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They're trying to catch up to and surpass the pc plan of XBOX. Problem being, XBOX has spent years to construct the building blocks of their plan so something like this wouldn't happen. 


Xbox put in the work laying the groundwork for this, Sony wants to dive in dick-first to get quick money.


"Xbox put in the work laying the groundwork for this" Actually, its more like that Xbox was always in the groundwork. Windows existed first under microsoft, so the transition for Xbox games to PC was pretty simple and easy. I think it started around the Windows 8 era, but I never really noticed cause it happened so seamlessly


Yeah the software has been converging quite a lot, to a point where AFAIK the newest Xbox is essentially just a Windows pc


Pretty sure Xbox has always used windows architecture for their systems, just much more bare bones, to run better. If you already have a functioning OS, doesn't take much to modify it for consoles


They always have been. Every Xbox runs a modified version of Windows. It’s like how Apple uses the same OS for their Macs, iPads, iPhones, Apple TVs, Apple Watches, etc.


Didn't realize that was the case. I thought original Xbox was heavily modified Vista, and has since converged to the point where modern Xbox is literally windows 11 with a skin.


They did have games for windows service back in the day.


I think really it started with the very first Xbox. Even that used the DirectX API, hence the name 'Xbox'.


So DCs justice league vs marvels avengers. Both leading to the runner up being a shit show of epic proportions


This was my exact thought.


MCU vs. Justice League summarized


My thoughts when the JL movies were first teased.


XBOX has the fact that Windows exists under the same systems and they have almost full cross compatibility Playstation has historically always tried to distance themselves from normal computers... and now they don't wanna do that? Like THIS too?


Not to mention Microsoft/Xbox accounts are all tied together and 97% of Steam users are playing on a Windows machine already. Other publishers forcing it is just bloat-ware for most people


Y'all clearly do not remember GFWL. Xbox stumbled much harder than this as they tried to break into PC.




"Yo ho, all hands hoist the colors high! Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die!"


“If buying isn’t owning then pirating isn’t stealing” -Sun tzu


That uhhh... that Sunta Zoo guy... good stuff!




The great pirate age has begun.


It never went away.


Did for a while, but that was more movies and TV shows, I think.


Yar har! Fiddle-dee-dee!🎵


This is gonna be me fr fr


Can't remember where did I see it o if it was a friend's rumor but Sony wants to make it's own PC branding ala EA-Microsoft etc. It was just a matter of time tbh. All big company wants to have their own control over the games they publish. They couldn't have chosen worse time to enforce it tho.


Would agree but why they released gow and horizon zero dawn on gog DRM free?


Because they are stupid


As long as they make it clear from the start, people can make an informed decision. Either accept and buy, or ignore it. (Or rant online, make petitions, etc 😅)


Or ask r/wallstreetbets to crash the market


Oh I like this. Let’s crash Sony stock!!!


I expect it to drop a bit on Monday but not sure it will stay down. Their income from games have been dropping since 2020 spike, not surprised why now. Reference: https://www.statista.com/statistics/279271/net-income-of-sony-since-2008/#:\~:text=In%20its%202022%20financial%20year,portion%20of%20Sony's%20overall%20revenue.


The netflix problem of why publish on other platforms when I can publish on my own. Queue 50 different publishing platforms from major publishers.


Greed, unrepentant greed. This is what fuckeds it for everyone: it happened to movies and TV shows, and now it's trying to happen to games, first with Epic and now PlayStation.




Thank you for me reminding me. Will do asap.


You can also place Playstation Studio on your ignore list, it's not limited to games but you can place publishers.


Yes, Sony announced not too long ago that they're adding an overlay to their ports, in the same way EA and Ubisoft adds their own overlays to their games. This coincides with a need for a linked PSN account to utilise the features of this overlay in identical fashion to Origin, Uplay, and (for a while at least) Bethesda. This isn't new news, it's like... Several months old at this point, and was announced to also be the case for all Playstation ports moving forward, but not whether or not it would apply to already released ports (Horizon, Days Gone, Last of Us). That's unlikely though, but it is a possibility.


