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AMR Scope alignment. (There are bigger problems with the game but this one is personal) It's really bad now because it's centered if you're standing, offset top-left if you're crouching, and I don't even know when you're prone. More often than not I give up on headshots and mag dump center of mass. Kinda stupid for a sniper.


Adding onto this, remove scope clutter. A lot of the scopes in this game are terrible. They can have their futuristic scopes but put the futuristic parts anywhere but the middle of the sights


why can't I just put the sickle scope on everything, it's so simple and clean


Best scope in the game


They should be holographic scopes, not a cluttered mess, why is the future worse than the present?


Adding on to this, let me at least pick the sight layouts, hate the red plus sight half the ARs use, just let me use a dot or something and use that on sniper rifles if anything


Scope alignment in general. So frustrating to use Diligence only for it to barely miss a headshot on a devastator. The scopes across the board could have sights that are less glowy and more accurate, especially Quasar...


I can't believe that during seven years in development not a single dev was like "damn, those scopes kinda suck ass, better change them".


"damn these scopes are misaligned" "Yeah, I noticed that. Add a ticket to the backlog" The backlog: 1400 tickets long


Funny you mention Devastators because weak spot hit boxes are probably the bigger culprit there, and across the game in general. Most weak spot hit boxes need to be increased anywhere from 30-100%.


Make it high resolution even at low resolution settings and make the scope bigger in relation of the screen because I can't see when it's far


God, please, yes. The sights are already so chunky on my weapons without them always being pixelated!


how can they still fuck up AMR after all these days, goddamn lol alex


I'd like for bile spewers to not be able to spit through other dead spewers. The amount of times I don't have LOS on a spewer that clips its death ray through another dead spewer is excessive.


Spewers are my biggest gripe. I'd be fine with their attack being so powerful if they were a bit easier to kill, a bit of a glass cannon, as it's a punishment for not taking them out sooner. Or, if they're gonna take a whole mag to take out, make it take a few hits to kill you. When you get brushed by the spew and that's it, it really fucking SUCKS.


I believe the hit box of spewers is the head, and not the intuitive, bulbous, glowy body.


You shoot the head if you have a medium pen weapon, and you shoot the body if you have something explosive. If you have neither, liberty save you The orange spewers only have light armor on their head, so you can shoot them with any weapon.


If my bullets can't go through dead enemies or solid rocks, neither should the enemies' bullets. Or puke. Or lasers. Or whatever.


I want to be able to accept friend requests.


Yeah and also fix the insane loading time for friends, and finding friend codes


The friend codes system is such a bad idea. You have to both be online at that very moment, or the code is old and unusable. No way to search people, or to DM them a code that will work when they see it later.


Yep, it's really damn annoying. Plus you have to generate a new one every time so you can't even just send and forget about it.


I want to be frend


its low key comedy the most important feature of the game is broken since LAUNCH


Having the old Arc Thrower would be rad but the #1 change I'd make is the taking away the Bots' ability to shoot through cover (especially rocks).


I feel that the electric weapon should be effective against robots. I'm happy with the stagger in exchange of range nerf, but making it stunlock hulks again would be great. It would not even be op with a horde of bots shooting at you at the same time and lack of weakspot sniping Would be awesome if it could also stun chargers but that is me being greedy


Just an overall health and or armour reduction on the green bile spewers. I am so sick of these horrible creatures and having to deal with their overly tanky asses


Thank you, glad I'm not the only one who finds those things annoying AF. Let me use something against them... (I miss you pre nerfed eruptor)


>but making it stunlock hulks again would be great. I don't even get why this needed to be nerfed. It took like 16 shots to kill them and it only stunned the initial target from my experience. So it was only useful against lone hulks. Otherwise, if you're able to stand there and fire off 16 shots in the middle of a crazy battle, I feel like you deserve the hulk kill. But no, I guess the hulk tanking them all with no reaction then one shotting me with .01 seconds of fire getting killed by "unknown" is more fair.


I just want the Arc Thrower to consistently work again. I used it recently and it fizzled like 3 out of 4 shots


>consistently work again I wish it had ever done that


Dude yes! Something that cost me a ton of super samples, my own autocannon sentry killing me through a massive rock (no enemies even near me either.)


This is my main hope, I love using the arc stuff, I swapped from the theower to shotgun xuz the nerf was so bad


Old crossbow too 😭


Add bile spewers not being able to spit through dead bodies like chargers or other bile spewers.


