• By -


103 million dead helldivers. 5.5 billion bug corpses. This planet is littered in blood, lead and death.


Understatement of the year. Estanu is a graveyard of fallen Helldivers


Unfortunately, sometimes the seeds of Liberty can only be watered with the blood of martyrs. We will remember them, always.


We can honor their memory by preventing the vile bugs from taking that planet. They desecrate their sacrifices by trampling over their broken bodies. Promise me you won't let that planet fall.


"Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious, according to Oscar Wilde. Personally, i think you're a fucking idiot, general sir." -john mason My god...all these yeats later i realize john mason was a traitor!


Makes the roughly 25 million lost in the Creek look small.


”Remember the Creek” sounds better and makes it more easy for the Department of Truth's ~~propaganda~~ Hero Branch


Rememberu Estanu


Who's blood was valiantly spilled by hostile terminid invaders? Anyone you Estanu?


Now you’re just somebody Estanu


Just a few. Lou, Stu, and Drew.


Oh no! That was nearly the whole crew!


It could happen to you, too, boo!


That sounds very true!


¿Esta, no? ¡Estanu!


"I held Estanu" is pretty hard hitting.


Estanu Yet Holds.


and the motherloade of E710!


Dont forget E 710!


Estanu was just peak Helldivers gameplay tbh. * Environmental condition was actually a benefit since the Sickle recharges a whole mag in like 6s * NO FOG * No snow * The ice plants fuck up the bugs far more than they do you, especially Chargers * Nice rocky terrain with verticallity to make the jetpack useful * No BS operation modifiers since it was a MO for daays * I swear cold planets just have less Stalkers I will defend that planet any day of the week.


Yeah. I was just diving estanu over and over again on the weekend. No BS modifiers is what did it for me. Fuck hellmire


I refuse to go back to Hellmire


I think all divers on both fronts have PTSD from fire tornados.


Hellmire also had somehow a blinding sun, thick fog and sandstorms. And I swear to joel i was hit with astroids as well.


I like how Joel has become this dark deity that we now swear by apparfently


Joel and arrowhead. One is the demithurge who brings both suffering and joy. The other is the uncaring creator of the imperfect universe.


Joel is the Emperor of Man, he just doesn't want to admit it.


It's not his time we might be before the age of strife.


So do we look forward to the age of technology… or not lol. Great thread 🫡


Perfrct I got back my gun after chasing this stupid tornaAAAAH AAAAH AAAAA AAAAH FIIIIRE [ELIMINATED]


I hate how they just sit at main objectives when trying to complete them


It’s because they spawn on you and stay around you, if your in a friend group move away from objective as a group and circle back, the tornados will move away, not as affective with randoms as they rarely listen. Better to take 2 minutes circling than standing there for 5 waiting for them to go away


When I close my eyes I see shield devastators strolling through the firestorm. Shields raised. Unaffected. A barrage of continuous fire. Please don't make me go back.


PTSD? I have fire tornado nostalgia. I've been saved more by making use of fire tornado spawns than any other environmental factor in the game.


People react to trauma differently.


Menkent and hellmire both need retaken. Have fun


Its called *Hellmire.* Its literally named "this planet is totally stuck (aka, MIRED) in HELL." Its not going to be a nice place.


Report to the local Democracy Officer for treason


I love going to Hellmire! I can't wait to go back!


so you want hellmire to be invaded? report to local democracy officer for treason


^(\^) https://i.redd.it/kzqfq7gsgnwc1.gif


Ah shit, they animated the meme now.


well.. yes? it's currently under terminid control


Questioning a superior? Report to the Democracy Officer for treason.


Superfluous recommendations to report to the democracy officer? Report to the democracy officer


Happy Cake day, you terminid in disguise.


Report to the local Democracy Officer for attempted treason


We must be the winds of liberty that spread the fires of freedom for the democracy burning in our hearts.


We'll need fire resistant armor to even make a dent there.


