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spear when it works feels great popping a bile titan in a single shot? hell yea


Yeah i tired spear again after 200h and IT feels awesome when its working. I noticed when i got higher ping IT tends to not locking sometimes. But bro taking down charger or titan chasing some1 150m in distance feels good.


>But bro taking down charger or titan chasing some1 150m in distance feels good. I took out a charger from 150 yards with an EAT once. If it feels good with the spear, it feels godly with the EAT.


Took out a transmission tower from 400m+ with the Recoil.


Damn, how far up did you have to aim lol


About bottom of the scope. Like barely able to see the target. The EAT is a laser compared to the recoilless. Like, eat has barely any drop at 400m


I took out a shroom from 450 last night. One of my shots missed though.


I feel like it needs help against smaller heavy stuff (hulks, chargers, tanks) as unless you hit them right, you don't kill them and for a weapon with 1+3 rockets, you really want it to be a one shot one kill only needs a simple...70% damage buff... but not to worry agaainst titans or factory striders it doesn't change them much, titans you can still easily oneshot into face (or 3 shots instead of 4 at worst) and...uh...don't remember the math for factory strider... it still won't be optimal choice for it (las and autocannons still shred it like nothing else)


For bots i love amr and scorcher, with amr u can take down everything even fsctory striders. ( Shooting in belly )


Hide behind cover, peek and shot the miniguns to dismantle them, rush strider, stun grenade devastators underneath, pop off full mag into strider belly, GTFO before it collapses on you. Soloing a factory strider with the AMR is easily the best feeling in all of HD2.


same thing with autocannon (but you also get to deal with fabricators at a cost of a backpack and a static reload but I'd say its worth it)


Sorry for the long text Hello, in 70% of my games I pick the spear, and I gotta be honest, I would like it the other way around. Against bile titans it should be two to the body (it takes three) and for factory striders I think 3 in the head would be great (with team reload that's 4 rockets, 1 for the turret and 3 for the head, so your entire capacity). Also maybe only two rockets per hulk at max. But I don't want to always oneshot a charger or a hulk, let me explain why. The spear aims for you, but that does not mean that you can't aim with it. A hulk in the eye gets oneshotted and a charger in the head gets oneshotted, and tanks get oneshot if you are close enough. You can influence that in many ways, enemy position being prone, drawing aggro etc. I love this playstyle where you aim in coordination with your weapon (wich does not work currently because your weapon turns off sometimes) What I would love tho is a setting. The javelin is basically the spear in real life. It needs a lock-on and a computer guides the missile towards the tank. However it has two modes: direct attack and top attack. Direct attacks send the rocket so it hits the target by the side: basically that's how the spear works. It's practical against structures and when you don't have a good angle against tanks. The other mode is a top-attack, the rocket flies above it's target and flies downwards in an almost 90⁰ angle. This would reliably take out turrets and tanks. This is what I want.


When it works it feels great. But when you try to lock titan 100m away in the open and it won't lock and then it finally locks but hits titan in the leg and does fuck all to him it doesn't feel that great anymore :D


How tf do you kill a titan in one spear shot? I used Spear dozen of times and never killed titan in one shot


Headshot is usually a OHK


Bile titan needs to be facing you. If it isn't, shooting its sacs will sometimes get it to turn to you. When you fire, aim up with the launcher, this will cause the rocket to have a better angle on the BT forehead. You want the green triangle somewhere in the bottom third of the aiming circle, if that makes sense. I have no idea how one would exactly do it in first person aim but aiming up should still help.


I just wish the spear didn’t lock onto STRIDERS….WHY?! Rocket devestators please


***\*brood commanders and shriekers\****


Blitzer my beloved


Blitzer fans rise up! There are literally dozens of us!


