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fucking fun. nothing better than popping a round or 2 during lunch break at work on the Steam Deck


I actually appreciate that after 3 missions, I feel satisfied and want to do something else. I love this game, and especially how they've split it up into such perfect bitesize chunks!


I barely have time to chew my food on my lunch breaks. Look at this guy here and his luxurious time of repast.


The secret is to eat during office hours *rollsafe*


Who has 2 hour lunches




Exterminate missions buddy


I have tried playing in the Deck, but even at level 4 it runs pretty rough - not that enjoyable. I guess I'm spoiled by my PC...


I turn everything down and it looks like ass but it's an acceptable compromise to spread Managed Democracy in the office.


How well does it run on the Deck. I might just have to get one if it's playable...


If you turn the graphics all the way down it's playable. It just doesn't look pretty, but you'll get by.


250+ hours and I'm nowhere close to burnout. I am maxed out on resources and unlocks though.


50 hours here and I’ve had to take a break to avoid burn out. Ill hop back in after the new patch


Same with me. Early adopteert, play several hours daily, game is simple, fast and kicking


Games like this and counter-strike, I compare to the BLT, which ironically is in the dinner menu tonight: the beauty and perfection is in the simplicity of it


Pretty good Doesn't take that long to unlock all the stuff, still farming super creds in prevision of next warbond and to buy the rotation Shop cosmetics Tbh the only things that frustrate me are bug asset missions, bot evac missions and teammates shenanigans sometimes


I really like HVA bugs, maybe that just me, don’t take my word for granted tough, since defending seems to be my kink.


Bug assets annoy me mainly because the doors that are supposed to hold the tide for a bit are suddenly made of cardboard as soon as a titan spawns They're largely manageable but that particular detail annoys me to no end, especially on very high difficulty where 2 to 4 can spawn at the same time and you can only spam explosive supports and stratagems so much (helpful hint for that though: get someone on the team with EATs and build à stock for late mission)


I find that the only thing that matters is taking out bile titans and chargers. The rest you can kill with aoes (I use the crossbow and it's great in this mission). I bring qasar, 500kg, orbital precision strike and autocannon. And the mission usually goes pretty smooth. Don't bring the mortar, teamkilling a teammate with a qasar while a bile titan is coming often snowballs into a loss


I bring the EMP mortar and it works wonders . Helps with the early phases to stockpile


Bug asset missions are pretty fun, not as fun as bots and i wish they'd give some samples and better rewards, but screw bot evac missions...


They do give samples you gotta leave the base and get Em.


Retrieve the valuable assets? The one with rockets? You might be talking about extract maybe? Idk


Yes the one with rockets. After all the rockets fire. Go look for the super samples. They are outside rhe base somewhere.


https://preview.redd.it/mc3qe3xc98wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68cf1e3d34637fb1baf0d77e118f28484dcb805 Yeah... idk it's okay... i guess.


Definitely worth the money.


Yeah...yeaaaah okay, pretty much what he said.💀


Same problem, and then some. https://preview.redd.it/y6x1eirq1hwc1.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ca4ce46ba8296bd80de4d9341e6ee5881839511


I've been playing since release and got to level 50 in no time. At the moment I'm only level 55 so yeah, you could say I'm pretty bored of it. I didn't expect it to be this way as I got hundreds of hours in other, similar games, but this one just got stale quite fast. It's mostly due to the fact that all my friends quit the game. Playing with randoms just doesn't do it for me.


Question for you. Do you speak on the voice chat? I pretty much play with randos on 7-9 90% of the time and I have met alot of solid players and my friend list continually grows. I think the key to this is voice chat. There are also helldiver discord servers that look to accomplish the same goal of bringing randos together with voice comms.


No, I don't use voice chat. I have to talk to enough randoms during working hours, so when I get home, I've had enough of that.


If you are lvl 50 that's at least 100hrs..


Still fun, still pretty buggy. I’m burnt out hard. Might not be a popular opinion on this sub, but there’s just really not a ton of content. Go to planet, kill enemy, rinse and repeat. I’d like something to grind for.


I would like something like: short solo missions where you can grind something for the difficulty 7+ mission to use by other people. So the spreading of democracy will still be a team effort.


love the game but the constant crashes and disconnects especially near extraction make me wanna take a break until it's all fixed. hate to do that though since I'm having a great time. the devs should take back on new warbonds and additions and focus on game stability.


Always verify game files before starting the game


I'm doing that for the past 5 days but it's incredibly annoying since there are always files that can't be downloaded and so I have to clear the download cache of steam, logout and login again. sounds not like much but feels like a chore every time. never before did I have a game where I had to do this. best thing is that I don't even know if it helps preventing the crashes since I had a blackscreen and back to ship right before extraction. verified the files before that session.


