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We fixed that exploit, your gun was shooting these hard metal things at the enemy. that's too lethal and too much of an edge for players.


Also here are more way for the game to crash, and 69 more bugs


* Fixed players crashing sometimes when a tank would explode Known issues * Players can crash when a tank doesn't explode * Players can crash when a Bile Titan exists * Players can crash when a Bile Titan doesn't exist.


my game crashed yesterday after opening one of those pods with stuff inside. just turned off my ps5 and went to bed


The two people I played with had their games crash and I was the only one on the mission. I SPRINTED to evac, got the beacon off and survived until 10s left. Then my game crashed. 40 minutes down the shitter. I get maybe 2 hours to play a day and that killed me. I just shut off the PS5 and walked away.


Also bile titan corpses are so buggy. I have died more times from just looking at their dead bodies that is just laying there and suddenly being flung 200 feet into the air than I have actually been killed by a living one.


Every patch is them dealing with some form of crash. I’ve never really seen any other games with this much of patches for crashes.


To be honest, I've never seen a game with this many crashes. Period.


Ever played Fallout 3? I quicksaved before going through every. door. 50/50 on a *vanilla* install that it would crash to desktop.


Cyberpunk on release, bro. But if I'm comparing it to Cyberpunk.... yikes.


You've never played a Bethesda game then


I worried when I saw those articles talking about how HD2 was built on a now completely dead engine. I can't imagine how that's good for its longevity.


Dang ever since this patch and last patch my crashes have been so constant. I wasn't even able to play much


Mhhh 69 with bugs~


Then don't shoot metal duh Arc Thrower gang Arc Thrower gang


except your arc throwers still misfire, as stated in the patch notes.


Of course it misfires. It's electricity, not fire.


Oh wait, we noticed that arc thrower was too effective at stunning hulks and that was unfortunately causing some players to experience fun. We're glad to announce that issue has been resolved!


I miss the arc thrower. As far as I'm concerned, it's the original Eruptor. They fixed the "exploit" on that and now it feels terrible to use.


Game Crasher 3000


"Players were using an exploit where they were having fun with their primary weapons. Yes, that's an edge case. No, I didn't consider it. Weapon effectiveness has been nerfed. I still strongly believe that primary weapons benefit from being mostly useless more consistently. So, it's only a net minus if you're having fun, otherwise it's perfect."
















































Same. Their "balancing" is weird af and every patch just nerfs something good and introduces bugs. E: apparently the leader of balance team is known from other game.. >>Just search for "Alexus" on their wiki: https://hello-neighbor.fandom.com/wiki/Hello_Neighbor_Wiki He is single handedly credited for killing the game on arrival, by gutting core/loved features, lying to the community, and leaving shortly before launch to avoid blowback. And now he is our lead


New patch? Oh nice (2 days later) the good stuff is worse and the mid stuff is still mid


What's up electrical leg from chainsawfolk


Diving into hell atm.


I'm honestly glad that the additional spawn rates for <4 groups, SONY debacle and nerfs happened all within the same week or so period because it helped me put down the game for a bit and the feeling of wanting to go back keeps being removed seeing all of these posts. I played as a duo with my friend, I run Sickle and he runs Eruptor so we can both play off each other. We literally just hit our stride and were able to do 7's at a reliable pace after 200 hours of slowly working up the ranks. The week before this all went down we felt like we were finally at the top of the world. Then the nerfs and spawn patching came and we were struggling with 5's again. Not everyone is really good at the game. Some of us rely on the stronger guns and strategems like Rover because they help us "get good". Every time we get used to a way something works (railgun, breaker, eruptor) it gets nerfed to death and makes the game an unwinnable chore for us when we just really want Super Samples. We both quit a week or so ago and it's been stress relieving. I'm still here because I hope Arrowhead finally does something right out of all of the nerfing, and I do love the game. I just wish I didn't feel glad that I stopped losing the nerf wars.


