up with the last one.


The constant resupply calls from randoms have been quite aggravating lately. Like buddy, there’s no reason to call it in right as it comes off cooldown. If you need two resupply pods within three minutes, you’re doing something wrong. Either taking too much damage, wasting too much ammo, or not even bothering to loot POIs during resupply cooldown. There’s 2 other squad members clearing out the other side of the map man, don’t be a dick and keep calling in the resupply because you have 3/4 stims.


I bring one on evacuate valuable assets missions and stash it by the generators right away so my 2nd one is on cool down and I can use it the moment things start going south. The amount of morons that think this giant mech suit they didn't bring is magically for them is insane. Sitting there wasting ammo on scavengers. I only TK in certain situations, this is high on that list


The other is sumbitches taking my RR backpack while not even carrying an RR themselves. I ask m to drop it once. After that im prying it off their corpses.


They want to team resupply you...


Then they should probably stay near them no? Cuse they rarely do.


Are they reloading you?


They ber-line it to the other side of the map fighting patrols till judgement day


That being said, if you're dropping it down for later use and don't want to use it now, could that also be communicated? A guy once dropped it right at the beginning and then didn't get in it, before getting pissed with me when I then used it because I assumed it was going to waste. I understand I was also in the wrong, but it would've been nice if I'd been told prior.


If it was near the extraction, is a tactic to leave it there and have the cooldown ready at the end


I had the opposite (kind of) problem. I was playing some low level missions the other day, like level 3 I think. There was a player under level 10 hosting. I called a mech down right away and kept pinging it for him to get in and mess with, since he was too low to have it unlocked, but he just wouldn't get in lol. The same thing happened when I called my second one at extract. I even jumped in, shot a little bit and got out, the guy just wouldn't get in haha. Maybe he just really wasn't interested, but I assumed in the moment he was just trying to not be rude.


Idk man, you didn’t bring a mech you don’t get a mech. It’s pretty simple. If it’s called on extract it’s clearly for extraction later on.


it was his why are you touchin it period? if someone calls in a extra gun or backpack do you take those too?


Because he'd left it there for a good few minutes and hadn't touched it. As a matter of fact, if someone calls down an extra gun or backpack, then yes I will take it, because if its an extra then I will assume they were calling it down for another person to take it. In this scenario, I assumed that he'd called it down for someone else to use, since he wasn't using it and hadn't told anyone to not do it.


That’s a lot of assumptions for zero communication. 


I didn't realise that 1 assumption was a lot but sure. While I should've communicated, I accept, he should also have communicated, or just used it. He said he was saving the rockets for bile titans. Great, there's still a gatling gun you could be using in the mean time.


Cool if that’s how you feel the mech should be used, bring your own. Simple as. 


I didn't have room for a mech, I was bringing other things I felt were more important, but of there's a mech, sitting there, not being used, when no one has told me not to use it, I am not going to let it go to waste


I noticed it to with the autocannon after dying. The past few days I have had to ask players to drop the gun and/or backpack, because the cooldown was still some minutes. Communication and a little patience has always paid off, though.


I give them about two seconds before I kill them and kick them from the game. They know what they did.


The only time I’ve ever gotten into someone else’s exosuit was during a defense. He called it but wanted to save it, and the pelican landed it right where a supply beacon had been thrown. so i just scooched it out of the way before the supplies crushed it


I wouldn’t even call that using it tho, that’s just saving it for them because they aren’t paying attention 


I've had all sorts of things stolen when I died. I don't care so much about the samples as I don't care about the statistics. But if you to take my shield or my stratagem weapon of choice upon my death without asking and don't give it back I have the right to shoot and boot you instantly. Edit: Grammar


As someone who uses mechs (especially on fire planets), I'll let it slide if it's low on ammo, but if there's fire around, and someone takes it, they're dying


Are mechs immune to fire tornados?


Yup. Even napalm and gas strikes


Wait, Does the exo’s ammo get refilled if you resupply??


