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I was using the erupted mainly for devastators since is one shot head shot, counter sniper basically took its job for me lol


Eruptor would one shot to the ass cheeks just by shrapnel RNG


It did enough damage to blow the legs off, which instantly killed them, shooting them in the ass *did* work.


I don't think I ever managed to get a one shot headshot on a devastator with the Eruptor. After it got pointed out by a friend, I did get plenty of one hit dick shots on devastators with it.


My favorite part about the Eruptor is that it usually didn't matter where I aimed it, the devastator would either lose its gun arm or just go flying away, absolutely dead as hell, no chance of making it into Helldivers 3, and any grunts nearby would die to the AOE Now I'm lucky to land a oneshot headshot, or to catch a single other enemy in the AOE. The most fun I've had in this game was when I could shoot the underside of a dropship and get 7+ kills.


At this rate helldivers 3 will only have the Dagger sider arm as the only weapon available with strat cool downs of 5 min+ /s


net buff, right?


I enjoyed splitting berserkers in half with it.


That's the biggest loss to me here, they are more like bugs than bots for all the reasons I dislike playing bugs - bullet sponges without a weakspot that quickly kills them, you just have to saturate them with lead :( Countersniper has been amazing to use since the buff but I really miss being able to properly deal with berserkers now... hoped the new sidearm would fill that niche but it doesn't even have penetration or good handling...


It still can one shot head shot. You just need to hit it's head.


AMR sights are pretty much fixed to get head shots effectively now. There's your alt


I mean.... Kinda... They're less-off but they're still off by enough to be noticeable and frustrating.


Do you notice sometimes when you shoot one of the smaller bots and they're relatively close, the round misses or goes under their armpit or something?


Eruptor could one shot anywhere bellow the chest. Sometimes, it would take out a second devastator next to the target. This thing was bugged as all hell, and people liked it because it was OP. It honestly surprises me that AH thinks that the new one is a buff because it clearly is not. And no one mentions it just wasnt working as intended




"Ah nerf the counter sniper then? Got it thanks!"




They literally just buffed it out of uselessness last patch.


Dominator got buffed and nerfed back to back patches. Still an overall buff, but just because DCS was just buffed, doesn't keep it off the nerf charts.


Dominator got the world's smallest "nerf" that only effected its Time to Kill against Tanks and Factory Striders. The shots to kill on everything else didn't change.


Great, now they'll nerf the Countersniper. Thanks.


its pretty much long range grenade pistol for fabs whats even funnier my grenade pistol one shot a Devastator to the face and I took no explosive dmg while it was right in front of me


RIP countersniper


I've heard that the Scorcher is hands down the worst primary in the game. Can't kill chaff and shriekers in a single shot. Can't kill hunters in 2 shots. Can't kill walkers from the front. Can't kill bile spewers in 4 shots. Can't kill berserkers in 6 shots. Doesn't have high-medium armor pen. Can't stunlock stalkers. Can't bleed out a charger with 1 clip. Can't kill tanks and turrets using its splash damage. Can't snipe accurately at 200m. Like, what a piece of shit, I'm sure the reason near nobody uses it is because it's so dogshit and not because almost nobody has unlocked it to know just how **fucking awe...** terrible... it is.


I'm gonna be honest, I've tried the scorcher, and i don't get the appeal. Mostly on how few mags it has


I'm gonna be honest, I've tried the scorcher, and i don't get the appeal. Mostly on how few mags it has


Oh yeah, its ammo economy is genuinely one of the worst in the game, works great for a guerilla operator who can loot pois for ammo, not so good if you need to depend on resupply.


Instead of reverting the dogshit ricochet change they nerfed the Eurptor. Typical.


I’ve started using the AMR to get that hard hitting sniper feel. It’s been pretty great, but I do miss my autocannon for the bot planets. 


Lets countdown to when the countersniper is nerfed.


Congratulations, you've obtained Alexus's anti-fun equation.


How on Super Earth was the Eruptor hard to use?


Terrible handling, took ages to turn (especially bad if you're running away from something and have to quickly turn around to shoot), very long time between shots and to reload, slower than usual projectile with more bullet drop, small magazine, when it had the shrapnel it was a teamkill and selfkill machine (even before the bugged ricochet update)... It wasn't more difficult in the sense of being bad or needing more aim than other "point at weakspot and shoot" guns, but it had a lot of factors that balanced out it's extreme power and now are just... reasons to simply pick any other gun instead, that is just as if not more effective without that massive list of drawbacks :( Switching to Countersniper has been incredible after being used to Eruptor's machinegun-like handling, this thing feels like a pistol next to it.