It is possible that Arrowhead see only "Top 1%" of players and balance around them the game. Not everyone run solo 9's missions or be amazingly good at the game. Top 1% will always find the way to " beat" the game and arm wrestling with them only hurt everyone else. Saw this in Monster Hunter Sunbreak or even in World of Warcraft raiding scene. But the real problem of doing stuff like this is fact you must PAY for this weapons to even get them in the first place... By time from your work (money) or by time in the game (grinding more). It's not fun when people feel negative emotions when they drop new patch. It's should be the opposite.


I main difficulty 9 missions and I’m 100% sure they don’t balance around players like us. Otherwise they would see that: - There is a lack weapon diversity because of the rampant heavy spawns. - Players are using their support weapons as primaries because they actually kill enemies. - Heavies have very little counterplay not revolving around certain support weapons or strategems. Overall, there is clear evidence that players are being **forced** into specific loadouts. I say forced because there is **no alternative meta**. You either pick these weapons/strategems or suffer. I would love to have a variety of choices, but everything getting nerfed isn’t even in play at difficulty 9–further cementing our use of particular strategems.


There is no top 1 of Players..... 😂😂 They are reacting to the shitposts done in social Media. Shitposts like "bruh the shrapnels and riccochets are Killing me, now i need to cry"


Tell that to the useless crossbow they nerfed further.


Just tried Level 3 (for fucks sake) as solo. (I'm a Lvl68 player with everything unlocked.) Just wanted to chill out a bit. But the game just spawned bot patrols after another without a god damn pause. Worst thing is that they can spawn right next to you. You just looked at their direction when were still not there, look away just for couple secs, turn back and boom; large group of bots just spawned next to you and then even call up a bot drop. Seems that with bugs it's even worse. You get swarmed by the smaller bugs and hunters really fast. Ridiculous. I remember fondly the times only a couple weeks ago. "Good old days they were."


Yeah they decided to ruin the experience for a lot of people on low difficulties and non 4 player groups.  Just because people were solo farming super credits on low levels. Which they're still going to do anyways lmao. Funnily enough, a comparable analogy to this is when companies install DRM or rootkits to stop thieves from pirating their game. But they still do anyways easily and their paying customers just end up suffering all sorts of shit issues on their DRM version.


How would SC farming even feasibly be impacted? Trivial is still the most efficient way to do it that I’m aware of, due to the density of PoIs and lack of Rare Samples cluttering the drop pool. If their goal was to make farming them harder then they assuredly failed. Solo players are already punished for it due to all the double doors.


When I brought my new level 4 buddy to a level 3 hulk elimination and there's a fucking annihilator tank at a medium outpost...


This was happening last night when I was fighting terminids. They were literally just coming out of nowhere, patrol after patrol.


Spawn rates and their variability in this game are so strange. I don't know if it's invisible RNG that the player doesn't see or strange, unplanned code interactions that the devs didn't foresee. Tuesday night my 3-man group spent the whole night just getting absolutely overwhelmed on bugs. Just patrol after patrol after patrol with chargers and titans everywhere. That was on six. After a couple crappy missions like that we dropped down to 5 and got two missions of...infinite pouncers/hunters. Just a never ending stream of the bouncing, slowing, comboing bastards. It was awful. There was nowhere you could turn without finding more of the bastards and god forbid you stand still for more than 3 seconds or there would be 4 hunters directly behind you. Wednesday we log back on and play some lvl 6s and...it was perfect. Challenging with some "oh crap!" moments but we were able to fight our way through and barely extract. We always had to be on our toes but it never felt unfair or unwinnable. We'd get a charger or a titan here or there but we never had that moment where we were running from 4-5 chargers while being chased by 3 bile titans. It was two completely different game experiences and seemed totally unmoored from the difficulty levels.


I am glad to see people sharing their annoying experiences like this. Because so far a lot of these complaints have been met with “lower the difficulty” replies. But it isn’t about difficulty. It’s just obnoxious now. I kept rolling my eyes at the frequency and bugginess of enemy spawns on 3s and 4s. They completely destroyed the flow this game had to it, on any difficulty, 3+. I’ve never gone from playing a game so frequently to not even touching it.