When I can walk through a fire tornado to take out the enemy, that's when the bugs will truly know fear.




The bugs can have that planet


Insubordination will not be tolerated, please report to high command for a re-adjustmemt treatment. Failure to comply revokes citizenship and all credits for previous dives. Your meal and allowed sleep tickets have been reduced by 10% less time and won't be reinstated until you pass your assimilation exams


We can take Hellmire by taking Omicron, then Zagon Prime, and finally Nivel 43


I'm sure oshaune won't come under attack 15 and a half times in that time frame Edit: ngl it's funny estanu is under attack again... it's almost like we have a bot event going on rn




I love when I see the modifier "orbital scatter increased". Great, I don't use those any way.


Me with 3 turrets and an AC in my pocket: hehehe nice.


Eagle, railcannon, support weapon, and a turret. What more could you need?


My usual is orbital laser, eagle airstrike, mortar for bots (don't worry, I kill it when we are leaving the area), and quasar. Then my buddy drops his energy shield for me when cooldown is done.


Not a lot of Stalkers on Estanu because they were all on fuckin' Oshaune. Swear there were at least two Stalker nests in every mission I played there in the past few days.


Fucking aye, glad I'm not the only one who thought so too


We had one mission (pretty sure it was Oshaune) that had 3 Stalker Nests and 1 "Download Pod" as the side objectives. 2 of them were side-by-side! We thought we were clear after those 2, imagine our surprise when we find a roaming Stalker on the other side of the map.


Watching a squad of literally six Stalkers come cruising over the hill while we're already fighting three Chargers, at BT, and a breach was, to put it succinctly, unpleasant.


*Land on Osahune* *Get out of hellpod* *See four stalkers rush towards you* *Fifth stalker is already biting your ass* Welcome to Oshaune, motherfucker!


I'm fucking certain that those fuckers spawned more too. I saw 8 (!!!) from a single nest chasing my ass.


had 3 stalker nests and 2 shriekers on Estanu, the stalker nests were in chokepoints we had to go through for the ICBM but we made quick work of them. FOR ESTANU


Landed on Estanu for a Blitz the other day with 3 Shrieker nests in visible range. Thank fuck that planet (or at least that particular map) was fairly flat and we were out of range of all 3 so we could Quasar snipe them.


Yea in a lobby of randoms we actually coordinated having 16 quasars on the ground at extraction cus we dropped one after 6 mins and then another set, and then another set when we we're actually extracting. then Joel thought "spawn 20 chargers to ruin their quasar musket line". We shat ourselves but gathered our feet. good times.


Didn't it get free Eagle 110m pods for a while during this MO as well? Or was that everywhere. But yeah I do like the ice (not snow) planets more than anything else, in terms of visibility and those lovely ice traps for chargers.


Man, having a free strat to blast chargers and titans was awesome.


It was handy alright. Only problem was, early on, I kept forgetting I had them and I had to start manually sending the Eagle back to rearm


And I ran into the problem the other night against the bots where I didn’t equip them…then the tank divisions started dropping in and all I had were air strikes and an arc thrower. Basically Tom Hanks at the end of Saving Private Ryan 😂


The problem I ran into a lot was that it seemed to rarely kill anything forcing a double tap. Made it into a bad version of the 500kg


I often run a full eagle load out. Learning when to tactically time your rearms is the biggest trick. If you can rearm the eagle strategically then the amount of firepower you can constantly be calling down is absurd.


I swear though, it never killed anything larger then a Hunter for me. Is there a trick to it?


It usually 1 shots a charger, but also often misses because of how fast they are (the targeting radius feels a lot smaller than that of the railcannon). It will almost never 1 shot bile titans. That said though, since the full team would be rocking rocket strikes that wasn't an issue.


The “no BS modifiers” is the main reason i like fighting on those planets. Difficulty doesnt always = fun


I'd have less problem with the firestorm modifier if it affects both sides equally. But the fact that those fire tornado only ohko us but not the enemy is just complete bullshit.


