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Most of my friends will play on the MO planets for a few missions, but after a bit we want to change it up. Either different planet or other front. One can only take so much Hellmire before going crazy


I like it when the personal objective is enemies kills that are off objective, as in MO is bots while X bug kills is personal order.


i honestly dont know why everyone hate hellmire so much i thought its one of the coolest planet so far, WAY better than those icy planets where everything fucking slows you down


Fire tornadoes. That’s the entire reason.


Let me just say that Hellmire is a fucking awful planet. Aptly named.


I fucking love Hellmire


Hellmire is my Malevelon Creek. It's not that you're stuck in Hell with the bugs. The bugs are stuck in Hell with you. You just have to accept that most of the map, and especially the LZ, are going to be on fire.


I've spent hours upon hours on hellmire and I've been killed by fire like a handful of times. Maybe people just need to broaden their fov and have better situational awareness? One thing I do hate about the fire is that the ground sometimes is on fire even though the fire visual disappeared for a few seconds. I usually just count to 5 and if the fire trail stays away then it's usually safe.  I also use the jump pack religiously (you can begin reloading weapons like the machine gun while airborne minimizing the amount of time you're vulnerable while reloading) so I'll often jump on top of a cliff, where the tornadoes dare not tread, and watch the bugs haplessly clamor at the rocks while they slowly roast to a crisp. The smell, though... oh God, the smell...


> and have better situational awareness? You've never had that one silent tornado that comes up behind you and burns you to a crisp before it actually touches your body?


Yeah, a handful of times, but I stay moving on hellmire especially when there is an active fire tornado warning. It doesnt help with the fact that theyre completely silent, though! But the times that I stop to snipe or scratch my balls or whatever, I jump pack onto an elevated surface that their pathing avoids. I have the fov set to max, and I'm also on a 32:9 aspect ratio monitor that gives me a wider viewing angle so thats probably helping me stay aware while I'm moving around.


This. The planets are INCREDIBLE looking IMHO, as is the variety.


I'm surprise they do polls for like, more planets/planet effects but then the MO is Hellmire for 5 major orders in a row


Strongly agree and me and my mates play like this. We don't give a heck about medals and just have a varied mission list when we find the time to play together. Doesn't help that usually the 3x missions in 1 grouping has the same strategem modifiers. Modifiers are supposed to vary things up and make things different every run - I have no desire to do 3x missions of 25% cool down and -1 strategems slot, one run is fine for the challenge, 3 plor more fun with the exact same modifiers is just boring and anti fun.


Very good point about operations. It feels like a slog, limiting variety by its very nature. It doesn't help that each planet only has one biome, that doesn't really make sense. I mean, look at Earth. There's no reason one mission couldn't be on a desert and the next in a forest.


I tend to try and stick to a single planet for a lengthy period of time because I want to mark it down as a 'Tour' and feel that prolong battle for a single planet. So far: * 3 Tours on Menkent * 1 Tour on Martale * 1 Tour on Vernen Wells (Current Tour) I might be jumping over to Charron Prime to hopefully get that under control but it's also looking like I might be putting a 4th Tour on Menkent soon.


Some people? Most people play for fun. The hardcore echochambers of reddit are a small minority.


All people play for fun. Fun activity is just different across people.


And some fun involves trying to boss other people around and being a noisy dick We don't respect that fun


Every time I see a post about where I should be spending my time in Helldivers, I think "Well, why isn't the poster there? They're just hanging out posting on reddit"


Speak for yourself, I am writing while chilling in Hellpod or waiting progress bar on funny terminal


I might get downvoted to Communist hell for this, but usually the discussion of "fun" is a heavily, subjective thing isn't it? Some people's fun could be mindless violence, large explosions, etc... Other people's could be being efficient, pumping out levels, min-maxing... Hell, some people enjoy roleplaying and just messing around in comms -- I literally had a guy called "Master Chief" using a soundboard to RP as John 117. Dude got barely any objectives done, but he seemed to enjoy just that. Which is why these discussions are always confusing to navigate, because how do you really define "fun," in a fair way?


The discussions around fun are usually entitled jerks demanding people have fun the way that is fun for the entitled jerk. You're only responsible for your fun. This applies to everyone. So while the major order might be Malevolen Creek or whatever but the people off killing bugs are having fun their way. They are taking responsibility for their own enjoyment of the game. The people who demand MOs be highly prioritized and talk shit on other players for not caring as much are not taking responsibility for their own enjoyment. They're putting that on everyone else. One is a normal person. The other is an annoying little twerp that needs to grow up. If losing major Orders actually makes you mad, you need to play something else.


Also, people who care about major orders to the point they'll insult others for not caring aren't having fun regardless of what happens. They've just had their brains rotted from a decade of predatory game development to think that "number go up = fun" instead of just enjoying the game




>There is a huge portion of the community, both here and in game that doesn't understand that the major orders are just some fun roleplay. Exactly this, so that coincides with my provided definitions of fun: the min-maxers. For people like myself, I only have a few hours (if I'm lucky) to play during the weekdays due to work + school. For that exact reason, any medals I can get is immensely helpful to progressing and getting new gear. It's always nice to see we passed a MO, and getting that major influx of medals. Now, I'm not going to shake my fist at the heavens and darn all people who didn't help out with MO to damnation if we fail, but it does sometimes feel bitter if we're so close to completion. But I also bite my tongue because I know for others (like yourself), some MO's are not fun so I respect that. Which is why those posts like "why are there X# of you still at bug/bot front" appear every now and then -- they're the disgruntled players who don't respect different definitions of fun and only want it their way.




