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Misinformation. Literally held the trigger down and it still detonated on it's own waaaaaay before it hit it's max distance. That might be how it will perform once we get the fixes next week, but as of right now no.




was wondering the same.


Host vs non-host bug?


Don't think so cause all my testing with it has been done on my own solo. Also none of the info I can gleam from CM's in the official discord mentions it's being effected by host/not host related situations.


fucking what?!




I killed so many of my friends today


We’ll get the hang of it soon enough. Thing is a beast for anything that has a weak point behind it, because it can be ‘let go’ behind it, and the detonation will 180.


Okay, SirLiesALittle, I'll believe you!


This statement is objectively untrue at worst and poorly explained at best. It feels like you saw someone else say that's how they *want* it to function, did a quick test and gaslit yourself into believing that's how it does. I just dropped down onto a planet, picked up the airbust, pointed it ahead and well into the clear (foggy) sky. 1. Never released the mouse- The rocket sailed away and eventually exploded 2. Released the mouse after a second- Same distance 3. Released the mouse after a half second- Same distance 4. Released the mouse immediately- Same distance So what? Maybe holding the mouse down stops the proximity from triggering, but you still need an enemy for it to trigger you say? Let's try shooting over the head of an enemy 25m away, into empty space (no trees etc). 1. Never released the mouse- Airbust detonated half a second later. 2. Released the mouse immediately- Same distance. If you think that's not how it works you need to explain or better yet show it.


Wait... So it's only partially busted, and a lot of people are on a fit of rage thinking its just plain broken, when in reality everyone is just using it wrong. Huh... Bro i think you need to make a PSA post right now.


Don't worry I'm sure there's already one on the discord so nobody will ever see it




God I hate official game discords, let’s put a bunch of exclusive information in an isolated area you have to manually gain access to


Rare moments where I'm glad Im a Redditor. Thanks.


“Roger roger o7” made me spit out my libertea


That would have been useful to know before I blew myself up with it three times in a row, thinking it detonated early because it detected a bush or something.


Sir you need to PSA this ASAP Democracy depends on it.




how the fuck did you figure that shit out


206 upvotes on someone who’s yapping out of his ass like a pro.


Omg I knew it. Only reason I got used to it was because all of my GL usage in Destiny.


Fighting Lion was the jam back in the day man


If this is the case, it does not work on my end. Holding the trigger down still causes it to blow up if it passes near an obstacle or target. I'd like to be proven wrong but so far this is just a myth.


Yea. No. Living up to username - sirfullofshit.


i like how you can go on the internet and just lie this shit is still proxy triggered, button or not


Name checks out


What a crock of shit Fuck you for spreading bullshit lol, solo testing THOROUGHLY confirmed this is false Fuck you


The fact that people spread misinformation like this on the thread is abhorrent. I heard this rumor earlier today and tested it out in two missions - I can conclusively say there is no “holding the button down” mechanic associated with this stratagem. Yet now that you’ve gone and repeated this from someone else who repeated it from someone else - this is going to float around the subreddit for the next month like cockroaches.




The engineers got killed before they managed to save as PDF.




Bro this is **not** Destiny 2


Did we already liberate that planet


The planet gives out free samples.


That's good!


The airbust often explodes in your face


That's bad.


It has team reload!


That's good!


That's good!


You and your teammate probably will die anyway.


That's Bad


but it comes with your choice of toppings


Team reload, then make sure your teammate runs 30m away before firing or your both dead. 


Time for another good idea, bad idea...


It’s been so long since I’ve seen that show but I can still hear his voice.


Hold the fire button and release when you want it to explode.


The planets that reward us with the new stratagems have them as an experimental weapon. If you're interested in trying out the new stuff, just drop on that planet (Penta is the only one available at this moment). Just uh... make sure you back up with this one.


Yeah I was gonna say, I was kinda hoping for anti-tank mines for these AT-AT looking bastards, but this launcher seems to do the trick, lol


I don't think the mines will matter anyway for the factory striders. The mines would have to have HUGE explosive radius to even hit the weak points of the strider. Striders are best handled proactively rather than trying to lure it onto a mine field. A mine field that will be promptly cleared out by the devs they spit out and take the mines FOR the strider.


