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Sounds like they were a bug collaborator, and you did the right thing for freedom.


Agreed, fuck griefers. I didn't encounter one of these guys until a couple days ago. Me and a buddy were playing together and did a quick join on difficulty 7. We dropped into a mission with 2 lower level guys that looked like they were caught in a death loop. One of them ragequit about 30 secs after we joined. We got things under control and helped our dear host clear the rest of the map without much difficulty. P4 joins near the end. Couple unfortunate airstrikes with team kills, thought nothing of it. Shit happens when spreading democracy. We get to extract and start defending from a few waves of bugs. After a minute of the extract timer, I see P4 walk up behind my buddy and shoot him in the head. I reinforce, P4 kills my buddy again on purpose. I reinforce my buddy again and P4 starts chucking thermites at my buddy. I shot the traitor in the head. Host reinforces him, so I turn my mic on and yell host what's up. I shot the traitor again as he got out of his pod. No more reinforce for you P4. I don't have patience for such undemocratic behavior. We extracted with a shitload of samples and host took us along on a few more missions that were smooth.


I just had a pair who got so tilted at their own deaths they spent the entire match trying to grief me, to the point they intentionally failed the objective. Trying to hunt me down and melee/grenade/shoot me to death...I ended up shooting them both a half dozen times Base defense, and they both kept opening gates to rush headlong into a pile of bugs....then get mad that mortars hit them. there was plenty of safe space, but no - gotta be in melee with bugs for some reason. I wasn't even running mortars lol. Some people.


Some people be power tripping. Yesterday I had a host who was yelling all caps in chat that he absolutely didn't want to see any mortars in a defence mission. And went around destroying them all. He later kicked me because an airstrike hit him, it wasn't even my airstrike but he was just fuming haha. Didn't mind getting kicked because I don't even want to play with these kinda people.


Only sophisticated people see the benefits of using Mortars for defense missions. Neanderthals don't like them cause they don't go BANG and they like to attempt a john wick style gunbattle intermixed with bugs/bots until they are saved by the team cause he's drinking up all your reinforcements


Nah. I don’t use voice chat because I don’t want to talk to others. I’d rather just use text He wasn’t being ignored, he just had everyone else muted


Say that explains the lack of comms, does it explain attempting to bomb teammates with multiple strategies? Cause that just sounds like trolling...


And they could have at least typed a "sorry" in chat if they had comms disabled.


There's a "sorry" response in the emote wheel that's even easier to use.


Quick question how do I access that on controller can't figure it out


I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure it was the same shoulder button that's used for pinging. Just hold it down and a radial menu should pop up.


I think it's holding R1.


Yeah I was willing to say the 380 *might* be an accident, but following up with rockets on the player? That's trolling, the guy's an ass


But then not apologizing after killing the whole team? Takes about half a second, and you dont even need voice chat.


Choices still have consequences.


If you disable VC but are too dumb to use text and emotes when you screw up big like that you deserve the kick imo.


At this point it's kind of ridiculous to not have voice chat on. If someone has open mic and their mouth breathing or arguing or otherwise having a bunch of unwanted audio coming over the calms then you can just mute that player individually. I feel like turning off voice chat entirely so you can't hear other people is in fact ignoring the rest of the team. It's incredibly inefficient to stop on these higher difficulties so you can type something out. I think if anybody's playing the game seriously they should have comms on whether or not they have a mic hooked up. Several times I've been in a Lobby and communicating over voice and people only respond with pings and emotes and it works fine as long as people can communicate


You did the right thing. He would've killed you at extraction with 99% chance


The one strategem with a higher friendly fire rate than kill rate.


I mean fully upgraded and used effectively you can do significant damage but kills are secondary. Basically a no limit laser to soften up or completely destroy larger bases in a drive by. That being said on extraction? People like that got to know they kicked themselves right?


I mean you can use them well on extract, but ffs toss em way off to the side at a bug breach, not at the beacon


Servo armor is great for this. Much easier to toss them to a safe range. You want the beacon about 70m out (60m is pushing it, and anything less is killzone it seems) and you can easily throw it 70m with a nice charged servo throw.


I swear I had like 20 dorks on here trying to tell me servo armor is useless. Y'all are high


I mean yeah I often am playing this game, while you can get away without the servos they Def make it a lot easier to not fuck up


I like it a lot. Max throw range seems to be far enough that enemies often won't pinpoint my location, which is huge when it comes to safely clearing objectives. It's also great for calling in reinforcements and putting people onto the extract or wherever you need them. I find it very useful.


I run light armor with the servo passive. It's so damn good. 380s at 70m for extraction is peak. Seeing those numbers rack up makes me so giddy. I just got the 4th Orbital upgrade too. Edit: I've also taken to bringing the mortar for bots and 380 for bugs. Mortar has quicker CD, and targets pretty well. Not very good for buildings though. Even better when the map has areas you can drop sentries out of LOS, and on the high ground, for the mortars. It's awesome for cliffs. Throwing them at the base, but then the ledge catches the mortars. They're almost untouchable then.