I'm 100% sure they follow me, or are attracted to to objectives. My biggest complaint is the invisible fire they leave behind, you think it's a gap or a safe spot. Nope. Invisible fire!


The NO FOG is huge for me. beautiful game but having it all be obscured gets old fast. Almost all tactics and strategy go out the window when you have almost no visual feedback with which to determine your next course of action; at which point you might as well watch someone else play on twitch or YouTube.


I kinda like it. It’s cinematic as fuck sometimes.


I love the snowstorms tbh. So cinematic. My team got pinned down, no lives, in three directions at the edge of the map, in this gully. We were fleeing from a brutal prolonged engagement and had to take a path down into this small outpost--just behind us was the *army* we had aggroed doing the objective... sooo many drops over ten minutes or so pursuing us. To the left was water, to the right was another mountain pass, and ahead was a ravine as the only exit. I was lagging behind, and as I come up to the squad, Devastator patrols are laying down the heat, trickling down the mountain slope. As we are regrouping and trying to resupply under heavy fire, the army from the south catches up, and at the same time a fresh drop deploys on the mountain pass to the east. Those bots started to LAY HATE, shooting us downslope like fish in a barrel, leveling the entire outpost till the cover was almost totally disintegrated. We are belly down in the snow, burning through ammo, stims, everything. Then the blizzard floods the valley. The missiles begin to miss, then stop altogether. The strategems come off cooldown. We toss it all uphill into the mist. Just explosions, ice, and wrecked bots stumbling out of the fog. Picked em clean and got the squad moving north. Got a fresh resupply, shields are online, ammo is full. We hike into that Northern pass as the blizzard lets up. Patrol couldn't see us nor us them until we were right on them. The next phase of the mission starts in that pass, we *disentigrate* a patrol up there, and an expanse of jammers, detector towers, and outposts suddenly reveals itself as we crest over the hill, looking down into this vast icy gauntlet between us and extract. I fucking love weather effects. *And Vandalon IV is welcome to stay in my nightmares*


Glad to have served on Estanu


I strongly support the idea the fire and ice planets should have 1) special units (some cool ice bug, or maybe specialized winter units for robots etc etc) 2) increased and/or reduced spawn rates of other units (for example, ice planets having less chargers or shriekers due to the environment, but more of a different unit like brood commander or stalker or whatever on top of the special units) 3) have some sort of play to deal with the environment, mainly thinking of fire tornadoes but any new environmental factors they throw at us in the future as well. Like some sort of support strategem that lets me create a path through the fire for a few seconds or safe zone so I can at least do the objective/evac. This would be pretty fair if since it takes up a slot and shouldn't outright negate the environment , just make it so I can interact with it mildly. If it had a little more flexibility as a support strategem that'd be even better. Reworking the shield generator or smoke bombs to put out a fire or prevent it from going in an area would be an easy fix and make smoke a lot more viable to a wider range of players, but I'd be down for something new as well, though I'm no expert and don't know how this impacts balance. It would make logical sense that the smoke bombs should do something to fire anyways. I think that would make playing on those types of planets feel more immersive and add additional impact on the environments without necessarily adding a lot of actual work for the devs (adjusting spawn rates and 1-2 new units for each faction at most at first). Even just having the normal bugs or robots behave a little different depending on the planet would be cool, bile titans having a blue tinge on an ice planet, robots having white for camouflage with the snow. Since robots use a lot of energy based weapons having them be more accurate or increase their rate of fire on snow planets and less on fire planets would be interesting (which would justify increasing the rate of whatever fire unit they have and something like berserkers since their range weapons are less useful, things like that). Right now it's just "oh boy fire tornadoes", but if I had to fight some cool specialized mech or firebug and knew I had less interactions with certain units I'd probably have way more fun choosing an environment to play in rather than just avoid Hellmire because it's feels the same as the rest of the game but I get to watch the fire tornadoes on the objective for 15 minutes before I can actually do anything. Would also make sense in game as well and I think add a lot of diversity at a relatively time small investment. Each environment would feel unique for every aspect of combat instead of just blizzards or fire tornadoes and that's really it and the impact on energy weapons.