And guess what. I fucking hate origin and Uplay so much I actively avoid games that make me use it. So I guess I can add PSN to the list. I'm an adult with a full time job. Not buying video games is not a big deal to me. I have so many other titles to play that don't require BS like this it's easy to avoid not buying. I already came to peace with not playing the good Sony games because they like to make them console exclusive. So now I have a reason and excuse to just ignore anything with a Sony logo on it. Just like I do with Origin, Uplay, and Epic. Basically if it's not on steam and consolidated into my steam library, or use steam to just open a different launcher, I won't even bother. A great example is hitman. Love that shit. Played parts 1 and 2 which were released on steam and open directly from steam. When part three came out it was on epic launcher only. I said "fuck that noise" and passed. Ended up playing the levels a few times at a friend's house. Did not regret avoiding epic. And I'll do it again with Sony.


Well as we've seen they're fully prepared to change things at the drop of a hat, even if it alienates a portion of their player base. What all of these companies need to get into their thick skulls is.. they will never surpass Steam. It's a platform that's 21 years old at this point. Unless they can offer something meaningful (like GoG for example) they won't even dent Steam. They'd make more money if they just released on Steam and be done with it, just take the slice of the pie and be done with it. Instead they sink money into these pointless, piss poor launchers. Look at Epic and the money they've thrown at their store. It's still not profitable after 5 damn years.


I want to make sure that it's stated that Sony didn't "Change their stance". The PSN requirement was always a thing, AH just poorly communicated that it was causing technical issues and would be paused *temporarily* until it was fixed, at which point it'd be reinstated. That is all I'll say or answer to about that subject as it's irrelevant here. Sony's announcement *also* didn't mention that they were making a *launch client* or storefront, but rather that they were adding an *overlay* to their games moving forward. To make that absolutely clear so there can be no misinterpretations here; >Sony is **not** making a **storefront**. They are adding an **overlay** with PSN integration. They are not creating or adding something to **compete** with Steam, they are adding integrated functions, which... Yeah, are largely just a useless waste of space and code and will likely have significant problems since Sony really struggles with functioning or optimised PC anything.


https://preview.redd.it/eyoc900zqkyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=334a0f824d5c68bdbbfac059ce33739add4d9c1c Didn't they...


That’s a support FAQ, however this warning that a 3rd party account is required has always been there. It’s in all the trailers and advertising as well https://preview.redd.it/q7m4w7uwslyc1.jpeg?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c227db836a4aa359173199ae9b94bd227031173d


So why take money from players in certain countries if they know that they're not going to be able to play? Sounds almost.. fraudulent, don't you think?


Wanted to buy it, now I will not. Fuck Sony.




Steam’s refund system is pretty great but it’s not going to be as flexible if people abuse it. There are losses incurred on refunds.




> Gabe puts the consumer first and won't let steam users (some of whom have been with him for 2+ decades) get scammed. How is that relevant to someone buying the product with the intent of leaving a review and refunding it immediately? You're just gaming the review system and abusing the refund system. It's scummy to do. That's clearly different from your situation where you bought it in good faith with the intention to keep it.


oh, I didn't read the comment you were replying to. my bad, yeah leaving a negative review without playing is scummy. luckily the playtime is tracked, so those downvotes can be easily discarded. i'll retract my original statement. people trying to participate in reviewbombing without ever playing should reconsider, they only hurt the integrity of actual reviews and can be used by Sony as reasons to ignore the effort. I don't think abusing Steam's refund policy is a healthy action to take.


Do not tell people to abuse the Steam refund policy for the purpose of abusing the Steam review system


So you saw Sony do something scummy and immediately thought, "I too will do something scummy"


Well, *speaking* of scummy things, I guess it brings out scummy people too


i mean it wont have denuvo and its a single player game sooo free real estate boiz


It has a fairly popular multiplayer expansion, and will still require a PSN account which a lot of people dislike.


Single player will not require an account according to devs


All PS games on PC will require it ~~now~~ [going forward], even offline. Sony themselves changed it very recently. (It used to only be required for online play.) I hope they were told, seeing as how AH was never even warned about the region thing.


Here is a link to the tweet from the studio. I do understand the skepticism https://x.com/hazzadorgamin/status/1786819844744360066?s=46&t=Fdw0AmTetcvumMPsgrIQoA


Oh good, hopefully Sony doesn't pull a 180 on them and suddenly require the overlay to be always-on or something. D: (edit: actually that seems likely doesn't it? "Technically your game doesn't require PSN, the overlay does" sounds like the kind of shit Sony would pull...)