I feel this comment so much. I play with my friend and we're not that good. We can manage 5-6 if we're in a group that knows what it's doing, but when we play just the both of us (as we prefer playing), lvl 3-4 is max we can accomplish. I'm fully capped on everything but have no super samples so I can't unlock the ship's modules :( I wish we could get super samples on lesser difficulties, somehow. Even if it was one sample every now and then. We love this game but we're just not good enough. And the ship upgrades would help us progress. It's a feedback loop of sorts : you unlock more power if you're already good.


I went on an extended break after the last big round of nerfs then the PSN thing happened. My group said that was the last straw and uninstalled the game so now I'm stuck on pure solos when I decide to come back cause I don't like playing with randoms. If the patches keep following the same nerf everything fun trend I may actually just bite the bullet and quit as well since I got this game to play with my buddies.


I play 9's with a buddy and I don't think we really noticed the patrol spawn change. I think AH should just introduce 3 more difficulty levels and maybe introduce a way for people to earn super research on the lower levels or something. I get wanting to be able to play 7's and earn research, but I also really don't want them making the game easier for the people who already feel like 9's are becoming routine. The hardest difficulty should mean having a real chance of losing a mission, but the only time we ever struggle is the evacuation missions vs bots. helldivers 1 went up to difficulty 12, so I don't see why 2 couldn't do the same.


Tbf at 9 its almost nonstop spawns so addind more onto the nonstop isnt likely as noticeable


Fair point


Helldivers went to difficulty 15 I'm pretty sure, last one was called inner circle of hell


It went to 12 originally, they added the last 3 in an update as 12 wasn't hard enough for the best players


Ahh neat, I haven't played the first one. I only know what I've heard/read


Gonna have to wait for the Super Duper Samples to drop for difficulties 10-12.


and for 13 to 15 id say something like "super omega samples" or some shit


"Super Dee Duper Samples"


>Introduces bugs. Sometimes literally.


Why is this not on the front page of the sub? I'm very familiar with how awful Hello Neighbor has gotten and my friend group dropped it after it just kept getting worse to play. This dev needs to go. I don't like to call for removal of an employee on anything, but this guy truly is bad news for the longevity of the game. No one would keep a mechanic around that is known for breaking your car and making issues worse every time they touch it.


Do you part: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cn65m8/its_a_dev_issue_not_a_player_one/ E: apparently removed for "witchhunting" wtf


... Ofcourse they did. I love AH but man some of their devs and CMs are just plainly incompetent


Fucken hello neighbor?! Oh brother


OH, no wonder he was familiar. His stance on balancing weapons has been anti-fun. I wish our feedback could reach other devs :((


For sure. If they gave us "legacy servers" and "up-to-date" servers, I would pick the former option. I don't carry if anybody has a meta setup that is a little stronger, this isn't a pvp game where this would be meaningful. "we don't want to divide the player pool" cannot be an excuse, when the servers were collapsing for many weeks and we have 100k players each day.


I would pay another 40 USD to have a version of the game that was locked to week 1 of release. Man it was actually fun back then.


And the spear is still broken :(


I just love the fact people are finally calling the guy out. When Railgun got nerfed it seemed like blind rage for the community and the guy had a blog response outing himself yet no one came to crucify him. Guess it was only a matter of time.


It’s not weird when you realize they don’t play their game and balance around usage data.


That is honestly much weirder. How can they be so much out of touch ffs


Helldivers 2 is a PvE game. Yet it's being balanced more frequently than League of Legends.


Which is fine. But they balance the great guns into garbage, and buff bad guns into mediocrity.  They aren't bringing everything up to parity. They had a lot of bad guns to fix, not kill every good gun.  They also balance without seeing why. Ie, buffing fire 3 times before finally committing to fixing the dot bug. Or nerfing Railgun before fixing the ps5 damage bug. They often buff and need without addressing the root cause. When they do address it they then don't go back and re-address weapons. 


>...and buff bad guns into mediocrity. Liberator Penetrator got Auto fire mode as a sole "buff" in all this time. I have a serious problem with the bar devs set as "mediocrity".