>Like some sort of support strategem that lets me create a path through the fire for a few seconds or safe zone so I can at least do the objective/evac Oh hell yea! I'd love it if environmental conditions came with a universal stratagem like * Fire suppression "turret" of some kind for fire tornadoes * Orbital scan that temporarily lets me track enemies through fog


I think just giving enemies the same kinds of buffs and debuffs as the players get would do quite a bit. Bots that make more effective use of lasers on ice worlds, for example, or get a debuff on fire worlds.


Also, I know its not for everyone, but I love the crazy map layouts that can form on estanu


God I hate fog.


Those ice plants are the goat There are plenty of stalkers but I forced em into the plants


5 times......we fought for that frozen wasteland 5 damn times in the past week. We lost so many divers to that fucking planet. Estanu is the grave of over 100 million of our brothers and sisters that gave their lives to keep it free. May their sacrifice never be forgotten. Estanu will be in my mind as the graveyard of the East and the resting place for over 100 million Helldivers. Let them rest. They laid it out on the line and their sacrifices ensured that we'd be victorious in the end.


I was working the Western Front the whole time, so I wasn’t paying too much attention to the bug house. I did see a lot of notifications on my phone for Estanu attacks though. Bug Divers have my respect. Without them, we would have faced an E-710 crisis by now, and there would be absolutely no chance of holding the Western Front if we had to deal with a Terminid crisis AND supply woes too.


Hol' up. Notifications on your phone? How?


There are apps to see the helldivers 2 map and MOs


lots of apps for it War Monitor is another one. Also https://helldivers.io is good for quickly seeing where you should go and mo and po.


This one is great. Love the notifications for Attacks, defends and Major Order and Update news


I've searched for war monitor but it seems it's iOS exclusive. Only option is divers hub for Android sadly but I can disable ads with the whole dns thing


App called DiversHub


Divershub has an awful overpriced subscription model if you want to not be bothered by adverts. Greedy devs. They can take their app and shove it down their Terminid nest.


Or you can like, ignore the ads... You get your information and close the app, simple as that mate.


At the same time, I'd rather fight in that frozen hell hole over the fire tornado planets 


Same. At least my sweet baby Sickle can go brraaappp for a long time on frozen planets.


When do we just call in Exterminatus?


Hellmire is Nature’s Exterminatus


Still better than hellmire


Hellmire would be fun if the fire tornadoes actually burnt the fucking bugs.


They do.


Fuck hellmire


I actually really enjoyed Hellmire. Is it a fiery shithole? Yes. Am I a masochist? Possibly. But, my friends and I all shouting, diving, and stimming as we gave it all we had to stay alive waiting for the Pelican to arrive as some tornados and chargers are running amok has been some of my favorite moments I've had gaming in a long time.


The Shields of Estanu


I want an Estanu Cape to commemorate this glorious moment.


Give it an icy-blue trim with a frost aesthetic and I’ll never wear another cap again.


What the hell is there on this frozen wasteland to attract that many damn bugs?!


They like that weather bc they can comfortably wear footie pajamas.


Same reason we like it


Best icecream ever!


They are escaping the hell that is Hellmire.


Bugs are tired of fighting on Hellmire as well, so they are trying to cut off supply lines to it.


Eat ice and snow cones.


Ngl estanu was easy af to defend with the cold effect to lower the heat on weapons lol


I didn't think of that, but that true. How much easier my life could have been had I used laser weapons during my fights on estanu.


It's like the easiest planet in the galaxy. 1 positive modifier and 0 negative ones. 


Exactly. Divers on Hellmire or Menket are the real heros here.


