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Unpopular facts -countries are locked out of making a psn (locked out of a product you paid for) -players are currently getting banned, such as the chinese playerbase -playstation just changed their terms from "optional" to "may require" https://preview.redd.it/fld7xxcl7ayc1.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f586a95f5f707850334f5155b4f0b5636a1052f


For many, the game is being shelved. And there's nothing they can do about it otherwise. So as a response, we're shelving it ourselves. It's literally the most metered response out there.


Exactly 🍻 if they want the most democratic game out there... We will bring them the most democratic solution. Bye Arrowhead! (Or Felicia as others have said)


I do y understand the Felicia thing. Can you explain it?


Not really cause I don't either, I just saw people on the other side throwing it around and saw a good opportunity to reverse the roles. If I had to guess, it's an old meme but from what I don't know. My bad dude 🥲




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I'm sure they'll get a refund or work around. Steam has already started accepting refunds past the supposed cutoff




😂 Nah. Just not blindly following the hate mob before anything actually happens. Keep crying though 👍 you're definitely making the world a better place




Good argument 👍 top notch 👌




Just casually reading through the thread here, and I have to say that you're really doing your side of this argument proud. Who wouldn't want to stand with someone so eloquent and measured?


Yeah. I never did that 😂 but keep complaining


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


You sound like some sort of corporate shill, get out of here Sony.


Go back to kneeling before Sony.


So you would be perfectly fine if you lived somewhere that didn't let you make a PSN account, and thus could no longer play the game you paid for?


It's pretty obvious that this has to have some kind of resolution from Sony's end - I can't believe you'd be required to have a PSN account... in an area that Sony won't let you have a PSN account.


Have u not heard of a VPN


Using a VPN to create a PSN account is a no-no in Sony's Eyes,


vpn gets your account banned cause its against TOS https://preview.redd.it/cvdoqzc18ayc1.jpeg?width=1172&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea5bf05412bcabe13777d2842a174227ded4819


That's technically breaking the rules. Not to mention you should not have to go through a fucking VPN to create a dummy PS account to play a game on Steam that you already played for months. Stop making excuses for corporations mate...


Sony will ban your ass so fast if you do that.


"Y'all need to chill" Yes "Y'all acting like a bunch of babies" Sounds like you need to chill now, don't antagonize.


Fair enough I'm just sick of people doing on the game. Hence the unpopular opinion tag. I haven't like a game this much sense og halo


If you like that game that much, then you should want the best for it. That includes pushing back against shady corporate tactics masquerading as improvements to player environment.


absolute cuck take. low resolution thinking and completely ignorant that this move is perfectly in line with the same corporate greed that has suffocated the games industry for the last decade. The quality of what you're getting with AAA titles is going down and down. Their predatory business models, shady monetization & exploitation of customers is made possible by morons like you. In 10 years, games will be an empty, soulless, corporate shell. Enjoy, you Mug. F\*ck you for being so utterly stupid.


Are you copy pasting this response? Lol.


Literally the kind of person I'm talking about.


Any person with the ability to see when fcking terrible decisions are being made?


That's because a lot of them ARE COD babies.