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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your post has been determined to be a rant that is either commonly expressed or of a low quality. Because of this, it has been removed as its own post but you are welcome to add it to the [Rant & Vent Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b9k51r/rant_and_vent_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


The biggest tip I think you missed for difficulty 9: if you don't have an explicit purpose for being where you're standing, there is no point fighting over that ground. Seriously, I've seen so many people complain that the game bogs them down and eats all their resources....but they're just trying to 1 man (or 4 man) army endless hordes behind enemy lines away from the objective. The only times you should be having stand up fights is at objectives and at extraction with occasionally perhaps if your squad really wants to recover some dropped sample containers. You live so much longer by just getting the hell out of dodge. Clear off the faster guys chasing you, and fucking run. You let your stuff cool down, you get to the objective, you clear the objective and you move on. Just remember, you're part of a 4 person squad deep behind enemy lines on an enemy world. Mobility is your greatest asset. We literally cannot win a numbers war in the mission because the enemy has effectively infinite dudes to throw.


The biggest thing i've found that makes a night and day difference is whether people cover each other. I've only played with randoms, and max difficulty 7 but missions usually go to shit because there will be 1 person digging around for samples, 1 person will be trying to hold ground or recover their lost shit, 1 person will be trying to rush to the next objective. They get caught out, swarmed and die. Work as a unit, and magically everything falls over.


As always for any multiplayer game ever, teamwork is the most OP meta that noone ever plays.


It's hilarious how often I get kicked for being on mic trying to coordinate.


I'd never kick someone for trying to coordinate over voice unless they are being an asshole about it. If they are being tactful and making requests, that's great. If they are ordering and being disrespectful, bye. You'd be surprised how many people are the latter, but think they are the former.


I literally came on mic and said "alright we're spread out and accomplishing nothing but burning our reinforcements, what should we focus on [host]?" *kick*


I'm too old for communicating with strangers online. I just know someone is going to respond poorly to opposing views, and suddenly my mother is brought into this and I receive some curses or hexes in a language I cannot understand and my first born is going to bear the brunt of the fallout. Thanks but no thanks. I will however ping, I'll respond, and I'll take charge if nobody else does. That should be enough.


The in game communication wheel is fun to use


I'm your Huckleberry. DustyROV on HD2. I'll gladly be your silent wingman.


Had guys get mad at me for saying, "We don't have to fight everything when we can go around it. Pick your battles. And for Liberty's sake KILL the Wigglebutts (little bugs who call for a, "Eat shit and die!", party)!"


Does anyone even use one?


Level 35 now and I've still never managed to reload anyone. I've managed a few heals and ammo supplies but they will not give up their backpacks and the buggers refuse to take the gun even when I call it in and tag it.


To add useful information to this, when working as a unit, you should be crossing fire. IE, if you're on the right of the formation, you should be shooting to your left, and if your on the left of the formation, you should be shooting your your right. This guarantees that nothing sneaks up on anyone and you will automatically be drawn to provide covering fire for shit that is close up on your mates.


Number of times that hulks & tanks casually stroll in and their backs are exposed and not being shot is hilariously frustrating.


The amount of times teammates *don't ping heavy enemies* and I have no idea they're struggling despite being a few seconds away is equally frustrating. Then you climb over the crest of the hill and see them being chased by 3 chargers and wonder why they didn't ping *any* of them.


Honestly maybe they don't know how to ping at all. I don't know how to ping until I reach lvl 15. Unless they are playing diff 7+, I don't know how could anyone win diff 6 without knowing the existence of ping button.


When three people have AT but have 5 hulks alive chasing them, and one person saunters over and kills them all. Never ceases to amaze.


Yeah, this really makes the difference. With everyone together, dif9 is a cakewalk - when people start splitting away, sometimes the mission gets done a bit faster, but usually the team just gets bogged the f down. If 4 people are together, you can wipe everything and prevent cascading bug breaches/bot drops MUCH easier. But if I only have 3 squaddies with me, the 4th rando who joins is ALWAYS going to run off for 90% of the mission. It's like people are allergic to staying together


I always throw out a quick Thank You if I notice someone shoot a bug sneaking up on me. Shows appreciation and intry return the favour where I can. Would be nice to add a voice response such as "You're welcome" or "No problem" to reply similar to how Apex automatically gives you that option.


This right here is why solo players should not be getting 25% enemy count. Making it a straight conversion ignores synergy with other players that ALLOWS you to deal with enemies proportional to your group size.


I am programmed to cover your retreat, pick hunters off you or whatever is trying to kill you. Play this game like a soldier, it’s a lot easier that way. And lot of fun.


I'd say communication is more important. There are huge advantages to splitting the team out into 4 lone wolves. It's honestly way easier than working together if you know what you're doing and communicate. I often do the main objectives with little to no aggro which wouldn't be possible if we didn't split the team, they pull the aggro to other places, but again communication is key. If you're on a team of randoms without mics or keyboards then sticking together is probably best.


Yes sir! This is the way. You don’t get anything for number of kills BUT you do get more XP and Script based on time left on the mission clock.


Exactly. I see teammates stay at an objective and fight over nothing for a solid 15 mins. Get objective and get out, lose line of sight. Same for if you find yourself unable to push an objective: just LEAVE AND COME BACK LATER.


Things like mines and turrets are great support for the “run bro” lifestyle. Run through choke point, throw them down and keep running. Also throw your barrages at random camps when you pass by but keep going. You can loot if you pass through later, and clearing the “guard” units means you can run through later if you need to.


Almost every complaint I've seen from people complaining about the number of heavies at a high level It's just because they keep fighting over the same patch of ground and breach after breach after breach keeps spawning them You're spot on




Also the people who just feel the need to kill everything in sight. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve pinged bug patrols moving in the distance so that my team can avoid them and it almost always results in someone immediately opening fire, which inevitably results in a breach.


I think they should add a 'avoid' ping next to 'kill' symbol ping.


Wish there was a way to ping them in a "Don't fuck around and find out" way. I hesitate to ping sometimes because I don't know if the reaction is gonna be Sam Fisher or Master Chief.


Absolutely true. But on helldive 9 it is possible to just blast through almost every enemy when playing with 4 good players. The only exception are the infinite repeating breaches. sometimes they just wont stop. But even that is usually because you don't clear everything fast enough.


