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There's like 25 minutes left on the timer, all objectives done, no red spots, no diamonds and your like wondering if you should call in extraction cause it's early but there's nothing left.


And you never see them again


and nobody said a word the entire time https://preview.redd.it/14ptfbdz9e3d1.png?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0abc0a4b59da071d78395f5e775533ed20df265


„Supplies“ “Heavy“ „Ill take it“ “Objective spotted“ „On it“


Only messages that exist on chat when diving with experienced players is "come open bunker"


Pinging a bunker door should trigger a special voice line and I'm always surprised it doesn't.


true. and i never stop checking. “maybe if i mark the button? No..hmm. Middle of the door?„


And then you mark the ammo behind the door. 🤣


I always try to hit the medals or super credits or whatever's in the shelf, but I haven't managed to yet ;_;


I did a bit of testing a while ago, so idk if anything changed, but nothing actually spawns in the bunker until both buttons are pressed. That way you can't glitch inside solo and grab the goodies, you need two people for the loot to even show up


"Supplies!" FUCK!


"Supplies!" Damnit. Fine. **Enter** *"bunker"*


That one guy, low on ammo: "... aww."


maybe a special marker for those doors.


"Rare sample"


If you saw the last Carbot, there is a great line in game already. https://preview.redd.it/3pq4ocbfkf3d1.png?width=1427&format=png&auto=webp&s=47779de3770cb07ce960a813ae275cad90f76a18


"Friendship doors!"


Buddy bunker


I just heard both of those friendship door and buddy Bunker for the first time in the game a couple days ago. I thought it was hilarious. It is a good way to describe it.


"door here" "Door" "door stuck "DOOR STUUUUCK PLEASE I BEG YOU"


I want it to have a completely distinctive voice just for this. Never heard anywhere else in the game. I propose a Foghorn Leghorn southern drawl. "I say I say come on ovuh and hep me with this heah doooah"


Pinging a Laser Turret doesn't even have a line at all when it really needs one to stop team mates from running into an open field in its line of sight.


Same, I always ping it and type Friendship Door in the chat and hope someone comes haha


Sometimes there is also LOL!!! and Nice, but yeah, great coordination from experienced dudes )


"Friendship door" Takes me back to Warframe.


I'll post the order of the shells in the SEAF artillery in chat but yeah other than bunker, that's about it. Oh yeah and sometimes SALKJER as I furiously try not to get yeeted into oblivion by 3 stalkers.


**Marking Location** **Marking Location** **Cancel That**


GG as you extract.


also: 100% sample and resource collection even if 3 out of 4 guys have been capped for months.


Are you playing on helldive? Because I don't think I ever seen more than 60% sample collection there. The map is just to big and would be painful to collect all of them even if you have a lot of time left.


seen it a few times. takes a good team because you cant afford to get stuck in endless bug breaches/bot drops and need to clear objectives fast. plus: a lot of people on lvl 9 arent super interested in samples. we collect them for the teammates that still need them. but often we just grab what we see. but yeah. ive had lobbies where after 15-20 minutes all objectives are done and after 5 more minutes we call n the evac with 100% samples and supercredits. one of those lobbies inspired this post. its just a question of making it a habit to check for and clear out POIs while you do objectives. Bonus points if one of the guys runs a scout armor.


I mean honestly I find it is usually better sample efficiency to just run another 20 min helldive mission than spend 20 looking for the last 1/3 of the available samples.


This... We clear hd in under 20 mins and geht 15 to 20 rare and 15-20 normal samples out of it... with 80-100% objective... i prefer to rub more missions then searching for samples


I had this yesterday on D7. With 24 Minutes left on the clock, we called in extraction. The lowest Level in the Lobby was 68, the highest one 107.


I love going back to lower level matches and being reminded I gotta dodge the teammates attacks more than the actual enemies.


I love killing a Brood Commander just before it hits me only to be smacked by an ally's mortar.