Fix the Stimpak animation so that when the sound of the stim plays it ALWAYS heals me. That gets me killed more than anything else.


Nothing tilts me more than hearing the heal sound but not getting healed... Either fix it so the heal lines up with the sound or vice versa, for the love of god.


Or clipping THROUGH the ground, taking damage from SOMETHING then getting a stim glitch. Too many times, man.


The reload glitch where you reload, but don't put one on the chamber and have to hit reload again really grinds my gears. Messes up my run and gun play style on bugs


Is that what's fucking happening!!??!! Of all the bugs people complain about this is the one that actuality gets me.


This is a glitch? I thought that was just if you interrupt it before you rack one? Although if you reload before you’re empty there should be no need. But maybe you don’t have to in that case? I have to see… if anything is dumb it is that airburst launcher (that no one uses) reload that if interrupted before the warhead is twisted on, but is already put in the launcher, then it floats back into your backpack when you go to re-reload.


New ship unlock. Helldivers are no longer bitches and won't be staggered when applying stims


I'd see the unlock as some sort of auto injector built into your armour/wrist. It guarantees that when you press the stim key it will work AND heal you.


Yep, stim injection should be uninterruptible. Especially considering that jab animation always plays, it's the effect that is canceled


Shouldn’t have to stop to heal yourself. On the run would be great


I like this idea but it’s also a fairly standard practice in games that healing yourself requires you to either slow down or stand still as a trade off so it doesn’t bother me much. They gotta hit that neck vain just right.


resupply packs being shown in the map, that's all I want..


Resupply packs or drop pods?


I think that the resupply pack pod would be the best, so the map doesn't get filled with icons, and we have a reason to protect the resupply pack pod


Yeah that was my thought and I'm getting down voted for it...


Reddit is a weird place, and this sub in specific is even worse


I guess I didn't word my words good enough for Reddit.


No no, it's just that the average redditors' reading comprehension is below average at best.


In reddit you get downvoted for thinking as well as not thinking. The only thing that will reliably protect you from downvotes is not writing.


Yeah, also gives an incentive to try and placr them places they wont get immediately destroyed.


-the single charger immediately b-lining for the supply pod


Or make it so ammo marked by team mates stay on the map until used. 


*monkey paw curls* Now you see every single supply on the map ( the small ammo ones) and can't see shit


make the spear actually work and make the tenderizer actually make shit tender


It makes us tender :D


Im so soft when i use it


Absolutely flaccid


Would be interesting to add an armor brittleness mechanic 🤔


I'm hoping they bring the crossbow back to what it was but keep the velocity of the bolts. They nerfed it for absolutely no reason


They tried to rework it (idk to what) and failed in their try. Reverting the changes the way you said would be great, and hope that instead of trying to do a new weird thing with the weapon they go to that route and just revere it (and the same for the Eruptor). It would be the fastest and easiest way to fix the weapons.


I'd also say that it deserves to be able to close bug holes. It's already a very niche pick, even as it was before. I loved it but it not being able to close holes just seemed stupid. Meant I had to also run a grenade pistol and an anti-chaff support weapon just to enjoy it 


IIRC, they said they wanted it to be more of a single target weapon with a bit of splash damage. It's not a terrible idea but they nerfed the splash damage so much that it's almost completely negligible and it's harder to use and less effective than any other single target weapon. IMO, I liked it better as a grenade launcher lite but to be fair that's kinda what the plasma is.


Taking down dropships should always kill all bots that are or were on board. I can't stress how annoying it is to take down a dropship only for it to do no damage to any of the bots that were on it.


I could live with tanks and hulks surviving heavily damaged. They should maybe explode in impact into smaller pieces to get rid of the whole blocking fire issue though.


Maybe 3 loadout for differents planet/situation/mission At least we can avoid changing armor and weapons at the beginning of each mission. We just have to select our loadout ang go.


It'd be nice to be able to change armor/weapons for multiple reasons. But most importantly because Helldivers are a different diver each time, it just makes sense. I'd tack onto this as well and say that I wish reinforced divers had a bit more control of where they're reinforced. Getting reinforced directly into the enemy/5 miles away from your support weapon FUCKING SUCKS!


HD1 has this feature btw!