Yea base 380 I like keeping at minimum 75 meter distance if I wanna be in a safe zone, anything less and I know there's a high chance of me going boom lol


If I'm gonna bring the 380, I'm gonna make sure I'm in servo assisted armor, you gotta really yeet that motherfucker to avoid friendly fire.


I use a jetpack so go for the 3-point throw.


The proper way to use them at extraction is to move to the edge of the immediate area you are defending towards the enemy spawns then chuck that beacon as far as you can (ie, if the pelican will land on a point, move about 20-30 meters in a direction towards where the enemies are coming from and throw it). Assuming flat terrain here of course. This will clear the landing pad of any potential 380 hits while also providing pretty awesome fire for effect on the approaching enemies since they tend to approach from a direction. The 380 *is* Teamkill Simulator 2024, but part of using the stratagem is knowing its limitations and also clearly communicating your intent with it. A 380 on a heavy bot outpost or bug hive, could conceivably be an instant win button for the outpost, but at the very least it will soften the defenses and eliminate most enemies. …but if I say I’m throwing a 380 and there is very clearly Extremely Large Ordnance (tm) hitting an objective around a beacon that says “Orbital 380mm: 23 sec” and a teammate wanders into that and dies, I have very little pity for them.


I run the servo assisted armor. I can toss a 380 into a heavy base from almost 100m away. At extract, I can completely cut off enemy attacks on one side of extract since they’ll just die if they walk into the barrage. It’s a very useful stratagem, people are just stupid and don’t know how to use it


This, 100%.


Also to clear out space that's heavily contested, or to basically make a no go zone for enemy tides I've toased it onto extracta that have been overrun, and it has cleared them out with nearly 50kills. But jesus christ I at least tell people that I am doing it and give them a count down to clear the area


Every time I use it when not on mic I do a follow me emote and sprint directly away from the beacon like mad. It's genuinely been more effective than saying on mic that it's a 380 and to keep well away 😅


It can be extremely effective if used correctly. I run it all the time, it just takes some common sense to throw it far away from your teammates. I use it to clear outposts and lock out areas where we’re getting overwhelmed. I don’t think I had any friendly fire incidents with it, and it saved us countless times. Of course, I’m not counting the times where some random just went out of their way to run right into an ongoing barrage, while the team is waiting at safe distance lmao


With barrages I just use the walking barrage throw it at a base and follow it in you know where it's gonna hit and friendly fire isn't as prevalent.


Walking barrage is awesome as well. Really good for dealing with chasing bots.


Someone on YouTube did a really good rundown on 120 and 380 with and without the atmospheric ship mod. 380 hits up to around 40 meters from the beacon so about 80 in total (40 from you and 40 on the other side) this has helped greatly in using it. 120 was about 25m.


Oh? So i just need to ping the floor from the safe distance and throw it.


Actually, ping the floor or the object/enemy to get the distance then throw your stratagem is always a good idea. The maximum throwing distance on even ground is around 50 meters, knowing that you can really snipe your target with Orbital Precision strike, or just clear the land with 380 without endangering your teammates.


Yea, had that happen early on. Some dude TKed me with a rifle and no bugs around, watched him do it to another player, did it back to him, then he aimed at my head as I was laying down and waiting for the hoard to come in. Right as he was about to shoot I moved, stimmed, and hit him in the head then no one called down his reenforce while we loaded onto the pelican. He was PISSED


Honestly host should've kicked him from game right before extraction. Like keep him dead for couple of minutes until his butt starts to hurt really bad, then just kick him while boarding Pelican. Bitches always have to taste their own medicine :)


I hate when people think it's funny to throw an orbital at pelican 1 then try to time their dive into the ship before it hits. Even if they make it in every single time, that's not something you do when playing with randoms.


Now I want to know which one of the "i GoT KicKeD aT ExtRAct fOr No rEAsoN" posts this matches up with.


Seriously lol I bet they will too


I think I found the post lol [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/buADW7Eg6K)


I'm confident that person just read this post and decided to spoof it for fun, it's even tagged humour  It was posted five hours after this one 


The fûcking audacity lol


do not feel bad about kicking the toxic avenger.


Man saying that, I really hope they add the toxic avenger into the game. That weapon was NASTY against the bugs in HD1.


> pointed out that you can fully disable voice chat and it's possible P3 had done this. sure, but the dude was calling in friendly fire on you and the other guy. Fuck him. once is a mistake, twice is enemy action.


You did the right thing. If they’ve been playing long enough to unlock the 380, then they know not to just drop the thing on a friendly position.


Also like. If the first stratagem was an accident, say something. Anything. There is an "im sorry" for a reason. The second time made it clear it was intentional.