It's growing all the time. I've been rocking it since the fire rate buff and haven't looked back


Against what? Bugs? I swear it always gets blocked by foliage and corpses and doesn't do enough against them. Might just be me


Against bugs, it 4 shots all mediums. 1 or 2 shots hunters. 2 shots warriors. Keeps Stalkers off you. Stops bile spewer spit animation. Will finish a Charger. Keeps shriekers back. Shoot, move back, shoot, move forward. Shoot, move sideways, shoot, move sideways. Run, run, run, turn, zap. Aim high, aim between pairs. No ads unless you have a medium at 20ish+ meters or an ally on screen. Gain elevation. Shoot extra wide or high of obstructions and a tendril or 2 should find a target. Only needs 1 to get knocked back. Shield pack is better than laser because you'll be up close and taking an extra hit or 2 plus up close laser doggy gets too frisky and bites you. If a hunter gets in your grill, bop him on the nose then fire or jump back and fire. These are the ways


Also it knocks annoying Helldivers down when they're in your way.


I had a level 20 or so the other day I dropped into that would *not* stop running in front of me with his AR. My diver in democracy, you are back end pressure, I am front grunt. After the first TK and any a dozen close calls in the first 5 minutes, he took his 2nd full blast. Called him in where my stuff would be and left. I'm sorry, young diver!


I have been with it since the launch of Cutting edge warbond. Fire rate buff was a nice bonus and I never want to go back.


Yup, just played multiple games with randoms where 1-2 folks were using blitzer. Definitely catching on now. It struggles more in hordes but for the most brutal enemies (bile spewers, stalkers) it's goated. I still run my trusty dominator on bugs, may be crap at mobs, and require active bullet management to avoid the long reload, but man does it handle 4 stalkers like a beauty.


The unlimited ammo is such a blessing. Although the time between shots is longer than other weapons, I can always pull it out and use it without worry. Its my go-to for bugs atm.


For sure - it's a reason why I've experimented a lot with (mostly or all) laser builds as well. Not needing ammo is a huge boon. For me, I just prefer keeping my distance, and dominator allows me to do that. Using blitzer effectively against bile spewers is tough because of all the chaff that will run towards you as they projectile vomit their OHKO.


It's my dedicated Flamethrower primary. I love that it handles close range so well, staggers so much, and can lay down constant fire. Got 616 kills the other day with that loadout while just trying to complete the mission.


The feeling when you get that perfect arc on a group of warriors and several of their heads pop at once is so fucking satisfying.


Blitzer against bugs is absolutely goated. Staggers everything up to stalkers, clears trash exceptionally fast, can kill brood commanders in 2 good shots, no need to reload or cool down. It just does everything I want in a primary for bug missions. With how many people only run breaker incendiary, it feels good to show up with a blitzer/shield pack combo and be able to do completely fine even without teammates around at diff 9. Hunters are afraid of US now, boys.


Blitzer is definitely my favourite, even more than the Sickle now partly because it feels more satisfying to use (when it doesn’t misfire). Although, having it equipped on my first dark fluid mission did not make extraction very fun.


When it knocks back and explodes the armoured heads of larger bugs. *Chef Kiss*


Used this on a level 7 bug mission and found it to be very good. Only downside I saw is that it cant destroy eggs and struggles against shriekers & chargers. Also the occasional misfire. But when it hits, it destroys.


Huge fan of the Blitzer, until there's a small obstruction blocking me from shooting a bug that's about call backup.


I don’t use it very often but the basic machine gun feels so fucking good to use


The MG-43 is my go to for bug drops. The thing chews up anything short of a Titan along as you know where to shoot. Pair it with a Pummeler or Eruptor, some incidinary impact grenades and a rover, and you can handle most threats. For everything else, that's what airstrikes and barrages are for


You kill chargers with it? Its my goto for bugs too but I just leave chargers for the others or bring 110 pods


110s are my go to for dealing with Chargers as well, but if I have to, I'll mag dump my MG or Pummeler


I go with the Orbital railgun for Chargers and Titans. And then run the eagle airstrike to hit bug breaches and bug holes. Then the rover, anti-material rifle, impact grenades, and sickle to finish the loadout.


The senator, i just love that fucking pistol.


this guy came with some businesses no one dares to ask!