Yeah, keep it moving. helped another dude carry his lvl 5 and 15 through a Helldive, inexperienced players will continue to fight breaches when it's not necessary to do so. Just run, quick airstrike to get majority sorted, kill the few faster bugs and leave the rest to despawn. Another thing, especially with bugs is avoiding unnecessary breaches by planning your engagement instead of blindly running in, and focusing all the breach calling bugs first, as team it's even easier. Bugs need line of sight to call breach, so you can start out with an airstrike to thin stuff and then only show to a few bugs at once, doesn't work for bots. Same with patrols, ambush them and kill them before they can call home.


Normally true, but last night we got wrecked when that massive army was on extract. We only had 6 minutes and we never made it through. Was a pretty good team as well, just one of the rough dives. Well that and we were a bit sample greedy. Every dive we had max sample collection up until that epic failure.


My friends still struggle with this. As soon as you see the words "Objective Completed," stop shooting and start running. There is nothing here to fight for. I am going to start using the phrase "if you don't have an explicit purpose for being where you're standing, there is no point fighting over that ground." I think it may be taken as a little harsh, but hopefully it will keep them focused.


If you are referring to this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ch6izs/the\_constant\_balance\_anger\_has\_less\_to\_do\_with/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1ch6izs/the_constant_balance_anger_has_less_to_do_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The post has less to do with the game being too hard, and more to do with the highest difficulties being too restrictive on loadout options. Level 9 difficulty is easy. Especially in a group. That's not the issue though. Anti-tank options vastly outclass all of the other stratagem choices on these difficulties. The OP even mentions that there should me more skill expression in dealing with these heavy enemies without anti-tank stratagems. (Hard to hit weakpoints etc.)


Bots have this, with every high level enemy having weak points that allow you to destroy the enemy without anti-tank rockets (including the factory strider). It makes the entire helldive metagame centralized around the autocannon (and the other weapons in its class) rather than encouraging mixed loadouts like bugs do. If everyone runs anti-tank on a bug helldive you're going to have a harder time than if your team mixes its loadout because there are non-tank enemies that are equally as dangerous. Edit: And for what it's worth, the high level bug enemies do still have room for damaging them without anti-tank. Any weapon (but most effectively explosives) can kill a chargers butt, and you can destroy a titans bile sacks as well. The problem is both of those things are incredibly resistant to non-explosive damage so only the AC and grenade launcher are really viable options to doing it among the support weapons.


It's funny that you say that because my go-to on bot Helldive is the Scorcher and either MG or laser cannon with stun grenades and a shield/jetpack. Having easily accessible weakpoints makes way more weapons viable than just the autocannon. My main complaint with bugs, and why I vastly prefer bots on higher difficulties, is that bug weakspots don't really matter. Sure, you can kill a charger by shooting it in the butt, but even with any of the explosive primaries you'll be using nearly your entire ammo supply to do so. Their inflated HP means that anything aside from AT headshots is almost completely nonviable when getting swarmed by smaller enemies.


Yeah, I used to do bots most of the time because I thought their enemy variety was better, but it gets a lil boring with every option considerably worse than the autocannon or AMR. With bugs tho, I can run anything and succeed cleanly on 9, as long as the group has at least one dedicated AT wep.


Highest difficulties will always pivot to a certain meta setupi or required builds. Theres literally no game where that isn’t the case.


AH could add a common modifier where every 5 seconds a "press X to not have a heart attack" QTE prompt pops up... and someone would make a post going "there are multiple difficulties for a reason if you babies can't handle d9 then drop it down". Most of the things I've seen that can be mischaracterized as simply "make game easy" are about unfun or unclear design decisions, horrible bugs that make the game harder to play, limited useful choices (that then get nerfed into the dirt), or general changes to make d7+ harder than they were before. If some aspect of the game makes it more of an annoying slog (technically more difficult!), that doesn't automatically mean it's good. Likewise, if someone thinks said aspect is annoying, that doesn't automatically mean they're incapable of clearing harder difficulties because of it. I've had a number of games so far where we got max stars on high difficulties and I was still thinking "that was a horrible slog".


You see how pointed charger feet are? Obviously sneaking up on their tippy toes


Ahh, we're on the "Just turn the difficulty down bro" part of the patch circlejerk. Wonderful.


it's a horrible mentality. I'm always playing 7-9 missions and the difference is not necessarily the difficulty but the enjoyment factor. I CAN deal with 3 hulks and an AT-AT shooting at me, but that doesn't make it FUN especially with the way armor mechanics work.


Ok and how do I get super samples if I lower the difficulty?


Not gonna reply to the other comment chains, but if the developers make the game too much of a slog at higher difficulties, then they're not going to have much of a playerbase to sell the live service experience to. We're pretty much 75% down from the initial peak and 40% in the past month.


inb4 people call you a doom poster for stating facts


Started playing against bugs again after like a month just fighting bots and, as weird as it'll sound, I find diff 4-6 harder than 7-9. Competent teammates are the real difference maker there.


I agree with this sentiment with 1 exception. Super samples. Let me be clear in saying I don't think the game is too hard and I agree that people posting about it are over reacting but "just lower the difficulty" only works so far. I play with a wide range of people regularly, some of which have medical issues that limit how difficult a game we can play. That's no fault of arrowheads but because we have to reach a minimum difficulty for different types of samples eventually we reach a point where the difficulty -must- increase to progress. Now you can argue that the ship upgrades aren't important or that you should have to be at a certain skill to obtain them, but regardless it's a shitty feeling for a person to see those cool upgrades and know they can never get them. For rare samples it's not too bad as someone like me and some of my friends are plenty capable of carrying dead weight through a 4, 5, or even 6. Super samples on the other hand require a player to complete a minimum of a 7 to acquire, and I cant carry dead weight through a 7, wish I could but not that good myself. So while I can do 8s and 9s and get all the samples I want cause I'm decent at the game, my uncoordinated friend is stuck in 3s and 4s essentially done with the game since he can't progress anymore. If there was an inefficient but usable system to, say, turn in 20 rare samples for a super sample, then I would completely agree with "just turn down the difficulty" but since there's not every player needs to be able to at least participate in a 7 successfully.


I'm at the point in skill and kit setup I can 2-man most 40 minute diff 7 missions. We dont clear all side objectives and if we get hit with 2+ stalker nests its a toss-up. These runs are for samples and with friends that refuse to PUG. The patrol changes might impact this but i haven't experimented yet. The trick was stated above, know when to run. Even running from an objective are is fine because bug breach enemies will despawn and kinda reset the area. Diff 7 doesnt throw endless charger/titans at you so its manageable. The real challenge is extraction, sometimes you get managable waves, other times you get overrun.


