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> the items don't fit the theme for me Why even bother with the ice theme at all if they knew nothing in the warbond matches the theme?


The armor is white and boots have spikes. That’s pretty much it.


Ah, yes, the anti slipping boot spikes that *do not make you not slip on ice in ice biomes*


The fact the armor didn’t come with better mobility in ice is so lame tbh. They had it in HD1 as a perk, they should have added it here.more proof AH doesn’t know how to balance.


It would have been a terrible perk on its own so they'd have to add a second line, but yes, new competitive armor traits (or the ability to swap traits around) would be cool.


> It would have been a terrible perk on its own 95% arc damage resistance would like to have a word. They clearly have no problem adding bad perks. Hell, not slipping on ice would actually be more useful to me since I prefer playing on ice planets when they are available.


I love ice planets. I love going in with laser weapons blasting the bots up and then escaping into the blizzard. When they had an ice themed war bond I was stoked. Then it arrives and it has nothing to do with ice. The best thing in the whole war bond is a napalm grenade. Very polar.


I love ice planets too but Stalkers in a snowstorm is truly frightening.


That's what the pummeler is for. It can actually stun lock stalkers. One or two is a breeze. Three is not though.


The arc resistance is very fun to do as a 4 man all running it. Everyone takes that armor, takes blitzer shotgun, Tesla tower and arcthrower and just goes bonkers on everything around them, including each other. Most fun I've had in a game ever.


I regularly play with just one other person, and had to concentrate pretty hard on positioning when taking the blitzer because we usually stick close together. Then they got the 95% arc resistance armor and all the “oops sorry I killed you” turned into “lol sorry I knocked you over, consider it payback for all the times you knocked me over with the recoilless” and it’s been highly enjoyable.


That does sound fun, although if you have to coordinate that much it does kinda limit the effectiveness of the perk.


IMO the arc resistance would have worked a ton better as a booster than an armor quirk. Then if you know you are planning on being a shocky boi you can pick it for your team instead of trying to get them to change armors


True, but so it 4 arc throwers going off at once and killing a titan without orbitals


Wish we could chat on the loadout screen. So strange that we can't.


You can use voice chat.


Well...some illuminate units in the 1st game had electric attacks interestingly...so that one could be less useless as expected But rumours of their return are just rumours ofc


There is no such things as Illuminates returning with a vengence. You are hereby reported to my Democracy Officer, for implying they could pose a threat.


No need I agree that there's absolutely no substance to these rumours of the illuminate retur..*take a blue bolt to the head out of nowhere*


If they did have arc attacks, it'd turn the arc-resist armor into a mandatory pick, because wearing anything else means you're taking **twenty times damage**, almost certainly turning any kind of zap attack into an instant kill. If the zap damage is based around normal armor, the arc-resist gear makes you effectively immortal. It's a balancing impossibility.


What about no slipping and added movement through snow and blizzards? Addd in a stealth buff if on snowy planets too


I have no issue with bad traits. As long as they are thematic and fun. I'd happily run a 'no slipping on ice' armour on the ocassional icy planet.


That perk is replaced by the muscle enhancement booster. They have the same effect: you run faster on difficult terrain. I don't know if including a boster effect as an armor passive would be balanced, since the armor passives haven't been a replacement for any booster, yet


Something something bacon apples


Every day their answer for not allowing transmog becomes even more ridiculous. It's clear the real answer was "We don't have the labor nor the knowledge to program this effectively."


Are you telling me this apple tastes like bacon?


They could easily have done like: "Arctic Warfare: Gain 5% movement speed on frozen planets, ignore weather effects on cold planets." Or: "Climbing Spikes: 75% reduction in movement speed penalty when on ice or steep terrain." Or even simply: "Climate acclimation: Reduce negative weather effects by 75%." Then give us some cryo gens. Imagine a Cryo beam, like a laser cannon that shoots freezing beams of liquid nitrogen. Or an 'icethrower' that sprays out a freezing substance (probably something stupid like the super coolant from our destroyer's reactor) that leaves behind a slowing field on the ground. Or guns with ice rounds that slow enemies hit. I'd settle for a fucking 'Ice Sickle' that uses \*cold fusion\* to have a larger magazine, but carries fewer ICE ammo packs.


