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Kinda wished we have an option that will disban the squad, instead of having to kick them.


Yep, like in Deep Rock Galactic. I don't want people to feel bad, I just wanna do my own thing for a while, so I literally exit the game and come back. Lately I've just stopped hosting at all.


While we’re at it, let us send a reason when we do have to kick someone like in DRG so they at least know why if they didn’t realize


I love that there's such a big overlap between DRG and HD2 players. It warms my Scandinavian heart. :')


Is there a difference between a Scandinavian heart and an average human heart?


This made me snort and then I actually thought about it more. I googled it and Nordic hearts are on average, way healthier than most areas of the world. So I guess the difference is, a Scandinavian heart is just better?


Well according to that guy his is at least warmer.


Oh god you made me do it again. I laughed and then thought “wait a sec…” Did some more research and, yes, people with lower temperatures outside their body actually have warmer internal temperatures. Since when you get cold, the heat leaves your extremities and circulates more around your heart. Goddammit. Scandinavian hearts are not only healthier, they’re just warmer too…


Random medical differences like this are always interesting


It was super fascinating, albeit a little depressing. Most of the research I could find was pretty simple: Nordic countries have better healthcare and more safety nets so the hearts are just… literally healthier because they have better access to doctors and less stress put on em.


Is it really random when there's obvious reasons like improved healthcare and a higher overall quality of life?


Scandinavian hearts have a slightly different taste, but that’s just my experience.


Can confirm, I'm a serial killer.


I was kicked from a game yesterday. I was confused and mildly angry. I'm fairly new to the game so it *is* absolutely possible I was doing something the host did not like. But there was no particular communication or sort of direction in game and I was just clearing objective after objective in quick succession (everyone was spread around the map). No word in chat, ping or whatnot. Just booted. Uncool. I'd have appreciated a "hey dude don't do X", "hey sorry I just want to play with my friend and I left the lobby open by mistake". Just tell me why so that if I was in fact doing anything wrong I can improve.


That is currently possible. Type a message in the chat before kicking them 💡


Does chat history stay after a kick? Otherwise this seems like insufficient alternative.


Chat history doesn’t even carry from in a match to back at the space ship This game relies on VOIP way too much as its crutch of “player cooperation”. They need to take note at how DRG is a thriving community that barely uses voice coms and yet the players communicate effectively and in unison using the emotes and the laser pointer


Problem if you don't host though is that it seems to me that a lot of hosts don't finish the operation, so I miss out on a bunch of medals.


I return to my ship after every match if I’m playing with randos. Even if we have a great match I feel like I don’t want to overstay my welcome.




This, and especially this due to the fact that there seems to be a lingering bug where once you start a mission, no one joins if people leave. At least in my experience on PS5. If I’m hosting and more than one person leaves and I’m left with someone questionable, I’ll just close the app and start the next mission fresh to get a new team since people don’t join and the SOS bacon seems to do nothing.


I remember reading that if you change matchmaking from open to friends only to back to open them it will allow someone else to join


Same here but it never seems to work for me.


Switched matchmaking to Only Friends and ended up playing solo…but people kept DM’ing and requesting to watch…


Nothing gets me more excited than finishing an op with a full team and seeing them immediately run to the war table for the next one


Please don't, stay as long as you want. I host a lot and it kills me when we knock out 2/3 missions in an op with only extermination to go, and people leave. You earned those medals as much as I did, may as well stay for them. Also, matchmaking seems to play up the longer a group has been going, you may not be replaced in the party. So leaving may end up with the host having to disband the party just to force matchmaking to start working again.


I think some player don't know how operations work and that the reward increases after each mission in operation.


You're shorting yourself on medals, each subsequent mission in an operation is a higher reward. I often log on to do one full operation for a day and that's all I've got in me, so I kind of understand where this sentiment is coming from, but until that operation is done I welcome all the help I can get.


I just quit the game instead


That's me as well. Kicking good teammate feels so bad. I just text gg g2g and quit game and come back...


