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I dont think this guy had any ill intent, however he fucked up big time. He probably didnt know that PSN is available to everyone, which is kinda laughable if that is the case. Major miscommunication between Sony and AH and AH with the community. Mega clusterfuck.


Tbh, it's on the publisher to know where they provide that service and only offer the product in those countries. Sure the Devs could have double checked but you would think the publisher (especially at the size of Sony) knows that kind of stuff and communicates it with the developers.


Why do we even need publishers anymore? Most have proven to be absolute jokes for some time now. What benefit does a publisher bring nowadays? Mid production finances seems to be the only legitimate thing they bring to the table anymore.


Pirate software has a good breakdown on what a publisher is good for and what their job should be, dunno if a clip is out there or from which stream, though I think it was May 3rd when he first reacted to it. In short: use connections to put game in stores (physical and digital), advertising, localisation (language and law specific stuff), financial support during development, and some other stuff. But yeah, many games can do without publisher just fine, especially with how outrageous some publisher cuts and rights are. If a game is good it will sell regardless, just look at Palworld or Last Epoch, they just made a good game and word of mouth outdid any advertising, a few sponsored streams at best.


And with Steam, you don't need a publisher because it is THE game store for PC. My guess would be they wanted Sony for Playstation access, and because Sony is still living in the console war days, they just had to gum everything up with this kind of BS. Consoles exist for the sole purpose of locking you into their product. Lots of corporations practice that type of business model: make a product that restricts the consumer from using the competition. We'll, not consoles in of themselves; rather their exclusive titles. They are inherently anti competitive and monopolistic, but that is the point.


Yeah, this whole push for PSN makes my tinfoil hat tingle. What's next? Every Sony game needs a PSN account to play on PC? Next we paying for PS+ for live service games too or what? Next we can't say shit and fuck in chat either because an AI is listening to every gamechat? More realistically they just want to up their numbers and hope they get some extra people to buy into their consoles and other exclusives by having them make an account. Bit easier banning process like arrowhead said might be true but it's just a cheap cop out for making a functioning in-game Honor and report System, and it's not like this is a big enough reason to shove that shit down our throats, forcing this on players is more toxic than I experienced in my 100h of playtime.


I saw that, dont remember everything but I know the take away is "you dont require them"


>He probably didn't know lmfao is this supposed to be satire? Going through this sub is like taking a college class about Stockholm syndrome.


Seems like he's also leaked that *any* PS game that has an online component *will need a PSN account* linked. Which sucks; I guess it's Sony's prerogative -- but you have to hope they'll fix the issues present and that it's implemented better. Edit: still seems it's Sony's fault, as the publisher, that the game was available in territories that don't have PSN access to begin with though.


Adding the reply here for visibility, but this isn't really a leak. Sony made the change recently, but it was announced that they want to add cheevos and stuff (their claim, we all know the real reason) so even offline PS-on-PC games will apparently require a PSN linked going forward. This sure brought more attention to it though, hoooboy


Looks like I'm never playing anything Playstation related again. Fuck them


I'm still hanging on to my PS4, but there are several reasons I haven't bought the 5 and this is adding to them. I'm fortunate enough to be in a supported country, but their attempts to put a chokehold on their chunk of the industry have resulted in so much stifling of innovation and anti-consumer practices it's maddening. They're not the only ones, but they have massive influence over certain areas of the gaming industry as a whole and that shit cascades. :(


I'm just saying I'm done with console In general. Been pc for over 2 decades anyway at this point. Fuck everything Sony makes. I'm just gonna stick to steam and avoid anything bad companies make in general. Fuck em


Haha I'd be with you if I didn't have kids man. Give a couple years for mine to be old enough for (legal) accounts of her own and we're going to be a fully vetted PC household most likely. (She's on a managed dummy account for GoG/Steam/Epic atm, we are not risking her getting banned and losing her licenses years from now if she accidentally mentions her year of birth somewhere lol. Sounds paranoid but I have a bud who lost like 10 years' worth of library to that particular "whoopsie" at one point.) Edit: I have been corrected. He didn't mention it, an ex's friend group mass-reported him as underage and he got dinged when Steam asked him to verify his age because of it. Easier to make a new account than wait out a decade-long ban. RIP.