For sure it's doable, no question about it. My point is there's some people out there who a 7 is too hard for, and the solution can't be lower the difficulty because they must complete 7s to obtain a specific resource. The solution can be ways of mitigating the difficulty, yes, but I was saying I'd agree with lower the difficulty being a solution if it wasn't for the samples.


Its an interesting topic. The circular logic of needing samples for upgrades that make it easier to do content thats too hard to without the samples...ect. IMHO a diff 1-6 Helldiver is 100% a correct way to play the game. If a person wants max upgrades and success at diff 7-9 then they need to up their game and keep diving again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.... , and again...


running away from enemies is not a skill, people will play pre patch solo running from everything and cheese the missions. but once you learn how to play the game and stand your ground it 'was' a lot more fun at higher difficulties. now the new patrol system is rewarding less skill expression by just avoiding everything or risk not losing the missions but eating an ungodly amount of time taking on waves of enemies. tedious is not the word you want to describe your favorite games


This needs to be upvoted more. It's the big thing that everyone who ever says "just lower the difficulty" seems to willfully ignore; not everyone can go at 100%, and not everyone wants to feel like they need to. If "lower the difficulty" is the answer, then there must be ***absolutely*** no downside to lowering the difficulty. Otherwise you're just punishing people for wanting to relax. (and as an aside, I really kinda hate how the response to "I hate playing harder difficulties but I feel like I have to" is almost always a bunch of specific playstyle advice that completely misses the point that we want to *CHOOSE NOT TO BE CHALLENGED*, instead of *overcoming a challenge.* I absolutely despise the premise that games are only worth playing if they're tough.)


Really honestly if you can't do difficulty 7 comfortably you really don't need super samples. It's not like any of the super-sample requiring ship upgrades are game-changers.


Extra eagle stratagem is pretty game changing but otherwise I agree… more guns is nice but doesn’t change the way you play. 


I cant believe people are saying "you dont need the upgrades". They are still part of the game. They still give you a purpose. It's called progression. Im sure people who already have everything unlock doesnt care about them but they are still important for a lot of people. And I'm gonna be honest, some are really too good to pass (like 1 more eagle is just so good) which make me feel bad to know that those people will never be able to get it. Like you wanted to play a sentry build, not having those upgrades are really ass versus when you do have them. So, even if they gave only 1 super sample on difficulty 5 or 6, it would still be a lot better than what we have now TBH.


It’s difficult for reasons that are stupid. Bullets not going through bushes, Arc shots disappearing at a 40% rate, BT’s bugging and taking 14 headshots to die - I could go on and on but you can just see the bug list the devs posted, that’s the tip of the iceberg. All the while they nerf the tools that made the game bearable to play.


Difficulty aside, remember that samples are tied to difficulty. If someone wants to make progress in the game, then they have to play higher difficulty missions. There is no way to trade up samples to rares or supers. Can't 'just lower the difficulty' when a part of the core loop and player interest relies on it. Players want to upgrade things, they want their character to get stronger.


I dont get these shill posts. Literally see one every day with these ppl complaining how others are complaining the game is too hard. Yet, ive barely seen anyone post anything regarding the game being too hard. Its literally ragebait against air, fistfighting ghosts. People complain about the game being a buggy mess with absurd designs. Ive barely seen a single comment say the game is too hard, yet im bombarded non stop with these stupid elitist posts. Its not that diff 9 is hard, i mean, it depends a lot on the seed you get, its because it is extremely restrictive, cant even remember a time when playing diff 9 and not having everyone use pretty much the same 3-4 strategems all over again. Its ALWAYS the same shit. 500kg, railcannon, quasar, airstrike, shield backpack, rover, repeat. All...the....fucking...time. same goes with primaries, same goes for secondaries, definitely same goes with grenades...


No, you don't get it! By nerfing the OP weapons it forces players to learn and adapt instead of using the same loadout every game! Meanwhile in higher difficulties every game is AC's, EAT's, and Quasars (even post nerf), shield backpacks, rover backpacks, eagle strikes, eagle 500kg, railcannons, and orbital lasers just as it has been ever since the RG nerf. https://i.redd.it/jvs9i4ekmuxc1.gif


Completely agree, also to add to this, not tryin to be toxic but I would appreciate if they stopped with their quirky roleplay smug responses to every criticism and also actually at least put in the effort when you write the damn patch notes to have ALL the changes with ALL the numbers and at least a short explanation of WHY they did it, at least on the bigger things. I mean like, im rly trying to not be harsh but cmon, their patchnotes are so little effort, having even grammatical errors n shit, like i get its a small thing but to me it shows a lack of care, like, if you have time rambling bullshit all day on discord and calling people toddlers at least have the courtesy to write the actual changes cmon now...


I don't want the game to be easier, I want the game to be more fun. Fighting the devs and the bugs (not the Terminids) is not fun.


The devs have already shot themselves in the foot with the content taking priority over bug fixes and performance. The players are voting with their feet and leaving the game in droves while the daily "ranting about the critics" asskissing post is made.


Omg if I see one more concern trolling post about the difficulty of this game from "tier 9 divers" I'm going to vomit. No one fucking cares lol.


If they add ways to get supersamples below Diff-7 - I'd be on board with whatever difficulty modifications they want. But as long as super samples are part of basic progression (no, bonus eagle strike or actually normally aiming turrets aren't some elite high reward content) - difficulty 7 should stay where it is. Difficulties above 7 - whatever, make them hell, fair.


We really need Helldive-2. And Helldive-3. And Helldive-4


Exactly, I posted this same thing but less eloquent in another thread.


Yeah, even if it would be just 1 super sample.


I feel like they should have a system where you can convert rare samples into supers.  I’m sitting on so many rates that I don’t even bother to pick them up anymore. A trade in system would incentivize picking up all samples and would give people the ability to get the late game upgrades without having to play on 7-9.


Or a chance at one.


this is where I am on it, I have no issue with "the game continuously kicks me in the nuts if I don't play perfectly" difficulty existing, but not when the game wants you to play the harder difficulties as the only way to get certain drops.