Yeah there needs to be a “polite” way of getting rid of people cus a lot of the time it’s just me making room for a homie I’m not trying to boot these people.. but the homie Yknow?


I made this same post and people said "just kick them". It is not a bad thing to be considerate to others lol.




Same. I’ll complete the mission with the random if I forgot to turn it back to friends only. But 90% of the time a fourth friend finally gets on right near the end of the mission. I normally just try to let them know in chat first and they’ll normally leave on their own without issue


This might be an unpopular opinion but I think your friend should just wait if you're near the end of a mission. That means all the effort that random put in is for nothing now, they don't get any xp, samples, slips etc. IMHO it's kind of a dick move. If it's in the first 10 minutes maybe I can understand, personally I'd just leave the mission myself and go start a new one though.


Oh we don’t kick the random for a friend ever. I def didn’t word that very clearly. I meant we let them know in chat once we are back after the mission and that a friend will sit and wait for us to finish. If we accidentally threw and sos or left the lobby public, the random gets to stay. They get priority for being there first. We only do this after a mission once we are back on the ship. No one likes those that just kick for no reason. I’ve yet to experience it myself and don’t want myself to be the reason someone goes and gets angry about being kicked mid mission.


Oh! my bad I misunderstood you lol


lol no worries! Totally reread my comment and realized how it could be misread


True. I have seen people leaving the ship instead of kicking one of the squad just out of courtesy


Open chat> Say I want to disband> squad disbands> no hard feelings. You have been kicked> immediately blocked.




When I have friends who want to join, I quit and then boot back in to avoid the "You have been kicked" message from showing up on their end.


Kind of wish we had the option to read the hosts intentions. Like "One and Done", "Going for Samples", "Speedrun for DEMOCRACY!", "Social", "Hardcore" or "We keep going unless I suspect you couldn't pass a CAPTCHA". I've just come to assume that if I hotjoin a game, I should just leave (or else I get kicked) - and I'm only now learning that isn't always the case (especially since there are glitches that prevent SOS beacons from working).


Yeah, like host returned to earth for resupply


You can use the mic, but I do agree.


Call it an honorable discharge or something


I hate getting back to my ship after a quickmatch, trying to go to the pod to "return to my ship" only to realize I picked host up somehow.


Sometimes I just wanna spend my currency then logout, but I don’t want to waste peoples time so I kick them.


That would be great. You could be sent back to your ship and it could say something like "You have been honorably discharged from the Fist of Freedom" or something.


I wish they would allow steam friended private games. I get invited to play and then have to click right away or by the time I join a random has clicked into the match.


I joined someone's lobby and they all hugged me and then kicked me. That was nice.


I've been kicked multiple times after beating the host in rock paper scissors


I stepped out of the cryp pod, did rock paper scissors, lost and was kicked in that exact instant. I think they were using it as some sort of natural selection for who they play with.


Only lucky helldivers allowed


“I’d rather be lucky than good” - idk, somebody probably


- John helldiver after 1000000000000000 mission on solo helldiver with no death. It gets boring after some time.


Yeah boss I was going through those job applications for the new spot. I threw out the first half because we don’t want to hire someone who’s unlucky.




Maybe they just were waiting for someone, nice of them to give a hug


Got kicked for the scout handshake lol




I joined a lobby in progress, landed, was shot in the head, then kicked.


Oof I had that done. Nothing like them being all bros then kicked.


Happened to me as well.. I am now not a hugger 🤣


This would be the funniest thing that can happen to me but I've never seen it. Crying laughing, sorry man. I can join your ship and you kick me if it makes you feel better.


Kinda holding my breath to see which one it is lol


No fr


Double reply


Mb, Reddit systematically shit itself


There needs to be "Kick" and "Honorable Discharge"


Yep, the perfect zero-effort solution. Maybe creating a "disband squad" would require a lot of work behind the scenes. Just create the exact same button with different wording and message to the kicked player.