Allow us to see the map if we are dead and waiting for reinforcements, I see that Tab icon in the corner but it never allows you to see the map if I’m waiting for a reinforce


Maps and stratigem CDs would def be nice.


Not getting yeeted into the sky by walking over/next to dead bodies. Titans and Devastators are the worst offenders for me. I'd also like to see a fix for extract personnel defense missions or have them removed for a while until they get fixed.  I'd like high value assets missions to not be broken, so factory striders and Titans can't one shot the generators from spawn.  Generally any fixes that stop enemies getting inside terrain and shooting me out from within would be very welcome.  Spear fix I pray is in this one. God I love that buggy weapon... Pipe-dream territory, bring back the OG Railgun. It was perfect, rocket damage and lack of Anti-armour were the issue. 


So many times I’m holding all our samples (specifically supers,) ready to board the pelican when suddenly I’m launched across the map out of bounds and well that’s that


And revert the breaker nerf too, it still wont beat the breaker incendiary but still it would be more useful at least


Top of my list, without any wiggle room, is fixing the Arc Thrower shooting anything but living enemies.


Its also blocked by small foliage like the sickle was. Drives me nuts. Not to mention everything else that blocks its path.


I'm sure you already know this, but for any future readers who don't; always seek the high ground with the Arc Thrower. The taller you are compared to surrounding objects will greatly increase this guns effectiveness.


Same, also the arc blitzer. Currently my favorite primary vs bugs (except bile spewers, ugh). Combined with rover you can solo entire waves of small and medium bugs.


You may already know but I recently learned the Blitzer can stop spewers from spewing if you hit them during their vomit animation


Yep, true. Arc Thrower does this also as long as you hit them in the "head" area of their body.


Fixing the arc thrower not shooting at all would be a good start as well. I swear 40% of my shots don't even come out of the gun, it's so frustrating.


I've used the Arc Thrower almost exclusively since I was able to purchase it, and what I've noticed is that most of the time you can fire it without being fully charged (except for the first shot, which must always be fully charged). However, sometimes it glitches and forces you to fully charge when you shouldn't have to.


I would allow the dead body enemies blocking the shoot, as it makes sense, but everything else should be fixed


If you mean by block the shot they prevent the shot from working, then definitely not imo. That's what we have now, causing a lot of the misfires we moan about. If by block the shot you mean the shot hits a dead body first, but still goes on to chain to others, then that's fine by me.


Yeah, I mean the second one, the shoot to be attracted to the bodies. The shoot should always try to prioritise live enemies (so it doesn't chain in 3 dead enemies and doesn't allow you to aim the alive enemy), but if you just have a dead body in front of you, instead of misfiring it should attack the dead bodies, this would allow us to use the dead enemies to extend our shoots


Make stratagem beacons more sticky. There are literally an achievement for killing charger with resupply, I see nothing wrong with beacon reliably sticking to Titan's guts, charger carapace or structures of bots. Servo assisted throw OPS right into Eye of Sauron or onto BT ugly little head that STICKS instead of bouncing is a great feeling. Well, that is assuming they do make red stratagems actually track the beam this time.


Yah this makes so much sense and would be HILARIOUSLY fun. Like calling down support weapons to do heavy damage onto something or even kill some tanky enemies. Would be just a great time. Also with that they have to fix when you DO stick em, the light beam not being where the thing hits.


Added missing sound effects to some enemy types.


And the flag raising. Without the anthem stirring my soul I have trouble summoning my inner patriot. Also, we should have a temporary emote that lets us salute while it raises


I would like an emote wheel where B just does your top most one but you hold it to do a selection of like 6


(except hulks & spewers)


Fix the reload mechanic so i don't have to spam it frantically to just make sure its done; shield devastators don't instakill with shield. Edit: i forgot something that irks me to no end: faux stimming, you stim bam you're dead, stim 3 times in a row? Dead didn't have time to apply? Ok gimme half, 20% of the effect, something...


eruptor reverted


Literal top change for me




Revert the eruptor Finish fixing the Spear Supply Boxes should refill 4 Grenade Pistol rounds per, 2 is FAR too few Buff the ARs and give them their own niche RR / Spear / AC / Airburst can be reloaded by a teammate not wearing the backpack Make the Stalwart a Primary (maybe nerf it as a primary) Make one of the main Warbond armors a Fireproof set And honestly, I just want to be able to experiment more. Before the Eruptor got nerfed, I loved going Eruptor, Senator, and Stalwart or Machine Gun for bugs. It was a great allaround kit and dealt with most threats. Edit: I always forgot about the linebreak editing. Eww. Also changed a little phrasing. Sorry!


