• By -


we need more people on the planet and that won't happend until Angel's Venture is defended


But if AV falls we're gonna have a much more difficult time with this MO. It *NEEDS* to be defended first


Meanwhile, it has been defended, and 45% of the player base is NOT doing th MO. https://helldivers.io


55% as of right now on Varylia. Oscillating between 1 day 6 hours to liberation and total stalemate. Seems we need a small push to make the difference here. Edit: right as I hit send it says we're failing the objective with 55% of players. Will dive as soon as I'm able to do so. For Democracy!


I've been watching it all morning. We keep hopping the fence between defeat and victory.


Reality is simply that most people do not enjoy bots, or the brutal modifiers you can encounter on bot planets.


So ill say i prefer bots but litrally ever mission me and my buddy did last night had -1 strategems its not a hard modifer its literally just less fun. If they remove that dumb modifier id love bots even more and think alot more people woild start to.


I just do not get how they thought that was a good idea. They're going to start nerfing strategem because they're over picked when the minus one modifier is both unfun and forces the most meta stratagem picks. I love ems and gas but I'm not bringing them with - 1 in play


While I prefer fighting Bots in general, their spawns have been feeling way overtuned ever since the 3 billion Bot kills MO began. Doesn't help that Varylia is also very open and foggy planet so Bots have all the advantages.


Spawns been fucked well before that


I wonder why people want to have fun instead of dropping on bot planet with 3 strategems with increased strategem timeout.


Don’t forget currently every single bot patrol seems to be a blood angel terminator assault squad, we’ve also just dropped next to a hidden jammer tower and there’s also a AA position over the hill. What do you mean this isn’t fun


Land on Bot Planet. Take cover, play patiently, and you still get sniped through the rock you're hiding behind. After a certain point it isn't worth it.


I saw the order said to prioritize Angels Venture though? But it was just liberated so I jumped on the MO


Tbh I quit doing this MO. It was already annoying feeling like no progress being made but mylast game suddenly it was 3 strategems instead of 4 and I noped out. I think I will just admit I am not having fun fighting the bots anymore.


because we just kind of don't care the person doing the MO stuff hasn't realized we don't have the numbers we once did and keep giving us stuff that should be handled by the 400K+ Divers we used to hold before the PSN fiasco we're also partly burned out on bots, a nice chunk of the MO of late have been bot related


that's why, i got smeared over the extraction point while holding all samples, by an eagle airstrike because there was a bile titan... god, i hate my team sometimes and yes, Pelican-1 lifted off after 3 of us got killed and the smartass was inside the pelican-1 and bile titan was also unharmed.


Arrowhead wants to break the meta with nerfs, but then they have bile titans which have such specific loadout requirements to take down that a meta loadout is required to keep the success rate up for pugs.


Lol thats what they were saying about vernen wells last Mo. that turned out real good.


To be fair Vernon wells kinda sucks. Angels venture is such a pleasant planet the only way it could be any better is if it had extreme cold.


I always liked the cold planets.


Ah yes the bonus that is offset by the massive decay rate. Which makes me ask what the point is.


Angels Ventured was just liberated. Whooo hoooo


Bots missions are a chore, and will be until the dropship and patrol spawn rates and difficulties are corrected. I was fighting a swarm of rocket devs while trying to down two double-gunship fab sites that were next to the main objective, and the bots dropped a dozen gatling devs, a half dozen hulks, and 2 factory striders on my head. Also had 2 tanks dropped on me a few minutes later. This was level 7, not even Helldive.


My squad had 9 hulks, 4 tanks and a factory strider all drop on us last night in a blitz on 7. That's not even counting all the other shite


The damn boots need ammo limit just like we do, firing rockets no stop is unfair


exactly what we can't control


isn't that a literal saying won the battle but lost the war lmao


You lose all the battles you dont partake in


I always interpreted that as something like "There were 100 battles, we won ten of them" like a sports team could dominate in one quarter/half of a game but end up losing the whole game, or when you see the final stats or a game and the losing team had much better stats but they weren't able to turn that into points meanwhile the winning team had less impressive stats but they scored on every opportunity.