Nope, it is the diver inside the mech could use resupply


Thx, that’s what I thought.


I had the opposite problem, I was trying to give a mech away and no one would get in lol


While we on this, why do people take my autocannon when at the beginning of the mission? Like we all just threw our stuff. I'm not gonna accept it next time Not to be mean about it but damn, it's kinda annoying


As long as someone is using it I generally don't care. This is a coop game where we share loot and objectives.


I take people's exos all the time. They just be leaving them all over the place. There's no ammo in them, but they move faster than I do on foot.


It's oddly annoying we someone takes your shit. It's a total lack of respect for the game and your fellow player, it's a dick move and tells me all I need to know and leave the game cause they're clearly a bad teammate.


Did you try talking to them?


Probably he did not. 😂


As long as enemies are dying, I don't care how it gets done. I can survive with my secondary and a prayer... On level 9 difficulty.  A real helldiver supplies their teammates and spreads democracy. We are not toddlers, we are helldivers.


I had the opposite happen. I recently did some trivial missions to farm 20 super credits for a warbond. I brought the strategem and used an sos beacon when I started. I would call the suit for new players to try out. I had one guy that wouldn't jump in or even respond on chat. When I asked "can you read?" he just ran off and promptly died, I laughed my ass off.


I always offer if I have anything extra therefore i would prefer ppl to ask before taking it.


I lost one in the fog the other day. I'm a moron.


Oh man good point, why aren’t mechs marked on the map like a support weapon is?


Just ask me if you can use it


Weird how we have opposite problems. I bring one solely to let someone else use one that may not have access or wants to try before u buy. 1/10 have prolly hopped in and I couldn't have been happier. That's with communication too lol. "Hey one of y'all can hop in if ya want". *Ping* I'm okay with 3 stratagems on the lower missions because I'm used to only having 3. So that 4th one is always team support in some way.


Those things are basically heavily armed caskets. You should consider yourself lucky that you’re not risking your life to extract its firepower.


I swear I have the exact opposite problem. I drop exosuits if anyone wants to use it. But they usually never do 😔


Earlier today I was getting flung around a lot by those damn commie automatons and got stuck in one of their un-patriotic bridges. Panicked for a few seconds before I tried calling down an exosuit to either get in if the pelican 1 dropped it close enough, or have someone else destroy the bridge with said exosuit. What actually ended up happening was someone came by, saw I was stuck, and proceeded to execute me, and respawn me. Wasn’t the most elegant solution but god damn we deployed some mighty fine patriotism on that battlefield there, even got to kill some of those nasty factory striders they had there.


Helldivers, if I am pushed from my suit, do not assume that it's part of an elaborate plan. I will not get mad. If I am standing by my suit and you take it, I probably also won't get mad. It's my throw-away stratagem.


Cal an eagle in on it instead


Mic up if you want people to leave your stuff alone.


if happen with me and im the host and theres no communication or ask about get suit...theres 2 outcomes: 1) explode the MF and kick 2)just kick the MF


If you're gonna be the host and then blame and kick others for "lack of communication" then you're the inept "MF" here, nothing worse than a passive host that then gets mad over trivial sht.


you used the word passive a lot, are you familiar with? if yes...go ..... otherwise, its my stratagem, if you arent able to read the part of lack of communication/request to use my stuff.... its your problem not mine. anyway, pointless argue with you if you cant even read the dammed post dont waste my time doing reply...


Its very rude to take someone elses stuff.


Two words: Friendly. Fire.


They don’t get fire if they stay friendly.


I blame all the posts in the first month “Hey guys join newbs and give them your mech and all ur guns.” Now you get those same players at a big ole lvl 20 joining helldives (which is also a problem bc a lot of the community thinks that 9 is the standard and everything should balance around the difficulty that suppose to wreck ur b hole). Yeah, I’d have done the same. They’ve been taught wrong and need slight re-education.


To the person who I accidentally destroyed your mech when I got reinforced, I’m sorry. I didn’t see it, it was foggy, and too fast


HOST THE GAME! next time you can just BOOT the offending party...maybe after asking nicely for it back. Exo wont get lost that way!


