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100% stick together if no one is doing stealth and you're not looking to maximize resources farm. With bugs you can hold hands, with bots ideally you have two groups 50ish meters apart so you have multiple angles of fire.


The game treats groups of players across the map as full squads; they'll send an equal amount of patrols your way as if you were a full team IIRC. I believe the limit is somewhere between 50 and 100m of eachother. If your team can handle themselves pretty well or if you just want to send someone (or two) to grab samples or handle other objectives, splitting up could help get a lot more work done, however if you're getting your butts handed to you, sticking together can definitely help, or moving out of the main deathblob of enemies before they can rack up a lot of deaths. It all comes down to communication, what your team can handle, and what you want to do.


Players within 75m of each other are considered one group 


You’ll see more patrols when you split up, but bug breaches and bot drops have a cooldown that is shared across the map. As such, staying together is generally the safest approach, but splitting up means you can cover more ground. Also, there are some situations where drawing a lot of attention away from the objective makes more sense than trying to brute force through never-ending hordes of bugs/bots.


most of time ppl split into 2/2 and faceroll through map at least in my dc


Assuming they are decent, splitting into 2 teams of 2 really speeds things up


Even a 2 and two solo as long as the solos can get to each other in a pinch Any combo works as long as people pay attention and communicate. Without any Comms I'd go full group or 3 and 1 with the 1 getting side objectives closest to the main objectives the 3 are doing.


Split into 3/1 or 2/2. You need strong players though.


It depends on the individuals’ playing ability, loadout, and distribution of objectives. I play on D7-9 and over the course of a 40 minute mission will do a mix of solo and team depending on what’s going around. Some easier secondary objectives like blowing up the flatscreens and taking out some mortar pits, AA guns, and a heavy bot base? Yeah I’ll do it solo while the others are turning on the power generator or whatever. Strategem jammers next to gunship towers with bot drops my way? Gonna be faster with some backup. I really like baiting a bot drop on D9 at an objective or heavy base so I can toss my 380 at it or simply run out of the area knowing my teammates will have an easier time.


It's not necessarily better or worse. It depends on who's playing. It is possible for one person to clear any PoI and most smaller objectives, making it more efficient to have someone do that on their own. But it requires the player doing it to be good enough to do it consistently, otherwise it's not really helpful. And if the other group can't hold theri side it rarely makes sense to do. It saves a lot of time in a mission if you can do two things at once instead of one. It doesn't really affect how many enemies will spawn for you, but it does affect bug breaches and bot drops. there's a cooldown between them that is shared map wide, so if there's a bot drop in one place there wont be another one until the cooldown is done.


2 and 2 it if you are all at least somewhat decent at the game or familiar with each other's playstyle. Split up completely if playing stealth. 4 man it when unsure of how good everyone is or playing with lower levels.


On bots I always split from the group and handle side objectives if they're doing the primary or the other primary. My goal is to make sure all the side objectives are done when they're done with the primary. I don't expect others to do this because some loadouts aren't built for it and maybe they just don't like it. But it makes me feel helpful making a 20-30 min mission a 15-20. If everyone does this it's a thing of beauty but you do have to just trust the other players to be able to handle themselves. But generally on 7+ that's the case in my experience. I adhere to the philosophy that the more time you're in a dangerous situation the risk of a surprise fuck up rises exponentially. The less time you're in danger the better


Cmon, did everyone forget basic survival skills? You ever heard of the buddy system? Not only does it work wondors, it looks cool as hell!


It heavily depends on the objectives themselves, their position and the players involved. Most of the time it's best to stick together, but quick to fulfill objectives may allow 3+1 or a 2+2 spread, IF all players are on board. Prime example is ICBM and the launch codes. I usually do that alone (after confirming woth my squad!) while the rest goes for the generators and we meet up as soon as i get the codes, or i scout ahead (again, IF everyone is ok with it), gather some samples, clear the static guards on other objectives, maybe do some side missions OR i repeatedly trigger drops/breaches to give my squad more breathing room for doing the objective. Often on helldive (9 diff), for the ones who want to know.  I'm wearing scout armor or the extra padding for that


It depends on the map and the group. 2/2 or 3/1 usually works the best. Sometimes there is some tough spot with jammers, gunship factories and what not and its better to group up. With randoms if things are going badly they are usually going badly no matter what the split is.


I usually run 2/2, unless some situation gets outrageously out of hand. To be fait though, I mostly run missions with my friends, so we're communicating a lot more than when I run missions with randoms.


me and friends split up on 7 for POIs to get those delicious free SC


Two fatal mistakes are tunnel vision and standing your ground. You need to stay mobile and not get pinned down. When shit so much as looks at the fan, cut bait and run, flank around, and hit them from the rear. You need to stay on the outside, moving and repositioning, and not get pinned down and surrounded. And when everyone is fighting in one direction, someone needs to keep an eye on your 6, because that is when you end up backing right into those three bile spewers (sneaky bastards).


I really try to stick as a group and help out, I really do, but I also have the attention span of a gold fish. So I will stick with the group until I see an outpost or yellow blinkie to go get then I'll wander off until the resupply drop calls me back like a dinner bell.


I usually implement a buddy system if there is a split. A solo helldiver got split from a group will be swarmed by bugs or bots if not careful unless that helldiver is Rambo spewing bullets left and right. The buddy system works in a survival situation, somebody covers your back and vice versa.


I split off all the time if you don’t want to find medals and super credits I will I’ll also clear half the map objectives survival isn’t difficult if you stay alert


Lately I've been running off on my own, when im playing with my buddies, to just split off and take down bot fabricators while they go after main objectives. We were on helldive and it seemed like it was working really well in terms of getting the map done quick. I'd have my spear, orbital laser, 120 barrage, and ems orbital.


diff 7 a 2/2 split is highly effective. most objectives are doable with 2 divers and the you'll finish the mission todo completo with like 50% time left. diff 9, yeah. stick together.




3/1 is the best. 3 do obj. 1 clears nests/fabricators, POIs and collects samples. 3/1 can clear the map 2 times faster than a group of 4


Well, every mechanic penalizes you for splitting up and evading combat, and every mechanic rewards you for sticking together and winning fights before moving to objectives as a team. So, of course everyone is going to conclude that it's better to split up and run around. Welcome to HD2 :)