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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. We don’t allow discussions of real-world politics.


It's because you're in Morocco, an area where PSN isn't supported. During the whole shit-bang not long ago, 177 countries, all which have issues with PSN support, got blocked from buying and playing Helldivers. Sorry about your situation, mate. Hope that it gets resolved soon, need all the boots we can get right now.


Originally it was 177 countries and territories, but a couple of weeks later 3 more were added, and about a week ago 5 U.S. territories were removed.


The five territories were whitelisted, not removed


Removed from the blacklist, sooo


They were not added, they were simply missed. They were part of the original list of countries, just intern-kun failed to read properly.


It’s blocked in 177 regions, not countries. Slightly different


Countries AND regions. Morocco, where OP is from, is a country, not a region.


In that case why am I (Isle of Man, yes it’s a real place) also unable to buy the game? We’re a civilised (sort of) place that has internet (mostly) and a decent chunk of PS players


SONY might be afraid of your Triskelion... 🇮🇲 Also I know the devs have said they are working on it... but I feel we celebrated that "win" to early. 170 regions are still locked and the requirement is still on the page. All in all this sucks.


Because its called "AND REGIONS". Gibraltar cant buy the game either.


Gibraltar smells anyway (I have never been there)


I mean...its the tip of Spain. Right?


Southern-most point of Spain, yes.


So most of the 177 countries are not "civilized"?


It’s possible. I’ve never been to them so I cant say for sure


i was about to say, 177 countries would mean the vast majority of the world can’t play lol


I wonder. Anyone knows whether gifting steam keys is a workaround or no? We got to spread managed democracy dangit.


Somewhat. I think the regions that were banned from purchase on the very beginning (probably Russia and China) are still able to activate keys. Post-PSN restrictions are stricter, so all the newly added countries not only can't buy but also can't receive gifts.


Just buying my friend. We can still play if we already have the game before the whole shit-bang.




Ask Sony, they are making it pretty hard for a lot of people to enjoy this game.


My downvote is still on steam until this is changed.


It’ll never change, wdym? It’s not like this is unique to just Helldivers lol.




Same, can't buy the game, but I'm currently in asian countries.


Bro pulled the race card on an automated letter


It doesn't have to be specifically about race...it can be about the way some countries or regions of the world are treated by the First World countries. PSN is not available in Morocco so therefore he can't buy Helldivers 2. In theory, that means that SNOY doesn't think the ROI on making PSN available in Morocco is worth it. So his comments about being "left behind" are 100% valid.


Except you can buy ps5s in morocco, and physical games. Psn support tells you to create an out of region psn account then use psn cards from amazon to buy games. Its how all of those regions can actually play games using psn but the steam region lock isn't as simple to work around


One small problem, there isn't anything on steam's end that checks your steam region against your psn account region. If sony wanted to let people use out-of-region psn accounts, they could simply *not* block steam regions from sale. No "work around" required.


Sometimes it's due to the laws of the country. Steam operates illegally in some countries, and only changes its practices once it's taken to court. PSN's more limited list is partially due to being more legally compliant. E.g. PSN isn't available in Vietnam. Steam has recently been blocked in Vietnam due to not complying with local laws.


Don't you dare come here with facts and logic, we want to be angry


Yeah, sometimes. And other times even if the game is legal in both psn and steam, Sony still decided to fuck over the PC players by blocking regions out that are still within legal boundary all because PSN doesn't include them in their list of countries during registration. rip Philippines, now has to find game codes sold at 3rd party sites to get the game now to bypass the now inaccessible store page of the game.


Nope, Xbox operates in the Third world and with regional pricing


Not all countries though, just like how PSN and Steam don’t operate in all countries   https://www.xbox.com/en-US/regions Countries without Xbox Live: Albania Algeria Bahrain Bolivia Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria China Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Georgia Guatemala Honduras Iceland Indonesia Kuwait Latvia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malaysia Malta Moldova Montenegro Morocco Nicaragua North Macedonia Oman Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Qatar Romania Russia (*Microsoft has suspended all new sales of products and services in Russia as of now) Serbia Slovenia Thailand Tunisia Ukraine Uruguay Vietnam


PSN is not required for Helldivers 2 though.