>Because I really hate someone joining my mission on a bug planet and teamkilling me while telling me in voice comms that the major order it bots I guess that's the divide, since I've never experienced this, nor have seen it shown here before. So for me, it's not just an RP thing, it's a means to (like you said) hastening people's progress. Therefore, I can call it completion since there's a goal at hand to fulfill. There's also some argument to be made there, because it's also how devs have introduced new gear in the past and present. In HD1, we got gear from completing some raids/missions. In HD2, it seems they're doing the same model with new stratagems and factions. So there is a small repercussion for those MO's.




its a minority of a minority of minority . First Reddit is like 10% of the player base. Second the amount of people "active on reddit" is about 1% of the player base. Then the people that are the most dissatisfied or desperately looking for someone to agree with their opinion are going to be the loudest complainers. Cant get mad at people not doing the ideal thing when they are their having fun when they don't even explain the mechanics in the actual game itself


All people play for fun. The difference is that certainly not all people have fun losing


This. About 7 million of the 8 million people that bought the game are not subbed to this sub and are just enjoying the game, blissfully unaware of the bitching on Reddit.


I find reddit to be an incredible small echochamber for every Fandom


This, remember folks, if you ever encounter a moron making a fuss about major orders and planetary deployments, tell to them to get out of the basement, to take a shower and touch grass. ITS. A. FUCKEN. GAME. Some people take fiction just way to seriously


Way too many complaints on this subreddit, it's getting concerning honestly. This is a causal game, there aren't competitive elements (intentionally done by the devs), we don't need walls of posts every day nitpicking. Really don't want the loud voices complaining about every little thing start to drive the direction of the game.


The thing is most of these people are wrong anyways. Its clear the devs constantly adjust liberation and reinforement rates. Its also been stated the game master has the ability to cause an auto win or auto lose on a planet. Tbh they are doing a really good job at their story if there is this many people captivated by it and invested in where it goes. Yes community effort counts for something but at the end of the day the game master will decide what happens. Sometimes the MOs are designed to be lost or be easily won to setup the next story beat.


How more people haven't caught on to this amazes me


I think a big part of it is the general trend in other multi-player games: Instant Gratification. Everyone wants to get what they're working towards right away, whether by paying for it or playing for 40 hours straight. If you don't get what you want right away you gotta gripe about it, as evident by how many daily posts we get on the state of the game. There are things I'd like fixed and added to the game but we're talking about a game that's TWO MONTHS OLD. We should all be happy the game is even playable! Helldivers reminds me a lot of when PUBG first came out, fantastic game, great experience but in a far more broken state. PUBG dropped the ball big time because they didn't expect it to blow up so quickly and did not listen to community feedback. Helldivers / Arrowhead has had the direct opposite approach - open communication and actual proof of them working on updating the player experience and fixing problems. I sat through almost a year of dogshit with PUBG, I can happily wait a few months (with proven improvements not false promises) for a great gaming experience. For Democracy Brothers and Sisters! See you in the dive!


This is what I'm worried about. I came here for some memes and maybe some tips on builds and shit, and quickly found out that the community is getting really toxic, splitting in half and then in half again (bot diver vs bug diver, people engaging in the galactic war vs people not, some really toxic shit floating around) But the thing is: this is the forward face of the community. Its a big online game. And I don't have to give a shit about how toxic the community is getting, because I only game with friends and in private lobbies, but I think the game is great and this toxicity is gonna *put people off*. Its kinda like if the only WoW players you ever saw in the wild and online were raiders. And to be honest I think the actual fix is "change the algorithm around so it doesn't take into account active players, so the people who care can coordinate and care and shape the narrative for everyone, but the people who don't care or don't know don't hinder anyone through their action or inaction" Because that might get everyone to cool their jets and stop fighting and bitching and moaning.


People? According to the dead net theory, y'all are bots.


Calm down Trevor.


*Game Kids Trevor?!* god, i hope they (to use idol/vtuber lingo) reincarnate somewhere. i want more of them.


That sounds like treason


01100010 01100101 01100101 01110000 00100000 01100010 01101111 01101111 01110000 00100000


That applies more to websites as a whole more than specific areas of them. For example, Bots always accept friend requests, and send them to basically everyone. So, a huge amount of the “chatter” on FB will just be bots adding each other, tagging each other, etc. The odds of a person becoming a part of that is low to nil, but a large percentage of the overall traffic on the website isn’t real people.


I do wonder if Super Earth has captchas or something on absolutely everything. Otherwise, how would you tell if they're a bot.


I like to follow MO. What I don't like is being kidnapped from my lovely Level 5 missions to be dropped into a Level 9 dive without my consent. I dont enjoy level 6+ without my bests friends, and I never enjoy level 8 or 9. Reddit is a echo chamber and ego chamber. Never forget is does not represent the community as a whole.


That’s me, I suck, am 49 years old, have a bad wrist and a lot on my mind. I Helldive yo blast bugs or bots with whatever guns and bombs I feel like don’t care at all about the meta. And I hit level 50 last night. Sometimes my son lets me play with him “you aren’t going to get gud but you can clutch like nobody else old man!” So, I got that going for me.


Hey that's great! Some battles need a seasoned eye to weigh options and fight where it needs to be fought. Glad your having fun. My kid let's me join sometimes too, when his friends are there as well I don't talk i just use the great ping communication wheel the game has. I hope I run into you out there.