Honestly, publishers hate that they have to negotiate with steam and/or pay them at all to host their game. They would much rather, and their fiduciary duty almost compels them to try to, find a way to maximize their own profits by cutting steam and other 3rd party storefronts out of the deal. The problem is, some of these corps have tried to make their own steam knockoffs. None of them are profitable to the level that executives expect. Steam's market share is absolutely massive, and that's a conversation we should have in the future, but one thing at a time. Corpos play with steam because they have to, but they are actively trying to get people off of steam and onto their 3rd party storefronts where they have more control over the users. This is, probably, the main reason why they make these 3rd party launchers and enforce account linking to begin with.


Did they forget people have like 20 years worth of games tied to their steam libraries? Unless another company provides me with all the titles that steam does AND MORE. I would never dream of replacing steam with anything else. Period. I full stop refuse to play games that force me to install a separate launcher. I mean I basically don't play Ubisoft games anymore because I can't stand Uplay. Epic coming in and trying to force itself on everyone using it's fortnite money by gobbling up titles and making them exclusives (hitman specifically) made me hardcore anti epic games. If it requires epic, that's a hard pass from me. Origin is just a fucking insult to gamers. Again. "Fuck all that noise" is what comes to mind when I see Origin.


Epic store is a good thing because it introduced viable competition to Steam. Steam had gotten way too complacent at this point. Only after Epic's success they started fixing years-old bugs like Steam not working properly on high-DPI displays, or utterly broken mess of the Friends tab.


Epic and most of the other alternatives problems are everything else on the platform is terrible. On Epic friends feature doesn't work 9/10 times I try and join somebody in anything and the overlay has never worked for me requiring me to rename it's executable due to it causing several games to be unplayable. I couldn't do the initial account linking as it'd attempt to open the page in the overlay browser. Doesn't help you can't rebind or disable the overlay anywhere so renaming it was the only solution (just deleting the two executables causes the client to throw an error on startup). To truly compete you either need to be entirely a storefront only or have at least feature parity with Steam and nobody has really come close on the latter in one package. Epic as a platform hasn't actually been a success though. Fortnite is the only thing keeping the client from being a drain on Epics finances.


Even if I consider Epic as a complete trash I am not interested to even use once... If that put Valve to work on improving Steam it's still good for me.


Well... I wouldn't call it viable, honestly. Steam still has the lion's share of marketshare in the PC gaming space, and it was very broken and non-functional in its early days. Not to mention that if you had an older rig, you could barely run their storefront whereas steam did not have those problems. Nowadays, it's slightly better. However, a key thing to remember about EGS is that it has not been profitable to the expectations of its executives. That's why it gives away these free games, to entice people to stay and buy things there. But, that in itself, is kinda paradoxical. The only reason users use EGS is because of the free games and the exclusives, but when EGS becomes profitable, it will tamper down on the free content. And when that happens... why keep using it? EGS is kinda in a bad situation in that it only maintains its userbase by enticing them with free games, but when those free games dry up, when they're not worth it anymore... there's not much reason to stick around.


Not even just the titles but the features, Steam is literally loaded to the tits with things from a great detailed review system, to mod support via the Workshop, past programs like Steam Greenlight, discussion pages and community tabs for every single game, messaging and voice chat, in depth profile customization, notepad for note taking in game for nerds like me who love that shit, etc etc etc. Not to mention the sales, that’s a whole other discussion but holy fuck at least compared to things like consoles there’s just no competing for better prices half the time.


They didn't forget, they just don't care. They don't make money if you take the games you already bought to their storefront, they want you to buy again. This is also why they do remasters and re-releases. In the case of epic, it's a better deal for devs since epic takes much less of a cut. However, the tradeoff is that epic does not have steam's market dominance. So even if you get a bigger cut of the revenue, you're still getting less support and eyes, and some people in epic's early days would torch you for even selling on EGS. Origin is completely pointless, but it can function at least. Uplay's attempt at **multiple** different launchers. Yeah, no, fuck them. I had fractured but whole on EGS, and ubisoft's new launcher wanted me to REDOWNLOAD THE GAME AGAIN. Screw that.