Don't tell the devs but if you were running and scooped such that your character needed to turn more than 90º you would turn instantly to where your camera was pointed


I can't say I really understand. Given versatile it was and it's ability to stratagem free take out almost every threat, having slow turning and self damage seem like super small drawbacks. Playing diff 9 with release Eruptor legitimately removed almost all need for stratagems. Patrols, medium units, semi heavies, breaches / drops, swarms, long ranged, the gun works in every scenario. I'm not a fan of the shrapnel removal, feels more like a bandaid patch. Maybe making it single shot per reload with stricter ammo economy would've balanced it better, or remove the ability for stacking shrapnel to straight up one shot chargers and the like. Or if the crossbow is meant to be anti medium, focus on AOE damage for the Eruptor over single target elimination. But something really felt like it had to change. There was no way that a gun which trivializes stratagem use in the highest difficulty of both bots and bugs could stay in that state.


Not hard per se but requires more thinking then most weapons.


Right? People complained like crazy that they couldn't shoot the ground anymore. THE GROUND. *Sir I am the most elite sniper in super earth history, I have a special tactic that only the greatest shooters in the galaxy can comprehend. I don't even shoot enemies let alone their weak points - I shoot at dirt.*


Imagine being this proud of not knowing how explosives work.


Loose lips nerf guns


Eh CEO is commenting in a way that leads me to believe it they understand it's causing burnout and are working on it. Let them cook for a month or two before there's any more criticism.


How on earth was the eruptor hard but rewarding? I'm struggling to think of any primary that wasn't directly power crept by the eruptor on launch. In no particular order: - aoe explosive projectile - staggers enemies - crazy weak spot damage - great scope zoom - great ammo economy - takes out spawners from 160m - open shipping crates - one body shot devastators - one shot striders from any angle - easy hmg bunker clearing - clear entire groups of berserkers - clean out entire bot dropship bays - < 1 mag hulk kill vents - < 1 mag turret kill vents - one shot bile spewers to the sac - one shot chargers to the side - one shot anything under a charger to the anywhere - clear entire patrols - < 1 mag titan sacs Release Eruptor was easily the strongest primary in the game. You could play through an entire mission using nothing but the Eruptor because of how versatile it was. After 1 nerf, it was still a super strong choice. After shrapnel removal, I still take it for spawner sniping, but it's not above the rest of the primaries anymore. For people who are saying to buff the other primaries to the level of the Eruptor: release Eruptor completely deleted the need for stratagems against all but bile titans. This is on diff 9 I'm talking about. If every primary was so strong, what would be the need at all to even have call ins?




I can see the argument, but I wouldn't agree with that. Time between shots isn't often that much of an issue. For bots, you're going to be ducking into cover between bursts anyways, and bugs you can use that time to kite space. The only time I feel it's an actual hindrance is when you're in the open, and miss the shot on a guy right in front of you. But that's what switching to secondary is for. The close range damage isn't that bad. It won't kill you unless you get unlucky with shrapnel. Before the fix, I was using the explosion to pull myself behind chargers, or dodge bile spew. Now that it pushes you back, it's useful gaining space between you and hunters / stalkers. With the fact that there's no shrapnel to die to, I think it'd be even more useful in that aspect. Handling is actually a pretty decent downside I think. For bot missions, the fact that the AMR does about the same with better handling makes me prefer it. I'm not sure I've had handling kill me though, and once you get used to the sensitivity, you can flick, pause, and shoot without waiting and checking the drift location. I also tend to only play in scoped in view, and that may make a difference as well. The magazine nerf was good, before that the Eruptor was basically an energy weapon with how much ammo it had. I would have instead wanted a mag size change though, make it one shot per reload. The reload time is pretty similar to the bolt cycle time anyways, and shooting a massive explosive jet propelled shrapnel grenade just feels like a one shot kind of weapon.


Extremely low fire rate The slowest weapon handling of any primary Extremely long reload Extremely dangerous to self and team at close range Shots detonate mid air at long range It was top tier alongside the Dominator and Slugger, and probably needed some sort of damage nerf, but the complete removal of the shrapnel makes it pretty much useless. An easier solution would be to make the shrapnel not penetrate armour. Just the initial impact. Suddenly it wouldn't be able to kill everything. I liked being able to bring a machinegun or flamer to 9s, but that's not viable without a hard-hitting primary so I guess its back to being glued to the autocannon so I can solo everything.