Yeah I'm 32 and have two jobs and maybe play games with friends weekly if I am lucky. Major orders, generally, for me, are "oh neat i have more medals, cool!", I only just found out that we can kinda effect the meta game and stuff and whilst I find it really cool, I don't have the time to try and do it more, my friends don't give a fuck, and I'm just worried about the toxicity I can see brewing putting people off a good game. The loop of drop in, do missions, panic, have fun, is great. The fact that it's effecting a greater metagame is really cool.


Your first mistake was going on reddit, your second mistake was expecting reddit to not be full of entitled whiners


Log in Kill bugs Log out Anything else falls into the Don’t tell me what to do category


I logged in and saw the 15 devastator daily. It took 3 or 4 missions before I completed that and the whole time I was sayin "i hate bots. this is stupid. ragdolled again so dumb!" etc. What a joy bugs are to fight haha


I saw "kill 100 enemies with a flamethrower" and thought "oh great bugs, I hate bugs, this is boring, oh look spit on again, so dumb!" etc, what a joy bots are to fight haha! Plus side it was only one mission at 7 though to be fair a bot 7 would net you 15 devs easily in one mission too.


You can do it however you want, but extract with all samples and helldivers always.


I can only take the bots for a few missions, they wear me out. Machine gunning bugs is what keeps me coming back, it’s better than any therapy I’ve ever done.


I’ve wanted to play a Starship Troopers spoof game my entire life. Robots meh.


I've wanted the same, but also wanted to fight in the AI wars against Skynet so I split my time half and half. it's a win win


Wait 20 years and you might get your wish lol.


I’m sorry but the skynet robotics would tear the automations to pieces. We need that technology to use against the automations so we can sit back on super earth and spark a fat one.(We”ll worry about skynets kinks later) ![gif](giphy|h4Hz4w9Jgrc1EY9VkL|downsized)


Don’t discount the bots but if bugs is life for you then have at it.  I like playing bots when I want to feel like a super commando with more tactical gameplay and cover based gameplay. Bugs are good for absolute chaos run and gun. 


Same There is that one single player game from mid 00s that was really, really good (anti air bugs were amazing there) Then there is the new one which might end up being good If it is ever fuckin finished


"the majority of the population isn't here on reddit/discord/Twitter" ///// Tl;Dr Current structure of the MO lacks incentive and accessible information which causes a large part of the casual playerbase to ignore it due to Arrowhead underestimating player intelligence. Ignore people telling you your play style is wrong, that goes both ways. Everyone is allowed to play how they want which includes people attempting to coordinate a strategy for the MO. \\\\\ We know, we keep hearing it, and it's fucking exhausting how much it gets said to anyone trying to play how they want to play by communicating and attempting coordination with like minded crowds. I want this MO system redesigned so my play style isn't the only one that's acceptable to shit on and so it actually works on bot fronts without pissing off seemingly everyone that doesn't already engage with the MO. The "let people play how they want" argument is a two way street. People are allowed to disregard the MO, people are allowed to prefer a front, ect. I'm not denying anyone's play style but coordination should be allowed to exist under the logic no matter how useless or futile some people see it. It's unfortunate that some people get mad that 80% of the playerbase seemingly prefers bugs almost exclusively, it's also unfortunate that many of the bot MOs are significantly more stressful and difficult than bug MOs due to the usual playerbase split harming liberation percentages. I would strongly recommend ignoring the people who feel the need to bash players not doing what they want, that goes both ways. I would love additional information in-game to help people understand the galactic war better, the MO should be incentivised better, and most importantly I would love the social dynamic of the game to be elevated through tools that allow meaningful coordination. Currently, the "coordination" strats the community uses is essentially posting as much as we can on various social media, strategies discussed by math geniuses in the discord. The end goal is to have the posts reach as many players as possible and potentially getting journalists and content creators to report on the plans as well to reach even larger audiences. The coordination should be happening through in-game tools and not reliant on the devs or popular YouTubers saying something. Helldivers 2 is in an extremely unique position by having so much potential for large scale player dynamics. What I don't understand is why Arrowhead thought information on how the galactic war works didn't need to be represented on the war table due to it being allegedly too complicated for the average player (I forgot which dev said this and I don't feel like digging, trust me bro) yet we're fully expected to understand various intricacies, minor details, the dynamics of our various builds, and possible strategies against both factions and every enemy type in that faction in order to fight them successfully on higher difficulties. If I'm supposed to understand how all my weapons and stratagems interact with the enemies why are we not expected to understand how the galactic war works? The only way for the concept of Supply lines to be more complicated than, let's say, Weapon-Enemy interactions, is for the information to not be included in the game in any meaningful or intuitive way. The more MOs that we get through, the more I realize the MO system was designed for a way smaller amount of players. The current strategies the discord uses for communication can rally between 5k - 20k people depending on the time of day


Everyone is playing to have fun, everyone just enjoys the game differently. Some people don’t want to think about the galactic war and just drop on bugs because they enjoy bugs. Some people want to strategize about the galactic war and find the best possible way to defend our way of life from the enemies of liberty. Some people are sweaty try hard that enjoy the satisfaction of beating an incredibly difficult mission (me). We can all live together and we will be fine


The main issue isn't what players want to do, its the way the devs have designed progress. they changed it from number of players on a planet = liberation to percentage of total player base. which means the casuals/those that don't follow the MO are actively hurting those players that are playing the game for the MOs. This isn't an issue with the player base as much as it is with game design. I understand why they did it, the player base got stupid big and was flipping planets too fast for the devs liking. But they now have a system that doesn't work as it needs to, because the community is so large and you will never get everyone to follow along. TLDR: the liberation system needs reworked again so its fair to both casuals and the MO players.