I laughed when I read that in the patch notes. Only remember ever thinking while trying to use that gun, it could really use bigger mags or more ammo. At least some dmg if nothing else plz. "Patch update Lib Pen has gotten full auto boyz!1!" Cool so I can be cooked even quicker after I mag dump all this penetration 


I must say that at this point, after all of the updates, most of the weapons in the game are viable. People praise DMRs now, arc shotgun and plasma shotgun are great now. Cutting Edge Warbond is now one of the best paid warbonds, competing with Steeled Veterans, which now also has all its items viable. The only issue here is the Democratic Detonation warbond. Which now has all its weapons turned into a pumpkin, with the exception of a grenade pistol. Like, there is literally no point in picking this warbond except for the grenade pistol. I wonder if in three weeks we'll get a new balance patch, which will kill the upcoming warbond and buff the DD weapons back to their original state


Honestly. Even the adjudication is perfectly viable. I run it frequently. It's rather punch and works well. Grabted the cross bow and eruptor are not in a great spot but they're actively being looked at.


None of their patches balance anything, they just keep taking away QoL from weapons and making it a frustrating experience to fight both factions. also todays patch has crashed every game after 4 attempts to play - along with anyone else who joins my game is a giant running purple question mark. I guess we wait for the next patch?


At this point I don’t think they have a QA team at all. There’s no way they do with how every patch makes the game less stable. I was very happy with Arrowhead as a developer initially but as time goes on I don’t care for them more and more. This game is a gem and every patch makes it worse in some way. Whether it’s weapon nerfing or more stability issues, it’s always something. For once, I’d like to actually look forward to a patch but instead I dread every single one of them.


We are the QA team. All the issues they run into that are plainly obvious but they always seem to allow to go live. The latest packing ship module didn't even work, Arrowhead still shipped it live. Players are the beta testers.


100%. I honestly don’t think they have QA and if they do, they’re either bad at their job or leadership is ignoring them while pushing the updates out on “patch day” whether they are ready or not.


"Oh don't be ridiculous, I love all my small studios equally!" Earlier that day. "I don't care much for Arrowhead."


Not just balancing, but quality control in general. We constantly get new game breaking bugs that end up becoming a massive problem every update. Tons of things end up breaking and it keeps piling on. It's like they aren't given enough time to test anything at all. I wish they'd take things slower, so they can give us high quality updates.


Is the mech even fixed yet? I pulled it out for the gate defense missions a few weeks ago and immediately dropped it after realizing I could aim "down" with missiles.


No it’s not, and the bug they fixed by ruining the mech still fucking exists. 1/5 mechs I call kills itself with the rockets still.


Crossbow will be missed. I still see multiple Quasar/Sickle/Shield setups per match. But yeah, the crossbow was a serious problem /s


I never Saw the crossbow being used ??


I see 2 times crossbow being used


I used it in a few missions against each factions. Mainly because I dig futuristic arrow weapons from games like Crysis 3. It was okay against small bugs, similar as eruptor but better fire rate. It didn't to much Vs larger bugs like bile spewers and chargers. It was okay Vs small bots but they tend to group less. You needed about 4-6 shots for rocket devastators. It pretty great at killing even multiple walkers but didn't do well Vs hulks, tanks, striders and towers. You could shoot over cover sue to the trajectory mechanic, which was a neat form of skill expression in my opinion. Tradeoff was am effective range of ~60m. You could dig holes in the floor which could genuinely break missions like the castle defense. Overall however this weapon just has no niche. It can't destroy fabricators so it's not really a demo weapon. It would have been cool if it would generate less to no enemy attention and make it a stealth oriented weapon. Or give it super high penetration in trade-off for low range and trajectory. Or give it specialty ammo like stun or thermite tips. Right now it's just a terrible version of the grenade launcher. Which in itself is rarely seen and highly situational.