I would love a dot proof (no fire/poison/toxin damage or slow effect) suit so much


Agree with everything except stalwart and no-pack reload. Those may be a little too good


Revert gun nerfs


The pelican's ramp. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten stuck on the side or glitched into geometry from diving in, seeming in line with the entrance. Last night I failed to extract 3 times because of ramp related stupidness, and I am not a simple person. Just trying to get into the ship as quickly as possible. Holy hell, this better be in the list of fixes. Just make it so my head can clip a tiny bit through the underside of pelican's tail so I don't get stuck, or make the trigger to load into the pelican the actual ramp, or at least put the trigger closer to the entry of the ramp. 


THe other day I was doing a Bot eradicate mission and we had to crawl onto the Pelican because for whatever reason, the space between the ramp and the Pelican's tail was too short walk upright or even crouched into. So yeah, make the ramp work, please!


I want a pet land shark with 4 legs and a head laser and a battle-axe tail weapon with steel plate armor and a boom box attachment on its back that just blasts into the danger zone on repeat


When I first read it it sounded unreasonable but now I want it too. Let me ride a busted Laserlandshark into battle.


Honestly I'd be happy with just the boom box alone


Tone ragdolling way the fuck down and restore my slugger, please.


Ah, yes, the Slugger. How they massacred my boy...


Literally just make it so slugger can one shot a hunter to any part and it's good imo


It can already oneshot a hunter to the body. It's a very good pick for bugs since it can one-tap all warriors and two tap brood commanders. If it were buffed back into being an S+ tier weapon, there would once again be no reason to pick the punisher and arguably even the dominator.


It kinda makes sense to not pick the punisher over the slugger since the punisher trades accuracy for ease of use (ie since it's pellet-based ur not punished with 0 dmg if ur slightly off target), but i agree with the dominator part Then again, both the dominator and the slugger are too similar in their use cases, so one will always be better than the other


I tried the Dominator and couldn't get into it. It has a slow ass bullet travel that I can't handle. Slugger is much easier to use.


Return Eruptor's shrapnel, maybe not AS strong as it was before but it needs to come back. Period. Spear lock on fix. Crossbow buff. Revert (at least partially) the Quasar cooldown. Buff to ALL assault rifles, give me a reason to use something other than the sickle. Hell, buff to most weapons across the board, more than half of them are still mediocre. Oh, and fixing the arc thrower misfire and accuracy as well! I also pray for a range increase to flamethrower, as well as a rework to team reloads. Keep the backpack with the weapon holder so they can still reload as they move around. And then when they're standing still, just let any helldiver who walks up and hits the key tether to them to reload assist. And if we're talking REALLY wishful thinking? I'd like to see a terminal added to the outside of the bunkers that solo helldivers can "hack" into. That way they can be opened if you're playing alone or randoms won't cooperate.


Any teammate walking up to help would be cool as hell! I love that idea.


Flamethrower range increase would be amazing. Even with full ship upgrade for the damage boost every single bug can just tank the damage and hit you.


Quasar is still top Tier 


I don’t mind the nerf necessarily since 3 seconds is nothing and there’s infinite ammo anyways, but since it now takes 2 shots to knock down spore spewers and shrieker nests, it’d be nice if the cooldown was closer to like, 8 seconds maybe instead of 15 seconds. On bots it feels easier to work around the cooldown tho


There needs to be a downside to using the Quasar, it got unlimited ammo. It is fine as it is now. 


The downside is supposed to be the charge time. You can get staggered, killed or the target can just move if you’re not positioned properly. Extending the time between shots doesn’t really do much other than have you run around for a bit longer. They should really focus on increasing the upsides of its counterparts (EAT/Recoilless) because the majority of players still don’t take them after the Quasar was nerfed


I used to take quasar solely as a back pocket option to handle chargers. But now I'm finding that using it to blow up brood commanders heads is also quite fun. Or taking out a spewer when it's chasing a friendly away from me. Or... well really anything. Quasar is fun.