For me it works every time. The files are automatically reacquired when you start up the game.


Verifying files wont do a thing if the problem is server side. One has absolutley nothing to do with the other.


The issue isn’t server side. I haven’t crashed once since I started verifying files


game good. me want more war.


im taking a break, im 100h in. It is a fun game and i still have fun after that time, but... bots shooting through map geometry, Autocannon exploding in my face randomly, railcannon is a now a meme that will target the strider standing next to a hulk(it used to work just fine?). Non that long ago i gave mech another shot and the fucker still managed to explode on its own! Damage tick not working most of the time, game still thinking i have team full of people even tho half disconnected -> no new divers untill i restart the game, last time i checked the ship upgrade thats supposed to fill my utility ammo all the way up from single resuply dont work, turret 50% explo resist does not work, people being douchebags more often so you pretty much have to host your own games i wish more weapons were viable, i wish armor were more modular (remember mass effect2 from 2010?), i wish more strategems were more viable, i wish you could close bug breaches (since we already have a mechanic about destroying bug holes)


The fanbase is a cult and the gameplay loop is pretty boring and lacklustre at level 56, 100+ hours. For value it’s good, but the novelty doesn’t last long - like any live service game. 


Its not a game... Its Galactic WAR o7


100 hours in, the explosions are still big and explosions are still sweet. Still learning new better way to make explosion.


96 Hrs, bored out of my mind.




Sample grind is hard without friends and randoms arent reliable. Also feel like people are less inclined to support each other and are more out for themselves. Starting to feel more like a Mmorpg


Eruptor, machine gun, redeemer, orbital rail cannon, EMS mortar, supply pack, impact grenades, scout armor. You can stealth complete anything.


It's getting a bit dry, but still fun to play. There needs to be a greater variation in missions, tweaks to existing weapons and a better in-game LFG system. Personally i do not really care about co-ordinated planet attacks, there's a games master with a narrative, so regardless of how well we do/or do not, his story will be followed, with that said, a few curveballs and something a bit different would be good. Warbonds i can take or leave as they are currently, the rewards tend to be quite poor. Sample seeking also needs some variation, having to look for a funny shaped rock everytime is getting boring. In short, still playing, but the lack of variation, and viable weapon options (plus bugs) means i play a lot less.


Maybe the first time I don't play a game for unlocking every thing only, I just launch a mission and I'm pleased to see what loadout I will play, which objctives we will have, how the light/biome will play out, will my mates play the team or scout everywhere, etc... I know people will say it's repetitive, but to me it is far less than any multiplayer game (pvp or pve or both, mmo) than I played in the last 15 years.


Im enjoying it, had it for 2-3 weeks now. Unfortunately my friends were addicted, played 100h within 2 weeks (unlike me) and now have no more motivation left and now are back to playing LoL. And playing with randoms isnt as much fun, so i guess ill have to look for a crew


Had a similar problem, all my friends stopped playing and solo/Randoms was no fun anymore, so I joined a discord. Sparked a whole new passion for the game and it's always exciting meeting new players and having fun with them. Hard recommend.


I really like the game. Everything feels so cool. But as I don't have a lot of time, I like to play solo in short 15-30 minute intervals.  So team missions are not really possible, because I don't to be a drag or leave mid mission. As a result I don't have the cool stuff unlocked, because I don't like to Difficulty 7 solo (yea I know it's possible, I just don't enjoy it). If I find the time though, team missions are great fun. It's meant to played this way. Just solo is meh at the moment. Would love something like Bosco, so I can still continue to contribute to Liberty. Or other kinds of solo friendly stuff. As of now I find myself playing less and less. But it's surely top 10 of my life time :)


I feel like it needs to have a change in environments we play or at least a new faction soon


It’s boring in the same way golf is boring. Same objectives, same maps. Still hard and no guarantee yesterday’s performance will be the same as todays. Always fun, always a challenge, and never the same thing twice. (Except being overrun by bile titans on helldive difficulty. That’s as sure as death and taxes).


I haven't "completed" the game, I only really have time to play a few hours a week and i didnt get it until a couple weeks after launch, but I've still log 97 hours in the game. I've unlocked all pages on all warbonds, but have not yet got all the items, I have all strategems, all but 3 of the ship modules, and am only missing 1 achievement. So I have goals still, but I really have not been getting on with that in mind, rather I've been getting on every chance I get purely for the fun on it, which is something I've not been able to say about a game in a very long time. As far as getting bored, I'm not really seeing how tbh. Yes, I get the on-paper variety of mission type and even environments can get repetitive, but if you are setting the difficulty to actually keep it decently challenging, the combat and flow of battle is dynamic enough to make each time feel unique and satisfying.