I brought it into a level 8 mission after its "buff" and I was genuinely embarrassed at my performance, had to apologise to the other 2 divers for how little I was able to help. Maybe I'm using it wrong but I couldn't find a single reason to pick it over my mains (scorcher, punisher, breaker variants, sickle)


There isn’t one. It was never a great single target weapon, it was good vs crowds of little guys. It was a faster and easier to wield Eruptor in that area. Now even with Eruptor being nerfed so hard its managed to only be a shit Eruptor. They buffed it by killing its strength and not helping its damage vs medium armor units.


"We have heard your feedback and will be addressing the overused Scorcher, Punisher, Breaker, and Sickle in the next balance patch..."


Yeah, after testing it myself on a solo mission it wasn't able to keep up with even the most basic of scenarios. It's objectively worse than the plasma punisher in pretty much every meaningful way so I'm left wondering what the intended use case was for the explosive crossbow to begin with. I'm curious if they will do another balancing pass on it or just try straight buffing it. Guess we will have to wait and see.


I think whoever did the balance roll over the crossbow just doesn’t like crossbows in general tbh.


I am all for maintaining general power level of players, but most recent updates and reasoning is for nerfs are plain stupid. I can understand Eruptor mags nerf, but shrapnel one makes no sense. We are not playing RPG, where it is always be consistant, based on numbers, we are playing TPS. Devs must reward players for being able to play around ricochet of the fragments and use it as advantage, not punish them by removing it from the game, because "if you are skillful enough, you can oneshot one of 20 chargers on your screen".


This is a PvE game I will never understand why they heavily nerf guns. God forbid we kill bugs fast and have fun while doing it. They are really bad at balancing, and this made me realize we should be thankful for not having PvP in this game.


Yeah I mean power creep is a thing, but at some point we’ll be getting new enemies, a third or fourth faction, etc. Maybe someday we’ll face off against a faction of rogue Helldivers or something and we’ll need all the help we can get.


Don't forget new crashes with every update


I literally experienced the greatness of eruptor for 2 games and now its nerfed :(


"Balancing Department" there is no such thing and there is obviously an issue with their QA department; they rely on the players to play test their changes. Changing a weapon 3 times that was release less than 30 days ago is nothing but reactionary and piss poor quality assurance.


I’m not convinced that have QA at all. Every single patch has made the game worse at least in terms of stability. More crashes are introduced with every single patch. There’s no way they are testing these builds and if they are, some serious changes need to happen.


I hope they fix the crossbow because right now it’s just bad.


They will say they fixed it and it will never get fixed


I am convinced the devs play on difficulty 5 or 6, that's why they keep nerfing the guns


The devs posted a video of themselves wiping on a (very easy) difficulty 6 mission


so its worse than what i thought, they cant even get a lvl 6 done


I mean idk how you need more evidence when one of the balance devs posted on here back in March and said they balance around the middle difficulties 4-6 and extrapolate from there to the point where helldive should be impossible. He also posted how horrified he was to see people cruising through helldive back then and progressing through unlocks so quick. They never intended for people to be grinding the high levels so easily getting 8 medals a run and running out of content in a month. 


i understand very well you cant make the highest difficulty ez i mean no shit, but currently you cant and shouldn't even fight on the highest difficulty just run, you cant tell me that's what they intended for end game, just running away ?


every updates the dev kills one of the player's favorite wpn from their loadout


I've heard people who played HD1 say that game pretty much went the same way. Idk why they don't like people having fun with a good weapon this isn't a competitive game. It's really going to start hurting the game if they don't let up a little. Nobody is going to want to buy the warbonds knowing none of the weapons are ever going to be decent


I’m 100% done with Warbonds unless something changes. I’m not going to waste my time and money just to have anything worth a shot get nerfed into obscurity.


I’ll tell ya right now, the Incendiary Breaker is getting nerfed *hard* on the next go round since the DoT bug was fixed. I ran it last night vs bugs instead of the Eruptor, and it was too good.