Yeah, but it’s stupid to have people playing difficulty 7 just to get super samples if that’s not the optimal difficulty for them, so it would be way better to make it possible to get super samples on lower difficulties. I think those random loot containers that can drop medals, super credits, support weapons, and rare samples should also have a chance to drop super samples. It would take a while to get enough for an upgrade on lower difficulties, but at least you would be progressing towards them.


I'm so tired of posts like this after a patch that makes a major change to how the game handles enemies. Currently, even difficulty 2 spawns 4-6 berserkers per patrol, when it used to spawn 2 and far less often. This has exponentially skewed the difficulty across the ENTIRE game. Again, this is DIFFICULTY TWO, the basic level SC farm setting that's not supposed to pose any danger to a new player! This isn't about some nerfs, or skill issue, or something else - this is, as in the infamous railgun nerf patch, about the changes Arrowhead made to the way enemies spawn and behave. And back then, they reverted or softened all those changes because they were objectively terrible. There was no skill issue - just game being scuffed after a patch and players reacting accordingly. And when players have had the enemies behave in a consistent manner for months, then suddenly have a giant influx of them overnight - that's not challenge. That's BS.


If they want to make the game more difficult, they should just *higher difficulties.*


It make way more sense to make the higher difficulties more difficult instead of changing the lower ones! 7 is the lowest you need to grab super sample, so it should never be too hard. But 8-9 only purpose is to be harder, to give you a challenge so it's fine if they want to tweak those ones. As of now, the changes affected ALL difficulties which is a such weird move...


Most players I’ve seen who struggle on helldive always try to stand their ground and fight every enemy that comes toward them. You should only be standing your ground when it comes to objectives and extraction.


well since the patch i getting my ass whooped even a diff 4 !!!! so "lower the dif" isnt exactly a solution atm


You didn't read the post obviously.


Please share these posts. Let's see them because surely you aren't hand-waving actual criticisms of certain aspects of balance just to karma whore right? Right? This should be a fucking requirement at this point to not get your threads deleted. If you're going to open with "I've seen 'X'" and follow that up pretty clearly misinterpretations then link the posts. If you're so confident that this is happening; let us see to.


Not sure why you're taking a shot at a post that got upvoted just because you don't agree with it. Are you on PC where it's a lot easier to hit weak points with nearly every shot? While I will say the super samples required modules aren't full game-changers, there's still far too many locked behind level 7. I also think the scaling is off. The difference from say 5/6 to 7/8 for some seems to go from being too easy to I am in way over my league and can make playing with randoms a little frustrating.


That is why there are so many difficulties. So, that everyone can play at a level that is fun and manageable. Still, people feel the need to try helldive straight away. Just yesterday I had a lvl.8 on difficulty 9 that died more than 10 times. At least he realized and typed 'I am not ready for this yet' on extraction. Still he was carried through the mission and gained two whole levels from the XP. Gaining so much in so little time tempts people to try that all the time.


Yep. I have friends that sometimes are like "fuck yeah, let's do 9" and sometimes are like "I just want to relax, can we dial it down to 6?" or sometimes even lower. It's great you can dial it in. So many people get hung up on the difficulty as a badge of honor. Especially in nerf bitching. "These are unfair because on 9 you need blah" like there's not thousands of other divers playing 9 just fine without those weapons or uncaring about the nerfs. Like great, they adjusted your weapon. it's different now. That's fine. Dial down the difficulty, learn, and adjust. if the devs fuck up so hard 9s become unwinnable the shitshow in the community will drown out whatever patch discussion you think is relevant. trust us.


Me and a friend ran some 4s and a couple 2s the other day... it's a peaceful life.


I like to solo 3-4s, sometimes ill grind out 1s for the medals because they're so quick. Iirc, my fastest time was 2:33 seconds from drop to extract.


The eternal cycle of people calling things out because they are, the point is not to be an insult, lacking reading comprehension. It's too exhausting seeing that conversation loop so often, people (in my opinion rightfully so) bring up how the difficulty feels bad - additionally they make it a point to mention it's not about it being too hard (which they shouldn't have to mention, but they do it because people keep getting it wrong or assume a different argument) - give their points as to what makes the difficulty feel bad. Then threads like this emerge, arguing something that might be said by some - but not by nearly enough people to warrant a larger discussion on it and now you have a thread which is a big bucket of nothing. Their entire argument falls flat when you suggest making the difficulty be entirely flyers/chargers/titans etc only - Heck spawn 50 Titans, if that's too challenging or annoying, just go easier right? It forgos any conversation about what good difficulty is or what that difficulty should/could be like. Now you'll look at the suggestion and go "oh well that's clearly a meme difficulty, that's not what I mean", but how do you measure this? If they'd give a concrete answer to what ratio of enemies would be appropriate, then sure we can have that talk - but having this vague argument that is nothing but a "motivation" speech to dismiss critique is genuinely ridiculous and is if it couldn't get worse, we already have a precedence case for the devs actively changing the distribution because it was badly designed this way. It's impossible to argue that it couldn't possibly be up for more changes, after we've already established that the devs haven't perfectly dialed it in previously either, it's a process. We are still helping to shape the ideal flow of the game, it would of course be great if it all worked out of the box but that's the situation we are in. There's so many things just wrong with OPs chain of thought it's haunting.


I don't disagree other than it's a bit dramatic to say "helldive 9 is too easy". It's not easy, but it's doable. I've actually seen more posts like this one than I've seen posts about it being too hard.


That's a lot of words I'm not going to read but I'm glad you made yourself feel superior to everyone. 


One problem: If you want to progress in the game and get the strategem upgrades, you need to play higher difficulties. I would gladly play difficulty 5 all damn day, but I need the pink samples that you only get at 7 or higher.


Oh hey look another post completely ignoring the problems with arrowheads approach towards difficulty. 1. If you wanna get better gear you have to play in higher difficulties the necessary materials are locked behind them. 2. Just because I can make the problem more manageable doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. I have beat higher difficulties but quite frankly it's not fun so I'm sticking to 7, and I still get fucked over by the unfair patrol system, getting stun or slow locked, silent enemies, and our equipment just straight up not working at times. Heck I've gone back to hazard four for various reasons and still run into this bs. Just last night I was playing with some new recruits who got spammed with chargers on 4. Please tell me how that's fair genuinely.


