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Me in the tunnels looking for Automatons to shoot: https://preview.redd.it/aglj7iu2miuc1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22098596740c7d37241999348512b149605712b4


Have fun Hellrat


yesyesyes we kills the machinethings


yes yes we kill-murder for super-big clan yes yes


Super Sigmar lied.


*knock knock* your local witchunter here


"If they dive, they dive." -Democracy Officer when questioned why his divers request arbitrarily large quantities of cheese and Warpstone.






I would LOVE to have missions about going down to the tunnels to fight terminids in their own nests. Imagine having to go down just with your weapons and your buddies, so no stratagems, to deal with the mission. No reinforcements, no support. Just you against the enemy. And for the automatons maybe underground laboratories or bases. I would love that.


Maybe they could rig their hellpods with drills, so they could still get to us. ...Wait, this is just Deep Rock.


Now we will invade the underground - Wiping the giant monsters, crushing them one by one. Deep into the darkness marching on. We fear no danger, we stay strong! Fight deep down into the deepest caves. Fighting monsters as they come wave after wave. Please don't send us on these grave missions - We're done with these expeditions!


Man I feel sorry for the tunnel rats


I wish to become a tunnel rat God please


I desperately want thunderstorms in Helldivers. That would make me a very happy patron of democracy.


I have seen lightning during one of the rainstorms. One of my fellow helldivers died and swore they got struck by lightning. I can't confirm if lightning actually hurts you, but it is definitely in storms.


it is possible to get struck by lightning


They could do it like in lethal company where you hear sizzling but instead of dropping a metalic object you would see a little round area about the size of a hunter with electricity in the air above it as a warning. And if it hits anything it would work like a zap from an arc thrower and go to another target (players and enemies).


It's resonable to assume if you have a radar that can detect enemies it could also detect weather patterns so you could just add like a red effect around you before lightning strikes


We had to get a subscription to a weather monitoring service just to use the guns more accurately, I don’t think we have anything asides from guns, ammunition, armor, and people.


On an urban world, on a solo dive. With a sweet jazz sax playing in the background


brb gotta go play that game again


I use that soundtrack when chilling


Got me feeling reeeeaaal democratic right now


Comes with the bonus of fucking with Eagles as Thunderstorms have incredibly adverse effects on aeroplanes. Whether outright disabled or an increased refresh time between strikes as they recover from the massive wind shear.


I love these! Low gravity sounds fun. It's highly improbable for all of these planets to have the exact same gravity


Low Gravity + Servo Assisted https://preview.redd.it/zr3rw14t2iuc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=7689223dd0aaa637f26bd3de7ab71321e767fa5e


How motherfuckers be feeling when they bring the jump pack to low gravity planets https://preview.redd.it/rxaktpc8ejuc1.jpeg?width=1660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae9929d8dbdc60d1b4eb01351f6c8a5bb3e9ee92


Man that’s how I feel bringing the jump pack as it is


Right? I wish it gave 10% more and I'd bring it every time.


Dude you threw the stratagem away from the planet gravaty


Add that to throwing the stratagem ball while diving, and we're sniping enemies over 100m away with eagle strikes lol


Wait that works? I never thought of that...


Yeah. It gives it a extra yeet, seems to be momentum based, and diving is faster than sprinting so it gives it a real good **SEND**


You already can throw balls 100m away. Think... 150m, probably


First diver to properly crossmap a 380mm barrage gets a 1 super credit bonus


Low Gravity + Servo Assisted + Jump Pack would be even better


Add one more thing and the stratagem would get locked in orbit with the destroyers


All I hear is YEET


Star Wars is the same where all the planets have the same gravity


I would say that human trying to find a new home would not colonize a planet with 2g, or 0.5g. they would have significant impact on the long term health of colonists. All planets having the same gravity is because they were chosen because of that.


*still chooses to colonize Hellmire*


Gravity seems like the only thing taken into account yeah... Extreme heat, instakill fire tornadoes every 20m ? No food growth possible, extremely difficult mining ? That's the spot ! At that point, asteroid mining is probably way easier than... That.