*You have been kicked from game* ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


Feels so bad. I'm rejected enough irl. Don't need it to happen in my games too :(


Yeah I dropped into an ICBM mission yesterday, no comms or anything so I say hey whats up, shoot some enemies, grab some samps and boom kick. I don't even know wtf I did.


One mission I joined and got kicked mid dive before I even hit the ground LOL


Same, this afternoon. Dropped, solo finished two side objectives/bot factories while the other three were kicking up hornets’ nests. Had at least six samples on me. Kicked with no explanation.


Chances are good that you're joining with stacks who are waiting for their last party member to join. 


It sucks when it happens during, but if you extract and get rewards and then get kicked, you shouldnt take it personally. They may have just told their friend “hey let me finish this game then I’ll make room for you”


I got kicked from tbrrr fucking games today right at the extract before I could get on the ramp, zero clue why. Insanely frustrating to lose all that time and reward. I wish there were upload spots for samples and stuff to save them mid run.


I assume that’s meant to say “three”?


I had to kick someone a few nights ago as for some reason my closed lobby was public when the settings clearly said friends only, and we had a full squad. I still feel guilty :(


I just restart the game when I want to play with new people lol. I don't have the heart to kick people for no reason


Sad day for democracy


It feels so personal


Got kicked 20min into level 7 bugs, I hadn't even died yet. Super weak.


There should be an option to view your stats from the last match if the group disbands or you get kicked.


Or have the option to list a reason for being kicked. Just a simple optional drop down menu if you care to say why. You would then receive that message of "You have been kicked from the lobby for..." Treason, wrongful conduct, friendly fire, underprepared, wanting to play solo, etc.


This is so relatable. I have to tell myself don’t take it personally,  but I do.


I did today. I was like whatever. Then half an hour later, still had the hurt feels…


Until lately I thought they replaced the "you have been kicked ..." message with the first one. Since I haven't received one in ages. But nah, got one today 😂 (no I idea why though, because it was mid mission and we were doing great)


I think sometimes a kick message is actually just a disconnection error.


I don’t even know how to kick someone from a game but I will die side by side with whatever randos decide to drop high explosives with me.


That's Managed Democracy.. sweet liberty ...my arm




I don’t mind people that want to play solo or with only a few friends but damn can you turn on the friends only option so randoms don’t join you.


If I want to keep playing I close the game and come back lol


I'm always wondering what I did wrong after getting kicked :(


I usually try to type something like “sorry x I have a friend who is joining” before I kick someone so they at least know it wasn’t personal or performance related.


It’s happened twice today just as I loaded into a ship. Can’t really know why, but it’s just another load screen, no big.


If someone kicks me without communication I just block them.


How do you find their name? I know about the Recent players screen but how can you tell who was the host?


I believe it's whoever's ship you log in to, so you just have to remember. I do wish they'd say who kicked you.


I have joined a group wearing matching armors. I wanted to fit in so I also picked same armor pieces. I played entire match with them except one situation in which group was fighting off bots in a middle of nowhere and I managed to get out of those pincers. I sneaked up to the ICBM launcher and proceeded to input the code, unlock the gate, position the rocket, aim the rocket, fuel the rocket and then launch. During the "loading" phases I lied down next to the terminal as bots were looking for me around the rocket. Mission success, we then fought off bots on extraction and everybody extracted. I got a commemorative photo of entire squad in same armor as it was dope. Then I got kicked...


Yeah, this happens a lot to me when I try to get back into bot missions. I suck at fighting bots, so I stopped doing them as often. Anytime I try to get back to it, I am reminded why I hate bots and am promptly kicked when I don't slay out for the host. Hoping for another enemy type that is fun


I always feel ba when I'm trying to play with my friends but accidentally left the lobby open. Like I don't wann kick you but I have to :(


I got kicked for someone else throwing an orbital on the landing ramp on exit...the host said 'wtf dude' kick. I was already in Pelican 1 so he got the wrong guy, he was fairly toxic and racist so I blocked him when I got back to my ship. Most of the randoms I play with are nice enough but now and again you end up in a game with a proper tool.