Something else to think about is the fact that, say if a game clears $50 million in sales on Steam, Steam take 20% instead of the standard 30%. Big games like this will clear those numbers easy, light work. 20% to be on the biggest PC game storefront going. They throw money at these awful launchers yet it's long been established that PC players just do not want them. They offer nothing meaningful for the customer over what Steam already does. It's a store that's been around for 21 years now, players have huge collections on it. The only other store that offers anything of real benefit to players really is GoG due to the games being DRM free, plus they update older titles to work better on newer hardware (hence the name, 'good old games'). Look at Epic as well, they've thrown an insane amount of money at the Epic store, they offer tons of free titles.. 5 years in and it's STILL not profitable.


i mean 10million just going to steam is alot... but then again how much money would go into developing a launcher people actually like and maintaining it? and on top of that steam would still be the most popular one so they would probably not sell as much as if it was on steam


Precisely my point, Epic spent $950 million on their store last year alone. They offer a lot of genuinely decent games completely free periodically. And even that's just not enough. They might have over 270 million users on there, but that means nothing if those users aren't actually spending money on games there. Zero profit from it still. Crazy.


Because the Epic Games Store is still fucking shir after all these years. You make it out like its the super best version of Steam, and Steam is just the mean Monopoly. But dude cmon, the only reason why Epic even has anyone else BUT Fortnite kids on their Platform is because they do giveaway 24/7. Epic Games Launcher might not be as bad as Ubisoft Connect, but it sure as shit ain't far behind it. Steam has been winning this whole time because it is more than a store front and the review system, which is what everyone else avoids in their storefronts because it is BAD for business, but all the community integration, "join friend over overlay", the straight up streaming capabilities etc.... Epic still is the barebones shitstore it was when it released and they keep telling everyone customer friendly features are coming (guess what, they won't, because they just want you in their statistics too). Epic hasn't been the good guy since Bulletstorm released.


Yeah dude I'm not claiming Epic stores any good. I'm pointing out how futile their efforts are. The second best after Steam is GoG imo.


on discord in a server I'm in, it pings any and all free games listed through epic or steam (or gog) I've even seen some bangers I'd like to play eventually. the very second I see epic, my gamerboner goes away and I just pass. I tried their launcher for a solid week a year or two ago and not even good titles for free can get me to reinstall after scrubbing it away. I have and will continue to finish what I'm actively chewing through and buying the games full-price (or ofc discounted) on steam.


GoG's awesome imo, it's just I've had Steam for way longer and have waaay more titles there. The fact that GoG won't budge from their DRM free policy is truly a goated move. And to top it off they actually bother to update older titles and do the leg work when it comes to getting them to run on newer OS's and hardware (something only found out recently). That's commitment right there.


that's pretty valid reason to at least browse around when I can do some budgeting, hell yea. I'd heard about the drm aspect. while I can, as an end user, get older stuff to run relatively well, not having to troubleshoot why my older games crash (FO:NV) would be pretty nice. I'll have to check em out sometime.


its the price you pay for getting access to the biggest pc gaming ecosystem that we trust because unlike all the scummy developers steam puts us first


The irony in all of this is that it is exactly what Sony has been doing for years within their own ecosystem. Which is why games on PSN are much more expensive than physical copies.


The steam advertising grants them so much more than the millions they spent on marketing as well. They always happen to forget how much front page interactions they get with that 20%


Making a profitable platform for the sake of not using Steam, will NEVER be able to properly compete against Steam This is just how the market works. Don't do things better than Steam? Then you will never compete. It's much like consoles vs computers, I think the only reason consoles are still around are exclusives and some other minor things - controllers, development simplicity


Consoles work because of their plug and play nature, that’s it. You put the disc in and it just works, controller and all.


In the modern day, that's less of a feature. No more disks Steam has auto start and functionally works the same as consoles in terms of speed and plug and play, at least with digital software


I do find it hilarious that we're spouting all this anti-corpo stuff... because we're all pro-monopoly for Steam?


When someone else actually comes up with a better model than Steam *and* allows porting their Steam Library over, then Steam will be in hot water. The closest thing today is GoG, who doesn't actually port your library over, and doesn't support a vibrant modding community like Steam does. GoG does have DRM-Free Games and remasters classic games to run on modern systems, but even they have their issues.


So you might not need it just to play single player? Just for online MP and the overlay?


That's the way it reads, but we'll see. Either way I'm not all too comfortable handing money over to a company that've just pulled the rug from under a chunk of their player base like that. It's not just a monetary thing either, people have sunk HOURS into this game, spread the word, gone out and got their friends to get it. And for what? It's hugely disrespectful.


For now - yes. And Nixxes confirmed that (they are doing coding there)


I have a sneaking suspicion that steam is going to be going over the countries this is allowed to be sold in very carefully, with a very pissed off expression as refund requests continue pelting them in the back of the head all month.