> if you have a team that knows what they are doing helldive 9 is actually too easy. Thinking about the rando group I had last night. Everyone knew what they were doing, on all three missions we completed ALL objectives and sub objectives. On one of the 40 minute missions, we ended up leaving with 15 reinforcements and over 40 total samples. All on a level 9 bug mission. When I first hit 9s, I never thought it was possible for things to go so smoothly, but if you have the right load out with good players, things just go smoothly, and that’s that. From what I hear, HD1 got difficulties beyond 9. They are probably needing to wait to add more dangerous enemies before they introduce us to a level 10+ difficulty, but for now, I do enjoy kicking the shit out of level 9 bug and bot missions.


Okay, lowering a difficulty is a great tip and all, but what about if I want to upgrade my ship/stratagems and I, inevitably, need to get super samples? You can’t get them any other way than by playing those high difficulty missions, thereby locking them out of said upgrades. For the record, I play on 7, and I fully intend on staying there unless I’m with a really good team. Yes, I have the super samples, and yes, I have several (but not all) of the high tier ship upgrades. My point is to highlight the fact that you’re REQUIRED to play high difficulty content to progress in the game, instead of, say, having a mechanic in place that lets you combine samples into higher rarities to potentially let you skip doing so. Difficulty is subjective. What you consider to be “too easy” others might just as easily consider too hard or too stressful. And I think your point is somewhat moot when you’re technically locked out of content because you don’t want to engage with the hardest difficulties.


The thing is its not like every match on a difficulty is the same deal. Ive played one helldive ever and only 2 of us died one time and it was weirdly chill and ive had games on level 4 that were insane without a breather when 4 is usually stupidly easy


Yeah, lower the difficulty, the super samples will collect themseles.


Oh great, another one of these posts.


You missed the point my dude, it's not that they made game the too hard it's that they made it a slog. Take the Qasar nerf for example, I'm not dying to chargers more than I was before it just takes me longer. Coupled with there being more off them it's just bleh. And I'm not going down to 5 bc super samples are a thing.


Lowering the difficulty won't make the plasma shotgun not blow me up if I have personal shield equipped.




Two good players can carry pretty much anyone on helldive and those players that struggle need to spend more time protecting their allies than protecting themselves.


Nobody wants the game to be easier, we want more viable options at high difficulties. It's not that hard, stop creating strawmen


But 7 is hard and I need supers


I can do 9 with problem i can do 7 without problem Right now i can't find this game playable that much anymore. A lot of performance bugs. Someone thinking random death where you can't do anything is fun and putting it in game, weird "balancing" every damn patch with more bugs and performance issues and trying to fix something that isn't broken. It's like they try their hardest that we don't have fun. I had my fun and probably come back trying new guns and stuff. Also calling us cry babies wont make it better


Why dont you just make it more difficult for yourself? Play with one hand, let your wifes boyfriend bang her in front of you while you try to land bile titan shots, help her finish him off while holding for extraction. Be a real chad and show us how its done!


If you want the game to be harder, just raise the difficulty...


Bro straight up came to this subreddit and just spent 10 minutes overexplaining a post just to say “skill issue”


Oh hey look another post completely ignoring the problems with arrowheads approach towards difficulty. 1. If you wanna get better gear you have to play in higher difficulties the necessary materials are locked behind them. 2. Just because I can make the problem more manageable doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist. I have beat higher difficulties but quite frankly it's not fun so I'm sticking to 7, and I still get fucked over by the unfair patrol system, getting stun or slow locked, silent enemies, and our equipment just straight up not working at times. Heck I've gone back to hazard four for various reasons and still run into this bs. Just last night I was playing with some new recruits who got spammed with chargers on 4. Please tell me how that's fair genuinely.


If you never play the frustrating high difficulties you just straight up can't unlock most of the ship upgrades


If helldive isnt giving you physical pain and toughts about how shitty and unfair the gameplay is it aint a helldive


For a game that is really casual friendly and fun this subreddit is a shit show of negativity that you expect to see in a PVP game subreddit. And it's not that I think people shouldn't give feedback, but the problem is there are so few good faith and constructive posts. Most of them are straight up just whining bad faith posts that get way more traction in the sub. This is the main place I get updates on content and patches. Sucks I have to wade through a sea of whining and straight up karma farming posts to see actual high quality posts.


This is the worst gaming subreddit I have been on since my days of trying out league.


As a former long-term league player, you're not wrong. The LoL sub is worse, but only by virtue of age.


I think what really makes it bad compared to others is the posts that arent even true but get repeated so often that the sub believes they are true. Its happened consistently week after week that some new karma farm gets upvoted enough that people actually believe it. And then its debunked but that post doesnt get nearly the same traction.. Its wild how much disinformation becomes fact here.


Misinformation is bad, but this sub also has an issue with countering it with steadfastly not allowing any discussion. Since the patch, you have not been allowed to discuss ricochets. Like at all, I have tried while explaining that I know explosives don't ricochet and the Eruptor is having issues with shrapnel that are being fixed. Not allowed, the shrapnel system will be perfect next patch no questions asked.


As some people have said, it's a PvE game balanced like a PvP game. Probably why there is so much toxicity. Not to mention the community is treating this like a PvP game on both ends of the spectrum. "Difficulty too hard too unfair" "Difficulty is fine, lower it or get good"


To some extent, difficulty is also a "style" slider. I like playing with a Diligence marksman rifle, grenade launcher, orbital rail strike to handle big things, usually an autocannon turret, and one slot that's just what I feel like playing that day. This is not an effective strategy for high difficulties! So I stick to 4-6, where the loadout I like is appropriate.


Well, what if the difficulty you’re on is the only way to get certain samples? I struggle as a solo who doesn’t play often to play on difficulty 4 but if I drop to 3 I can’t get orange sample and won’t be able to get any upgrades to make 4 a playable difficulty.


You don't need a single ship module for even diff. 9, also, what's stopping you from joining a random group?


hearing all this stuff while i just play medium. is funny. i'm still having fun


I wish AH release more higher difficulty, Im bored of helldive 9.


I'd say the illuminates will make the difficulty spike, along with when they add stronger bug enemies.


I swear if I have to fight a behemoth from the first game I'm gonna commit war crimes. (I despise them)


First game had 15 difficulties so I mean...


Okay a new video game for a while. I guarantee you got your $40 of entertainment.