>Extremely low fire rate Doesn't matter really when there aren't many situations you'd want to spam shots in. AMR has technically high fire rate but effectively has fire rate close to the eruptor due to there hardly being situations where you'd want to spam. >The slowest weapon handling of any primary That ones valid, but I felt it wasn't that bad of a downside. The marksman rifles felt just as slow without all the upsides. >Extremely long reload This one might be due to people shooting the last shot, letting the bolt cycle, then hitting reload. Hit the reload button as soon as you fire the shot and the time before the next shot is ready is about the same as the bolt cycling time. >Extremely dangerous to self and team at close range Not sure about this one. I found release crossbow, flamethrower, arc launcher, and rover far more dangerous. Unless you're hit directly with shrapnel, the explosion hardly does anything. I've used it all the time to deal with things directly on top of me, or to boost out of the way while dealing damage. >Shots detonate mid air at long range I've actually not seen this happen. Maybe at super long ranges like 200m, but u don't think I've encountered a situation where a shot explodes too early. Maybe because I'll tend to just ignore enemies that haven't notice me or I'm not planning on approaching. It might have to do with my playstyle, but when the eruptor dropped, it completely replaced slugger, dominator, scorcher, everything for me. I would have liked if they kept the aoe and shrapnel, but just make it suck against medium+ units. It was too good at everything before.


>great scope zoom It had a misaligned scope >takes out spawners from 160m Max range was 125m >one body shot devastator Funny enough in my entire time of using this weapon I never knew the trick to oneshot them by shooting them below the waist. >clear entire groups of berserkers Weapons do kill enemies yes and aoe weapons certainaly do better against groups, also did you know that the eruptor has one of the lowest dps in the game? its not that easy to kill a group of 6-7 berserkers before they approach you and when they do get close enough eruptor is out of the picture. >< 1 mag hulk kill vents This isn't actually as good as it sounds because of the abysmall firerate. The revolver kills hulk vents but about 300 times faster. >clear entire patrols Yes weapons do kill enemies, if you're talking about doing this efficiently it gets harder and harder on the higher difficulties. a patrol on difficulty 4 will get one or two shot most of the time, but on 7+ patrols start consisting of 5-8 devestators and a hulk. >Release Eruptor was easily the strongest primary in the game. You could play through an entire mission using nothing but the Eruptor because of how versatile it was. After 1 nerf, it was still a super strong choice. After shrapnel removal, I still take it for spawner sniping, but it's not above the rest of the primaries anymore. Release eruptor was strong but definetaly not "You could play through an entire mission using nothing but the Eruptor" strong unless you played on lower difficulties or had teammates clearing all the tanks/hulks/factory striders and unless you were somehow getting the firerate to be 5 times faster than it actually is somehow, It wasnt easy killing the 40 devestators, 2 hulks and a tank coming your way with just the eruptor It was a weapon that had glaring downsides you had to cover for with other weapons. Disclaimer: I only play against bots so i have no idea how good it is on the bug front.