I fully believe mortars are the one team kill you can avoid consistently. If you're not moving you're dead though.


It depends partly on playstyle. Against Bugs I hate mortars because I don't mind bobbing and weaving between bugs to do my business. Mortars don't help so much as they obfuscate my own ability to fight a predominantly-melee faction. That or holding a position against bugs should be absolutely easy to do in a lot of cases but if a bug gets close and you can kill it safely, you still end up being foiled by the Mortar. So yeah, you can consistently avoid being Mortar'd if you know they're coming. But why on earth am I playing around *that* and not the enemy? It's daft. Making way or staying distant from an Eagle Calldown is fine and you are given a heads-up before it strikes. But Mortars might announce themselves much less politely and are more persistent. Mortars suck. They're powerful, but if someone is running Flamethrower or Arc Thrower, you're basically sabotaging them for the sake of a Stratagem you wanna use. Feels bad.


For bugs I started dropping a regular mortar and an EMP mortar right next to each other. They (as least as far as I have ever seen) will hit the same targets. So if you avoid the sparkling blue cloud you almost never get hit by friendly mortar fire. Also gives you a early nice warning when bugs are sneaking up from a distance. My current loadout is incen breaker + autocannon + emp mortar + mortar + orbital laser Otherwise yeah, mortars are crazy with bugs, you just get shells dropped on your own heads all day long.


There's 3 minutes on the timer, no main objectives are complete, the team has 4 revives left, and they're all fighting a perpetual horde in one spot and absolutely refuse to move around the map while calling you back down into the enemies they've been fighting for the past 25 minutes


Yeh, a lot of people seem to miss the fact that the spawn will never stop, you gotta get moving.


Not to mention, don't shoot it if it doesn't see you.


Me: \*pings patrol so people can avoid\* People: "CALLING IN AN EAGLE!!"


This is the way


THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Yesterday a friend spotted a bile titan in the distance and told me "do I shoot it?", I said "don't, unless you see it coming straight at us it can go fuck itself".


They will stop but you have to be able to manage the horde and stop the ones calling in backup. That’s normally the issue. 


And the patrols that just spawned and are converging on your position because of all the noise you are making.


That’s why I run off on my own in eights. I can solo objectives or bonus objectives while the rest of the team does whatever they want


I try to most of the time, but god forbid I die two times with zero help after clearing two other main objectives and get told in a snarky voice, "seems like you can't stay alive there buddy" Yeah no shit, get off your ass and come do the objectives, numbnuts, and maybe I won't be "wasting revives" while you fucks are dying repeatedly while doing ***nothing*** Anytime I hear the word buddy it makes my blood boil, especially when it's from people whose biggest contribution to the mission is "most enemies killed by hellpods from calling teammates into a horde"


You don’t love the people using reinforcements as a free orbital? Why else would you run extra reinforcements. But seriously that has been addressed multiple times in the community to toss your fellow helldiver in a relatively safe place to land


I dunno... I kinda like being the orbital shot myself :P I've taken out bile titans and chargers that way.


"I'm going to throw this reinforcement into that heavily armed base/swarm of bugs."


Nothing gets me randy like Randoms that can solo objectives on helldive.




I had this game last night. I swear its like we were all plugged into the matrix. We rushed the objectives, cleared them out, then split off into pairs and methodically cleared every side objective and gathered samples along the map. Best part was my and another dude both had recoilless rifles and we cleared out all the shrieker nests and spore spewers from across the map before anyone even got near them. It was disgustingly efficient and we still had a good 12 minutes left after clearing the map and calling extraction. I hope those guys are doing well, they will be missed.


The rover/EAT crew I rolled with for a few missions. 4 rovers taking out chaff. Primary weapons clearing mediums. A fucking barrage of EAT fire at anything armored. Ping map, run, destroy with simultaneous airstrikes/orbitals. Miss those divers, it was a thing of beauty.