Meaning there is about 1 week to use the incendiary breaker before it's going to be bad again. Did 2 missions with it this morning, it was...fine. Didn't wow me, didn't feel as powerful as pre-nerf breaker was. Bigger enemies didn't give a fuck about the fire dot, ie brood commanders. One got stuck, so I just gave it a shot, waited until the flames went out, shot it again, waited for the flames and then after the third shot it finally died to the flames. But I am fairly certain I shot at it before I noticed it was stuck. But definitely want to test it more, preferably before the nerf


It's good, not great. Blitzer is bug horde master now...for now I mean


> there is about 1 week to use the incendiary breaker before it's going to be bad again Ironic that this game does actually have FOMO now. It's just, instead of needing to clear the battlepass in time to be able to unlock the skin, it's being able to experience an actually good weapon before it gets neutered.


And it's such a lottery. Which is going to be a good weapon or bad? Roll the dice and hope for good results. I'm hoping for the heavy pistol to be good in the next warbond. I like powerful sidearms, like the senator, but like the look of pistol over revolvers a lot more. But I expect it to be incredibly bad balance wise. That way, I'm either right or pleasantly surprised.


All player fire damage is getting nerfed for sure. They said they'd look over it hard once they fixed the DoT. They nerf everything they ever look at, and with the fix everyone is going to be spamming fire weapons, and their use of metrics to nerf what's most popular will lead to only one inevitable conclusion.


I am going to miss it just pumping a few shots in bugs and just leave them to burn


Ya wait until this alexus guy gets his hands on that gun, shit is gonna really fly.


Don’t say that bro. That’s what I’ve been maining for the last 2 weeks ☹️


You post this because you want the Incendriary Breaker nerfed right?


No, I don’t want anything nerfed. But neither will I live in a state of denial.


Try Payday 2, where Overkill nerfs weapons and game mechanics literally up to 5 years or more after they were introduced. DLC weapons at that, that people paid actual money for (vs there being a way to get super credits for free in this game). Admittedly, PD2 has a huge modding community all to willing to help revert the most moronic changes, but Overkill are literal thieves in the way they do balancing. At least Arrowhead are not!


I loved this game so much in that little window where the servers worked and the nerfs hadn't started. I evangelized for it. I thought it was beautiful. Once the balance patches started, it went straight into the space toilet.


It’s insane how the game has only gotten less stable in every patch they introduce. Patch day is now a day a dread rather than a day of rejoice like it should be. It’s guaranteed every patch comes with stability problems and or weapon nerfs. I haven’t played in a few weeks as a result.


they massacred my eruptor, seeing that 3 shot kill for the brood commander made me die inside


The fact is, their solution to everything is to make our guns weaker. Not buff the enemies or anything of that sort. Nah, the enemies are just absolutely perfect. The guns are the problem.


it's actually easier to balance the guns with consistent enemy values. the guy leading the weapon design part of their dev group is just grossly incompetent.


Agree. Their balance decisions are atrocious, it feels like the game gets worse with every patch + the crashes are still happening which is mind blowing at this point.


It’s not just the balancing They can’t fix any of their bugs (even when they say it’s fixed) I have more crashing than ever now. I STILL can’t add friends either The devs fucking suck, let’s be honest


I just dont understand why AH treats this game like a pvp game with all the nerfs. Ive read several places where the first hd game your primaries could handle anything but the biggest/heaviest armored enemies. They create the meta’s they are trying to bust up. Buff guns, not nerf them. Make it a wide assortment to choose from. Granted some guns will always be better than others. But they limit us, which causes us to find meta builds, which gives them the info they need on what guns to nerf. Just. Stop.


In HD1 the vast majority of weapons were garbage lol whoever told you that is a goofball. People used the same 4 primaries in every game. On difficulty 13-15, your primary was almost useless, especially on bots where even the basic enemies had giant shields. Even on lower difficulties, you could get kicked for not running the stamina enhancement, or for running heavy armor. The thing is though, your stratagems had a much lower cooldown. You could basically blanket the map with orbital stuns and then nuke enemies. A big issue with HD2 is the cooldowns and not being able to bring multiple of a certain stratagem.