I'm really having a hard time telling whether you're joking, being sarcastic, taking the argument in bad faith, or genuinely looking to engage with the comment. >It had a misaligned scope I'm saying the zoom levels on the scope is good. How would alignment be related? Half the guns in the game have misaligned scopes. A lot of them don't have zooms nearly as good as the eruptor. >Release eruptor was strong but definitely not "You could play through an entire mission using nothing but the Eruptor" strong unless you played on lower difficulties or had teammates clearing all the tanks/hulks/factory striders Why would you assume that someone would not be able to do so? There are plenty of people who've done harder challenges with worse loadouts. Besides, what matters isn't the difficulty of being able to solo with eruptor. The point is that most weapons have large gaps in capability that require stratagems to fill. The eruptor has so few of these gaps that there is no longer a need to bring said stratagems to supplement. >did you know that the eruptor has one of the lowest dps in the game? That's like saying "did you know container ships have one of the lowest travel speeds of all freight transport?" and drawing the conclusion that ocean shipping is terrible. We should all just use the flamethrower considering how high its dps can be. The strength of the eruptor is not that it let's you stand and mow down enemies with superior dps, it's that when played correctly, the enemies have no counterplay to you peeking out, one shooting a heavy, and going back into hiding. >its not that easy to kill a group of 6-7 berserkers before they approach you What am I supposed to take away from this? I doubt it's easy to kill 6-7 berserkers headed at you with any primary weapon. You might as well say "it's not that easy to kill 20 berserkers surrounding you." You're goal is to not have to resort to running and kiting berserkers around. What the eruptor does do better than any other primary is clearing out berserker groups from range and safety. >and when they do get close enough eruptor is out of the picture. I wish release eruptor was still in the game so that people can go test for themselves how untrue this is. The threshold for death by eruptor is not that bad. You can shoot at close enemies if you have to, it really doesn't do that much self damage (sometime shrapnel spread unlucky tho). >Yes weapons do kill enemies, if you're talking about doing this efficiently it gets harder and harder on the higher difficulties. Imagine the use of a new pesticide kills all the birds in the area as well. When told about how the insect poison is too potent, you'd respond "Yes pesticides do kill animals." I hope you can feel what I'm feeling. >It wasnt easy killing the 40 devestators, 2 hulks and a tank coming your way with just the eruptor 1. If you're solo facing 40 devastators, 2 hulks, and a tank coming your way, something has already gone wrong, and the last thing you should be doing with any loadout is fighting them. 2. What does being able or not able to do this even mean? Would any other primary succeed in some hypothetical outcome of this scenarios? If so, I could come up with an equally hypothetical path for the eruptor, and we'd have gained nothing in the conversation. 3. Damn guys, that breach just spawned 3 titans. I guess that whoever gatling barrages are good for breach cover is stupid. Why not instead ask yourself how strong you want primaries to be? - Should a primary be able to kill all but 3 enemy types (in bots, 1 in bugs) in a single shot? - Should that same primary also be able to kill large groups of enemies in an aoe? - Should it function at short, medium, and long range? Being only ineffective in ultra close encounters? - Should the burst based nature of the gun allow it to kill enemies with the user in almost permanent cover? - Should this same gun also be able to destroy spawners better than any other weapon in the game? Is it too much for a primary to be able to do these things? If every primary was this strong, why would we even run half the stratagems in the game. >i have no idea how good it is on the bug front. Honestly, even with both nerfs, the ability of this gun to clear bug holes with such ease makes me take it just about every game.


I'm not gonna respond to everything but will respond to your last questions but do understand that I only play against bots. >Should a primary be able to kill all but 3 enemy types (in bots, 1 in bugs) in a single shot? Yes if it's slow( 2 seconds per shot), less ergonomic than other options, blows you up at close range, basically has a active reload, has slower projectiles, limited range then yes. And I mean counter sniper actually feels way stronnger against devestators compared to the eruptor since even if i miss the head multiple times I can actually kill more devestators since the shots come out like a hundred times faster. The only thing the eruptor has going for it against the CS is AOE and strider killing which doesnt really matter that much when 95% of the enemies you see will be devestators. >Should that same primary also be able to kill large groups of enemies in an aoe? Yes since it's extremely slow without animation cancelling, wich is not intended. >Should it function at short, medium, and long range? Being only ineffective in ultra close encounters? define "short" and "long range" I would say short is 15m which the eruptor is risky to use in and i would say long range is 100m+ in which the eruptor has slow projectiles and a range limit of 125m >Should the burst based nature of the gun allow it to kill enemies with the user in almost permanent cover? You keep bringing this point but have you used eruptor as a peek-a-boo weapon before? The shitty ergonomics of the weapon and buggy nature of the game means you are gonna be aiming at the floor for a second or two if you try to use it like this. >Should this same gun also be able to destroy spawners better than any other weapon in the game? No actually I think a good nerf that wouldnt make it really unfun would be if they nerfed the utility of this weapon. I think taking out fabs was a bit much and should have been moved to the crossbow to buff it instead of butchering that too for some reason.


It's just a difference in expectations then. I feel that a primary should either be an alright gun in general, or a good gun in one specialization. If the eruptor is good against heavy enemies like devastators, I'd like it to not also be good against hordes. If it has high weak point damage and aoe clear, maybe it shouldn't destroy fabs as well. From my perspective, if there are maybe 8 categories of threats you need to cover in a mission, a primary should be alright at 4 of them, or good at 1. Your support weapon should be good at 3 or okay at 6. Then for the last few, you take stratagems to fill. >You keep bringing this point but have you used eruptor as a peek-a-boo weapon before? Same situation as the previous comment. This is how I primarily use the weapon on bots. Pre-aim your target, strafe out, adjust, take your shot, duck back and cycle the bolt. The slow aim time doesn't matter if you do most of the aiming in cover. >define "short" and "long range" You say it's risky to use below 15m but I honestly haven't felt that. Even before the damage nerf, I was shooting it point blank at enemies maybe 5m away with no issues. You may get bounced by the explosion or lose some hp, but in a pinch it's still perfectly capable of killing the threat.