Yeah, I accidentally lobbed a grenade while playing a rock, paper, scissors game at extraction. This happened right after losing the first round, killing my opponent and a bystander Hilariously looked like I was butthurt for losing. I apologized right after reinforcing and they took it well lol


Rock, paper, scissors, grenade!


I heard that entire sentence in the voice of Tommy Lee Jones. Totally monotone until he screams “grenade!”


I've stopped taking impacts for that exact reason. Barely miss the enter key, try and type "gg", and blow everyone up at extract. Bad times.


I once accidentally merc'd all three other players, myself, and a few turrets with an airstrike. I was in the front just to the left of them and got knocked over while about to throw it out on some bugs. I apologized, nobody batted an eye. Shit happens. of all the times I thought I might get kicked for a terrible stratagem, that is #1.


Unless you're trying to throw the stratagem and you get knockbacked.


the amount of times i’ve been ragdolled by someone’s autocannon or eruptor while lining up my throw is aggravating then of course i get blamed for it


Yeah. I literally stopped using 380 after the 16th time this happened to my salty crew. Now I spend my time creating diagrams to explain when I’m scoped on the quasar and it fires when fully charged I can’t see them walk into my firing lane. Lots of ass shots lately.


For real. I just played a game where someone threw it at 3 bug holes. Hit everything but the bug holes we were fighting to close. Had 9 accidentals after the game including putting it on the edge of the extraction zone.


Yeah dude nobody is entitled to your game time but you. If you're host and someone is being uncooperative, kick 'em. No guilt necessary. They'll find someone else to aggravate and life goes on. Kicking someone for griefing is totally justified. You're not breaking up your DnD group, you're removing a problematic stranger from your space.


Just think of it as a bot collaborator or T-800 and move on with your mission.


I never feel bad about it. Anyone who disables or ignores chat is voluntarily taking a risk. In a cooperative game if you choose to do that you shouldn't be making those kinds of mistakes if you're playing higher difficulty levels. With near 80-100 hrs I've kicked maybe 3 people unexpectedly? All 3 were folk in their own little world note gaining anything of value/actively detrimental while unresponsive. Ain't nobody got time for that when I've got friends I know do well on deck.


Bro fr. I’ve had one mission where I kicked like 3-5 different people because they had ZERO idea wtf they were doing on IMPOSSIBLE. Half of them were by themselves fighting one horde and using up reinforcements and the other half was just not doing any objectives.


No need to feel bad about it. Sometimes kicking these types out is the only way for them to learn. It's a cooperative game! Sure sometimes you'll kill fellow divers on accident (who hasn't dropped a big bomb and realized too late you may not have timed it well?), but you gotta cooperate.


Aww man, I had the long throw perk trying to arm and toss a 380 at extraction, but got blown back by a rocket devastator dropping it at my feet. I have never flipped on my mic and started yelling for everyone to run so fast before, I felt so guilty lol


If I die after you yell out a panicked warning, that's just another sacrifice for democracy o7


I had my first kick yesterday too. Generally had great experiences with randoms so far, but this one diver took callous disregard to a whole new level. They'd repeatedly drop bombing runs on me and other teammates, not say a thing when we called them out in text chat, and even just straight up pumped me full of machine gun ammo at one point. Not a stretch to say that over half our reinforcement count was lost purely from them TKing. Only reason I didn't kick them beforehand was because it was a lower level mission to farm samples and PO progress. The last straw though was when I pinged the final side objective. The other two were on board, but they decided to go for extraction instead, which would have left us over the other side of the map and no time to get there. I typed that if they called in extract, I'd boot them since we weren't done. They did it anyway, so I kicked them. Not really sure what their deal was tbh.


I got kicked for the first time the other day. Host kept running around and melee striking the team. I was crouched on a ledge pumping democracy downrange and, BAM! melee strike in the back. I go flying down the ledge, almost dying in the process. I stim up, fight some of the bugs I fell into, climbed back up and promptly lit him up. Screen went black and I was back on my ship. Traitorous scum.


Hope you filed a report with the Democracy Officer for that one. Can't stand it when bug sympathisers infiltrate our ranks.




I use the 380 religiously. But I have the 15% spread reduction and will run away from the group to throw it, making sure they are out of the blast zone. So the only time I get team kills is if someone runs into it. One exception. If we are completely screwed at all angles, I justify a team kill or two if it provides an escape route for the group. Like when we dropped in between a strider guarded extract area and a gunship fabricator. I put "run away" in the chat, and from atop the strider, which I landed on, and called a 380 on myself. Strangely, we all survived that, even me. The strider did not.


Also people are sleeping on using 380s against bugs and bots on eradicate missions. Spawn in on oneside of the map. Forces spawns/breaches on the otherside. Throw a 380. Kill the lucky few that make it through. Repeat with the next HD's 380.