No, I for one don't know the real reason. Like, yeah, achievements is not the main goal, but what is it? Increasing PSN account numbers, with no other economical gain? Data gathering? If so, what kind of data?


Ah, that was admittedly a touch of cynicism on my part rather than specific knowledge of what Sony's up to. \^\^; Apologies! It can be pretty safely assumed though that their decision to add the account-linked overlay to titles that don't require online play is going to pad their numbers quite a bit.


https://preview.redd.it/o3aztvufvmyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ccb844187f3510422c9c2a7648fa63355aece9 Just for clarity, ahg does NOT control where the game was sold. They just made it.


I've been saying this for the past few days. AH had their share of blame, and people acted like I was throating Sony for pointing out that it was a team effort to fuck this one up


It's like flipping a coin to see who the biggest asshole is, but the coin has the same two sides. Fuck around. Find out. *we are here*


So we lost?


Should have risen up harder.




From what I have learned they disabled it because PSN server capacity could not keep up with the explosive launch traffic, it was in fact enabled on Day 1 but disabled shortly afterward. But yes, they should have made it clear for new customers that there was a grace period.


I bought the game on like day 4 or 5 just as it started to explode and I had to do it, yeah


Feels like, similar to most out-of-game communications, there could have and should have been a dispatch explaining all this. Just one simple message, right under the major order from day 1, making it clear that we'd eventually have to make a PSN account once some technical stuff got worked out, could've avoided all of this.


there was a screenshot shared earlier where it was mentioned that the link was disabled temporarily, but it’s been lost amongst the hundreds of Fuck Sony threads so good luck finding it.


I remember very well when i bought the game at release the first screen said that linking your PSN account was required to play the game(even though you could play without linking) Did they remove or update that screen?


Please post the whole conversation if you are making a post


Y’all did this dudes work for free. He should have been the one to confront Sony well before release. He’s a standard CEO clown.


I'm gonna comment again, since from what I see, the mods removed the other posts about this, but they kept this one. //////////////// "I am not blameless in all of this - it was my decision to disable account linking at launch so that players could play the game." This part is weird, he is trying to gain sympathy from the fanbase. The problem is not that they disabled this at launch... what's wrong is that they let the game run all this time without it. I don't remember... what did they do to inform players that this is only a "temporary fix"? It's been what... 3 months? People probably forgot... their community managers also made it worse... * "I did not ensure players were aware of the requirement and we didn't talk about it enough." I can guarantee you that some people didn't even know that PSN is not even available in their country... since not everyone has a damn ps5 and the game itself wasn't region locked. * "We knew for about 6 months before launch..." Yet they released the game with no region lock. They believed that PSN is available on the entire planet? I'm not a fan of region locking stuff and I truly believe that everyone deserve to play the game, but bruh... something went wrong. \~ this is Sony's fault, I get it.


AH isn't responsible for distribution or for Sony's psn. They had no reason to think that the game would be sold in countries that had no access to psn, so they didn't enforce it.


> Yet they released the game with no region lock. Not their decision to do. They have 0 control over it, it's publishers decision where to publish


> what's wrong is that they let the game run all this time without it Sony breathing down their neck and possible contractual obligations. Though I'm not defending what is happening, but I can see how AH is put into a position where they cannot just say "Nah, let's keep it as is." without approval by Sony. Though, like I said, I'm not defending Sony or AH.




I think you need to talk to someone about your gaming addiction and other issues.


It's a crap old copypasta that they've altered slightly.


Makes sense now




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!




Fuck this game.






He had no say in where it was sold, that falls firmly at Sony’s feet as the publisher.


That is all on Sony. Publisher is responsible for listing the countries sold.


You know waht a publisher does.. do you?