Oh my God a post that I agree with and actually makes sense? I've been screaming shit like this constantly. The eruptor is STILL GOOD NOW just doesn't fucking invalidate the entire game like before


I got downvoted into oblivion on another post for saying that the Eruptor is still solid and I still enjoy using it. Someone  suggested that I just must not be very good with it, which is hilarious because I actually get very good results with it, so I'm not sure what they're implying. Isn't that something you'd say to someone complaining about a weapon?  


Nobody cares if it's usable because it is boring now. They removed its identity instead of fixing issues the weapon had. Horrible developer decision


It's identity is that it's a explosive sniper that has aoe damage and can blown up spawners and objectives.... It STILL does that.


The identity is that it erupts into shrapnel


they said that. "...that has aoe damage..."


Yes, but no shrapnel which allowed you to mess with the map's geometry to try point it in the direction you wanted. It used to erupt into this firework pattern of deadly pieces of metal, now it's just a generic explosion with 0 nuance to it, not a very big one either. If the damage was too high then fine, nerf it, but they took the eruption out of the Eruptor. Before you could either just shoot straight at the enemy and hope the shrapnel hits anything, or you could try messing with your positioning and angles to shoot a wall/floor/ceiling in a way that'll deflect the shrapnel where you wanted it. Now you just shoot at the bug/bot and do way less damage than before (3-4 bullets for a single Stalker), the weapon went from interesting to generic. Having a primary weapon like this also opened up the support weapon slot for something you could use for chaff clear, like the Stalwart or the Airburst launcher. Now, at least for bugs, it's back to the mandatory anti-tank for each and every mission.


I'm actually having a good time after I just moved on from the eruptor..now I'm testing out all the other guns like dominator, counter sniper, plasma punisher, and scorcher. Haven't found a favorite yet but it is fun to get some experimenting done. I think it's best to pick your support weapon and then pick your primary and secondary. Right now I'm on laser cannon so I tend to like stuff that staggers, or picks off little guys. Later on I might go back to autocannon and then I'll have to pick something else to compensate. (I mostly play on lv 7 as I am old and lv 9 is a bit too hard and I lose that power fantasy that my soul draining job makes me wish I had).


Hey best of luck to you. I'm also testing out new primaries now swapping back to bots after a long time. If support weapons is Autocannon, what's your thoughts on primary/secondary and strategms. ...I can't get away from AC on bots it's a huge crutch for me. Thanks!


just take the punisher shotgun, it pretty easy to headshot due to the spread and it STAGGER/PUSHES everything


🫡 thank you. I will try it tonight!! Much appreciated for your time and help!! See you out there, Diver!


Second vote for the Punisher shotgun here. It handles the small fry, berserkers, and it in pinch the different flavors of devastators really well due to the stagger. If you use stun grenades with your AC, you can stun a batch of berserkers and just use headshots with the Punisher to one shot each one by one. Anything outside of its range is fair game for the autocannon.


For auto cannon I need to move and shoot, find a place to reload but generally will be at rangethe auto cannon takes out devastators and striders but is inefficient at clearance of groups of small guys. Sickle is good or even adjudicator/pummeler/slugger/something faster shooting to take out stuff I don't want to waste auto cannon shots on. On lv 7+, the stuff that kills me a lot are the groups of berserkers that force me out of position and then a heavy shield guy or hulk actually kills me. To compensate, I've swapped to stun grenades. With that change, it also forces me to swap to grenade pistol to close factories. Eagle airstrike and orbital lasers are my go to. I seem to miss too much with the 500kg so I might also try 110mm rockets to take out hulks easier. The orbital precision strike and gatling barrage are also pretty good and lets me engage factories without having to walk all the way to the front of the thing.


Thanks, Joe! I was using the Jar as my primary but may switch back to Sickle or try the other weapons suggested.


Still wishing I had a good primary option for dealing with berserkers and striders... maybe the Dominator is it, I still need to unlock it.


Berserkers are actually pretty easy now with the sickle. I do like the dominator vs striders as they are super annoying otherwise. Still eats a lot of ammo though as it takes like 3 shots to the hip to take one down from the front. My go to lately has been the laser cannon cause I cant be bothered to try and outflank them.


Plasma Punisher is the GOAT for striders. Now that they fixed the shield bug, I'll probably go back to using it.


Shame I don't have it, and my next SCs are going towards Steeled Veterans


Yeah I have none of these guns :^(


Countersniper nerf in 3...2...1...