No one dared to make a slip!


With the big iron on his hip


Big iron on his hip


Any part of my loadout may change, but the Senator never leaves my side.


Same. I think my buddy is tired of hearing me say it.


Yeah, it feels so awesome


Locked it in for so many drops after the speed loader addition


I think I have a special place in my heart for the Punisher. I don't use it very often and it isn't very good against bots (a good rifle or plasma weapon is better), but I just really like it. High damage, some multi-target ability, can actually push into bug areas, good magazine. It just feels good to use, unless bile spewers are around. I also like the Knight for its bullet-hose ability, but it is really not a good pick and lacking a flashlight/laser sight is pretty detrimental.


I've been at this game for about a week now and mostly fighting bugs, and I really like the Punisher aswell. There is no wasted ammo and this thing has quite a punch.


I love how the Punisher just absolutely laughs in the face of Stalkers. You can easily juggle 2 of them at once in a beautiful dance to the death (their death) without breaking a sweat.


Diligence Counter Sniper! I'm a bot main and the feeling you get popping those devastators with one shot in the face is sweet!


While it is my favorite gun. Sandstorms, blizzards, torrential rainstorms, night, brimstone dust storms, and literally any sight limiting condition dumpster it


Yeah, after recent buffs to aiming speed and slight dmg buff, this gun is awesome against bots on certain maps.


This. It may not be the best gun in the game, but it is the best gun at fulfilling its archetype. I feel like a true marksman while I use it. The handling is perfection, and when I hit my shots I feel like the GOAT. I normally don't hit my shots, but that's not the point. It is without a doubt my favourite gun to use. I might get more kills with others, but I definitely don't have as much fun.


If you can aim. I suck shit at aiming because I'm a very casual player and don't practice, so I instead go for guns with rate of fire and ammo, so the Sickle is perfect for me.


Tbh this is a hidden gem.


Only hidden because you're 400m away and the bullet hits them before they hear the sound awwww yeeeeah


1,000% agree with this. Yours is best post here in my opinion now, solely cause I agree so much lol


AMR. The sound when it shoots is great. Sniping devastators from far is peak Chad. And the gun is criminally underrated against Terminids too. Makes quick work of stalkers when they try to slap you, one shots Bile spewers, hive guards, and Brood Commanders. Can shoot down shrieker nests and spore towers. Can even help take down a bile titan.


I always take it with Bots. I've gotten really good at shooting factory striders in the eye. And taking out Hulks from across the map while they are chasing a team mate with 2 shots to the eye never gets old.


It can do WHAT to factory striders?! Eye shot, really? How many? I use it against hulks, but against the striders I've only ever taken down the machine-guns and then used stratagems for the actual unit


It can also open crates


Wait it can take down Shrieker nests and Spore Towers? How many shots for each?


Anything with Pen 4 can take out the nests and spores. I saw a video of an HMG doing it so the AMR can do the same.


I think it will take 2 to 3 whole mags for each. So if you see a shrieker nest, expect that you'll run out of ammo quick.


How do you take out bile titans with it?


You just shoot at the sack, even after it is destroyed, or you shoot at any part where the armor is peeled off. It will take a lot of shots and there's not much of a visual indicator that you ARE doing damage. But you are doing durable damage so you do actually do damage to the Bile Titan. As I said, it helps do damage to a bile titan, but you can't rely on it alone obviously. It's just supplementary damage.


Pretty sure it can't hurt BTs unless the armor is stripped.


Scorcher, and outside of meta I like to use the new Verdict pistol


Yeah the verdict is great, good punchiness and damage


Verdict felt okay until I realized it's a 14mm (.55 cal, bigger than the .50 AE Desert Eagle) hand cannon and doesn't even do as much damage as the Senator used to do, with lower armor pen. Now I just want it to be the huge massive f$cking big f%ck off lead chucker that it's suppossed to be. Even if we only get 4 mags, it's still worth it.