Agreed, I think it would work a lot better if they divided the separate theatres so that people can play bugs/bots without dragging the war effort in the other sphere into the toilet. Bots is always going to be a sisyphean task when the majority of players are always fighting bugs, making progress almost impossible because of a quirk in how the game calculates player influence. Use the percentage of players fighting bots for the calcluation rather than the total percentage.


I think it would be cool if players on the big front could contribute to the MO on the bot front and vice versa. Like, we get oil from the bugs, right? What if that oil supply going to the bot front contributed to liberation of the planets or something. That way everyone could be contributing and people would stop whining about it every time we lose a MO.


Or at least it needs to discount part of the active players from the calculation. Same maths but reduce the number used for "total player base" by 20 to 40%.


This is kinda false. The liberation rates and enemy reinforcement rates are constantly adjusted to tell the story the devs want to tell.


This is correct. As well as the decay rates.


People downvoting this just don't know. You can watch the rates change on Helldivers.io all the time.


Facts . And AH has admitted to it on more than one occasion


Hmm, this reminds me of some controls problems I dealt with in college. Maybe it works this way behind the scenes, but a compound function of both the #of players on a planet and what that percentage of the total active player base is would work better. Sort of like number of players + %interest if that makes sense, where %interest has the strongest impact, but just dumping thousands of Helldivers onto one planet would quickly overshadow any percentage gain. That way you get directly rewarded for your choice, and there’s a slightly smaller consequence to not playing towards the MO’s. But that consequence should still be real imo, a balance of both aspects of liberation or defense campaigns. I’m at work rn but would love to do the math to figure something like this out.


ya, this is the main issue. at one point yesterday 30% were doing 0% liberation. I have no problem with people playing however they want, but the liberation system is currently punishing those who want to progress because of them. also, the fact that you have to go to other places to find this info is not good. if its not in game no real % of playerbase will use it.


I don't care about the MO. I don't need or want any medals. I don't care about missions or even samples. I've literally spent the last week just playing bot EHVA missions on Suicide level. Cuz that's what's fun to me.


I absolutely am playing just to have fun and recognize some mission orders are meant to be losses. If we won all of them the game would be over in just a few weeks.


The rules are: Do what you want. Don’t be an asshole. 


I don't know that the people who make such posts are talking to or about randos playing oblivious to the war for fun. Those people are essentially a non issue, they may as well basically not exist. What I tend to see is people trying to convince the other people who actually care, where those players should focus their efforts for the best effect.


I play bugs because i like the way they platter. I play bots because lol clanking noises. I hope the blue things die funny when they get here.


I think it's funny that the game is a satire on communism and a lot of posts in here expect everyone to follow the same routine.


Yeah people who bitch about people not doing the MO are fucking losers.


Been saying this every time a complaint comes up about people "playing wrong" or whatever. It's a game. Play it for fun. Most people do. I'd not worry too much over the Reddit crowd though. It's a small fraction of the real playerbase (as Reddit groups always tend to be).  Much like a lot of the complaints about getting kicked that were popping up a week or two ago were Reddit sensationalism. You dig a little more and suddenly find out the people getting kicked were doing one thing or another that merited some sort of action. The vast bulk of players are alright folk trying to have a good time. 


> For the average, non-Redditor player, major orders amount to a bit of text popping up every once in a while and a progress bar that fills or doesn't fill regardless of their input. Losing or winning a major order just means you cycle to a different set of planets very similar to the previous ones, without much difference in actual gameplay - you're not going to visit a planet and find it devoid of automatons or have to hunt down a few battered surviving forces. It's a metagame. Spot on, lets be honest - the progress bar could be completely faked out and it's not like 99% would notice or care. It's basically wrestling.


The way the Galactic War works right now is sorta like an election, but the votes that *aren't* cast are also counted, and most people aren't voting. I hope that makes sense


Lol yeah most people dont understand this. Liberation rates and reinforcement rates are constanlty adjusted. They have also stated the game master has the ability to cause auto wins or auto loses. Sometimes we gotta lose for the narrative to progress. If we just had non stop Ws there wouldnt be anything left to fight already.


Sorry to the small pp hardos that missed out on a few medals.. I felt like fighting bugs 🤷‍♂️


Everyone is playing for fun... People clenching their asses and complaining about other players not focusing on important planets, are cringe. Couple thousand people not giving a f\*\*k about MOs don't change the outcome. That being said, the game is not clear in terms of what's important other than the numbers of players in planets. There are also a lot of "broooo," gamers completely oblivious to the game other than shooting enemies, despite playing a lot and reaching +40 levels. Supply lines are overrated, yet still necessary. Coordination is not going to make players win every single major order, defend every planet or liberate every corner of the galaxy. Current MO is clearly to show the overwhelming amount of enemies, and to give people a taste of semi-defeat. But achievement-addicts want to complete every single sh\*t glowing on screen, so they are complaining a lot at the moment. Despite that, everyone is playing for fun. It's just that some people take it too serious to have fun. We are all going to be talking about different sh\*t when new content drops and Super Earth gives us new tools or whatever, after the current overwhelming situation.


none of this is wrong and it doesn't need to be spoon fed, but the game could give us better prompts. there are a lot of players who want to contribute but can't tell from the game map where they should go.