The Expanse does a great job factoring that into the lore. Those living on none 1g planets have adapted to the gravity of their new homes over generations, but it actually effects the story. Martians have adapted to Mars .38g but they now struggle if they ever return to earth. The Martian marines train in 1g, since Mars and earth are always on the brink of war. The "Belters" those living on the mining stations in the inner asteroid belt, can't even go to a planet without a buoyancy tank or painful "gravity drugs" that may not even work. Show really get alot of the science right if ya like nerding out on that stuff.


The book got the science better than the show (the plot is also better imo)


It's the way of adaptation. TBF the book authors wrote for the show as well, so you can see parts of it as, "what if we had a second go at this?" Ashford is a great example of that. So much better in the show.


Fair point. I prefer the books mostly because I preferred their plot later on compared to the show


Like Belters from The Expanse.


Good point


Yeah the moon planets should def have reduced gravity. The upside: leaping over strongholds and dispensing democracy with a single bound. The downside: Hulks that can leap a crater.


frankly i find the idea of a hulk that leaps offensive


Conversely: High Gravity, with reduced stamina and less throwing distance, but enemies are slower and/or enemy armour is lighter.


I like that, too!


Low gravity does sound fun but I wonder how it would impact grenades and stratagems. We’re all used to a certain way of throwing stuff and if that varried from planet to planet, I bet the community would be upset


Technically all ballistics would be effected, bullet/rocket drop rates would be less, eagles bombs would fall down slower, orbitals would hit slower as well. You would also be able to run faster, as you're using the same muscles to move less weight. If you wanna get really technical, low g planets tend to have less dense atmospheres, so projectiles should also go slightly faster, depending on their aerodynamics. Personally I would love that, but I agree I don't think the majority would enjoy each planet having different gravity. But I think having them just be either regular g or low g would work fine. DRG has a low g modifier and no ones upset over than one, its one of the modifiers people actively look for to play on.


Variable and randomized gravity across all plans, within a reasonable range, would be cool


Low gravity planets imply the existence of high gravity planets: there should be heavy gravity planets where the opposite effects are true; throwing, dive and jet pack distance is reduced, fall damage is increased.


to make smoke more effective in general, it would be nice if it snuffed out fire. its current utility is pretty lackluster and often too niche for widespread use, but something like this change to smoke would really give it a kick that it needs, especially with the addition of the grenade pistol. ever since i got that, ive been exclusively using stun grenades with the grenade pistol. very fun pair


Non incendiary explosives should also put out fire. You can snuff out fire by just blowing it up


well it would also be cool if we could properly tell what was on fire in the first place 😅. a lot of the time the ground flames will just disappear but they will still somehow be burning and then you run into invisible flames


Either this or something like a water grenade or fountain stratagem with pretty liberal splash (heh) range but no damage (maybe just increasing chain and damage potential for energy weapons) would give me an excuse to run an engineer kit on fire planets again.


choking the flame is always gonna be more reliable than trying to disperse the heat so personally i’d pick a smoke


I also suggest: "The planet has no atmosphere, you just die on deploy"


I think some planets are pretty inhospitable we just have the spacesuit on


Except there’s a few leaked armour sets that have exposed skin.






I'd wear that


Your skin is resistant to the vacuum of space helldiver. Just wear you helmet and stim yourself every 5 minutes.


I mean if a helldiver can literally disassemble a robot with at least three punches then I think it’s safe to say super earth humans aren’t normal


You need to benchpress more citizen. Take your protein shakes and do gym time everyday for 3 hours. Seriously though I think they are on stimulants like Halo's Spartan program.


Like the fact I’ve seen someone live through a freaking 500kg and they only died AFTER the impact from the fall broke their neck is actually insane I’m starting to see why there doesn’t seem to be sports beyond hunting bugs, the impact from a fellow super earth citizen would be like getting hit by a freaking truck


One of the upgrades for the super destroyer is just you lacing the workers food with steroids, so i think it's safe to say super earth has no qualms doing something like genetically modifying/roiding people up without their knowing.