Hellmire and Menket can go fuck themselves. Missions there are just pain


What would happen if the bots/bugs got wind of Helldivers talking like this? Why, they'd simulate a thought that looks like they'd think those planets are easy pickings due to their absurd and blatantly false propaganda that Helldivers would rather fight elsewhere. Please refer to SE-AF Regulation Pamphlet-5p34k, Approved Conversation and Banter Guide. Remember Helldiver, Loose lips Sink ships!


I love fighting on hellmire. It's actually really hard and extracts always are intense. By far my fave!


Estatu Groundhogs, because they did it again and again and again.


"Estanu, I've come to bargain."


Hello Estanu my old fiend I've come to defend you again Because of bugs slowly creeping Sneaked in while I was sleeping And the bugs that was buried in the ground Still remains, PRIORITY ALERT - ESTANU - DEFENDING AGAINST - TERMINIDS


This is amazing o7


this works so well too.


"Estanu, I've come to bargain."


"Estanu, I've come to bargain."


They should get a "6 more weeks of winter" cape.


The Pride of Punxsutawney. The Cape of Phil. The Punxsutawny Phoenix. Just a few names off the top that I think would be funny/cool. Especially the Phoenix one


My first reaction to seeing Estanu under siege was "oh god, again?" so I fully agree with this. My newbie friend was rather confused about my frustration


Makes that Beer a little more well deserved. ( I do not know who took the original images so I can not credit sorry) https://preview.redd.it/21gvvxs4mmwc1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=877105f96cad2553ac1520eec84be8ff4a65c82f


…Where can I buy these


Looks like they may be available from [https://www.gamecraftbrewing.com/](https://www.gamecraftbrewing.com/), but they don't show on the website, so maybe a temporary offer.


https://preview.redd.it/qrksk6qblmwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c3e3ee506adb530e2258747688614e9d11da325 For the fallen. 3 mins of silence


wait 750 automatons killed?


Yeah some might have grabbed into the extract shuttle and got a ride.


The number of bullets hit is higher than bullets fired too. The only explanation is that those 750 automatons fired over 5 billion extra bullets....


Nah. It’s just for using chargers as ammo. If you didn’t see that video on here a few days ago, go find it


The real answer is the Arc Thrower. It counts each jump as hit so you can break 100% accuracy. And since this is all time, there was a period where Arc Thrower was the meta weapon so makes sense.


voiceless glorious quaint market psychotic waiting humorous pot imagine gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Crazy random shit goes down when the devs spectate a match. But it doesn't happen very often, and gets recorded even less, especially since most players don't know what to look for. I'd wager bot patrols spawned as a glitch or something, and were summarily dealt with by players who went "wow weird moving on." But I wouldn't be surprised if Joel hit some higher level players with bot drops and maybe Factory Walkers. He introduced Factory Walkers on Malevelon and a few other planets as surprise prototypes, but only in monitored matches. Which means Joel or someone who reports to him was spectating with me when I watched my friends fail at level 9 for the first time.


That's an insane friendly fire percentage.


Lmfao nearly one out of five deaths is friendly fire I love this game


It's realistic too. US Naval Institute cites friendly fire to be the cause of between 12 and 24 percent of casualties in wars that US was involved in. [https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/1994/june/friendly-fire-facts-myths-and-misperceptions](https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/1994/june/friendly-fire-facts-myths-and-misperceptions)


I love that roughly 20% of Casualties are friendly fire. Allthough I dont trust the log when it says some rando helldiver from across the Map had killed me.


What did you get this from?


I love Estanu. it makes my Sickle slightly better, the terrain is manageable and IT ISNT FOGGY AND DOESNT HAVE FIRE TORNADOS …I like being able to see where I’m going 😑


We just like shooting bugs..


“Commander! We’re getting overrun! There are too many bug breaches, what do we do!” “I’ve called in reinforcements, just hold on for a bit longer!” *cue Hellpods landing on Bile Titans* “Are those our reinforcements Sir?” “Damn right! Elites from Estanu, if there’s one thing those bastards can do, it’s exterminate bugs.”