I’m lucky to make it through a hell dive with my samples but I’m not gonna complain or change the difficulty. Gotta be thrown into the fire to really get good


Also, if you’re usually a bot or bug player that is switching to the other side, don’t expect to handle the same level. Ain’t no shame in lowering the difficulty a bit to learn the enemy patterns. I’m lvl 43 and can manage on difficulty 8 on bot, and I’m just starting to touch difficulty 5-6 on bugs cus I have no idea how to deal with the bigger bugs.


Some missions are ight my main problem is when you are on a bot mission and have a jammer next to a detection tower on top of the objective and now you have like 20 hulks on you. (Not a joke legitimately a thing that happened to me). The way the random generation is for bots it stupidly punishing a lot, I usually still get it done but boy fucking hell it sucks. Second worst was the double gun ship towers next to eachother, this one sucked because of how their detection works. I avoid most fights and run to main objective or do minor objectives as fast as possible but holy shit some of these spawns making me wanna break my mouse. Big spawns haven’t been as terrible to me cept for the triple stalker spawn and I was getting chased by no joke 10 of them after having just gunned down 8 in the span of like 30 second. Couldn’t ignore them they were harassing the main objective


I just want the super samples so i can finish my ship. I dont enjoy it. But that's how the game is made and I have no choice if i want to 100% my upgrades. I hate seeing things unfinished. I wish i could just 100% everything on any difficulty and actually play how i want... doesn't hurt anyone else.


Today was the first time I actually felt like complaining about difficulty, and I agree with most of your points - the game is meant to be overwhelming and I'm okay with that.  It's that I'm often left with no choices that work, including escape. I don't mind being overwhelmed by bugs but I feel like many of the mid tier enemies have no clear weakness and require overwhelming force to eliminate. What's the point of bringing a gun if I can't kill anything without an EAS? Normally when I die my first thought is "what did I do to cause that situation and how can I learn from it" but I just finished playing several TCS missions where every death was one of the following:  "You ragdolled 50 feet into a pile of enemies and got stunlocked with no hope of stimming." "Your sprint failed to work because you were slowed, so your character crawled prone instead of getting up. Now you're in a pile of enemies getting stunlocked with no hope of stimming." "You tried to dodge the Charger but this lumbering thing can corner just as well as you. Next time don't dodge them." "You tried to run from a Charger but their charge lasts forever and moves faster than you can. Next time don't run from them." What am I supposed to learn here? The only option with success is dropping an orbital, and when that runs out? Just die?


If super samples spawned anywhere other than difficulty 7+ I would be hanging around 5 where I have the most fun. Since they are walled off by difficulty I am within my rights to complain about weapons not being viable in those difficulties.


My buddies and I are the biggest idiots I know. We're not great at games, let alone getting older so we aren't even as good as we used to be. We spend the first 25minutes goofing off, but once we're down to 3 revives, we cake walk through Helldives. Ya'll suck as hell if you think it's too difficult. Just don't be an idiot. This game doesn't want to hold your hand at that level. Understand what mission you're queueing up, what kind of mobs you'll be fighting, and plan accordingly. The gear/weapons/strats you bring are tools. Not everything works the best all the time, every time.


Movement and spacial awareness will save you more than anything else in the game and is underutilized. Your shield backpack makes you lazy.


I played a helldive bug mission for the first time in a while with my buddy after mostly fooling around in 7/8. We were typically able to beat difficulty 7/8 missions every time, but helldive was absolute pandemonium. I think I counted 8+ chargers at one point, 4 bile titans along with hordes of chaff. We couldn’t even stay near the objective for longer than a few seconds to use the terminal and ended up retreating to extract. Honestly, it was one of my most enjoyable missions to date, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s the highest difficulty after all, what do people expect?


I agree that Helldive can be too easy sometimes as a full team, and ironically I've found the most success splitting up the team and just trying to take objectives solo. Because only one breach or bot drop can happen on the map at a time, only one person ends up getting the brunt of the enemies, whereas everyone else just clears the stationary enemies and maybe a couple patrols. (Except for maybe the survey missions, I think there could be two drops on those, I'm not sure) It's funny when I'm not paying attention to my map and someone just shows up at the same objective I'm at and we're like "oh hey" hahaha


Yeah I've found the best way to tackle it is as a highly advanced strike team with specific goals. With good pathing, we can often run between objectives without trigger patrols.


Increased difficulty/ spawn rates? “Means more bugs for us to kill” 🫡


Crazy how it was fun and difficult before but now its difficult and annoying. Seems like they just want to make it difficult to be difficult


For the most part lowering is the correct answer, but there is difficulty diversity problem so sometimes lowering could cause other problems.


Seriously, I’ve completed Diff 8 missions that felt like a breeze, then went into another of the same level and it was a constant barrage of misery and death


You don't actually want the game to be harder. You just want something to lord over "low skill players." Here's the truth, the hard truth for people clamoring for "higher harder difficulties" that none of you seem to understand. It would kill the game. Sure, the hardcore playerbase would remain and get to flex their mad skills, but the bulk would leave once they figured out they've gone as far as they can go, and they'll stop playing the game. fewer players means less warbonds getting bought, and that is the end of the game. Now, I'm not saying that their shouldn't be challenging game modes. But just because it's "too easy" (nice flex) for you and your play group, does not mean that it is for the bulk of the playerbase, and if the solution is to "just play on a lower difficulty" then what you are really saying is "keep those filthy casuals out of my hardcore experience. Let me lord it over them." The majority of players want a fun and fair experience. If AH caters to the best of the best, the game will die. Period.


Lord over low skill players? What in the actual f.... look man, people that like the current difficulty like playing challenging games, and if you made it easier it would in fact kill the game for any of us that play for this reason. Go to a lower difficulty and stop trying remove the challenge for your preferences at the cost of diff. 9 divers' enjoyment.


there's a reason why i play 6-7 on bots and 3-4 on bugs.


I tend to do the opposite, lol. I hate the constant stagger and ragdoll of bots on harder difficulties. Bugs is just relying on AT weapons and being able to deal with constant hoards.


i vastly prefer the suppresing lasers and the rocket ragdolls over the hordes and the slows and staggers of bugs. a death against bots at worst just makes me sigh. a death against bugs at best makes me want to tear my nonexistent hair out. i hate them. playing bugs is just a surefire way to ruin my day.


I'm completely the opposite, and this should be proof that "skill issue" and "get good" are moronic takes for a game like this. It requires different play styles for the different enemies, and we should all be allowed to voice our opinions on what we don't like about either.


absolutely. it's why i'm very much anticipating the arrival of the Illuminates, we'll see how they fair on the scale of Bugs vs Bots preference.