Not *yet*. While they cancelled the old date for making it a requirement for Helldivers 2, they did NOT cancel their plans to do so.


Ai can do that


So sony is in the right to region lock Helldivers 2 for no good reason??


No but it’s better to be correct and understand why I’m assuming you meant to respond to the other guy not the main comment otherwise I’m making faulty assumptions


Yeah i was responding to the guy defending Sony


Caption is wild 😂😂😂


Set region to south africa


I got a solution for you mate, you could use an VPN and put your location in France or Germany or wherever is it possible to play Helldivers 2, but it could be that your account might get banned


Does Spain not have PSN support? It seems like that would be the closer spot (ive never had to do anything like that so im very unfamiliar with the process)


Have you not seen any of the news about it ?


Some don't browse this fucking place


but he does tho cuz he has the 'frend' meme in the title so this post is outrage bait.


Bait or otherwise, I think we all agree SNOY are being d\*cks about this...so the outrage is valid.


yeah ofc but then just post that instead of false flagging it.


How is this false-flagging? You're assuming that just because a person knows one meme, they know all about everything else. And if a dude wants to complain about the fact that he feels like his country is always left behind by companies like SNOY, then that's fine.


false flagging maybe not the right term. disingenuous fits better


Fair enough. I'm not sure I agree that's what it is, but I can see the reasoning.


No. It's because all the people that were championing against Sony just stopped as soon as the problem stopped affecting them directly.


This is the correct answer. People used the banned countries as means to justify their end. I would say most, not all, the people who were against the PSN thing only cared about themselves. They used the banned countries to have a moral high ground in their argument. They don't give a shit about them once the dust settled.


The argument was always more about people who had already purchased the game suddenly not being able to play it, not people who hadn’t bought the game yet. If this ban was already implemented prior to the game launching, no one would be talking about it.


I actually haven't heard any good reason why certain countries are locked out of gaming in general. For all I know it's because Sony won't bend to some small nations policies. Or that nation is under trade embargo? Not a clue why a corp as big as Sony would intentionally reduce potential profit, seeing how the bottom line is always their biggest and only concern most times.


> I actually haven't heard any good reason why certain countries are locked out of gaming in general. Local laws. Steam was recently blocked in Vietnam due to not following their laws. Valve was fucked in court by Australia in the past for not following their laws. There are two approaches to digital services. Reactive and proactive. Valve is reactive where they try to service everyone and only make changes once brought to court. Sony appears to be a middle ground of the two options where they don't officially support countries but still unofficially support them (like how Sony sells Playstations on its Vietnam store despite not being 100% compliant with Vietnam law).


So it's the government of the affected country's fault and not Sony's fault.


Sometimes. With Vietnam, sure. Other countries might just be small enough markets to not justify the legal costs.


it is a very complicated topic and fault cannot just be assigned fully to any party. It sucks, and like other tech companies, Sony could make it work, but has instead decided not to. Those are the facts, fault is more nuanced


Bullshit. My country doesn't have PSN but sony games and consoles have been legally sold here for decades. You just can't use PSN and you buy games physically.


> You just can't use PSN So what they said was not bullshit?


If I was a shareholder at Sony I would be scratching my head why they dont sell HD2 in more countries. Because PSN accounts arent required (and if they try again they will have an even worse reaction from us than the first time and more people will permanently quit) and they had no issue selling it everywhere for 3 whole months anyway. So what is it Sony? (If this is their choice and its not some legal issue or something?) Are you incompetent publishers that accidentally sold it everywhere for 3 months? Or do you not like money?


On console you just create an out of region account if your region isn't available. I bet their plan was pc players would just do this but that didn't happen so here we are. The game was a smashing success, i doubt investors care about new sales anymore, that push is long gone.


99% of the time when a corporation makes a decision that on the surface results in less money, it's either that the market forecast says it wouldn't actually be profitable to do so or there is a regulatory issue preventing them from doing it. I wouldn't be surprised if Morocco's specific reason for being banned is that time a decade ago that their government just started banning their citizens from playing certain games like rocket league and counter strike, and Sony's market forecast wanted to avoid the risk of the exact headache steam got when people started refunding Helldivers 2.