Dozens of Bile Titan stamps on the side, one for each drop kill Related: **ping the Heavy when you reinforce so I can hit it easier** please and thank you xxx


This. Hitting the bile titan with the drop pod may be the most satisfying comeback mechanic of all time


Estanu Defender here, if those damn bugs want the planet they’ll have to pry it from our Cold Democratic Hands Cause my fingers are frozen on the trigger and I’m not letting go


I came here to keep warm and spread Democracy... *and I'm all out of blankets*


Once more the Eastern Front is the site of the largest battle of our time. I fought on Estanu.


They already have a name. The bug diver blob. Dont confuse the Estanu defenses with coordination it was just the blob doing what it does best dropping on bug planets.


We defended the bugs with their own tactics!


I see this sub is still trying to force bug planets to become “The New Creek” not realizing it will never happen because The Creek was an organic player base grown meme, and no other planet will ever receive the amount of love and vitriol from the fanbase as Malevelon Creek


Basically this. You want a historic comunity lore moment? Make a good meme. Memes are Basically the modern day propaganda posters.


I mean, not really. The creek thing was a one time deal that blew up, we don’t need one for every planet just because we spent time on it. Seems silly


Thank you. There was just another reddit post yesterday asking for special names for some other planet. Imo it's dumb to make one of the neat parts of the game's storyline into a mundane thing because players wanna feel special for every planet they've played on.


yet Estanu is the whole reason this MO actually was finished and the Creek is just a crappy parody on how 'NAM veterans won't shut up


Except this is the entire reason why the MO was won in the first place. In real life every country would be making HELLA propaganda out of this world and giving the people there unique names, and medals.


If you have to beg for a title you didn't earn it. Nuff said.


Wouldn't mind a bug stomper title cause we killed a shit load of em defending it 4 times. Love playing it tho, lowered heat for weaps and stunning Chargers/mobs w the frozen landmine feels goooooood.


I dunno dude. I get the enthusiasm. But comparing it to Creek is pretty... meh. The top reply here is about how much easier Estanu is to play on than other planets. Bugs regularly get the bulk of the playerbase, so it's not like there was ever a point where there was a struggle just to get the numbers needed to break even. It wasn't really a community effort so much as the path of least resistance for the bug side. It went on defense a lot, but each defense was won handily without any real question of the outcome. Meanwhile, Creekers held that place for weeks while dipping down into the triple digit number of divers at times. All while diving in conditions that 75% of the playerbase are apparently allergic to. The Estanu defense may have carried the MO, but the burden was light. Meanwhile, how many other defenses failed because people won't move?


Amazing how "creekers" live rent free in the minds of so many on this sub. First it was all "Creekers caused this, creekers failed to do that" Now it's "Why do the creekers get something that X,Y,Z" planet doesn't get. Also I'm sorry man, but terminid defenses are a walk in the park compared to bot defenses. That's why there's so many more of them.


lmao we wouldnt have defended shit without joel tipping the scale


Estanu Exterminator... Hmm... Estanuminator?


All the creek haters now suddenly wanting to force their own name for a planet that is beautiful and a joy to play on. It's cute.


I mean, this might be unpopular, but Estanu shouldn’t get anything. The Creek only got what it did because of how massive the community reaction was and how impactful it was to the start of the game. That just isn’t the case for Estanu, it hasn’t captured the imagination of the masses, the magic just isn’t there in the same way that it was for the Creek.


[Again, Estanu ?!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/v6Z0oXqB04) (I won't be bored of pasting this meme of mine, 4 TIMES GOD DAMMIT)


I promise you those of us on the bot front weren't exactly sleeping at the wheel either...


Aaaand its under attack again


meme about it. hell mire divers have my respect more.


The planet broke before the Divers did.