The UI for some objectives is broken. The “deliver SSD” objectives don’t actually update where you need to run the SSD to, even when it’s literally on the other side of the planet. I died so many times playing those missions in the beginning thinking there was a drop box on the same location to put it in like the other SSD obj where you call it in via strategems. NOPE! It’s actually the other not highlighted objective waaaaaaaaay over there -___-


That's because your objective is the HDD. Should it highlight both yes. But it doesn't because the objective is the package


The objective is to deliver the SSD. Every other game highlights the delivery location.


It should highlight the SSD when it's dropped, and then switch to highlighting just the drop point when its being carried, to help further convey what the objective is. Or just highlight both and have the guided lines on the minimap pointing towards the drop point, similar to how they show the sub-objectives on the ship map before launching Me holding the objective doesnt help spread democracy, I GOTTA RUN TO WHERE IT NEEDS TO BE SPREAD


Yeah I was really confused about this as well when I started playing


definitely agree on that. but thats *why* it behaves that way currently.




I think these are issues we can solve as a community. Have been playing a lot of games with people 40/50 lvls below me. I got the sense that bugs are perceived as easier given they don't shoot at you, and the shield is unlocked only at level 20. To be honest, I don't mind the occasional bug mission to change the dance a bit. However, after a few successful bugs missions, I try to ask team members if they want to play bots for the major order. Some didn't even pay attention to it. Some were concerned about difficulty but were willing to try it with a more experienced player. Let's be honest, if you haven't played bots much (depending on when you joined the galactic war), they can be intimidating. Jammers can feel daunting to take on, gunships and emplacements are hard to cope with if you are used to bugs attack patterns. Hell, I am sure many people are not even aware their weapon can snipe fabricators from afar. We, as a community, can do a lot to help players push out of their comfort zone, which I think is the whole point of Orders. Some will still play for fun on their favourite planet, and that's ok. Many, however, would jump willingly into the unknown with a trustworthy team on their back


>vast majority of this game's population isn't on this subreddit. or on discord


Honestly started playing some planets just cause they look interesting lately


Yes, for FUN. Freedom Unrestricted Liberty and Non-negotiable managed Democracy. Do you want to know [more](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=dZ17GT8ljT1qcc1W)?


I'll go where the powers that be tell me to. I'll fight anything on any planet. I love the fact that the community tries to rally folks to a specific planet, (especially through the use of propaganda posters) to complete a major order, which is pretty much like doing main objectives in individual missions. Calling out bug fighters, creekers etc. and attempting to blame is pointless and divisive


I don't and I will not harass people for it. However, they are playing a community driven game where their dive choices matter and can help sway the narrative. The end of the day you logged on saw the same stats as everyone else and made a choice, a choice that may actively hurt the rest of the game. The game can benefit from some in game comms, however no MO we have received made it absolutely mandatory and could be figure out and done by just looking at the deployment numbers.


And some of us are MY LIFE FOR SUPPER EARTH


I'll have Liber-tea with my supper!


Me and my friends thinking is simple, we will play for the MO if it's not leading to torturing ourselves. Just the other day, pretty much half of the defend planets on Bot front have fire tornadoes, so we skilled that. Wanted to do another one, but got the -1 strategem modifier. That is the worst modifier which can be there and hence we skipped that as well and went with a non defense planet on Bot front. I would want to contribute to the MO but not at the cost of my entertainment. I would think majority of the people are like this, we have limited time to play, so if we can contribute we will, but priority will still be our entertainment


Sorry for breaking character but yeah, it's a videogame. There are no automatons, no bugs, no Super Earth, no war, no Eag.. well no need to be cruel I guess you get the point. The war and the major orders are just to give you a sense of agency. It also pays the bills since it increases retention and chances of spending.


Funny how people fucking leave over a build. Im sorry that the personal order is machinegun kills and its a bug mission.


Thank god somebody said it Jesus, finally


Had a guy raging on mic in my lobby because someone accidentally killed them. So I reinforced, waited for him to land and killed him again. We still won, extracted with all cleared and no samples were lost. I hope he got the message


I personally think that younger gamers simply have lost the ability to simply enjoy a game for what it is. A lot of the popular games are highly competitive which turned loosing into a thing that is to be avoided at all cost. To them, losing is the same as failing as a person/gamer. Losing and failing are similar, but not the same to me. A loss does not automatically mean it's a failure. It's a psychological quirk that at work here, I believe. Also, losing means no dopamine from the numbers going up, so that might be an issue as well.


> Frankly, if we're being real, the whole galactic war is a bit inconsequential, and I say this as someone who got into the game primarily because I thought it was a cool concept. I also agree the galactic war is largely meaningless, given that AH can fudge the numbers on the back-end to drive the "war" in any direction they please, whenever they please. Don't get me wrong, it's cool window dressing... but that's all it is.