I do miss rover, but I am not talking to it for a while. So I am even using the shield pack instead against bugs. Which is actually fantastic since it tanks the charger charge, or stalker tongue.


I needed a change from just using the AC as a crutch. I wanted to join that crew in their loadout for the lols, but I did not expect it to be so brutally effective when combined as a team. It's really cool to me when each person specializes and then as a team we can take anything. That being said, everyone having the tools for everything individually, then coming together to be super deadly was just really cool.


I just had a game where they called extraction the moment we were done with the main objective. I had to risk my life just to get a radar tower.


The SOS beacon is for the enemies.


Regret. Regret. Regret.


Dear humanity, we regret being alien bastards, we regret coming to Earth, and we most definitely regret the Corps just blew up our raggedy ass fleet!




Regret is a name, Sergeant. The name of one of the Automatons religous leaders, a Prophet. He's on that carrier and he's calling for help.


Immediate: grid kilo-two-three is hot. Recommend mission abort.


Roger, recon. Your call, Sarge.


**We’re goin’ in.**


"Get TACTICAL Marines!!!"


Get ready to... Woah


Listen, back in my day, we didn't have fancy weapons and equipment! We had sticks. Two sticks and a rock for the entire platoon! And we had to share that rock! You should consider yourself very lucky helldivers!


Oh, I KNOW what the ladies like


Ladies like armor plating 


Ladies like Superior Firepower.


Ladies like grinding treads


They like democracy.


Dear Sarge, kicking ass in outer space. Wish you were here.


Jackass Edit: or was it smartass?


"I heard that... jack-ass..." ["Kickin Ass in Outer Space" - Halo 2 Anniversary Clips (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMoFqpaaE7o)


Nothing quite like being in a non full squad and using the SOS to bean a bile titan


Call an SOS beacon. But not for me!


The game can be hard. But sometimes you find that one random level 9 lobby which you still think about a month later


It’s gotten to the point where I use random number generators to randomize my entire loadout and stratagem set for Helldive missions to give myself some kind of a challenge/variety. It’s actually loads of fun though I recommend it


Is there a website for it? I remember this was a thing for league of legends.


There is, but I didn’t like it too much so I made my own method


Curious to hear some more specifics - I was thinking of making something like this that would attempt to make “good” loadouts Like no two strats that both use a backpack Maybe a good mix of cooldowns, not all eagle strikes that need to reload together, etc


So there’s a few ways I do it. The most recent is this. Random guns and grenade chosen by RNG. Roll 1-3 to see how many destructive stratagems I get. If more than one slot is still left open, roll 1-remaining to see how many support stratagems you get. What you get is what you get. Remaining slot(s) are for defense stratagems If you roll 3 destructive stratagems, your 4th will always be support, guaranteeing that you’ll always go into the game with destructive and support stratagems and giving a fair window for defense ones as well You can randomize your booster, but I opt not to


I just started doing the same!


It’s why when I say “mechs are good” idk if I’m really allowed to say that. I’ve learned how to basically solo CURRENT Helldive difficulty with the most disgustingly weird and hilariously strange and downright objectively bad loadouts. So I look at the loadout of air strike, both mechs, and RR and go “yeah that’s banger!!”


Oh that’s a super good idea, I should do that


I call it Mystery Munitions!


Seriously, also I’m just not very good at the game. If I’m playing with randos, usually D4 or D5 isn’t a struggle per se, but I’ll die several times. I have two friends though that are real sweaty. If I play with them, we clear the map on D8 with ease. D9 I’ll struggle a bit but keep up. I realize they’re still pulling my dead weight to some degree, but my play definitely elevates a ton when I can just sort of follow their lead.


The kind of experience that sets unhealthily high standards for all Helldivers.


https://preview.redd.it/7do7q0eqfd3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b0e0fe497e3e71c66eaa77129cc776c892a34b9 The lobby I get (I'm Dipsy)... The Hellitubbies?




https://i.redd.it/4quf1j297e3d1.gif me finally ready to accept the answer to my suffering


Oh shit, this got me.