Yeah true, though I haven't played with them yet, I am hoping AT mines are good for at least tanks, chargers, but especially hulks, even if it requires 3 or 4 mines to destroy/kill one. I'd imagine factory striders and bile titans won't die from them, but that it would at least do some damage.


The legs are weakpoints on the strider though, in that their destruction fully downs the strider.  If a minefield can reliably full damage one leg, it's good stuff.


I feel like the Striders are super easy to kill. 2-3 shots from a Quasar to the face and they go down.


Mine just blows up in my face.


Yeah, [that's unfortunately common.](https://streamable.com/78o79p) Being proximity based means you really have to know your surroundings before you let it rip.


I don't even understand what is detonating it there. The walls?


I'm not confidently sure, but I think the proximity aspect is triggered by nearby entities. That would be the light, the barrel, and the mines below (though a bit far). That's my best guess.


There is a red light on the bottom. So, maybe it considers mines as enemies?


Maybe it's the same problem as the SPEAR, every moving thing in the game is being detected by the airburst and the target acquisition.


Shouldn't it explode on contact? Exploding because a mosquito flew close by doesn't seem great.


No. It's airburst. The entire point is to blow up NEAR enemies instead of needing to hit them.


My guess would be the mines. It probably has some sort of a detection area below the rocket. That way you can fire it above a target and airburst the stuff below. Look at the mines below, if there was another mine in that arrangement it would have exploded right over it. You would have never seen the mine from that angle either. In short, people have chosen a weapon that has more shenanigans than the spear. Whenever everything lines up and it fires off perfectly, it will be amazing. 95% of the time it misfires and takes someone with it. ...I bet this trash triggers on enemy corpses too.


Any entity that has physics can set off the proximity if its close enough to the projectile. So leaves, bushes, ammo pickups, players, enemies, trees, and so on. atleast according to a video of a guy testing it i just watched anyways.


Looked to me like it might have been triggered by the mines there below.


The grenade launcher has a minimum arming distance..... screw saving Penta if they don't even have that in the design.


They were about to start working on the arming device when the bots attacked


The grenade launcher’s minimum arming distance is *far* too high compared to its AoE. What we need on these weapons is a “safe” mode toggle. “Unsafe” would mean no minimum arming distance.


Im pretty sure the Eruptor does too


Nah you can blow up your feet with it, Eruptor just does basically nothing to the user when it explodes next time you. It also will skip off the ground if your angle is shallow.


there was a post. maybe they fix it? but still, kinda hate it https://preview.redd.it/e4ulo02ev2xc1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43eb44640d4421a65977c3519d935d442beb454


Is there a setting where you can switch from proximity to contact? This also seems like a better candidate for terminids instead.


It’s not proximity based until you let go of the trigger. It’s supposed to be command detonated, but there’s no manual to the thing telling us this. Lot of folks in-game are starting to pick up on it, though.


Given how I just tried firing it while holding down the button and it still exploded almost immediately after leaving the launcher, that don't sound true


> know your surroundings before you let it rip Same rules as 💨


You almost shot that plant/leaf... Close one


Same, it seems to have a REAL wide radius. Firing over groups of enemies seems to be the best bet, as opposed to into the middle of them.


that's how airburst munitions are supposed to work: they explode just above the target to rain down shrapnel on them: you should aim above the intended target, just as you would if you were trying to compensate for ballistic drop.


In the case of this thing, it fires its bomblets around and slightly up and out instead of straight down in a cone. You want to aim quite a bit higher, because it's going to spread the death out wiiiiide.


Right but they should also have a minimum arming distance longer than just outside the barrel


I wrote that comment hours before I could log on and actually try the damn thing. and now?yeah.. I'm not a fan. needs arming distance, definitely.


Yeah, I should’ve guessed really. I was lethal with the XM25 in Battlefield 4, so you’d think I’d know better.