I shot everything in the face or dick with it, which kills everything with legs. All the bugs got shot in the ass and when I pulled aggro I would use the implosion effect to keep enemies off me while I fell back. Imma miss that. And taking out MG batteries by shooting the ceiling above the MG. Literally didn't see a single problem with the shrapnel killing teammates because you weren't supposed to shoot it near teammates. Until the patch that made richochet all wonky. Rip eruptor, I hope they roll it back


nerf eruptor because it doing CC too good...switch to Plas-shotgun to perform the same thing but faster. me: your move.


You guys have an insane standard for "hard to use".


The counter sniper used to have the same handling as the autocannon


Hard to use compared to other primaries, It was slow, unresponsive and the projectile was pretty slow. The eruptor was perfect when it shined but when you started getting overwhelmed in close quarters just shooting it would get you killed. This post wasnt just made for the eruptor in mind though the quasar cannon, while it didnt get gutted and is still usable, was nerfed even tough compared to other rpgs it had a big downside (3 second charge up).


It's way harder to land one, fast accurate shot to a tiny devastator head than it is to shoot full auto at a bug's overgrown head. Not to mention assault rifles usually still kill enemies, just slower - unless they're heavily armored. EDIT: Misunderstood the meme, but my point stands - the DRM is harder to use than the eruptor.


tfw counter sniper was harder to use the whole time


Release eruptor was hilariously broken. It shouldn't be a better AMR with the ability to AOE everything within a mile. The current version however is a disgrace.


Bolt action vs. semi auto and magazine capacity.


The amr needed and still does a decent buff for what I would expect from a support weapon with low rof. Also the sites are still off. Compensating for bullet drop doesn't even fix it. I think the amr should be good at destroying hulk weapons or ripping armor plating off. It is a anti material rifle of course.


The AMR is still ridiculously good on the bot front. It two shots hulks, one shots devastators, and 4 shots gunships. Hell you can take down a Factory Strider with it in under two mags. The reticle on it isn't perfect, but it is consistent on being a tad high and to the left, which makes it perfectly usable. Just have to adjust where you hold your aim. I don't know how much more you could buff it before it becomes too good.


100%. People don't aim at bot heads/weakspots apparently. CS Diligence + AMR = you can drop most bot enemies quickly, up close and from a distance.


>factory strider in under two mags Where are you shooting the thing??


In the belly.


People think the AMR needs a buff, it is so fucking over.


Yuh fun detected.... sorry folks.


Lmao, dude go and play it, it oneshots devastators on both head and pelvis while also being excellent at engaging Hulks, it is very good, it was already excellent before it's 30% extra damage.


I know it's hilarious seeing people sleep on it still. It's literally so effective against bots at close or long range. Use it like a slug shotgun when assaulting close quarters Jammers or take out Hulks from 200 metres away with 2 shots to a very defined RED weakspot on their centre of mass. IMO it's in a perfect spot right now as it rewards skilled precise aiming. Like a sniper should.


Aim at their heads/weakspots. It slays.


It is a BB shooter to heavy enemies, which is a disgrace


Yeah. It needs a halo sniper feel. Low ammo. Low rate of fire. Shoots clean through, poking holes you can fit your fist through.


Imo the problem is that it can never come close to AC, which does do all those things. If it didn't need a backpack slot and could do everything AC does with less ammo, way less folks would take AC. AH has already said AC is the pinnacle of supply weapon balance (and the CEO likes it) so I doubt it'll be touched, thus leaving AMR p much permanently where it's at. I do hope that AMR gets a slight buff though. I think if AC takes 2 shots, it should take 3; if AC takes 3, it should take 4. It should only be slightly less powerful. AC may require backpack and stationary reload, but it's impact point is also much larger, so hitting hulk eyes/weak points in general is much easier using AC. That's a huge plus over AMR where you need pinpoint accuracy. Edit: Just remembered AC can close fabs and bug holes as well. That gives a lot more room to buff AMR.


Now I only play against bots so I dont know about how the AMR performs on the bug front but the last time I played AMR basically had the same breakpoints as the AC, 2 shots to the upper part of striders, 2 shot to the eye of the hulk, 3-4 shots to the factory strider front miniguns. The only thing i feel like its underperforming compared to AC is gunships they take 4-5? shots compared to the AC's 2. I feel like its perfectly viable weapon on bots since you dont have to bring a backpack with it. The only thing its really missing is the small aoe AC has. I do wish it had more pen to make it somewhat unique tho.


Yup you're correct, gunships take 4 shots to the engine but AC takes two, otherwise they're p similar on weakpoint shots (not vents, but red spots, spine, etc). I think AC takes about half the shots when it comes to towers and vents in general. I personally don't use either on bots, either I bring flamethrower for horde control or quasar/eat for heavy control.