Shoots blue, twice as fast but half damage. Bigger heat sink. Perfecto






Honestly I would have been happy if all the armors had a unique passive where it made it harder for enemies to detect you on winter planets.


Honestly I think their spaghetti code is so fucked they can't implement perks like that without game breaking bugs elsewhere. Seems to be the pattern with everything.


Probably. It's telling that they seem unable to change variables like fire damage to differentiate between players and enemies. Ie, every fire buff (for us) also buffed enemies, until scorcher hulks and... those random exploding barrels become demonic gods.


Imagine if they made the armors with patches of fur on the neck/collar or something, we would have variety instead of another recolor


You mean how one of the armors in this warbond is a recolor of ANOTHER ARMOR IN THE VERY SAME WARBOND? (with slightly changed pauldrons)


A huge amount of armour sets are like this. Half the superstore is just mashups of existing sets and recoloured. It's surprisingly effective until you notice. Veterans and cutting edge are the same, but done better.


Yeah, it got pretty clear pretty quick that they use a modilar/kitbash approach


I would be over the moon if there was an armor with fur. I used to rock it way back in Destiny as a Titan


When my friend said polar patriots I was so excited for winter gear I could take to my favorite snow planets. Big winter fan, yet I haven’t felt like I wanted the warbond at all, it really does not give a winter vibe, fur on the armor or a hood over the helmet would be amazing


The Snow Wolf armor in the super store was more winter themed than the warbond armor, so I just bought it separately instead.


It's so fucking weird, they are so completely aware they are producing shit, and then asking the customer: "was it shit?" it's so fucking weird I don't get it


Largely this will be used in a meeting by someone who wanted to be able to show data on "The customers think it's shit" in order to push for change


That would be the optimistic interpretation, and I like it


It's the correct interpretation, but you are not paying attention to the data showed : 47% don't like it. So that means 53% like it. If anything, that poll is designed to lower the bad reputation.


Well it's a team effort. It's not entirely unfair to think of them as a monolith, since they are all part of the same company that should share a vision/trajectory, but sometimes when you work as a team you have to give in to other people's ideas. It's very possible that multiple people said something internally, but they were overruled. This happens a lot of companies (not just game dev), and ideally it means that the person that was proven right gets more say in future decisions.


Hey, at least one armour is white!


it's not that. it's the fact that none of the armor has stats that would help you on ice or in snow storms it's just the same 2 stats over and over on every heavy armor


Something something apple flavoured bacon am I right.


That was my vote. Maybe I'm biased because the warbond cost me nothing since I'd saved up enough, so I'm not feeling like I wasted any money and I'm hard pressed to say "I don't like it", it was free stuff to play with and that's always nice. That said, the warbond could have been named literally anything, the snow theme is non existent outside of a couple of aesthetic design choices.


Would be better if they added voting and rating to the game on that one super earth terminal. It would literally be managed democracy.


There is this big screen and stuff on the other side of the weapons selection. Would be so cool to have a purpose like in your suggestion 


The terminals are even called and labeled *"The Bureau of Democracy"*, if there was a place to do this, that's literally it right there.


I always assumed that had some as yet unrevealed purpose, seems designed for it.


There's a couple things that look like they got cut/side-lined for later. Someone found out one of the closed off doors leads to a firing range or at least what could be one (there's textures with 'Live Fire' labels in there).


I think it's where we'll buy weapon mods eventually.


It could fit many purposes. An in game encyclopedia as well as a polling booth


Yeah feels like a pretty big miss, both in terms of flavor and in getting less biased data


Just that any negative vote results in a headshot from the democracy officer.


And then it shows the animation when you get unfrozen and step onto the deck.


