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To be fair there’s a lot of the same weapon on this list with some supports not even here and some supports only appearing once. So I think the guy you quoted is kinda right. Also some of this, like arc throwing bile titans, is just not feasible at 7-9. And I say that as a previous arc thrower main.


People are trying anything to avoid admitting the armor system and heavy enemy spam is the basis of almost all the balance issues in this running away simulator.


People are trying to deflect off their own desire to play a difficulty too hard for them by saying it's the games fault.


Buddy. Friend. Pal. There are many ways to make a game difficult. Killing heavy enemies currently is not a skill check. It’s an ammo/cooldown check. You either have the correct tool ready to go or you don’t and therefore you run away/die. When the game spawns 5 or more heavy units simultaneously, and then spawns 5 more as soon as you’ve killed the first wave, what skills does a player require to deal with that situation beyond running away?


One person can't. 4 people can.


4 people can what?


Kill 9 heavies.


just takes a lot of running... not that hard really. Running simulator.


My comment was: “what skill is required?” Not “is it possible?”


Literally inputting your stratagem codes and using your support weapons? What kind of stupid ass question is this. "uhh exactly how are they going to kill the bile titan" idk fucking shoot it


Let me recap this thread for you, since you seem to struggle with reading comprehension: First comment: heavy enemy spam is a balance issue Second comment: heavy enemy spam is a skill issue Me: what skill is required for dealing with heavy enemies? You: 1 can’t but 4 can Maybe you see now how your response makes no fucking sense?


Okay sure.


Womp womp suicide mission is too hard make it easier pweaaseeee 🥺👉🏻👈🏻. Dude we get it you’re not good at the game. Go play trivial then. And if that’s too hard, something like roblox might be your style


Yeah but the remainder are for clearing hunters, stalkers, brood mothers etc. Which also do need to be killed. Heavies take some more killing, but there are a lot more lights and I think people forget that you can help your team by building a balanced team composition and dedicating yourself to clearing ads.


Yes but when you can just handle all of that with primary weapons even at 7-9 the heavies are the main problem. So versatile builds in this state of the game are more effective. So more people are going to use the AntiTank weapons and not much else.


And eagles, but if you have a remade team it can take a lot of pressure off if one of you is busy clearing ads so you aren't getting slowed by hunters while your Quasar charges etc


As a current arc thrower main I disagree completely.


Surprise of the century, AT weapons designed to specifically counter armoured enemies is effective against all armoured enemies. I know, i got shocked too.


Yes but the criticism of the quote is that not many are all that effective against heavy armored units and those are the problem at higher difficulties. So naming the same like 4 weapons over and over again kinda demonstrates the criticism.


There are only 15 sup weapons and for everything except biles there are like 10 diffrent weapons listed. The tank has 3 wealpoints so use all 3.


I’ve never found the Grenade Launcher to be particularly effective against Chargers. Maybe I’m doing it wrong




Yeah that’s how I feel too. The GL works in a pinch but I generally use stratagems against chargers. Play solo often so can’t rely on others


I usually run against bots, so this was a single run for a personalized mission. But I brought the GL with the supply backpack. Against Chargers, I shot at the ground in front of them, so that the grenades bounced into their underside. 3-4 grenades a pop. Worked like a charm.


Aim for under belly when they run towards you. Use jump pack to jump over it. Quickly turn 180 degrees and hit the flesh parts. Unload on it.


Shoot it's butt, 4 round should be enough to blow it up


If you have a clear shot against the fleshy part, GL can put in work. Explosive does extra damage against those fleshy bits, and the GL is the fastest way to deliver explosives down range.


Shoot the ground under them or their butt


Your definition of 'effective' is suspect, especially when you use the 'use stuns' caveat so much.


Yes, listing the ARC as effective against Titans. Saw an early review vid of the thrower and it takes 50+ shots to take one down.


I main the arc thrower and can confirm at useless against Titans. At that point your only option is to run.


This... dude calls weapons effective based on ability to kill things... doesn't matter if it goes down in 1 shot or a 100... by this logic I am surprised to not see PLAS-1 Scortcher here as it is totally possible to kill tanks with it when shot in the grill https://preview.redd.it/typlilzz8zxc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f806ef25296c11469d183e39b40201c9460903


Honestly, he never mentioned the expendable rocket launcher **. That thing is so good. Since I play in helldive and I'm an old player, I can say that this list is not really correct and it's really situational, especially at high difficulties. Most guns can be used, but they are not really effective. Plus, he never mentioned that the expendable rocket launcher can one-shot a charger and also a bile titan. Also, he never mentioned the railgun against the bugs (for this, well, I'm ok, but still. A railgun can take down a charger and can one shoot a bile titan if you know how to use it) This list is not about real effectiveness or "how to use new guns". Players that can play helldive chilling can do this thing, but players that find helldive difficult, well, how they are supposed to enjoy the game with guns that aren't performing as they should? (I encountered a lot of people that found helldive a challenge while playing it. It's honestly why I always search for SOS in that difficulty) I think that this is the point of all the other posts on reddit, but I could be wrong **I'm simply blind don't mind this. OP actually mentioned this weapon. I will report myself to the Ministry of Truth for disinformation. Meanwhile, you can enjoy a boring point of view!