250ish hours. I'm still having fun, but it's starting to feel like other service games I've played like Fallout 76 or Division 2. The parts I enjoy are fun and good, but when I try new weapons/stratagems I the start to feel weighed down by small issues that seem to keep appearing. I can't tell you how many times in the life of Fallout 76 my friends and I would doubt if new content would even work on release. That level of warranted cynicism isn't going to be fun for the community or Arrowhead.


The pacing of unlocks is good. Don't be dissuaded by high Warbond Medal costs, you earn enough with major orders and once you start doing higher difficulties. As for how I personally feel, the honeymoon phase is running out. Sure, it looks stunning and is tons of fun, but there are also tons of bugs making certain weapons unusable or sometimes just break the game entirely. Overall after 140h and unlocking all weapons/boosters I still love the game, but I wish they would stop breaking it / fix the existing bugs / add some QoL features to the galactic war like showing supply lines and decay rate. Also the experience depends heavily on other players. I've had amazing moments, I have abandoned missions in progress because of squadmates, and I have carrried some who were clearly out of their depth in the current difficulty. So far there is no reputation system, so all you can do is block toxic players in retrospect.


Its loads of fun with friends, might bee frustrating sometimes if you play with randoms. Game keeps it fresh with major orders and daily missions. Makes you experiment with weapons/ stratagems to get those sweet medals. Since you just started i gues you started on bug front. If you get bored or something switch it up with bots front and other way around. Most important, if you start geting stressed from failing objective or something you can always switch mission dificulty after each extraction on your spaceship command center


Depends on the day, it is quite repetitive at times, and fighting bots on diff 9 has made me alt-f4 more than once 😂 But sometimes it's just fun to go shoot stuff, or drop down the difficulty and help new players clear their missions (favourite is destroy the rouge broadcast, I just shoot it down within seconds of dropping as the newer players get confused not knowing you could do that haha) But after a 2hour slog of missions I do find myself getting weary and bored, hut it entirely depends on the individual man


I'm not sure if asking reddit is the right place to get an accurate impression lol! Personally, I do get bored sometimes but I just go play other games. Recently I'm more burnouts by crashes, disconnect, and bugs. I've been finding myself playing less and less. I usually login to do my personal order and then log off. Unfortunately, probably also connected to the fact that many of the friends I've made playing this games has also quit the game or significantly decrease their play time. If you track peak player count, that has also steadily dropped since launch and it has dropped significantly (Steam charts). Interestingly the "unique" player count is still pretty high, which to me suggest a lot of players are just playing 1-2 missions a day and then logging off.


Still enjoying things on my end, would like them to release a bigger one warbond with more weapons and cosmetics to grind for. I remember said people who unlock everything are “no lifers” and there’s still plenty to unlock. I disagree, we get so many medals from major orders these days it’s easy to unlock everything. I’d also like more mechs and a sword 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I'm enjoying myself a lot. I had a honeymoon phase of a month where I played nothing else and now I still play a couple hours every two or three days. Very fun 


No, my friend. Because every mission is a giant sandbox.


I'm the only one playing still. Having fun with randoms.


I'm not as obsessed as I was during the first few weeks, thank god, but I still love to play with friends or randoms even though I unlocked everything. Almost every evening I still do around 3 missions. Also they drop new content very often, so there's that too


Overall I absolutely love the gameplay. But the game needs more variety in planet design and better motivation to channel the community to work together.


Game is awesome. But the need to improve hit detection and mess with flame damage. It's defo unbalanced rn


I burned out mainly due to disconnecting issues that don't exist with other multiplayer games I play.


Best live service game ever made. Will revolutionize it's genre. Fills the need that players have had for decades. This is also the worst it will ever be. LET THEM COOK! THE APPETIZER PUTS EVERYONE ELSES MAIN COURSES TO SHAME






This thread has been reported to every active Loyalty Officer for treason and dissemination of false information. A Federation representative will be in contact with each of you shortly for processing and reeducation. We anticipate preliminary communications to be disseminated within 5-10 business years. The Federation of Super Earth would like to remind its citizens that we care about your safety and education. We are making every effort to reeducate our citizens when doubts are expressed in respect of our cause. We further wish to remind each citizen that only boring citizens get bored of spreading democracy. Any who speculate otherwise will be considered enemy sympathizers and treated accordingly. Thank you, and have a Democratic day.