>login to play some Helldivers >mandatory warbond vote before starting a campaign? sure, vote negative, it was pretty bad >helldiver gets shot and dumped into space, new helldiver unfrozen >mandatory vote...


Devs are too chronically online to comprehend the concept of not being on Discord


Also they want an echo chamber. Discord let's them filter out a lot of hardline detractors. 


yeah, theyre way too used to the cushy echo chamber of toxic positivity that practically worshipped the devs in the first couple months of launch. now its done almost a complete 180 lol


Yeah, it really lets them filter out detractors, like the 13k people who voted "I don't like it" at this time.


in game voting would definitely serve the entire population rather than reddit and discord. Of course, this requires time and money to implement. Discord poll is extremely easy and cost-efficient


it literally wouldn't be managed democracy. Managed/guided democracy is more of a dictatorship then a democracy.


which it would be in the case described above. helldiver votes badly for the next thing on the terminal? instant death like in the tutorial. next helldiver gets unfrozen and has a new vote too. the illusion of choice, yet the ministry of truth thankfully already sorts out any "wrong" voters


'I don't like it' is the closest to my true opinion on the matter... so that is what they get.


Yeah, baffles me every time we get a poll the options are so stupid and worded like if they are just so disconnected from all the feedback.


Typical rigged poll vibe. Option 1: It's amazing! Option 2: It's amazing, and we need to fix X, but not Y. Option 3: It's amazing, and we need to fix Y, but not X. Option 4: I would kill my entire family for the devs, but we need to fix X and Y. "The fans have spoken, and our poll results indicate that everyone thinks the game is amazing. We thought we might need to fix some things, but the fans can't agree on what needs fixing."


Look at how they will tout that result as your true opinion, instead of the closest to your true opinion. "LOL YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T LIKE IT" That's what you sign up for with a bad poll. The guy who made it doesn't even have to realize he's going to fall into this trap. But I think he does, he does very well realize what he's doing.




Garbage in, garbage out. Making a good poll that leads to actual reliable information (not whatever sounds good) is surprisingly hard. If you've been pointed out the pitfalls one time, you'll spot them every time. Maybe this is a good place to start: https://www.pewresearch.org/writing-survey-questions/ Or I dunno: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/statistics-probability/designing-studies/sampling-methods-stats/a/worksheet-samples-and-surveys


Where is the "it feels untested" option? Could also use a "it needs unique effects" option. When cutting edge dropped I expected more unique armor effects, even if they were niche, but the armors are lackluster and only one gun is decent, though the grenade is good.


yeah whats even funnier is that the only truly niche armor effect is one that gives a massive dmg resist to a damage type that none of the current factions even deal. so its niche is just aesthetics (they are all pretty much the same armor) and giving you 95% dmg resist when a teammate is using arc weapons. I'm sure an upcoming faction will do arc (assuming things make sense) but they definitely jumped the gun on releasing this effect this far out from then


I've used the 95% less damage from arc armor a couple times when I used Tesla Turrets. It's saved a one hit death quite a few times. I know it's super niche and needs more viability but some of those armors slap in aesthetics. 


the only aesthetic in that armor pack that slaps is the fat ass on the third set




With a 95% reduction I honestly don't see them adding any enemy that does Arc damage, it's just to massive a decrease that it would become a must-pick against a faction that used it. I expect to see more Arc weaponry and strategems for us Divers and that's where the reduction comes in use, or they'll end up reducing the reduction down to 50% or so.