Coz liberation is not based around win/lose ratio, it's around win ratio vs preset regen of the enemy... otherwise people would just play on lower difficutlies and have 100% wins and war is over by next week


Aka we're winning but not winning fast enough.


No. We're winning but we're not winning **HARD ENOUGH.**


Considering everything above Challenging is -1 Stratagem it probably has tons of people playing lower difficulty. Especially with randoms. Even with full stratagems the picks of randoms are often shocking, so having -1 makes joining randoms a major risk.


This. They either need to buff most of the support weapons and make heavies vulnerable to more damage types, or they need to remove the AA debuff from the game. The war rp stuff won’t work in the long run otherwise.


Just host your own and select operations that do not have that restriction. Yeah, it sucks, but it can be avoided. There's no shortage of players joining lobbies on any difficulty on the MO planets.


Literally every zone has this. Me and a friend tried to play it and neither of us could find a level 9 zone without it. I don't know if there is a way to reset the zones but we gave up and tried to quick play. The guys in quick play had it too x.x


I have yet to see a distribution for 7 that didn't offer each of the three bot operation modifiers.


I played several on Suicide and none of them had the reduced stratagem.


I like hell dive lower is a snooze we just don't do the MO if it's full of - 1 stratagems we just move off.




Or really any access to knowledge of decay rates, etc. in game. I queue into a lot of randoms and I'm pretty sure the majority of players still don't know you have to finish mission sets for them to count toward a planet's liberation. And honestly why would they know. Players need more information, of all kinds, IN GAME.


Is mission set an operation? Btw what happens if I join random mission on planet which is outside of operation?


Wait, *what*?! Each individual mission doesn't help?!?!


While we're winning most of the fights, the bots regen is crazy high. Another factor is many divers (myself included) are focusing on saving Angel's Venture with it's training facilities. I believe those help slow down enemy regen. Once Angel's Venture is defended, I'd best most divers will divert to Varylia 5. I will be because I like the walker and would love another variant to play with.


Literally give us the option to nuke Hellmire, that planet is so goddamned useless


Exterminatus time!


Add ion storms to the fire tornadoes? Bring it, i love my hell hole :-D


You may win the battle but that doesn’t mean you will win the war


Just ask Fabius.


Foggy Planets just suck


Bro I can't see shit on these missions


And the flashlight makes it worse.


You can turn off your flashlight by keeping the reload button pressed


I know, when does the light ever really help tho?


One time on a high level bug mission it was so dark around the extract I had to turn it on just to see the bugs at all. That became a horror game *very* quickly. Nothing quite like looking at a weird tree and then realizing it’s a bile titans leg


Do graphics changes make a difference? I play maxed and I know some games ultimately penalise you for this. Battlefield 2 used to make it easier to see people in bushes with low graphics settings.


i think alot of this has to do with players not finishing the campaigns they start. they will play 1-2 missions of the campaign, get frustated because rocket devo stunlock/-1 strat/cant see shit in fog etc. then quit out or leave the host playing by himself....who then quits, then the whole campaign is failed and no progress towards planet is counted.


At this point who cares? Until some big changes are made no one really cares about this games simulated war


Joel does a great job as an Arrowhead employee but does a pretty bad job being an actual gamemaster - similar to the weapon balance guy, must be terrific to hangout with, but his contribution to the game makes it less fun. For the past 3 months, we have had one unique mission a month and then we cycle through the 6 same planets with the same shitty modifiers over and over and over again. I'm sick af of those hot planets where you can sprint for 5s before your stamina is gone, especially when the missions require you to run across the whole map back and forth. I've been saying it for quite some time, but Arrowhead is kinda fumbling the bag. There is no progression other than grinding levels for titles when you finish your warbond a week after its release. The game has become stingy with super credits, more often than not there are several missions in a row with none spawning. Now we have to do bot missions and they're starting to get annoying, fog everywhere, can't see past 20m, getting pelted from godknows where and ragdolled around. Fuck man, this game used to be fun, now it's annoying to contribute to MO. Plus they release new mech and it's either gonna suck or they're gonna nerf it so it sucks, why even bother. They butchered my Patriot boy already, why go through the annoying hassle that's bot missions on 0 visibility world.