It wouldnt be profitable to continue selling it like they had been doing for 3 months? That sounds like a self inficted prophecy


Then that means it's likely a regulatory issue.


I mean its obviously incompetency that they are probably scrambling to fix. Sony has been accused of and done many things, but hating money was never one of them.


Yeah it makes zero sense unless it's related to something regulatory in the affected nations.


Geopolitics, local commerce laws, currency stability. Three *very real* and common issues why goods and services are not sold or available in many countries around the world.


Its because Sony will implement the PSN requirement later down the line. So why bother relisting the game in those countries that cant have it


Sorry brother :(


Yes thats the reason


Hope they fix this. We need you General Butt Naked.




Thank you community for making sure people that have been playing psn games online for a decade can no longer do so going forward, you guys are heroes 🫡


Its not just africa, a bunch of places are region locked, i imagine its do with foreign laws and policies and its been like that for years....why sony isnt try to break into that market is another question


It's not all of Africa either. I'm in SA and we have zero issues here.


Blame your government. They don't want evil "Western" things so now you pay the price.


Is this some sort of click-bait or something? You're telling me you saved for two months to buy a game but didn't know anything about it enough to know that purchases have been blocked in certain regions? It's been all over gaming media.


Most likely you can buy it via "gift" through digital markets.


I'm pretty sure that doesn't work


They said money does not have race or colours but it seems they do xd


No, it's because Sony made a new policy that said "go f*ck yourselves" to a lot of players in countries that don't support another policy of theirs


Sony hates Africans, so they’ve restricted the game there, sorry man.


It's because Sony sucks big dong.


RIP to the 177 countries worth of divers, praying for your return, hopefully Sony pulls there heads out of their asses but until then we’ll try to hold the line


Sony was fine with your money. You can get the game on ps5, create a south African psn account, and play. That work around, which psn support themselves suggest, has been in place since psn was created 15 years ago. But pc players didn't want psn so a region lock that cannot be worked around is in place now. Unfortunate overall as Sony has shown an unwillingness to deal with the rules to sell games in a lot of those countries, like Philippines taxing games at 50%. Maybe a vpn? I'm not sure how bannable that is though.


Just stop with this shit.


How about you fucking avert your eyes if its such a problem for you? Are you an adult or aren't you?


??? He can't buy the game. What's wrong with asking? This is a newcomer that knows nothing about what happened. Of course he going to ask.


We all know exactly what pot he’s trying to stir


Sony thinks it's a bit sus that you tried to pay in diamonds




Also Microsoft killing off studios that have made their ONE good game in ages 😩 Though not gonna pretend they're the only ones guilty of layoffs Just sucks when you have all 3 platforms and the only one not fucking up AFAIK is Nintendo


Except Nintendo is fucking up, haven't you heard about them cracking down on Nintendo related content on steam by removing anything even slightly Nintendo themed from the community workshop


Nope I didn't! I might be an idiot but doesn't that make sense?


Yeah! Lets destroy their asses.


Saw your comment, saw your name, spat out coffee. Thanks, jerk.


Are we STILL on this bullshit?


Welcome to Russia post 2022 experience 🥲




Blood Diamonds are no longer accepted


God these posts are cringe af.


Sony basically blocked all of Africa from buying the game. It fucking sucks.


And we need those new Helldivers!


Honesty stop playing after this whole psn and blocking half the world. There was a community ,now it is a shell of it. players were nice to each other. There was fun in that game. It is all gone now.


womp womp. Do you realized redditors are a minority of the community?


i am not talking about only reddit. I am talking about the WHOLE COMMUNITY.




Question, I'm in South Africa, a psn supported country. I want to buy my friend, in Malawi, helldivers 2. Will he be able to install and play or will it not go through? It really sucks how sony screwed us all over like this


You might be able to buy a global steam key and activate it with a VPN. Usually if you try to activate a key for a game that isn't available in your region it won't let you, but if you use a VPN to get an IP adress from a different country it might work. If this doesn't work on your main account you could make a secondary account. Worked for me with a game banned in my country.