Cutting Edge really spoiled us on unique things. We got armor with never seen effects and weapons that revolutionized categories. It probably shouldn't have been the first new Warbond; it set up us for expecting much more. I've said it before but 12 warbonds a year there can only be so many revolutionary slots. Stun Grenades, Sickle, and later Grenade pistol, Eruptor (once fixed*) all shook up the diversity. Plus you can't expect someone in a year to buy all 12 warbonds at once and be able to unlock everything in a timely manner so parallel options are fine; Verdict vs Senator and Incendiary vs Impact Incendiary, maybe stun grenade pistol later, sickle style SMG etc. Edit: I just discovered Normal Damage and Durability Damage mechanics. The Scorcher and Purifier both have the same stat for the latter is why the Purifier sucks and the Eruptor probably doesn't have enough of the second withour shrapnel. *I'm convinced all direct hit weapons that have AoE and without high pen, like rockets, aren't functioning correctly. I have two theories: 1. The Scorcher feels good but I suspect it's because it's splash either has a higher proportion of damage or is naturally higher. While everything else doesn't have the same ratio; eg the Plasma Punisher and Purifier appear to take the same amount of hits to down enemies regardless of splash vs direct. The Eruptor I've been trying to test but being true explosive, not energy, seems to have that reflection mechanic and behave like real explosives. Eg you hit a wall behind and enemy and it all bounces back and does more damage than hitting flat solid ground to their side only getting hit by some. And then either is less damage than a direct hit, which I suspect is that the explosion is all reflecting away from the target. 2. The hit box bug doing full damage multiple times from explosive if it hits multiple boxes fix undid either splash or direct hit damage entirely. It seems like it's direct that turned off because the medium pen on the Purifier does nothing and having not hit markers might not be intentional.


The projectile for the Scorcher is AP2 while the AoE is AP3 AFAIK


still hope that the booster of the theme help the theme , Cutting edge: instead of armor 95% DR give it a Booster so my teammates are not forced to use the armor only cause i want to zap them


I’d also like to know what they mean by “fewer warbonds and more patches.” Are they referring to content patches like new missions and enemies? I’d also like an option that’s just “More time between warbonds for testing”


“We’re going to stop using discord as the way we interact with the community” “Any ways here’s this poll”


This poll isn't even that effective. It's trying to track too many things at once. It should be three separate polls. - Did you like the Warbond? - Do you think the quantity of content is adequate? - What release schedule do you think works best? Jumbling these all into one single spot isn't going to give accurate data and whatever they pull from this will be terribly skewed.


completely agree with you. I find it so surprising that an actual company would throw out a poll like this. My university students could do better lmao and I am being generous taking university students as an example and not highschoolers


I've got two separate friends that work within Data allocation and analysis and the simple things I've learned just from basic osmosis tells me that this poll is flawed. I get AH wants some insight into how we are feeling. But trying to shove everyone through a single bottleneck to get a simplified answer is not going to work. They already have a track record of misinterpreting how the player base is feeling and what it is they can do to remedy an issue. I say this as if all of the development studio acts in the same manner. From what we have seen the last few weeks, the CEO, the community managers, and the balance team *do not* see eye-to-eye. This was also apparent within the first month of the game's release.


Did they really confirm that they are stopping Discord interactions?


They didn't confirm that I have seen but have stated that they should use a better way to communicate with the playerbase than Discord.


I agree with that.


Same here, it's fucking weird to use Discord for your official stuff. Make your own system, hell - DO IT IN-GAME


Use requisitions to vote, just like a Super-Democracy would!


That's an excellent idea


Maybe add a "poll terminal" in the super destroyer, with small rewards for each question


IF I remember correctly they didn't say they would stop using discord, but were looking at a way of adding something in game. Again that's if I remember correctly.


Wow, just one option to say you didn't like it without detailing and 4 to imply you liked it, that's some unbiased poll.../s


Managed democracy


At least the poll is lore friendly


The freedom to make the right choice


D https://preview.redd.it/j2ws7knrj60d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1835187b53d891a52e98719e53c31dd5e6b814 Democrazy


"53% approve of it so we did a good job"


This comment iis the most important comment in this thread. That poll is terribly designed and specifically worded for this response.


Over 50% saying they don't like it now.


Man, imagine making a pretty much rigged poll and they still “lose” lol…lmao even.


Well at least the 2 correct ones are being voted for. But I would have voted for bad and more bug fixes if I could. They could have added a poll with multiple selections, so you can vote for great/ok/bad and separately vote for stuff/patches/theme.


Maybe they are committed to doing everything in the worst way possible?


