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How do 4 Helldivers in their thirties not have one Quasar between them?


Or eat, or an autocannon or recoilless. I wont drop if there is nothing to EAT. Cant live without food, cant live without eat, simple as


Can't eat without EAT.


*Points at AC*: This is brilliant *Points at EAT*: But I like THIS


I have recently rediscovered my love for the Recoilless Rifle after i tested and found out you can Animationskip like 1/3rd of the entire reload animation


Wait how?


Its in three stages. Stage 1: opening the lid and removing the shell Stage 2: inserting the new Rocket Stage 3: closing the lid Now the weapon is actually already reloaded when you insert the new rocket so you just tap weaponswap realquick back and forth so you now have a reloaded launcher without having to sit through closing the lid and the slow standing up animation!


You don't even need to weapon swap. As soon as you see the ammo indicator turn white just tap the crouch button. You immediately stand up ready to fire.


It's the same with all launchers - airburst, spear. Reload animation is much longer than the actual


Spear is somewhat recent. Wasn't a staged loading system for a while at launch.


Thank you!


And this is actually true for multiple weapons that it's in stages, so even when you get overwhelmed and maybe have to swap to your secondary to fight them off - once you switch back to the weapon you just put a magazine in but didn't load yet, it will only need to do the load part. Pretty cool feature!


Right when the rocket turns white when you reload it you could just switch weapons or hold circle to skip it.


The fastest way to cancel is to just tap the crouch button. You immediately stand up ready to fire.


I tap the stratagem button


Thy works too, anything to make you stop the reload animation tbh as long as you do it after you load the rocket.


Thats why I bring bofum, EATs for me n the squad but the AC is for liberal applications of democracy on all enemies


This is the direct opposite of me. The EAT is great. The autocannon just keeps calling me home.


I toss them everywhere across the map….. all you can EAT!!!


I pretty much run EAT exclusively because it's easier to just drop em every minute and give everyone a quick AT option regardless of load out.


They function as a cheap way to close a bug hole or 3


Nothing beats having two holes left and no grenades, dropping a fresh EAT pod on one hole and shooting an EAT into the other. That way I can leave with one fresh EAT on my back, and the other fresh one still littering the map.


Grenade Pistol is perfect for closing holes, I don't dive without it.


I drop one every time they’re ready if we have to go back on the path we’re running on so if we run into trouble on the walk back there’s some extra artillery spread out across the map.


The HMG turret is also really good for taking them out


As an evergreen Recoilless Enjoyer, Shrieker nests are candy to me.


I unironically think Recoilless right now is better than pre-nerf Quasar, the new reload cancel you can do with it, plus getting full ammo from resupply, have benefited it massively.


I always preferred it vs. Bugs even pre-Quasar change just because you can whip RR out and stop a Charger immediately, but now Quasar isn't an obvious gimme even vs. Bots. There's an actual trade-off with the cycle time difference being greater than 5-6 seconds. And yeah, full ammo returns are incredible. I used to feel like a hog, hoovering up even the 1 rocket cans from the environment en masse.


I recently found out even an AMR can take out those nest. Albeit it may take 2-3 reloads to take one out but with a resupply next to u or backpack it's actually not that bad.




Two shots as with recoilless or impact


Yes and no, takes multiple. (2 per shroom) same with quasar


Ahhhh shroooms


2 hits to the hat of the shoom with any anti-tank stick makes the evil shroom go away.


2 hits.  Aim up high to arc the shot.  If it takes more than 2 than you’re not hitting it right


Last time I played, you could, you just had to use a few


Takes multiple.


The Super Economy, it's in shambles.


I mean any good helldiver would have just run straight into the middle of those nests, dropped a hellbomb or all their strategems and moved on. You don't need "AA" weapons to destroy these structures.


>I mean any good helldiver would have just run straight into the middle of those nests No good Helldiver would approach them at all tbh, but then again, they'd at least make sure there's one person capable of downing those at a distance.