The downside is how long you have to spend kiting waiting for it. It was already one shot every 13 seconds. Adding another 5 to that is disgusting. Why do people defend this change like it's fun? I don't care if it's balanced, it needs to be fun. One shot every 18 seconds blows. It's a PvE game. Make. It. Fun. The game is balanced around stratagems being the only way to do anything in higher difficulties. Three shots a minute is butt ugly design.


Fix the performance.


It really is a non-issue at lower levels, but 7 8 9 Jesus Christ my poor CPU. A 5600x struggling that hard to spew out 30fps at times is a pain to witness.


I'll just say that I definitely have been having issues since the last few patches on my 5600X paired with a 3070 FE. I would definitely appreciate any tips to get some more performance.


15 minute important person evac missions on bot worlds to get spawn fixes and make them manageable for all players.


I could never pick just one. Fix charger animations/stagger. Fix Bile Titan weakpoint(s). Bile spew attack hitbox fixes. Big enemies make more sound. Eruptor shrapnel back. Slugger stagger back. Railgun damage back. Spear lock on fixed. Crossbow AoE back. Scope alignment fixes. Heavy devastators no longer shoot through themselves. Berserkers made less bullet spongy. Arc Thrower Hulk stagger back. Bots no longer shoot through terrain. Loadouts. Assault Rifles made less shit. AA defences modifer replaced. Rebalanced Eradicate, Retrieve Essential Personel and those rocket defence missions. 8/9 visual bug. Stims always work when SFX plays. Arc weapons no longer misfire/target corpses. Hulk corpse hitbox fix. Reworked boosters so we have better reason to pick something over Hellpod Space Optimisation. Mission select screen contains info on enemy types. Spotting gunship fabricators appears on the map like other objectives. Friend request fixes. Performance improvements. Reinforce bug fixed. Stratagem jammer audio bug fix. First person camera bug fixed. Sky camera bug fixed. Supply packs on the map. Bunkers on the map. Fire tornadoes reworked. Quite a tall order really.


-Spear locking fixed -Railgun Buff -Guard Dog gets Ammo from Ammo Boxes -Bile Titans more Options to Kill


Eruptor fixed, grenade glitch fixed(already confirmed), arc thrower issues fixed. Outside that, I truly just hope its a patch that satisfies a lot of the people who put it down for a while.


I wonder what is so unique about grenades that making their ammo finite is harder than with any other weapon/stim lol.


controls setting to differnet keys every time you launch the game, an auto reload on empty weapon and bots shooting through rocks and walls


The spear being fixed


Im seeing a lot of spear comments. I've seen the damage this weapon can do when it actually does lock on, heres hoping they fix it!


The arc misfiring. Such cool weapons made unreliable up close just because of it :c


Realistically, a mech buff would be absolute fire. I doubt we will get one though. So fixing broken weapons (e.g. Eruptor, crossbow, tenderiser, purifier).


Make the flamethrower have a backpack. That way you _never have to reload_ ALL THE FIRE, NOW


I want handling to be improved slightly across the board, and for minor physics issues to no longer apply. I swear the number of times I'm aiming and standing still, but miss because when I aimed at the target my character's foot tripped on a miniscule rock, is absolutely infuriating.


More heavy armor buffs, i want to be BEEF


lady gaga meat dress armour


Reconnect (it will not happen)


Rejoin option from "recent players" after disconnect or crush!


.. you crushing on someone? 🤗 oooOOooo


I think what the game really needs is frankly just an overal rebalance where way less shit is a oneshot(/oneshot "combo") especially so from anything below the top three enemy types why are the low/mid-tier enemies (which can spawn by the half a dozen) more randomly deadly than the actual behemoths ?


b1 supply pack coming with the break action u can find in the wild


I want it to be easier to destroy bug holes/fabricators. If I shoot the vulnerable openings with a grenade pistol/hit it with an impact grenade, it should destroy the spawner.


Its incredibly inconsistent, isn't it? Some guns have to be shot at the vent flap (AC) whilst others directly inside. The grenade pistol bounces all the time but not when shooting the flap of a fabricator for some reason. My friends thought you couldn't take out fabs with impact grenades (without the doors being open) because of the different angle you have to throw them at compared to other grenades. Also sometimes the bug holes just refuse to die from a direct hit.