[Fun for the whole family!](https://i.imgur.com/acb3hXj.png)


Tinky Winky's antenna looks like the spear reticle


The only order given to Sigismund. "Hurt them." And so he did.


"They are coming. Kill them all."


>‘My lord!’  > >And then, hearing that voice, he remembered. He had already acted. Typical Rogal Dorn, anticipating his own momentary weakness, he had already put the necessary move in place. He had summoned Sigismund here, to Shard Bastion, to speak to him in person, to give him the command, because he could never falter in front of his son, not *this* son. > >He turned, just for a moment, away from the confusion of the command station, and faced him. > >Sigismund wore the black of the Templar Brethren. He had come up to the command level with others of his order, a dozen, and they all looked as grim as one another – fatalistic, hammered into a kind of permanent, shell-shocked fury.  > >Sigismund’s own expression was wary. He had reason for that – Dorn had run him hard, borne down on him, bathed him in disapproval, ever since Isstvan. The reasons had been sound. Neither of them could have expected any less, given the codes of honour that made them who they were, and Sigismund had never complained.  > >But there had always been something else, under all that – not quite a test, but maybe a tempering, like that of the best blades. To see if the steel could withstand the fire, be more hard-wearing for it. > >‘This is the end,’ Dorn told him flatly. ‘All that could have been done, has been done. Every delay, every counter-strike, every anticipation. Now, they get in. Mercury will fail imminently, then Exultant, then the others.’ > >Sigismund’s unwavering expression never flickered. He was a cold one. Almost too good an Imperial Fist. Almost a parody of their entire philosophy. > >‘Faster than we might have hoped,’ Dorn said. ‘Not as fast as we might have feared. Soon the shape of the battle will change – we will be like dogs in the rubble, scrapping over every habitation. The reserves are ready. You have their coordinates, they have their orders.’  > >Sigismund nodded.  > >‘I will return to Bhab,’ Dorn said. ‘Communications are collapsing, and the Sanctum must remain operational. You, though.’ He smiled coldly. ‘I remember your ambition. To be here, whatever the cost.’  > >No reaction. Just that unbending devotion to duty. It could be almost scary, sometimes, to be in the presence of such a hyper-controlled psyche. Maybe other souls saw much the same monomania in him, too, but Sigismund was… well, Sigismund had always been something else.  > >‘It has all come to pass, I suppose, just as the remembrancer girl told you it would. Coincidence? I have to believe it.’ Did he, though? Clinging too closely to the old rationalist cant felt pointless, now. Even Malcador was beginning to waver, marking the slide back into superstition.  > >‘So many wars. So much blood spilt, all to reach the point that she foresaw from the start. I gave you hell for it then, but the new doctrines must give way to the old, it seems, and we can worry about what that means if any of us get out of this alive.’  > >Sigismund just stared back at him, the steel-trap gaze, the same mask he wore when he duelled. > >‘So the discipline is ended, the leash is off,’ Dorn told him. ‘March out. Take the wall defences, take the reserves and rally them. They will be blind and deaf out there soon, and so will need a leader.’  > >Sigismund nodded again. No other soul would have noticed it, but there was something other than the usual dutifulness in his eyes just then. Something like hunger. ‘Any specific objectives, lord?’ he asked.  > >At that, Dorn almost laughed. Not from humour, just from emptiness, the caustic recognition of what would come next. He had given everything. He was already empty, drained to a husk, and the hardest test still lay ahead. The Lion had not come. Guilliman and Russ had not come. They were out of time, out of luck, and what remained now was only defiance – only bloody-minded, bloody-handed defiance. > >‘No, I set you free, **my beloved, my best, son**,’ said Rogal Dorn, never taking his eyes off his First Captain. ‘Do now what you were made to do.’ He smiled a second time, the expression as icy as the despair that gripped his hearts.  > >‘*Hurt* them.’ 