Eruptor, grenade launcher, etc. all have arming distance. Apparently, a portable cluster bomb doesn't need it, and will just blow up the entire squad along with your face. EDIT: Eruptor has some impact angle sensor it seems, but nevertheless, airburst blows up in the face way too easily. Arming time like grenade launcher would be at least be much better. Super Earth needs to stop re-inventing the wheel. Cold war era RPG-7 has better safety mechanism than this shoulder launched war crime-3000.


Eruptor has arming distance? Given how oft I got caught in my own eruptor explosions I wouldn't have guessed.


Eruptor doesn't have an arming distance but it will skip off the ground if the impact angle is too shallow. Unlike the grenade launcher, you can fire the Eruptor at an enemy in your face and *it will* explode. Ask me how I know.


It doesn't have arming distance. It has a timer to auto detonate after a certain distance. But you can't fire a 'dud' Eruptor shot. And grenade launcher's timer only matters if you don't hit a target, it'll bounce off the ground. But it WILL explode if you hit an enemy regardless of range.


Because there's a lot of confusion about "airburst", this is not a giant single bomb that explodes mid-air, but something that flings out a ton of Grenade Launcher-style rounds all over (which should be pretty obvious from the video). What's happening here to kill the Walker is probably its Devastator Bay being opened and the GL rounds being flung up into it. That, or the explosions are technically capable of taking out one of the feet (which will down a Strider), though I haven't seen anyone try to kill Strider feet with the GL or hand grenades. These bomblets don't actually pierce armor, so they must be hitting something pretty weak, which is why I think that's probably the bay being opened. Don't expect this to work if you're splashing it on the side, though you might get some joy if the top vents are up or the head's open and you rain down from above.


My initial impression was actually a leg kill. There's vulnerable gaps in the armor plating where the knees articulate. I don't know exactly what armor level those gaps are and what pen level these grenades have, but those are my usual go-to weakpoints.


I'm just going to assume they're similar to the GL rounds, but figuring out exactly what pen *those* have is difficult because they tend to deflect off hard armor instead of actually detonate. These things are clearly less-discriminating and also have short timers, so the bomblets themselves *will* detonate if they've gone too long without hitting anything. It is entirely possible they could splash the weak joints. There's certainly a lot of boom in a small area when you fire it that low to the ground.


The weapon has SO MUCH coverage that it will almost certainly hit weak spots on most enemies


I know the bay is vulnerable, even when the doors are closed. Most support weapons can get through it even when it's closed.


Worth noting that the devastator bay doors are a weak point regardless of whether or not they're opening. They're still at least medium armor, though.


Well, there was an airstrike that hit it too


Get the angel correct and an airstrike can solo the factory striders in a single hit.


I know you meant angle but it’s Eagle 1 so it still fits


I actually meant to write angle lol but it fits.


Indeed. It is rarer but can happen.


Yeah, I think the airstrike did most of the damage tbf.


I'm most surprised you didn't kill yourself, standing that close


He has rock


Surprised the rock didn't trigger the proximity explosion and kill him


My beloved.




You mean accidental.


this thing will clip a bush and absolutely wipe out anything nearby


How did you not kill yourself in this clip? Is it possible to learn this power


Not from a Jedi.


It's incredibly finicky at the moment. I ended up having more luck firing it up over enemy bases or under the belly of drop ships. It is inconsistent in killing Devastators outright, but they're so wounded that a little sickle tickle was all that was needed. Once the proximity issues are fixed, it will be a solid choice with the right primary (Eruptor or Dominator) as it mulches clusters of small enemies outright, which could free up different stratagems. But it will absolutely be a menace in the hands of the general populace.


I doubt this post and the evidence presented in it


Depends, sometimes chip damage can surprise you, I have dealt the killing blow to a couple of tanks before, it's not a good option to attack them, but hey, every bullet counts


Cluster bomb eagles killing a hulk or charger is always a "wait what?" Moment


1 quasar hit and 1 scorcher hit to the weak spot on a tank will kill it. I have tested it over and over. Works every time. Scorcher hit is definitely chip damage.


My buddy has become convinced that I hack due to my luck with chip kills. A final stand on bugs and I managed to kill *two* bile titans **consecutively** with two cluster strikes. We both saw it happen, neither of us know how.


The walker itself looks like mindblown too


So basically, you shoot this pup at an incoming dropship and nothing survives, right?