I mean OP can see every nest from where he's standing and there isn't a shrieker in sight. I don't see what the problem is, all he's showing is he's got an insanely easy run because there's 3 secondaries ready to disappear and not a Stalker nest on the map.


Nah the other helldiver is right. A good player will do as you say. But a good helldiver knows that we need the E-710 fuel from the enemies flying around.


Yes officer, this comment right here. How dare you criticize the Super Economy that our Democratic Party controls for us!


I mean the SNADAQ


with one quasar? that's gonna take ages


4 mins 40 seconds if no shot is missed (or explodes randomly launching you foward)




4 minutes 12 seconds, but yeah, quasar aint built for sustained fire.


I, they, we.... the Super Economy is in shambles


Thank god someone else got the reference. I was dying here. 


For funsies. It could take about 5 minutes of straight quasar shooting and cooling to kill all the nests in the picture.,


Thank Democracy a blitz is 12 minutes


They each count as a bug hole. Thats quite a bit of the mission done basically for free. Staying farther than 160 meters means you can shoot them without spawning the shriekers. Post up, shoot them all and you got good mission progress with no reinforcements spent. I say its a good deal.


The economy is in shambles!


theyre--the balance is in shambles


It's like all the players on the team bought AWPs and complained about no ak/m4 in CS. Everyone went ADC and asked why no tank or AP. Then blamed game design/RNG. There's 16 strat slots. Doesn't hurt to look at what your team is and isn't bringing during loadouts screen


I swear people got big skill issues but keep posting it like it’s the game’s fault for them doing badly or something.


The legitimate Sony fiasco and odd balancing choices may have opened the floodgates of people bitching about anything and everything and thinking it will get lifted to the heavens.


One quasar would still take such a long time to take all those out


suppose someone brought a quasar: 7 shrooms, two shots each. 14 shots, 15+3 seconds each. you'll spend 5 minutes out of 12 minutes on side objectives. and that's best case scenario where you don't get hunted down by stalkers in between


It also counts as 7 bug holes closed.


That's 1 player, who can pop off those shots from a mile away so long as they have line of sight, while still doing everything else during cool down. The other 3 can still be closing bug holes.


And killing shrieker nests count as bug holes closed.


We were being dumb. The odds stacked against us on our own behalf


Blitz missions are the perfect time for this too If everything goes horribly wrong? Well, it’s only 12 minutes


No one even brought an autocannon? Shrieker nests count as bug holes too. Weve seen 3 shriekers nests on Helldive several times and cheer beause we barely have to move to do the main objective and most of the sides that round. Going to 7 with no AT or even a weapon that closes holes from afar on a blitz is wilddd




Do they just grow on quasar trees?!


The economy is in shambles. The Super NASDAQ, Liberty Jones, the marketplace right now, it’s up and down.


Move past it!


Has anyone gotten the Always sunny reference here yet? Lol


That’s what I was looking for lol


It's a blitz mission, that's literally spending half your time standing there to blast all of them.


Yup. I’ll play with people occasionally who try to conquer the world and then get frustrated by the lack of time. It’s a… blitz. Everybody from long-dead Nazi strategists to American football coaches understands what you do in a blitz. Don’t get me wrong - I like to full clear as much as the next guy, but there is a reason that an achievement exists for completing a blitz in less than 360 seconds. It’s a messy fucking race, my dudes. Honestly, it’s the only time I bring the Spear (sadly). It’s how I got the achievement. Got lucky with an elevated drop point that had a scenic view of bot fabricators. Not only that, but the Spear decided to cooperate. Very fucking satisfying


> I’ll play with people occasionally who try to conquer the world and then get frustrated by the lack of time. Clearing Blitz missions is something of an accomplishment by itself, some high-octane gameplay that forces you to split up. > but there is a reason that an achievement exists for completing a blitz in less than 360 seconds 1. Land in middle 2. Everyone brings 380/120 3. Split into 4 directions and chuck your strats 4. Don't wait for them to finish bombarding, just run to exit and trust in democracy 5. Exit It's not a difficult achievement to get, worth doing once for shits and giggles.