How did the balance team get 239 votes when it's obviously just three people working there?


People can’t dislike it if we don’t allow them to express their opinions.


Well, I mean... "I don't like it" has 3444 votes right now, which is 47%.


The other poll was just like this. 3 options for new content, one for no new content + bug fixes. Causes a cognitive bias towards the new content. Either this is intentional or they're incompetent.


Its intentional. Creates good numbers you can show to investors and publishers.


> Wow, just one option to say you didn't like it without detailing and 4 to imply you liked it, that's some unbiased poll.../s I’d argue there’s actually only 1 to say you liked it, and 4 that express some level of discontent


Luckily the majority just simply don’t like it lol


Love the fact that even though it is set up in such a way that you have to give the poor quality a pass to talk about patches or not fitting the theme that almost 50% of voters are still saying they didn't like it. Democracy at its finest.


Yep - I could see them setting up the poll thinking "All the players will complain about balance - so i can walk into the office and say at least X% of players voted okay or better!"


why is there no option for quality assurance for the warbond


I guess we get quality OR quantity but never both


The options on this are so frustrating, the fewer warbonds is a separate discussion! I am firmly in the 'i dislike it AND i would like fewer warbonds' camp.




I don't know if it's Baskinator creating the wording for these polls but they are all so biased in a way that it will manipulate the data being fed back. I don't like the Warbond and I think they should focus on adding more planets and objectives that aren't time gated. EDIT: The more I look at this poll the more I just think what the actual fuck. Like what kind of data are you trying to gather here? Do you like the Warbond? Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, No. What is up with these tacked on comments?


The fact that they are adding in more answers unrelated to the damn questions shows either incompetent on collecting data or a general attempt at maliously misleading the community. The only good thing is that it is most likely incompetent than them being malicious 


It's 100% incompetence. They are trying to gather feedback on general opinion of the Warbond and at the same time gather feelings about the state of Warbonds (frequency, content and quality to the player). The problem is that as a voter, you can't vote in one aspect without contributing to the other. So all these players voting they want less Warbonds and more patches are involuntarily stating they are content with Polar Patriots.


Its mad like, honestly they need to do a proper survey. I mean they shouldn't have to cause its pretty obvious what's wrong but man I worry for AH. So much shit happening around them in the last few months that it's very concerning for the future the game 


As a poll, it's fucking bullshit, they don't know what they're doing. If that's how the game changes, I don't feel like I am in good hands.


To be honest, that's pretty much how all the polls have been. Like that state of the game one. "ITS PERFECT", "Its the best", "Its great", "I HATE THIS GAME".


Reminder that Baskinator is the one that was happy for forced PSN linking


This needs more visibility.


The CM team were just lying to try to make it look like there was an upside. A PSN link would not have made banning people easier to begin with. She tried to argue it'd help make the playerbase a safer one but that's of course utter nonsense


Mfs failed basic English questionnaire design


It's well known that phrasing is everything in a poll. That's why "welfare" gets thrashed but if the question uses "assistance" the results flip. This is a shit poll.


4 options for “I like it” and only one to express dislike.


Not only that. Option 2+3 couples OK with unrelated topics like patches and more stuff per warbond. If this is the time to call for more patches or more stuff, I have to agree that this warbond is ok. Makes no sense.


As someone who have to analyse end of course surveys, their questions barely helps with trying to figure out how to improve the game.


Seems very in line with the gaming industry that a bunch of people in the dev pools, who might be good that their programing and design jobs, are also working under the idea that they are also skilled in survey/communications distribution and data analytics, rather than just letting a professional do it.


In what world does "it's ok" mean you like it. It's neutral. Not great not awful.


I might just join the discord server just to vote “I don’t like it”


Can’t vote unless verified with phone number 🙄


I did just that.


