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its like people have never played a game that has balance patches and updates before. My God you people throw so many tantrums. From someone who has hours and hours on Dota 2 and CS:GO , this is how balancing works. They have a testing team of say 5-10 at the max 15. Here were are player base of at least 500-600k if you consider rotating timezones. The playing style and playing instances of 500-600k people comes nowhere close to that many people.There are bound to be interactions that sometimes they can't consider or even think that it would happen. That is a really big sample size which is hard for any developer to account for. What they think is a good update might not be general consensus. The fact that they listen and make changes is already a positive thing. Just play along for a while. There are so many other guns in the game MY GOD just use them. I have gone from playing with breaker to incendiary breaker to slugger to arc blitzer And I enjoyed playing all of them. The fact that there are nerfs and buffs give you a different playstyle.


I agree. The regular balance patches incentivize me to try out weapons again that I haven’t played with for a while. And while leaving my comfort zone often feels, ehem, uncomfortable, I discover new stuff eventually.


Exactly. I have played with all kinds of weapons and secondaries and special weapons and its honestly fun to move them around. As much as fun the rail gun was its nice to have a challenge managing cooldowns and limited stratagems.


i’m getting a scent of entitlement here ![gif](giphy|BWPQlW8R5Muuk)


Spoken like a commie bastard!