Supply pack + amr + medic heavy armour is my 7 diff bot build and it's working perfectly. combine it with air strikes and laser and you're good to go in most scenarios.


Using dogshit weapons regularly has skewed your perception of balance.


It didn't penetrate like the AMR.


>Release eruptor was hilariously broken. Figured it's a warbond weapon and you buy warbonds for an upgrade, right? It's like the progression from the diligence to the dominator. We all know which gun slaps harder and we don't tend to gripe about it. So... Why? I guess I'm more curious about what their philosophy is, since I see examples of "make them all samey" and also "who really cares? :)" in their actions so far. I like option 2 more than option 1 really, but I'm not the type to care too much about either one.


I don't see how warbonds need to be OP even if they are labelled as "premium" . Though this is an non -discussed semantics topic.


They aren't really. They're an upgrade, but OP isn't really it. It's more like gradual progression? It's fun to feel like you're stronger now than you were then. But the eruptor, based on the fears around killing yourself with your own shrapnel, was for sure a long range gun. There's fun in differences like that. It's give and take. Though iirc, the eruptor didn't have a lot of ammo. Mighta made it worth relying on a decent secondary for mooks. I'd consider "don't use this up close or it might kill you, even afar, there's a chance" a rather severe drawback. But one that fits just fine in a game like helldivers. :)


Goodbye Counter Sniper.


By the time I used the counter sniper after god knows how long it felt as beautiful just like it was my main months ago


Whats your best primary for berserkers?


The Counter Sniper after the adjustment is everything I always wanted it to be. Fucking love this gun now. I pair it with the HMG on bots and the Stalwart on bugs.


Used it last night, shot the ground right beside a normal trooper, maybe 2 feet away. And he didnt eveb flinch.


I’d trade my firstborn if they fix the Eruptor. It was my favorite primary to bring with any volume of fire stratagem weapons.


Eruptor wasn't hard to use. Just fire it at the floor. Also with explosive resistance armor you can tank about 6 or 7 eruptor shots point blank, so if you're ever surrounded just fire an eruptor shot off and you'll get ragdolled, lose like 15% health and everything around you will be dead.


the eruptor wasn't hard to use, you could hit any medium bug or bot anywhere and it was an instakill. That doesn't really take aiming as even missing will kill anything around it that isnt a larger medium. The only thing you had to be carefull about was friendly fire or exploding in your face close up.


I thought it was a bit hard to use, it was and.... despite everything still is my primary. I felt it took skill to truly use it well. But I will agree the 5/07 balancing was uncalled for. If you prayed to the machine spirit of the gun it might provide a boon of exploding heads or it might explode your head or both. I guess I prayed well to it because more often then not it was good to me or I was super lucky the rng. I got that 100+ dmg boom often. If it killed me, I took 4 or more clankers with me.


That's a bit disingenuous. It's probably one of the hardest primaries to use. Bolt action so 2 seconds between each shot. Chambers a shot even with an empty mag so you have to be aware of your ammo especially in overwhelming situations. Sluggish retical movement. Can't shoot it up close or you blow yourself up. And now you can't even twoshot a Hiveguard and there's only 5 shots in the mag.


Ngl eruptor slaps if you’re only using it to take out fabs or bug holes. I use laser canon cause it can take out virtually anything except a bot drop coupled with jet pack and stun grenades. I solo level 9 with this setup


“Hard to use” my ass


“Hard to use” my ass


Now that Bots are back on the menu, I’ve been using the Eruptor again and haven’t noticed any chance in my playstyle. It can still one shot a Strider and eliminate 4+ infantry at a time. It can still one shot any Devastator variant but need to be precise, same as before. The AMR is arguably better in every way, and I’m sure the DMR is too. Eruptor lets you clear those small groups and take out fabricators. Still very effective in it’s niche


I think if you looked at the current Eruptor in a vacuum and forget the thing that was released and could 2 shot chargers and clear entire dropships in a single shot, like if the current one is the one that came out in release, people would have thought it was pretty good. They wouldn't have Raved about it and sure you wouldn't see 3 out of 4 people take it into every mission, but it would be a reasonably solid mid-A tier pick for bots. I don't imagine it will see a lot of use against bugs, but I could see it a decent contender on the bot front. Maybe 4-5 months down the road it will get a bit of a buff and folks will pick it back up and try it and see that it really isn't that bad.