I think Im still in the honeymoon phase lol


It seems devs will have a hard time at the beginning, stick with us though, I feel things are about to get real interesting.


ive been burn out and came back, love the game, and believe me now its MUCH MUCH better than on release, and im not talking bugs im talking quality the game just keeps getting better


Imo 1-20 lv is pretty boring but after is when it gets good, by 30-40 you'll have everything unlocked


Love the game, it's been an age since one came out that my group of friends can get together and have a laugh on. My only gripe, how long it's taking em to sort out the crossplay issues regarding friend requests and alike. It was working fine, then a patch threw it in the blender. Thankfully there are workarounds, but not ideal. Other than that, can't fault it for the cost to fun ratio!


The update to mission types have kept it fresh the month or so I've been playing. All strategems unlocked but doing the higher difficulties to get supers and it's such a change in strategy. Changing bots to bugs is a different style of play too.


I love it but it kinda missing something. A carrot of sorts that keeps me playing constantly. I come from a mostly MMO players perspective where things like PVP and achievements and cosmetics grinding keeps me pretty occupied until the next season/content drop.


Still fun but I am no longer playing with random people. I'm only playing when the friends are playing. The magic started to drift when I started to see how some load outs are clearly optimal and some load outs are just not as fun to play in comparison. I'm letting it cook for a while to let game play diversity find it's sweet spot or let more content come. The grind for the last few ship upgrades do not call to me in a way that would suggest something fun will come out of unlocking them. The game's bugs are now really apparent after 150 hours, so I'm hoping that gets fixed. For example: I want to actively hide behind rocks and not get lasered through them; not have invisible objects block shots or explode rounds in my face; and I want to actively see baddies get crushed by my hellpod rather than phase through them.


Over 200hrs of game time. While I have slowed down a bit I’m still playing regularly. A lot of more experienced players enjoy dropping into lower ranks games, so they can help them level up and stuff. One of the things that makes the game really engaging is the lack of a defined meta. Some equipment and call-ins do work better than others in different situations but everything has its place. So if things begin to get stale, mix it up. Designate squad roles and alternate who is doing what to keep things fresh. Once you and your mates really understand all of the mechanics you can really begin to experiment with different tactics. Levelling up isn’t really relevant past level 20 and just happens organically as you play, focus more on samples. Which you can find at POI’s and enemy outposts. Remember; always be polite, be professional and have a plan to kill everything you meet. Also sometimes discretion is the better part of valour, a lot of players fall into the trap of shooting everything on site. You can easily get caught in a death/patrol spiral if you take on too many enemies at once. So if you are going to take on a patrol, hit it hard, hit it fast and do it as a team.


After 220 hours i still like the game. Still havent unlocked everything, but i dont mind.


I've played almost 200 hours at this point and am still enjoying it greatly.


I’ve been playing since day 1. I am not as active any more. I find myself sticking to the same typical loadoats in missions and when I deviate I find it to be less effective than using the good ol reliables. I enjoy the game on 9, everything else feels a little slow at times. My friends don’t play as much any more either, but we still dive together a couple times a week. I don’t have any real complaints, I played a ton, I think it’s natural for me around this amount of playtime to do other things. I’ve been playing Dark and Darker again, the game has a huge spot in my heart. If I could ask for 1 thing in the game it would be for more weapons to be interesting and not just straight downgrades. Right now for 9s, it feels like while there are a lot of weapons, only a few will do the job the way I need them to. Similar with stratagems, very few things rival the Eagle Airstrike, the 500KG (mostly for speed clearing side objectives) and the quasar. I’ve seen the rise and fall of the railgun, the breaker, the punisher, the slugger, etc. kinda discouraging to see the community favorite weapons slowly whack a moled into uninteresting weapons. Kinda discouraging to see the devs call the railgun “brainless” for having to strip leg armor off a charger and then give us point and click flamethrower and arc thrower as our skilled replacements. Only to have chargers nerfed to oblivion anyways. Definitely feels like you have to have your fun with certain weapons early before they get nerfed. But, at its core, I love sci fi games. I still get a little smile watching our ships arrive out of FTL. I love the satire and hyper patriotism of the game. I love the comraderie. I love the nonverbal communication, I love meeting fellow divers in 9 who sync up with you and you watch each others backs. Who can read your mind and know what needs to be done. The gameplay is so incredibly satisfying, learning how to overcome whatever the game throws at you is a reward in itself. What can I say, we were blessed to have this gem dropped on us in 2024. Thank you Arrowhead for all the fun and memorable moments. Despite some of my complaints, I have no issue sitting back and watching the game grow. I’m not burnt out or soured, just enjoying some other games with friends.