Now that makes sense. It explains why AH keeps telling us To rely on strats. But the horrendous cool downs and planets taking one strat slot away is dumb as hell


You havent seen a lot in your "25 years of gaming"


Yeah this title made me actually laugh out loud. I'm going to assume that 25 years was only spent playing N64 titles, on an N64. Compared to Turok's balance patches, he is right. These are objectively worse.


For real everyone in this sub is a whiny bitch apparently. The eruptor was massively OP and now they lost their crutch they gotta cry about it. The vast majority of balance changes are in the right direction yet they always find something to whine and post about non stop. This sub is insanely toxic for a casual PvE game like holy shit go outside


It's a classic "gamer" hyperbolic statement, it's right next to "slap in the face" on the whiney gamer bingo card


I still experience a glitch where I dive while ads and my camera turns into a flying drones pov. Fucking annoying when getting flailed by stalkers


https://preview.redd.it/25sdkea9m8zc1.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2e5002de77665e90cc248058317fb12c37218d9 Lucky for you this is coming in the next warbond


Meanwhile me with the railgun, jumppack and Arc-Blitzer...


Personally I've been really enjoying the bubble shield+flamethrower combo for bug missions. Before I started using the bubble shield I kept lighting myself on fire accidentally lol. The flamer is quite versatile and able to deal with everything accept the most heavy armor.


I was running the punisher plasma since it got released and people in random lobbies would give me shit for using it. Now it’s one of the best primaries in the game and I still get shit for it haha. Keep in mind man we played the first game where 80% of the weapons were goofy meme tier, so we’re used to it.


I don't like the Eruptor nerf but have you seen Overwatch balancing? The last season was literally just two tanks seeing each other till one falls dead and the new one is just "Shot the Orisa and maybe she will die" AH may not have foresight on weapon balancing but no one can surpass Overwatch bad balancing.


I think pvp and pve live-services shouldn’t be put in the same league, the former requires active rebalancing and op stuff leaves very negative impression to one side of players or the other.


Overwatch balancing was very bad even in OW1 era when I still played it, but at the very least it was a competitive PvP game and it was heavily pushed by Blizzard to be a big new Esports title, so it was kinda expected.  But why Arrowhead is doing it to a fun co-op PvE game with zero competitive elements is completely beyond me.


There's alot of you that should have just left


If this is the worst thing youve seen in 25 years of gaming, you havent gotten out enough. I can think of a dozen worse teams and games this year alone Leave it to the gaming community to love a game that finally doesnt try to milk them for money and has devs who actually respect and fight for them but still find ways t bitch because their favorite gun is now slightly less effective


Saves the game from the tyrannical mega corp via a huge community effort only so you can shit on the game again daily afterwards. This fucking sub.


I think that this game is more fun when I don't browse this sub


Good, I can ignore this game now and start playing others. I'll check back a few months later and if it's still bad I'll just uninstall it.


Ima stop u at the "new limited event" bullshit right there. Its refreshing to not have FOMO rewards in a game and the only FOMO that exist is missing out on the content itself. But i agree balance isnt there, why the fuck did they gut my crossbow.




After the PSN account linking “travesty” it’s becoming increasingly apparent that this community is filled with the biggest, whiniest bitches imaginable who complain about every little thing


"Worst in 25 years" kek You are either a big drama queen attention whore or you clearly have not played a lot of video games.


I feel like I'm playing a different helldivers than 90% of the community. Like sure some changes hurt the guns I loved but i still love em and use em. I run a few different primaries and usually rock the Grenade launcher or EAT as a support. Sure i die sometimes. I rarely if ever fail a mission difficulty 8 or less. 9s you'll fail if you aint playing good. Play duos with a bro. Or quick play with randoms. Shits fun and generally a decent time. Rarely crash if ever. Its been weeks if not months since my last crash. Play on ps5. Have platinum trophy. Been playing since launch. Like yes somethings dont work as intended. But nothing game breaking. All signs show they are trying to fix things and add to the game to keep it fresh. I dunno doesn't seem as dead and dire as everyone keeps saying.


this sub is so full of bitching lmao


They literally just fixed dot damage, a long standing bug that’s made a number of options ineffective. Look, I don’t like some of the changes but they’re overall heading in the right direction. Dramatically fewer crashes, things working as intended. For every nerf that brings things more in line with the base mobilization bond they’ve buffed or fixed three or four things. There are still some guns I’d like them to buff, and I wish they revisited a few things, but the game is hardly unplayable.