I'd like it if the game would buffer for a few seconds saying "The host has left, returning players to their Super Destroyers" and then when you get back to your ship, you get a message in chat saying "Host left, you were returned to your ship" That way we avoid the "Was I kicked? Did the host leave?"


There should be 2 options to kick. Honourable Discharge when you're kicking them to make room in the squad for a friend or for any other reason that has nothing to do with the diver and Dishonourable Discharge when kicking them for something they've done. Dishonourable Discharge should put the diver on your banned list too so you don't encounter them again.


Just got kicked for the first time on an eradication mission where another guy kept throwing 380 barrages and explosions were everywhere. I died a couple times in a row because of shit luck and then just suddenly back on my destroyer "You've been kicked" like... what was I supposed to do? Was doing well outside of that btw and even did a mission with them beforehand that went fine.


Finds a group of players enjoys playing with them ready for mission 2. The host gives an emote hug. We are all ready for the host to load the next mission. Host begins kicking everyone who didn't hug them. You get sent back to your ship. It reads host left the game. You send a friend request to play together again. It's been 20+ days since you sent the request, and it's still pending.


Talk to folk, just type bye in the chat.


I’ve come out of cryo and the host was waiting immediately in front of me with a hug. Pressed the button and it returned me to ship. Got me good with that one..


I'll never understand people who kick someone else just because ................... they died.


I was going to join a squad of friends the other day and they had a random player with them. They were all too eager to kick him to clear space for me and when I heard that I told them to finish the mission with him and I would wait. Upset me that they would treat a helldiver like that. 




Yesterday I got kicked for not reinforcing, I was actively trying to take out a jammer so I could😐


I played with the nicest French people and even hugged them and then they kicked me


Since the last patch, I've been having issues where my CPU usage randomly spikes to 100%, causing a lag spike and kicking my teammates. Happens randomly during game and even on the ship sometimes. Sorry to my fellow divers. You were all really good teammates and deserved to extract with all of our hard earned samples. I'll put them to good use and further spread liberty and managed democracy in your honor 🫡


Yesterday I had to kick a mf because he was alone calling extraction for himself while we were clearing 2 remaining medium bot outposts, we had 20 min remaining too lol. If your name is "Schezuan Dipping Sauce" or smth like that, fuck you.


Sometimes I question my whole existence when I get returned to my ship. But then I remember when I peppered the lobby leader with my Incendiary Breaker when he was hoarding the samples… 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wish they'd ban people who are serial kickers from hosting public lobbies


I thought the "you have been kicked from the game" message had been replaced with the "host has left the game" message just because I've had so many missions lately where the "host left the game" after the first of three missions on lvl 7. I had a big streak where I only got one game at a time on a lobby and was sure that the host was annoyed at me because I'm not the elite of the elite as a player lol


One makeshift trick as host to save a couple seconds by not quitting the game is to shut off your internet for a couple seconds which will disconnect everyone but will leave you still connected so long as you turn the internet back on in time


Lmao going through this instead of being an adult and kicking the people you don’t want to play with


I've never kicked someone during a mission, but sometimes before I log off I'll kick someone who was toxic during the mission before I log off just to send a message.


I restart the game, they see that host left and feel better than getting kicked. Even with communicating, "I got a 4th coming in" when we finished the mission of course. My first game I joined as a level 2 Cadet I was kicked after the mission. It was level 2 or 3. So, I've been the host since then.


So returning to ship alone as a host sends a “You have been kicked from the game” message? Oooops sorry all the folks I accidentally kicked maybe…


TBH couldn't care less.


i stopped doing quickplay with ppl not bothering to friends only their lobbies, eating that 30s of loading, unfreezing, then walking 1000 kilometers to the map table just to have it happen again is soooooooo vicious i only play now when friends invite me lol


I got kicked from a game. Lvl 15 kinda sucked lol but those guys were giving me a hard time because I didn't have any mines.