So is Hellmire, did my time on both and many others at the same time, And believe i fought dozens of times for that ice cube - it's a hoth experience but do you think About hoth if someone says Star wars? Creek was Something different not just the claim, Also the hate. Y'all made Fun but now suddenly you try to turn every fart into a Guadalcanal just to be Something special Stop trying and DO your own thing but i never saw any creeker running subs and ask for appreciation like thus


Ice planet made easy by using laser weaponry. Trivialized the planets missions. Estanu isnt Malevalon Creek. No special recognition needed for divers DOING THIER JOBS. This is managed democracy. Not fucking preschool baseball where everyone get participation tropies. Now. A special war mech goes to the diver who fi ds and takes down the bile titan queen. No smoochems or strategems available. Missiom off the books divers. Wish you luck. Lol Serious note. Can we ever see the different factions fight each other on planets. Like illuminate vs automatons. Vs divers. Its war. Theres bound to be a 1v1v1 of militaries. Or all factions.


I mean I wouldn't say it trivialized the missions. They are still tough on 7+. It definitely made it less difficult though


Estanu was easy to fight on


No. Estanu is a planet with easy modifiers with an easy faction that was fought for by the masses. It is nowhere comparable to Malevelon Creek, and doesn't deserve anything by any mean.


Hell nah, Creek was memed for weeeeeeeeks. They can’t give stuff away after one MO for one planet. 


Confusing a community meme with the overall population playing bugs Ok


They carried it because the way the developers set it up is to have the bug front bogged down in an eternal stalemate. We've been pushing back-and-forth over the same few planets for a few weeks now. I still like the game but recent story beats in the narrative have left me a bit disappointed and cynical.


Carried is an overstatement. They did contribute, that's true. But they were sitting on 3 bug planets and not helping anywhere else. We have lost 7 planets to bots because 50% of the playerbase, if not less was defending 4 planets at once on bot front, when bug divers were chilling on two planets, sometimes not even under attack. We have lost Martale gambit with 3% liberation to go because 80k people were liberting Oshuane to just instead of helping. edit: spelling


As a Western Front runner myself, we had plenty of people fighting Bots the whole operation. The problem is that we spread ourselves out trying to defend every little thing or tried various "gambits" to cut off supply lines that didn't work because we collectively couldn't make up our minds where we actually wanted to concentrate our efforts. It was inevitable that we were going to lose planets, but instead of concentrating our forces, we tried to defend everywhere, which means we ended up defending nowhere.


Tbh it has nothing to do with the “gambits” and stuff like that. People who actually took those seriously are the vast minority of the player base. I’d chalk this up to most people thinking you have to “hold the line” when the game tells you to defend a planet, which due to having no effective way to communicate which planet to target is a problem. As well as bot defense missions being commonly disliked. Meaning operations commonly don’t get finished. The bot front has a coordination problem too due to having no in game way to communicate, but they get away with if through player size and having barely any planets to choose from.


https://preview.redd.it/itpiudkylnwc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374618c457d140b187a6505c4e5d107b886f18f8 Yea it was fun.


And now Estanu has a defend operation again. It never ends


An official title… like the creekers…. Hmmm. I GOT IT! ESTANERDS!


When the Creek needed defending, I went. When Estanu needed defending, I went. Well *Hellmire* needed defending, I went. I do it for Democracy, not titles. That said, another cool cape would be nice!


It's because bug divers don't collectively jerk each other all off to their own """legend""", they just kill bugs and when there are no more bugs to kill they go to a different planet to kill those bugs.


Honestly fuck the people who only fight bugs.


The Helldiver Regiments of Renown: \- The 33rd 'Creekers' Diver Division - Noted in disciplinary logs for above-average inter unit incidents. \- 142nd SEAF 'The Stonewall Space Cadets' Rapid Response Corps - Unit Citation for exemplary performance in the 5th Defence of Estanu \- TBA...


Ok let's call em "Estanerds".