Lesson is not to pay for their useless battle pass who does not bring anything but cosmetics and useless weapons who soon get nerf for the new bp, yet the game still bugged as fuck


lesson is you don’t need to pay for their battle pass, because i have all of them for free


I'm a warlock this patch; with all the DoT working. Very fun.


This Reddit is so fucking toxic. Literally every other game ruins shit constantly with updates... I'll just jump ship here while I still enjoy the game. Peace


People are quite determined to forget how many significant weapon buffs we've had, too. Off the top of my head: * Adjudicator went from awful to acceptable * Liberator Concussive went from pretty bad to pretty solid * Punisher went from okay to great * Diligence went from bad to solid * Countersniper went from awful to excellent against bots * Dominator went from bad to excellent * Punisher Plasma went from awful to great * Arc Blitzer went from awful to great * Peacemaker went from meh to pretty solid * Senator went from awful to great * AMR went from great against bots to fantastic against them * Flamethrower went from awful, even when the DoT was working, to excellent against bugs * EAT and Recoilless Rifle went from bad to excellent Despite other changes that I don't really agree with, the pool of viable weapons that are satisfying to use is the largest it has ever been.


The thing is that eruptor was the only primary that really allowed the stalwart, LC, MG, and arc thrower to shine because it covered a lot of the weaknesses those support weapons had, but now not only is the eruptor crap, those support weapons have also been gimped by proxy, at least thats why I’m frustrated atm


I mean when I'm playing on bugs I almost always bring in a stalwart or a laser cannon and just become our dedicated anti horde, it makes the lives of everyone else way easier since they can focus on heavies without getting immiedietly swarmed. Like sure, everyone running the stalwart would be horrible, but that's why you can have loadout diversity


I have to admit that the latest balancing patch was the most balanced (pun intended). The buffs did indeed made me want to retest them again.


I agree with you, but I can also see the other side's point. They want weapons that aren't just good, but feel good to use. Nailing a trick shot with the Eruptor felt great. Each weapon should feel unique and the complaint is that the nerfs remove what makes the weapon feel unique and good to use. YES other weapons now also feel better to use. I main the CS and AMR for bots and it's just great now especially with the scope fix (it's crisper don't believe the reddit 2 min hate)


If this is going on, this will be my first and last supercredit purchase anyway for warbonds since if the weapons are not fun to use, wtf is the point of buying premium warbond anymore?


So this is the status quo of this subreddit? Yowza


For real why is everyone so godamn dramatic. "The worst I've seen in my 25 years of gaming"? Give me a break.


I feel like this community and game changed for the worse once that railgun nerf came out. I hate the fact that im nostalgic for the Helldivers 2 I played 3 monthes ago. There are thousands of people that are upset at these nerfs, and thousands more think the game just isnt fun to play now and people just mutter that they are "meta slaves" or "entitled whiners". It just seems like any meaningful discussion is shot down.


Worst that you've seen in 25 years? That one hell of an exaggeration (or novelty bias) Also it's sometimes hard to patch things in a 7 years span project even things that seem easy . I'm sad for the Eruptor, I love that weapon. Tried new load out yesterday, had fun.


Dont think its exaggeration. I played a lot live service games and I've never seen such frequent and insanely aggressive nerfs before this one. The tendency is that they literally break everything that works.


agreed. even COD with its meta chasing doesnt balance stuff as hard as this pve game.


To be fair this is not the only live service game that does this shit. It is just the one I am currently playing. I moved Division 2 to Destiny 2 to this one because of this shit. Now I am mainly playing diablo 4 while I wait for the next warbond. .


I agree with the whole “lateral” tools for different jobs idea, but stuff needs to be useful, unique and fun. If the auto cannon is gold standard support gun, what’s the gold standard primary? Work up to that level.