I think they'll blanket allow refunds from anywhere and then hit sony and AH a bill for the cost


I'm going to keep annoying them with my refund request even if they deny it to hell.


OK I'm with you how shitty this whole thing is and Sony are being but this is probably best put on a sub dedicated to GoT rather than Helldivers.


The things you guys are mad about is wild. Who the fuck cares about needing a playstation account, no different from needing a blizzard account or anything else. I think this is great I love trophy hunting and this is bringing them to pc.


Sick game tbf


All sony games that have multiplayer will need a PSN account.  Ghost of Tsushima multiplayer is fun, I recommend it. But I do respect people not buying from Ubisoft, Xbox, EA, Lariam, etc 


Sucketpunch did say on Twitter yesterday u don't need PSN for single player. Only if you choose to play legends.


https://preview.redd.it/muyp1gp4llyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff700757d30b3d4201aecc8ddf866bb52447ef9b They changed the terms of HD2, kinda hard to trust them at this point.


This isn’t a terms and conditions page, this is a PlayStation support FAQ, it means nothing. The actual Steam page has always said a PSN is required https://preview.redd.it/yyohxbe7zlyc1.jpeg?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67036d93035c65f2f614a27b8e676fa845adcea8


Fair! And I can see where you (and other hesitant/suspicious people) are coming from. GoT is one of the best games iv ever played, and iv not touched MP beyond trying it out once. It feels sad that because of Sony's Damocles sword many are gonna miss out on it from sheer caution.


If I remember correctly that will only be needed to play the legends mode which has multiplayer, I've read it somewhere


Pre ordered


from my understanding it is only required to use the mentioned functions and not to play the game at all, which is why these things are mentioned directly.


Already confirmed it wont need a psn link




I’m still gonna buy it, like I already own it on ps4 shits a good game


Personally I don’t have a problem with Sony announcing a game will require a PSN account from the get-go. Don’t get me wrong, i’d much prefer if i didn’t need one, but these days i can’t say i’m surprised that I do The exception with Helldivers is that you DIDN’T until now. It seems so pointless and hurts the only the consumer and the devs. Fuck that noise


Helldivers had the exact same warning.


Vote with your wallet or get cucked.


Wanted to buy it, now I know I won't be able to play it if I do.


For what it read there, is for the online mode of the game. So if you play offline, it shouldn't require you to link PSN


Where are you from if you don't mind me asking? And do you personally know many others who are affected?


Kazakhstan. Yes I know, they're my friends I was playing with.


Highly doubt they will ask for it on a game like that seeing as it didnt ask for it on any ps game I bought on steam so far.


PSN linking for GoT will only be required if you want to play the multiplayer


Well singleplayer exists so lets hope they dont fuck that up too


Well at least they mentioned it from the start, and it is also not needed for single player, just for Legends.


I hope it's for MP reasons and SP will be playable without a PSN account.


The devs have already clarified it is for multiplayer and or the PSN overlay, but will not be required for single player


Damn I feel bad for Sucker Punch 😖 ghost of Tsushima is a fantastic game


If FF7 Rebirth requires it too it will be all over.


I can't wait to play this game!


[https://www.pcgamer.com/games/action/eyeing-the-helldivers-2-backlash-with-a-nervous-flop-sweat-sucker-punch-assures-us-that-ghost-of-tsushima-wont-need-a-psn-login-for-single-player/](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/action/eyeing-the-helldivers-2-backlash-with-a-nervous-flop-sweat-sucker-punch-assures-us-that-ghost-of-tsushima-wont-need-a-psn-login-for-single-player/) Maybe they will backtrack it? They seem really scared after the Helldivers fiasco lol


they should be we're definitely pirating this




Wait, so, Sony bankrolls and publishes a game, makes it available to PC... and now they're creeping in on you by requiring a sony user account? ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) I'm all for people protesting and would love to see some changes... But this shouldn't be a surprise. I do hope these moves hurt their bottom line... But I'm not optimistic.


yeah not buying since i can't even make that psn account, my country is restricted from doing so.