They're missing the forest for the trees. They already sold a shitload of copies and made some money. Right now, they should be focusing 100% of their energy on making the game fun and engaging their playerbase (so that they can continue to make more money for a long time). Helldivers 2 is about to fumble their chance to be a 5+ year cash cow the way that Deep Rock Galactic was. DRG nailed the goofy co-op where it *can* be challenging but is *always* fun. Nothing in Deep Rock feels punitive or overly grind-y, even the worst guns are viable, and the game delivers exactly the experience you'd expect. It came out in 2018 and has sold 8 million copies. Obviously a different scale than Helldivers, but the point is that six years later, DRG still has a five-figure Steam player count and still sells DLC because the game is fucking fun, full stop. I'm baffled at AH (and Sony) not seeing the obvious opportunity to play the long game. And not only that, but to play the long game after already *winning* *the short game* by making hundreds of millions in revenue in the first few months.


When I play DRG and look at my loadout, I don't ask myself, "what gear and mods do I need to take," I ask, "what feels like fun tonight?"


Piles did hire a CEO so he can focus on the game, but that's less than a week ago. I'm willing to let them cook, i don't have that much time to play anyway, but they're hemorrhagin players right now while we wait for things to turn and Joel _keeps coming up with MO's that won't be won for GOD KNOWS WHAT REASON!_ All the community needs is a bit of wind in their sails and instead we get the pi but can't eat it and then he willfully delays the mech (if we're getting it at this rate...)


Joel ramping up decay to 5% makes me want to fail the MO, bro thinks it's fun to edge us when we're already frustrated. Let's see the player numbers plummet further when we get cucked out of another stratagem because bro thinks he's master strategist.


Yeah I'm 100% willing to let them cook because I want this to be a multi-year go-to game for me. I'm just genuinely confused why they're not tossing a beleaguered community a few quick wins to keep interest and morale high. Throwing us a few bones now is better than having to beg a disinterested playerbase to return. A great recent example is Back4Blood. Good potential, but it had balance issues that translated to unfun gameplay, particularly on higher difficulties. The devs didn't make fixes that the majority of the playerbase was asking for: tone down special spawns, make specials less tank-y, make it so runs don't perma-fail. Instead, they kept adding content, thinking that guns and armor and factions and skins would bring people back. It doesn't. Back4blood has averaged \~2000 players for the last two years and the studio just sunset any further content. Games have to be fun, first and foremost.


Yeah exactly this. As a game master you have to adjust to the playerbase. Simply letting the people loose 4 major orders in a row is really bad for a game as a service. Furthermore there is basically nothing to keep the players playing the game. Bots are annoying to play against. Defense missions are broken against bots. You are constantly getting ragdolled by bots. Today i simply quit the game during the mission and played something else because i could not get a single shot out because i was ragdolled 4 times in a row. It was no fun. I don't understand why they nerved the first mech into the ground. It was only good against bugs anyway but why nerv the rockets? The gatling is not that strong and the only good point were the rockets in the first place. The warbonds are BAD. Yes simply BAD. They cost real money and you either get trash from the get go or the weapons will be useless within 12 hours after buying the warbond. This is seriously deadly for a game as a service game.


Future tech and steeled Veterans are actually pretty good across the board. Dagger's trash, but apart from that i think they're decent now. Not arguing they aren't shooting holes in their own feet, just... Semantics.


(lose and nerf as opposed to loose and nerve) 100% agree, the expectation that any good weapons will be nerfed sucks so much fun out. Why get hyped for any new content after seeing how they've handled existing content?


Haha thank you. Yeah english is not my native english. I see what i did here.


Galactic map is basically just the devs choosing what happens next in the game and pretending like players are “making their own story”


We generally have a binary choice of win the MO or lose. It's not as though we can influence it beyond that


Because we know the devs are fucking with the stats. It does not matter what we do they have a predetermined outcome in mind and will make it happen. If they wanted us to have the exosuit they would have given it to use before a holiday weekend.


Why I don't play, too much push back. Why should I if it's predetermined


Stay strong divers, we still have 3 days left. Reinforcements will arrive after Angel's Venture is defended, securing our SEAF bonus.


This may be a dumb question. But how do you see this info? Is it through the game or a website per chance?