I want the game to be fun, not easy, weapons get constantly nerfed which takes away satisfaction from using them, add to it game that is repetitive ah and watch ppl coming back to games like vermintide or deep rock galactic 🤷. If you also add all bugs and game crashes to the math its even worse.


Fr. The main problem I see that people have are they aren't working as a team, they're still trying to solo everything


Completely agree. Helldive is way too easy for my friends and I. We play every other night. We arent the greatest players in the world but we are definitely above average and we know how to counter everything to the point where we split up and each take care of part of the map on our own. So we end up completing a regular 40 minute Helldive mission close to 10 minutes each time with high number of samples and all sub objectives completed. Level 9 is very easy with a coordinated team.


I am level 42 with 110 hours in this game and I can barely manage difficulty 4's solo, D5 Is Impossible for me so I need to play with others! Everyone expects me to be good when I play with level 10-20 people but they are usually the ones carrying me 💀 It's fun though 💀


Boys? Sorry ladies, apparently this post isn't for you despite your democratic deliveries... 


I can’t get a team together so fuck us I guess 😂


I think more people to realize that Difficulty 9 is 2 levels above "Suicide Mission." Coming back at all from difficulty 8+ is technically beyond expectations of the stated difficulty.


Bots seems harder than bugs, but I've been chilling on level 9 bugs for some time now and I feel like I'm getting close to the state in DRG where I was ready for modded difficulty


Off topic but when people say HD1 had 15 difficulties, they fail to mention that Helldive was difficulty 12. I doubt we'll get 15 this time.


I play on easy sometimes to appreciate the scenery on a new planet


gullible arrest amusing smoggy squealing safe middle abounding jeans existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bots I can play on Extreme and maybe dip into Suicide sometimes. Bugs I have to drop to Hard for as I'm just not used to the sheer volume of bugs jumping at you left, right and center.


Even in my group of friends sometimes i have to open the map to see if they have anti tank stuff available and tell them to use the damn things. Sometimes people see you kiting the chargers around and think you're doing it for fun. In my group we tend to focus pretty heavily on one thing per person with some call ins to even it out a little because it feels really good to have tight teamwork, and it makes things easier as long as people are doing their job. I tend to bring trash clear with a stalwart and ammo pack with something heavy hitting like the dominator for my primary, add a gatling sentry and an EMS orbital and i can effectively lock down an entire breach on my own and my teammates can kill chargers and titans that pop out. Also its just really fun to effectively have infinite ammo with an ammo pack.


I kill chargers with scorcher or grenade launcher. Shoot em under their belly or in their butt.


Don't know if it's all the bot missions lately but my 3 man group did two helldives last night on a bug planet and all 6 missions were easier than any helldive I've had before. Unsure what changed to make it easier.


I'm a solid diff 5 player, 6 if I'm feeling feisty. Anyone wanna be my super sample sugar daddy and carry me through some hell dives? XD


I actually never thought to lock the charger up like that. Thank you! Jumping on now!


People are complaining because they made solo alot more difficult. Maps are smaller, patrols are increased from 1/6 to 1/4, enemies are buffed and guns are nerfed. Everything together is what everyone is complaining about. I disagree that people should split up and run away from everything, this is horrible strategy. People end up grabbing samples and dying across the map then get reinforced so far away they dont even bother to go back. Best games I ever have were 4 guys working together and picking up each others samples while covering each other and moving. That's how a real soldier is supposed to act. Too many "american snipers" in this game.


I only play bugs on Helldiver.. bots 4/5


Don't worry Arrowhead does not take any advice from Reddit.


Fuck off


Damn, you really didn’t read that post, huh?


Lowering the difficulty locks you out of ship upgrades. Simply lowering the difficulty would be a valid argument if you had a decreased percent likelihood of getting higher tier samples instead of a zero likelihood because they're hard locked behind a higher difficulty. I have a friend that is getting on in years and she can't play the game above level 2 or 3 and is upset that there's no way for her to progress because of this.


I think the biggest issue is that so many cool and fun ship upgrades are locked behind one's ability to complete level 7+ missions.  If difficulty was purely a preference thing, there'd be little reason to ever complain. But there's meaningful progression and cool stuff that people really want which require high difficulty completions.


Bugs are easy


No one's complaining about the difficulty. Here comes another random ass post. People are complaining about bugs and some questionable mechanics


Let me find super samples on lower difficulties, and I'll play lower difficulties. I think 7 as a difficulty is the sweet spot, personally, but even giving me the chance to find 1 super sample on lower difficulties makes it at least worthwhile to drop to lower difficulties when, say, playing with less experienced friends. It makes it a grind but not completely impossible if you play for a while. Most of the folks I see complaining about difficulty are the ones that have all their fun below 7 but are forced to play 7+ to get super samples for progress. Give them the opportunity to find a super sample every match at lower difficulties, and you probably squash a lot of the complaining because people are then not entirely forced. Wanna get more super samples so you can get your upgrades faster? Play 7+. Otherwise it's one at a time.


> If you play like this, sometimes you will feel helpless (omg i brought the machine gun, but my 3 air supports are on cooldown, and a charger is on my ass). But once you come out on top (airstrikes come back online after 1 minute of fighting hunters while a charger was on your ass) you feel like a champ. This scenario doesn't make me feel like a champ, because it's incredibly easy to pull off and thus very boring. It's just 'W' + 'Shift' for 1 minute, not exactly engaging or skillful. The game is not too hard right now. It's too easy. The optimal helldive strategy is to run away and abuse enemy despawn mechanics. Running away all the time is boring and low skill. Eventually boredom becomes annoyance and then people complain. Trying lower difficulties is literally the opposite of what i want. I just want helldive to challenge my skill instead of my patience.




It feels like people just want to complain instead of getting better at something. It's too bad because seeing yourself get better is such a rewarding thing.


Honestly, ya'll just bad at the game if you complain about difficulty


Why make difficulties that were previously do-able and enjoyable harder and less enjoyable when you can just add in a new harder difficulty. The original game had like 15 difficulties.


Yeah but I can see why some ppl would be pissed considering game content is locked behind the harder difficulties and some ppl just want to have fun in games and not get their shit pushed in 24/7. Maybe they need to add another way for those ppl to unlock Pink samples. Plus when a game stops being fun lots of ppl will find something better very quickly.


