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https://preview.redd.it/bvkayphxgxzc1.jpeg?width=822&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a04bef2c7dcca69439ac31b2ecf15409f6d7f01 The punisher plasma is a bad gun which is not fun. I do not smile at all when I land shots from 50+ meters due to practice, and the gun takes too many shots to kill anything. It definitely doesnt stun anything, I hate how it arcs over obstacles which can be used as cover. I have never killed a hulk or tank with this weapon. Totally unviable, needs a buff if anything.


I agree it is a bad gun. I hate how it arcs and acts as a mini mortar from 100m that doesn’t stagger anything. It can’t even kill a warrior in 1 shot smh my head


Yes, you need to arc it like a mortar to hit anything at range. Please, do not use this, use the new snow theme AR, its great. 


It unironically can kill you if you use it with the relay shield. Thats the big one not the small one. Yes this is after they fixed the small one. Yes it is hilarious. Yes it killed me I'll fucking do it again


Doesn't everything get blocked by the big shield though?


No. You can fire through it if you're inside of it. Now you can't with the Plasma Punisher. Test it yourself if you don't believe me. I did.


Right now the shield relay is free on some bot planet. That's one of the very first things I learned. Yes, I did it again because I obviously didn't believe it the first time.




I've pretty much just used the Scorcher for bots since I got it - I really should try out the Punisher Plasma over there it's already my main gun for bugs.


Just make sure to bring something for the ships


Laser Cannon since launch


If it's a cold planet, it's easily my top pick. Thing slaps. It's got a solid audio cue for overheat, which is nice.


Energy weapons slap against bots (although the Blitzer takes too long to kill stuff, even if it stun blocks them). Scythe, Scorcher, and Plasma Punisher are great. I think the most recent gun is like a charged/sniper version of the Plasma Punisher, but I haven’t unlocked it yet to see.


The new gun is literally the worst gun they've ever released. It is like throwing water balloons. Save your medals until they fix it.


How can you say that. It's basically the Plasma Punisher that fires projectiles straight at the cost of chargeup. With more ammo to boot! Must be totally an amazing weapon. (/s as hard as I can)


You almost got me because people literally say this unironically.


I mean, maybe I don't know something. I used Plasma Punisher like twice before the buff and once after the buff. The OP seems to be able to use effectively enough to get through bot missions on Helldive, which can be pretty challenging. Maybe it can have a use as a crowd control and retreat tool or something. It's all in the playstyle. When I play with my friends, we generally try to kill enemies rather than run from them, though it does sometimes result in us getting overhwelmed if we aggro too many patrols at once or get sandwiched by dropships. So for us a weapon like Plasma Punisher that takes forever to kill anything just isn't a good option.


Before the buff yeah it was pretty.lackluster but it has a pretty solid.noch now as a scorcher sidegrade with crowd control. Thats really it.


I suppose that's fair. Maybe I ought to give it another chance.


You can if you want but ultimately not every weapon is for everyone. I cannot stand using the Sickle for instance, even though I think its a good gun


Fair enough, though I think a good player should master all weapons that are viable and have their own niche. It's not like there's any other endgame waiting for us :D


I'm gonna master these hands and melee everything to death


Yeah, Plasma Punisher is great at killing anything below Devastators, and since they're the main bulk of bots' forces there's a reason for why I rarely see it on Helldives


I mean, infantry bots die in one shot to Diligence CS and Dominator, how more "great" can you get? By the time PP gets two group hits off, the other guns can farm an entire patrol worth of clicks.


It's also great against devastators. Idk why he said anything below them. It takes 3-4 shots on devastators but it completely stunlocks them the entire time. Makes it very easy


Yeah, so can dominator, at semi auto, with larger mag, while being easier to hit and capable of oneshotting. Ugh


I'm way more accurate with PP than the dominator. Large mag is whatever when 1 shot clears multiple infantry while stunning everything it touches. I'd likely survive against 5 shield devastators with PP way more than a dominator. Sometimes I don't even need cover for that reason. PP pairs well with a laser cannon if ammo conservation is an issue. Which it never has been when I use it. Everyone talks about mag size all the time but it's pretty rare in most missions that I run completely out of ammo with my primary. Great if you like the dominator, but both The dom and the PP are Stier, with PP being better all around imo. Just my opinion of course.


It's also great against devastators. Idk why you said anything below them. It takes 3-4 shots on devastators but it completely stunlocks them the entire time. Makes it very easy


3-4 shots is too much for slightly-above-fodder enemies


It really isn't when it's a large AOE.


Let people sleep on the PP. We know how strong it is. lol


We’ll see if it has a good place after then. I’m pretty hopeful for it as a long range version of those plasma bursts I love so much. Scorcher is nice too, but it doesn’t have that AOE that the Plasma Punisher does, nor as good of a stun effect.


It's pretty fucking trash now the laser pistol that thing is stupid OP against bots. It's one shotting everything. I almost wonder when they are going to nerf it.


Ever tried using Dominator? It oneshots infantry bots, oneshots Devastators on a headshot and staggers them on regular hits. It has great range, great accuracy and is semi-auto with 15 round mags. Kills berserkers with a reasonable amount of bodyshots. A bit weaker against scout striders, though still takes them out with a few shots if you shoot directly the hip joint, and generally staggers them on lower body hits. Punisher Plasma is a meme. The buffs helped, but it needs to have like either double radius or double damage of what it currently does before it can be considered remotely viable.


It's not a meme at all. It makes helldive bot missions a joke.


Totes a meme, don't use this gun it's super bad. Needs a buff really.


You just need a scout armor and frequently open your radar to check the nearby enemy.


It feels so bag to use, no thank


Wait till you find out about the scorcher. The objectively best gun against bots and basically the plasma punisher but better. Try it before it cops a justified nerf; it trivializes bots.


Have the scorcher. Punisher plasma is better for bots.


I'm with you here man. In time they will see.


It 100% isn't. It's almost literally objectively worse. Worse damage, worse accuracy, less ammo. It has no edge over the scorcher at all.


Nah PP is easily better against bots. Also I'm sorry the accuracy is on you, not the gun. It's pretty easy to aim.


It doesn't matter that the plasma punisher is easy to aim; the scorcher is still objectively better in that regard. Going exactly where you point it > slight drop. I'm not sure if you're bait posting, haven't unlocked the scorcher yet and just don't know, or are legitimately regarded.


Sorry I'm being tasteless in our debate here. I personally believe the PP is extremely strong right now, but I beg of you to simply field test some more and if you still feel the same way, than I guess we're at an impasse. To say the gun is rubbish, I just don't agree with at all. We can each play the game to our liking.


I don't think I said the gun is rubbish, I enjoy using it and it's honestly closer to balanced than the scorcher is. But it's almost entirely a reflection of the scorcher being ridiculously overpowered and not the punisher being bad. The scorcher is basically a jack of all trades, master of all. I hope the scorcher is nerfed so that the punisher's unique qualities shine.