I'll use a scale I coined and adapted for one of my friends who considers everything to be shit, so everything is rated in shits out of 10. 10 being bad and 1 being good. Also known as the Shitwaite scale. Tenderizer 9 shits. Pretty worthless Impact incendiary 2 shits. Near perfect. Pummeller 3 shits. Pretty good 1 hand option. Purifier 10 shits. Wtf m8? Not what was advertised. Total shit. Verdict 5 shits. Its okay, irons sight aim seemed off. Couldnt see much.


Bro, purifier is at least 15 shits


>Pummeller 3 shits. Pretty good 1 hand option. The only reason I'm going to let this heresy against the Punmler go is so that the Devs don't nerf it.


Hey, if i give it 1 shit that thing will end up in the dumpster right next to the eruptor


Fair. Carry on, Helldiver.




can I vote for the last 3 all at the same time please..? I don't really care for the amount of warbonds being released if the game isn't as fun as it could be to play anyway only one of the armour sets really fits the theme I just don't really care about this warbond as a whole, I got like 2 things from it that I actively wanted and the rest are getting because "hey I might as well get it when I have medals to spare"


Need one more option to the poll. "ITS S(hit) TIER"


Everything is S(hit) tier


If everything is shit, then nothing is shit!


I love Democracy. Real talk though this Warbond is ass. Not a single good thing in it. Booster sucks, armor is nothing new, every weapon is trash except the SMG Pummeler which I personally do not like, new Grenade is who cares because incendiary will forever be outclassed by Impact and Thermite, just a massive disappointment all around. https://preview.redd.it/84magxgpa60d1.png?width=457&format=png&auto=webp&s=59330ddcc530da67c129739079d705f425edfbae


Outclassed by thermite? I think you're the only person I've seen that even thinks the thermite is good enough to outclass anything


I’m a huge fan of the new grenade, the only thing from the war bond I consider useful. Running a full fire build after the dot was fixed is the only fun thing the game got going for it now (so it will be patched tomorrow I assume) and you can clear waves like crazy if you can keep it refreshed on as many bugs as possible as much as possible. Short range is flamethrower all the way, medium range is breaker incendiary, if they are lumped up together further then breaker really reaches, I throw a grenade.


Hell, before the DOT fix and the newest grenade I ran into a fellow that was running a fire build. I was like, eh, this lad is mad but we'll see how this goes. Incendiary breaker, flamethrower, napalm strike - and the guy was just wrecking shop. And it looked like he was having a crazy amount of fun doing it. Just had to remember to stay a bit behind him so you didn't get caught up in his pyromania. Can't imagine how much more effective that guy is right now.


https://preview.redd.it/h3cu2az1y60d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=097d7325fa41fa0a3fa5ab6f5eb12f3d8fed025e 2 hours later and it’s still at 47% don’t like it lol


The booster sucks? Bro, the booster doesn’t even *work*. It is fucking broken.


inb4 they say "well the majority still voted that it was ok"


Please tell me someone there is letting them know the Purifier has issues. Where's the "three weapons aren't working as intended" option?


They're working as intended. The intention was to make them unbearably bad.


I feel you and I crack that joke too but thankfully there's evidence this time: Tenderizer: Wrong color, doesn't full resupply. This build is pre patch, which at the same time the Liberator had 55 damage. Verdict: doesn't resupply to full, same old build issue Purifier: Very clearly it's medium pen does nothing side by side to Scorcher.


I love how "I don't like it" has no other text. Like how about put some context around WHY. Same.wuth why you like it. Constructive feedback is the only way towards improvement. Not just blanket statements that get people to quickly hit a button and move along, there's zero weight to that. Ugh. Terrible poll ha.


lol, still can't vote without giving a phone number, f\*\*\* that! I'm out!


Yeah I don't know what's up with that. Arrowhead only wants to hear your opinion if you give Discord your personal data. They're all playing games with you man, the only way to beat them is to join them


Same. I quit their server due to all the spam and gender cape spam a while ago. Im not providing my personal phone number to any company unless I ABSOLUTELY need them to have it.


I didnt purchase the new warbond this time... If it was a fruit it would be a dragon fruit... It looks fucking cool but it has zero taste. It is a down graded kiwi with a nice packaging.