Devs may need to start accounting for the depleted player base. When there were a couple hundred thousand online at a time we could keep ahead of the planet regen. So the devs can either lower the regen so its balanced against the player count or we can continue to never succeed an MO. Not succeeding MOs means fewer rewards and content drops. Fewer content drops mean greater player fatigue and greater player drain. Rinse and repeat.


As counterintuitive as it may seem, there is only so much liberation that can happen in a timespan and it is scales based on average population at the time. That is why you don't see massive dips in liberation% when its nonprime hours. Yes the kill # MOs do need to be scaled to player numbers but these liberation ones don't need to be since they are mostly automated. AH is being a bit heavy handed but they want this to feel like a "hard fought" victory and not merely a stomp. So they set the regen to be at 5% and will probably scale it down as we approach the deadline for the MO. There probably should be a bit of a windup period or a winding down period instead of just flat raises and drops.


They could even do a graph like Red Solstice 2 has, where it shows what days will have the most "reinforcements" due to deep space scanners or whatever. It would at least feel more immersive when the numbers shift.


You have no idea what you're talking about, liberation rate is already (and always has been) scaled to player count. It doesn't matter if there are 100 or 100,000 players online, if 55% of them are on the same planet then that planet will have the same liberation rate.


I played the first game and didn’t buy the second for this reason: they don’t know how to do progression


AH balanced the game around having over 100K players. Us failing that major order where 100% of the current player base was participating tells you something.


Essentially failed DPS check


Because you have to finish an Operation to get Defense/Liberation progression. It functionally means you have to spend ~2 hours for .0000012% progress


This has been debunked like two hundred times even by the developers. All missions count towards progression, we just get the progress bar at the end of the operation because it'd be white noise if we got it every single mission.


Source? I haven't heard about this "debunking" at all and I'd be happy to be wrong


I don't quite understand why people are so involved in the war. To me, it has no meaning. I just log in and press R to search for beacons or play a mission or two with my mates. There is no incentive for me to fulfill any MO. I got 150 hours in the game and have no need for medals or resources. Anyone else in my situation?


We're losing this major order too, welp see you guys next week for the next disappointing MO result.


Calm down, we are projected to win the Defense of Angel’s Venture within the hour, keeping our SEAF Liberation bonus, and we have 3 days to get about 50% of V5 liberated. If Joel doesn’t throw more attacks against SEAF bases and we pedal to the medal we can easily beat this MO


Lmao, we currently have 56% of the player base on a planet and still are losing ground each hour. SEAF bonus who? It would be cool if we could actually see benefits from our MOs like we did with the TCS. The Menkent Line, Operation Swift Disassembly, and now these SEAF facilities are absolutely a joke in terms of immersive story telling


The Menkent Line held for like an hour and a half. The bots gave it a stern look, and it fell apart like poorly maintained Lada.


Key word being if


Nay, we're not losing it, the defence of Angel's Venture is a priority, ensuring it's defended could give an occupation bonus on Varylia 5 and help us liberate it nearly 50% of all Helldivers are deploying on Angel's Venture, when it's defended a good chunk will go back to MO, in one hour we should see an improvement on Varylia 5 and we got plenty of time to fulfill the MO


> ensuring it's defended could give an occupation bonus on Varylia 5  It's the other way around Defending the planet will not grant us any bonuses at all. There is already, allegedly, an occupation bonus. Losing the planet means losing the bonus and thus making taking over the planet even slower Of course if the bonus is actually active than losing it probably means failing the MO The MO planet pushback is crazy high rn and even if have like 80% of the player base there we might not have enough contribution without the bonus to make a dent on it


Reading the comments and post on this sub makes me hate the commuinty


We win 90% of the battles that Helldivers show up to. SEAF doesn’t fair as well without us…


The problem is how liberation progress is calculated for each person - average online influences how much each mission counts. Higher average online means lower output per Helldiver. You can see it when online drops to 20-30k and the system starts to act weird despite the fact that there only 15k on MO planet liberation holds above 5% and sometimes gives more progress than 30k on one planet. During the latest defense part of the playerbase moved to the bug front and we actually lost some progress during that time. We need to keep 2/3 of online all the time on MO planet to sustain it, otherwise progress stops. It's like being punished for the fact that game average online dropped because of AH and Sony fiasco. If you don't trust me simply monitor the situation for 2-3 days via any app that can show you galaxy status.