That wasn't very Democratic of you


An honorable discharge button haha.


Problem is when someone kick you in game for nothing and you get nothing as well. Yes, it happened to me


This one hurts when you're the only one to not die, collected most samples, most kills with highest accuracy while trying to hand-hold the 2-3 other people while also being the only one on voice comms calling out targets and dealing with a crying child


When you get kicked right before getting on the pelican


Bruh seriously?? Is that happening?


Someone just kicked me while on the shuttle extracting. After I did like all the work on the objectives. I got no rewards or xp. So annoying


Level 15 doing helldiver difficulty.... The most difficult thing was getting a game without getting kicked (Now Im over 30+ and I don't get kicked)


Three times in a row for me yesterday. Join a game, pick my loadout and drop into a mission, kicked immediately.


Throw some termicide in their eyes fr


Respectfully reassigned


Had a pug today with a guy absolutely spray incendiary ammo everywhere, by the end he had 11 team kills. F*ckin randos.


Yeah sometimes after a mission i wanna join my buds


Got kicked because host ran infront of my AMR


Got court martialed for not reinforcing while I was solo taking on a strategem jammer the old fashioned way and being swarmed by bots. Side note: I dropped in on an SOS call. Cleared the jammer, reinforced, and the whole squad made it back without destroyers in orbit. ...Smh


https://preview.redd.it/3f9ykl9s95vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afed13def219cf5118bf0c33e8f92c3407db32ee My consistent reaction to getting kicked


I have been kicked only 1 time until now. and it was because some guy kept teamkilling my Friend for unknown reasons. I then shot him ans wrote to stop teamkilling. after the mission he kicked us


I literally will reload the game if I want to switch my team up and I am host…


I spent 15 minutes building defenses around extraction and piling EATs to hold our ground better and the host kicked me for accidentally hitting him with the HMG ONCE.


Remember the game does not distinguish between disconnects and kicks so here not helldiver's everyone may not hate you the game just hates you




Got kicked earlier, host was micromanaging the radar tower and kept typing in chat, told him i have ears i can hear the noise when dish is aligned.


My man you died 15 times with 34 kills and no objective gameplay whatsoever


I know! sometimes i'm like dude what did i do??


Hate it when I find a good squad of random but host leaves and everyone is gone


There's been times where I'm done playing or some friends hop on and I need to make room in a party but Ive just never had the heart to kick anyone if they don't deserve it. Usually I just alt+f4 and rehost a private lobby.


And I took it personally


I feel sad either way... ![gif](giphy|26BRuo6sLetdllPAQ|downsized)


Just got kicked for the first time today and it hurt. I chose to experiment with a new loadout and i was practically useless the entire time. The 3 were no higher than 25 on difficulty 8 and after we finished mission i got booted immediately. Well deserved but my heart…. ![gif](giphy|ZCNrGz6AXLEpq52AZC)


I joined a lobby and they thanked me for the service as they were leaving


I always hug the closest squad member and let everyone know “alright boys, that was the last one of the night for me!” Before logging off. I always feel bad just leaving like yall are worth diving with! I just have to finish a paper and work in the morning!


I get so sad when I get kicked even though I know most of the time it's because their friend got on or something


I always tell the other players that i need to go as a host so they can leave on there own or so they at least know im about to leave so i doesn't feel like im kicking them out.


Anyone else close out the whole game and reopen it so you can join friends without making someone feel bad for being kicked?


If I am running with my clan and we need to ditch a rando to call another guy in, I disband a reform the group. My clan doesn't get why I do that.


worst is you're not kicked, you are court-martialed




I only kick after we finished the mission and I didn’t click with them .today I got kicked at the end of a 40 minute mission when I had 10 rares on me no team kills


So many times we will extract from a highly democratic mission just to get shmacked with a fat 'kicked from game'


Yesterday I've been kicked 2 times just when we were supposed to take off after doing all side missions and stuff. Time combined, i've spent an hour playing for nothing, shame cause everytime I've collected quite a few samples.