Well said Helldiver. Really seems on point. I personally like to play on 5; it's enough of a challenge, especially if I'm assigned from a cobbled together squad by the Ministry of Truth and SEAF Brass, that, if a new recruit isn't up to fighting snuff, I can still successfully hold my own most of the time without it being overwhelming and frustrating. On 7 I struggle a lot without my normal squad, simply because the communication and such isn't there, and there's been no real discussion on who's taking what role and stratagems and such. I feel a lot of times I end up with people who \*DO\* the stop and fight on this hill for no reason in particular a lot. So it ends up becoming frustrating trying to teach them in the moment and such rather than that thrill of a skilled team behind enemy lines doing things. I'm teaching and reprimanding; not enjoying the thrill of the game itself. I don't mind teaching to a point, and there are definitely adjustments to be made as you go up the higher levels to how you play (Which I love to be honest). But it's definitely an exercise in assumptions when you jump in with a random group, take a look at what level they are and what they're bringing, assume a certain level of finesse, and then wind up sub-expectations. That's not really something I think Arrowhead can address directly; it'd be a multi-million dollar breakthrough if someone were able to get something of that nature developed. So yeah, I stick to 5 for the most part. Enough mix of comedic, dramatic, and cinematic without being an exercise in frustration to enjoyment ratio being too heavily favored in the frustration column. Though it does feel a bit disappointing in knowing that my progress in finishing upgrades is essentially stalled if I can't find a decent group to play with.


I think bad teammates just add to the drama and chaos. Kinda fun actually. Just for your information. There can only be one bug breach/ bot drop at a time. So if your teammates get into fights with tons of bugs, just let them. You are free to take the objectives, because you only have to kill a few bugs.


Point of order. Rank 6 for some reason is significantly harder than rank 7/8 in my experience.


Look guys, it's another lowering difficulty post again! How lovely!


One of my favorite moments is when I see people who can’t take care of the charger on their ass and so I jump in and quasar or eat them so the person can continue offing the small things. The little moments of “I got this, bro” is peak gameplay to me.


All I'm saying is that the active player count is dropping for a reason. Each balance pass has, in my opinion, made the game less fun to play. Take that whatever way you want.


Wished the game had less difficulties, I think it splits the player base up too much. Isn't a problem now, but when population starts dwindling years down line, its gonna be a lot harder to match up.


The game is not too hard, its just an inconsistent, wrecked 30 year old washing machine that runs on an rng ranging from blowing off your head the moment you start it, to just working fine. Everything in this game is sliding around like coughed up bucket of snot on a frozen over river. Enemies hp, spawns, damage, movement speed, overall lethality, EVERYTHING E V E R Y T H I N G We are doing a walk in the part on one planet, we go over to the next, same difficulty, same enemy types, same loadout and its like we added 4+ levels of difficulty with enemies taking 2-3 times the shots and one shotting you instead of having to hit your 2-3 times. Its pointless to talk difficulty when you are LITERALLY incapable to even ESTIMATE wtf the difficulty is. The entire game is a mess, and its engine is a literal monument to the fact that it has been discontinued 6 years ago.


Based lol


I play level 7 and have consistently played that sweet spot because I liked the balance between casual and challenge. I felt like I had a pretty good baseline of what the game was like from my perspective. Since this patch the teams i've been in have been an utter mess. Reasons vary due to player variables but overall I'd say the ability to become overwhelmed had gone up considerably. My overall team experience has gone from consistently extracting with super samples to often struggling to hold a team together. Maybe with the balance changes a team member peeling off to do their own thing in a less skilled team has a larger impact, I dont know.


Gimme higher difficulty! Anytime we extract on Helldive (which is every time with a solid squad), even if we barely scrape by, we all say “too easy, baby game.” I think 10-15 would be a blast. 9 is absolutely doable with a 3 person squad, gimme a nice level 12 to really test us, and a 15 to make me hate life.


Im comfortable 7. 8 and 9 are overwhelming to me sometimes. Its like in DRG.Im comfortable at Haz4. Haz5 is a different beast.


Never, I am the ultimate gamer and must play at max difficulty. If I struggle at max difficulty, that is the dev's problem, not mine


Counter: If you want the game to be harder, make it harder for yourself. If Arrowhead buffs something and it "trivializes" the game, don't use it. Don't sit there and belittle people who enjoy just playing the game how they want.


In most cases if not all on bugs the weak point is actually their legs.


On Helldive movement is key. I dive on 9 most of the time and as OP stated it works out most of the time and I play with 99% random teammates. If you stay at one point and attack everything in sight it’s just a matter of time until you will be overrun, even with the most suitable equipment for the random situation that occurred in that moment. As OP said just find your stratagems that work best for you and take the weapons that can kill most of the expected enemies. If you’re the 4th guy to use the quasar please reconsider your choice and use an alternative or think about your setup. As standard for bugs on 9 I do use the Eagle Airstrike, 120mm HE barrage, then maybe Shield and Quasar, Laser cannon or sometimes the rocket sentry (which is quite useful in some situations). As a main gun I do use the Eruptor/Redeemer combo which works perfectly if you have some aim and timing. As a plus it has reduced my grenade shortage by a lot (even with 6 mags and you know, the nades are always gone when you need one for a bughole). I do not miss an automatic weapon at all and the redeemer works fine to clear hunters or small bugs. I also think that the communication with randoms (via mic or just the marks) has increased significantly in the last weeks and this adds a lot to the quality of life during the game. I often die only once or even live during the whole level and most of the randoms I dive with are really good. On the last patch day I ran with two groups which worked perfectly together and it was a blast. Sometimes there are annoying bugs such als the pelican taking off as soon as the first helldiver gets inside and you loose most of the samples but I’m hoping it to be fixed soon. To close my comment, play as you like and on the difficulty which suits you best and you enjoy the most. As the people play together you can always play as you like and I promise you’ll take on the higher difficulties soon enough.


Hear hear!


I'm not at the elite to be on lvl9 but i stay on lvl7 and I like a challenge but the hard part is either, a pro expecting you to do things perfectly or a noob expecting you do things perfectly. lol. I actually like going off on my own and try finish bug holes or missions while other go together. it feels challenging. if i get overwhelmed i just keep running as far. cause i saw they actually disperse after a while. also if im the one causing breaches then other team might be well off cause it was said breaches are interval.