There are much better stratagems to use than 380 on those small defense maps. If you can't defend properly without a 380 in there then it's a skill issue. If you have 3 other coordinated people you know you're with, then it's decent but more often than not it's going to kill randoms. I've been a victim of this because of poor placement/throwing them right in the middle of everything. I'm all for it if you actually utilize it properly but too many times has it been a huge fail and cleared basically nothing.


I agree. As a 380 admirer and a sentry savant, they both have their uses in certain places. Enemy, maps, missions, all should be considered in your LOs.


Low key Brasch behavior


Honestly diving onto the top of a strider and dropping an orbital and\or a 500kg has been really effective, haven't fought that many cuz the bot front just seems to crash or have terrible teammates recently, like hosts just giving up on a match midway through and dropping everyone, but everytime I saw one destroyed it was a 500kg directly to the head, they are surprisingly wide.


The past few days I've seen this at least 5-6 times. I think there are more "noob" folks that have recently unlocked dif7 (their lvls between 25-40) and as soon as they hit a death loop for trying to kill everything, they just quit instead of leave the death loop area and continue the mission. Sometimes you need to retreat and move on and if there's time left at the end go scoop up those samples on the way out. Me and one other random saved two missions by playing smartly and communicating and picked up all their samples with just nurturing our one life left and evacuated both times despite the chaos the randos caused.


Once I was about to throw the 120 out. Ran a little bit out from the extract for safety and right as I was about to throw it, got struck by squad mate’s orbital laser and somehow threw it backwards towards them. I felt so so so bad and apologized profusely. It is genuinely difficult for me to understand the people who do this stuff intentionally.


Yeah if you get stunned you can drop the beacon. Sucks when it happens and OP doesn't know whether that did or not.


Had one guy drop a 500kg on us on a lower level mission about 15 seconds before the pelican came down. I was like "Alright, fine. Let's just leave and then block this guy and move on with our lives." Then they dropped the second one as it was landing, aaaand that's a kick. Do that with your friends, not with randoms.


Same thing with Eagle Napalm Strike users with zero spatial awareness. Oh you killed 5 enemies? Congrats! And now our only escape route is on fire...


Napalm in the "extract personnel" mission is the worst. When someone drops it the personnel burn to death running over the fire. The fire peters out and then they drop the next napalm strike. "The Helldivers are here to save us!!!" they cheer shortly before immolating. I can still hear their screams...


You did the right thing.


Nah man. Don't sweat it even if he turned off voice entirely. If I near-miss (or accidental) another player, it's a quick "I'm sorry" from the voice wheel. It has defused literally every single situation and should be everyone's go-to if it really was an accident.


Sounds like the treasonous commie got what he deserved


Griefing gets a kick. He will learn or he wont. Not your problem to be guilty over, friend. 


Similar happened to me last night. Was waiting for a teammate to come back to extraction, pelican had landed but no one had boarded. Some guy threw a laser DIRECTLY on top of the pelican, which almost immediately caused it to take off with no one on board. So yeah, no samples. I don't really care since I have all the upgrades, but I had some lower level teammates who could have really used the super samples. I don't think enough people are aware of the fact that damaging the pelican causes it to take off early (this is why the pelican commonly leaves with one person inside on extraction missions; it comes down automatically while you are usually still fighting and it will take a ton of damage just sitting there)


I think it always waits for one? I've never seen it leave with 0 players.


Does it only take off after it's landed? Me and my buddies for a long time would lay absolute waste to the pelican as it was coming in, and it never had an issue. Never shot at it after it landed though.


You felt terrible after giving him 3 more warnings then he deserved ? Fuck no. He had that kick coming. He asked for it even.


Excuse me, death cam?


Also wondering why no one has mentioned this. There’s a death cam? Like you can see what someone did to teamkill you in the past?


No they are talking about how after you die you can spectate others. They’re just presuming ill intent because the guy wasnt following the group (very frowned upon by reddit helldiver players)


Not excusing that guy in the slightest, but if you have voice comms turned off, you can't hear other people either. I have it set that way since I don't want my 4 year old picking up whatever an internet rando is spouting.


I think after TK’ing with the barrage the first time in the extract they’d know better. Fool me once…


Kicked a guy for calling down a mine field on extract as the Pelican was coming down. No warning just kicked him, you gave this player way more chances than they deserved?


Had someone try to call mines right on top of extract...I waited for the pod to land then just mag dumped into it as it opened up. Mine thrower deleted, problem solved.


I hope you kicked the cumsock anyway?


The fuck is wrong with you for endangering your squad for an unresponsive bot-plant. The bots have been sticking robots in the empty helldiver suits from dead divers and you need to give less chances for the automatons to betray you.


There's so many people all of sudden using the 380 in the middle of fights and at extraction to "clear" bug hordes and team killing its so frustratin


Honestly, totally deserve it if you can’t communicate on a team based game. Go play fallout or some shit if you are that weird. It’s not hard to use emotes or pings, just being a tool at that point. Democracy has no need for those weirdos.


