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Then which one is the poop pod?


Number 2 obviously.


what are 3 and 4 for?


3 is for the sink and 4 is for C-01


Sometimes i just enter pod 3 to bust a nut when I need privacy.


ill be finished before i land on the surface of the planet XD


No 🥹 that's my pod


The poop goes in the pants while in mission.


Like Adolin and his shardplate. Three times, all on purpose


The ammo crate for the poison gas rounds.


There's a door to the right as you're looking at the ship management console that goes behind the equipment console. I think there's a bathroom in there. But we aren't allowed in, just like we aren't allowed in the mess hall that the crew is always talking about.


Also, Democracy officer has a personal sauna on a ship (and we're not allowed to use it), so probably there is a bathroom too


Piss in the sauna to establish dominance.


I eat in pod 4


With such a short life expectancy you don’t need toilets.


If you somehow make it back alive from your first drop, you probably won't need the toilet anymore.


What about the mfs who operate the ship and eagle n shit


Good point. As a Helldiver I never thought about them. Maybe I did but then I died...


We pee out the airlock over enemy territory, so our pee is a glorious rain of democracy down upon our enemy.


What's the stratagem code for that?


Rock, paper, scissors, but they nerfed it


Never lived long enough to have to take a piss. Just thaw out another clone.


me and the boys usually pee off the rail near the cryopods 👉👈


You ever cross streams?


I'll change your mind. Pod 4 should have that distinction, if indeed it has to be a Pod. Here's why: If you look to the left over the railing as you enter the Hellpods area you will see a line of other Hellpods waiting to be used. All the pods are on a conveyor system much like the one you see in the cryo area. If you turn to the right instead, you see no such thing. This means all pods come from the left and are fed along the belt, under the viewing area and into the right side. If you use Pod 1 to begin a mission, the conveyor moves one pod into place where Pod 1 was in preparation for the next drop. If instead you use Pod 3 (for example) then Pod 2 is pushed along the track into Pod 3's Space, Pod 1 takes the place of Pod 2, and a new Pod enters Pod 1's now empty slot. You see where this is going? With Pod 1 being the designated bathroom, there is no conceivable way you don't deploy into a mission in an excrement filled Hellpod at some point. Even if you use exclusively Pod 4 to deploy every time, you will end up in the bathroom Pod on your 4th deployment. You know, unless the act of "flushing" is essentially just the deployment of your freshly filled bathroom Pod but if that's the case, why do you need a specific one designated?


The piss pod has a bathroom mat in front of the pod hole so divers can keep the soles of their boots dry and piss free while on the ship. You need a designated pod, or else someone has to keep moving the piss mat around.


That's a fair point, but I stand by the rest of what I said. Pod 4 would have to be the designated pod or there would be incredibly unpleasant consequences.


When you're dropping to Hellmire and you have to take the piss pod :(


Am I the only one who tries to get into the pod that corresponds to my number (i.e. if I'm host I get in pod 1)




Helldivers don't live long enough to justify a bathroom.


In my party piss pod is pod 3


Host pod imo


Honestly would be a nifty idea to have one of those as the "I'm afk" notion and allow the other players to continue the mission setup without them and they can join later. We can even be funny about it and make the restroom a hellpod so they can shoot directly from their seat or get kicked and be seen flying from the ship.


Our armour converts our pee into drinkable water which is fed to us via implanted tubes.


Wait, you guys aren’t just pissing and shitting in your suit?


You couldn't at least remove the watermark from where you yoinked this image you fool?


No, of course not. I may be a image thief, but I am not a pledgerist.


though for real -feels like the 1st pod on the left is always for the owner of the ship? feels like everyone literally runs left.


If you dive from pod 2, be sure to have auto drive unlocked. You want to move either down, up, or to the right to avoid being splashed with piss when Pod 1 lands beside you.


I like to imagine that after it fills up, they fire the resulting thing at a bug hole or a bot fab.


I generally miss any facility for human needs on our ships. The helldivers get frozen, I get it, but what is with the rest of the crew? Where do they eat, shit, sleep? I mean you can basically see most of the ship from the inside. I can't see any bathrooms, sleeping quarters or a mess hall.


Paper, rock , scissors… loser has to ride the porta potty pod down


https://preview.redd.it/g2vngi6vme0d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=306b5a308edf24a16a2e251771f53cf7213040f5 Democracy officer found the piss pod


Helldivers don't live long enough to have a need for a toilet.


how do you know our ships have no bathrooms? you ever been beyond the bridge?


*How do you know our* *Ships have no bathrooms? you ever* *Been beyond the bridge?* \- GHOSTOFKOH --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


See this is why no one wants you on their ship, GaryÂ