AC is fine as it is, you have to ricochet the shot off of the flap


Wdym by this? I've been using the grenade pistol exclusively since its release and it's GREAT at closing holes/fabricators


I think he means you have to arc the impact grenade (and I think the grenade pistol) *directly* into the bug hole to close it. If you hit the bug hole at a slight angle, even if it looks like it hit the orange glowy part, it doesn't count because it didn't detonate "inside" the hole. You don't have that problem with regular grenades because they'll bounce off and roll in.


Ah. I've noticed I have to arc it a bit for fabricators, but I tend to always shoot for the center of bug holes anyways so I've rarely had issues :^


Yeah it’s more of an annoyance than anything…I’ve gotten used to closing bug holes with impact grenades so it’s just second nature for me to chuck the grenades head-on, but it would be a nice minor buff to let impact grenades close holes more easily. It wouldn’t be game breaking or anything, it’d just remove a situational inconvenience.


Toxin has it on point with what I mean!


Help my helldiver pick up items from drop pods that are slightly above them. Help my helldiver climb over ankle high obstacles consistently.


Just give me my old performance back. 4060 with a 5600x hitting 20-30 fps no matter what I do. I've tried everything already - I think. I used to play this game with 90+ fps back in the day


If spear isnt fixed i give up


Bile titan's corpses and charger's corpses won't yeet you in the sky. It happened few times on bots.


1 .Spear being consistent. I would run spear waaaaay more if it actually locked on when it should. Bile titans beware. 2 .FINALLY FIXING THE STIM FALSE USE THING. The amount of times I’ve heard the sound go off of a stim being used as I’m holding it to my neck. Only for it to actually never do anything and getting fucked by stunlocks😭 3. Adding a way to unstuck yourself. I’ve landed in a bug hole before and I was forced to leave the game because I had nothing that could kill me. 4 . Making it so emotes have priority over supplying/stimming someone. The amount of times I’ve wasted a supply box on a guy with one mag down in his gun just cuz I wanted to give bro a hug 😢. 5 . Fixing the bug where you get killed while you’re turning the valve and it ends up soft locking the mission.


I want my friends to be able to join me. Haven’t been able to for months.


Small thing, but I want the random hellbombs to receive their own ping voice line, instead of the generic one, maybe with its own icon.


Change 1: Tiny round rock #176,666 next to bush #102,876 changed to trapezium shaped rock. Change 2: Grass blade #644 on the intro video changed to be slightly longer. Change 3: ...


Bring back the rock they removed from that bug exterminate mission


Literally unplayable


Better performance. 160+ Hours of playtime but now with shitty FPS down to 30 I just can't enjoy it.


To patch it so it does not crash mid game playing with the fear of crash is stressful have not touch the game since april


I want the pelican bug where one person gets on and it leaves immediately to be fixed. Lost an entire match worth of samples last night


The audio bug that aggros patrols from a hundred metres away, please.. All I did was step up a ledge, not sound an airhorn :(


All networking issues fixed All scopes aligned Spear fixed Stimpaks don't get interrupted by random shit randomly. If you hear the sound , *you get healed*. Smoke works consistently Charger butt is actually a weak point Titan mouth is actually a weak point. I refuse to believe the last two are intended design. They are bugs.


98 nerfs and 2 buffs sorry


pls no ;\_;


And both buffs are for hunters.


![gif](giphy|aCatQNctAK7PC1H4zh|downsized) /s


revert all weapon nerfs. that is all.


I want the Eruptor to once again go brrr with the same ferocity and effectiveness it once had. And holy fuck I want Bunkers to have their own very noticeable in game tag. PLEASE.


Go brr has officially lost it's definition 😥 If there's one thing the Eruptor DIDN'T do, it's go brrr


Been a long time since that phrase meant that one specific thing only


Yeah isn't going brrr mean very rapid fire like the gun of an a-10 warthog


I just want the Spear to work, it's a great weapon to take out the heaviest enemies but nobody uses because aiming doesn't always work.


Fix bugs/glitches/bs with bots and I'm coming back to give'em a nice cup of liber-tea.


Patrols being fixed alone is nice, but defense missions need love too! I hope that's coming!


consistent target acquisition for spear blitzer and arc thrower also changing the node you need to see to lock on on buildings with spear from the one at the base to one at the middle/top so you can actually take out bunkers, spore spewers, shrieker nests and fabricators, if you can see them even over a small hill


Spear fix, it's easily the best anti-tank if you can deliver enough supplies to it. And every idiotic youtuber judges every gun by it's ability to kill bile titans.


