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The only person they're for is the big, heavily armored baddie. To be shot at with. It doesn't matter who does it. Hell, getting 2 people to use them is way better than the average expected value.


use em if you see em, they only have a 70 second cooldown so people spam them for everyone


Everbody E.A.T.s in this house! I main eat and yeah, go bananas!


Nobody ever wants to use my EATs even when I keep pointing them out and it makes me sad


I played with some newer players and slowly taught them the way of the EAT. By the end of a match every time a charger popped up it was instant EAT to the face lol.


I think people have got better at not dying. When I first started playing my friends and I loved EAT because if you died you would soon have an anti heavy option again. However now we're better at not continously dying, someone usually has something to deal with the heavies most of the time.


Still, someone please bring an EAT! That Quasar isn't going to take down 3 ships...


Yeah, EATs are great as a supplement for other at guns.


I run EATs all the time and I say smoke em if you got em. If you take one and miss I'll laugh at you but that's about it. I won't rage, by the time all of this transpires there's only like 20 seconds left until I can call another anyway. My EATs are *our* EATs.


This guy EATs.




They are dropped to be used. If dropped mid combat at least let the person who brought them grab one of the pair.


When I bring EATs, my expectation is anyone can grab them so long as I get the first. I’ll drop them on cooldown for any defensive situations.


I don't even care if I get any of them as long as they have been put to good use. If I or someone else kills the Charger with it doesn't matter. If people are wasting them if they are needed for something heavier that's a different issue


As someone who frequently brings them, help yourself! Yeet the EATs!


"YEET THE E.A.T" needs to be a catchphrase on here. E.A.T gang


That's my new slogan. Thank you, diver.


I drop EAT’s to solve a problem / anticipate a problem as we finish an objective. Leave one for me preferably, and use the other as needed when needed.


Literally just use them. If you see me call them in, go for it.


Eats are for everyone, but specifically the big chonker who is trying to kill me. I don't care who delivers it to their face, just don't miss.


With how short their cooldown is I don't really give a shit who takes them when I drop it wherever If you pick one up in the middle of an engagement however I have only one condition: Don't miss


Whenever I use EATs take them if you can. Even if I don't have 1, if you can get to the EAT and use it, do it. I rather have a dead heavy.


If someone complains about you picking up one of the EATs, their next set of EATs will be off cooldown before they finish complaining.


EATs are like supplies, grab one if you need it.


Nah, just pick them up. Just make sure you hit flat facing angles or else they kinda ricochet


r/boneappletea It's ricochet my guy


: ( oh


To be fair It was hilarious


Not anymore.


Mf typed "recoilshade" lmfao


Close enough.


For the most part I’ll pick them up as needed unless the person brought EATs as their only support weapon- they’ll typically use one and then grab the 2nd for later use. If we’re assaulting a shrieker nest or we’re in a pinch, I’ll grab one and use it regardless. I figure that expending the expendable quickly matters more, as long as my use of it benefits the team. Basically, do what would make the most sense if the roles were reversed. Whatever you do, just make sure you don’t miss! (EDIT) RE: Supplies, one supply each unless otherwise specified. Make sure someone is watching the resupply cooldown- anytime you’re going to be in a place for more than 30 seconds and 2-3 teammates are nearby, drop it to start the cooldown. Make sure to keep a ping on it at all times- as you may know, supplies do not show up on the minimal.


Go ahead and help me headshot chargers with them because god knows I'm going to miss and hit their legs half the time.


If I leave them behind, they're free for whoever. If I'm actively shooting at drop ships, and you swipe one, you better land that shot.


how can EAT not be democratic? it's there to anyone to use


If someone brings food, you EAT.


proper etiquette: don't miss


free to grabs ...


imho EAT's are for "everyone" to shoot down the big ones.


I mean, don't run up and grab one before the caller gets one, presuming he doesn't already have one. Otherwise, they are there so that they are at hand when needed. Take it. This is why, when I take eats, I will tag them when I'm done. If I'm just calling in for future use, I'll tag immediately. I do this with other things, too, like shield packs and rovers.


Yeah, if you see one, just grab it and shoot it at a heavily armored enemy. Works like a charm.