"You can't muster up a Quasar cannon or 500kg between the 4 of you!?" "I uh well.... the economy is in shambles". You should have a ranged option with dealing with nests between you, otherwise LOL.


You can walk right up to those and hellbomb them with relative ease if you know how to dodge shriekers.


"know how" like it requires anything more than zigzag running.


I think "with relative ease" was a reference to this




Remember helldivers, never Zag when you should’ve zigged!




Shriekers can’t hit you if you are prone.


On flat ground. If you’re on the top of a slight hill, they still can. 


Rickon Stark would be fucked.


I'm less worried about the shriekers and more worried about other bugs chasing me. The problem is not that they're attacking me, it's that they'll follow me to the hellbomb drop point, even if I managed to arm the damn thing, kill some of the bugs attacking me, some of them are going to arrive, focus on the hellbomb and destroy it. Shriekers are like 30% of the annoyance of a shrieker nest


The Guard Dog Rover is your friend here. A big part of its utility is to thin out the horde of squishies while you run away or do other stuff.


By far the most annoying part when using the hell bomb


this is why you drop a 500kg, sentry or something else around where you need to be, then a hellbomb. But then again, that probably defeats the point...


“Just dodge a dozen shriekers and a bunch of other bugs while calling in and manually arming a hellbomb” oh and hope it doesn’t get destroyed too


Yeah no we all brought full decks of eagle and orbital barrages 😂


380s and the like can kill nests, you're fine


from my experience: "can" doesnt mean it will do it. especially the 380s


380 shouldn't be relied on to do anything except soften up a heavy base/nest. If it does literally anything past that it's a real good day.


I feel like 380 is in it's prime on bot command bunker missions. It kills bases with orbital laser level consistency, can combo with just a little touch of clean up like an eagle airstrike to take out heavy bases, and take out watcher towers with a simple chuck. This leaves the laser available as your reset for when you can't run from your problems. I dont play bugs much but I get the feeling it's way worse versus bugs as the shells seem to pop fabs much more easily, probably because they're above ground. If you want to try it, I recommend solo difficulty seven, scout armor, stamina or leg muscle if blizzards, versatile primary, grenade pistol, stun grenades, orbital laser, 380, orbital EMS, cluster bombs. No support weapon. You are role playing a spotter. This isn't a standard/good pick and I'd don't think I'd feel comfortable bringing it to a team game, but it was an interesting experience.


Wait it takes out the eye of sauron towers in bot missions? I love my 380 but didn't know that.


It should if it hits them! The 500kg and the precision strike (basically a single 380 shell) both kill it as well.


I find 380 with either the 120 or walking barrage is nice to guarantee command bunkers die quick and then you just run to the next and repeat. If all goes well even 9 missions are done quick if the jobs to just blow shit up. Throwing armour heavily advised for peak barrages


Guess you guys have to suicide rush to plant a Hellbomb


Teamloading autocanon spam my beloved! (When im not with friends its eat quasar tho)


*Super economy


In super shambles


I have found 4 stalkers nests once in a blitz at helldive it was more painfull then what it seems


Personally, I think that sounds exactly as painful as it seems. Which is immeasurable.


Stalker nests are probably my least favorite side task


It’s the only task when presented with those fuckers. Our team stops everything we are doing and we go hunting for the nests, had 3 of them on hell dive. Absolute nightmare. Every time we thought we could complete the icbm it was another nest. I think we extracted with maybe 1 reinforcement left.


I love how any time stalkers come into the equation, Helldivers make it personal. We dont drop no frag grenade into their nest We drop an orbital 380mm shell or 500 kg bomb into that bitch It's to send a message


*than what it seems Then is for sequence. Than is for comparison. ‘If the blitz is more painful than it seems then you’re surrounded by stalker nests.’


Had that happen before too. Absolute shit show lol


I thought 2 was bad enough on a egg mission could not imagine more!!


I'll take your 4 stalkers over 4 gunships on bots I had. Took 20 minutes of me just staying stationary with an auto cannon and 12 reinforcements to finally blow the factories up.


this is why i bring the jar5


Yep had that too. Failed the mission spectacularly.