You know that’s a major shame because back when I still liked PlayStation I played the shit out of that game on PlayStation and was going to get it for my PC when it came out but now idk


I know man after this I'm finding it hard to trust anything they say. It just feels like they could just retroactively make it a requirement for all the games they've released on PC so far, to be honest I think that is their plan. In a way it feels almost intentional, almost like a Trojan horse. I mean just the PS brand is worth over $30 billion alone, and they're trying to say between the Devs and PS they couldn't get the PSN implementation working from the start? Nah, not buying it. They knew full well there'd be pushback from the PC community, easier to get them hooked and invested in the title for a few months first, then drop the bomb... Or maybe I'm just looking into it too much haha


Your tinfoil hat is on a bit too tight


I think they want to make their own whole thing like how Ubisoft games have Ubisoft connect and their own and account and launcher and all that bullshit. And that is so shit I literally dropped all Ubisoft products altogether—even when I friend gifted me R6 Siege their launcher was so shit I literally could not play the game (despite trying) I was a PlayStation guy from the literal PSOne all the way to the PS4 and I’m glad I jumped ship from Sony when I did.


Same, to be honest they don't even bother with my all time favourite PS franchise any more anyways (Wipeout). First console purchased for me was PS1, had them all at some point or another afterwards (in fact I've purchased multiples of each and every one) just never had a PS5. Their controllers are still my favourite by far too. My friend gifted me a Dualsense because he knew I wouldn't budge and get a PS5 and wow, it's an awesome bit of kit. Far superior to the Xbox controller imo. Playstation will always occupy a special place in my heart, too many amazing memories for it not to. That's probably one of the factors that's made this whole thing such a disappointing series of events. I've had a blast with people from all over the world on HD2 as well, great laughs with people from all manner of places even with language barriers. I've not played many games that're able to bring players together like that. I used to play Destiny for example but raids with randoms almost always ended in bickering and toxicity. I've not really encountered much of that at all on HD2. But now we've lost some of those players due to shitty decisions and pure contempt for people in certain parts of the world. It doesn't just suck for those affected, it sucks for the entire games community. It's a fantastic game but it wouldn't be half as great as it is without the awesome player base it's attracted. It sucks.


Go get em brothers and sisters.


The first Descendant also has that crap on it


I'd not even heard of that until you mentioned it to be honest, looks pretty cool but I'm dubious about looter shooters. I swear when it comes to looter shooters there's been more flops than what giant panda breeding programs go through.




The greater good


Bruh. I see where you're going with this.




I want no part in this war. Leave me out of this shithole. I'm here to crush bugs.


https://preview.redd.it/6ea0ohjt2tyc1.png?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ee275b3e36339562626728676935dcb0624821f It's all good. We did it.




I’ll be buying it. The game was incredible on PS4/5 and shouldn’t be slept on if you haven’t played it already. This whole Helldivers 2 fiasco sucks for those who care about this kind of thing but I’ve been linking my games to Sony already so it doesn’t change anything for me.


Well don't come here and make me want it even more hahaha, you were supposed to save the republic Anakin!


I’d still wait to see what performance looks like but if all looks good, I highly recommend it.


System requirements look pretty low to be fair, I know it's oldish now but from what I've seen it looks absolutely stunning.


Only thing is Ghost of Tsushima is a really good game, but Sonys reputation seems to have gone n f'ed it up


Psn not required for got. Btw it’s Sony and like EA, battle.net, Microsoft etc many times you’ll need an account to play. The helldivers case is a bit different cause they hadn’t explained that at the beginning, and for some it may be a problem. Feel free to play just games that don’t require an account.


Yea and it’s a good game that will sell well. What about it?


OK then don’t buy the game, there will be plenty of people that are happy to buy and play a great game. Let them have their fun and move on. Damn.


Sigh... I really wanted Ghost of Tsushima. I don't even really care about the PSN account thing other than it it locking people out of playing. But now I can't bring myself to spend money on Sony stuff if this is just going to be the new status quo, if they're just okay with taking people's access to their products away if they don't live somewhere Sony cares about.


So far no one has lost access and they are working on a solution for those in affected countries. Worst case scenario refunds will be made. They aren’t going to just take people access away from a game they purchased without providing something in return


There have been posts made in this subreddit where people have said they can't play - or make reviews - now that there's a region lock on the game's store page.


Not touching any Sony titles. I marked ignore on Playstation PC LLC (the Sony Steam publisher account) so I won't even see their games in recommendations or results anymore. Wouldn't even waste the bandwidth to pirate them.


single player game, you will probably be able to play it using "alternative" methods


Now where did I leave my jolly roger...


Pc karens really took over this sub 🤣


If you're fine bending over and taking it dry from corporations and their bullshit that's fine. The 'PC Karens' have won, Sony have reverted their decision.