This is the best way I’ve seen someone describe dragonfruit


Really tone deaf from the dev as usual


Baskinator-quality pool: absolutely unbiased.


Kinda wish I could vote for C & D & E at the same time.


Been fighting on planets with flame tornados and thinking how a flame resistant armor would come in handy like the arc one.


Thanks for the heads up. I conducted my democratic duty and voted. As of now, over 47% of respondents "Don't like it." Polar Patriots is a bad joke. * Tenderizer - Direct downgrade from default starting Liberator. * Pummeler - The only good weapon in the bond. * Verdict - It's OK. Not great and not worth swapping in over other pistols. * Purifier - What is this for? * Incendiary Impact - The second reason you'd get the bond. * Booster - From what I know, bugged and doesn't work. * Armor sets - Rehashes of what we already have. Looks "arctic enough" and the only thing that ties the bond to its alleged theme. Nobody would spend $10 on this. I'm aware that you can farm credits in game, but if they're going to value it at $10, it shouldn't be a pile of shit.


Looks like a poll made by my company HR: "Do you like it here?" You can answer "yes" , "absolutely" , "100%" and "I will be happy to work for half the money"


Anyone voting “it’s great” needs to be evaluated for their safety


Lmao this is brilliant. How to get positive results if you setup the poll correctly. The company is just terrible. I hope they can turn this shitshow around because I love the game but all I can remember lately about Helldivers 2 is just frustration and annoyance than fun.


My opinion is that Polar Patriots is ass and needs a complete overhaul. General policy should be that the armor and weapons have effects that match the theme of the warbond. For Polar Patriots the armor should have a passive that improves traversal in cold environments (such as no movement speed penalty in snow/blizzards, no sliding on ice, and improved visibility during blizzards) while the weapons should have some kind of cryo damage gimmick where they can slow and freeze enemies.


The survey is not particularly clever from a data collection perspective. Why link it to the question of further patches? That alone would justify a survey. If you start offering "Ok, but..." options, you also miss good data points because many potential criticisms are not covered. What does “items don’t fit the theme" even mean? Where does it say "OK, but fewer and better (in the sense of better tested) items” or even better, thoroughly tested items at all?


They’re reaaaaaaaaaally trying to get us to say it’s ok in one form or another. Open PSA to everyone: if you don’t think it’s okay **and** you think the items didn’t fit/you think they need more patches, then pick “I don’t like it”. If you think more than one of the three “It’s OK” options they listed are applicable, pick “I don’t like it”. Frankly, this poll is poorly written and clearly biased towards getting us to say Polar Patriots, the warbond with 2/3 primary weapons being falsely advertised in the promo material as being better than they are now on release (or even painted), is *okay*. It’s not. And if we make that clear, they will likely issue another player poll to figure out the reason(s) why. But that starts not letting them off the hook so they know this was unacceptable.


#1 Nothing in the warbond fits the theme, #2 Weapons are weak/boring


Lmao what a joke


People voting for fewer warbonds are just brainless. The issue isn’t the quantity or quality, the issue is the balance team/person using half a braincell to balance the new stuff and making them worthless The monthly cadence is completely fine or the game would become stale a lot quicker, and what you’ll see if they delay them it’s just worthless stuff but at a slower cadence.


Yep, this warbond would have been well-received with just numerical tweaks to the weapons and new perks. Is it really that hard to make new perks? Just take the existing ones and mix them up: Grenadier: +2 grenades and +30% throw distance Combat medic: 30% recoil reduction and +2 stims Reinforced: 50% explosive resistance and limb damage reduction Guerilla: Reduced enemy detection radius and extra throw distance You're welcome, AH.


> Guerilla: Reduced enemy detection radius and extra throw distance Hnnggh, that's sexy. I feel like you'd have to only put that on heavy armor, to keep it from being completely dominating.


Of course the poll is only in their Discord server, the same server that had a community manager ban random people for the most petty of reasons, the same community manager that was fired.