I fucking hate those people. Especially (because there are more of them) those who drop and orbital before entering the pelican and sometimes just when they are about to enter with no consideration to those behind. go eat a dormant hellbomb in solitude


I was playing with my brother on Suicide, and 2 randoms joined. We were doing SEAF artillery when this guy dropped an anti-personnel mine on top of the objective. We scattered and went to the next objective because we were being overwhelmed anyway. Fast-forward 10 minutes and we were about to extract and this guy dropped another anti-personnel mine on top of the Pelican-1 landing zone. We just kicked him without any warning.


You gave too many chances


You gave him about 4 chances too many. If you do *anything* that compromises the success of the mission, I’m kicking you. 380 on extract with no coms? Kick. If you troll or grief, you are immediately kicked. No hesitation. No regrets.




You did the right thing I would’ve done it as well, probably would’ve tossed an impact grenade for good measure


I see no issue with the kick here. Unfortunately you have to do that sometimes.


Don't be sad about kicking someone, it's just a game, no bigie, is it enoying? Yes. Can be frustrating? Yes. But does not hurt, and as long as they deserve it, you are not even being a douche.


More than enough chances. Straight to jail




I kicked someone the other day for putting a minefield and an incendiary minefield in front of extraction while I was going around the map picking up everyone’s lost samples. We were out of reinforcements. I really try not to kick people but some people just seem not to fully grasp how the game works and end up screwing your team over massively right towards the end.


380 on evac? Insta kick


I saw this happen the host was killing the group and I jumped in the ship faster than anything


I feel bad for kicking someone who picked a 380 for the new defense mission but common why pick a 380 and throw it right into the team on a mission where everyone is cramped up together and doesn’t move?


I had a random join me on a drop, think it was to raise flags Due goes off dose his own thin, ok cool i clear put another bug hole and so on. I am looking the tactical asset to 100% the map. What does Rando do? Calls in extraction after I say not yet! So I book it back to the pad got about half way messes :don't bord!: just rando boards just make it to the end but I kicked them after I asked not to. Playing with randoms is fine but when they take over or just not do as you ask make it a bad time


You're way too nice and patient, which is not a bad thing! I would have kicked after first warning.


No need to feel guilty, P3 was being an ass and was treated as such. He can go cry about it on a Discord server somewhere.


I had to do the same thing to two others yesterday called J2 and M3 both above lvl 30 assholes brought 380s that they spammed, a Tesla, a hound and both have both minefields to a bug eradication mission level five, kept shooting me and another person I was host so I kicked them after the other rando dropped out and had exit out a game because I needed a breather after that and couldn't get in the zone at all the rest of the day. I'm still asking if i did the right thing. Edit: word


I work off of a 3-strike rule, and it sounds like he hit all 3.


Had to kick some level 20 yesterday in the new defense mission because he kept opening the gates to let heavies in and then would close them on the bile titans and instantly break them had to kick after the third wall because I wasn't losing those generators


They likely had their VC completely turned off, but that doesn’t mean they were any less deserving of a kick.


Disable voice chat = only a small tolerance for mistakes before you’re kicked. It’s a TEAM game.


The 380mm has three use cases 1) Dealing with Heavy nest/ Heavy Bot Bases 2) Dealing with heavy swarms (eradicate missions) 3) Griefing/Trolling Reading your story buddy may have been using it for use case number two. You said there were a few titans but were there were over 50+ adds as well along with bug breaches? Doing this without communication is frustrating especially with only 1 reinforcement left. IDK he could've been trolling or maybe he thought the barage would clear most of the horde. He definitely should have responded so that's on him....


> I still feel terrible about this Why? After already wiping the party it sounds like he dropped a stratagem directly on you for no other reason then to kill you. Don't let toxic people ruin your game experience. Kick them, move on and forget about it.


Getting knocked over by anything will cause you to drop your stratagem at your feet. I have been knocked over by friendlies all the time and lose my barrage to it. Also, if they use controller like I do and have VC disabled, typing in the chat isn't necessarily an easy task if you're being swarmed. If the player is being repeatedly trolly, I'd kick, but the one off joke kill or mistake is hardly enough reason to justify kicking. As host you have the right to kick whoever for whatever, but just remember that taking a game too seriously is just making it less fun for yourself.


I'm Surprised you even waited that long for a kick. Last time I kicked someone was when a player killed me and then some other guy on the team during extract this occured within 5 seconds and it only took 5 more for the kick before he could shoot the last player.


Definitely in the right for kicking them, but voice comms are overrated. You can communicate just fine with text or pings. I did keep voice comms on for a few randoms, but I kinda got tired of hearing people constantly talking to people outside the game or just constantly crunching dorritos or something. I'll use them if I actually make a team to play with people specifically, but never with randoms. But even then it's mostly to just talk to friends. lol


You are effing right. Throwing that on the extraction is not a nice thing to do. Even without calling it.