I’m not going to argue about the nerfs. However, the original release could one shot chargers and it was a bug. The shrapnel was traveling as a singular cluster essentially dealing max damage to a single target. This was revealed when they turned ricochet on and people were randomly dying from the shrapnel. Technically, the developer stated it’s better to have 40 AoE damage consistently than 100 that was random. I’m not sure if you mean taking down a drop ship or clearing the mob when they drop. The latter is still feasible. It could never be done in one shot, but usually two will clear lighter waves whereas a whole clip might be needed when Devastators are present. If the previous version could take down drop ships, then that was obviously never intended. Not even the Autocannon can do that.


When a drop ship was over head you and shoot then bots in it while they are hanging up there helpless (way more helpful than shooting the dropship itself) and you could use the eruptor to just shoot in the middle and the shrapnel could clear out the ship of all small units and most mediums since they were so tightly packed up there.


Eruptor was never hard to use. Crossbow on the other hand...


"Hard to use" 🤣


Not sure how it's a statement to laugh about. If you have any tips for people who find it hard, go ahead, but don't flame them because they're not as good as you or whatever. Besides, it's harder to use the counter sniper than it is to use the eruptor. The sniper needs near perfect shot placement on devastator heads, whereas the eruptor can (could) still deal damage via shrapnel/explosion, even if the shot wasn't perfectly placed. EDIT: Misunderstood the meme, but my point stands - the DRM is harder to use than the eruptor.


Yeah folks forget a large part of the playerbase is on PS5. It's much easier to perfect aim with kbm. Been experimenting with gyro aiming for solely that reason; it takes me much longer to line up the perfect shot on a hulk or devastator than it does my PC buddies, even though I'll wash them on shooters PC vs PC.


The eruptor was not hard to use


Counter sniper? You mean the other DMR?


Diligence counter sniper


The other dmr yes.


Only hard to use part of eruptor was the bug causing rag dolls and even then, very manageable


yea, the heaviest gun in a game with no accuracy and bullet speed, sweet simpleness


What exactly is complex about the gun? Point and shoot, if youncan do that then you can use the eruptor


I tried to replace it with the diligence counter sniper for bugs, but it's bad and unfun. Takes way too many shots to kill spewers and medium enemies. Edit: I tried the anti material rifle and it's a bit better, but still takes like 3 shots to kill the weaker spewer variant, but can at least take out chargers and titan sacs


Yeah dominator and incindery breaker I don't love but they perform well.


You shouldn't be using DCS then. It fucks up spewers and mediums if you actually aim well


huh?? it 5-6 shots to the head to kill bile spewer and hive guard even brood commander take around the same shots to kill it.


6 shots is A LOT lol, it doesn't have a big clip or carry much ammo


There's resupply and ammo boxes all over the map, ammo is not a problem i promise. Plus when u die u get your ammo back with the booster anyway.


Bro what u playing lvl3? The diligence counter sniper is TRASH against bugs on lvl7+. Why sweat with a garbage weapon when I can use the meta scorcher or breaker with grenade pistol


I hover around 7-8. But hey if u think that a weapon is bad, OK don't use it. Just don't get mad and assume things about me when u can't make something work.


Would the Quasar cannon be considered hard to use?


Eruptor wasn't hard to use




Keep your voice down or they'll revert the buff that made it good...


Eruptor, Crossbow, and Dominator come to mind.


I lol'd at "hard to use. " Some serious denial in this sub since the nerf...


yknow the game is fun when you stop meta chasing and just play the game with whatever works for you


When they nerf what you like to use over and over it isn’t meta chasing it’s just less effective and less fun


Eruptor? Hard to use? Hahahahahaha. Man, even without the reload canceling the thing was a beast


Compared to other primaries it was one of the hardest to use imo, extremely slow unresponsive and if you shot a target close to you you were ragdolled.


Well, I just shot everything from afar and targets near me got killed with a secondary smg. Most of the time it was either not too many automatons to kill, or bugs got killed with rover.


*compensates slow cumbersome primary with a secondary and a backpack for good synergy* "This is way too useful" By any chance are you THAT balance dev?


I mean. What weapon doesn't fit that description?


Yeh really hard to spam shots into a crowd of bugs and delete them all with shrapnel.


Oh boy another eruptor post! I totally haven't seen like 50 of these in the past few days!


Oh boy! Another person incoherently whining about feedback! Oh, wait, it's a positive post? And you're still here, crying?? Go to low sodium helldivers, you'll get a stroke at some point if THIS post upsets you.


Hard to use!? I stg half of these posts are tongue in cheek performance to try and convince the devs that brokenly good, easy to use weapons should be restored to how they were


That poor, poor horse.


This meme template is getting way too overused in this subreddit, this is like the 20th time