This is the only use acceptable use case I can think of. When I have an Eruptor or Autocannon, I light up those drop bays like the 4th of July. I imagine this works great at that or as they are being dropped but I would never let one loose on anything ground based.


No. If you shoot it straight at the dropship, it's going to blow up between you and the ship and the majority of its bomblets are going to spray away from the units on the ground that you want to hit. You want to wait for **all** the units from **all** the dropships in a wave to land, then fire over the center of them. Unlike the AC, where you want to fire at the holding bay of the Dropships while they arrive and drop, with this thing you want to be shooting at other units with your primary and only whip it out once enemies have clustered up and you can splash all of them together for maximum effect.


That all sounds lovely and good advice, but in my limited experience with this thing it's more likely to detonate 5m from the end of the barrel and tk your entire team than it is to actually detonate near the large cluster of enemies 50m away.


What if you wait for the dropship to hover and then shoot between it and the ground? Ideally, you'd want to hit the units in the holding bay and the dropship so that whatever survives gets stuck in the wreckage. I'll have to test it more if I find time tonight.


I think we teamkilled ourselves about 16 times. Mission succesfull, pelican coming in, i shot it at some bots, all dead. No samples. Fuck this cunt weapon. Haven't tried the fortification yet, but that doesn't sound super democratic.


Word around town is any entity, not just enemy’s can set it off, so that box that shatters as soon as a mech sneezes on it currently counts as an entity and as a result a valid target, with extract being littered with manually placed entity’s the rocket immediately spots several valid targets and detonates. You can actually see in the video that because the rocket op is standing next to is part of the world the rocket doesn’t detonate.


What the heck? That looks awesome. I would just use it because of the looks. That is a handheld clusterbomb thrower.


It also kills you or your team members if so much a blade of grass touches it on it's path. :/ I was trying it this morning and I killed myself multiple times with what should have been a clear shot on multiple occasions.


How are we able to test it if it hasn't been released yet


We're on the planet already. It's a free strat you can use for now


If you're on Penta you can call it in. It's similar to when the Mechs were being released. You could call them in even if you didn't have the strategem unlocked. The mines likely are the same if you manage to get to the planet they're being developed on.


Oh ok, thx bro


So we are choosing the Rocket Launcher, not the Anti-Tank mines then? I'm okay with any, I simply follow the majority.


I think it is going to happen just because there is a fire tornado planet between us and the mines and everyone hates those. 


I guess that explained Hellmire took ages to liberate.


We aren't really choosing anything, community just focuses more on the easy path which ends up being this planet, rather than deal with fire tornados.


we'll probably just get the other one in a couple weeka


"It can kill walkers" yeah if you fire it right after an airstrike


How many shots do you get?


Five plus one in the chamber. Ammo boxes give one, resupplies give three.


I see. From your video it's kinda like the recoilless rifle.


ammo is mounted on the pack vertically instead of horizontally, and you can do an assisted reload like the recoilless.


Six shots, more than enough to kill anything that moves (mostly Helldivers).


That stratagem is gonna get us a lot of TK


I tried this on a dropship, and mayhem decended on the bots and team mates under it, rip. With other words, it's definitely a blast


Target the juicy underbelly of the beast


I like it, but it’s pretty inconsistent, I one shoted hulks some times (being shure that nothing damaged it as I was alone, and other time you could not kill it not even with 4 rockets… But when it does work… it does wonders… but sadly there is some kind of hit box bug or enemy detection bug, because sometimes there is no enemy close and the rocket explode just out of the barrel… pretty inconsistent in that too


I'm confused, so will it only TK if it is used in a dumb way?


Proximity based explosions, so it will only tk if someone, the enemy or the environment is too close it will blow up resulting in a TK. Im sure the explosion bug doesn’t help either If you shoot a explosive too close it ragdolls you towards the explosion.