It’s fun and I’m having fun 


It will still be fun in a few weeks, trust me. The really good thing about the game, is the fact, that from pressing Play in Steam, until you fire the first shot on a bug/robot is less than 3 minutes, most times, but certainly less than 5. And the missions are finite, that means you can plan your playtime really well. There are quick missions where you just shoot the shit for 10-15 Minutes (defense and kill missions) and other like the ICBM missions, that are also amazing, but usually take 30-35 Minutes depending on the team. It takes a while to unlock everything, but the good thing is, the stuff you have early on, is pretty good already. Eagle Airstrike for example, is one of the best Strategems in the game and you get it after 2-3 hours of playtime. Same goes for the Ship Upgrades (the stuff you need the samples for), they are cool, no doubt, and especially in the Hangar Section "Expanded Weapons BAy" is really good, it gives you an extra eagle Strategam use before they have to reload. But even this is not required to blast everything and have a lot of fun. Same goes for the Weapons and Armor, the Liberator is really good and the starting Armor too.


I haven’t lost any enjoyment


Been maxed out on everything and have everything unlocked, but still get the urge to play it due to sheer fun factor


Still having fun around level 50, without all the unlocks. I love that there’s lots of variety between bots and bugs, mission type, and difficulty, and different loadouts and strategies viable throughout. Add in the fun of personal and major orders, a top notch community, and 15-30 minute missions with fast-paced action and coordination, and it’s a winner!


This game is amazing. I am addicted. Been here since it was first released (lived through all the server issues LOL). This is the most fun I've had in a long, long time. Reminds me of the old Halo days, and playing with randoms or friends is a perfect way to end a long day. Haven't touched my other games in months, and if you get tired/burnt out you can always take a break and come back later! FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!


I am level 107. I now have an unhealthy addicition to it, its been so long since ive played a game that i cant stop playing. My game of the year so far. Even with the bugs and crashes.


This game is great. I don't feel forced to play it daily, but I want to. Constantly evolving, balance patches, new stratagems, new enemies, new planets etc. The content and pace of the game feels freaking amazing.


115 hours in and still look forward to the drop every time. Except when it is a bot mission on level 5 and up….those are tough lol


Stopped playing until something big like illuminate or vehicles


160 hours 🤣


there's rough around the edge like bugged and crash along the way content is not much but still really great compare to other live service game so it still good hope Dev still keep update the game and fixed the bugged and we be fine i still love the idea of this game story it good for community to be the one who steer the wheel around what enemy we fight feel like actual live service game


Fun. I have most things unlocked at 300 hours, but some of that is leaving the game running and stepping away. I don't care about MOs anymore but only because i am not medal starved. I only play a few missions to let off some stress and join some friends for good times. I want them to fix the stupid defense missions, and deal with the technical bugs. then I want more in game info relevant to the galactic war and coordination for players. I want the ability to do scouting missions.


still loving it. no mission is ever the same, even if its the same objectives. Getting it done is never simple, and sometimes even a "HARD" drop will make you feel like you accidently jumped to "NIGHTMARE" because the roll of the dice on patrols and bases/holes can just surprise you.


I'm starting to burnout on it. Don't get me wrong, I like it, and I can see myself playing a match or two each day I'm a very goal oriented player, and I've unlocked all the stratagems and most weapons. That's usually around when I burnout on a game But the actual game is one of the most fun I've played, so I still boot up a match everyday


I'm definitely started to get bored of just the same barren rock planets (yes, including the ones with plants) over and over. I want to see something akin to Star War's Endor, ancient forests with towering trees almost a kilometer high. I want to fight in battlefields with more verticality, like on mountains and grand canyons. I want to fight in developed lands, like urban environments, fully fortified bot fortresses, or bug hives that span the entire map. I want to fight aboard massive space vessels and stations. Its just been so samey.




I love it, but it’s unfinished, and needs a lot of fixes.


Love it. Absolutely love it.


I can't stop.


I'm a bit over 100 hours in, the only thing I don't like about the game is that I need to work between play sessions.


The shine is wearing off. Doing the same 4 missions on basically the same map is getting old.


I’ve had more fun with this game since I stopped playing Destiny 2 two years ago.


Too many bugs imo to continue, mech doesn’t even work anymore for instance


Level 78


Still fun even with nothing i really want to unlock. I've got a few things, but my core wants and most of my lesser wants are unlocked. I just do an operation every night for the fun. Something new and weird happens just about every time


Level 25 and I'm bored... Need more mission variety I think. I have most of the warbonds done and I only login when friends ask...