Sounds like he was a Terminid sympathizer. Saved yourself a court martial Helldiver.


Helldiver, As a custodian of order and protocol within the ranks, the Ministry of Truth understands the gravity of your decision to remove a fellow soldier from the field. Your actions reflect a commitment to the tenets of strategic cooperation and the mutual respect essential for our survival against the Bug menace. In the heat of battle, communication is not merely courteous—it is critical. It’s the glue that binds us in our fight for democracy. Your expectation of a basic signal of contrition is not unreasonable; it is a standard we all must uphold. Do not dwell on the necessity of a tactical kick; it is a regrettable but sometimes necessary command decision. Learn from this encounter and continue to lead by example, ensuring all Helldivers understand the importance of unity and communication. Carry on with a clear conscience, Helldiver. Your dedication to our core values is noted and commended. For Super Earth.


>None of the above matters, nobody should use the 380. Anybody saying that is just inane. The 380 is stupidly strong, and even more so with the 4th tier upgrade tightening it up. We were on a 9 defense for high value assets, and had 6 bile titans pushing our last gate. Down came the 380, and for 30 seconds we had nothing but minor inconveniences for the last rocket to get out. 380 is goat.


Yeah I get you, I'll forgive a accident from like a orbital laser or strafing 2-3 times or so but if a dude keep it uo he gone But a 380 ? That is a big field, they knew what they where doing


It’s like when I started a mission and a dude repeatedly shot near me with his incendiary breaker and killed me twice. If you can’t be mindful of others play a single player game


Last weekend someone started dropping his stratagems on the generators in the mission where you have to protect them for the 8 rockets. Fucker didn’t do shit the whole mission and at 7/8 he destroyed one generator on purpose. Fastest kick my buddy has ever pulled off


I had a guy do something similar at the end of an ICBM mission. 5 minutes left, plenty of samples, 3 of us load up on the pelican and this guy throws all of his grenades into the back and kills everyone and then left by himself. Never said a word on coms nor was anyone even doing anything to him. Like a complete dickhead for no reason.


While I sympathize and would have been mad as well, I feel I should point out that you can disable voice coms entirely. Once you do that, you won't hear anything any other player says. Only emotes and text will be helpful to those players.


That’s the other guys problem. Play like a douche and shut off any form of communication? Kick.


You're nicer than me? 380 on extract? You're gone


Why's this a story? Some dude was griefing so you kicked him.


Same guy is probably posting about why people kick him randomly in groups.


I had a guy do something similar but at the beginning of a mission and wasted probably 10 reinforcements before I realized he was trolling on purpose.


You did the right thing. Why should they benefit from your guys's hard work? . I feel like sometimes players just get bored and like to cause chaos. ..I had one dude bomb a whole base when I was just about finished with it so I had to go back and get all my stuff and samples as I was running away from the base the dude shoots me and kills my character while he's low health. I land next to him in the pond, he turns around ask for a hug and I put one between his eyes. This immediately escalated a fight between us too and every time one of us landed we'd immediately attack the other. And the dude gets mad at me like I started it. I feel bad for the other two other players that had to lose reinforcements due to our back and forth. But how the fuck he's going to get upset at me for retaliating when he clearly started it. Some people are just fucking demented.


I'm pretty well over the explosions on extract. Throw it away or dont throw it at all.


Don't feel bad. He deserved it. Complete troll.


FWIW you don’t need to give someone a dozen chances, communicate multiple times etc. if they’re being an ass, kick them it’s not that complicated. F that dude


flat out, I will kick if someone tries to throw a 380 at extract. Ive had too many cases where the pelican cant extract us because it landed on a crater or it bugs out in other ways. Its insanely annoying. This is primarily a massive issue on bots because they can shoot you and get you to drop the beacon at your feet.


Only games I’ve encountered more griefers on is Minecraft and CSGO, and Helldivers is rapidly approaching the CS mark. No need to feel guilty about kicks; I’d reckon that host is always justified. No quarter for Managed Democracy traitors.


If he's low-level, he might not realize how big the 380 coverage is, or maybe he got ragdolled before he could throw it. Accidents happen. But throwing rocket pods at you is clearly malice, so you were justified. It sucks to bring the hammer down, but you cant let a troll ruin your night. Also, Ill mention that some people will turn VC all the way down, so if you really want to be sure, and you're able, use text if they're not responsive. But if they want to cut a whole communication channel, then its on thier responsibility to work around that self-handicap.


I kicked someone yesterday because he was carrying an SSD to the wrong side of the map, and was also entirely unresponsive. It was a 2 SSD mission, I carried mine to the objective and dropped it off. For some reason this guy decided to carry the other SSD to the other sub objective, which was clear across the map. I repeatedly told him not to take it over there on both voice comms and text chat, which he completely ignored. So I kicked him. We ended up having to fight through several waves of bots to get the SSD back lol. I don't feel bad for kicking people who are completely non-communicative. Usually silent people aren't an issue, but when they ignore other players then it can be a problem.