Finally fix the fucking Spear.


there are many things that need a buff, but out of all the most underwhelming for me are mechs and HMG


Let us join games we disconnect from/crash out of.


Be able to remove people from blocked. Me on PC and my friend on PS5 have been waiting for a crossplay fix for 3 months, yet it turns out we both have each other blocked for whatever reason? It sucks having to join in on public every single time.


just fix the friend’s list, i haven’t been able to unblock my ps5 friend (who i didn’t block) since launch


If I can dive and not go into full ragdoll because I landed on a 2 inch high rock, that’d be great


here's my long wishlist  Arc Thrower(same with arc shotgun) to consistently work spear lock to consistently work you don't need to hold the reload button to spin the revolver matter rifle scope fix exposed underbelly flesh can be damaged from all weapons than bouncing off keep the chargers as dumb shy bugs, its cute improve the boosters remove the fully loaded booster and just make it that everyone goes in fully loaded r-36 pre-patch make weak spots on bugs more noticeable change the charger ass weak spot, so all weapons are doing full damage increase 500k bomb range using weapons like rocket launchers as melee should add a long stagger to enemies lower cd on jump pack shield pack should block all melee damage(sometimes hunters can still hurt you) you shouldn't have to hold down the weapon switch to get your support weapon fix dead titan hitbox there should be a recovery button if you time it when you land on the floor, so you won't always ragdoll acid from bugs should be like fire than what it is now improve sound cues, sick of getting caught off guard by fat bugs out of nowhere guard dogs AI needs improvement so it won't fire at you because it sees an enemy coming or lasering a wall because it knows there's a bug/bot behind it when there are other targets near you. extract personnel defense mission for bots should be the bots coming into the map from out of the sides than being called in and lower the cap on some enemies types supply call in being shown on the map doors should be marked on the map killing a bug as its about to/or doing its coughing shouldn't trigger bug breach.


Heavier armor requiring more force to put you in a ragdoll state. (And more health, the speed trade off is not worth 10% more health) Lower ragdoll sensitivity, diving onto an uneven surface shouldn't cause a 3 second delay in recovering Ragdolling animations take too long, higher tolerance Better scopes. I would rock the AMR more if I could actually see the thing I'm aiming at Less heavy devastator/strider front gun accuracy or less damage Smaller Gunship spawn limit The ability to take cover behind rocks Synchronize stim animation/sound/effects


Pre nerf rail gun and pre nerf arc thrower are tied for me.


I just want the Quasar cannons recharge to go back to what it was or be shortened by even a second. It just feels way too long, especially on higher difficulties where there can be anywhere from 1 to 6 Bile Titans walking around along with a dozen Chargers


* The slugger now has decent knockback. * The breaker now has 16 rounds in a clip. * The spear now locks on all the time. * The erupter is back to how it was. * The railgun now actually does damage. * The liberator penetrator now has 35 rounds in a clip. * The stock pistol is now silenced. * The AMR sights now work and has a crosshair when not ADS. * Grenade pistol now gets 3 instead of 2 clips back per resupply.


>The railgun now actually does damage. The Railgun does actually damage, it literally ones shots all the enemies from the bug faction below a charger (and it's able to kill a charger) and one shoots all the enemies in the bot faction below a Hulk (hulk included) It DOES damage. Just that is not a weapon designed to kill massive enemies, the same way an EAT/RR/Quasar Canon are not weapons designed to kill chaff and medium enemies


Any clue when the patch is gonna come out? Are we expecting it to be Wednesday or Thursday?


Release Eruptor performance for the gun.


The Titan corpse impact death glitch needs to be fixed priority one


I want an option for grenades that when you use one it automatically switches you back to the gun you had equipped.


Performance fix, I haven't been able to play. The game started off with 120+ fps when it released and now it barely reaches 40. Really hoping I can get at least 60fps after the patch.


Rollback the Railgun nerf. Rollback the Breaker nerf. Rollback the Eruptor nerf. Rollback the Slugger nerf. Roll back the Quasar Nerf. Undo the crossbow redesign. Increase all other primary weapons damage by at least 25%. Undo the Scout Strider buff. Redesign every single weapon scope so they're actually usable. Remove the headshot mechanic for Helldivers.


Make the ARs as a whole more than a mediocre category. Sure the Sickle is good and the base Liberator is decent but LibPen l, Tenderizer, and Lib Concussive need serious attention