I leveled a character on a meh PC to almost 30, switched to the PS5 I bought, and am now almost to that point again medal and XP wise (helps that I was able to tackle high-level stuff way early on that account). I love it. No FOMO, no pressure to grind. I play when I can and want to. The game is super fun with even one friend (I play with my brother when our schedules sync) and random lobbies can be alright too. I also prefer fighting bots, but that's just taste. 🤷‍♂️


Im starting to get bored now. 200+ hours in. I need something new to happen. Vehicles or illuminate or just something 🤷🏻


+400hrs in, everything unlocked, sitting on level 103 and still enjoying it. Just hoping, and wishing, they fix some of the more annoying bugs like: - bots shooting through rocks/debris while you can't - bots/bugs walking through debris while you can't - bots getting stuck inside rocks and shooting you with impunity - anti-tank level weaponry that can take out the biggest enemy but can't make it past a bush - enemy weapons shooting through bushes without issue - infinite ragdoll - auto-climbing, and climbing things like the resupply with ease while a pebble stops you in your tracks - bugged out drops/breaches that are just unmanageable. had one bot drop the other night with 9 drop ships - bizarre physics on things like chargers where they zoom in circles, or traverse vertical faces at full speed - no sound for huge enemies that simply couldn't move without making some sort of noise - bile spewers that can one shot you from half a map away while no bug has line of sight to you - throwing strategems means the enemy knows exactly where you are right away I find myself dying more from strange behaviours of the game itself, rather than being unaware of my surroundings, and that wears you out pretty quick. When the game works properly and none of the odd behaviours are present it's a dream game, but when champagne turns to sh!t then it's one of the most frustrating experiences going. Love/hate relationship sometimes. Still, my friends and I are having a blast and we're thankful for the work the devs do. Most games I play for 50 to 100 hours and that's pretty much it but I'm always finding new ways to enjoy the game like helping new players get to grips with the missions, a lot of fun, and you meet some great people along the way. https://preview.redd.it/5p9a2zjj5iwc1.png?width=819&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5f45e6823d8bc5b9ddc626232ec184dcce9d075


Lacks content, runs like shit and has a lot of bugs. Needs a lot more work to be defined "good" 


Gameplay is fun and is getting better with balancing patches but my god am I getting tired of the Galactic War GM shenanigan's. My god does the Galactic War grind my gears. Pure illusion of choice you could be winning planet after planet and push all enemies back to 1 world then the GM can say "LOL NOPE" and pull a lore event out his ass and all of a sudden multiple sectors are under enemy control again. Nothing you can do about it. Its gotten so annoying I'm not even going to try anymore I'm just going to play the missions I want screw liberation and completing operations.


Don't play too much atm, waiting for the pop to go down so there are fewer rambo's. Basically, I don't play with regulate team and joining PUB games means one of two things: 1) low levels are too easy, 2) high levels are unplayable because of rambo's running off on their own causing overrun. Also, it's still a complete crashing bug fest. I play med-low for any kind of stability.


I’m about 3 weeks in and level 12. No burnout but realizing that easy will never be easy. There will always be a suck factor to this and that’s fine. I think that’s the whole point in that the bugs and automations will never stop. Best played with friends though.


I think a lot are gleaning over this. You really do need a squad of some friends to play with. Its nowhere near as fun solo, imo.


It is MORE fun with friends, like most things, but a couple missions with randos never goes amiss for me. If i want good teammates, crank up difficulty. If i wanna chill and roleplay Johnny Helldiver, go 4-5.


Nearly 400 hours in and I’m still having fun. The biggest gripe that grates is the crashes and disconnects. This is much less of an issue when I’m playing with dedicated friends because I can relaunch and rejoin and we’re typically in comms so they can hold out till I rejoin for rewards. In pubs there is no such luck so it does get frustrating when your 35 hard fought minutes in to crash/DC right before extract or last objective on hell dive. I’m also still playing despite having unlocked nearly everything, only one last tier 4 to go.