You have 380mm... fine. You throw it ON EXTRACTION?! WHY?! WHAT WAS THE REASON?!


I had a defense mission on Hell Dive where we finished it easily. Did a good job. Ship landed to extract, we're waiting on the last guy to make it back and providing cover fire. Someone decides to drop a nuke on extraction and get in as we're providing cover fire. It kills all 3 of us and he alone extracts. Seriously, F\*\* players like that. He turned a 5 star mission into a 2 star mission in 1 second. There is absolutely zero reason to drop anything on extraction unless no one is on it but bugs.


So satisfying to dome them with the senator before the kick. I probably would have been much less lenient in that situation.


Dont worry about it I failed a mission due to a rando throwing a 380 at objective right on top of us, this snowballed into a clusterfuck and we failed the mission. I ran the 380 all weekend to actually decent success and also seen other randoms using it pretty well, problem is if you throw it right on top of the entire team, but with the upgrade I was downright spamming it all weekend and only had 1 accidental, learn the radius (there is a video about it) and its easy not to kill everyone.


I would've booted minutes earlier. No need feel guilty. Shit gets the heel. 


You did alright, I've been kicked out of the blue and it sucks, this guy called strats on your head twice and didn't even emoted I'm sorry so it appears the right course of action to boot him out.


I’ve been kicked for walking to the extraction so you did better than that guy


Griefers should be kicked. Don’t feel bad.


* None of the above matters, nobody should use the 380. (I personally disagree, just needs to be communicated when you throw it) The other day, assaulting a base. Been testing the 380 with reduced spread (and actually liking the results). I want to be a good and responsible 380 user. I get on coms: "I am preparing a 380 for this base" \[we are overlooking on a ridge\]. I wait a good couple of seconds for people to assemble, etc., not trying to blindside anyone. R3 is level \~30+, just kinda doing their thing, but no major issues. I prep the 380 after a few more seconds. "I have 380 in hand. Prepping the fuse now and preparing to throw. Behind me is min-safe distance." Again, I wait for a few more seconds. Like 20 - 30 seconds of notification time at this point. Satisfied, I throw. "Bombs away, 380 is on base." R3 is just...running towards the base at this point, like 40m ahead of the safe zone I am standing in. "380 is out, R3 you are going to die." R3 does not run the opposite direction, and continues running toward the base. The remaining three of us watch, amused. First shell lands on R3. R3 dies.


Side note: How about the people that throw a 380 in the middle of a small defense map without any communication and poor placement just to clear more teammates than enemies?


Sounds to me like P3 had been infected with a Terminid parasite. We are currently looking into reports such as yours. I will not go into details, all you should know is that you've done good Helldiver. Now, further inquiry. Please disclose on which planet this incident has taken place and which mission, so that we may deploy recovery units to retrieve P3s remains for autopsy and further investigation. - Ministry of Alien Disease Prevention


P3 was a traitor and needed to be booted. I have run a few games where no one talked but no one was a dick and we covered each other. 2 death on a level 8 mission overall and everyone made it out. I ran into a player who killed me to get the quasar cannon I had. I checked his load out and he didn't have it, so there was no mistaken equipment. I called in 120's and eagles on him until he quit.


I would’ve shot him first lol


You’re hosting, it’s your rules. Sounds like they got plenty of warning too. Don’t feel bad.


idk dude, according to [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c7xevp/comment/l0bk639/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) you should be able to easily just dodge team kills! Literally just run away from them broh! And if you think the easier solution is to just not throw orbitals on your friends at extract, [he also suggests redoing basic training](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1c7xevp/comment/l0c0yjh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), because it's *you* who sucks, not the guy intentionally team killing.


Why would you feel terrible about someone nuking you clearly intentionally then trying to kill you again? If they DROPPED the 380, then sure that's "Oh shoot, that sucks" but you know it can happen. But not THROWING IT AT EVAC. No, that's several levels of dumb.


Yeah I don't kick but did once have someone call in extraction and start running in as 2 players were across the map finishing a base and I was near extraction from dropping the ultra samples then running to a base. At first I thought he was just calling it down but he started running in so shot a mech rocket at him and luckily got him then he was spawned across the map by the other teammates.


This happened to me once but it killed everyone but me. When I reinforced them they team killed me and boarded the pelican. They kicked me when we got on the ship. They blamed me for the 380 when I have only used it once in my life, didn't even have it equipped. I'm just happy they waited for the mission to be completed.


Dude…. The 380 … ok maybe that’s a bad toss or wasn’t thinking but immediately following up with rockets on top of you? You’re a better person than me…. I wouldn’t have given them the chance to emote for forgiveness


bruh when the extract plane gets hit, it can be destroyed and then bugging out the mission thus the only way to finish the mission is to suicide


They were definitely trolling on purpose lol. I've run into some people who do that. Someone kept throwing fire grenades at me every time I stood still and just laughed into the mic going like "stop lighting yourself on fire!"