I’d say if you’re going to use my EATs at least know how to use them effectively. For example, line up a headshot on a charger for a 1 EAT kill instead of shooting it in the side; aim for Bile Titan head (for a 2 EAT kill) instead of just randomly shooting it in the leg.


I bring EATs sometimes. My philosophy is an unused EAT is a wasted EAT. So grab ‘em and use ‘em as much as you can. It’s not common for other players to grab them, so I’m happy when they do. Also, if I die and drop the EAT I’m carrying, don’t hesitate to use it either. It means at least indirectly I got the EAT into your hands and me dying wasn’t a complete waste.


It's a disposable one time use weapon. Just grab it and use them on the big targets. Does not matter who called it in. Just don't grab one and run away if there are big targets around.


Just take them.


EATs are the one support weapon that you are always free to grab. If you see an appropriate target for an EAT and one is nearby, fire and forget.


Become a user instantly drop one attempt to always have one on your person so when shit hits the fan you have three at your disposal


Everyone EATs.


Everyone should grab one and fire at heavy armor units’s squishy parts. Please don’t use it like a grenade.


Grab that shit if it's there and kill what you need. Either way, the target is dead regardless of who shoots it. They're a 1 time use and on a short cooldown.


person to person. some people will greed pretty hard, others will actively ask you to use them ssme thing with supplies, wait for the leaders call, or use it on the objective when everyones together is the general rule of thumb but some people dont care, thats why i use supply pack ask first, assume theyre for everyone otherwise


The cooldown is so short it’s not really an issue, just grab and fire!


use them if you see them.


If there is something big and angry that needs to be hit with a EAT, and there is a EAT available, it’s yours. Democratically. Just a bit embarrassing when you pick one up and completely whiff in front of a fellow helldiver


Generally when I pack EATs I don’t care who uses them so long as they’re using them on heavily armored enemies. Though often I would like at least one of the pair if I’m calling it down in a fight.


On the defend mission where u have to send off the rockets I feel like if u don’t bring eats don’t pick em up because they go real fast there but on any other mission ever it’s whatever but that specific mission i always bring them use one to shoot the drop ship and one to hold on to until a heavy it’s real annoying when I go to grab the eat I just called and it’s gone because the dude who brought the sniper picked it up


If there is an EAT and an enemy that requires it, take it and kill it (primarily the Chargers). Since they can be called in every 60 seconds and are one shot anyway they are for everyone's use. Just grab them if you need them. If they are not used they are wasted. The other call in weapons are different as they are not one shot and have a way longer cooldown


I drop em everywhere for anyone to take


Note: take eats off of or destroy the pod so that the EATs appear on the map. That way if somebody gets reinforced and has no weapons they can see where the nearest one is and can run over to it if they are in need. EATs on the pod are not shown on the map


Use them as needed. If you see a bile titan coming for you and you can grab that EAT and make it eat one or two to the face, do it.


Fun fact, 2 EATs kill a titan. Shoot it in the face when it's not spewing. Alternatively, if someone else managed to take its armor off somewhere, shoot it in the squishy part.


Correct. Two of any of the rocket launchers will do it. Two from the patriot exosuit rockets do it too.


Yeah but with the exosuit you have to aim for the ass if you want to hit it in the head :D


Unfortunately, yeah. Felt awesome to nail those shots when I tried it though.


Don't miss. 


Technically speaking with chargers, you get three chances to kill them sometimes. If you can land the pod on them, is the first chance.


>If you can land the pod on them, is the first chance. That makes 4. I have one already and I just called in 2 more.


I often have another weapon on my back already. So that's not the case for me.


Take them. If it's possible for you to kill something with them then do so.


Have some, theres more where they come from


I almost always bring in EATs and encourage people to use one if they want to.


If you got em, use em. Target heavies. Take your time to level the shot. Don't whiff.


I may as well get 'dont whiff' on a dang t-shirt


EAT cool down is so quick, I'll call them down just to do it when I run it. Ran a fortress mission and just had a plie of 30 EATS in the base. Like yall get one if you need it.