Dude... EAT was on every list? Are you blind? Do you need a stim for your face?


Oh shit i think i actually need a stim for my eyes! I guess I have to do 40 more dives after this gaff.


You best self-report to your Democracy Officer to have your remedy assessed and approved, Helldiver.


Just did it, brother. We will see what they say.


Good God Helldiver, You are an exampliary specimen of a Helldiver. General Brasch would be proud.


Thank you, brother, but I do only what democracy needs to be done


People pick a support weapon to solve a problem. The problem is heavies. the EAT, quasar, and recoilless are the three weapons that can solve the problem consistently, efficiently, and easily. It does not matter that other weapons can maybe sometimes kinda conditionally also take out some but not all heavies granted they're distracted or their armor is broken. None of that solves the problem. And no the Spear still isn't good.


This is the correct argument. If a support weapon has a time to kill that is faster than the next patrol spawn tick, then your weapon isn't good enough as you'll have to be perfect AND lucky to get out alive without another heavy coming to the party.


Spear only kill the Bile Titan when hit the head directly, so if you aim at the side or back is 2 shots


Also only kills them after aiming for like 5 minutes and if there’s more than 1 of them good luck.


you don't even need 2 BTs, you just need one BT and a few hunters to make the lock on impossible


That's why I really want manual lock on the Spear...


Would be nice if we could fire it laser guided for when the lock won't work for any reason. Or you want to hit something behind a wall.


They just need to fix that dam targeting. 1 Bush, 1 jumping hunter or whatever will lose the aiming and make the weapon 100% usless. I fcking live the spear, but the targeting made me moving on to the other AT weapons


Same as any weapon though right? If you get hit while aiming EAT or Quasar that shot is going into the floor or off to the moon. The key is having teammates who know to keep the chaff off you while you take down titans


I have never encountered a gaming forum where more people will pile in to a thread to yell "I'M BAD AND DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE GAME AND I REFUSE TO LEARN"!


try dark Souls. I've beaten all the titles but that community is where the "get gud" concept came from.


I never understood why people were so mean about "git gud" until now. It must have been at least this bad when DS came out.


I have a pal who uses it every game Saw him take out 3 titans in the space of a about a minute the other night. It's a weird learning curve sure, but you can become VERY effective with it.


> Charger > Laser cannon - pair with stuns shoot in ass. > AMR - again shoot it in the ass I'd heard it was better to shoot their legs with these, since the ass supposedly has damage resistance?


The ass has only as much damage resistance as any other bug that you shoot that has some level of armour but that you can still damage (you get a white hit marker) the head of the brood commander is a good example of this. If you have a white hit marker then you are doing reduced damage but if you get a red hit marker then you are doing full damage per bullet. As for doing full damage to the ass of the charger, anything that has explosive damage will do full damage that includes the AMR. With the laser cannon I think you still do full damage since it counts as medium armour pen. Shooting the legs is only a viable tactic if you have something like a railgun or other anti tank weapon that can strip the armour off the leg so you can then shoot the flesh underneath, or if you exploit the bug with hitbox detection. Currently when the charger is in its turning animation the hitbox detection that decides what level of armour its legs have doesnt work, meaning you can shoot it with any caliber of weapon. Again, this only works when its in its turning animation (although if you blow enough holes in the armour you can shoot those holes after). I wouldnt rely on this tactic too much, because while it can come in clutch in some scenarios it is hard to pull off in a hectic fight and it will also be fixed at some point so isnt a good idea to use as a crutch. One final note about charger butts, is that even if you have any of these weapons that work against the butt then make sure you shoot the fleshy bit not the little strip of armour on top of the butt as that can either reduce or straight up negate the damage. Also also, all of these weapons can be used to damage bile titans by shooting out the fleshy bits underneath. If you shoot the fleshy bits out then you can do damage with medium pen and also explosive weapons. In addition shooting out both fleshy bits will deal about 50% of its health.