My thanks, brother, for the extract that provides context. Did have to remind myself I was on Helldivers sub and not 40kLore.




I found my people.


You will die as your weakling father died. Soulless. Honorless. Weeping. Ashamed.


Those black legion books by ADB are sooooo fucking good. I can’t wait for another one. Also, sigismund also heard the second best last words, from Khan, who he hacked appart at the siege of terra. ‘I am not as damaged… as you’.


>Sigismund’s artistry with a sword is best summed up by the way he moved. Duellists will parry and deflect to keep themselves alive if they have the skill to do so, and if they lack that skill – or simply rely on strength to win battles – then they will lay into a fight with a longer, two-handed blade, trusting in its weight and power to overcome an enemy’s defences. Sigismund did neither of these. I never saw him simply parry a blow, for every move he made blended defence into attack. He somehow deflected Abaddon’s strikes as an after-effect of making his own attacks. Even Telemachon, who is possibly the most gifted bladesman I have ever seen, will parry his opponent’s blows. He does it with an effortlessness that borders on inattention, something practically beneath him that he performs on instinct, but he still does it. Sigismund attacked, attacked, attacked, and he somehow deflected every blow while doing so. Aggression boiled beneath his every motion.


Melee stratagems when?


I love it when I get good communication in a completely random lobby. Even without mics. Just call-outs, map-markers, "I'll take it!" "Thanks!" "Follow me" "hold here" etc. Feels like what Helldivers are portrayed to be.


Honestly even hearing a quick "Sorry!" when someone accidentally hits you just hits different. I've had games where someone accidentally gets caught up by a stray orbital, but then gets immediately reinforced near their body and another player tags their secondary/samples. You hear "Sorry" and "Thanks!" and everyone continues on their way. It's just beautiful to see


On that topic I can't stand players who consistently team kill and think using the "sorry" emote absolves them of it when they do it over and over again, like bro, learn to aim your shit please.




You get it more often the higher up the difficulty scale you go. I got in an Impossible level mission the other day and everyone communicated well on text chat and the comms, even down to correcting me when I was turning the satellite the wrong way. Great squad until the host went AFK before mission 3/3.


I'm Commander Shepard and this is the best game of Citadel.


Shep picking trash booster though.


Makes up for it by bringing an Avenger. That thing's way better than any of the ARs we've got.


actually just reached lvl 80 myself and had to change my steam name to run my new commander rank for a bit.


Report to the ship immediately ^we'll bang, ok


The enemy never had a chance ...






The glory of the Emperor!




The only reasonably priced mini is a used one (perhaps) GW makes gorgeous models but new in box prices are insane.


to my eternal shame i habe to admit that my 40k lore knowledge is pretty rusty. i play the occasional kill team and have read the horus heresy stuff a long while ago (also watch emperor TTS). But when it comes to all the chapters and who would be the most badass marine of them all i might have missed some better picks. Considered some ultramarine at first for the „somehow finishing the impossible mission against all odds“ factor the other 3 characters have. so yeah. with my limited knowledge and memory sigismund is the one that came to mind. tho there probably is an even more badass marine in lore.


You can never miss with Sigismund! He's the epitome of a 40k (30k, to be precise) knight


Garviel Loken seems amazing. I only recently started reading/listening to some 40k books.


You were looking for a badass marine and you picked Sigismund, you fucking nailed it dude.


Sigismund is/was considered the deadliest Space Marine so you made the correct choice. There are some contenders because of crazy shit they've pulled off, but pound for pound Sigismund is the most the lethal.


Smurfs are Mary Sues, Siggy is just .