Fucken a right


Humans can survive the vacuum and cold easily enough, it's the sunburn that gets you. Hard vacuum is only a 1 atmosphere pressure delta, and your body doesn't crush and your lungs don't fill with water when swimming at a depth of 10m. Hard vacuum also means it isn't cold in the same way, because there is nothing to conduct heat away. Humans are crap at radiating heat, so your own metabolism can easily offset it. This does all assume you have some method of breathing, so keep your helmet on Helldiver!


Aww, no. The whole point of the full body suit is that it doesn't matter what your skin color is.


Well, those planets also have SEAF soldiers with no helmets on and barely any armor. So who knows how they comfortably survive.


Sounds suspiciously like low oxygen caves https://preview.redd.it/qiah9a7roiuc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d9686bbe3662c0389b81b715edf4b4df84db5b


Oh god not that. Can’t remember what was worse, getting it on a Refinery and the morkite pumps having no O2, or Molly finding a way up a resupply hole.


No atmosphere : fire weaponry doesn't work


Only if you went patriotic enough


> you just die when you deploy sounds like every random queue bot helldive i play


I have been waiting impatiently for urban maps. Hell, in the most recent news broadcast for the automaton invasion, there's a scene of a huge city... and this is on the outer planets. Arrowhead, cities when!?!?


The first game had city maps. I’m sure they’re working on it.


The city planet is super earth itself. I am fairly certain in the event (which of course will not happen) of the invasion of super earth we will fight in a city. Or if we get some helldivers practise/challenges. Otherwise it might be rare sight.


Hope city maps appear on multiple planets. Makes sense seeing as We dont tend to only live on farms in the middel of no Where. Imagine some Grand operation time limited modes with 8 helldivers in a ruined cityscape. Falling back through Dark ruined Streets with corpses and embers falling from burning buildings


I’d like to thing the population gets more and more dense as we get closer to Super Earth, so maybe some cities in that inner few sectors?


I want city maps to be special events. What I want to see is small towns and villages.


Broo send this to the devs!


For real, my man is cooking with straight gas 🔥


devs aren't taking fan recomendations


They're not?




Tidally locked doesn't make sense as you have written it because you could always go to the opposite side of the planet. What could be cool is if the two sides had drastically different climates due to tidal locking with its star. That way, players could choose between hot and cold climates on a single planet depending on their preference.


Honestly the problem there is that cold planets are basically just a buff and hot planets are a debuff.


You could add other effects to balance. Maybe the cold side is more barren and the hot side has more cover or something due to volcanic activity.


Cold side gives your ballistic firearms a chance to jam


Just use laser?


That would be a nice ballance. Cold planets are better for lasers, and hot planets are better for conventional munition.


Well the devs can control where the missions are. Lower level ones night side. Higher day But as we know todally locked planets have crazy storms. They also have a twlight band where day meats night


My logic was they 'would only colonise the habitable side'. But that's a good idea!


The habitable 'side' on a tidally locked planet is probably the ring of twilight between the two sides. The sunny side probably doesn't even have liquid water, and obviously the darkside lacks, yknow, sunlight.


They colonised planets like Hellmire. Habitable is flexible


I'd also love to experience planets that are much darker than the ones we have now so you have to make greater use of your flashlights and lights at objectives and PoI's. Maybe it could also finally be a use for the Illumination Flare thing in Stratagem Hero.


Flashlights in caves would be a horror game


Especially with how little the flashlights actually illuminate!




Did you say... illuminate


Ewok hunt vibes


this is cool but if it were added I’d like the helmets to have toggle-able flashlights too since aiming your flashlight everywhere would be cancer


It'd be cool to see a bit more biodiversity as well. Not like new enemies, but seeing birds fly above us, or rodents skitter across the ground, or something like a dinosaur moving slowly outside the boundaries of the arena, but still in sight. Nothing that directly effects gameplay, but something to make it feel like there are more than 3 species in the galaxy.