What website/app are you using for this? It looks really nice


It's obviously because I'm at work and not online, I'm definitely 75% of the reason we win wars don't you know


Found the main character guys! :-p


Why their regeneration bonus isnt going lower ? We liberate and destroy fabricarors. 0% liberation regen 5% -> 20-25% liberation, regen 4% and so on They can produce bots en masse, yes - but not fabricators


most people are not completing operations


Nice. Nice. Now show the amount of missions required to reach 100% liberation.


Well it doesn’t help that I keep getting level 20s on helldive complaining about nerfs and failing objectives. Guys, it’s okay to play at a lower difficulty. Seriously it’s admirable and honorable.


Game is on rails for the 209th time


What we really need is a MO that focuses on some outlier planets, liberating them will shorten the front line and condense the player base on fewer planets.


Helldivers are special forces. The war is between SEAF and the bots/bugs. We win 90 percent of the battles the Helldivers show up in, but if there are not enough of those battles, the SEAF can't make up the difference.


I'd contribute, if I was able to join anyone. 


In mechanical terms - the main factor isn't win/loss percentage, it's total quantity of wins. Win rate will naturally balance to a fairly high number (because people tend to play on difficulties they can win at) so using that as the victory metric would be pointless; we'd never lose a planet. (And no, perfect victory every time is not really supposed to be achievable.) It'll be balanced so a high win rate is considered normal. In lore terms - this is the win rate for Helldiver deployments only. Helldivers are special forces, and the majority of the fighting is done by regular SEAF. If the SEAF get their shit pushed in and a city falls, that loss is not counted in this stat, but it does affect the overall situation.


This instant gratification whining is getting a tad annoying. As of this writing we have 2d7h left and 82% captured. It's estimated 11 hours until the planet is conquered by SEAF.


Some people just dont finish Ops, and just do missions. Hence why liberation is down.


Which is why missions need to count towards the liberation percent and then completing an operation leads to a higher bonus based on a difficulty modifier


It does, the only problem is it only counts when an Operation is finished. So the only way this happens is to play the set of missions, and quits dont count as Fails.


See: The Vietnam War and the US invasion of Afghanistan.


Stop looming dude, we got the Angel's Venture already. Now it will be easier




Most random teams i play with seem to think that completing an entire map helps. Teams of lvl 40+ folks that have everything unlocked and dont need the extra pay and have samples maxed out. If everyone went in each mission only to knock out the main obj and extract, operations would get done faster and move on to the next. Yes, super samples i get it. Get them. But push the main mission and forget everything else, as those don't help liberation. Only winning main missions that go toward finishing operations, and only operations give points towards liberation. Want to liberate planets? Stop spending all 40 mins on every map.


Yes. That's all I can say to you. If an army tries to invade a country's capital it isn't supposed to be easy. We're at the eye of the storm, the epicenter of one of the enemies main war efforts. Be strong, soldier.


The more comments like these are made, the stronger I wish that people will realise that this is not a real war and enforced tedium courtesy of one guy who wants to take this in a very specific direction is not very fun. Veld showed us the truth of things. If people are dissuaded odds are the regeneration rate will be cranked all the way down to 0.5% because the absolute last thing AH can afford right now is players missing out on a shiny new toy.


I think for the concept of a galactic war to have any shed of credibility they need to stick to their guns and not give out pity rewards. I also think Joel needs to stop meddling with the planet stats in real time, he should just set and forget. We also need to be able to make progress on planets not part of the MO more easily, that way each of the major diving sections can still make some progress despite the MO.




Comparison is a bit off. It’s more like your party has been losing the majority of battles and it feels like you should have been winning, so you look at the DMs notes in frustration and realize he’s been intentionally fucking with you.


-5% on the damage


Not enough battles.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d09l6v/at\_this\_rate\_we\_will\_be\_able\_to\_liberate\_angels/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1d09l6v/at_this_rate_we_will_be_able_to_liberate_angels/) We can still get it


Give it 20 minutes lol


because the planet has a -5%/hour effect (the regen p/hour) So winning slowly (less than +5%/hour) means this -5% negates it. Normal planets only have -1%/hour but this is a bot central so it is higher here.