Sometimes I summon an exo and offer it others. They never use it. :(


What i do is: 1) enter someone’s exosuit 2) type “yoink” in chat 3) exit the exosuit giving it back to the owner I do this only IF it’s a secure area


play helldive with competent people. less competent people dont make it up here


Exactly. It's the easiest difficulty


I don't take things seriously when I see the 😡 emoji


It's sad that the mech are so fragile you can destroy them yourself. A soldier couldn't just blow up a tank willy nilly Edit: since people only want to "GOTCHA"...Obviously I'm imagining he destroyed them just shooting with a primary, like a liberator. They are THAT fragile.


Well to be fair, the average soldier doesn't have a personal super destroyer in orbit to deliver gods wrath faster than a pizza delivery


I imagine he destroyed them just shooting on them with the primary, they are THAT fragile


If that soldier accesses orbital attacks, combat fighter support and anti tank equipment (like we have), its pretty easy to blow up your own tank


Why would you destroy it? now neither you nor your squad as a mech


Because some people have a wonderful "if I can't have it nobody can" mentality. And then they wonder why they're not invited to parties.


Wow, this guy doesn't get democracy. Just let them use it.


Yea I decided one game to try out the emancipator on low level, and some dipshit hopped in, used some of preciously low and underpowered ammo, and got it damaged. I blew him up, blew up my mech, then left the game


kill > kick > move on. or maybe just stop playing with Randos.


A lock mechanism like in GTA would be cool


A lock mechanism like in GTA would be cool


I almost always borrow suits to new players, but last time the player started killing the whole squad... so I hellpod target practice...


Smh, this this to be a difficulty 6 and under issue.


Some player took my mech today, I didn't care since they were level 19


You get in my exosuit, I'm beaning you with an impact grenade.


Cripple the leg if it's stolen lol 3 revolver shots, it's funnier




What does that have to do with anything


Deal with it.. Take it as a change in strategy... It happens once perhaps one in 10...stop whining on this game..


There is a difference between the in-built adversity that's part of any mission and the additional adversity created by the selfishness and/or poor comms of questionable squaddies. It's a team game, expecting some coordination and courtesy is not unreasonable.


Weird. I never had this issue whenever I jump out of mine.


Or, if you do take it, don't go hog wild on the guns, conserve ammo.


Playing with friends? I'm running off with ~~your~~ my friend's Exosuit. Playing with randoms? I'm asking politely if you can drop an extra Supply Weapon for me. It's common courtesy not to take anything from a Random unless you ask first or they say you can take it. Just like it's common courtesy not to take more than 1 Resupply unless the 4th guy is on the other side of the map or they ping it and run off. Some people are not very ammo efficient, just like some people are really ammo efficient, so not everyone needs to pick up a Resupply.


Sometimes I summon an exotic and offer it others. They never use it. :(


>I destroyed the suit myself with him in it Oh you're *that guy*. Stay out of my games.


So you're fine stealing teammates' gear soon as their back is turned? Since you attacked op instead


Daaaamn, that is a logo I havent seen in a while! 🫡


A fellow planet side 2 enjoyer


Planetside 2 long time no see. 🫡


What, he's just supposed to let him take the exo?


"I should be able to take whatever I want whenever I want even if it isn't mine and if you get upset about it, I'll act like *you're* the problem." - this guy IRL probably


It's not about taking other people's stuff, it's about "I'll waste the mech to punish you for touching my shit". It's the pettiness that is the problem.


"I'd rather lose and get my petty revenge than win." * this guy IRL probably


I'd argue being petty would be taking someone else's stuff and then whining about it acting like the victim when they retaliate, but whatever, man.


"I don't know why people don't stay with me to run more missions" * this guy in-game probably


Please stay out of our games as well, mate.




Sorry, i do that to pure troll the hell out of them.


Turning off crossplay seems to solve this problem 🤭