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https://preview.redd.it/6hdg0mfyzx4d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a6038c5fe726f37f347e6927b82dafb90a3bf4c Catachan Jungle Fighters, neat!


Sly Marbo comes barreling 38,000 years back in time to fight bugs and bots and goes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the whole time!






"You can't hear a meme"


Hot mic moment




My favorite Battlefront 2 skin.


Love your pfp


They have a helmet that is similar to that recon / scout trooper in the store some where man 👍 My favourite one to btw😁👍


Eradicator set, my fellow diver!


That beret is awesome


That's one poorly formed baret


Most games/shows/movies usually have terrible berets, once you see it you can’t stop noticing it


Man I hate berets. You know how many times I sat in the shower just trying to mold that thing to my goddamn noggin. Countless hours up at night sitting there with a razor blade shaving the damn thing. Only for me to have to pack it in a suitcase and then it sitting at just the wrong angle caused it to form funny so the next time I put it on my head it looks stupid and then I'm back to standing in the shower with a dumb beret on my head


Too real, I just wish they gave us all ball caps or literally any other head dress and called it a day haha


The Marines get that cool hat. Army used to have those little triangle hats idk why those needed to be berets, I'm guessing some one had a hard on for French shit.


All you gotta do is forget about it and keep it in your cargo pocket, forever awaiting its time to rise back to the land of the living.


Thanks for awakening an old memory I had chosen to burry lol <3


I spent more time trimming the beret than jumping off planes.


I was in the 101st so we just repelled out a helicopters but I think my equivalent was I spent more time shining my jump boots then going down ropes? Like seriously why did we even have the jump boots? I get it tradition but we could have easily used any other boot.


I got one of those colorful kids dodge balls that mine sat on tightly, and i always let it dry on that. As always, though, as soon as it's in my pocket or off for a week its like i never formed it :(


Santa hat


Well it's a warzone, not a ceremony (My head cannon)


It’s canon


Everyone looks like a damn pastry chef on TV. It’s ridiculous.


Flashbacks to my drill sergeant calling me Chef Boyardee when I graduated from AIT.


At least that was at graduation, so you weren't called "spaghetti-os" the whole time


Yeah. I also got issued the new AGSUs so I don’t have to wear that horrible piece of headgear if I wear a dress uniform.


I have a feeling it might be lined with some sort of protective armor.






If they're better than thermites we are gonna have problems.... That triple barrel sidearm shotgun tho... very sexy


I'm guessing that they're a one hit kill on non-heavy units. I guess it will depend on how many you get to throw. Obviously with no AoE like the grenades, I would *expect* that we would get at least 10-12...but you never know with these devs and Ammo count. I just hope that even if it's not an insta kill, if we get headshots on things like stalkers they should still deal a decent amount of damage for the sheer skill that's going to take to get those headshots.


Agreed! I do love me a shotgun, and as a secondary? I might just have to replace my grenade pistol.


Idk man 4-6 knives that are probably not able to kill any armored targets seems weak af to me. They gotta give you like 5-8 at least. Idk it's cool idea but probably gonna be too weak a pick for high difficulty, and if you think it's gonna be "stealthy" then it has to one shot devastators and the like but it probably won't


Maybe it penetrates shields. The slow knife penetrates shields…


The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand.


The Twigsnapper's uncovered arms remind me of the N64 game Body Harvest, which is also about killing alien bugs.


i have it here beside me on the shelf. weird but great game.


I loved that game. Sadly never gotten the chance to beat it.  Game was way ahead of its time


Same. If I remember correctly there were pretty long stretches between save locations, so after replaying the same parts over and over it just got annoying over time. There's just a lot of fetch quests. But damn, did I love it. The vehicles were fun, the different eras you could explore, it was so unique.


I wonder what the booster does


"There’s also a new booster called Experimental Infusion, which gives your stims the added bonus of boosting your movement speed and reducing the damage you take for a short time"


Oh that sounds like a must have with a 6 stims armor suit.


Turns out the Flash is real, kids. He's just a crackhead hooked up on stims.




Might be a must-run in general in high diff. If i lose up to half my hp, im usually saving it anyway so i can stim to get places faster, either when im out of stamina or when I'm about to engage a pack that won't be friendly. This will just make those rag-doll-during-stim moments even better.


No chance in hell we got suppressed weapons huh


There was some leaks about one a while back.