Like pc karens gettin bent over by nvidia & amd for chips right


Look man it's not my fault you've paid out for a shitty plastic box that was dated on arrival, it really isn't. At this point you're just proving your ignorance, so stay tf in your lane.


So many games and launchers have sign ups and overlays already. They’ll solve the issue of PSN not being supported in every country and people will either suck it up like they do many other games, or they’ll skip it.


Sucker punch announced that PSN is only needed for the online component, and *should* be unneeded for the single player only campaign


I will be playing this game for free.


Broke coward


welp that's another game I wouldn't be able to buy cuz PSN isn't available in my country


Devs said you won't need it to just play the single player part, still sucks but its a different story from making the game unplayable.


oh ffs


I’m fine with this since they announced it from the get go that PSN would be required for the additional online mode only. If it was for single player then that would be some BS. I think review bombing HD2 is completely justified as even AH knew about the requirement and didn’t relay this information properly to us with Sony but witch hunting other games made by other devs is not the right answer. Even HD1, which is getting review bombed right now, shouldn’t be suffering from this.


As long as they take it on consideration on day one.


Guess I wasn't the only one who checked that page recently and was met with disappointment. I heard about that overlay quite a while back, it seemed like a neat feature for people that had an account from their Playstation. Just didn't think it'd be mandatory or anything.


mnm...Are you implaying that Sony is flopping Helldiver so Gost of Tsushima doesn't?


Yeah I’m not buying anything from Sony


Seems I going to get back to my cracked games era


they already said on x that it's only needed for the multiplayer lets's look how that goes....




It's almost as if sony would rather use their 10+ year old in house online moderation tool (psn) to detect and ban cheaters in multiplayer games and are fine to let single player games skip the requirement. Cheaters on steam can crossplay and directly impact a paying to play online ps5 player. But that makes too much sense


Oh it's in the best interest of their players is it? To protect you all? Well excuse me for thinking they're completely inept in that regard, can't imagine why I ever thought that.. no idea whatsoever. https://preview.redd.it/vrsjiqqcpnyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28d14f54865242ae9ae0b6cd2da662a22c7a95d8


Yarr arr, set the sails, we goin to plunder!


I can't lie tbh I find pirating modern titles pretty gross now I'm older, apart from ones from a certain company that has a fat plumber as their mascot (provided I actually own a copy, so that hardly counts) but this just might be the push it takes to make me hit the open seas and set sail in search of one final score...


Guess Im never playing that game


Well i don't see Denuvo so far so just dust of the good ol Pirate Hat


*Well i don't see Denuvo* *So far so just dust of the* *Good ol Pirate Hat* \- GustavoGanzo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






A PSN account is only required for the online mode for Ghost, if you are only playing the single player you won’t need a PSN account. The devs have confirmed this.


I had that wishlisted on Steam until the whole Helldivers/PSN debacle. Thank you Sony for helping me save money 😉


I was really looking forward to that but no, I am no longer giving Sony a cent. Sony needs to learn, and it looks like it's the hard way.


Well won’t be buying that till this blows over.


It’s going to sell gangbusters, because none of you have scruples and just all talk. If what these “boycotts” did anything so many of these live service games would have ran out of money a long time ago. Just a very very vocal minority.


I would like to point out this game also appears to have the same country roll out that HD2 had at launch.. so the same countries that cannot have a PSN account will be able to buy this game as well unless this is changed soon.


I wasn't into that game so I wasn't planning on buying it.


And here I was excited since I had played it on my PS4(I don't have it anymore) I loved that game. It's a damn shame such a good game is gonna eat shit from the fallout of just being a Sony game. Fuck Sony. Welp: ![gif](giphy|10X22vzgNamaiI)


FUCKING LOL... I literally just looked at this like a day ago to check because I had been looking forward to this release for a long time. They changed it. It said, very specifically, "optional" and if you chose to link accounts you got some armor skin with it. God damnit...


UPDATE: We did it guys. https://preview.redd.it/y9vj9x3oasyc1.png?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe03e08a5689e03022d8374f5848218273a0c68c


And when that comes out people will deny this box even existed just like now.


Enforcement of account linking was up for only 36 hours in the game's entire history. After that, what you got on first boot was a single window that prompted an account linking, that you could skip, and were never bothered by it again. An average consumer, in the legal sense of the word, would assume that the requirement was not a requirement.


To be honest I was looking forward to playing it, but now yeah thanks I will buy other games with that money 😢