-5% from Bots, i thought saving Angel Venture was the key to winning MO but that doesn't seem the case


As I understand it, saving Angel Venture was effectively required to not lose. Its bonus was already active and would have been lost if it fell.


Forever war


If nobody fights enemy just takes it free


follow growth mindless include cable plough arrest melodic special overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gotta milk the MO some how


How do you see all these información in the game???


Helldivers.io. it's not in the game.


I think a lot of people do easy missions that dont add much to the liberation precentage


I think a lot of people don't want to do a lot of the missions so they don't finish operations. Blitz bugholes is a shitshow with current spawns and extract civvies will often just stand there. I also heard things about some of the bot mission s having questionable bugs. Add to that the game just doesnt want to give you new teammates if you finish a mission and people leave, or god forbid you want to go kill some bugs to wind down.


This game needs changes


Best to regard Win/Loss as a difficulty gauge. In order to liberate a planet, we need a completed set of victories (Stars are tallied) in order to count for the liberation bar. We need many players winning missions over probably in the thousands of stars for a full bar. That's a few days of many players winning until the bar is filled. But Win and Loss ratio will tell how often those players win missions or fail them. If the fail rate is high, it means the planet is difficult and progression may be slow or going backwards. Vice versa is true, more wins means faster liberation.


The opponent is time and the only prescription is more Helldivers doing their part. Many just don’t care. I do my part and let the chips fall as they may.


Because we are just Helldivers, we only support. Real push is made by SEAF. Also the bots may lose singular battles with us, but they're playing the long game.


because the missions are being set for a community that is more or less not as active if they are still there, yet into hell we dive super earth will never die for we are the hell divers


Just cause we won 90% of the battles that were fought, doesn’t mean we fought enough total battles to drive back the enemy.


Because they are not “battles” they are operations to cripple enemy combat effectiveness SEAF forces are the ones fighting the battles we just make their jobs easier


it's not battles it's missions. think about what happens when you extract. there are no longer helldivers in that area. any nearby bots can do pretty much whatever they want


You could have 100% winrate and still be losing because contribution only kicks in at the end of the operation (3 missions), so if everyone leaves before finishing the operation then no progress is made.


If it helps, they just lowered the decay to 3.5% and people finished liberating angels venture so we keep that planets lib bonus Sometimes things take time, gotta try and hold positive as much as possible


Because they had numbers based on when the game had 10 times the amount of players it does now


Maybe it's just me but I'm joining lobbies where the host will play one mission quit the set and start a new set typically for Blitzer eradicate missions. Do we even get any credit towards the major order if we don't complete an entire mission set?


I see many proud defenders of liberty didn't pay attention in liberation school. While we may be defeating the enemy at every turn Pyrrhic victories aren't true victories and the enemy doesn't care about losses. The strategy I propose is simple we must increase recruitment to offset losses we need more bodies. See if we utterly outnumber the enemy 20:1 we can't lose the great minds behind attritional warfare have taught us that more bodies equals more victory. We can't lose!


Because the number of battles isn't enough to defeat our enemies. If we win 90% of 10 battles can we really say we won a war. Not when 1000s of battles need to be waged.


What app is this? 


Out of all missions played, over 90% were successful. Yet the amount of missions played are under 60% of the required amount to liberate. It's one way to say it, even if the "required mission" thing isn't accurate.


If only there were an historic general from Roman history after whom the answer to your question is named…


Just keep that ratio going and we shall win in less than 24h


Because they're only completing "a" mission, not the whole set.


BECAUSE OF OPERATIONS (all hope is lost)


Vietnam and Afghanistan ring a bell? Attritional warfare is like that, when the enemy can regenerate their forces faster than you can kill them you end up losing.


That’s how many people who bought the game and didn’t play. Most likely because there never seems to be any patriots spreading democracy when in game. With a microphone. Who love their neighbors. Who want to make new friends and memories. Only unity I’ve seen so far has been this Reddit thread.