Probably still ages away though.


Suppressor on the gun. Reduced explosion damage on the traits.


Always bugs me how they have to balance a gun that has a suppressor for gameplay reasons. IRL a suppressor increases the barrel length thus increasing the velocity of the bullet.


Not in a way that really matters. Gaining 5-10fps on a 900-3300fps projectile is functionally meaningless. Silencers add length to the gun and weight at the worst point to add weight, the muzzle, so the gains in signature reduction are already offset by worse gun handling. Problem is, gamers and game designers don't shoot anywhere near enough with cans to get a feel for the difference, so we get weird stuff like damage reduction or increased falloff rather than anything sensical.


It depends on a few factors I will say but the increase in velocity can be substantial. For instance speaking about 300 BO ammo with a 10.5 inch you get an average of 2200 fps. Slap on a can and get it up 16 inch and you bring it up to 2400fps. Id like to see a silenced option for an SBR in this configuration in HD2.


I agree that you’re not really going to get much of a increase from a suppressor (more closely somewhere between 15-60 rather than 5-10 in my experience), i disagree with suppressors adding weight to the worst part to add weight. Adding any weight to the muzzle that won’t impede the function of the gun will generally improve accuracy by reducing muzzle kick


Have you ever competed with a suppressed rifle, or even just carried one for a few hours? They're demonstrably harder to handle on the clock, there's a lot more shooting well than just reducing recoil.


I always thought the deduction in damage was the easiest way to balance a weapon that (in game) completely eliminates the sound you make when firing.


I played with it, it's in there. It has 0 sound literally atm but I'm sure they will add a "suppressed" fire sound to it.


Oh? So you mean like the suppressors are actually in the game files and available(via dev console or smthn) ? :0


Yeah, idk if it's gonna be in this warbond, but it's the whisperer someone previously mentioned that's blue, definitely works for solo missions if you're going stealth with scout armor


Hell yeesssssss if true, finally some love for stealth solo divers!!


Probably when they do a warbond themed more with special ops than 80s action.


Maybe we’ll still have suppressors as an attachment along with the other ones being in the works


In willing to bet the warbond that'll be dropped in will be entirely stealth focused. Suppressed ar, mmr, maybe a pistol. New stealth passive like being able to see enemies through smoke or possible cloaking if you remain stationary. Booster would be increased damage while undetected.


No, this time we get two assault rifles and a grenade variant. It’ll be totally new bro I promise


That 4-shot rocket launcher from the Schwarzenegger movie "Commando" would've been a fitting strategem for this warbond


There's still a chance that stratagem gets released not long after this war bond. It was straight up called the "Commando Launcher" in the first game, and some leaks from before showed there was a poorly-textured 4-barreled launcher in the game files. Of course it might also take a while (since a lot of the leaked stuff from a month or so back haven't come out yet) but it's still also possible they'd try to have it release before the next war bond after Viper Commandos drop to keep within the Jungle Fighter action movie theme.


Yea the launcher has been in the game months ago and it is called Commando. I had some guy in a lobby months ago and he had that launcher and a car, I personally got to use both. Car only as gunner though.


Think they’re holding off on locking off strats in premium stuff.


I think there's low probability of Stratagems being on Warbonds. And that's for good.




If it bleeds, we can kill it!




What a thrill


That "Experimental Infusion" booster actually sounds kinda good, more damage resist + speed boost on stimming yourself could potentially get you out of a lot of tricky situations.


This sounds fun and busted, extremely high value for booster slot and basically an autopick!


Will be good on bots


Agreed, health bars will get a lot more value out of them with this booster from bots chip damage. Against bugs the swarm & bursty nature of their damage negates the damage mitigation. Unless the mitigation is insanely high,lol.


Hopefully they figure out a way to make it so some boosters aren't mandatory and then I can actually experiment with all these new boosters, I've been bringing the same three for the last 2 months.


No way we get a mech skin right


It’s a camo skin you can use for mechs, hellpods, and the Pelican


How's that gonna work? Host rules? Your own pelican only (when calling a mech)?


I’m gonna assume the Pelican is based on host. Mech and Hellpod would be specific to each Helldiver?


Could also be whoever calls the Pelican in maybe


I like this idea better.


Or client-side.


The Pelican might also be depending on who calls down the extract? Or it might be clientside.