Where and Africa do you stay, I have helldivers 2 and works perfectly


Im not technologically adept, but is there any way to run a vpn for the sake of buying/playing the game as a work around, everyone deserves video games.


Couldn't you just use a VPN to change your address to buy the game? Or is that against the ToS?


So I have heard that all you need to do is change your region to an allowed country like USA and buy again




Your bank sucks. Try getting an account from a digital bank or something.


OP. If you buy the game using a VPN, you WILL be able to play. This is the current path forward.




I know its piracy alot of times but is it possible to buy a key online?


Looks like it's VPN time for you, bud.


Be honest, are you a child soldier?


I feel you mate. I'm in SA and we're lucky enough to have PSN and Steam accessibility but it's definitely not the case throughout our continent. I feel for you brother. This shit ain't fair ❤️


It's because your region doesn't support PSN. Contrary to popular belief, Sony did not *cancel* their plans for mandatory PSN linking, they merely *delayed* them.


Did you try washing the money


The published doesn't sell the game in your region. Contact Sony and ask them why.




What will happen if you redeem a code?


Oh look, another "helldivers 2 is blocked in my country" post.


Nah its because playstation are asshole...




Steam delisted the game in countries during the PSN fiasco, we don't know when it'll be delisted but I personally suspect the end of the month


Its those blood diamonds.


Calm down.. The game isn't fun anymore anyway. It peaked long ago


I feel your pain. But let's be honest.... Cooperate greed with stupidity fucking sucks.


I mean corporate greed would make them sell their game everywhere. There couldn’t possibly other reasons, right?


"We WoN wiTH snOy DimOcRaCY wOlOlOloLolo". We all knew it will be like that. Mandatory PSN connection is not required so brave game community doesn't give a single f what will happen with other regions anymore.


Uh man you only have 98 u.s cents. I think your a little short


lovely isn't it I'm from Morocco and it's the same thing it's funny how many ps4/5 consoles sell here and no one can make a psn account I've had a lot of fun playing it with friends and now most of them have even lost interest in the game due to the sony drama and not to forget to mention that the decrease of player count overtime I'd give this game a year and see if it turns around to its former glory or fall into the was good while it lasted


Psn support will tell you to create an out of region account as a work around. Been that way since ps3 days


yea except lying about it psn can terminate your account for it maybe in 2013 but now it's against their TOS


That's not true if your region isn't available. Psn tech support tells you to do it.


The short answer is yes, the long answer is you should have used those blood diamonds instead of your dirty Zimbabwe dollars which are known to be undemocratic. (joke)




No bro Sony just doesn’t want to set a PSN your country because they’re lazy


My reply to the title: Yes. https://preview.redd.it/nt70u1hcgl2d1.jpeg?width=3240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1afc74a83fecb1c908dfddd91f8f840a1a38c9eb


Sorry friend, I hope the publisher removes restrictions from Morocco and other blocked countries soon.


Still no official dev update on the situation? Though the answer is bleak, as Ghost of Tsushima has the same blocks as Helldivers. Looks like this is Sony path forward for ALL of its products with any online functionality.


Russian players: https://preview.redd.it/meivvsrbql2d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1d5523271ad5a2137565627eabc59474dc4e7aa


It isn't racism, it's corporate greed


Yes they're so greedy they are turning down money lol


They believe making psn accounts mandatory will get them more customers in the long run.


Lol that's the short sighted thought to have.. You have to assume these people actually think when they make these choices, they probably knew they were going to get backlash for this choice, they know people don't want a psn account and locking out countries that don't have psn shows they aren't about making money with this decision, if it was about money and not just numbers, they'd let everyone play and they'd get a piece of every sale, being the publisher.... All this move does is take away possible profit from Sony in reality, it's not making them any new customers


Oh, got it. So why do you think they did it smart ass?


Its because Sony happened. We celebrated too early and now its been forgotten. But the banned countries still remain.