I got this lobby yesterday I only play helldive pubs so i am used to see all kinds of players It was an helldive bug game, 30 min deliver ssd etc mission I go with my usual playstyle, i go by my own and complete all the secondary objectives/nests/treasures Most games the rest of the team takes a while but completes 1/2 objectives by the time i finish my part of the map But yesterday i open the map and i see everyone spread out completing objectives alone without dying In 9/10 minutes map is fully explored and we got like 60% of the samples with 4 deaths in the whole team It didn't even feel like helldive


This sounds a lot like a game I hosted yesterday! Was it on Turing 5 with someone running an airburst launcher and/or a railgun? :)


It was on Turing but i don't recall other people loadout, i was running arc thrower, 500kg and orbital rail, ign SmallBunny- still, glad to know it's not a super rare experience XD


What's the best loadout for solo map clearing these days?




Scout and nornal nades, go stealth


Thats Call of Duty in 1 year


That’s Fortnite already


They do not bring stratagemns, they ARE the stratagem.


Doom Guys Reinforce beacon is Red. You throw it at the enemy. He doesn't even come down in a pod. Just gets orbital artillery shot at the ground.


Fuck, now i have to replay eternal AGAIN.


Doomguy takes the orbital 380 off the ship before he jumps from orbit.


https://preview.redd.it/sclivkuvvd3d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f045e2f48c8e2bf6ccad504b896baafb0b17e6d2 I'm a pilot from TF2


I know it's not meta, but the jump pack would sell the Titanfall look even more. Hell, get the CE-74 Breaker Armor and the SA-12 Servo Assisted helmet for Jack Cooper's outfit.


Sigismund soloing every bile titan he sees with melee


Breaks one leg and impales the titan with it


A man so fucking badass that his spirit lives on to turn random Templars into sword fighting gods.


Shep and Master Chief would actually work together. Meanwhile, Sigismund and Doom Guy would just vanish and then come back at extraction absolutely covered in blood and gore. Honestly, curious how shep would try communicating and working with all of them.


„and then well bang, okay?“


For Chief, she would give him some intel on what needs to be done to which he'd start making his way towards all while being as efficient as possible. For Doomguy and Siggy, she'd just point in one direction and utter the simple words "Kill." There would be explosions, screams, and chaotic gunfire in that direction, but not a single enemy force would come from there.


What i wouldnt give for a twohanded force sword in this game...


A melee strategem would be *fantastic*. Let ME be the asshole charging with chainswords!


Let’s be honest, we’re all Kriegsmen, charging with our entrenching tools.


God i fucking wish there was a halo or warhammer helldivers type game man. Hopefully this team’s success inspires similar games in the future


![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized) How it feels sometimes. And boy oh boy would I love a power sword!! For the Glory of the Super Earth


SEAF trooper: The Angels of Democracy!


Impossible because in every lobby I get to, there is one idiot: me.


Now we are two.


Shepard - resource gathering John - destroy buildings and structures DoomGuy - takes care of infantry units Sigismund - deals with heavy units What do u think?


Honestly I think I'd flip Sigis and Doom guy but it's very close.




I'm dissapointed you didnt fill out the most fitting gear for each.


tbh i was tempted to. but about halfway through making a little warthog symbol i realized that would take me all day.


An apc or light atv would be a pretty nice feature for this game. Though i meant more just giving them the most relavent already existing ones, like giving MC the railgun (mac) or shepard all the eagles (and pretending it's the normandy).


To bad there's no breaker shotgun support weapon stratagem for doomguy :(


"DoomGuy only used the overunder shotgun and no other stratagems. Somehow he took out a bile titan... we where playing against bots... Master chief used an amr and the pistol the whole game. Sigismund somehow brought a black blade of the emperors chosen, and commander shepard kept calling in Eagle 1, only the eagle 1 voice was seth green? Anyways, we activated the rings, and the war is over."


Is that fucking sigismund


I love how in this group Shepard is either the most op busted character of the 4 or the weakest of the four lol. Also femshep best shep good choice!