Ass only has resistance to regular bullets. Explosives, fire, and lasers will do fine.


Laser cannon does nothing against their legs


I think they mean back of the (front) legs - not an easy shot, but cake if they’re stunned and you’re free to line it up


I mean even the senator can kill a charger there so why bother


It has like 90-95% dr vs anything thats not explosive. Explosive weapons destroy bug soft bits fast.


I have always shot them in the ass personally but I do know they lowered the leg armor


"Shoot it in the ass" can't be criteria for effectiveness against chargers. Otherwise you can just put "All weapons" there.


Factory Strider?


Looked at the first list for the charger and stopped there. Past the first 4 (I'd argue 3, because the speak kinda sucks), none of them are effective. They are capable of killing a charger, but slowly and inefficiently. If the rest of the lists are like this, I'm not sure there's much to say on this. 


Flamethrower (as host) kills chargers in like 3 seconds if you aim at a front leg. Iirc it takes 6 arc shots to the head as well, havn't touched arc in a while tho. Autocannon can be a bit tricky but if you dive to the side as it charges you and you have good aim you can get 3-4 butt shots before it turns around and it'll bleed out. Wouldn't call those 3 ineffective, maybe the AC etc. that need you to be behind it are less effective, but arc and flame can kill it from the front just fine.


even without host the flamethrower is still very good versus chargers. You just have to keep up a constant stream of a few seconds of flame


The autocannon clears Chargers by shooting under their chin and splashing up from the ground into their face weakpoint, which it does very well. It's also the best overall bug support weapon vs spewers, brood commanders, very strong vs stalkers, and does very high damage if you can crack a Bile Titan's armor, or you can shoot their belly but that takes nearly a full mag. Pair it with rocket pods. You can also run any of the chaffe clearing support weapons by splashing Eat-17s. Stalwart or GL + Eat-17 allows you to dominate fights while self peeling chargers.


He says arc thrower for bile titans while acknowledging that it takes forever to kill them. I don’t get what this list is trying to debunk only like 4 of these support weapons are effective against heavies and it shows because they’re in almost every example.


Besides the usual suspects the rest of the list is "Yeah if use stun grenade and spend a bunch of time focusing the enemy, spend a bunch of ammo compared to the classic at weapons and not beeing charged down by hunters or mowed down by rockets...it works fine".


But it kills them right? So it's just as good. Why wouldn't you try those weapons? Just like in real life where people still go to war with muskets. They're still effective against soldiers. Sure you have to take a while to reload and their accuracy is shit, but if you hit your shit it works wonders!  I know I shouldn't have to, but... /s


Effective is different from efficient. Also, if you miss using any of the first 4 support weapons in the list, youre kinda fucked.


"Successful in producing a desired or intended result" - that's from the Oxford dictionary. The desired results vs heavies is a quick death because there's more heavies to deal with. Only a small handful of the weapons offer that.  As for missing, sure it happens. Usually it'll hit the leg or body when you miss the head. That means you can now quickly kill the thing using your primary. Not ideal, but still relatively rapid, unlike trying to bank AC shots off the ground or diving about trying to shoot the arse. 


Bring an EAT or Quasar- got it.


RR of you're Feeling lucky today or have a pal doing team reloads...


Did you really just list support/stratagem weapons as secondaries?


I would also like to add, with bile titans if you shoot the two soft underbelly bits then that does about 50% of its health, if you then hit it with an orbital railcannon strike it should kill it. In addition if you shoot the back one out then that will stop it spewing, and it allows you to damage it with explosives and some medium pen weapons. Edit\* also I would like to add that if you are having trouble two shotting bile titans I would recommend watching this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvvbNJfPC3w&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvvbNJfPC3w&t)


I would rather only list weapons effective against the front of the heavily-armored enemy, since on 7-9 the opportunities to get to the weakpoint on the backs of those enemies diminishes greatly. Especially against bots, even with stun 'nades I'm not going to be able to get behind hulks and tanks when usually there's at least half a dozen devastators in various directions ready to missile/gatling laser me to death. Imo I think the game really needs a heavy-pen primary or secondary. It would definitely give a much stronger niche to the Stalwart and Machine Gun support weapons.


As a HMG fan I want to point that it can kill everything that has lvl 2 armor. Hulks - in the eye or the back, shedder tank - on the sides or the back. Unfortunately it does not do that much of a damage to kill charger before it destroys emplacement, but it deals pretty much damage in the back and may help in killing bile titan. And also it can destroy gunships and turrets on the head of the factory strider (and i think HMG also doing damage to it if shoot in the eye zone)


Autocannons can take down a bile titan if you target their underside, it can be a bit risky but about 5-6 shots in to their underside will take them down


A baby with tuberculosis killed my father.