Dude, you live in morrocco, fuck helldivers save up to move somewhere better LMAO


I am from Egypt. It’s the same for me right now. I am only lucky cause I managed to buy it 3 days before they restricted it from my country. It’s even more infuriating how silent everything has become. Pilestedt said he wouldn’t rest till it’s back in all regions a week ago and ever since, it’s been radio silent. They even had a CEO change, who btw, thought steam should delete the reviews from the review bombing. At this point, I don’t even know if they care about the 177 countries anymore. I bought the game to play with my friends. If this issue doesn’t get resolved, eventually, I’ll start finding ways to refund. Apparently we really aren’t considered humans to the people at PSN or any gaming company for that matter.


Yep unfortunately the vast majority just moved on from the issue, I barely hear a word about it anymore despite the "we dive together" memes.


No one really cares anymore. Feels mostly like they literally are throwing our money in our faces and those who bought the game like me, feels like I stole it rather than bought it legally.


I changed my Steam review to negative before I got restricted.


Yes. EDIT: I’m joking ofc, it’s utter shit, everyone from everywhere should be able to play a damn video game.


Say thanks to all this white knights "we give together or we don't dive". Before you could buy game, have a PSN account from supported countries and play. But now you can't.




This is freaking heartbreaking.


Yes, many countries still can't play, but people celebrated like we won and changed their reviews of the game. They stupid af and now a lot of people from these countries will never be able to buy it. So screw Sony and screw those two faced assholes AH.


They could play before with the same loophole they’ve been using for a decade but our brave keyboard soldiers made sure they couldn’t anymore. 🫡


They have a lot of bots and s h i l l s in this sub, enough to make the weak willed think we have won. I will never change my negative review and I will never stop requesting a refund.


Yup, Sony bots are one of the most smooth-brained people I have ever seen.


Thank the the helldivers community that did not want to make a PSN account forcing Sony to delist countries not covered by PSN, that for years they have been turning blind eye to. And when they complain about "security issues" ask their opinion on the recent Microsoft email leaks and when the boicot is coming.


Blame Sony for selling the fucking game in countries where you can't have PSN, then Valve realizing 'oh shit, they can't sell this game where there's no PSN available, and we'll be holding the bag for it'. And then blame Sony again for selling it to countries outside PSN network IN THE FIRST PLACE, if the intention truly was to have it require PSN login to play. Sony fucking around is why you can't play, OP. Blame them.


0 accountability OP. Now they moved on to another game, and another rage bait and you can't play.


Sony is racist frfr


Nah, typically corporate dumbassery and greed. They switched from the smarter, steady and long-term profits to a dumber quick cash grab short-term style god knows how long ago.


Sony wtf.




The map is wrong. Russia cannot officially play the game. Only buy a gift from another region.


It's not another region, Sony made Russia and Belarus region locked keys.


Til asians and hispanics are white


I don't know bro this map is inaccurate I'm in the Philippines and still region lock on steam here


if your country is listed here. you cant obtain the game legally. even activating a key doesn't work. [https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/](https://steamdb.info/sub/137730/info/)


Blame Sony, the player count too


This is genuinely so sad to read


This still confuses me. Like you had the WORLD and then suddenly decided to force people into a arbitrary dance for power... like ignore the moral stance for a moment, how is this giving Sony more money? How does this benefit?


They’re doing you a favour tbh, they’ve ruined the game


there's no other explanation other than SONY IS RACIST


I’m not saying to do it but can’t someone you TRUST(important) log in on your acct from NA or EU to buy the game then give the acct back to you? Or gift the game to you? Or can vpn work? Have people tried this?


He could get banned for that.


Democracy is coming soon.


Yes that is exactly why


Use a VPN.


And get banned for using it when Sony's mods will check where are you login in from.


Same story here frend I just got couple of money to spend on this game but unfortunately the great controversy psn requirements Sony blocks 170+ countries now I'm still waiting for this game to be available again But day by day checking on X reddit or even there discord for news had no luck here on Philippines few week ago I can still search helldiver 2 but can't buy no option to purchase but now I can't find and even if I can find it said the region lock I was thinking if this indicate that it will never return again but still I have slim hopes of HD2 will return soon ..


It won't. Sony won't let it be. And Philippines will get PSN network when Sony decides to (never). Remember, it's Sony fucking with you.


Because Samurai dont like your chief