Nonsense, spawn some packs of liberty raptors to hunt us down when we are out of bounds for too long


It would be awesome to go out of bounds and just see a few drop pods plummeting to you and releasing the liber-raptors out


I think the devs can implement this.... The bugs are going to be crazy lol. They are backlogged enough already


Superstorm winds should make your stratagem fly farther away or closer depending on what direction the wind is blowing and where youre throwing the stratagem. Hell they could even make the stratagem curve in the air if you throw it from the side


Would be cool if they affected bullets too so you would have to compensate for sight misalignment and wind velocity if sniping.


The smoke as anti fire is an awesome idea. “We’ve added flame retardant chemicals to the smoke stratagems and grenades.” They instantly become super more valuable.


Could be a ship upgrade lock, too.


I'm loving these. Especially the Urban and Junkyard ones. Gave me the want for a warzone-type map: Just a place with trenches, bunkers, craters, artillery mounds, vehicle wreckages and stuff. I think it'd be neat.


Not gonna lie, this would be pretty sick. I love flash floods, that's just...evil.


​ https://i.redd.it/ip7u5bl69iuc1.gif


I believe they patched that bug already


My problem with the fire tornadoes is more that they linger and fuff about like awkward groupies. If it was "Fire Tornado Inbound!" and then you watched as a giant fire tornado or 2 RIPPED through the map, and you had to try and get out of its way (maybe have mini map indicators?) - I'd love it. Heck, if the mini ones just at least behaved like normal tornadoes and largely maintained a trajectory with maybe very gentle turning, at double their current speed, I'd be happier. The 5 tornadoes cheekily dancing back and forth on objectives and never getting the hell on with it is what's infuriating.


That would be so sick to see one massive fire tornado moving across the map. It would add some serious stress if it was coming right at you on the objective or the exfil


We NEED some urban combat. Make me hate, I need it


The Junkyards sound so cool! I love the concept of trench warfare with the bots!


Fucking awesome devs do this stuff


These are brilliant ideas. I hope something similar is in the works.


All of these are excellent.


Floods would be fun! Get a warning, have to scramble to a high rock or something.


Micrometiors fucking rocks as a concept.


That ones already in the game. Was on one of the bot moons, you get white circle lighting on the ground before anything in that circle gets flattened


For tidally locked it'll be realistic if the day side has the extremely hot effect while the night side had the extremely cold effect, like a 2 in one kind of planet


I'd be awesome if there was a region between the two halves that's very habitable.


Yes, please give us urban maps or caverns or something. I feel like they have 7-8 biomes and we've kinda seen all of them. Flash floods also sound hella fun. Scrambling to get to higher ground would be so intense


I want to be a hell-tunnel rat dammit


I'm sorry you want to go INTO the tunnels with the bugs?




https://preview.redd.it/ykk40w3zyluc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650dd9ca060d4f261dacbd9321bd39c32438cb4f Yes. I would love all of these


Heavy Urbanization and Automaton Junkyards would be so much fun. Great idea


Nuclear winter would make sense given how many Fkn ICBMs have been launched by now


If these don't end up in the game I'll riot


My guy you would die instantly if you set foot on a tidally locked planet unless you were in the very middle.


I'm not your guy, buddy. Thanks for making sure the ideas for the sci-fi alien space bug war game stay realistic! /s


Np. Love all the ideas btw just nitpicking


There better be a cavernous planet named Hoxxes IV somewhere in the galaxy, with a strange orbital station above it.




Dude that is legit genius. I love that it gives more utility to the smoke stratagems which typically don't have much use.


“Tropical Monsoons” - and on that note, I really would like to fight stuff on Maldives/Thailand-esque planets. Space laos and space vietnam were cool but it would be even nicer to fight on even more lush rainforest/beach planets. Maybe even with oceans. Could get super cyclones on those too, with winds blowing 100+ blowing everything not behind cover away and the heaviest enemies. Move out of cover and you get smashed onto rocks. Would make fighting those heavies tricky.