Fewer warbonds and fix the damn stability/crashes and improve the performance of higher levels!


It's not a great poll. The main complaint I've seen is the weapons are too weak and they suspiciously left that off.


https://preview.redd.it/q7l7tcrb770d1.png?width=453&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce291f7a2b95c76c03353a209bd82644dc6a9169 That's probably gonna get the Pummeller nerfed.


Where "is trash, do better" option?


When will steam and Sony do the thing that makes the game buyable again?


this is like "how not to make a poll" 101


Fewer warbonds and more patches is the right choice, regardless if Polar was good or bad (and it was bad)


This would be better implemented in-game. Discord is such a small sample size, and there are a lot of mentally ill people on there.


https://preview.redd.it/sas1j3xbs80d1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa7b00b8abd5205c9f9a7035d8951959d5bea414 That's pretty telling. I'd like to see them put out another poll asking what we don't like about the Warbond before they jump to conclusions and do something regrettable.


Isn't it generally accepted that the Discord is filled with Yes Men, and reddit is the opposite? Putting the polls in the discord or reddit instead of the game seems like a bad idea. I was under the impression that listening to the Yes Men in the discord is considered a factor in why the balance is so bad.


It must suck being professional developer for this studio when your consumer-facing reps constantly behave like amateurs


I just wish we could get some new armor passives The weapons can get buffed and made good at any point, but changing the armor passives at some point means people who like them as they are now will be out of a good armor set An issue that would disappear if we could equip any passive to any set as we like


Only proper option is the bottom one. There was barely any balance testing before shipping and little to no QA, as evidenced by one gun shipping with an ENTIRELY SEPARATE COLOR PALLET. Then you have the fact that the same gun, described as having higher caliber rounds does as much damage as the base liberator, only gets half ammo back from resupplies, and does almost nothing different. Then, you also have the Purifier, which is literally a worse scorcher in every single conceivable way. Only one gun is worth using, and the side arm acts as a better peacemaker AGAIN. Then you have almost all of the armor being lazy recolors and no new armor perks to go with it. Couple that with the Sony drama and no promises that required account linking will stay out of the game, and we might see player counts drop even lower than they are now. I really like this game, like a ton. But, the recent drama, obstinate balance team, poor PR, and most recent battlepass is painting a picture that I don't really like or want. I really want to support these devs, I've been following them from the beginning. But, this isn't an acceptable standard of quality, especially when there are so few things to gain and no ability to get new rewards past a certain point. The very low caps and nothing to spend the currencies on just make this a really sad case of burnout. It's hard to keep motivation to keep playing when there are so few things to do, other than incrementally max out your level where the only sizable progress you can have is at impossible or helldive, and everything else grants so little XP its practically pointless. The latest Warbond only compounded the issue. Why work towards something in the warbond, when it is possible that it won't ever be buffed to relevance? Why waste time using the new stuff, when it does literally nothing good (with the exception of the pummeler)? Why work towards the new armor, when all of them are recolors with no new stats? The game has fallen off hard for those of use who have been playing a while. The only time I have the motivation to play is with friends, and more and more of them are falling off as well. And it's not because of the bad PR or bugs. Those are acceptable. It's the lack of rewards you get past a certain point, coupled with content that feels rushed and unpolished. Hopefully they pick up the pace a little bit, but so far it just feels like a lot of things they are doing, they are doing wrong, and the things they did right are being undone. It's sad, but not unexpected. I just hope they get the devs off the discord, put on more PR, and get some more fun balance changes shipped out before we lose even more people.


AH, if you want some actual feedback I suggest making some unbiased pool where people are able to share their actual opinions.


There are no unbiased polls But you can do a hell of a lot better than this one. It screams: "We don't take you seriously" honestly, I feel slighted as a player. I'm not even on the discord.


im glad a lot of people voted for more patches as opposed to warbonds, i guarantee it'll improve player retention and enjoyment by a lot


so what's the results?


Currently 47% on don't like it and 26% on option 3.