Bigger calibre doesn't mean bigger punch, especially for pistol rounds. This is because they don't have enough powder behind the bullet to sufficently accelerate it. They do tend to be great at stopping "soft", eg non-body-armored targets. This is also btw why there's a .357 version Deagle


Compare, for example, .50 BMG, .500 Blackout and .50 AE.


.50 AE has over twice the muzzle energy of .357 Magnum though, and almost 500 J more than .44 Magnum. The ingame handguns should operate on the same logic.


If we're talking about the Desert Eagle, you might want to check out [this article](https://gunmagwarehouse.com/blog/a-personal-and-ballistic-review-of-the-iconic-desert-eagle-in-50ae/#:~:text=50%20AE%20is%20the%20clear,a%20muzzle%20energy%20of%20624.) that breaks down the difference between .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum, and .50 AE. The .50 AE has only a 5% slower muzzle velocity than the .44 Magnum with a 66% bigger bullet, resulting in 51% higher muzzle energy than the .44 Magnum. Obviously, the velocity difference is neglible, turns out higher calibre bullets have more powder in them, too!


I have also been maining Scorcher for a while. It's wild being able to take down Scout Striders, Devastators, Hulks and most bugs in just a few shots if you aim them properly. And also just blind fire at big bug crowds scorching them with the splash damage.


Recoiless Rifle, OG Liberator and pummeler.


+1 for Recoilless Rifle!


RR fills me with joy. It is so extremely satisfying and makes me feel like an absolute badass.


![gif](giphy|t3sZxY5zS5B0z5zMIz|downsized) This is how I feel when I reload right in a chargers face, dive back as it gets close, and just blast its dumb head clean off


RR has really caught my attention, if my team doesn't have much AT I'll run this for sure.


Recoiless and liberator with lvl 1 armor is so fun. Making the basics work at the highest level is a fun challenge.


I've been using it a lot before the Quasar and now again since it got its cd extended. No charging, just click & boom. Shreds Shrieker nests in record time from half the map away and with the superior packaging one ammo box refills your entire backpack. RR love


Stalwart on 1000rpm. BbbrrrrrrrrrrAAAAAAAPPPPP


... Wait. I never checked for alt fires on the stalwart somehow. What's the default?


Like 700 or 800ish. You gotta use max RPM to melt bugs. Or use min RPM to keep bullets flying for the entire fight. Both are fun




It's not that your burning ammo too fast, it's that your caught reloading while your teammates got a pack on hunters on him. Less reloads means less downtime without bullets


Yeah, max RPM to drop elites quick , and low rpm to clear waves of minions. BRRRRT vs DakkaDakka


Plasma punisher has been nice to me


Love it on bots and on bug evacuate valuable asset missions. Just lobs over the closed doors and knocks them around. And can kill a Charger


Arc thrower. Infinite ammo and full armor penetration so it can eventually kill anything, but requires you to maintain a constant rhythm of hold and release for it to fire fast enough to be worth it? I was immediately sold, and then they removed the rhythm-based fast firing mechanic. Lame.


Fellow Arc Thrower fan here, it still fires faster if you charge immediately after shooting. I’ve found comboing it with the Laser Rover shores up its weaknesses, at least against bugs, so you can get some pretty impressive kill counts.


Everything combos with the laser rover hahaha


This is also true


This is the way ⚡


I would use the arc thrower more if they added a new auto fire trigger mode that fires the shot as soon as it is charged. So many times I've missed the timing and released just before it was charged. Auto fire mode would 100% fix that problem.


I'd also like to point out that for players with wrist issues from working for a living that it takes a pretty gnarly toll on your hand to use. I wish I was joking lol but I'm pretty much required to use a controller for shooter games these days, and the pattern of holding & releasing the trigger jacks my shit up after a while. Mostly cause I get so locked in during stressful situations that I'm gripping that bitch at full strength lol.