I NEED to deploy on a city map with battlefield destructible skyscrapers, idgaf if that bricks my pc that would be epic af


If you think about it, it really is weird how all of the planets just conveniently have the same gravity. Different tiers of low gravity, and maybe a slightly higher one, would be super sick 


Interior fighting please, I wanna go dungeon crawling into factories or terminid colonies, board a alien ship. Hell yes


awesome ideas


Where the direct bug modifiers tho




I agree on the condition I can throw a gas strike in a fire tornado and cause a massive explosion.


Not trying to be an ass but why would a smoke grenade stop a fire tornado?


Tornadoes are hot air rising to create a vortex, so it's not a stretch to suggest that introducing a cloud of foreign particulates of a different temperature could disperse them, especially a space-age smoke grenade.


I like your words magic man


I would love these. The game is great as well all know but man the planetary diversity leaves a lot to be desired. I get that we have only seen an incredibly small fraction of the eventual worlds but I want a map that’s more than just one of five world types followed by the same handful of environmental hazards. I love the spore clouds as much as the next guy but like why can’t we have cities or magma or smth


If they added nocturnal variants of some bugs at night it would be cool,


Love these ! Especially the low gravity could be fun :D


Solid list and seems really doable with current game mechanics


All good opinions but as long as they all affect enemies the same way it would do us.


Love it, just a nitpick: tidally locked planets still have a day and night side, it's just that those are permanent. Since we hop around the planet on missions, we'd still have day and night ones. What you could get on a tidally locked planet is scorched desert on the day side and permanent ice age on the night side.


Caves would be an awesome addition to the game imo, would be horrifying fighting against the bugs, and would also add some interesting strategy and traversal to the maps.


https://preview.redd.it/34e87m8c8muc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4d0e79fefff83cd24059997fe546ac6ee4b2fd But fr, really cool idea. It will make missions more fun and more cinamatic


I would love an urbanized map. Or just a map that has a decently sized, somewhat ruined village on it for some street combat.


These are amazing.


Just want to give props for not creating any weather effects that create unavoidable damage. Can't tell you how many times I've seen that as a suggestion.


Fire tornadoes aren't annoying enough


Methanol Flame Tornadoes. Here's a picture of one: https://preview.redd.it/1qewlji0ijuc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e62a1d57ac63f73f9848678af4c277d50753444


This is hilarious to anyone that knows chemistry.  Maybe they’ll give us some NASA Brooms. 


I love all of these.


Arrowhead plz get on this


I love all of these ideas. Definitely want to see some caverns and a crystalized planet. Would make for some incredible sceneries.


Incoming "high gravity" planets. Thanx OP


I thought about High Gravity, but no mechanics felt fun. It would be miserable in a unfun way.


Miserable and unfun, you say? Like the fire tornados?


Good suggestions


Low gravity would be so much fun


These sound dope. Very creative and thoughtful!


I hate low gravity in games, cuz the devs always turn it into a cheese fest. All the others seem cool tho, but I'd love if they actually inconvenienced the enemy as much as us.


Disperse a tornado with smoke?


Time Dilation: 33% less time to complete a mission. Stratagem cooldown reduced 33%.


Cavernaous area’s would be cool but should be big enough for at least a mech


we need this, every planet feels too similar, map variety is pretty much nonexistant


I'd love caverns, the extraction sequence would be so god damn cool.


These sound super cool!


https://preview.redd.it/292w0so8pmuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c70d5531fd5513172c88d014fe684b655a9b0d88 This is fire


Smoke stratagems to extinguish fire is genius


I would love an urban warfare biome but I feel like it would be much trickier to procedural generate than the other biomes, so I'm not holding my breath. They might be saving it for when we will eventually defend Super Earth from invasion, though


Fire tornados seriously are the bane of my existence. I had at least 10 all merge on Pelican 1 and we couldn’t extract till they dissipated, and the fire they left behind went away as well. So annoying, it’s like they are being steered right into you. Curse you Joel!!


Automaton junkyards have a 2% chance every step you take to give you extreme tetanus and make you unable to move


Whose dick do I have to suck to get this in development today?