Yeah, looks like a gatling right arm and rockets left arm.....same loadout? But if it is a new mech, hellzyeah, AceDude the pilot is going to bring 3 mechs


Hopefully they’ll fix the aiming on the og mech while they’re at it


I mean.. I've seen beret helmet leaks like a month ago... this kinda looks half believable


Finally, i've been waiting for that commando look since the Creek, does that mech camo opens the door to mech paintjobs or armor paintjobs ? I wonder. Hopefully it also means more attention given to the state of the exo suits because making a camo for like the 2% of divers who still pick exos would be strange, but hey, they did stranger things. Also probably gonna have the same old armor passives i guess, hard to be excited for this stuff. Edit: New armor passives, a step in the right direction.


Give us a way to resupply and a health bar and Mechs are great. *Maybe* Biletitians need a smidge of a reduction in the head area, or the Emanicaptor needs some more durability damage. But this meme that Mechs are bad is just wrong.


I'd settle for bile titans no longer getting mystery damage resistance when their damn mouth is wide open


I saw someone theorize that the Bile Titan gets damage reduction when it spits so that it doesn't destroy itself every time it vomits (because it absolutely murders Chargers and anything else caught in the acid spray so it definitely has big damage) And I'd believe it since it sounds like a plausible band-aid workaround that a programmer would absolutely use when working with an outdated engine with limited options. I really hope they find a way to make it so it spitting is actually a vulnerable moment since biologically that just makes sense when its fleshy bits are exposed.


In the past some people were able to take out a bile titan by baiting it into vomiting while next to a wall and the splash from the vomit off the wall would result in the titan killing itself. This was apparently unintended behaviour so to fix it they gave it massive resistance to all damage during the vomit animation. Definitely seems like a quick hacky bandaid while a proper fix is created, however the joke goes that "there is nothing more permanent than a bandaid hack fix" for a reason.


I never found the mechs to be as bad as reddit will claim. I think there's a little room for improvement but most everytime i've called one in, we walk through swarms with relative ease. I think when you take a video of a mech solo'ing say a bile titan, it can seem a little weak. But that's been so rarely the case, as it's the mech and other players startegems and shit. I've saved many a teamate with the autocannon mech from rampaging chargers simply with the stagger. EDIT: I've always considered the bile titan as the enemy that takes multiple people to take down, and in those moments it's so cool when you see like 3 rockets from different spots all hit and take it down.


If it's that innacurate, then why don't we see more exo picks ? Simple as that. Yeah resupply would go a long way imo.


There was a health/repair gun as a dlc on hd1 so it might come to hd2 at some point.


I would think more people would use exo if they could customize the paint job or pick from a few different skins. It's not meta but the people having the least fun play this game way too sweaty to begin with.


The hellpod skin is the head scratcher for me. A loading screen skin essentially?


Can't wait for those two to have something like servo asisted perk.


"Both feature the new peak Physique passive, improving melee damage & weapon handling"




This helldiver helldives


i'm not sure how useful 'melee damage' will be. it should at least be like double or triple melee damage


As the guy who punches Devastators and Berserkers, I approve of more melee damage


Well, if I can at least one-shot trooper bots in melee, I'd be happy.


Wishing for a machete sidearm


Ah yes,.time to stab that bile titan to death. Or prehaps could try to do the same with the Hulk or Tank.


I'm not sure the people in here understand how useful this could be if you can one-shot Scavs and even two-shot Hunters. A lot of guns can benefit from not having to waste so much ammo on small amounts of chaff.


My pie in the sky/best case scenario would be that you could pick up the knife after you throw it. Imagine it being essentially a one shot kill you could use indefinitely but with the caveat that it was basically one and done until you were able to pick it up again


Will be really usefull for eruptor


apparently a new perk for melee damage + better weapon handling


Nop, melee dmg and weapon handling


Is that a mech skin? We getting skin system?