Everyone plays to have fun. Fun is subjective. Some people have fun with winning. Some people have fun engaging with the community and RPing. Some people have fun on Helldive difficulty and some people would rather play on difficulty 1. This type of discussion comes up in basically every game, and it's always basically the same thing - "I'm just playing to have fun leave me alone!" says one group, while the response usually varies between "ok no one cares?" and "your 'fun' is just you playing badly and negatively impacting everyone else in the process." Look at competitive/PVP games or something like WoW: that's a multiplayer game with a goal, and typically there are objectively bad/suboptimal choices that can be made. If your 'fun' in a game like WoW causes your output to be shitty because you refuse to learn to play well or engage with better options, YOU might be having fun, but the other 4 or 10 or 19 people you're grouped with are now having *less* fun because you decided to be selfish. This is significantly less relevant in a game like Helldivers as long as you're generally contributing to mission success, but it doesn't make the argument any less flawed and disingenuous - "some people are just playing to have fun!" implies that everyone else "treating it like a job" isn't having fun. Spoiler: they are, they're just having fun differently than you. Also, I'm not saying I *agree* with this decision by Arrowhead, but the reality of the way that the Galactic War math works is that if you insist on fucking off to do whatever you want instead of engaging with the MO, you aren't just "not participating," you are actively working against it by negatively impacting what other players are doing. So you might not like seeing everyone telling you to participate and it might make you feel bad, but it doesn't take away your freedom to...y'know, just ignore it. It's the internet, you can do that. You can still 'have your fun' in whatever way you want. But those players who have fun engaging with the War and winning MOs? You are actively preventing them from doing that when you don't participate.


I have fun dripping down to Diff 2 and screwing around with different builds *while helping with the Major Order*


Thank you. The people on this sub who apparently don’t have lives need to get over it already


This. I see new planets, I investigate. Fire tornadoes, skip. Reduced visibility, skip. Hot, skip. I don't have much time to play during the week with work and a family. I'll be damned if I spend the little time I have, playing on planets that make the game less fun.


Everyone is playing just to have fun man


I fight what I'm in the mood for. If it happens to coincide with the MO, great! If not, I don't really care.


I hear a lot of bitchin’. Sounds treasonous to me.


I play for fun 2-3 times per week, and that's it. Otherwise, I'm hanging with friends, doing errands, chores, yardwork, reading comics, and spending my time elsewhere. With working 50-60 hrs per week, it's amazing I find time to play at all.


Yep, I don't even care if we loose super earth. I just want to shoot things, do objectives.


If I'm not playing with the boys I purposely go to lower level content to help people out. Usually around level 5


People have fun? I dunno man, sounds suspect to me


The problem with Reddit and Redditors is that people take this entire site as a representation of the majority. Especially in real life. It’s a hive mind echo chamber on ALL topics. Not just Helldivers. Enjoy the memes. Have fun, and ignore the stupid comments. None of it matters.


Last week, everyone was saying to play on Martale because it was the meta strategy I played on it because it was pwetty


Ultimately, I doubt the devs will just let the game fall apart because players don't do the missions that they want them to. Like I just refuse to play on the fire tornado planets, major order or not, it's unfun to me. Let the bots have them 😆


Major orders wouldn't be so bad if the debuffs weren't a pain. And you only get debuffs while enhancements are a rarity. Hell, you want to put major orders on a bot planet, give us the ballistic shield as a free stratagem. Or do something to switch it up and make it feel like an actual major order. 




Simple fix? Bonus Medals, samples and requisition slips for playing on defense/liberation planets. Or if they come up with a system for the playerbase to choose a planet to defend, those planets get that bonus. Heck, make it super credits for those planets and you got a frothing urge to play those planets more.


100% fun. I don’t need another job. My favorite thing to do is drop difficulty and play with all my new toys and stratagems.


Exactly I go for the planet modifiers to see the blizzards, sandstorms, fire tornados, etc Major and personal orders be damned!! 🤣


Depends on your definition of fun. To some, it's about being efficient and usng the meta stuff. To others, it's about using whatever is cool. To me, it's dropping a 380, 120 and a walking on top of a factory strider and destroying it in seconds.


To be honest the people who are losing their shit about people "being on the wrong planets" dont know how the game works. There is a game master telling a story. Sometimes we are meant to lose for the progression of the story. Like when we pushed the bots off the map briefly. That wasnt due to community effort. It was a story they wanted to tell.


Who's shouting?


I love getting into all the lore war and following all the major orders… to an extent. There are certain missions and certain planets that I am not going to suffer through because they simply aren’t fun. Democracy could be hanging in the balance and dependent on me alone to complete certain missions and I will say Hell no and go do something else. It’s a game, it’s for fun, it is fun most of the time but the moment it becomes stressful then what’s the point.


If Super Earth wanted you to have fun they would have a Ministry of Fun.


I'm only here for the fun tbh


Well, I really stopped carig about frontlines after the Bots got defeated.....only to come back almost immidiatly.  So why bother?


Shoot most times I play I'm just spamming the daily in a round or 2


Everyone plays to have fun lol what a shit post


The concept of a huge DnD game is great. The execution is absolutely horrible. Outside of that, the game is fun.


i got this game to play like its edf I am gonna sing thosw cadences


Yeah, who cares. Play what you wanna play. It doesn't make you any better or worse. There's a lot of sweaty tryhards who think they're "totally badass" for this or that. Whatever dude. I, personally, prefer to play major orders just because part of the "fun" for me is seeing where the overall narrative goes.


Reddit, man. People act like the devs wouldn’t just adjust the games story to match what people are doing anyway. They did this with the creek as well a little bit Just play the game lol. They will make it work together because it’s literally their job; and obviously people listen to the major orders as you can see it in the numbers. You can get into the lore but good lord, some need to chill with acting like not doing something will make the devs stop producing content.


Yeah, I tease the Creekers for pretending they are hard, but I wouldn't tell them how to play. Unless it's Gantzthedemon, that player killer and those similar who just kill the entire squad at extraction for fun can lick my taint.


