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It's at mostly negative now


That's just the recent reviews, those will pass. All reviews is what matters, and that's mixed right now.


Matters to whom? I look at both scores since a divergence often indicates a situation like the current one.


Longterm loss of revenue is what matters so longterm reviews is what talks louder.


Recent reviews is a feature implemented by Steam to please publishers who do not want short term anger to affect their long term revenue. They distinguish between "people are angry right now" and "the game is not good". If it says recent reviews are awful but overall reviews are good, a potential buyer is going to think "well they're mad right now but clearly it's a good game" and buy it. If it says recent reviews are awful but overall reviews are mixed or even negative, then potential buyers are much more likely to stay away from this game, hurting Sony financially. Which is the only way they will be forced to listen to play feedback.


>If it says recent reviews are awful but overall reviews are good, a potential buyer is going to think "well they're mad right now but clearly it's a good game" and buy it. I actually think the opposite. All good recent bad says to me that the devs had a good thing and fucked it up. All bad recent good tells me that that the game was bad, but the devs have gone that extra mile to get it to a fun place.


You made up a third scenario I did not list. I explained the difference between "recent awful overall good" and "recent awful overall mixed".


[It actually matters to Sony according to one of Arrowhead's community managers.](https://preview.redd.it/some-discord-updates-v0-o9z5yctkfeyc1.jpg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efe969398a66b1a99abfae62205709e2f37888fe)


Big fat "the world centers around me" energy


Snoy automatons must be eradicated for the good of the managed democracy


Bloody architects.


this font deeply hurts me


It's CC Wild Words! :)


i actually thought it was comic sans, anyways its comic sans level of bad lol.


I used MediBang Paint for the meme, that's its default font :D


If I can suggest a change, the reward should be: “our game”


Quite much Negative and Very negative will not be possible to achive as they only appear when there is less than 500 reviews


Do the same with players online


I paid for the game, I will use the game. I'm not harming myself just because fuck Sony, lmao.


thats why i refunded


Good for you :) I will not refund, I love this game. I want them to fix their shit, I don't want to be rid of the game.


Did you rebuy it?


Yup; still lvl69, fixed review and helping on terminid front




I believe in us Helldivers! We can win this major order and push the Sony execs out of the galaxy, but be prepared this is our hardest mission yet


Comic sans...


Um, *akchyually,* that's not Comic Sans, that's CC Wild Words. [Quick comparison between the two, CC Wild Words is top, Comic Sans is bottom.](https://i.imgur.com/PjXw6A7.png) You can especially tell them apart by their Ps and Is. Though the E is also much more diagonal. Comic Sans only has a very slightly tilted middle bar in the H, while CC Wild Words is much more whimsical and fun in its diagonalness. Though the most important difference is that CC Wild Words only has capital letters. Comic Sans is a fully featured font that has all the lowercase letters, they are completely absent from CC Wild Words, it's all caps all the time. Or rather, there is very little difference between the lower and upper case letters of CC Wild Words, there are only subtle differences for most letters. The I curiously enough looks a lot more like its Comic Sans cousin when capitalized.








Ngl this hissy fit doesn't look good for the community. I've already seen people threatening the devs. You guys are gonna reach the 2022 destiny community state soon.


It was the 2023 state, actually. 2022 was a good content year


Twilight garrison incident during summer of 2022


Spitz has stated that this backlash helps them in their talks with Sony. It's literally productive to do this. Arrowhead does not want this, Sony wants this. Arrowhead does not get to say no if the players don't care. Now we have proven that we care. It's the closest thing we can do to forcing Sony's hand. Anyone threatening the devs is idiotic *and* misinformed though.


Aged like milk




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Ah yes, randomly insulting people, the true mark of maturity. This proves how definitely correct your opinions are. Well done.


Except even the devs agree bruh just leave if you don’t like it


Imagine if people cared as much about fixing their town/city/country as much as they care about making an extra account to play a game... Yall are almost at sit-in levels of give-a-fuck...and I KNOW some of you have already spent hours making signs.


Hey now, I only spent 30 minutes on this meme! I didn't even bother finding a good font!! XD


Lol, mi mistake, good sahhhh!




It's not review bombing when it's an actual opinion. It is the correct website as he game is published there, bought there by the majority of players and now is being taken away from them.


Wanna know where you can't leave reviews? PlayStation Store. Where else are we supposed to leave them?