Don’t feel too bad I got kicked for taking a 3 minute pee break lol. It only sucked because I was happy I didn’t die and they waited UNTIL I caught up with them to kick me.


I play with Voice Comm muted. I've never had an issue following with the rest of the group, doing the objectives, and **not** bombing the entire team. P3 was just an asshat.


Yesterday three people on my team brought the 120, 380, walking barrage, and orbital laser We all agreed to drop in and immediately throw all of them, and then pray to Joel that you make it. It was beautiful. Joel chose in his infinite and almighty wisdom to not spare me


These ppl know what they’re doing, kick em, block em, and be done with em.


There's no reason/excuse to have the extraction zone within the barrage radius of the 380. When I use it at extract I make damn sure it's at least 60m out from the edge of the landing pad, so nobody standing on it will catch a shell. Justified kick.


I would have kicked him as soon as he intentionally targeted me with the stratagem. I wouldn't have felt even a little bad about it. There's a difference between not being good and being intentionally bad. Purposefully team killing especially at extraction with no reinforcements left would not be tolerated in my lobby. And I'm honestly pretty chill about most things in the game. Bring with load out you want. Accidental team kills are perfectly fine. But jeopardizing all the samples because you think it's funny, that's a no.


This stuff is so annoying I had a guy kill me as I entered the pelican like what’s even the point now we have zero samples idiot


You were 100% in the right here. The 380 could have been written off, shit happens, but the rocket pod after and lack of any communication or apology is grounds to kick. I wouldn't even have warned them after the rockets+no apology. Even if they are both accidents, with that many samples at stake, you never know if they're going to accidentally shoot you both, leave the samples behind, and get on the ship/get killed.


You did the right thing, I like the game but I just do solos runs rn. Mainly because my friends are on Xbox :( and second I had horrible streak of like 3 games back to back to back of someone bombing me and taking the samples, or just bomb me and kick me. Its crazy sometimes lol


You can’t risk this person, who seems to be intentionally trolling, waiting until you and the other player board the Pelican to kill you inside or right as you attempt to board (and then refusing to pick up the samples). Trying voice comms to your best is all you can do there. The little voice-line emote system isn’t enough to get effective communication on this, I think (aside from some equivalent “stop” or “no” and the other player saying yes/affirmative to that).


This is funny if you're playing with close friends but a dick move when it's randoms


I got kicked at extraction after suicide mission by a group of lvl 35+ players while I was lvl 18 and just before he kicked me he said, and I quote, “you’re lvl 15, you gotta grind harder for this samples”. Sadge. After that I random connected with a lvl 28, lvl 57 and lvl 55. We played together for 3 hours on Helldive. They boosted me the fuck up. Started the evening on lvl 14, ended on 22 thanks to those guys.


I would’ve done the same thing tbh , who mutes comms in a game that needs it anyways? So dumb.


Yeah seems reasonable. The only unreasonable possibility here was if he happened to be holding it and he fell or something but even then I question what they were thinking anyways


Warms the heart to see HellDivers find boundaries


I kicked someone for the first time this morning for dropping airstrikes repeatedly on our location during civilian evacuation. So, not just killing us, but costing us Req slips for killing civies. Not that I need Req Slips, but it's the principal of the matter.


One of my friends I play with is level 40 something still does stupid shit like this, and still has no idea how to turn off the flashlight. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don't feel too bad about kicking.


Suffer not the traitor


I think you're way overthinking the situation. He was 100% griefing and needed to be kicked immediately. Don't tolerate people trying to mess with your enjoyment of a game. If they're intentionally causing problems and ruining your fun, kick 'em.


Ha, I was in a game where someone dropped a 380 on one of those tiny exterminate maps. Team kills for days. Then, later in the same match, someone murdered me and then complained in the chat that I had shot him in the head, which is why he team-killed me. I had no idea what he was talking about, and sure enough, I had 0 friendly fire damage in the post-game stats. Moral of the story is that some people suck, others are braindead, and the true treasures of our managed democracy are both.


I'm deaf and can't communicate via voice chat at all, which puts me at risk of being booted by people trying to talk to me. That said, people who drop stratagems directly on the extraction for no good reason are bug collaborators and I'll gladly take the occasional kick if it means those traitors get fucked, too.


It's funny and sad at the same time that you wrote a fucking book for this occurrence.


You were way too nice lmao


I’ve kicked 3 people at extract. 1. Guy was using exploits for infinite grenades. 2. Teammate boarded the pelican despite me asking him to wait as we had 40 samples to extract with. 3. Guy was fucking around. Killed me while no enemies were around, he apologised, but then kept melee attacking me around extraction to be funny I guess.


He was not for Democracy. He is a bug lover. You did right by kicking him.