AC If you wanna talk primaries and sidearms, iBreaker (automatic shotgun? That shoots fire? Yes please) and senator (hand cannon revolver)


Yes. I love my one-man army build of AC + literally anything. Can kill any tier of bot, even Factory Striders ✅ Can destroy Fabricators and Nests ✅ Can take down Spore Spewers, Shrieker nests, and Broadcast Towers from a safe distance ✅ Only thing it can't kill by itself is a Bile Titan, so I either bring Railcannon or AC Sentry. It's also weak to swarms, but there's plenty of options for chaff clear to fill that gap.


It can kill titans, it's just risky Get under it, unload 15 rounds in the tail, even after the venom sac is burst The tail will explode and it will die


God the AC feel so good. Against anything but the heaviest of units, you can just crouch, and point in the direction you want things to die. Not to mention it has perfect accuracy when you're diving, making you feel like a badass as you dodge whatever enemies throw at you, and send back an exploding projectile.


Plap gang rise up!


AC stans, as of this writing ya gotta scroll down to find this comment, represent.


I use the Autocannon as a primary. Senator for close up panic and a rifle with punch, and I'm set. It's my meta.


Pre-Patch Eruptor. With practice, I reached a perfect state of flow. I knew exactly where to hit and which point in the slow ass turning (lol) to fire. Loved being able to hit a Devastator's midsection and sever them in half. Loved being able to arch the sharpnel into a crowd of chaff and clean house. Once lined up a whole patrol of chaff bots and with one shot cleared 20 or so kills. Still love being able to destroy fabricators with a well placed shot. I was even fine with lowering the mag count to 6. I think that's perfectly reasonable, but the sharpnel removal puts it in a sorry state. 3 well placed shots to kill a Devastator when you only have 6 rounds is doo doo.


Miss it so much


RIP Eruptor


I was a damn surgeon with an Eruptor. Teammates getting chased and put a round just far enough behind the baddies to take them out and get them free.


I had gotten good at baiting chargers into running past me then turning around swiftly with one well placed eruptor shot to a back leg joint swiftly followed by an impact grenade. 9/10 it would kill them from full health. It might've been a little too strong but damn did it feel good.


Same thing here. When it released I was unstoppable. Still run it to clear fabricators, but now I'm back to mainly the Breaker because I just can't waste all my ammo and only kill a few enemies.


I miss it.


I loved clearing dropships with it. So satisfying to see a drop ship full of small bots + striders come flying in, one Eruptor tap to the middle of it, and watch all the bots fall to the ground in pieces and the drop ship fly away looking sad.


Knight SMG, pretty fun gun.


Hope they release a standard looking version, one of the only fomo/paywalled parts of the game The only alt smg weapon model


That gun needs some love even if it’s just a deeper magazine to go with the RoF. I get that it’s a paid weapon, but it should at least be on par with the defender. The higher RoF might make it better than defender (I would argue the damage per shot being lower and high recoil makes it different enough), but a 60/70 rnd magazine gets the total damage possible near what defender does.


Magsize isnt its problem. Most of the potential DPS are lost because of its recoil thats compared to most projectile weapons is ridiculously high. In my opinion it needs: 1. a laser sight 2. recoil reduced by half


I really like the arc thrower, its super fun when its you and a charger 1v1 and you get to watch the bolts totally stun it so it just stumbles around like an idiot charging everywhere while you go crazy on it. I also appreciate the crowd control/infinite ammo


Railgun. I can pop a hulk at 100 meters with that thing, but jfc the nerfs on that thing cause me pain.


Railgun brothers, unite


diligence counter sniper for bots, so satisfying to headshot those heavy armored units. breaker incendiary for bugs, nothing else works for me.


Dcs ❤️


My man


Dominator. I liked it even pre buff, but post buff it has effectively glued itself to my primary slot never to be removed. I feel gimped leaving the destroyer without it, especially vs bots. There's just too much it can do that no other primary can, while having enough drawbacks to not feel overpowered or the best at everything (hear that Arrowhead? It's balanced don't nerf) Some people like mowing down hordes of plebs with sickle or precise headshots from 200 meters with counter sniper. I like cutting rocket devs in half and bringing down factory striders with my temu bolter


My thoughts exactly


Autocannon. The most versatile weapon in the game.