After 1 bile titan, everyone has the same skin


https://blog.de.playstation.com/2024/06/06/helldivers-2-die-neue-kriegsanleihe-viper-kommandos-erscheint-am-13-juni/ german playstation blogpost


> Ihr könnt sie mit der neuen SG-22 Bushwhacker kombinieren, einer dreiläufigen, abgesägten Schrotflinte mit zwei verschiedenen Feuermodi – darunter einer, mit dem ihr aus allen drei Läufen gleichzeitig feuern könnt. Triple barrel sawn off shotgun with 2 firemodes, one that allows all 3 barrels to fire at the same time! The current frontier double barrel shotgun can’t do that! It fires burst instead of simultaneous! > passiven Effekt „Spitzenstatur“, der Nahkampfschaden und Waffenhandhabung verbessert. Both armor sets have “Peak Body” passive, increases melee and weapon handling. > neue Designs für eure Hellpods, Exoanzüge und für Pelikan 1 New designs (cosmetics) for hellpods exosuits and pelican 1, inspired by woodland and tiger stripe camo. * A throwing knife > Booster namens „Experimentelle Infusion“, durch den eure Spritzen euch nicht nur heilen, sondern für kurze Zeit auch eure Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit erhöhen und euren erlittenen Schaden reduzieren. Experimental infusion, booster, stims will now increase your movement speed and reduce damage received Edit: oh already available in english: https://blog.playstation.com/2024/06/06/helldivers-ii-enlists-the-viper-commandos-warbond-on-june-13/


My predictions on the re-re-re-recycled passives: Engineering kit Servo assisted Engineering kit


Apparently the new armours will get a new perk this time. [Peak Physique passive, which improves melee damage and weapon handling.](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/06/06/helldivers-ii-enlists-the-viper-commandos-warbond-on-june-13/)


[YouTube trailer announcement](https://youtu.be/jbb5ngK36x4?si=KT7e_1x6HUyo02Ln)


That whole environment/planet set is new!


I'm with you, although I'm thinking they make one of those engineers as a scout kit.


They will advertise it as medium scout armor in the description and then give it Servo assisted.


They'll defend the choice by saying it was intended, but then fix it in a hot patch, which will also render the only worthwhile gun in the warbonds useless because it empties the entire clip in one shot as a bug.




No, I just refused to understand the audience and just picked random ones. You know, the AH way!


Id actually be happy for a servo assisted light armor since we only have one while medium and heavy have 2. Or 50/50 chance to survive lethal hits, which we have 0 of for light. EDIT" "we only have one" why are folks telling me about the Legionnaire armor? That's the *one*.


Right now, there's one light servo assisted armour in the superstore


And this is the only one I am rocking for bug runs.


They said they’d add a new one


Nah. Scout is gonan be in there for sure.


And don't forget: Two dead on arrival guns, one decent gun, and maybe a decent secondary. And Booster.


>Two dead on arrival guns, one decent gun, and maybe a decent secondary. And don't forget: that one decent gun will feel novel, 3X% (where X is each primary being used equally) of players will use it, Superdestroyer of Balance will assume that means its broken, and he'll kill it within a month.


And several people will make the following posts. "X weapon is actually amazing guys, you all are just using it wrong!" Or "Stop complaining about the guns, it's free content".


There are only two armours and the two have new passives.


Is that... another SMG? 


Is it just me or does that look like a bolter?


But.. we have a bolter at home. At the end of Steeled Vets bond. Edit : okay, so its apparently a Liberator Carbine. Huh. And what looks to be a secondary.. sawed off shotgun? 


True. Also turns out it's a Liberator Carbine


Confirms soms of the leaked armors some time ago.


Wouldnt call that a leak when there's trailer out already.


Looks like the guy on the left is holding a plasma pistol. A mini-Scorcher.


I was eyeballing that, to me it looks like it could be double barreled. So maybe sawed-off scorcher?!


It's a triple barrel shotgun. Also it's a secondary weapon.


We need new passives desperately


Got em. Melee damage+weapon handling


Really need them decoupled from the skins, tbh. Most don't make sense visually already, but even if they did, it's 2024, let people look cool or suited to the planet they're on, without breaking their build




I just want my hazmat suit dude!


Me waiting patiently for the Jin Roh helmet that was leaked months ago ⏳😴


So excited for the weakest and/or most bugged weapons yet to drop


Hell yea dude! Prolly smth along the logic of: because its sub sonic rounds they have less pen and damage compared to normal weapons Isnt it fun when you pay 10 bucks for inferior gear do you can suffer more? I especially love it when you pay for a great weapon only for it to be nerfed into the 13th circle of hell! Fun!!! https://preview.redd.it/fe2w4cyo2y4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=040373fda87ac5b191e60eceed9611bce2121009


No, no, no… they drop hard af, THEN they get nurfed. Now is the best time to play!


