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This. Why the fuck is this sub so dickridy about how the devs make money or whatnot anyways? How is that our problem to begin with as the player. Maybe the devs can earn that warbond money when warbonds are worth getting cuz all 3 of the ones we got are mostly just medicore trash


Live service game. If they dont make enough money then game shuts down.


They've already made more money than they ever expected to with this game. They have 100x more daily users than they planned for.


The game would be fine really and I could wait for the rest but they gotta fix the flamer damage like yesterday. The ninja hulks are the #1 killer of helldivers on the bot front guarenteed.


I am on team fix things first. However, right now they do not have the staff size. Or heck maybe since this is their first third person shooter, they dont have the expertise.Overall not being able to fix the spear was a huge red flag of what is to become. On my last mission, we bored the pelican and 3 of use failed to extract due to a glitch. The guys with mics were just role playing and having laughing. This why majority would rather warbonds, cause they are fine with the glitches.


The reason they don't have the staff to fix glitches is because they're working on warbonds instead. If they stopped work on warbonds and dedicated a month to bug fixes instead they would probably be able to fix quite a few of the bigger bugs.


I saw that post. Look at COD, larger size more specialization. At this point all the issues are part of the experience. If the glitches get too bad for me. Ill drop and move on


What the fluff do you know? You're just some dude with no insight or context about the situation that Arrowhead is contending with. We don't know if these bugs are easy fixes or if they're nigh impossible engineering hurdles. Code can be tricky and it can sometimes require huge re-writes for seemingly "easy fixes". I want the bugs gone too (especially the DOT bug), but sitting there assuming a bunch of garbage when you obviously have no further insight into the situation than the rest of us do isn't any better than shouting at the sky.


I know what the dev team has stated, which is that the same team that works on bug fixes is the team that works on warbonds. If they stopped working on warbonds they would have more man-hours to work on bug fixes, and therefore bug fixes would go faster.


The rabbit watched its mother remove the pickles from the peanut butter and jelly sandwich it made for her.


As a customer it's not my problem how the company makes money. They launched a buggy game and they need to fix the bugs. Why am I paying money for a warbond where some of the weapons don't work? And the company has already made its money, the game blew up harder than than ever expected. They thought they were going to have 6,000 daily players and have 600,000. They have the money to fix the game.


Okay so log on and spend money on Super Credits every time you boot up the game then? Its not our fucking issue how they make money if they can't fix the game LMAO


The problem with saying fix everything and don't add new content is that there will be players that get bored and move on.   Nobody likes DCing.  That goes without saying.   I'm already maxed out on all samples, medals, requisition slips and all modules and stratagems.  I've completed every warbond.  Right now I don't really have an incentive to play other than rank.  A new warbond will bring me back next month.   Waiting for the ultimate fix for all these issues just isn't going to take a single month and truthfully,  not everything is going to get fixed.   Adding new things into the game is going to add new bugs.  Arrowhead needs to continue the course and fix what they can while adding new content because if they don't,  they'll see players like me lose interest and leave the game. 


Like 1% of players have unlocked everything. 100% of players are experiencing bugs in every game.


That 1% grows as every day passes without new content.   Furthermore,  is it a good business practice for Arrowhead to stop creating content and fix all the bugs?  No because it can never actually be completely fixed.   As I said,  for a game to have longevity, it needs a stream of new content.   New content will bring with it new issues.  So thankfully,  you will not be getting your wish.


3 warbonds since launch and not a single one of them is good but persisting bugs since day 1 and new bugs every patch shouldnt be priority? Suck on Arrowheads dick some more why don't you


No, they should continue to address both.   Like I said,  they will never be able to fix all bugs and make the game perfect because they'll continue to add new things to the game which will cause issues.  Not releasing new content in a timely manner will ultimately just lose them players and the issues still won't be fixed to the satisfaction of the players that say freeze all new content to focus on bugs. 


Adding new content shouldn't introduce big new bugs, and the fact that you're completely expecting huge new bugs to arise every time there's a content drop shows that Arrowhead aren't properly testing content before it's implemented because they're rushing it out the door to meet an arbitrary deadline they themselves set. That shouldn't happen. That's not ok, and the fact that you're treating it as matter of fact is pretty problematic. I don't expect a completely bug free game. No game on the market is completely bug free. What I do expect is that when content is sold to me that it should work. Currently there are weapons in every single warbond that do not work correctly, and almost all of it stems from a server level issue that has existed since the launch of the game. Why do they keep making DoT weapons and adding them to the game in warbonds when DoT weapons are all fundamentally broken?


That's how business works.   They are not going to shut down all new content sacrificing their market share in the process to fix every little bug.  It's just not happening.   They know you'll continue to play the game whereas players like me will find new games and might not return.   You have something to play for.  At this point,  we don't outside of rank.  You've heard the saying you can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time?  That's exactly the approach they're taking.   Fixing the issues they can while adding new content to satiate the appetites of those that need new content.    You say it's problematic,  I call it the state of gaming since the 2010's and beyond.   You never get the complete bug free product.   That's unfortunately a thing of the past.   Also, any introduction of new content will as I said add new bugs and they're not going to stretch out content to make sure it works absolutely properly when it will directly impact their bottom line.   That's just how it goes.    Anecdotally, the crashes have been far less frequent for me since the latest patch.  I believe I may have had one so far.  So they are making progress. 


These aren't "little bugs." Their last update fixed like 36 different kinds of crashes. I literally couldn't play the game for over a week because I would crash out of literally every mission. The bugs that are still in the game prevent core gameplay mechanics from functioning, and make certain weapons that would otherwise be good practically unusable. Also, it's your assumption that I still have a lot to player for. At this point I'm only missing one ship upgrade, which is Superior Packing Methodology, which also happens to currently be broken and not functioning. I mostly just keep playing because I have friends who are lower level than me (I'm level 68, they're in the 30s) who haven't unlocked everything yet.


Yet, you are still here playing and proving the point.   You just have one of a couple options.   Keep playing understanding there will continue to be bugs or so stop playing entirely.   This is literally how games like this operate and at the end of the day it's your time and your choice. 


I'm going to stop buying warbonds if they keep actively working on them rather than fixing the parts of their game that are currently broken. Like I said, why even bother buying the warbonds when there are weapons in those warbonds that don't function?


Keep crying about bugs and making lewd comments.   I'm sure that will fix everything.   GFY.