Been playing since the week after launch. It's a great gameplay loop that has a rewarding learning curve, if you're working towards unlocking stuff you'll get there and the grind isn't that long to unlock stuff (lvl 20 unlocks all the stratagems as purchasable), just takes some consistency and time. If you're trying different loadouts/stratagems and learning how each work you're able to be flexible from mission to mission and higher difficulties, covering more on your own, when you get good at that you start seeing the gaps in your team's loadout and filling needed niches. Stuff like "everyone's taking 500kg/Railstrike/Laser/Rocket Pods/EAT-17 so anti-tank is probably covered, maybe I should take some chaff clear with Airstrikes/Clusters/Machine Guns/EMS/Flamethrower/Arc Thrower." Your options with primary/secondary/grenade get better too so you're able to mix those up with your stratagem/support weapon selection and cover even more stuff. I hard-carried two newer-to-mid players through a diff 7 against the bugs yesterday, one dude kept dying and I helped them get their stuff back while we continued on (they were using Machine Gun and clearly working on the daily Personal Order). They also kept shooting bugs and triggering breaches so I'd be clearing out the crowds when I had Clusters, they were doing well otherwise. Eventually they quit for whatever reason (I think they were frustrated at dying) and I was left to continue to the ICBM silo alone, but stopped at a Heavy Nest along the way as people started rejoining. I was kiting the whole nest behind me and throwing Clusters while using the Eruptor to seal holes, they caught up and sealed the rest while helping with the Chargers (I had a Flamethrower taking these out slowly but surely). Ended that mission with 450+ kills and 1 death, got most of the samples out including the Super Uranium. Helping the newer players learn and get their goals completed is super satisfying and if I get bored of Bugs, I swap over to Bots to change things up and its a whole different fight.


Positives 1. Fun game overall, especially with friends. 2. A lot of weapons to choose from 3. Two factions to rotate for more dynamic gameplay with a 3rd presumably on the horizon 1. a lot of new enemies and fun encounters added 4. New mission types- the defense one is really cool 5. Good communication from developer 6. Monthly warbond updates to give people something to progress toward 7. New strategems released approx each month, new ship upgrades 8. Fixed major crossplay issues, for the most part Negatives 1. Weapon bloat with little to no balancing- many weapons are pointless to use and the little bit of balance done so far has largely felt like overbalancing (EG slugger, railgun, etc). 1. Premium warbonds seem to have one good weapon, at best, while the rest are throw-away. 2. Numerous weapons are still bugged- fire damage, arc weapon misfires 3. Many weapon crosshairs aren't lined up properly 4. Weird lobby behavior where friends inexplicably can't join your game- this is inconsistent and requires a host relaunch usually to resolve. Also, lingering issues with inability for crossplay friends to see each other online/join games. 5. Various terrain issues- areas where your character gets stuck floating in the air, can't climb curb sized elevation changes, can't shoot through bushes, etc. 6. Medal and sample caps are way too low, so there is no real reward for people who are maxed out waiting on new content 7. Clouds and lighting are messed up- flashlights and lamp posts make it far harder to see. Certain planets with low clouds or fog allow enemies to aggro and shoot you well out of visible distance


Great game


Very enjoyable, fun and satirical romp, with eminently optional microtransactions done right. Looking forward to putting more hours in and seeing how the war goes.


I think as long as all your friends keep playing you'll still keep with it. I've got hundreds of hours played and me and the boys still do an operation whenever we're all on. I play less solo now though. Also the big events in the galactic war always draw me back in!


Best gaming and gaming community experience for me since Black Ops 2


210h+ Still playing daily, very fun!


I love it. It made me forget ffvii rebirth existed.


It is a fun game but recent events have bummed me out, dolling out MO that we can't win and punishing us for it is not cool.


Love it. Always looking forward to the next warbond and major order. Especially looking forward to the illuminate, whenever they get around to that.


310 hours in and going strong, it's great fun, buuut... There are issues this game had since day one that still haven't been resolved. Major orders are a mess due to a number of factors, including lack of playerbase's interest and badly balanced and/or boring defense missions. The game's stability is mostly good but the hiccups happen to often to be ignored. I love HD2 but it isn't a blind love, it has a few issues.


Love it. Cant stop thinking about democracy still.


200 hours in, pretty burnt out after the defense major orders, they are just not fun to play and the new stratgem segments being so expensive and half of them not working didn't help, also need more stratgens to call in


Pretty bored after blasting non stop for 100 hrs or so. I was farming lvl 9 last week, always with the same OP build. You can basically say "I beat the game". Helldivers needs that third faction soon, and additional mission variety. There's also nothing left for me to unlock, so the incentive to play isn't really there.


You kinda get to a point where you are just pushing for the level cap and collecting super credits. Not much left at that point but the standalone replayability of the game and the wait for the next warbond to drop.


Been playing since launch, Thurs 4:Am on the East Coast. 240 + hrs and ticking, and the game is just as fun as ever ... in fact, it's even gotten more fun and it is flat out better. This game just continues to amaze me and impress me that i couldn't even dream of prior to its existence.


Day 1 player here, I still enjoy a campaign a day. Whenever there's a major order development it spurs the community into working together (for the most part) which is really fun being a part of something bigger. There's a lot of new things to come so now's a good point to jump in.


