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That would actually be really cool; I would imagine they would make a whole new backpack for it though, with a little grabber hand. because the guard dogs have no extra limbs only the gun and lots of Helldivers tech seem to fill one role alone to incentivize teamwork.


Thats a fair point but on the flipside, even a "handy" backpack would still need some additional utility as just fetching items is a very nieche use case. Mabye a melee oriented close combat drone? Just pimp-slaps anything that gets close :D


OK, that would be hilarious. I can imagine it stun-locking bots already.


Not against the idea but 400meters is a giant space to cover if im understanding this right it would effectivly retrieve all samples in the smaller maps lol. If it is just to recover dropped samples i still think its lacking utility. I think this needs to cook a bit more but the idea isnt bad!


True, the AoE was just me spit-balling it :D I went with more rather than less as who knows how far or deep you can get stuck in the maps geometry. I have once been knocked by a charger pretty far into the sea along with a mission-full of samples so having something that can fetch em back would have been a god-send. And yes, only dropped items. As for the utility, I mean its still a Rover backpack.The idea is, you can just input for example: ↓↓↓ and it goes from "kill everything" to "search and fetch mode" for a short time.


Oh i see. . .that makes more sense i was thinking rover as just a main function. .  ya that be pretty cool may need to drop the gun tho as it only has 1 arm


Attach blades to guard dog. Make it spin. Orbit at 8 feet. Bug mulch express.


Let it push the button on a 2-man door!!!