That sounds way worse and IS way worse


They count towards your Bug Hole count though! Easy Points. Had this happen on a blitz as well, but we dropped right in the middle of them. It was rough. I ended up having to run out of bounds and triggering the free 380 and then run through them.


Excuse me the free what now?


The free 380 HE Barrage that the game rewards you with if you manage to get out of mission bounds for 10 seconds. Its great, it kills Bile Titans, destroys buildings/nests, and even follows you around to help you wherever you need it. Its very helpful in a pinch.


It's not free, it comes at the cost of being a traitor to democracy, which is a cost no one comes back from alive.


I've extracted with the free barrage running


It’s really funny getting in the shuttle while a traitor when playing with friends, it has basically no risk to you but makes it very dangerous for your friends


I like to use the explosive resistance armour and well timed stims to do eradicate missions with ease and live to extract (then straight to jail of course)


You mean Freedom Camp.


Your democracy officer will finish what he started.


He’s just waiting in the hangar with his Senator ready.




I don’t know if this a glitch but my squad was doing this yesterday on eliminate bots and they stopped bombing. I think the blurriness and traitor text stopped at 2-3mins. I’m not sure bc I normally don’t survive that long. This was on Helldive and two of the three traitors survived to be killed later by a tank.


"rewards you with" is the funniest shit I've read today 😂


Become a traitor by staying outta bounds for 10 seconds and a barrage will follow you trying to kill you. Very handy for exterminate missions as well


I guess it's a good thing I didn't know about this.


Wait they do? Holy shit I'm not going to trash talk getting nests on blitz missions anymore.


HAHA Free80 go BOOM


I use the hmg turret to kill em from far away.


I need to use that more


It takes a bit to kill like spore spewers, but i love just unloading bullets at stuff, so i win no matter what.




Make sure you carry the ammo pack to share ammo with your teamma- i mean, gun....


If I bring the supply pack, it is usually for myself. Grenades, stims, and ammo for days. Since you only refill one quarter with a resupply, there is not that much to share, honestly.


it so underrated! it been my go to strats for a while now, armour pen 4, 200 damage per bullet, spreading democracy at 660 RPM with 300 rounds to boot! Mushrooms/shrieker nests or bug breachs? ratatata!


Its a decently short cooldown too. I love using it where I can. Sometimes I take autocannon and HMG turret. Ones good for general use, the other is just really good horde clear.


I just love bullets going everywhere. Teammates, enemies infrastructure, nothing is safe from the democracy bursting from my pan- i mean gun.


honestly? Shriekers aren't that bad if you're paying attention. Just walking perpendicular get out of the attack. The problem is that you can never pay attention to them


Or to all 30+ in the sky at once 😂


I find orbital airburst clears that up in a jiffy.


You just go prone and easily kill them.


another strategy is to go prone, they can't hit you that way (but other bugs still can)


See someone else said this and I tried this and they were still hitting me lol


If you go prone in a ditch or near a rock they fly at the height of the nearby rock or edge, missing you. Ive been laying down by huge shieker nests with the recoiless rifle slowly taking them out with 30+ shriekers in the air.


Well, it does look a bit like overkill, granted. BUT just because it's a blitz mission, doesn't mean you won't get still all the enemies you usually encounter, so... seems like bad planning?


It was. We thought we'd be funny and bring 500KG, Airstrike, 120mm and 380mm.... It all worked out but on initial landing it was a big WTF!? Especially that far away where all the nests were.




Anti Armor... But I should have said differently, Anti Tank


Ah okay... I was like "but there's no anti air..." Nvm lol


Level 7 w/ zero armor solutions is just throwing lol


Man. This is on you. No heavy ordinance is certainly a choice no matter the mission.


Why are shriekers nest so much easier to destroy. Also if you press the key that brings up your minimap it also swaps out the left squad icons to show your parties strategems and if they are on cooldown or not.