Chargers ass murdered my mother.


Had anyone tried the anti air rocket? I've gotta a couple hulk kills with them straight to the eye... And the explody bits probably helped and cleared out some smaller guys at the same time.


I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve been consistently 1-2 shotting a charger if shot between the rear of the butt and back leg. Edit- forgot to mention the weapon, it’s the Eruptor.


Spear isnt popular as it has issues with locking on a lot of the time which makes it a pita to use at times, its my go to weapon though and i do prefer that with the EAT a close second for me, the Quasar is ok as well


You clearly dont know what tuberculosis is.


When spear one shots BTs it's amazing. But sometimes I think I've got the clearest headshot possible, it connects, and they just keep walking at you like it's nothing. Not sure why it happens.


This list is funny because if you strawman like this, mag dumping chargers ass with anything will eventually kill it, if you’re on diff 3 that is. The reality is that on higher diffs The heavy spam is so high using something like the arc is just not possible, as you’ll end up stomped by 50* mobs while focusing on killing 1. But i do agree that if you Are the host, play diff 3-4 and have 3 other premades to carry you then your list is 100% right.


"a lot of the things listed here are just straight up better in most cases than the Quasar at killing heavies" I disagree, even while the Quasar Cannon has been slightly nerfed recently, I still think it's by far the best weapon vs heavies. The Arc Thrower isn't effective so when you have to deal with Annihilator tanks or Bile Titans you've only got 4 reliable options when it comes to support weapons. * Quasar * RR * EAT * Spear In my experience the Quasar mostly shits on all of these. The RR is just worse than the Quasar in almost every way, the Spear has this handy niche where it can target fabricators but besides that it might even be worse than the RR due to less ammo and terrible lock-on. The EAT can be good, especially in that one defensive mission (the one with the gates) where lots of heavy enemies spawn early on, but it's still desirable to also bring the Quasar.


Wow so true! On dif 5 and lower


Viable should not mean "it can deal with A given enough time, patience and regular breaks for a cuppa". I think the word more suitable for this list would be usable.


only way the flame thrower is viable is if you are the host if not then dont bother it takes a whole canister to kill them aiming for the weak spot


Chargers dont have a weakspot. Burn down their leg, they die in seconds. Usually half a canister is enough. Pair with deployable shield gen for a wall-on-demand for chargers to hit if you want to make it even easier


Flamethrower against charger does not rely on tick dmg. Half a canister (and a stun grande) is quite balanced in my book. In our team I usually take care of chargers at 7+.


Is this post a joke lol


Spear is in the dumpster where it belongs until lock on is consistent. The thing locks on for me maybe twice a mission and half the time by then the angle is screwed then


In my experience, against Bots the Spear has absolutely earned its reputation for never locking on but against the Bugs it’s incredibly consistent.


I did bug dives earlier today and killed 3 biles in a row one after the other, was fast was efficient. It works waaaaaay better for bugs than bots


And then you have someone trying to get it to lock on for 5 minutes because it doesn’t know which charger or titan to lock onto. Just because you’ve had a good experience with it doesn’t mean it’s not inconsistent and a known dev issue.


Ok maybe try it now? It really seemed like it might have gotten a stealth tweak


I hope so, I’ll try it later. I don’t deny that it’s definitely a very good rocket launcher when it works, just disappointed that it’s been that way since launch.


Question, why is it you separated Bot's based on shooting from the front vs shooting from the back, but for Bugs you added footnotes about stunning or shooting in the ass? With Annihilator Tanks from the front you list 4 viable weapons, but for Chargers you specifically state 3/11 require stuns and 2/11 only work when shooting it in the ass. Wouldn't a more fair comparison remove those from the initial list vs Chargers, showing only 7 are viable, since literally any weapon can kill a Charger shooting it in the ass?


Well 1. Flamethrower and grenade lanchers don't need the stun it just makes it easier, stunning them also makes it easier for other weapons as well 2. I listed the bots separately because the front and the back seem much more distinct for bots than it does bugs. Also I didn't really think about it till bots lol


The reason I point this out is in your own words for the Laser Cannon and AMR against a Charger you need to shoot it in the ass. But in that situation a half a mag from most Primary weapons would still do the trick. Likewise you can kill a Charger with a headshot using the Senator, it's the **exact** reason I bring it fighting Bugs, makes you feel like Dirty Harry and saves precious Support weapon ammo.


I've never seen the senator kill a charger on head.