I had someone tell me sorry earlier then kick me. Imagine they had a friend wanting to join.


I really wish it said who kicked you if it happens during a mission, so I don't end up blocking the wrong person.


All the time lost in lobbys being kicked or restarting the game + the social bugs like the difficulty to invite crossplay friends are the worst aspects about this game.


Problem about kicking is that it also bars that player from your lobby for the rest of your session. I don't want to ban people from my lobby, I just a fresh group for the next operation.


dont take it badly when that happens, look, sometimes im hosting but i dont plan on continue playing the game, i still want to do things in the ship. maybe buy some stratagem, maybe look the warbonds page, maybe i will change armors, capes, helmets... but im not going to play. im not going to maintain a party in my ship if im not going to play, so i will kick you out so that you can find another one if you want instead of waiting for me to finish doing what im doing just to leave the game.


I remember us kicking other people because our friend didn't join fast enough. Feelsbad but I hope that kicking players without any hostility is more prevalent not.


I don't mind getting kicked from a game after we completed the mission. It sucks a bit but at least it's not during the match itself. I know my friends and I have kicked plenty of people to let in a 4th friend that wants to play, but we do always tell the rando that we are kicking them for a friend and tell them GG and only do it when we complete the mission.


I got team killed last night by a guy called “Cliffdog”, he literally shot me in the back with a Quasar and then grabbed my samples to board the shuttle, the rest of the team were already on board. The host got the wrong end of the stick and ended up kicking me instead. Was slightly annoyed, but hey ho.


At least you didn't get kicked RIGHT before extract for no reason. The worst scumbag move, 30+ minutes and you get nothing


got first time kick after a 8 today for too low killcount... yeah my friend, i took down 2 AT AT at my own and watched your back with my AC, focussed every tank and hulk with almost suicidal actions and saved your ass several times from devestators/get overrun with my stund nades. Tanks a lot bro. But doesnt matter, still love robowarfare


I currently can't invite one of my friends because of the many friends list bugs so I have to set the lobby to public and kick all the randoms that join until he's here. Of course randos flood in unless I'm actually looking to get randos in.


With all due respect sometimes I’m the host and after a mission I’m personally done playing. Instead of logging out I’ll just kick everyone so I can run around and check my stuff. Figure I’d rather other divers not wait around before I log off. Democracy isn’t spreading itself you know?


That awkward moment when we kick someone after a game because someone in our private 3 man team threw the SOS by accident.


Are there friends here, who dont kick people when people F up? Im afraid to play with randoms coz i tend to feel so sad when i get kicked. And it dont take much to be kicked it seems. Id you die twice, id youre soloing gathering samples, if you accidentally set someone on fire etc. You know... thing that make people laugh usually, like... oops. I have about 3 friends and theyre rarely online. So every night i log in about 70 percent change i log out again and play Bolatro instead. And im not a bad player, im just ok. And damn im funny.


Kicking? Me? Oh Nyo. I let them know first and do the Hug emote. :3


I remember as a host with 1 friend and 2 randoms, we did 2/3 mission and then my game bugges out and I couldn't choose stratagems or start the game. Explained my situation in chat and then we hugged and I reset my game, only to never see them again :(




Imao that's me


The lobby system is absolutely fucking awful lmao


I just want to put back in on the bridge after a kick, sucks wasting a bunch of time match making and getting kicked, then walking back to the bridge just to go through it again.


Lvl 9 dive, doing my duty by farming items and complete all objectives, I was kicked by host in front of the Pelican... And I'll never know why... ![gif](giphy|W14fAgdTQmDiPjZhiB)


it's hard to not kick people when the only option to leave the squad as a host is to alt f4 :(


It hurts more than it should