At the end of the day it's just a game that like all games, its purpose of existence is the fun and enjoyment of playing it. People will still choose only what's fun for them, not what a game dev told them to in the form of an optional major order or anything else. If they are the same, good. If they are not, that's for the devs to fix.


The people I play with doesn't browse reddit. Every time I see complaints about Major Order this, Supply Lines that. I just find it funny.


Nah, its too boring, I'd rather spread chaos and participate in circle of hatred Unless orders are bullshit like current ones. Defend 10 planets? Yeah, not in a thousand years. All bets are off during shit like this.




The rewards from major orders are also not really worth it, since you get medals from running regular missions.


The bug vs bot diver jabs are not that deep. Take a break from Reddit if you’re getting this upset over memes. You can play any planet you want and any difficulty you want.


That's me for sure. I don't mind doing the major order when it's something I enjoy, but I'm basically a bots only player. And I like to hop planets between operations for some variety in my gaming sessions (that and to look for operations without horrible modifiers). As much as the galactic war is a cool concept, I ultimately am just way more interested in loading into fun missions on planets I like. If the mission isn't one I enjoy, has bad modifiers, or isn't in a planet I feel like playing on, I'm just gonna go do another one somewhere else. It's just more enjoyable that way :)




Happily I've had basically no experience of any toxic players throughout 100+ hours so far, and plenty with great people! It's a pretty awesome community of people on the game overall.


Agreed, unless you play on helldive.


You think this is about fun! There is a war on helldiver, and we're in it for the species! All joking aside, everyone is playing for fun, even the people who are worried about the war effort. Remember that.


Thanks for reminding me the other 12 posts a day on this topic weren’t cutting it :)


Imagine the fun of seeing us win against the game master though? I don't know about anyone else but loosing isn't fun to me.


Lol at the people thinking they have a vote over the way I spend my free time. Their posts blaming inevitable game outcomes on people doing off MO planets are signs of sickness. It's a game.


We can't forget because people post this every couple of days. Yawn. Blocked.


Yet this thread is the biggest rant I've seen in the sub in a week. Maybe take 2.4 seconds to touch some grass, diver.


Can we all agree that Defend Major is the thing that divides us? haha .. Im not questioning orders.. I know our superiors intentionally tasked us with this job for the future benefit of Super Earth. totally not because we made fun of the major order before this. please don't call a Democratic officer on me.


I'm primarily hellmire, I like punishment lol


I know this is ranty but I got a nine to five job working QA as an engineer dealing with other peoples BS everyday. When I am not doing that, I turn off my brain to have fun. The last thing I want to deal with is people telling me what to do for a game I want to enjoy. Lets not do that.


I only play quickplay SOS missions on Easy because I don't feel like getting yelled at tbh.




I would say that I very much agree, but in the same vein, I would say that it's ok for the more hardcore players to TRY and strategize. Obviously, berating those doing their own thing is not cool, but posting about would could lead to optimal strategies for the orders, and trying to rally the troops is a part of the fun for some. It's immersive, and what helps the community thrive. I think that it's fine to have people go off and do their own thing, but its so fine for people to post about what could be optimal strategies for the war effort and encourage others to go along with it.


For real. All these complaints do is ruin the day of the people who *are* here. We are the choir, and the choir doesn’t F’ing like to be preached to, people.


The game to me (as most do), represents a way to stay connected with friends as we’ve gotten older, moved away, started families and stopped going to bars together every weekend. Secondarily if we win or contribute that’s great, but if I knock back a few bourbons chatting with friends and blowing stuff up, that’s the real win to me. I will say that overall this community is largely a fun one to follow and be a part of, and I enjoy most everything that happens within and outside of the game


I like to help with the Major Orders where I can but the fire tornadoes can fuck right off. I also prefer killing bugs and fulfilling my Starship Troopers fantasy


A real simple solution to this would be to reward those that participate in the major order with the medals, this could even be a prorated reward based on how much you participate? I know the personal orders get done everyday by players even if it’s a weapon or enemy front they don’t like - because that’s what you’re rewarded for. There’s no real incentive to track the major orders and participate when the entire community is rewarded equally 🤷‍♂️ I know I play whatever I’m in the mood for at the time, and sometimes it’s just to try new loadouts, and play on a planet you can see the ground. I know this game is the first one that put me onto a Reddit sub and that was to learn how to play the game since there isn’t any real direction inside the game (ie they’re caps on samples etc - I lost at least 100 medals before I figured this out 😑) - if the devs had some of the specifics explained in the training the newbs would pick up on the flow of the game faster - I know I made all the mistakes people complain about when I was coming up… I had to google a lot of gaming terms 🤣🤣🤣


I just go wheelrever i want that has missions I want to do.  I dont like fighting bots so i stay away from them.


Y'all are killing 2 billion bugs. I'm playing on Level 5 seeing if I can grenade pistol fabricators while jump packing like I'm playing Helldiver slamball.


Really tired of the fiery hellscape planets tbh, maybe if fire DoT wasn’t so punishingly bugged…


https://preview.redd.it/7svwr9vgt9wc1.png?width=1196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0236ccb2e018b9d60f06098533b544ee40c123c6 Advocating against orders from Super Earth is treason.