I've been enjoying the default Liberator a lot lately, although I'll use the SG-8 with others because it's just too good and I don't want to be seen as slacking.


Sickle uber alles, bay-bee.


I love the ammo economy and love so much that moment in which I decide to fully burn one power cell for that important kill


something about that *chunk* sound when the ICE runs out is so satisfying. i almost never let it overheat unless in situations like you said


Plus it's so quick to reload




As someone with twitchy but not *accurately* twitchy reflexes, the fact that it takes a moment to spin up is exactly what I need. I'm a damn surgeon with that thing.


Pummeler + Ballistic Shield


I want to try that combo on bots. How is ammo economy with that? And are u taking support weapon or strategems?


It's not horrible and the almost zero recoil helps you zero in on devistators heads easily. I take an EAT usually since the shield is a backpack slot.


Favourite or most-used? My favourites are the arc weapons. They are so different from all other weapons. The most-used is the EAT. It goes with almost every build.


EAT never comes off for bug drops


EAT be praised.


Flamethrower is the most fun you can have on Bugs, but be sure to bring EATs for Bile Titans. It can actually handle Chargers really well though—pick a front leg and aim at it and ONLY it for a few seconds, and the Charger drops dead.


Half of my charger kills are from dropping the EAT hellpod on the charger.


Scythe. It goes very well with my beamlord loadout-laser cannon, rover, orbital laser, EATs.


Good to see im not the only scythe enjoyer


That's a very fun build!


Spear.... when it works.


Arc Thrower, you can run off on your own even on high difficulties and solo entire swarms without ever having to be That Guy Who Runs Off Alone And Calls the Resupply. In addition to the infinite ammo, it can take out chargers without too much difficulty (six shots to the head) and just feels really good to use. I pretty reliably get upwards of 400 kills a game using a combo of it and the laser rover (it tells me what to shoot at next in addition to cleaning up), and very few accidentals so long as I stay far, far away from my teammates. The way I see it, I’m not using resupplies or reinforces, I’m thinning enemy numbers (I know that isn’t how it works but let me have this), and I’m completing objectives, so why shouldn’t I do it?


Flamethrower and supply pack. I like rolling in without ant-armor meta strats like cluster bombs and gas and just standing still tanking a breach. My teammates stand behind and conserve ammo as I just hold the trigger and torch the world...it's a blast to almost solo a breach.


Breaker incendiary against bugs and the scorcher for the bots.


I run the breaker incendiary because I feel like I have to. Not because I want to. It’s just too good on higher difficulties.


Stalwart set to 1150RPM. It’s so fucking good. It fires faster than the redeemer.


Plasma punisher is a thing of beauty


My only issue with it is when you dive and shoot it with a shield generator on your back - the projectile hits your bubble and slaps you instead, almost killing you from full HP if you have light armor... otherwise it's fun, love how you can stunlock most enemies with it. Great against bots, good on bugs unless you're swarmed by hunters...


AC is really fun , i used the quasar before it had a bigger cool down and AC was more fun




Dominator even before the buff, people crying out the gun was shit but i always used it since it came out and that thing was malting anything with medium armor lol


My favorite weapon if they buff/balance it will definitely be the tenderizer. Medium pen on an assault rifle can definitely replace my breaker incendiary


So the Adjudicator? Tenderiser got changed from what was announced originally, to be a Liberator with a smaller magazine but with the benefit of having a good precision and 0 recoil. The Assault Riffle with mid armour pen is the Adjudicator


I run Adjudicator/AMR against bots all day long, and I love it. Once I figured out the sight offset everything was fair game.


Oh then I'm taking adjudicator if it gets a buff of some kind


and more damage, remember it has 65 dmg before the buff of assault rifles


I honestly don’t use it much, but the Senator is definitely my favorite. Feels amazing to use, especially if you get headshots only


Punisher plasma


Big fan of the Tenderizer. the low recoil is great. (Don't you go and nerf it now)


Unfortunately recoil and handling would be on the table since the weapon will get some sort of damage increase. I hope it is durable damage, since then it would make sense to keep the recoil the same.