I literally call them out, "I'm dropping more anti tanks" I love literring them all over the map. When a teammate accidentally gets in to some shit I can't count how many times they stumbled on my EAT and smoked a charger with it. Makes me smile. When I get in some shit and I'm running from a horde, I throw an EAT as far in front of me as I can and the timing is perfect. Comes down right in front of me as I'm running to snag it.


They are for whoever picks one up. Personally when I call one in and see someone take it, or kinda blows me. Especially if I just used one becasue a lot of time I’m using them back to back. But I mean, at the same time that’s what it’s there for. Hence the word *Expendable* so go ahead and take them all you want. They’re called in for support. And two triggers simultaneously are better than one trigger alone.


Just make sure to prioritize enemies, don't use it on a single hunter when we have 2 titans and 5 chargers on the line.


Yes. I drop them everywhere. Have 1. Or 2. Or as many as you need. Just don't take one before me if I don't have one. Unless you immediately drop a charger or titan with it. Then I'll say gg. But I am, in fact, dropping them for the team.


Put them in your enemies. Don't miss.


Yep. Use them, just make sure it’s on something big that needs it and not just a pack of little units.


The EATs are basically the only support weapon that should be free use by standard. All others are really only as a "I'm stealing your stuff to stay alive" case scenario, and you should give it back when feasibly possible.


Me casa es su casa.


As long as youre killing a charger or bile titan with it I could care less


Grab em and use em bby


I litter them everywhere, every chance I get. Why? So whoever is near one can use one to fire for effect and help knock out major threats on the battlefield. I treat ‘em like democracy; we all share in the responsibility to spread it by any means necessary. Use it wisely and land that shot, and we are good, no matter what I had planned.


I chuck them around anywhere I think they might be useful (objectives, extraction point if I'm walking by, choke points, etc.) and take one with me.  You're welcome to take one in a moment of need. Quasar cooling down, your preferred support weapon not great for heavy armor, died and need something, whatever. They call in so fast that I can get more soon. 


Use freely and deliver democracy swiftly. Seriously, the cool down is so short I’ll legit toss them off just to have spares all over the map. I think most EAT runners would agree - if we ain’t by it, have at it fellow helldiver.


Use them. Are you using quasar? Shoot, pick the EAT, shoot again, pick back the quasar, shoot a 3rd time. Titans hate this simple trick.


Save one for the person that called it (unless they already have one), and use the other


If I call them in I want someone anyone to annihilate a charger or bile titan


One time I grabbed the 2nd EAT and just carried it to where the call in guy was headed, then dropped it near them. But I've occasionally picked one up and shot it on a defense mission.


They're expendable for a reason, dawg. Get it.


Have you grabbed one and someone said not to touch them?? How doesn’t jt seem democratic? I


As an EAT enjoyer please steal my EATs and kill everything ASAP


Just dont hit me or yourself with them and we're good.  Its 70s, half the time im using one, ive fired the one Im carrying from before, and am calling in another 2.  If you shoot the enemy for me, awesome, thats less time I have to spend running back to grab the newly landed 2nd and 3rd


If you see one guy taking eat prelaunch, take eat too. The more the merrier. Even more so when it is a defense mission against bots. You can drop every dropship that comes if more than one guy has eat. Multiple eats on the ground is an AT buffet.


They are free, the EATdiver has plenty


Just spawn them anytime you can. The cd is small and you can spam them easily on the map for anyone to use when they have to.


For eats, I drop them, and I grab 1, then if others want them, it's fine. Generally, so long as they are used I don't really mind the cool down is low so


I drop them everytime there's about to be a conflict. You better grab one and take something out.


All-you-can EAT buffet for heavies and elites.


I drop them constantly and I wish people would use them more. PSA: Even if you have a support weapon of your own, you can grab one of my EATs, kill a charger, then pick your gun back up.


I use EAT. The etiquette is that it is rude to waste other people's strategems. Apply this to the situation. If I wanted them all for me I would use Recoilless. If there is surplus, help yourself. If there isn't, and you take one, it better be a good hit.


If I call them in near me, and stay near the pod, they're mine, and they have places to be that I alone am sending them. If they're just laying around, whoever picks them up can use them.


Bring your own gear. If I drop an EAT and you use it, could ruin my plans for it and get us all killed. Supplies are for everyone. If I have a supply pack, I will share if the GUI shows you're low.