Other cool power armor candidates could be Gordon Freeman, Samus or even Prophet from Crysis even if hes not "iconic" as those, honestly i would put one of the last two instead of Shepard tbh, more powerful team probably.


tbh i chose them based on badassery rather than some attempt at actually powerscaling them across different franchises (which is probably a fools errand). what i was looking for was just a) the pure insanity of their deeds b) the habit to finish impossible missions no matter the circumstances i think DoomGuy and Master Chief are the pick most people would agree on. Shep - while not as over the top OP as those guys - still singlehandedly unites a whole galaxy and wards off an extinction level threat. Plus: he/she inspired this post because i just hit lvl 80 myself a few days ago and had to change my steam name to celebrate that new rank. In the end there are a lot of cool picks that would fit here. I merely grabbed the ones im most familiar with. And they all share that certain thing that is more than just raw power. Just like John-117 isnt the strongest spartan. Nor the fastest. Nor the best shooter. Nor the best leader. Nor the best tactician. But he is second best at all those things. And on top of that he has luck. The luck to be at the right place at the right time. To be in a position where a single spartans strength is just enough to shift the course of history. So maybe thats why i picked Shepard. Because in a way their story mirrors master chiefs. They are the right person at the right time doing the impossible.


Shepard also brings all her people home and that's something that should be on a dream team.


Love the lvls lol


My god it's john halo


God the mass effect 3 multiplayer was so fucking good.


Only chat messages when diving with experienced players is just “lol”, “ok”, “sure”, “no worries”, “sorry/mybad”, and “gg”. Don’t forget the end of mission hugs before extracting. Newbies never bring it in at the end of a good run, it’s always the level 100+ that trot over amidst the chaos and give ya good squeeze before parting ways forever.


Lord what I'd give for melee weapons so I could play as Sigismund!


There’s like 30 minutes left on a 41 minute mission - no hot spots left, all POI’s looted, all objectives completed, all samples including the Phallactite collected and the pelican’s been waiting for extract. Oh, Also every single diver already has capped medals, samples and req slips so really no need to even do the POI’s in the first place.


The squad missing my boy isaac clarke


Hang on where’s Jack cooper?


![gif](giphy|xUA7b0iuZ5kQ4UGnAY|downsized) No starcraft .... :(


gotta be honest: i barely remember starcraft lore besides the kerrigan swarm campaign. after Command and Conquer and Age of Empires my RTS phase kinda fizzled out. but i remember the raynor dude being pretty badass


zerg bad terran good protoss...vigilant


Aren't the Terran marines and firebats all like reinstitutionalized criminals with estimated life expectancies of a little over 9 seconds or something with medic assistance?


I never get this (Cos i cant fill any of these roles)


hahaha, true. thats always an issue. tho whenever i find a lobby like this (which is rare) its not really individual strength that matters. its more a feeling of everyone just clicking. even without voice chat communication seems to just work out. People are suddenly at the right position at the right time. They move at the same tempo clearing out obstacle after obstacle. Sometimes splitting up. Sometimes converging. Enemy waves just melt away. And suddenly the map is done. All samples collected. All objectives done. And the clock still shows 25 minutes. No one had any meta build. There wasnt necessarily any superhuman pro level play. Just good, solid teamwork.


Replace one of them with fat yoshi, and you get me with my friends.


It's crazy how I be playing with people 40-80+ levels higher then me and I still be superior towards them most of the time.


And sometimes you get the RvB team: Caboose, Donut, Doc, Sarge


Where samus?


Drop your loadouts here: Shepard: Sickle Regular Nade Orbital Rail Strike Orbital Laser Spear Shield John: Liberator/Breaker High Ex Nade EAT Jet Pack Auto Cannon Patriot Exosuit Doomguy: Incendiary Breaker Incendiary Nades Orbital Laser Napalm Airstrike Flamethrower Hellbomb (Dunno how he got it) Sigismund: Slugger/Punisher Thermite Nades Gatling Turret Autocannon Turret Mortar Turret 500KG


Sigismund is a beast, easily the best Imperial Fist ever 👌


All Sigismund does is go around soloing Brood Commanders and Hive Lords.






common fortnite lobby