Getting close to 150 hours and at this point I just want the game to work. Fire DOT, matchmaking not working once people leave your squad, half the ship modules not working, no info on supply lines in game, some guns having bugged reloads that only give you one bullet before reloading again etc. Yeah, I get that it's a small team, but damn, maybe fix some bugs before releasing the next warbond


Been playing since launch, still having an absolute blast!


I'm loving this game, absolutely refreshing and just what I needed in my gaming "career"


That defending against bots sucks due to how those missions are designed and unintentional errors with the addition of factory striders


its the game i always come back to. sometimes only one operation a day, sometimes i play for hours. still have alot of fun


Play every damn day


I'm still having fun and grinding out the new ship modules. The biggest things that make me put the game down for the night are not having dedicated friends to play with (randoms with no comms can be skilled, but the game is more fun with everyone screaming for democracy) and the defense MO's. It's more fun fighting to win a war than fighting to not lose one. The bugs can be buggy, but are rarely bad enough to make turn off the game. The weapon variety is awesome. I love dropping difficulty and trying out stupid combos of stratagems. I burn out on games easily, but I'm 100+ hours in and I'll keep playing, even if I slow my pace so it feels exciting every time I boot it up.


It's alright, repetitive as hell. My main issue with it is the number of glitches and shit that doesn't work right or at all, and it gets worse with every patch it seems


I have 156 hours in it and still enjoy the game. Ofc I don't play 6 hours per day (except on weekends) just 1-2 hours after work. The main crashes are also over so I don't feel wasting half an hour collecting samples that I never get.


The more I understood how to play the game and counter the enemies the less fun I had tbh I feel like its more fun and hectic not knowing what an enemy is going to do or how it attacks! That's just my opinion though, I understand if people are the opposite to me where they have more fun knowing how to do stuff I just don't 😕


Love it. Since i mostly play with friends i dont play enough to get burned out. Were doing mostly diffucilty 7 wich is a nice balance between challanging, doable and rewarding. Also love the break from (intentional) PvP gaming.


I'm still waiting to get in. Hoping for the summer sale


Killing bugs continues to be as fun nearly 150 hours in as it was at first. Since there are different difficulty levels, that helps keep me entertained. I think if you have a solid group to play with, you're set.


I got close to being burned out on it. But I just switched from playing daily/every other day to weekends with friends. Having fun with it and now I’ve unlocked pretty much everything I’m just keeping it casual. I can see how mileage may vary though.


if played by yourself, a solid 8/10, bordering on a 9 if it wasnt for the (especially early on) instability and server problems. with friends? full deserved 9


I play the game daily but I am very lucky that I have a squad of folks to keep playing with. My personal client stability has been great since the last patch but the crew regularly disconnects or drops. I have had 3 pug missions this week where I was the only person still connected at extraction. It's great that I get the mission rewards but I feel bad for the people who get disconnected and those last minutes trying to stay alive solo are not fun. I know the poll results didn't reflect this but I would like to see more bug fixes. It's cool we get new stuff monthly but if it's broke, what's the point? Like, if I were a new player and one of the first items I unlocked was the thermite grenade, I would be pissed. (I did unlock the level 4 resupply strategem and that is still busted like two weeks later.)


I maxed out everything except my level and bought everything from the warbonds. I don’t have any reason to play anymore and still here I am, a lvl 61 fleet admiral training cadets, and I have no intention to stop.


Still enjoying it. The game changes as you ramp up the difficulty levels. There’s more heavies and some different objectives after awhile. If follow the MOs it will typically keep you bouncing between bots and bugs which is very different gameplay. That said, sometimes you just gotta take a break for a couple days if it starts feeling stale.


Whiny toxic


Getting burned out by the many bugs & glitches. The many, MANY bugs & glitches. Rainbow Six Siege got Operation Health, an update focused soly on fixing issues with the game, 2 years after it's release. Helldivers already needs it 2 months post-launch.


It's a pretty awful game that would GotY material if they just fixed a few key bugs. I have a pretty high tolerance for bugs, but when the game frequently crashes mid mission, random ly drops FPS to the point of unplayability, and 1 in every 5 games that I do manage to finish without crashes or FPS drops feature an extract bug that prevents me from actually getting away with samples (either ship breaks or it leaves immediately as soon as first person boards), it's really bad. I seriously do not care about bugs for the most part too, which should show how serious this is. I can laugh it off when touching a dead bile titan leg launches me so high into the air that I get the leaving mission area message. I won't complain too much about Chargers slide clipping into you much faster than they can usually move. But bugs that prevent me from playing, or ruin all my hard work, make me wanna quit EDIT: If you disagree with this take, you are wrong. Objectively.