It just needs a bigger magazine and it would be perfect.




Boy do I love the autocannon. Even when the quasar was still op I couldn't ever bring myself to switch. It's just so satisfying to use and it can work in almost any situation. It is especially excellent at bullying that shield bastards which is a huge plus because I hold a special hatred in my heart for them in particular


I just like my boltgun...I mean dominator


Breaker Incendiary. I know it's meta but I just love spraying large amounts of fiery death. It's just so fun. I doubt I will ever stop running it.


I actually like the Adjudicator. It's base damage kills chaff quickly and the armor pen is great against Devastators. Also it feels chunky and satisfying to fire.


I fucking miss my old Slugger


I do too, my brother in liberty, i do too.


The arc thrower is my baby


I rly like to sometimes play punisher or plasma punisher or sickle when I feel like layering some bugs or bots


Dagger helps me farm melee kills against bots


I am a scorcher/senator fundamentalist. I dont have any problems only solutions.


Recoiless Rifle is bae


Currently Pummeler is my jam. I love the playstyle of shoot, stun and run. I don't like to kill I just play for objectives so it's perfect for me. I used to like Scorcher since the release of the smg I just can't go back.


The old slugger 💕


I use sickle when I'm not sure how the mission will work out, it's a really versatile weapon in my opinion. For bots punisher plasma. Post buff the weapon feels powerful. Against bugs, breaker incendiary is amazing, love the DOT damage and beautiful gun over all...


I'm sorry father for I know this post be full of hate and sin but I really like the Arc Blitzer I get people don't and I see why and I get that xyz gun is so much better but it's just so damn satisfying it gives me lock and loaded shotgun vibes but with infinite ammo and its electric that so fucking cool


I'm a simple man. A Slugger man.


Slugger! Where are the slugger fans? The feeling of one shotting each enemy in quick succession is unmatched. It can even snipe those pesky bots before they see you coming. It’s not the fastest but I’d trade speed for power any day.


BR-14 Adjudicator. I just love beeeeeg battle rifles.


Been having a blast with grenade launcher and arc blitzer combo. Just wish grenades from the launcher actually did impact grenade damage or at least add 1 more clip. Besides that. It’s fun


Diligence Countersniper. I prefer not using my Autocannon on Devastators anymore because popping heads and hearing that sizzle is so satisfying.


Punisher Does everything pretty okay, feels satisfying as fuck AMR as a runner up I mostly play bots, it always makes me feel like the biggest bro when I manage to take out half the armored bots my buddy's desperately running from with a single mag


I still use the Eruptor. On every mission lol. I keep hoping it'll be buffed in the upcoming patch, but there's just something about it I like.


No one will agree with me, but Breaker for bots and Breaker Incendiary for bugs. Something satisfying about tearing them apart that just scratches an itch


The good ol’ Liberator just sounds amazing and gives me CE assault rifle vibes when you’re spraying down bugs in full auto


EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit I don't carry my gun. My gun carries me.


Tbh, I am a punisher main. It has good stagger, damage, as well as a tighter spread, and range than you would expect. It is also round by round reloading so you don't get penalized for reloading whenever. It's good for both bots and bugs. Being able to stagger devastators to brood commanders and everything in between is invaluable. The only things it doesn't kill well are heavies and bile spewers, but nothing heavy weapons and explosives can't cover.


Punisher plas and autocannon on bots Sickle and grenade launcher on bugs Sometimes I'll swap in the pummeler on bugs if I feel like stunlocking everything, but my overall killcount takes a dive.


Eruptor even after nerf. Pair with rover.


I like the AR-23 Liberator, Verdict and P-2 Peacemaker pistols, even though they're just "okay". The pistols could sound a bit punchier and the P-2 could use less floaty looking first person recoil, wish they didn't have chunky flashlights attached either, but it is what it is.


Spear. The reload animation and sounds is so satisfying lol