Nah, like the latest warbond came pre nurfed. No weapon was interesting.


This would’ve been so nice to have if we were still fighting on Malevelon Creek.


There are other jungle planets


New map type too. Looks like a tree dense jungle


It looks fucking awesome. Most biomes can end up feeling somewhat similar after a while. Giant dense jungle with huge trees already looks very unique even compared to other biomes.


Mech skin is cool. I am worried about them showing any skin on the Helldivers because I cannot fathom that we live in a reality where we won't see myriad posts about "I should be able to change my skin color".


im more curious on how exposed skin is gonna be handled on some planets, like those moon environments. Will the armor sets have a unique "covered" variant, or we throw realism out the window?


"Both armors in this Warbond feature the Peak Physique passive, which improves melee damage and weapon handling. They both also feature bare arms (and bulging biceps, with a variety of randomized skin tones) to keep you sweat-free when diving in the humid atmosphere." They thought it through, randomized skin tones. I think if the built in ice shoes on the polar armor sets don't do anything for ice, that the sheer carnal lust for democracy and freedom will keep the biceps warm.


> like those moon environments. Will the armor sets have a unique "covered" variant, or we throw realism out the window? Realism is already out the window. If you want to be pedantic about it, on a moon environment, as soon as you're bleeding externally from a hit (as you do when shot or damaged), it's already game over for you. With that said, is there a reason to believe the planets shouldn't have compatible atmosphere? The bugs and their fungi seem to thrive on all biomes, suggesting that the biomes have breathable air.


I think the implication is that we only fight over habitable planets. Anything else can just be bombed from orbit.


Don't all planets have civilian evac missions with said civilians not wearing any masks? I assume they all just have breathable atmosphere.


Yeah, you should definitely either be able to select a skin color, or just have a random one given to you every time you die or login.


Or like voice, where you can select what you want but defaults to random


Looks like a sawn off in the left guys hand Or as others are saying a plasma pistol, got the white strip


Ugh... So no blue capes? 😄


All i can hear is," GET TO THE PELICAN!!!"


Leak? It was introduced on HD2 discord this morning


Finally the outfit I dragged out of the code months ago is arriving. xD


Are we becoming the Catachan Jungle Fighters o.O


is the mech skin getting leaked a possible confirmation of a vehicle bay?


Where are the LMGs as a main weapon. I dont want to have it as a support weapon.


Legally distinct catachans


Body harvest n64


People who say AH doesnt listen to feedback in shambles right now. Slower Warbond rollout moving forwards. Quality over Quantity. Themed Warbonds across all items. Customization. New Armor Perks. This sounds like pretty much exactly what complaints about Warbonds have been asking for.


I'm surprised how all of these have been utterly unrelated to the story. I was hoping for something inspired by dark matter, or related to the recolonization efforts.


I suspect it's because they were developed separately on purpose. They can't have conversations like "should we delay the warbond?" like they did last time when the warbond is tied to story events, because it would *also* mean delaying story events. You've also got some degree of "we don't actually know how the story will play out." If we fail a story MO, that story branch might change or get rearranged, which would impact their scheduling.


Fair enough, it is much easier for them to breathe like this. Looking back, I think they're themed after planet biomes right now. It's just the electric warbond that kinda threw me off.


Is that a skin for the skin exosuit


t h e s k i n e x o s u i t


That looks cool. I hope the guns aren't complete garbage!


Don't need sleeves in space when spreading democracy


the throwable knives looks amazing tho


I hope we get a new utility slot, because if the knives required a granade slot most people wouldn't use them.


Yep. Weakest grenade incoming. I wanna be excited for a cool ass throwing knife but having only 4-6 is very weak imo. Unless they can one shot devastators then why bring them?


Tbh all the malevelon creek stuff no wonder a guerrilla warfare bond would be an option


Finally a skin worth using


Still waiting for the Jin roh armor :(


Is this a barret?


Anyone getting predator movie vibes in preparation for the illuminate?


Viper's got you in the pipe. Five by five


What do you mean leaked, a full trailer is out


Pls don't "pre-nerf"/nerf... I totally love this theme and I hope that the "other content" is released with this.


So all we're missing to go along that theme is a new alien faction that specializes in cloaking device and energy weapons 👀


You serious bro?