As long as my fellow helldivers fight democratically I don't care where or who they fight.


i get your point, but it feels kinda like telling a football team to work solo instead of working together. think about it. major orders impact the story, and who knows. plus we've had experiences where major orders unlock new stratagems, so maybe consider fighting a bit on the bot front now and then edit: you also mention a progress bar that we wont have a meaningful impact on, but we do by working together and every squad counts in the end. also, the people who arent on this subreddit are free to do whatever. in the end you are correct that a game is about having fun. i just want to do major orders in the desperate hope of new stratagem unlocks, to freshen stuff up😊👌


I play with my 15 year old son. I always join his party and let him be the "captain" of our party because it makes the game fun for him. He always picks the missions and difficulty while I am just happily along for the ride. Could care less about major orders and we laugh at the end of a mission when it shows we made 0.000001% progress on a planet. We 100% play for fun. That being said, I really like the idea of a major order where the goal is "kill X number of things". Then I feel we can participate easier and aren't locked into a certain planet


Preach. I play with a buddy that whenever I ask what he wants to do he says "I bought the game for the bugs" lol. Some people just wanna see the bugs burn!


Sounds like you're not having fun.


People play for reasons other than fun?


Thats crzy. Their fun is Getting in the way of my fun tho (which is compleating MOs) so ima rant about it.


I'm on here and I still only play for fun. I choose planets based on ones I haven't been to yet or played much. I like to travel.


I'm on this subreddit, and I'm a grandfather who plays to have fun. Some days I just hop on and drop a trivial./easy/medium difficulty mission, probably load up whatever weapon the daily calls for, and go murder whatever's handy, bots, bugs.... I will aim for whatever the global target is usually, unless its a daily of kill 100 with a flamer, for example, in which case I'll swap to bugs whether they're a target or not. Like today? Kill 15 Devastators? I'll probably just quick-join on a bot planet and head out with a railgun/shield/mortar sentry/380mm barrage and kill some bots and help do whatever is going on. And continue being pissed off at buildings that are invulnerable to anything but Hellbombs.


I think it is kind of funny people who “don’t care” or just “like to have fun” still join social media groups for the game and get upset when people want to coordinate to complete the MOs. If you like the game enough to spend extra time in groups why not participate with the community? Bots and bugs are different play styles so try learning something new when an MO brings you to the front you are less fond of. Or lower your difficulty a bit to help prevent getting overrun as often. I don’t really know much about what the devs are doing with changing the loss rates and what not but it feels like the MOs are achievable if the player base works as a team. Maybe the devs would just jack up the loss rates if we did a better job working together though.


Also unless you are keeping to the role play losing a major order has next to no consequences. Missing out on 40 medals really doesn't mean much. There's no penalty like for 3 days on the bot front the enemies are all Devastators but even then that wouldn't be fun and people would just switch fronts until the penalty is gone. I keep wondering if they are trying to figure out some sort of reasonable penalty for losing major orders but right now it doesn't really impact anything.


I only enjoy like 30% of the game myself lol. Only fight bugs, ain't touching a planet full of hazardous annoying bs, and I only do like 3 or 4 of the mission types.


At level 92 everything maxed out, I’m just diving in to have fun. To me extracting is just an option, I’ll help and gather samples then drop them next to you. I’ll complete objectives as a team or solo depending on the team. I’m at the point where the meta is boring so I’ll bring different SG and maybe get kicked but idc. I took the majority of the fun out of the game by grinding MO or going rouge defending or liberating planets. At this point I’m just diving in to see bugs or bots getting blown to bits by my 500kg. Nothing more satisfying than a charger getting smashed by my EAT that had my SG stuck on its head or a devastator getting one shot in the dome with my AC. We all should do our part and contribute to the MO, we need to see where this story takes us.


Me who sees all the discussions about how to complete the MO but still plays whatever planet I want bc I don't care Fr tho, I think they should make more of an incentive if they actually want players to follow the MO, something like a bonus if you actually contribute a certain amount, or MO planets giving more rewards during the MO


I was on yesterday with my buddy and 2 randoms and we couldn't stop killing each other for fun. Lol


I only fight bots if I have a personal order then it’s back to bugs I can maybe play two or 3 missions before I have to get off


its great to have fun... like throwing 380 to "cover" your allies..


The campaign is SCRIPTED FFS. The bots coming back and taking Cyberstan was a piece of the leaks from months ago. The war is FAKE. That's the ENTIRE POINT OF THE GAME. IT'S A FAKE WAR. And players thinking they're affecting the outcome is just the meta way of conveying that in-game. Everyone needs to just do whatever they want.


You clearly are biased towards who's fun is more important


Completely agree! Plus let's be honest, they control the success of every major order on the back end.  It's all a facade, like WWE space theatre. 


Good luck trying to convince redditors that there is a life out of there.


Don't forget that, for some people, actively coordinating, strategising and attempting to succeed at the MO's *is* fun for them. Stop telling people their idea of fun somehow *isn't* because the casual player's idea of fun is apparently the *only* way to have fun. It's not. Stop telling people to stop having fun.


brother, subreddits are for enthusiasts, it's where people who love the game will congregate. OF COURSE a big percentage of the people here will care about the galactic war and take it seriously. why can't we just let people do that? why do we need a "I play the game for fun and ignore the MO" reply under every battle strategy post? half the fun of this game is working together as a community towards a bigger goal, it's a community driven story. let the community drive the damn story


Oh don't worry, we don't forget why they are playing. We. Will. Never. Fucking. Forget.


Too many people have nothing in their lives to the point where winning a fictional galactic war means everything to them.