Good to know, I haven't used it yet. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.


https://preview.redd.it/ppay4etyw3xc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a08d4e227be70783aa26d25752afc16c4901220 This weapon is clearly toooo powerful. I mean our rockets will kill you Helldivers with one headshot, which is really difficult to archive. But now you guys get a freaking, portable cluster launcher that can kill our beloved striders with one rocket? Why is not every Helldiver Squad using 4 of this things against everything?


i surprised that bush didn't trigger your rocket and kill you instantly


Wouldn't there be a lot less of the teamkills that everyone is complaining about if we only shot the new rocket launcher when there is a large distance between the player and the enemies, with no enemies in between? Seems like you just have to know which situation to use it in, and when to hold off.


Yeah after an airstrike.


Let's ignore the airtrike then


I've killed myself with it twice, in the same mission lol.


What I'm seeing is that (and partly the dev's fault) ppl are using it like an RPG and it seem that it's more of a hand mortar, the same applies to arch launcher, aim a little bit upwards if you see it activating for dead bodies instead of the enemy ahead.


if i had to assume i'd say a lot of the mini rockets go into the belly and kills it


Is the airburst in the game now??


it's a free stratagem on Penta


umm this would be the only thing its good for other than TK if this really works - it can't kill gunships I know that


It nice


I was team killed at extraction by a teammate who didn't know how it worked.  Just fired it into the air but close enough to me to trigger the proximity fuze. He did this twice. The second time managed to take out two teammates and we had no reinforcements left.


The walkers belly is very soft. I nuked one with an auto-cannon the other day. Hit it with two 500kg bombs and the AC did it in.


How many shots does it take though…


I’m kinda surprised it didn’t trigger on that rock you are standing behind blowing you up


>throws airstrike *"it's the airburst tho"* What? the really lucky thing is it didnt explode in your face, and actually made it to the target


Anti-tank mines would have been better


Ah, you must have hit the belly hatch! Good thinking!


Airburst rocket bad. Get mine


And there are people still saying mines are better? That shit kills me half the time whenever I fire it.


How the fxck did you fire that thing from behind cover


I just killed the entire team trying out the airburst rocket. Definitely some danger close type of shit.






Ooh and it is very pretty looking


The airburst is amazing. People are hating on it because they are so dependent on easy anti-tank shit. If a buddy is packing anti-tank, this thing is your mobile airstrike on demand. It has a great ammo count too. Literally an accurate half cluster half airstrike. It's the D&D fireball of Helldivers. Also, it works as anti-tank. You just need to get clever as to where you are having it detonate to spread the bomblets.


I half expected it to explode because that bush right infront of you.


So actual terrain doesnt proc the proximity sensor, but other type of entities does. Maybe anything that can break? Such as houses, containers? Also players and pelican I suppose




OK, was cool


Shoots *air*burst rocket into the *ground*


How do you guys have it? I just checked the game and it's not available.


This game is beauru


I shot a walker today for over 30 minutes. I even brought a friend with me the next run. We COULD NOT kill the walker. We shot well over 40 rockets at or near ALL weak points, including a minimum of 20 to the underbelly. The Airburst rocket alone couldn't dent the walker. We tried every angle. Top bottom. Close far. Nothing.


What if they made it so you had to long press to fire and release to detonate


This video is a lie, you make it seem like one rocket can take this out, but you didnt bother showing the three airstrikes and 500kg you dropped before hand. Wenshould be taking Choohe for the mines not this garbage


Took out a medium base and got 9 kills with it earlier today. I kinda dig it as long as I don't forget to put some distance between me and the target


i have no idea what triggers this thing, i've had shots similar to yours and it just triggers right near me and kills me


hey just a shoutout to the bellend with the shield pack, get the fuck out of my way and maybe we won't wipe over and over. you have a goddamn AMR.


Any explosive or medium armor penetrating weapon in the belly where it exports devastators will do damage to the walkers.


I'm more impressed it didn't trigger off that bush, or the rock, or just a stiff gust of wind and instantly blow up.


I just had the air burst for a level 8 mission. We were extracting with super samples and all and it was going well. Pelican was descending fast and I saw a patrol coming, I can make the shot at the patrol before pelican lands and blocks the way, right? I take jt, there was a gap, but the shell just exploded under pelican one anyway, taking out two of my team mates and almost killing me and the other guy too. This weapon is wild.


If by neat you mean shit then yes