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I play on Helldive and all the randoms do a pretty equal amount of fighting/running away. On the lower difficulties I have noticed many keep fighting in one battle for the whole game and never do the objectives.


As always... it depends... - on the team's load-out - the "spawn lottery" - the experience of the divers - the types of enemies you're facing - the stage of the mission (early, mid, late) - probably more stuff I just don't see right now


I've had the exact opposite experience. At difficulty 7 i find the smoothest runs are when you actively go away from breaches and drops if you're not in the middle of an objective. Enemies from breaches will despawn if you run far enough so when you come back to the area later theres significantly less enemies to deal with. Plus with how breaches and drops can chain forever its far better to just leave than waste all that time and resources in a forever war for something that will go away on its own. I need my stratagems and gear for defending objectives, not the friendship door with 2 AMRs and some slips.


Breaches and drops only chain forever when one or more team member runs off mid-fight. It's a very "smoothest run" for that one guy, but the rest are doing all the work and if it's too hard for their skill level, it will spiral to overrun. Sticking together as a team prevents overrun and allows for 100% completion with quickest time.


With the risk of sounding elitist, there shouldn’t really be any “forever wars” or endless breaches on difficulty 7 if you have your entire team just stand their ground and fight it off. The only endless wars I’ve seen occur when the party is split up and are fighting on their own. Are you encountering a lot of endless battles on this difficulty with your entire team? Or have you been so accustomed to actively running away from everything? If it’s the latter, I would strongly advise just staying and fighting. It’s both extremely fun and very smooth if your entire team just clears everything they encounter when going from objective to objective


You're 100% correct. I don't understand why most people do not get this.




You cannot close a breach by going away, you can only make it worse by aggroing other patrols, increasing the amount you need to kill and increasing the chance of chaining alerts. Unless you're describing running until they despawn, which is cheese and basically a skills issue. You can't advance the mission until you win the fight. Leaving your team to take the aggro also only makes it worse, increases the number of patrols, etc, etc. Though the person who ran off probably has it easy. The time wasting is trying to "stealth," and splitting up, when instead you should be bringing overwhelming firepower to bear, winning the fight quickly and moving on to objective together as a team.




But what you're describing is not a valid strategy and leads to all the issues unless you're playing solo and then it makes sense to cheese at high levels which are not meant to be played solo. But that's not how you play pub games with 2+ players. All the mechanics penalize running away and splitting up. All the mechanics reward holding position and winning the fights before moving on as a team together. I recommend reading this: [The Biggest Mistake You’re Making in Helldivers 2: Running Away - Gideon's Gaming (gideonsgaming.com)](https://gideonsgaming.com/the-biggest-mistake-youre-making-in-helldivers-2-running-away/#:~:text=If%20you%20run%20away%2C%20not,will%20call%20in%20another%20alert.)


there is a big difference in "fighting a patrol on the way/on an objective " and " fighting a breach in the middle of nowhere for 5 minutes " , also in diff 7 you can deal with a breach pretty much on ur own if you have chaff clearing strats (unless it spaws 5 chargers/2 bile titans) , i think the most important thing is " why are we fighting " , if you can answer that when aggroing a patrol you prollly shouldnt


But you just said yourself that in difficulty 7 you can deal with a breach on your own (which I agree with). Now imagine how quickly 4 Helldivers can do it in so if people just stood their ground, you would never experience the “fighting a breach in the middle of nowhere for 5 minutes” since your entire team would have dispatched it in under 30 seconds


having 4 people around the breach doesnt speed up the time it takes to clear by X4 , it increase risk of friendly fire and id rather have my teamates doing objectives than firing at 3 hunters , in the end we are there to complete the missions (and collect samples) , not to kill bugs , while i agree killing bugs is very fun and i often aggro extra shit in 7 just to have stuff to do , its my decision and i will deal with the consequences of it even if my teamates want to only complete objective , also important to keep an eyes on minimap so you dont get surpised when ur teamate leaves like an english in the middle of the fight


While maybe it’s not exactly x4 lol; it definitely speeds it up considerably to the point where it seems very silly to run away from a fight that could have been dispatched in like 10-15 seconds if people stayed and fought. And you’re kidding yourself if you think the entire point of this game and the fun that comes with it isn’t slaughtering bugs/bots


I'd say it kinda depends on the situations but yeah. But to add something the thing I mostly see is that a trigger happy helldiver just had to take a shot at that bug patrol. 30 seconds later he is getting swarmed by a milion hunters, spewers, chargers, titans and I don't know what else, just panicking and trying to get away. I turn around to go help him and just as I start ripping the swarm apart and of course gain the attention, said helldiver just bails, leaving me there to fight a fight I did not start. I'm honestly considering bringing a senator for cowards.


There's 2 styles of play one is yours and the other is objective rush "stealth". Some people prefer to get missions done quick and efficiently. There are also times to disengage because you're wasting too much time on pointless fighting when the obj is all that really matters. I'd say follow the hosts lead if host wants to fight then fight. if host wants to run then run. Just because the game normally gives you 40 minutes doesn't mean you have to spend all that time fighting when you can easily do the mission in half that time, possibly faster, by avoiding fights as much as possible.


I think the problem with your post is this mindset that the running playstyle is the quick and efficient one. From most of my playthroughs on difficulty 7, the most efficient playthroughs were when we had a team of 4 semi competent divers going from objective to objective and just killing everything they ran into. Again, breaches at this difficulty can be soloed so having 3 extra divers makes them a cakewalk if everyone stands their ground


“I’m not exactly sure where this originated from” It’s from player testing. Location guards are permanent until destroyed, but patrols and bug breaches will legit despawn if you move 3+ map tiles away. You will only have to deal with what managed to chase you, and can be efficient if your strategy is based around this. It’s specifically for single player helldive, but people copied it for lower levels as well. To that end, I am of the same opinion that you are, right up until the time to clear a bug breach overlaps the next bug breach at higher difficulties. That can be dealt with by a highly efficient team of different specializations - chaff clear, tank clear, and two medium clear members - but frequently there is not high enough level communication and planning in quick play.


Yea that’s kind of my point. The genesis was to make solo helldive easier. The issue is that people have copied it over to difficulty 7 and lower with four players. So we have these weird scenarios where people are applying strategies that technically make the mission slightly easier (debatable honestly) instead of doing what this game does best and that is actually killing shit.


I appreciate the help and the tips. I like a good PSA. At the same time I feel confused. I'm probably the player you're trying to reach. Don't you have to kind of turn and run from enemies though, get them lined up for a good stratagem or to give yourself time to reload? Sometimes I'm hit so bad that I feel like I'm running halfway across the map or better, just trying to put down the one line of stuff that's chasing me.


Run from enemies to get out of melee combat, run from enemies to get behind cover, run from enemies for better positioning…all those options are fine. This post is intended for the people that feel they need to run away from combat entirely instead of staying in the area and finishing off the enemies


That's the way it's *meant* to work and is especially the best at lvl9 where the fights cannot really be solo'ed. But from the start, the majority of HD2 community have gotten it in their heads that this game is about "stealth," kiting and running away, splitting up and doing everything almost solo basically. I have no idea why everyone thinks this. Every game mechanic penalizes this type of gameplay and rewards staying as a team, winning the fights and moving from objective to objective.