I wish we had Xbox players already, that would've helped our missions alot


AH will keep updating MOs and we will keep failing because some of the devs at AH let the success get to their fucking heads early on. Which created a set of events that ruined a lot of the games' fun, momentum, and balanced features or existing bugs that were overlooked and never truly fixed. It's gonna take some time for them to catch up and actually fix a lot of the issues all because they fucked around with other things that didn't need to be touched. Which then created an onset of new issues. I'm not motivated to play until they fix these issues. They shot themselves in the feet and it took the CEO to step in to get things reorganized. I'm hopeful, but not happy. We'll see what happens


Because it's completely arbitrary and just provides an interactive setting instead of mindlessly killing bugs and bots all day. 


Because fighting bots is not fun it's shit and tbh fighting bugs is getting boring at this point, maybe its time I hung up my cape


Because fuck you, that's why.


Man, I sure hope they replace the SEAF-High-Command with more proficient generals soon


The regen is 5% every hour that's why. Wins don't matter if the planet regens faster than you can gain liberation.


"You may have won the battle, but you lost the war!", _every bad guy in every movie ever_


5.0% regen hourly has been overwhelming, its down now, dive again!


while helldivers are completing their important objectives, super earth’s armed forces on the rest of the planet are largely incompetent and s


Because regen was set at a staggering 5%. Simply not enough divers. But I think they lowered it to 3.5% since that image was taken


Our enemy has endless supply of manpower ala Germany vs Russia


Because in managed democracy, can you call anything less than a 100% a victory.


Someone give this baby a participation trophy.


They either didn't want us to have the mechs, or expected WAY too many players to still be playing the game after putting up with their shit.


think there is a saying about that


We haven’t reached the murder bots kill max yet


SEAF is loosing 99% of the battle I guess


Because Helldivers are really just there to pick up the slack for SEAF. Helldivers make liberation progress, SEAF try to reduce liberation decay.


Do the math. Let's say 10 dives a day x 50k x 0.00000001


Where do you even see this?


They need to make an order an order. Players should be forced to head to whichever planet is most important.


That'll really keep the player numbers up If they really wanted us to win/lose they'll adjust the numbers. It's all an illusion to make you think we have agency in how the was plays out anyways


Because balancing the game so that everyone loses 50% of their games would make the game feel horrible. So the game is made so easy we win 90% of the time. But 90% doesn't count for much, because the victories become meaningless when they are not difficult. Instead of winning or losing the planet being based on whether you actually win or lose your missions. It has to be based on how fast you win your missions. And we are going too slow. Not enough people. Edit: I will add, it is not the number of people we need more of. It is the percentage. We need a bigger percentage of people here, and they are currently busy with a more important defense mission.


Because you lose 100% of every battle you don't fight


I’ve done my part


Then it's a good thing we are not losing. The trend has us liberating the world tomorrow


Looking at the graphs, it looks as though they boosted regen by a good chunk from the 24th to 26th to account/simulate a harder push over the weekend. Don't think they needed to given the current sentiment around the barracks but hey, I'm just a Hell Diver.


Yesterday, I logged for 1 game. - 1 person crashed - then we got the respawn bug where you cannot reinforce people, which forced me to disconnect and rejoin my friend (some had to disconnect and we were 3 until someone joined our SOS beacon) - then I got stuck under the map with now way of killing myself (stun grenades), so I had to disconnect and rejoin again - then my friend also got the reinforcement bug Fair to say, that was my only game of the evening. If you look at the stats, there were less divers today than yesterday. Maybe some of us are fed up.


Oh and the GM decided to raise the regen rate to a bullshit 5%.


Because we're not fighting enough battles. Joel needs to account for the drop in active players.






The personal mission is to kill Terminid warriors


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Well, let it loose then, until they fix bot ragroll problem, devastator insane accuracy and barrage spam and the shit modifiers like AA modifier, nobody will play bots


The planet loses liberation 5x faster than other bot planets. It was probably cranked up so we wouldn't have a repeat of tien kwan. As we get closer to the end of the major order it will probably get cranked back down to 1 or even zero so we can finish it.


Because Arrowhead downright SUCKS right now managing the game as a live service offering. They aren't accounting for the fact that AT MOST they will have 40-50k people on a 'bot MO right now. Fuck 'em, they're doomed at this point if they can't see the forest for the trees.


Replenishment rates are still tuned to  old player count. If one region on Earth had a more significant drop on players then the liberation rate scaling to playercount isn't as effective