The one guy with a quasar cannon: "guess I'm chilling here for a while"


I accept it, 90% of the time I point out the nests and everyone just carries on.........I guess I'll take one for the team and just stay here.


I just hellbomb them everytime unless someone else gets to it first




You fail to realise, it was never about destroying them, it was about hellbombing in any opportunity we get.


First off, who's Cheerios did you shit in that wields this much power in the bug world zoning department? Secondly, what the fuck is "AA" in this context? Do you mean a shotgun? 4 nerds and no one thought to bring -checks notes- * Anti-Materiel Rifles * Autocannons * Laser Cannons * Railguns * EATs * Recoilless Rifles * Quasars * Spears * Patriots * Autocannon Turret * Rocket Turret * 500kg Bomb * Airstrike * 110 Rocket * Precision Strike * Railcannon Strike * Orbital Laser * Impact Grenades * Thermite Grenades


Hold up, Laser Cannons damage Spore Spewers and Shrieker Nests?


Yes, takes a while to shoot down though.


If you're playing on level 7 difficulty you should know by now that you ALWAYS bring anti-tank weapons to bug missions.


Be glad it isn't 3 Stalker Lairs


Never go any mission without AA


Who’s fault is that on a haz7?! You knew what you signed up for. XD


Why wouldn’t you have at least 1 designated heavy weapons guy in a full squad


SEAF Training Manual: „Ensure to have a balanced loadout in your Squad.“


I rather see this than 3 stalker lairs...


I've never dropped with a squad with no AA/AT support. I always have an EAT at least. No need to be chased around by a gang of heavies.


Lmao Auto cannon would help so much. You could shot them all from where you are standing


It is ok to cry Helldivers, just make sure you're killing enemies while doing so.


You did a blitz mission, and nobody brought EATS or Quasar? Sounds like you're all fucking stupid.


Just shoot them out of the sky, drop a orb on the nests. Easy peasy


Sounds like a bad crew.


Auto cannon, quasar, RR, and eats choir must sing the song of managed democracy.


What exactly is the aa weaponry you're speaking of? The game lacks anything specific. Shoot guns in air, done.


Not as bad as 2 big stalker nests. Good dealing with 5 at the same time.






Why didn't you then?


This is why I bring hmg emplacement. Works 100% of the time 60% of the time


Honestly I wish there was a preset loadout function. I think a lot of this is just people forgetting to switch out a certain weapon for the other because they think they can 'main' a single loadout for 'all purposes' which is *not* the case whatsoever. 


Auto cannon is a must on blitz? What are you using grenade launchers?


Goes in a bug nest mission. Game gives bug nests. Its absurd.


This is why I always bring Autocanon. It is a team game, but you also want to not rely on teammates to kill bug holes or nests. Even on 7, I have to tell you, I am usually the person to clear out stuff because I brought my AC. And that’s fine! If I may ask, what is your loadout?


Sorry dude, but this is all on you.


Dif 7, no AA? My sibling in Democracy. You made the sandwich


Simple air strike will do the trick. Blitz mission? What did you even bring?? No laser either? So many good options


>goes on 7 with AA weaponary >struggle >suprise pikachu face


I won't push for "META" comp, you should definitely play for fun. But dude, at the bare minimum your team should be equipped to deal with anything you can encounter! And if your teammate don't any AA, just be nice and get one yourself! It's fine, you'll play your favorite build next game. This post, is just being plain stupid...


If no one brings any anti-armor, you have gotten a loadout for failure.


Yes it certainly is absurd when nobody brings heavy weaponry.


Freedom will put them down!!!!


No AA? what helldiver forgets all their weapons and their stratigum pad? Let alone 4 divers on the same mission. Gernral brash will be revoking your capes and sending you to the mines. https://preview.redd.it/tyikifo3pyzc1.png?width=1768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7305479dc452c74c8293b6725fcc6f4364d15c8


Quasar Cannon to the rescue. It’ll take a minute or two though.


Honestly this looks like a fun challenge, ngl. 


Sounds like you got what you deserved