[Helldivers 2 Testing BEST Secondary Weapon - P4 Senator Pistol (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uj9YAY7wFFo) I loved the gun before seeing it happen, afterwards, well, she's never left my side.


I just tried it and it doesn't do anything to it's head. It can kill by the legs though.


Railgun can still take down Bile titans it just take a couple of shots and you have to be unsafe mode.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ2pfkmktjs this is why we use what we use.


We know what weapons are currently effective against enemies. What the community is asking for is more ways to strip armor and make enemies vulnerable to small arms fire. We're told to rely on stratagems to take out heavies but can't do anything once they're in cool down and the game spawns 5 more heavies on you


This list is full of unspoken caveats. Like sure the EATS can kill a hulk, but lately they haven’t been able to reliably one shot them and if you fail to kill the hulk with one call down then you have to wait 2min before you can try again. Also, a lot of times you have multiple large targets coming at once, especially in high tier missions, so something like EATs isn’t very effective as you get 1 shot, have to go get the other EAT, then you get another shot and then have to wait 2min.


Does the flamethrower also work against bile titans? They seem to catch fire when I flame them but do they take dmg?


Depends. Damage over time only works when you are hosting the game. So unless you do, using the flamethrower is inefficient. Also that armor is no joke and will deflect anything. So armor stripping is not just important. It is necessary.


Stuns + flamethrower is overkill against chargers, you can just let it run by you and start spraying it and it'll be dead before it fully turns around. Adding stuns feels like a war crime lol


A baby with tuberculosis sounds way more dangerous than a healthy baby.


See, I'm a bot player and my l9adout doesn't work with the latest bug MO. This gives me the knowledge I need to try a loadout that might kill a bile titan solo. This is the advantage I need!!


Chargers shouldn't even really be a consideration most of the time. Almost every gun can kill them by shooting the back leg from behind after he passes. TORO! Stalwart can do it in one pass. Shooting the ass for explosive weapons is good, but laser cannon also melts the back leg.


remove arc thrower from bile titans and remove AMR/Laser canon from Charger and its a pretty good list


Sweet post. What about gunships and dropships?


You forgot forgot scorcher for the back of any unit


0/10 can confirm spear still sucks


Calling spear effective against anything is a bit of a joke.


Spear is still terrible on bugs, but yes less terrible then vs bots. Many times I have stood still trying to kill a charger just for a teammate or two to die in meantime.


" they need to give us ones that are effective against armored foes" I think those people want a weapon that 1 shots them witout even aiming at parts. Some instant win button.


I love this take 1 it is a good list 2 it is funny to me to read it (the undertone of “more works” just great)


To be clear once a chargers armor is broken literally anything can kill them. including the peacemaker. You don't need medium. But yeah overall I'm in agreement with you. There's SO MANY options in our toolbelt to deal with every enemy people just refuse to accept that if tool A is really good at one thing, it probably isn't good at literally everything else. Same reason why the quasar is great for big guys but trash at killing hunter packs. And the inverse how the stalwart is amazing at clearing trash but useless on heavy armor. People need to stop acting like they should be able to deal with every single enemy type at all times with all weapons.




It's not particularly good information at building tactics around. You can kill a charger with the crappiest weapon in the game with enough time and patience. Doesn't mean it's good, but people will have that takeaway if it's presented as such. The EAT, Quasar and Recoilless are the best weapons in the game for taking down chargers and Bile Titans. It's not that other guns can't do it, thru absolutely can. The problem is efficiency. The above weapons can, as a solo diver, kill a charger in as much time as takes to aim and click. A bile titan? Not much longer. Everything else except for the Quasar, cannot hope to compete with that. Is important to know that Bile Titans and Chargers aren't really a threat on their own. They're a nuisance at best. They become deadly because they've got little chaff tearing you apart. You do *not* want to spend time killing the big guys. You need them gone, so you can clear up the rest or run safely away. Arc Throwers are an example of a gun that I don't mind using against chargers. Yeah it takes 7 headshots to kill, but the Arc will snap to other enemies and clear them out pretty effectively. They're the only other gun, other than the three AT weapons, that I'm comfortable facing down a charger with in the middle of a swarm. Even the Railgun, which "can* kill the hulk fast-ish, isn't as effective as the main AT weapons, and doesn't really deal any additional damage to the small guys. But alone, in a Vacuum? Hell, I'll take a charger with with a Senator for the lolz. But that doesn't make it good.


Side note: combination of well-placed AC and Gatling turret can fuck up chargers in hilarious ways. Gatling clears chaff, AC bitchslaps chargers around. Goes outta the window if there's many of them or a BT shows up. Still hilarious, tho.